JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R/Esoterics

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Stand Rush

Quick Stand On

Quick Mount

Flash Cancel


Taunt Combos

Assault Assist


Complete Unblockables

This game has some situations that set up Complete Unblockables, here I will mention some of them that have no real counterplay to avoiding damage once they're set up.

Blockstring + Unblockable

One of the easiest examples is an Unblockable during a Blockstring. If an Unblockable hit occurs while your opponent is stuck in Blockstun, it'll be completely unavoidable. Here's some examples of setting it up:

  • Blockstring + Unblockable Assist, examples for Assist are Diavolo and Vanilla Ice. This works with any character.
  • Blockstring Assist + Unblockable, if your character has access to an Unblockable attack, they can use an Assist to put a character into Blockstun and time their Unblockable to hit during it. Good Assists for this are Young Joseph or Jotaro 3.
  • Unblockable Stand Rush + Blockstring, example of this is Jotaro 3 s.5H>s.623L>S>3H, note that there is a gap between s.5H and 3H which can be used to avoid this setup, but if 3H gets blocked the hit from s.623L will be unavoidable.

Hit + (Command) Throw

A more uncommon example is timing a (Command) Throw the same frame a Hit would occur. If these two occur on the same frame, it will create an unblockable situation where one of the two will hit depending on the defensive input. It will become a hit if anything is done to avoid the (Command) Throw, like jump, otherwise it'll register as the (Command) Throw. You cannot Throw Break the Throw either if set up properly. Here's some examples of setting it up:

  • Assist + (Command) Throw, any character with a (Command) Throw can use an Assist to time both to hit at the same time. Good example of this is AW Diego Assist. Does not work with Jolyne Assist, which will be explained in the next section.
  • Projectile + (Command) Throw, if your character has access to a delayed or active projectile which has enough range as to where it cannot be backdashed and a (Command) Throw, they can set one up. An easy example is Ghiaccio 2H>236H>214H, this will always result in either a hit or Command Throw. Counterplay to Ghiaccio's setup is jumping to take the hit, as 214H will whiff and its recovery will open it up to be counter attacked. However, you will always take damage in some form against this setup. Another character is Old Joseph with 5H>214L>5S>d.s.63214M using manual timing. As for a setup using Throw, AW Diego can use Throw>22L>66>d.Throw with manual timing to create a completely unblockable situation. The difference between this setup and Ghiaccio's, is that 22X crumples, and recovery on Throw is short enough to combo after, meaning this setup cannot be jumped to punish AW Diego.
    Note that for a "Projectile + (Command) Throw" setup to be completely unblockable a projectile with hitstun is required, examples of projectiles without hitstun on their initial hit which can be used for a similar setup are: Shigechi 623L/M, Jolyne 22X, and Weather Report HHA. In the case of no hitstun on the initial hit, the Throw can be teched. While Weather Report HHA has no hitstun in general, Shigechi 623L/M and Jolyne 22X have a trigger "Phantom Hit" which has no hitstun and is seemingly used to activate the projectile. For more information on "Phantom Hits" see its separate section on this page.

"3 Freeze" + Command Throw / Unblockable

An increasingly common setup recently is using Koichi Assist's "3 Freeze" effect to set up and unblockable situation. Previously using a Command Throw while "3 Freeze" was in effect was already inescapable, but now Dodge has been locked away with the recent patch Unblockable attacks are unavoidable as well. Here's some examples:

  • Koichi Assist + Command Throw, any character with a Command Throw can set this up by applying the Freeze effect prior to using an Command Throw on knockdown for example.
  • Koichi Assist + Unblockable, as of Patch 2.0 any character with an Unblockable can set this up by applying the Freeze effect prior to using an Unblockable on knockdown for example.
  • Koichi s.623X/HHA/GHA + Unblockable Assist, can be used by Koichi himself to set up an unblockable situation. Setting up the Freeze effect yourself and then calling either Diavolo or Vanilla Ice to hit them with an Unblockable attack.

For more information on "3 Freeze", see Koichi's page.


