JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R/Giorno Giovanna

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The son of DIO and main protagonist of Vento Aureo, the fifth part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Giorno Giovanna is a ticking time bomb and a solid character with a decent amount of offensive and defensive tools in his kit that allow him to dictate the tempo of a fight and decide how to demonstrate his resolve.

In Stand Off, his small frame and hurtbox allow him to nimbly move around the field, but at the cost of short normals that require him to get in harm's way. This makes it so he has to play defensively for a good part of the match, but what he lacks in reach, he makes up for in utility. Although not offering much in the way of damage, his Stand Off specials allow him to utilize his Stand’s life-giving abilities in versatile and unique ways to control and move around in neutral, such as projectile animals to keep enemies at bay, a reversal movement tool that he can use out of any of his normals to reposition himself, a counter stance, and a heal to keep himself in the fight for longer. Alongside these, he has his "It's useless!", a sweep which causes a hard knockdown and can allow Giorno to either escape and reposition or continue the pressure with a setup.

Once Giorno's gotten comfortable and decides to go on the offensive, his Stand On mode allows for a good amount of damage, pressure and rushdown tactics. His Stand, Gold Experience, sports good reaching normals, an invincible uppercut move, a unique punch barrage that moves him forward and a combo breaker in case of emergencies at the cost of 2 bars. Moves like "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" and "WRYYYYYYYYYYY!" allow Giorno to gain a substantial amount of meter, which compliments what can be considered the most character-defining tool in his kit: his GHA, which transforms his Stand into Gold Experience Requiem (GER). This new Stand functions as an install which changes Giorno's dashes, grants him new special moves (including an on-demand combo breaker), and activates Resolve Mode, giving him armor on all of his attacks, overall making it a very powerful tool that can turn the tide of a fight easily.

  • Gold Experience Requiem: Giorno can evolve his Stand into Gold Experience Requiem for a period of time, gaining new dashes and special moves.
JJASBR Giorno Small Icon.png Giorno Giovanna is a Stand character who utilizes his abilities in order to either rush the opponent down or defend and heal himself.
Pros Cons
  • Gold Experience Requiem: Gold Experience Requiem has some of Giorno's strongest tools, such as unblockable projectiles, a cheap combo breaker, an anti-projectile tool, and Resolve Mode for the duration of the form.
  • Stunning HHA: Giorno's HHA has an effect that stops the opponent from performing any actions for a bit on hit, allowing for Giorno to do what he wants from across the screen with no risk.
  • Gold Experience Requiem: With a lot of his strengths being locked to this form, it's also one of his biggest weaknessses. A knowledgeable opponent can counterpick Giorno with certain Assists to deny any normally guaranteed setups to get into Requiem.
  • Stubby Normals: Giorno's normals are generally stubby, making it hard for him to get hits.
  • Zoning Troubles: Giorno does not have any fullscreen projectiles, and when combined with his stubby normals, make it tough for him to approach against zoning.


Style Health Low Health Mode Hashtag(s)
Stand 950 Resolve #ASBR_GIO
JJASBR Giorno Artwork.png

Move List

JJASBR User Icon.png
JJASBR Stand Icon.png
JJASBR Requiem Icon.png

Stand Off

Normal Moves

JJASBR Giorno 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
12 Mid - - - - -

Giorno attacks with a kick down in front of him.

  • Not a Low, despite appearances.
JJASBR Giorno 5M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
20 (10*2) Mid - - - - -

Giorno performs a right-handed uppercut, hitting twice.

  • Slightly moves him forward.
JJASBR Giorno 5H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
33 Mid - - - - -

Giorno summons Gold Experience, attacking with a backfist strike.

  • Giorno’s go-to button to Quick Stand On.
JJASBR Giorno 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
11 Low - - - - -

Giorno crouches and extends his fist forward.

  • Decent confirm button.
JJASBR Giorno 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
19 Low - - - - -

Giorno crouches and attacks by sweeping with his leg.

  • Pretty decent startup, terrible reach.
JJASBR Giorno 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
31 Low - - - - -

Giorno summons Gold Experience to attack by extending its leg.

