Fate Unlimited Codes/Bazett

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Bazett has a unique mechanic called "Rune" install, which is both her blessing and also her curse. Each install costs 50% meter and locks her out of meter gain for 2 seconds. But in return, her moves become a lot more effective and most of them ignores gravity, making her combo potential virtually infinite.

Bazett is somewhat a jack-of-all-trade melee fighter. She utilizes Charge mechanic as her core combo. She can punish, but not as reliably as Saber. She can rush down, but not as good as Rider. She can set up an oki (unblockable as the opponent is waking up) but it requires precise timing. Since none of these are significant on their own, the player needs to combine them to make Bazett effective. With enough practice, Bazett can deal devastating damage

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Extremely high combo potential, only second to Gilgamesh
  • Can still deal very high damage even from an opener with 2A
  • Can win in 2 interactions reliably and the opponent cannot burst out.
  • Can setup a strong okizeme that threaten to win a round (left-right ambiguous cross-up)
  • Has a once per match ToD that can kill any 10k HP character without allowing them to burst (if they start from 100%).
    • This ToD can still continue for an extra ~1.8k damage, which is enough to finish off anyone if they don't/can't burst.
  • Nimble and has multiple moves with invulnerable frames
  • Has a parry that repels High and Mid melee attacks
  • Does not need Reflect Guard or Activate to perform high damage combo
  • Super can deal 3500 non-scale damage and can also be combo'd off of
  • Has a hard to block initiation with tk j.214B > 2A
  • Can end pressure with frame advantage using 46C~A
  • Can perform a 1 frame gap pressure using 46C
  • Can threaten Throw mid pressure (or lower hit instead with 2A/2C)
  • Excellent at pushing the opponent to the corner
  • The opponent becomes unable to use Pushblock against her attacks with Rune
  • Fast mix-ups with multiple shifts in lower and upper
  • Can nullify cross-up attempts just like Assassin
  • Not very fast at mid-range and has to get close
  • Weak Neutral by this game's standard - this can, a lot of times, nullify the majority of her strengths
  • Extremely complex and high execution on her good combos
  • Requires very high focus and reflex to stay safe
  • Susceptible to Advancing Guard (AKA Pushblock) outside of corner
  • Moveset consists of multiple light hits so she will reach 50 hits limit very fast
  • Each move has low value on its own, and requires a lot of synergies from other moves to become useful
  • Feet rune requires her to be airborne for maximum performance, this makes her susceptible to burst
  • Has to charge her punch for the majority of each round, limiting her options - especially when her Neutral is weak
  • Does not get her Fragarach orbs back after each round (tho, they do stick around on the stage once set)
  • 2A has short reach, meaning her super jump turn > j.X will often land her too far for 2A to reach. This limits her mix up options by quite a bit
  • 214C has long recovery animation and is unsafe on block. It is also airborne so she can't rc until she lands

FUC Bazett Profile Main.png

  • Health = 10,000
  • Prejump = 4F
  • Backdash = 24F (Invulnerable 1~15F)
  • Backdash Distance = 1.2740
  • Sidestep Type = Neutral Inward Spiral
  • Weight = Light


  • Full Mana Activation Ability: Bazett always has Punch and Kicks runes active for the duration of the activation.

 Base Form
FUC Bazett Arm Rune.png   Fist Rune (WIP)
FUC Bazett Leg Rune.png   Feet Rune (WIP)
FUC Bazett Dual Runes.png   Dual Runes (WIP)

Base Form

Bazett's Base Form is a blank slate and does not offer much on its own.

It does have its perk, however - That she can endow a Rune as a form of reset (on some special attacks, even on whiff).

In this form, she should focus on staying nimble while trying to breakthrough defense or finding an opening for a swift counterattack.


Straight Jab
FUC Bazett Base 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
200 All N, S, R, A 4 26 19 -3

Bazett performs a very fast straight jab.

  • Can Kara-cancel into itself and 2A
  • Can be low-profiled
  • Proration: 15%
  • Proration Penalty: 15%
  • Hitstun: 24 frames (27 frames on Counter Hit)

Low Kick
FUC Bazett Base 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
220 Low N, S, R, A 6 31 19 -6

Bazett performs a quick low kick, with a little more reach than 5A

  • Proration: 17%
  • Proration Penalty: 17%
  • Hitstun: 28 frames (31 frames on Counter Hit)

Body Shot
FUC Bazett Base 6A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
280 All N, R, A 13 41 29 +0

Bazett steps forward and gut punches her opponent. It has the same reach as 5B but riskier and slower in neutral. It's not Special Cancellable.