Stylish Evade

Stylish Guard

Stylish Guard (SG) can be input with any combination of buttons as long as it contains Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR + Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR + Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR as it has the highest Input Priority in the game. This universal mechanic flashes the character white, strikes a pose, and parries almost any hit with 0 recovery frames. Stylish Guard will trigger on any hit, except for Throw type hits (regular Throws and Command Throws, this excludes Attack Throws of course), Stroheim 22S, and Risotto 22X. During the move, your character will strike a pose different from your idle animation, meaning your hurtbox gets slightly shifted. This can make you easier or harder to hit depending on the character.
Frame Data for Stylish Guard is the same for every character, no exceptions as far as we are currently aware of, here it is:

  • Full Duration: 42f
  • Startup: 3f
  • Active: 13f
  • Recovery: 27f
  • Recovery after successful SG: 0f
  • Full Invincibility after successful SG: 14f
  • Max Invincibility after successful SG is canceled early: 4f

Like all moves, SG isn't "frame 1", it either has to use the Snooze Frames of wakeup, or not get hit to survive frame 1.
When you hit your opponent's Stylish Guard, you can still chain into other moves post freeze, it does not count as a whiff. If you buffered your Flash Cancel prior to hitting it, it will Flash Cancel right as it triggers. Only Flash Cancel can do this and Stylish Evade and Stylish Guard are the only counters you can do this to. This will give you 0 recovery post freeze just like your Stylish Guarding opponent. Flash Canceling post freeze will have some recovery and not give you equal footing against the opponent.
Recovery after your successful Stylish Guard is 0f, there's a little 2f reset to idle animation but your opponent's move doesn't continue during this, if you're Player 1, Player 2's Assist Icon will flash up 2 frames earlier than yours, but it cannot be used and your opponent does not have an advantage.
You get 14f of invincibility post freeze if you input nothing, canceling your Stylish Guard recovery with valid options will give you 4f to work with as long as it doesn't go over that 14f limit. For example, if you use a 5f 5L after Stylish Guard, and your opponent is using a move as well, you will be invincible for the startup and trade as the hit happens.


Proximity Blocks

Throw Clash/Break

Throw Clashes/Breaks will happen either when two throws clash with each other by both being in startup, or when at least two attack buttons are input within a 6 frame window after the Throw connects. A Throw Clash or Break will make both characters invincible and always result in both characters resetting to neutral with neither side having a frame advantage. If it's a Throw Clash, meaning any Throw input before or on the frame the throw hits, it'll Throw Break 2 frames after the throw hits. If it's a Throw Break input two frames after the Throw hits, it'll break 26 frames after the throw hits.

Throw Break uses Hitstun Snooze Frames, so your only options upon getting hit post invincibility are Block, Stylish Evade, or Jump. Players can abuse this by setting up an Assist (possibly one with an Unblockable hit) prior to the Throw Break to limit their opponents options.

The Flash Cancel bind can be used to Throw in neutral, but it cannot be used to Throw Break. It can only Throw Clash as long as startup has reached frame 3.

Reversal Assist

Fuzzy Guard

White Health

Character Data


Health Values
Health Character(s) Notes
1050 Ermes
  • Ermes has Resolve Mode.
1000 Jonathan, Joseph, Stroheim, Jotaro (Part 3), Avdol, Josuke (Part 4), Jotaro (Part 4), Okuyasu, Rohan, Risotto, Josuke (Part 8)
950 Zeppeli, Speedwagon, Caesar, Wamuu, Old Joseph, Hol Horse, Vanilla Ice, Akira, Kira, Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Trish, Prosciutto, Ghiaccio, Jolyne, Foo Fighters, Johnny
  • Wamuu and Vanilla Ice incur White Damage upon being hit.
  • Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Prosciutto and Ghiaccio have Resolve Mode.
930 Polnareff
920 Diego, AW Diego
900 Lisa Lisa, Kakyoin, Mariah, Koichi, Yukako, Shigechi, Keicho, Kosaku, Fugo, Diavolo, Anasui, Weather, Pucci (WS), Pucci (Final), Gyro, Valentine
  • Fugo has Resolve Mode.
850 Kars, Narancia, Baoh
  • Kars incurs White Damage upon being hit.
  • Baoh triggers Baoh Armed Phenomenon at low health.
840 DIO
  • DIO incurs White Damage upon being hit.
800 Dio Brando, Esidisi, Iggy, Pet Shop
  • Dio Brando and Esidisi incur White Damage upon being hit.

