Fate Unlimited Codes/Lancer

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FUC Lancer Profile.png
Health 9,500
Prejump 4
Backdash 20F (Invulnerable 1-10)
Weight Medium


Lancer abuses his long range to safely open up opponents. Has an upper body invincible command dash (214X) that allows him to get around and get big punishes on characters attempting to zone. He has consistent high damage and is a potent threat vs the entire cast thanks to the versatility his tools give him.


FUC Lancer 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
250 All N, S, R, A 5 26 19 -1

Lancer jabs his opponent with the butt of his spear.

FUC Lancer 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
220 Low N, S, R, A 9 36 18 -8

Lancer performs a slide kick that travels far forward.

FUC Lancer 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
330 All N, S, R, A 7 36 19 -9

Lancer stabs the opponent with his spear from midrange.

FUC Lancer 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
300 All N, S, R, A 9 31 12 -9

Lancer stabs upwards at his opponent. Very similar to 5B.

FUC Lancer 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
420 All S, R, A 12 51 21 -17

Lancer slashes at his opponent.

FUC Lancer 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 Low N, S, R, A 13 51 21 -16

Lancer sweeps his opponent's legs. HUGE range.

FUC Lancer 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
450 All J, S, R, A 18 51 22 -10

Lancer steps forward and launches his opponent. HUGE range and a very important combo tool.

FUC Lancer 6A+B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 None A 4 51 - -

Lancer lifts his opponent off the ground with his spear before tossing them into a comboable groundbounce.


FUC Lancer 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A 406 All R, A 10 46 12 -11
236A (Mash) 1039 All R, A 10 179 17 -21
236B 611 All R, A 10 66 16 -15
236C 611 All R, A 10 71 - -
236B/C (Mash) 1079 All R, A 10 147 17 -21

Lancer stabs his opponent repeatedly. The attack button can be mashes for extra hits and a followup attack.

A and B version attack straight forward.

C version attacks upwards as an anti-air.

FUC Lancer 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
623A 742 All J, R, A 7 48 7 -9
623B 885 All R, A 7 84 20 -18
623C 1041 All R, A 7 71 9 -21

Lancer spins his spear over his head while stepping forward. This is an important combo tool.

B and C version have followup hits.

Startup on C version is invincible and it costs 30 meter to perform. As long as the last hit connects, you will drain 50 meter from your opponent.

FUC Lancer 214X.png
FUC Lancer 214X2.png
FUC Lancer 214X3.png
FUC Lancer 214X4.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
214A - - U, R, A - 31 - -
214B - - U, R, A - 41 - -
214C - - U, R, A - 51 - -

Lancer command dashes forward. The distance he travels increases the heavier the button he uses. Each dash has the same 3 follow up options.

A follow up 400 All J, R, A 21 45 13 -10
B follow up 650 All R, A 32 60 15 -12
C follow up 750 All R, A 24 60 20 -15

A and B versions kick the opponent into the air. C version stabs your opponent and leaves them grounded.

A version is jump cancellable into a combo always. B and C version can start a combo on counterhit.

Supers (WIP)

FUC Lancer 236236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2700 or 3000 Low - 20 + 0 91 - -24

Lancer performs a low stab midrange stab. If Lancer can hit his opponent, he will perform his super immediately after the superflash.

This super can be performed while airborne for 3000 damage or while grounded for 2700 damage.

This costs 200 meter.

FUC Lancer 236236B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
- - - 51 + 41 92 - -

Lancer places runes on the ground that increase his mana gain.

This costs 100 meter.

FUC Lancer j.236236B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2000 All - 10 + 6 35 - 14

Lancer charges up Gae Bolg before throwing it diagonally at the ground.

This costs 100 meter.

236236C (Grail Super)
FUC Lancer 236236C (Grail Super).png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
4000 All - 11 + 5 102 - -59

Lancer kicks his opponent airborne before throwing Gae Bolg at them.

This attack always does 4000 damage regardless of scaling. It can only be performed after filling the holy grail and activating with 300 meter.

This reduces your meter to 0.

Combos (WIP)

System Specifics
Technical Data
PSP Differences
Saber Alter
Zero Lancer