  • Proration: 15%
  • Hitstun: 30 frames (37 frames on Counter Hit)

Roundhouse Kick
FUC Bazett Base 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
250 All N, S, R, A 10 36 26 -3

Bazett steps forward and perform a roundhouse kick. It has decent reach and speed.

  • Proration: 15%
  • Hitstun: 30 frames (35 frames on Counter Hit)

Knee Kick
FUC Bazett Base 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
280 All N, S, R, A 16 42 21 -3

Bazett crouches and comes up with a straight knee.

  • Proration: 15%
  • Hitstun: 27 frames (32 frames on Counter Hit)

Spring Back Elbow
FUC Bazett Base 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
300 All U, N, S, R, A 15 39 22 -2

Bazett crouches and comes up with an aggressive elbow.

  • Proration: 15%
  • Hitstun: 30 frames (40 frames on Counter Hit)

Back Elbow & Kick
FUC Bazett Base 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
380 All U, N, S, R, A 18 56 26 -3

Bazett performs a 2-part elbow-kick combo. It's long reaching but rather slow.

  • Both hits Can be low-profiled
  • Proration: 10%
  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 150 and 230 base damage respectively
  • Hitstun(1st hit): 24 frames (29 frames on Counter Hit)
  • Hitstun(2nd hit): 30 frames (37 frames on Counter Hit)
  • 5C is the only normal that can cancel into 6C.
  • This move uses both punch and kick, so unless you install both runes (which you shouldn't) the opponent can still pushblock one of them
  • You can cancel out the 2nd hit

Double Sweep Kick
FUC Bazett Base 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 Low S, R, A 15 65 25 -15

Bazett performs a double sweep. Only the 2nd one actually sweeps her opponent off their feet and you can cancel from either hit

  • Proration: 10%
  • each hit has 200 base damage
  • Hitstun(1st hit): 24 frames (29 frames on Counter Hit)
  • Hitstun(2nd hit): Soft Knock Down

Back Hand
FUC Bazett Base 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 All S, R, A 15 39 23 -1

Bazett steps forward to back hand her opponent. This can only be performed as a cancel from 6B or 5C.

  • Can be low-profiled
  • Proration: 10%
  • Hitstun: 30 frames (42 frames on Counter Hit)

Knee Drop
FUC Bazett Base j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
220 High J*, N, A 8 - 13 -

Bazett knees kick. Both her legs become active as an attack for the whole time until she cancels into another attack, double jump or land, making it a decent mix up tool.

  • Proration: 20%
  • Hitstun(ground): 20 frames (23 frames on Counter Hit)
  • Hitstun(airborne): 25 frames (27 frames with Super Jump)

Back Hand Whip
FUC Bazett Base j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
270 High J*, N, S, A 14 - 17 -

Bazett turns around and swings a back hand downward. This is a very important move in a combo

  • Proration: 15%
  • Hitstun(ground): 31 frames (36 frames on Counter Hit)
  • Hitstun(airborne): 30 frames (32 frames with Super Jump)

Scissors Kick
FUC Bazett Base j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
400 High A 18 - 22 -

Bazett scissors kicks. the active zone is decent, making it a decent mix up tool.

  • Proration: 10%
  • Hitstun(ground): 32 frames (41 frames on Counter Hit)
  • Hitstun(airborne): Soft Knock Down

FUC Bazett 6A+B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1000 None A 4 49 - -

Bazett grabs her opponent into a clinch, knee kicks them up and spinning back kicks them across the stage, causing HKD that cannot be combo'd off of.

  • Does not get powered up by Runes


Iron Fist
[X] → ]X[
FUC Bazett -X-.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
800 All R, A [120] + 30 (+ 33 at max distance) 60 39 +4 (+7 at max distance)

Bazett steps forward and delivers a powerful punch to her opponent. This attack is unique in that it is requires a button (A, B or C) to be held for 120 frames (2 seconds) at minimum and the attack will be performed when all buttons are released.