HHA / GHA Damage

HHA/GHA Damage
Character HHA GHA (LVL1) GHA (LVL2) GHA (LVL3) Notes
Jonathan 190 340 408 510
Zeppeli 200 360 432 540
Speedwagon 170 382 458 573
Dio Brando 170 330 396 495
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
Joseph 84
  • Damage listed in () for HHA and GHA takes "Guess I did it again!" Levels into consideration (LVL1/LVL2/LVLMAX).
  • Damage listed in () for HHA assumes all hits connect and includes the follow-up (Raw Damage: 98/108/108/115).
  • HHA is non-cinematic, while the follow-up is.
  • HHA is considered a projectile, and each bullet deals individual damage.
  • GHA can hit OTG, but its activation is not counted towards the GHA LVL damage boost.
Caesar 210 320 384 480
  • HHA and GHA are considered projectiles.
Lisa Lisa 160 440 527 660
  • HHA is Unblockable.
  • GHA is a counter.
Stroheim 204 340 408 510
  • HHA can only be used in Heavy Machine Gun Mode, and refills the UV Laser Gauge on hit.
  • GHA has faster startup while in UV Laser Mode.
  • GHA leaves Stroheim in UV Laser Mode on whiff, and switches to Heavy Machine Gun Mode on hit.
Wamuu 199 318 381 477
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
  • If HHA is used during Mode 2, it will not cost meter.
  • GHA is non-cinematic until the final 9 hits.
Esidisi 170 340 408 510
  • HHA heals Esidisi on hit.
  • If HHA is used during Mode 2, it will not cost meter.
Kars 174 0 0 0
  • HHA is non-cinematic until the final hit.
  • If HHA is used during Mode 2, it will not cost meter.
  • GHA is a permanent transformation.
Jotaro (Part 3) 100 (203) 360 432 540
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
  • Damage listed in () for HHA is for the extended version.
Old Joseph 215 340 407 510
  • HHA is a counter.
Avdol 216 340 408 510
Kakyoin 168 315 378 473
  • GHA is considered a projectile.
  • Rarely, for GHA, an additional projectile will connect before the cutscene plays, adding extra damage that is ignored by it.
Polnareff 0 322 386 483
  • HHA triggers a temporary transformation.
Iggy 142 348 417 521
  • GHA has an alternate animation if the "Special A" costume is used.
Hol Horse 73/84 (193/219) 320 384 480
  • Damage listed for HHA is for the normal/enhanced versions.
  • Damage listed in () for HHA is for the extended/enhanced versions.
  • HHA is non-cinematic and is considered a projectile.
  • GHA can hit OTG.
Mariah 136/204/272 304 364 456
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
  • Damage listed for HHA takes Magnetization Gauge Levels into consideration (LVL1/LVL2/LVLMAX).
  • GHA tracks the opponent's location.
Pet Shop 180 348 417 522
  • HHA and GHA can be used in the air via Flight Mode.
Vanilla Ice 190 340 407 510
  • Both HHA and GHA are Unblockable.
DIO 160 (120) 348 417 522
  • Damage listed in () for HHA is for the Time Stop version.
  • Time Stop version of HHA is non-cinematic.
  • GHA has an alternate animation if used against Jotaro (Part 3).
  • Jotaro (Part 3) can reduce the damage taken from DIO's GHA and prevent it from taking him below 1 HP for the cost of 2 bars.
Josuke (Part 4) 176 (250) 316 379 474
  • Damage listed in () for HHA includes the follow-up.
Jotaro (Part 4) 215 325 389 487
Koichi 190 318 381 477
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
  • Both HHA and GHA inflict 3 Freeze.
Okuyasu 158 360 431 540
  • HHA is non-cinematic and can be delayed.
  • Both HHA and GHA are Unblockable.
  • HHA moves Okuyasu a set distance towards and above the opponent if used in Stand Off.
  • HHA drags the opponent a set distance towards Okuyasu if used in Stand On, with the drag causing hitstun but no damage.
  • Okuyasu takes self-damage during GHA.
Rohan 172 300 360 450
  • HHA locks out all of the opponent's Command Normals, Special Moves and Style actions (except Stand On/Off and Mounting) for 5 seconds.
  • GHA locks out all of the opponent's actions aside from movement, Stand On/Off, Mounting, and Assist for 5 seconds.
Yukako 180 313 375 469
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
  • GHA tracks the opponent's location.
Shigechi 186 354 424 531
  • HHA is non-cinematic and can hit OTG.
Keicho 148 288 345 432
  • Both HHA and GHA are considered projectiles.
Akira 168 (206) 309 (361) 356 (433) 463 (541)
  • Both HHA and GHA refill the Electricity Gauge.