  • Does not cause a knockdown.
It's useless!
JJASBR Giorno 3H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
36 (12*3) Low - - - - -

Giorno summons Gold Experience to deliver a triple-hitting low.

  • Godlike command normal with great reach.
  • Causes a hard knockdown on the third hit.
JJASBR Giorno Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
15 Overhead - - - - -

Giorno extends his leg diagonally downwards.

JJASBR Giorno Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
23 Overhead - - - - -

Giorno attacks with a kick in the air in front of him.

  • His main crossup tool.
  • If Giorno manage to hit an aerial opponent while descending, there's enough time to activate Stand On and continue a combo without spending meter, though it must be done quickly.
JJASBR Giorno Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
37 Overhead - - - - -

Giorno summons Gold Experience and attacks with a swinging downward hook punch.

  • Startup is deceptively long.

Special Moves

Life, spring forth...!
JJASBR Giorno 623X (1).png
JJASBR Giorno 623X (2).png
JJASBR Giorno 623X (3).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 0 - - - - - -
Medium 0 - - - - - -
Heavy 0 - - - - - -

Giorno uses Gold Experience to sprout a tree from underneath him and sits on top of it, lifting him from the ground.

  • Height depends on the version used.
  • Giorno can attack or immediately jump out of the tree once he reaches the max height. He can also do any airborne special move while on top of the branches.
  • Giorno's completely invincible during the growth animation until he sits on the branches.
Now, it lives.
JJASBR Giorno 214X (1).png
Mid-range zoning tool.
Mid-range zoning tool.
JJASBR Giorno 214X (2).png
Throw this before fish to cover options.
Throw this before fish to cover options.
JJASBR Giorno 214X (3).png
Oki Setup tool.
Oki Setup tool.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 35 Mid - - - - -
Medium 32 Low - - - - -
Heavy 40 Mid, Overhead - - - - -

Giorno imbues one of his ladybug brooches with life, turning it into an animal which he uses as a projectile.

  • Multiple animals can coexist onscreen.

L version:

Giorno summons a fish that travels forward in an arc.

  • Covers the longest horizontal distance.

M version:

Giorno summons a snake that travels slowly along the ground.

  • Has the longest duration on the screen.
  • Causes crumple on hit.

H version:

Giorno summons a piranha that flies upward and falls in front of Giorno.

  • Causes crumple on hit.
  • Hits Mid while ascending, and as an Overhead while descending.
  • Can be used as a meaty after a knockdown.
It's useless.
JJASBR Giorno 41236X (1).png
JJASBR Giorno 41236X (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 80 - - - - - -
Medium 100 - - - - - -
Heavy 120 - - - - - -

Giorno transforms one of his ladybug brooches into a frog and places it on his chest. If the opponent hits him, the force of the attack will be redirected back to them.

  • Counter.
  • Damage and startup increase with versions.
  • Causes crumple on a successful activation.
This is our true path!
JJASBR Giorno Jump 214X (1).png
JJASBR Giorno Jump 214X (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 62 (20, 4*3, 30) [86 (20, 4*9, 30)] Overhead - - - - -
Medium 76 (20, 4*4, 40) [108 (20, 4*12, 40)] Overhead - - - - -
Heavy 90 (20, 4*5, 50) [122 (20, 4*13, 50)] Overhead - - - - -

Giorno sends Gold Experience downward to attack with a series of kicks.

  • Causes a hard knockdown on hit.
  • Gold Experience's descent angle, as well as the distance Giorno is pushed backwards, change depending on the version used.
  • Can be extended by repeatedly pressing attack buttons, increasing the number of hits. [] is for the extended versions.
Now this is a part of me!
JJASBR Giorno 22S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
0 - - - - - -

Giorno imbues a brooch with life and heals himself.

  • Requires 0.5 HH Gauge to activate.
  • The health Giorno gives himself manifest as a bit of White Damage to recover.