  • Proration: 10%
  • Bazett is invulnerable during the frame 3 to frame 15 of the startup
  • If her fists are installed, this attack is unblockable.
This is especially notable because while her fists are installed, she cannot be pushblocked for punching attacks so installed mixup > 6C > ]X[ or 236X > rc > ]X[ will be unblockable pressure that cannot be pushblocked. (6C > ]X[ does have a small gap. be careful if the opponent can RG)

Stun Knuckle
FUC Bazett 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
236A 500 All R, A 10 46 30 -5

Bazett dashes forward and throw a right cross

  • Can be low-profiled
  • This move has 2 versions of follow up (even on whiff): A follow up endows Fist Rune and B follow up endows Feet Rune
  • Proration: 10%
236A - Install 1000 All U, R, A 10 61 45 +3

Bazett rushes forward and punches her opponent. This can be cancelled into Install with B follow-up. If cancelled into an Install, it can be combo'd into 5B.

  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 600 and 400 base damage respectively
  • The 2nd hit will knock down the opponent
  • Proration: 10% per hit
236B 550 All R, A 15 48 28 -4
  • Proration: 10%
236B - Install 1060 All R, A 15 73 43 +1

Bazett rushes forward and gut punches her opponent. This will crumple her opponent on counterhit or with installed fists.

  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 660 and 400 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% per hit
236C 600 All R, A 20 50 28 -1
  • Proration: 10%
236C - Install 1220 All R, A 20 78 44 -5

Bazett rushes forward and slams her fist into her opponent from above (it looks like an overhead but isn't one). This move hard knock down an airborne target On counterhit, this move will combo into normals. If fists are installed, C version will follow up with a non-techable launcher.

  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 720 and 500 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% per hit

FUC Bazett 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
623A 500 All J, R*, A 7 51 33 -10
  • Proration: 10%
623A - Install 300 All J, R*, A 7 51 37 -5

Bazett launches her opponents; this is an important combo tool after hitconfirming with normals. Can be cancelled into 22x on hit/block when Bazett lands

  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 300 base damage each
  • Proration: 10% per hit
623B 700 All R*, A 7 61 34 -18
  • Proration: 17%
623B - Install 840 All R*, A 7 61 42 -10

Bazett launches and follows her opponents into the air. If her feet are installed, Bazett can jump cancel the B version.

  • Bazett is invulnerable from frame 1 to 4
  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 420 base damage each
  • Proration: 10% per hit
623C 900 All R*, A 7 98 36 -23
  • Bazett is invulnerable from frame 1 to 40 (when she flips 180° angle, completely upside down with her 2nd kick)
  • Proration: 15%
  • This move has 3 hits, dealing 300 base damage each
  • The second kick has 2 hits in total, and each hit deals 0.25 meter damage
623C - Install 1080 All R*, A 7 98 47 -12

Bazett kicks her opponent into the air as a reversal. Startup on this move is invincible and it costs 30 meter to perform. As long as the last hit connects, you will drain 50 meter from your opponent.

If her feet are installed, this will lead to a non-techable knockdown that can start or continue a combo.

  • This move has 3 hits, dealing 360 base damage each
  • Proration: 10% per hit

Triple Spinner
FUC Bazett 214X.png
FUC Bazett 214X2.png
FUC Bazett 214X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
214A (Air OK) 800 All R*, A 13 61 30 +0
  • This move has 3 hits, dealing 250, 250 and 300 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
214A - Install (Air OK) 861 All R*, A 13 61 30 +0

Bazett jumps into the air and performs 3 heavy kicks. This will hard knockdown your opponent if not installed. Can be cancelled into 22x on hit/block when Bazett lands

If Bazett's feet are installed, this will lead into a non-techable knockdown that can continue into a combo in the corner.

  • The Air Variant must be high guarded
  • This move has 3 hits, dealing 300, 300 and 360 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
214B (Air OK) 750 All R, A 15 66 21 -9
  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
  • This move has 5 hits, each dealing 150 base damage
214B - Install (Air OK) 1150 All R, A 15 81 33 +5

Bazett will rush her opponent with a barrage of light kicks. The air version of this special turns towards your opponent and begins rushing towards the ground while performing light kicks. The air version is generally better as it can start combos and provide gapless pressure.

  • The Air Variant must be high guarded

If installed, Bazett will followup these light kicks with a ground bouncing heavy kick.