  • Damage listed in () for HHA and GHA takes MAX Electricity into consideration.
Kira 210 342 410 513
  • GHA is Unblockable, can hit OTG, and tracks the opponent's location.
Kosaku 220 252 302 378
  • HHA is a counter; its hits do not combo during the animation, but it cannot be escaped once activated.
  • GHA is Unblockable, heals Kosaku on hit, and reverts all character-specific resources and transformations.
Giorno 170 0 0 0
  • HHA prevents the opponent from taking any actions aside from Assist for a period of time.
  • GHA triggers a temporary transformation.
Bucciarati 167 330 395 495
  • HHA forces Bucciarati into Stand Off on hit.
  • Bucciarati has Super Armor and takes self-damage during HHA.
  • GHA can hit OTG.
Mista 190 374 448 561
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
  • GHA is considered a projectile and homes in on the opponent.
  • Damage listed for HHA and GHA assumes all bullets connect, as each bullet deals individual damage.
Narancia 180 330 395 495
  • HHA is non-cinematic, and is considered a projectile from the second hit onwards.
Fugo 206 346 414 519
  • HHA is non-cinematic, applies the Homicidal Virus and refills 3 Homicidal Virus Capsules.
  • GHA triggers a permanent transformation upon use and refills all Homicidal Virus Capsules.
Trish 160 (170) 320 383 480
  • HHA is non-cinematic.
  • Damage listed in () for HHA is for the extended version.
Prosciutto 200 369 442 553
  • HHA is a counter and inflicts Aging.
  • GHA dismisses The Grateful Dead, and can hit OTG.
Ghiaccio 0 360 432 540
  • HHA triggers a temporary transformation and forces Ghiaccio into Stand On.
  • GHA forces Ghiaccio into Stand Off upon use.
Risotto 190 360 432 540
  • Both HHA and GHA are considered projectiles.
  • GHA inflicts Iron Deficiency.
Diavolo 0 504 604 756
  • HHA triggers a temporary transformation.
  • GHA is a counter.
Jolyne 186 357 428 535
Ermes 200
336 403 504
  • HHA is a counter.
  • Damage listed in () for HHA takes Kiss Stickers into consideration (Arms/Legs/Both).
  • Ermes takes self-damage during HHA.
Anasui 206 356 427 534
  • HHA can be delayed.
  • GHA tracks the opponent's location.
Foo Fighters 0 390 468 575
  • HHA is non-cinematic, heals Foo Fighters and refills Plankton Stocks.
  • GHA is considered a projectile.
Weather 0 312 374 468
  • HHA is non-cinematic and triggers a temporary transformation for the opponent.
  • While under the effects of Mode 3, Wamuu is completely immune to Weather's HHA.
Pucci (WS) 160 470 564 705
  • HHA seals the opponent's own HHA on hit.
  • GHA is a counter and seals the opponent's HH Gauge on a successful activation.
Pucci (Final) 144 5 5 5
  • HHA is only available with Whitesnake, and seals the opponent's Command Normals, Special Moves and Style actions (except Stand On/Off and Mounting) on hit.
  • GHA is only available with C-MOON, its activation is not counted towards the GHA LVL damage boost, and triggers a temporary transformation.
Johnny 140/170/200
319 (329) 382 (394) 478 (493)
  • Damage listed for HHA refers to each ACT (ACT 1 / ACT 2 / ACTs 3 & 4).
  • Damage listed in () for HHA and GHA takes Holy Corpse parts into consideration.
  • In ACT 1, HHA is available while both Mounted and Dismounted.
  • In ACT 2, HHA is available only while Dismounted.
  • In ACTs 3 & 4, HHA is available only while Mounted.
  • GHA triggers ACT 4 upon use, switches Johnny into Mounted Mode, and has an alternate animation if used against Valentine.
Gyro 179 (188) 310 372 465
  • Damage listed in () for HHA takes Golden Spin Mode into consideration.
  • HHA is available while both Mounted and Dismounted.
  • GHA triggers Golden Spin Mode upon use, switches Gyro into Mounted Mode, and has an alternate animation if used against Valentine.
Diego 0 360 432 540
  • HHA triggers a temporary transformation.
  • HHA and GHA are only available while Dismounted, forcing Diego out of Mounted Mode upon use.
AW Diego 177 324 388 486
  • HHA is available while both Mounted and Dismounted.
  • GHA is only available while Mounted, forcing AW Diego into Mounted Mode upon use.
Valentine 220 348 417 522
  • HHA is a counter.
  • GHA is Unblockable.
Josuke (Part 8) 190 297 356 445
Baoh 192 (168) 372 446 558
  • Damage listed in () for HHA refers to ranges beyond point blank.