Stand On

Normal Moves

Stand 5L
JJASBR Giorno Stand 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
13 Mid 5 - - -2 +4

Gold Experience performs a fast punch in front of itself.

Stand 5M
JJASBR Giorno Stand 5M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
21 Mid 7 - - -4 +2

Gold Experience delivers a quick gut punch in front.

Stand 5H
JJASBR Giorno Stand 5H (1).png
JJASBR Giorno Stand 5H (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
34 (12, 22) Mid 13(10)1 - - 0 +8

Gold Experience attacks with a two-hit punch combo.

  • Incredibly plus on hit for a normal, can link into 5M on hit.
Stand 2L
JJASBR Giorno Stand 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
12 Low - - - - -

Gold Experience crouches and punches down in front of itself.

Stand 2M
JJASBR Giorno Stand 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
20 Low - - - - -

Gold Experience extends its leg on the ground to attack.

Stand 2H
JJASBR Giorno Stand 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
32 Low - - - - -

Gold Experience lays down on the ground and attacks with a far reaching kick.

  • Causes a hard knockdown.
Stand 3H
This doesn't feel good...
JJASBR Giorno Stand 3H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
30 Low - - - - -

Gold Experience will look down on the opponent and stomp them while they’re on the ground.

  • Can only be used when the opponent is downed, but can be timed to attack while they stand up.
Stand JL
JJASBR Giorno Stand Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
16 Overhead - - - - -

Gold Experience extends its knee upwards and attacks with it.

Stand JM
JJASBR Giorno Stand Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
24 Overhead - - - - -

Gold Experience attacks with a downward punch.

Stand JH
JJASBR Giorno Stand Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
38 Overhead - - - - -

Gold Experience extends its leg and perform a sweeping downward kick.

Special Moves

Stand 236X
Useless, useless, useless, useless!
JJASBR Giorno Stand 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 63 (15, 3*6, 30) Mid - - - - -
Medium 81 (15, 3*12, 30) Mid - - - - -
Heavy 99 (15, 3*18, 30) Mid - - - - -

Gold Experience unleashes a barrage of punches while moving forward along with Giorno.

  • Amount of hits and distance covered increase with versions.
Stand 623X
JJASBR Giorno Stand 623X (1).png
7 Page Invulnerability
7 Page Invulnerability
JJASBR Giorno Stand 623X (2).png
Heavy Finisher
Heavy Finisher
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 73 (15, 8*6, 10) Mid - - - - -
Medium 83 (10, 15, 8*6, 10) Mid - - - - -
Heavy 101 (10, 15, 8*6, 10, 18) Mid - - - - -

Gold Experience will leap upwards and perform a barrage of punches towards the air.

L version:

  • Short reach, can only be combo'd into from s.5L, s.2L and s.5H.
  • Recovery is short enough to allow combos after with 66 > s.5M.

M version:

  • Invincible on startup.

H version:

  • Full invincibility.
  • Ends with a finisher that sends the opponent back down.
  • Finishes causes a groundbounce.
Stand 421S
A path opens on dark plains!
421S while taking damage
JJASBR Giorno Stand 421S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
65 (7*6, 23) Mid - - - - -

Giorno steps back and retreats briefly before Gold Experience counterattacks with a flurry of kicks.

  • Costs 2 bars of HH Gauge to activate.
  • Can only be performed while Giorno is grounded.

Gold Experience Requiem

Normal Moves

Requiem 5L
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
15 Mid - - - - -

GER performs a fast punch in front of itself.

Requiem 5M
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 5M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
29 Mid - - - - -

GER delivers a quick gut punch in front.

Requiem 5H
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 5H (1).png
First Hit
First Hit
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 5H (2).png
Second Hit
Second Hit
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
43 (16, 27) Mid - - - - -

GER attacks with a two-hit punch combo.

Requiem 2L
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
17 Low - - - - -

GER crouches and punches down in front of itself.

Requiem 2M
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
27 Low - - - - -

GER extends its leg on the ground to attack.

Requiem 2H
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
41 Low - - - - -

GER lays down on the ground and attacks with a far reaching kick.