  • This move has 6 hits, dealing 180, 180, 180, 180, 180 and 250 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
214C (Air OK) 700 High R*, A 27 61 25 from +1 to -7
  • Proration: 10%
214C - Install (Air OK) 840 High R*, A 27 61 32 +0

Bazett will jump into the air and perform a divekick. This is Bazett's only access to an overhead mid-pressure without spending meter.

  • Proration: 10%

FUC Bazett 46X2.png
FUC Bazett 46X3.png
FUC Bazett 46X4.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
46A - All R, A - 26 - -
46B - All R, A - 26 - -
46C - All R, A - 26 - -

Bazett performs an evasive step clockwise (A version) or counter clockwise (B version) OR performs an aggressive step in (C version).

  • C version has 9 frames of invulnerability during startup, from frame 1 to 9
  • A and B version have 9 frames of invulnerability during startup, starting from frame 4 to 12

All versions have the same follow-ups, but the C version's followups have less startup.

46A/B > A 400 All R, A 29 57 30 +3
46C > A 400 All R, A 27 55 30 +3
46X > A - Install 480 All R, A 27 55 32 +5

Bazett knees her opponent. This can link into normals on counterhit, can link into normals on normal hit by cancelling into 22x and can be used as a juggle tool; however, it's most common use is to gain frame advantage during pressure.

  • Proration: 10%
46A/B > B 450 All R, A 25 68 27 -15
46C > B 450 All R, A 21 64 27 -15
46X > B - Install 540 All R, A 21 64 40 -2

Bazett punches her opponent, putting them into a crumple state that can start a combo. This is most commonly used after confirming with normals. This will only combo from normals by using 46C.

  • Proration: 10%
46A/B > C 2200 All R, A 37 105 14 -6
46C > C 2200 All R, A 33 101 14 -6
46X > C - Install 2640 All R, A 33 101 22 +2

Bazett performs a barrage of light punches followed by one final powerful punch. If Bazett's fists are installed, the final punch will be an untechable knockdown (and can combo into another 46C-C for high damage).

  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
  • This move has 10 hits, the first 9 quick hits deal 200 base damage each, and then finish with 400 base damage with the uppercut

FUC Bazett 22X.png
FUC Bazett 22X2.png
FUC Bazett 22X3.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
22A 0 - R, A - 20 - -

Bazett installs her fists, buffing all of her attacks where she punches. Punch attacks while installed cannot be pushblocked.

22B 0 - R, A - 20 - -

Bazett installs her feet, buffing all of her attacks where she kicks. Kick attacks while installed cannot be pushblocked.

22C 0 - R, A - 31 - -

Bazett parries incoming mid and upper attacks (not lower), putting any attacker into a vulnerable state. The endlag of this move is cancellable into anything if Bazett parries an attack.

  • Parry from frame 1 to 18

Fist Rune

Fist Rune allows Bazett to quickly close gap, break the opponent defense, or extend combo.

  1. All of her punches cannot be responded with Advancing Guard (AKA pushblock)
  2. Normal Attack Damage increased by 20% from the base form
  3. The majority of Punching moves disables opponent's air and ground recovery, giving Bazett free reign on how she'd like to combo
  4. Some Punching Special Moves have added features


FUC Bazett Arm 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
240 All N, S, R, A 4 26 18 -3

Bazett performs a very fast forward jab.

  • Proration: 15%

FUC Bazett Arm 6A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
336 All N, R, A 13 41 27 +0

Bazett steps forward and gut punches her opponent.

  • Proration: 15%

FUC Bazett Arm 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
360 All U, N, S, R, A 15 40 22 -2

Bazett crouches low and comes up with an aggressive elbow.

  • Proration: 15%

FUC Bazett Arm 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
410 All U, N, S, R, A 18 56 21 -3

Bazett performs a 2-part punch-kick combo.

  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
  • The first hit has 180 base damage, and you can cancel from it
  • The second hit has 230 base damage. It's a kick and does not have Rune property
  • 5C is the only normal that can cancel into 6C.
  • This move uses both punch and kick, so unless you install both runes (which you shouldn't) the opponent can still pushblock one of them
  • You can cancel from the first hit to preserve the Damage Scale

FUC Bazett Arm 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
480 All S, R, A 15 40 23 -1

Bazett steps forward to back hand her opponent. This can only be performed as a cancel from 6B or 5C.