Movement Data

Character Frame Data (Default Forms)
Character Pre-Jump Jump Landing Backdash Forward Dash Late Forward Dash Full
Jonathan 15 26
Zeppeli 6 42 2 15 22
Speedwagon 6 36 2 15 22
Dio Brando 6/6/4 34/26/48 2 15 24
Joseph 15 22
Caesar 15 22
Lisa Lisa
Wamuu 6 34 2 - 20
Esidisi 17 24
Kars 6 34 2 15 22
Jotaro (Part 3)
Old Joseph
Iggy 9 24
Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice
Josuke (Part 4)
Jotaro (Part 4)
Shigechi 11 22
Ghiaccio 15 22
Foo Fighters
Weather 15 22
Pucci (WS)
Pucci (Final)
Johnny - - - - - -
AW Diego
Josuke (Part 8)
Character Frame Data (Alternate Forms)
Character Pre-Jump Jump Landing Backdash Forward Dash
Wamuu (Mode 1) 6 32 2
Wamuu (Mode 2) 6 26 2
Wamuu (Mode 3) 6 34 2
Esidisi (Mode 1)
Esidisi (Mode 2)
Kars (Mode 1) 6 28 2
Kars (Mode 2) 6 24 2
Kars (Ultimate Life Form) 6 34 2
Jotaro (Part 3) (Stand On)
Old Joseph (Stand On)
Avdol (Stand On)
Kakyoin (Stand On)
Polnareff (Stand On)
Iggy (Stand On)
Vanilla Ice (Stand On)
DIO (Stand On)
Josuke (Part 4) (Stand On)
Jotaro (Part 4) (Stand On)
Koichi (Stand On)
Okuyasu (Stand On)
Rohan (Stand On)
Akira (Stand On)
Kira (Stand On)
Kosaku (Stand On)
Giorno (Stand On)
Bucciarati (Stand On)
Narancia (Stand On)
Fugo (Stand On)
Trish (Stand On)
Prosciutto (Stand On)
Ghiaccio (Stand On)
Diavolo (Stand On)
Jolyne (Stand On)
Ermes (Stand On)
Anasui (Stand On)
Weather (Stand On)
Pucci (WS) (Stand On)
Pucci (Final) (Stand On; Whitesnake)
Pucci (Final) (Stand On; C-MOON)
Pucci (Final) (Stand On; Made in Heaven)
Johnny (Mounted)
Gyro (Mounted)
Diego (Mounted)
AW Diego (Mounted)
Valentine (Stand On)
Josuke (Part 8) (Stand On)
Character Raw Data (Default Forms)
Character Walk Speed (Fwd) Walk Speed (Back) Run Speed (Fwd) Run Speed (Back) Gravity Jump Force (Neutral) Jump Force (Fwd) Jump Force (Dash) Dash Jump Distance
Jonathan 15 11 34 20 4.5 43 11 32 18
Zeppeli 15 11 30 18 3.3 38 8.15 28 13
Speedwagon 15 11 30 18 4 39 10 29 13
Dio Brando 12 11 42 20 4.5 43 11 32 18
Joseph 20 11 34 20 4.2 38 8.97 31 15
Caesar 20 11 30 18 3.3 38 9.78 28 16
Lisa Lisa 12 11 34 20 3.3 38 8.15 28 13
Stroheim 12 11 26 16 4 31 8.97 31 15
Wamuu 15 11 30 25 4.5 43 13.04 32 21
Esidisi 12 11 26 16 4.5 43 11 39 18
Kars 20 11 34 20 4.5 43 13.04 32 21
Jotaro (Part 3) 15 11 30 18 4.5 43 11 32 18
Old Joseph 12 11 26 16 4.5 43 11 32 18
Avdol 12 11 26 16 4 41 8.97 31 15
Kakyoin 12 11 26 16 3.3 38 8.15 28 13
Polnareff 13 8 23 18 4 38 8.15 28 14
Iggy 20 11 34 20 3.3 38 9.78 28 16
Hol Horse 20 11 30 18 3.3 38 8.15 28 13
Mariah 15 11 30 18 4 41 11 31 15
Pet Shop 15 15 30 25 3.2 39 12 29 15
Vanilla Ice 12 11 26 16 4.5 43 11 32 18
DIO 12 11 34 20 4 41 10.6 31 18
Josuke (Part 4) 15 11 30 18 4.5 43 11 32 18
Jotaro (Part 4) 10 7 30 18 4.5 43 13.5 32 18
Koichi 13 8 20 18 4 38 9.63 28 17
Okuyasu 12 11 26 16 4 41 8.97 31 15
Rohan 15 11 30 18 3.3 38 8.15 28 13
Yukako 12 11 26 16 4 41 11 31 15
Shigechi 8 8 23 20 4 41 11 31 15
Keicho 14 12 24 14 4.5 43 11 32 18
Akira 10 8 20 18 4 38 9.63 28 17
Kira 15 11 30 18 4.5 43 11 32 18
Kosaku 10 8 30 18 4.5 43 11 32 18
Giorno[1] 20 (15) 11 (16) 34 (30) 20 (25) 4 (3.2) 41 (39) 10.6 (8.15) 31 (29) 18 (10)
Bucciarati 15 11 30 18 4 41 10.6 31 18
Mista 15 11 30 25 3.3 38 9.78 28 16
Narancia 20 11 34 20 4.5 43 11 32 18
Fugo 20 11 30 18 4 41 8.97 31 15
Trish 15 11 30 18 4 41 13 31 18
Prosciutto 15 11 30 18 4 41 11 31 18
Ghiaccio 13 7 20 18 4 38 11.82 28 17
Risotto 15 11 30 18 4.7 43 11 32 18
Diavolo 12 11 30 25 4.5 43 11 32 18
Jolyne 15 11 34 20 4.2 41 10.6 31 18
Ermes 15 11 30 18 4 41 8.97 31 15
Anasui 15 11 34 20 4.5 43 11 32 18
Foo Fighters 15 11 34 20 4.5 43 13.5 32 18
Weather 15 11 30 18 3.3 38 12 28 16
Pucci (WS) 12 11 26 16 3.3 38 10 28 13
Pucci (Final) 12 11 26 16 3.3 38 10 28 13
Johnny 8 7 30 25 3.2 35 10.19 26 12
Gyro 13 8 30 18 3.3 38 8.15 28 13
Diego 15 11 30 20 4.5 43 13.5 32 18
AW Diego 16 12 31 21 5.5 44 14.5 33 19
Valentine 12 11 26 16 4.5 43 11 32 18
Josuke (Part 8) 15 11 30 18 4 41 8.97 31 15
Baoh 12 11 45 25 4 41 8.97 31 15
  1. ↑ Data in parentheses corresponds to when Gold Experience Requiem (GER) is active.