  • Causes a hard knockdown.
Requiem JL
JJASBR Giorno Requiem Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
22 Overhead - - - - -

GER will extend its knee upwards and attack with it.

Requiem JM
JJASBR Giorno Requiem Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
33 Overhead - - - - -

GER attacks with a downward punch.

Requiem JH
JJASBR Giorno Requiem Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
48 Overhead - - - - -

GER will extend its leg and perform a sweeping downward kick.

Special Moves

Requiem 66-44
Beyond the arrow's power
66 / 44
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 66.png
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 44.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Forward 0 - - - - - -
Back 0 - - - - - -

Giorno and GER momentarily fly through the air at high speeds.

  • Giorno can fly past the opponent with the move, not stopping until reaching max distance or until the direction is released.
  • Giorno can cover nearly the entire stage with a dash, and the max height he can reach is close to that of a neutral jump.
  • Back version allows Giorno to attack immediately after leaving the ground, while the Forward version has a small lockout period.
Requiem 236X
Useless, useless, useless, useless!
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 236X.png
Not to be confused with Useless, useless, useless, useless!
Not to be confused with Useless, useless, useless, useless!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 83 (2.145*28, 22) [92 (2.14*43)] Mid - - - - -
Medium 114 (3.3*28, 22) [138 (3.215*43)] Mid - - - - -
Heavy 145 (4.4*28, 22) [184 (4.28*43)] Mid - - - - -

GER moves forward along with Giorno and unleashes a barrage of punches.

  • Can be extended by repeatedly pressing attack buttons, increasing the number of hits. [] is for the extended versions.
Requiem 236X-X
Mash L/M/H during "Useless, useless, useless, useless!"
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 236X-X.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
49 Mid - - - - -

GER finishes its barrage of punches with a singular strike.

  • Move performance is identical across all versions.
  • Only occurs if the button is mashed enough during 236X.
Requiem 214X
Can you escape destruction?
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 214X (1).png
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 214X (2).png
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 214X (3).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 71 Unblockable - - - - -
Medium 71 Unblockable - - - - -
Heavy 71 Unblockable - - - - -

GER takes aim and fires a scorpion at the opponent at high velocities.

  • Binds the opponent.
    • If a grounded opponent is hit, the Bind transitions into a crumple.

L version:

  • The scorpion will be aimed upwards.

M version:

  • The scorpion will be aimed in a straight line.
  • Can go near fullscreen.

H version:

  • The scorpion will be aimed slightly diagonally downwards.
  • Can be used this in the middle of a blockstring to catch an opponent off guard and immediately open them up.
Requiem J214X
Can you escape destruction? (Air)
JJASBR Giorno Requiem Jump 214X (1).png
JJASBR Giorno Requiem Jump 214X (2).png
JJASBR Giorno Requiem Jump 214X (3).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 71 Unblockable - - - - -
Medium 71 Unblockable - - - - -
Heavy 71 Unblockable - - - - -

While in the air, GER takes aim and fires a scorpion at the opponent at high velocities.

  • Binds the opponent.
    • If a grounded opponent is hit, the Bind transitions into a crumple.

L version:

  • The scorpion will go straight ahead.

M version:

  • The scorpion will be aimed diagonally downwards.

H version:

  • The scorpion it will be aimed almost below GER's current position.
Requiem 421S
You will never reach the truth!
JJASBR Giorno Requiem 421S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
0 Mid - - - - -

GER surrounds itself in a dark, spherical aura.

  • Launches on hit.
  • Cannot be Flash Canceled.
  • Anti-projectile tool that clears non-GHA projectiles, and gives momentary invulnerability to all projectiles (even GHA projectiles).
  • Doubles as a combo breaker, as it can be performed this way while Giorno is being hit and grounded.
    • Costs 0.25 HH Gauge if used in this way.
    • Heals all damage done by the last hit.

System Mechanics

I must beat them!
5/4 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Giorno Throw (1).png
JJASBR Giorno Throw (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
120 (20+10*6+40) Throw 7 - - - -

Gold Experience grabs the opponent, steps on their leg, and proceeds to unleash a barrage of punches.