  • Proration: 15%

FUC Bazett Arm j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
324 High J*, N, S, A 14 - 17 -
  • Proration: 15%


[X] > ]X[
FUC Bazett Arm -X-.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
960 All R, A [120] + 30 61 34 +4

Bazett steps forward and delivers a powerful punch to her opponent. This attack is unique in that it is requires a button (A, B or C) to be held for 120 frames (2 seconds) at minimum and the attack will be performed when all buttons are released.

  • Proration: 10%
  • This attack has partial invincibility during the middle of your startup; however, if you are hit near the beginning or end of your attack's startup, you will be counterhit as normal.
  • This attack is unblockable. mixup > 6C > ]X[ will be unblockable pressure that cannot be pushblocked.

FUC Bazett Arm 236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1000 All U, R, A 10 61 45 +3

Bazett rushes forward and punches her opponent. This can be cancelled into Install with A or B follow-up. If cancelled into an Install, it can be combo'd into 5B. she will knockdown her opponent with a follow up punch.

  • This attack has 2 hits, dealing 600 and 400 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% per hit
FUC Bazett Arm 236B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1060 All R, A 15 73 43 +1

Bazett rushes forward and gut punches her opponent. This will crumple her opponent on counterhit or with installed fists.

  • This attack has 2 hits, dealing 660 and 400 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% per hit
FUC Bazett Arm 236C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1220 All R, A 20 78 44 -5

Bazett rushes forward and slams her fist into her opponent from above (it looks like an overhead but isn't one). On counterhit, this move will combo into normals. If fists are installed, C version will follow up with a non-techable launcher.

  • This attack has 2 hits, dealing 720 and 500 base damage respectively
  • Proration: 10% per hit

FUC Bazett 46X3.png
FUC Bazett 46X4.png
46X > B - Install 540 All R, A 21 64 40 -2

Bazett punches her opponent, putting them into a crumple state that can start a combo. This is most commonly used after confirming with normals. This will only combo from normals by using 46C.

  • Proration: 10%
46X > C - Install 2640 All R, A 33 101 22 +2

Bazett performs a barrage of light punches followed by one final powerful punch. If Bazett's fists are installed, the final punch will be an untechable knockdown (and can combo into another 46C-C for high damage).

  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
  • This move has 10 hits, the first 9 quick hits deal 240 base damage each, and then finish with 480 base damage with the uppercut

Feet Rune

Feet Rune allows Bazett to combo efficiently.

  1. All of her kicks has longer Hitstun and cannot be responded with Advancing Guard (AKA pushblock)
  2. Normal Attack Damage increased by 20% from the base form
  3. The majority of Kicking moves gains combo-able Hard Knock Down property, giving Bazett free reign on how she'd like to combo
  4. Some Kicking Special Moves have added features

Dual Runes

Dual Runes simply means Bazett is under the influences of both runes.

This is not an optimal strategy for 2 reasons

1. She is no longer able to use Rune Endow as a reset until the duration is over

2. She doesn't want to waste a Rune duration, especially the one that she doesn't use at the immediate moment, due to its setbacks to her meter.

The only time that's ok to do this is during 300% meter Activation.


FUC Bazett Base 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
456 All U, N, S, R, A 18 56 26 -3

With both Runes installed, Bazett performs a 2-part punch-kick combo. You can cancel from either hit

  • The only added benefits from both runes are the 20% damage increase and pushblock immunity
  • Proration: 10% (per hit)
  • This move has 2 hits, dealing 180 and 276 base damage respectively
  • Hitstun(1st hit): 24 frames (29 frames on Counter Hit)
  • Hitstun(2nd hit): 30 frames (37 frames on Counter Hit)
  • 5C is the only normal that can cancel into 6C.

Supers (WIP)

Red Branch・High Lance
FUC Bazett 236236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
2200 All - 15 + 2 61 - -11

Bazett rides the wind and performs a powerful dive kick that hard knockdowns her opponent. Bazett is invulnerable from startup until hitting either the target or the ground

This costs 100 meter.

Trivia: Bazett says Ansuz (ᚫ) and Ehwaz (ᛖ), which are both incorrect in how they're used. The correct meaning of Ansuz is gods and Ehwaz means horse.