Easy Beat Finishers

Easy Beat Finishers
Character Finisher (Default) Finisher (Alternate) Chains into HHA? Notes
Jonathan Overdrive Barrage
- Yes
Zeppeli Zoom Punch
- Yes
  • Finisher is a Command Normal.
Speedwagon Don't try to bluff, you rich little snot!
- Yes
Dio Brando KUA! > That must be five or six ribs broken!
(236H > L)
- Yes
  • Second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
Joseph Clacker Volley > Now who's laughing?!
(236H > 6L/M/H)
- Yes
  • Second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
  • Can chain into the HHA follow-up with an extra button press.
Caesar Bubble Launcher
- Yes
Lisa Lisa Hamon Master! > All I need is this scarf! > You picked a bad time to test me!
(236L > L > L)
- Yes
  • Second and third parts of the finisher requires extra button presses.
Stroheim This can fire through 30 mm armor plating!
- Yes
  • Does not have a finisher in UV Laser Mode.
  • HHA cannot be used while in UV Laser Mode.
Wamuu Never stand in my shadow!
- Yes
  • Finisher changes to the Mode versions if Modes are active.
  • The H version was used as the finisher prior to game version 2.00.
    • This only applied if Wamuu was on his Normal Form, or if "I shall see with the wind." was active.
Esidisi The Burning King
- Yes
  • Finisher changes to the Mode versions if Modes are active.
Kars Cruel and beautiful violence!
This cannot be!
  • Default finisher changes to the Mode versions if Modes are active.
  • Finisher changes in ULF.
  • ULF does not have an HHA.
Jotaro (Part 3) ORA, ORA!
- Yes
  • In Stand On, the finisher can chain into HHA with an extra L button press, even if extended with other buttons.
    • However, it cannot be chained into "ORAAA!".
Old Joseph Hamon Overdrive
Hermit Purple! > Solar Energy Hamon!
(236M > 6S)
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand On, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press and at least 0.5 HH Gauge.
Avdol Crossfire Hurricane
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Kakyoin Emerald Splash
- Yes
Polnareff Start packing for hell! > You miserable cur!
(236L > 6H)
Cuts everywhere else!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand Off, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
Iggy DIO Doppelganger
The Fool
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Hol Horse You lose, loser!
- Yes
Mariah Sorry, but you'll have to die now.
- Yes
Pet Shop Caw caw!
- Yes
Vanilla Ice How dare you!
- Yes
  • Cannot use Easy Beat while in Stand On.
DIO Right in front of me!?
Useless, useless, useless, useless!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Josuke (Part 4) Break through, beat you up!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • Can chain into the HHA follow-up with an extra button press and at least 0.5 HH Gauge.
Jotaro (Part 4) If I throw this bearing...
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand On, the finisher cannot be chained into any version of "ORAAA!".
Koichi I'll never forgive you! > "Ah, tranquility, seeping into a rocky crag, a cicada's trill"
(236L > L/M/H)
Hit them, ACT 3!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand Off, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
Okuyasu Chew on this!
- Yes
Rohan - I'm on the rise!
  • Cannot use Easy Beat while in Stand Off.
  • In Stand On, the finisher cannot be chained into "Your body will fly backwards at 70km/h!" or "I think I'll put you out of commission.".
Yukako You dumbass!
- Yes
Shigechi Don't underestimate Harvest!
Don't come any closer! > I'll protect them!
(214L > 6L/M/H)
  • Finisher changes based on Formation; both require at least 1 Harvest Stack.
  • In Defensive Formation, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
Keicho All units, charge!
Commence attack!
  • Finisher changes based on formation.
  • If Keicho uses Easy Beat while "All units, halt!" is active, it will not have a finisher.
Akira Spitfire
More power than a jet engine.
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • Both finishers require Electricity Gauge.
  • While in Stand Off and against short-sized opponents:
    • Outside of MAX Electricity, the finisher whiffs even if both hits of 5H connect.
    • While in MAX Electricity, the finisher whiffs if Akira does not allow the second hit of 5H to connect.
  • While in Stand Off, the finisher does not allow using the follow-up.
    • It can still chain into HHA on whiff, but HHA will only come out once the move finishes.
Kira Ha!
You bastard!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Kosaku I'll have to fight it out!
The First Bomb
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Giorno Now, it lives.
Useless, useless, useless, useless!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • With Gold Experience Requiem, the finisher can be extended with extra button presses.
    • The second part of the finisher triggers if extended enough.
  • Gold Experience Requiem does not have an HHA.
Bucciarati Saw it coming miles away!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Mista Gonna light you up!
- Yes
  • Finisher requires at least one bullet and cannot be extended.
Narancia You're not going anywhere!
Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Fugo Hit them!
Fugo's Violent Side
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • Both finishers allow Fugo to manually chain into Homicidal Virus Capsule before chaining into HHA.
Trish Spice Girl!
- Yes
  • Finisher cannot be extended.
Prosciutto Beach Boy! > You can feel shocks through the line!
(236L > L/M/H)
You're soft!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand Off, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
Ghiaccio And now you're frozen solid!
You thought you could get away from me?
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Risotto I won't get closer to you.
- Yes
  • Finisher is a Command Normal.
  • The finisher will whiff if Risotto allows both hits of 5H to connect.
Diavolo The passage of time resumes!
- No
  • Does not have a finisher in Stand On.
Jolyne Sweet dreams, creep!
So you're the enemy, huh?
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Anasui And...RELEASE!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand Off, the finisher requires at least 0.5 HH Gauge and cannot be charged.
Foo Fighters Hwah!
- No
Weather Don't you dare touch me! I'll kill you!
I'm blowing in!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand On, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
Pucci (WS) I order you!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand On, the finisher is a Command Normal.
Pucci (Final) I order you!
(236H with Whitesnake and Made in Heaven)
Be gone!
(214L with C-MOON)
(3H with Whitesnake)
I only need one punch.
(236L with C-MOON)
Here it comes!
(236L with Made in Heaven)
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • With Whitesnake, the finisher in Stand On is a Command Normal.
  • Neither C-MOON nor Made in Heaven have an HHA.
Johnny I'll call them Tusks!
Golden Spin Nail Bullets
  • Finisher changes upon reaching ACT 2.
  • In ACT 1, the finisher can chain into HHA both Mounted and Dismounted.
  • In ACT 2, the finisher can only chain into HHA if Dismounted.
  • In ACTs 3 & 4, the finisher can only chain into HHA if Mounted.
Gyro I'm gonna throw it away!
Run wild, run free!
  • Finisher changes while Mounted.
Diego Gouge > Are you ready?!
(236L > H)
  • Finisher changes during HHA.
  • Outside of HHA, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press and at least one Holy Corpse part.
  • Outside of HHA, the H version was used as the first part of the finisher prior to game version 2.00.
AW Diego Hmph!
Your sentence is death!
  • Finisher changes while Mounted.
  • While Dismounted, the finisher is a Command Normal.
Valentine It's merely self-defense.
Well, now you've done it!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
Josuke (Part 8) So slippery! > Zero Friction
(236H > 6L/M/H)
The hell is your problem?!
  • Finisher changes in Stand On.
  • In Stand Off, the second part of the finisher requires an extra button press.
Baoh Baoh Hardened Saber
- Yes
  • The L version was used as the finisher in game version 1.41.