  • Forward Throw sends them away from Giorno (about once dash worth of distance).
  • Back Throw puts them in front of Giorno, allowing for an oki setup.
  • No differences between the Stand On or Stand Off versions.
  • Because GER triggers Resolve Mode, the Throw deals more damage with it active.
Useless, useless, useless, useless!
JJASBR Giorno Assist.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
99 (15, 3*18, 30) Mid - - - - -

Giorno summons Gold Experience, who unleashes a barrage of punches while moving forward along with Giorno.

  • Assault Assist Stocks: 2
  • Reversal Assist Stocks: 1
  • Based on s.236H
Stand On/Off
JJASBR Giorno Stand On.png
Stand On
Stand On
JJASBR Giorno Stand Off.png
Stand Off
Stand Off
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
0 - - - - - -

(Un)Summons Gold Experience, altering Giorno's moveset and abilities.

  • Cannot be used while GER is active.

Heart Heat Attack

The pain will be slow!
236 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Giorno HHA (1).png
JJASBR Giorno HHA (2).png
JJASBR Giorno HHA (3).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
170 (60, 110) Mid - - - - -

Giorno and Gold Experience move forward as the latter punches the opponent, shooting life into them and causing their senses to go berserk.

  • Puts a debuff on the opponent that prevents them from taking any actions (except for calling Assists) for a period of time.
  • Each character has a unique animation for falling victim to this attack.
    • Invokes a few visual Easter Eggs when used against certain characters:
      • Jonathan: Gold Experience will stick its thumb out to gouge out his eye.
      • DIO: Gold Experience will punch his upper skull instead of his face.
      • Bucciarati: loses a tooth.
      • Pucci (Final): Gold Experience will place its other hand on the other side of his head as the camera tilts sideways.
      • Baoh: Baoh's reaction changes depending on his health, becoming more and more distressed for every 25% health lost.

Great Heat Attack

Your "end" has no ending!
JJASBR Giorno GHA (1).png
The power of the arrow!
The power of the arrow!
JJASBR Giorno GHA (2).png
JJASBR Giorno GHA (3).png
This is... Requiem!
This is... Requiem!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
0 - - - - - -

Giorno pierces himself with the Arrow, transforming Gold Experience into Gold Experience Requiem for a set period of time.

  • A transformation that grants Giorno a new set of dashes and special moves while active.
  • Does not carry over between rounds.
  • The time GER is active is determined by how much meter Giorno had at the time of activation.
    • Using meter while in GER (such as with Flash Cancels, or by using "You will never reach the truth!" as a combo breaker) will decrease the duration.
    • If Giorno gains extra meter during GER (only possible by using Akira's Assist), its duration will be extended.
  • Can guarantee the activation with HHA's stun effect, unless the opponent has access to projectile Assists such as Jotaro (Part 4) or Mista.



Normal (Color 1)
Normal (Color 2)
Normal (Color 3)
Normal (Color 4)


Special A (Color 1)
Special A (Color 2)
Special B (Color 1)
Special B (Color 2)
Special C (Color 1)
Special C (Color 2)
Special D (Color 1)
Special D (Color 2)


Extra A (Color 1)
Extra A (Color 2)


Character Data
Patch Notes
JJASBR Part 1 Emblem.png
Phantom Blood
Dio Brando
JJASBR Part 2 Emblem.png
Battle Tendency
Lisa Lisa
JJASBR Part 3 Emblem.png
Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro (Part 3)
Old Joseph
Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice
JJASBR Part 4 Emblem.png
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke (Part 4)
Jotaro (Part 4)
JJASBR Part 5 Emblem.png
Vento Aureo
JJASBR Part 6 Emblem.png
Stone Ocean
Foo Fighters
Pucci (WS)
Pucci (Final)
JJASBR Part 7 Emblem.png
Steel Ball Run
AW Diego
JJASBR Part 8 Emblem.png
Josuke (Part 8)
Wonder of U
Baoh the Visitor