Visually, The Rune Thurisaz (ᚦ) on her right foot holds the concept of "power", while Raidho (ᚱ) on her left foot holds the concept of "ride" (she rides the wind). While the runes still hold correlated meaning, they do not match the voice acting

She also uses the 3rd rune with this super (no visual): Inguz (ᛜ) which she uses on a successful hit. This rune can be interpreted as "Burst" in this context

Fragarach: Gorging Short Sword of the War God
FUC Bazett 236236B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
1000 - 3500 All - 15 + 1 57 - -20

Bazett launches one orbs at her opponent or a set orb in front of her; this requires and costs 1 orb.

This move costs 100 meter, deals 1000 damage when 1 orb hits, 2000 damage when 2 orbs hits and 3500 damage when all orbs hit.

  • It always prioritizes tracking another orb over the opponent, as long as it's in front of her (the scope is rather narrow).

  • However, if the 1st orb goes through the target before reaching another orb, it will first count as hitting with a single orb before activating another orb, then the rest of the orbs will continue the process until the last orb is activated. However, the orb that has already hit will not boost the damage in the link.
  • For example, if there're 2 orbs behind the target. The first orb will target the 2nd orb, but hit the target first, dealing 1000 damage. After that, the other 2 orbs and 3rd orbs will get activated and fire at the target for 2000 damage - totaling 3000 damage instead of 3500 damage.
  • On grounded hit, this will put your opponent in a stagger state that leaves them comboable. On airborne hit, your opponent will slowly fall to the ground and with true bounce property, allowing for continued combo.

FUC Bazett 214214X.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
- All - 6 + 10 16 - -

Bazett places one orb on the field, costing her one orb. It is only used to power up her grail super and 236236B. This can be performed midcombo.

Bazett is invulnerable until the cinematic cutscene.

Bazett cannot use this move when she only has 1 orb left (for obvious reasons)

  • The set orbs stay on the field throughout the match
  • It is recommended to have only 1 set orb on the field (any version) and only use the B version before firing 236236B in a combo
  • B version places the orb forward. It is recommended to always use this version in a combo
  • A version places the orb to Bazett's right side
  • C version places the orb to Bazett's left side

This costs 50 meter.

Toole・Fragarach: Gorging Great Sword of the War God
236236C (Grail Super)
FUC Bazett Grail 236236C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
4000 All - 10 + 8 16 21 -11

Bazett punches her opponent into the air before hitting her opponent with all 3 of her orbs.

This attack always does 4000 damage regardless of scaling. It can only be performed after filling the holy grail, placing 2 orbs on the field with 214214B/C and activating with 300 meter.

This reduces your meter to 0.

Fragarach: Gorging Sword of the War God
A+B+C (Grail Super)
FUC Bazett Grail ABC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Total Length Blockstun Block Adv
4000 - - 0 - - -

Bazett fires Fragarach after the opponent uses their Super, this requires and costs 1 orb. This attack will hit them first and cancel the effect of the opponent using Super.

There are 2 conditions which ignores this rule:

1. The condition in which she cannot activate this move at all: against a Super that doesn't directly attack, which includes Bazett's Answerer (214214X), Leysritt's Pray White (236236B), Lancer's Ath nGabla (236236B), Saber's Avalon (Activated 214214C) and Caster's Rule Breaker (236236A).

2. Unique interaction between Bazett's Fragarach and Lancer's Gae Bolg: Both attacks will hit, both characters will lose 4000 HP and collapse.

This attack always does 4000 damage regardless of scaling. It can only be performed after filling the holy grail, activating with 300 meter, and pressing A+B+C in response to the opponent's Super

This reduces your meter to 0.

Strategies (WIP)

Dealing Damage

Bazett has good BnB which deals over 5k damage, while maintaining decent meter advantage and limit the opponent from bursting out, in some cases, even for Reflect Guard.

She should mainly focus on using her BnB twice since it can reliably win a round in most cases.


Bazett is known to be susceptible to pushblock if she doesn't install her rune and the opponent isn't in the corner. But she can nullify this disadvantage by cornering her opponent.

But before tht happens, she still needs to deal with midscreen pressure

The first rule is to mainly use moves that pushes forward, enough to bypass the pushblock, after that she can install Rune to help her press the attack.

She can use Feet Rune to until she finds an opening (upper or lower guard), or simply break their guard with Fist Rune

after you found an opening or broke their guard, combo them to corner (she only needs 1 combo to do it). In most situations, you do not need to worry about the cost, as she can quickly regain it back (and more).


Bazett has many options to start a punishing combo, such as 46A/B~B, Backstep > 46C~B, Backstep > 236A~install > 214C, 236X, etc - to punish with high damage combo. Learn her matchups and practice your timing.