Reversals & Recovery




During a dash, recovery may very depending on what button is pressed during the dash. Every character, except for Wamuu and GER Giorno, has an Instant, Late and Full recovery. Instant recovery is the same for every character, while Slow and Full may vary.

Instant recovery happens at frame 5 of the dash, the following options can be performed from this frame onward:

  • Normal (Crouching and Standing)
  • Special Moves
  • Throw
  • Backward/Neutral/Dash Jump
  • HHA
  • Pillar Men Mode

Late recovery happens at different frames depending on character within a range of 9 to 17 frames. For specific numbers for your character check out the Character Movement Frame Data table.

The following options, including those of Instant recovery, can be performed from these frames onward:

  • Command Normal
  • Stylish Guard (Cannot be buffered)
  • Rotate
  • Forward Jump
  • Shigechi Style

Full recovery happens at different frames depending on character within a range of 23 to 27 frames. For specific numbers for your character check out the Character Movement Frame Data table.

The following options, including those of Instant and Late recovery, can be performed from these frames onward:

  • Stand On/Off, Hamon Breathing
  • GHA
  • Walk
  • (Back)dash

Back Dash

Snooze Frames




Hard Knockdown

Soft Knockdown

Input Tricks

Option Selects

A series of inputs that will perform a different action depending on what the opponent is doing. Most commonly used in this game to shut down multiple options that an opponent may try to use to get out of certain situations. Written below are a few examples.

Stylish Guard Tech

Since Stylish Guard has the highest Input Priority in the game, we can easily use this to our advantage by inputting Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR + Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR + Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR + Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR / Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR. This extra input has no reprocussions whatsoever, and simply allows the user in the case of being grabbed prior to the Stylish Guard to Throw Break automatically. This of course doesn't work if the Stylish Guard appears before the Throw, as that will count as a punish instead. Technically you should always be inputting this instead of a regular Stylish Guard.

Bonbei Oki

Discovered by Bonbei, accessible to characters with Q.SOn or Q.MOn, this uses the cancel difference between whiffing or hitting a move. A more complicated OS using Any attack button > Template:NotationIcon-JJASBR + Command Normal / Special Move.
On Oki for example, we can set up a meaty normal, which on whiff will be Q.SOn/Q.SOn, and on Hit/Block will be the desired Special/Command Normal. This way we can safely cut our recovery upon whiff (for 0.5 meter of course), and easily confirm on hit/block.

Input Priority

While simultaneously inputting multiple options at the same time, this game will prioritize them in a certain order. Note that when a certain action isn't possible in the situation you're in, it'll go for the next possible one with your inputs. For instance, when inputting 5H and then 236LMH it'll Flash Cancel, as a GHA is not possible on whiff.
The Input Priority order is written in this section for varying situations.

In Neutral/Combo

Stylish Guard > GHA > HHA > Special > Throw > Command Normal > Flash Cancel > Style > Heavy > Medium > Light > Dodge > Jump

In Special Move

When performing a Special Move you have a window of X frames after your first movement input was made for your attack button input to successfully perform the special move. For instance, inputting 2-3-6 sequentially one frame after another gives you X frames to input your attack button.
If two separate Special Move movements are both valid in the same input frame, the game will prioritize the first. For instance, if you input 2-3-6, then immediately after 2-1-4 and an attack button, then game will output a 2-3-6 Special Move instead. You'll have to wait for the input window of the first Special Move movement input to time out before a different one can appear.

Also, the input priority when performing a special move is as follows: Heavy > Medium > Light > Style

Command Normal

Light > Medium > Heavy



Character Data
Patch Notes
JJASBR Part 1 Emblem.png
Phantom Blood
Dio Brando
JJASBR Part 2 Emblem.png
Battle Tendency
Lisa Lisa
JJASBR Part 3 Emblem.png
Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro (Part 3)
Old Joseph
Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice
JJASBR Part 4 Emblem.png
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke (Part 4)
Jotaro (Part 4)
JJASBR Part 5 Emblem.png
Vento Aureo
JJASBR Part 6 Emblem.png
Stone Ocean
Foo Fighters
Pucci (WS)
Pucci (Final)
JJASBR Part 7 Emblem.png
Steel Ball Run
AW Diego
JJASBR Part 8 Emblem.png
Josuke (Part 8)
Wonder of U
Baoh the Visitor