Tactics (WIP)

Okizeme (Setplay against Wake Up)

This is especially important as Bazett only needs 2 combos to win around. Do not let the opponent recover.

  • Once you have knocked down the opponent, Bazett can install Fist rune and ignore their guard with ]X[.
  • you can also mixup from a variety of her jump attacks, follow by ground mixup
  • all of her jump attacks can be used as ambiguous cross-ups (the animation is exactly the same, but the direction of attack is either side), it is recommended to end any combo with a Hard Knock Down

Mixup into Guard Break with installed ]X[

Bazett has very high combo potential. On top of having a variety of Normals + Uniques mixup, you can be very unpredictable since most of her Specials can be cancelled into install, then you restart your mixup from Normals.

  • example: mixup > special~fist rune install > mixup > 6C > ]X[ > BnB

Basic Mind Game

  • Intentionally hit into Guard without rune to bait Advance Guard (AKA pushblock)
  • Intentionally mistime 22C to make it easier to time Reflect Guard
  • Intentionally drop mixup pressure with Normals/Uniques, and then 22C/Reflect Counter against their attack: this works against impatient opponent who wants to punish you after you hit their Guard.
  • Reflect Guard > 22C: This helps when you mistime your Reflect Guard, but keep in mind 22C doesn't work against lower attack
  • Tiger KneE/Single Jump/Double Jump + 214X: use a variety of jumps to alter your relative direction to the opponent and use 214X alternately to get through their Guard.
  • 2C hits low on both hits and can also be cancelled into Specials. Alternate between letting it do double low hits or cancel it on the first hit into overhead 214C to go through Guard
  • mixup 46C > throw: alternate this with 46C~X to make sure they cannot predict what you're up to
  • mixup > fist rune > ]X[: sometimes the opponent might try to punish you when you install during mixup, use ]X[ to exploit its i-frame and punish them. But even if they don't try to punish install, they still can't guard installed ]X[
  • It's possible that the opponent will try to Reflect Guard against Bazett's ]X[ sometimes. Do not be stingy with using your own Reflect Guard to punish theirs. even if they fail to use it and you waste it as a result, you can still continue your combo and regain the meter back easily

Dealing with pushblock (without corner or rune)

  • mix in 22C sometimes to let them waste meter
  • 214A has to be pushblocked twice to completely create a distance, use this to waste their pushblock
  • 214C completely ignores pushblock

Combos (WIP)

Charge Punch: [X] > ]X[

This is the core combo opener, try to always hold an attack button while altering them, since you never know when you can start a combo.

Normals+Uniques chain order: 5A > 2A > 6A > 2B > 5B > 6B > 5C > 6C

Please note that ideally you do not want to use any normals at all, or as little as possible. They're very weak and will lower the damage scale, making your combo less effective.

The main reason to use any normals would be disorienting the opponent so you can find an opening to combo.

Uniques Chain Order

6A > 6B > 6C

Again, you want to omit as much as possible. 6B > 6C strikes a great balance between speed and damage for your combo

Basic Combo (no Rune)

6B[X] > 6C > 46C~B > {623A > 8]X[ ~ [X] > 6B > 6C}x3 > 623A > 6239C

  • Bazett is infamous for her meter deficit, this combo aims to mitigate that disadvantage

Bread and Butter Rune Combo

6B[X] > 6C > 46C~B > {623A > 8]X[ ~ [X] > 6B > 6C}x2 > 623A~B (feet rune) > {623B > dj > j.B > j.214A}x3 > 623B > dj > j.B> j.214B > 46C~C > 623A > 6239C

Omit 1 charge punch loop if you find it difficult to connect 6239B after installing feet rune with 623A~B

if the distance is still too far from the corner, replace the first few j.214A with j.214B and adjust your combo accordingly.

Feet Rune Loop

[22B > {623B > dj > j.B > j.214A}x3 > 623B > dj > j.B> j.214B]xn

It's possible to ToD any character with this loop, use it after feet rune j.214B. Keep in mind it also puts Bazett at risk. As she will be in the air a lot and is prone to getting bursted.

It's still her best method of dealing damage against an opponent who decides not to burst, or against a computer


Bazett's combo potential is extremely high. But in competitive scene, you might want to minimize any factors that the opponent can use for comeback.

BnB: 623C Variant (Video Demonstration)

This combo offers good meter control, that she can use it twice to win a round. It's not a ToD but it's very safe

Normals/Punish > 46C~B > 623A > 8]X[ > 6B > 6C > (delay) > 623A > 8]X[ > 6B > 6C > 623A > 228B(install) > 623C > 623A > 62369C > 623A > 623B > dj > j.B > j.214B > backstep/delay > 46C~C > 623A > 62369C or 2147A

Meter Damage BnB into Okizeme (50/50 pseudo ToD) (Video Demonstration)

Okizeme is known as the wake up game, to hit the opponent when their options are limited. in this game the major threat to this technique is known as "Meter Wake Up" which the victim can spend meter to wake up more safely from a Hard Knock Down.

For Bazett to safely apply Okizeme, it is important to deplete their meter to be below 30% so they will not be able to use 623C reversal. On top of that, "Cross Up" is required so they cannot back dash.

This pseudo ToD is divided into 3 parts

  1. Meter damage BnB: Normals/Punish > 46C~B > 623A > ]X[ > 6B > 6C > (delay) > 623A > 8]X[ > 6B > 6C > 623A > 228B(install) > 623C > [623A > 62369C]x3 > Okizeme
  2. Okizeme: Meaty : > j.214C >
  3. Damage BnB (with meter damage): 6B > 46C~B > 623A > ]X[ > 6B > 6C > (delay) > 623A > 8]X[ > 6B > 6C > 623A > 228B(install) > 623C > [623A > 62369C]x2 > 623A > 62369B > (dj.) > j.B > j.214C > (land) > 46C~C > 623A > 62369C
  • The ender 62369C can be changed into 2147A, depends on the target's HP

True ToD (Video Demonstration)

For this ToD to be truly unburstable, 3 conditions must be met

  1. Bazett must have at least 100% meter
  2. The victim must have 10k remaining HP or less
  3. The victim must have less than 110% meter
 If they have more than 150%, don't use any of the super or activation, because they will be able to burst before she can fire 236236B, wasting the combo
 VERY IMPORTANT: ONLY USE 214214B, not A or C. Only the B version place the orbs in front of Bazett, allowing for the follow up 236236B to deal unscaled 3500 damage.

j.214C > 6C > 46C~B > 623A > 8]X[ > 6B > 6C > (delay) > 623A > 8]X[ > 6B > 6C > 623A > 228B(install) > 623C > 623A > 62369C > [623A > 62369B > (dj.) > j.B > j.214A]x2 > ]X[ > [623B > j.B > j.214A]x3 > 214214B > 623C > perfect activate > 214214B > 623A > 228A (fist rune) > 623A > 236236B > extension for more more than 10k HP characters: 46A~C > 46C~C > 46B~C > 623A > 214A

True ToD v2 (Video Demonstration)

(Video Demonstration with Input Display)

j.214C → 6C → 46C~B → 623A → 8]X[ → 6B → 6C → (delay) → 623A → 8]X[ → 6B → 6C → 623A → 228B(install) → 623C → 623A → tkc 623C → 623A → tkc 623C → dj.B → j.214A → 623A → tkc 623C → dj.B → j.214B → 22B(install) → 623C → 623B → dj.B → j.214A → 623B → d.jB → j.214A → 623C → activate → 214214A → 22B(install) → 623A → 214214B → 623A → tkc 22A(install) → ]X[ → 236236B → (if they survive) → 623B → 46B~C → 46C~C → 46A~C → 623A → 214A

Punish (WIP)

Her punish combo are almost identical to any of her combo, except she no longer needs any normals or uniques. Which means she will deal optimal damage.

Bazett utilizes 46A/B and backstep to dodge incoming attacks then quickly punish with 46X~B (mainly), or other moves which offer less combo potential.

Backstep > 46C~B > combo

Backstep > 236A~B (feet rune) > combo

Backstep > 46C~A~B (feet rune) > combo

  • 46C~B is punishable if Bazett misread the situation and land on guard. But it offers the most damage. If you realize you mess up and have already used 46C, use A instead so you won't be forced to use Reflect Guard.

214C > Combo

  • This only works if you predict the opponent to uses an attack that can be jumped over. It's not as reliable as Backstep > 46C~X but it's there.

System Specifics
Technical Data
PSP Differences
Saber Alter
Zero Lancer