JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R/Shigekiyo Yangu

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< JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R
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Shigekiyo Yangu, best known as Shigechi, is a secondary ally in Diamond is Unbreakable, the fourth part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. He uses his Stand, Harvest, to make the opponent move to him and overwhelm them on offense.

Despite being a Stand User, Shigechi does not follow the typical rules of Stand characters. Instead of switching between Stand Off and Stand On modes, Shigechi can put Harvest in Defensive and Offensive Formations: this gives him access to different special moves based on what Formation he is in. Other than that, all of these special moves cost him Harvest stacks, which he'll need to keep up with "You can see my Harvest?!" and Formation Changes to get to use them.

While his normals may be small, he can force his enemies to come towards him by harassing them with "I can get anything I want!", wait for the opponent to make mistakes and punish them with high pressure strings. His main combos come from Defensive Formation, where he uses "So itchy!" and "I'll protect them!" (Medium) to extend his combos, and then switches to Offensive Formation to hit them on the ground with "Mess with me and you're gonna get hurt!".

  • Relay Race: Shigechi is one of the only characters that is able to run both forward and backwards, giving him more maneuverability than most characters.
  • Mode Switching: Because Shigechi has Harvest active at all times, instead of the typical mode-switching of Stand On and Stand Off, Shigechi can switch between Offensive and Defensive Harvest formations as modes to get access to different special moves; this maneuver can be canceled into special moves as well, allowing him to quickly do this in strings. Harvest formations do not change anything other than the special moves Shigechi has access to.
JJASBR Shigechi Small Icon.png Shigekiyo Yangu is a Stand character who utilizes his special moves to pester and mix up the opponent.
Pros Cons
  • Great OTG Damage: Can hit the opponent OTG with special moves and his HHA, allowing him to combo after knockdowns, even at range.
  • Low Recovery Options: Access to "I can get anything I want!" and Formation Changes allow Shigechi to end strings in low recovery, as well as throwing projectiles to stay at advantage or getting resources back.
  • Oppressive Strings: While spending Harvest stacks on offense, Shigechi can create long strings with small gaps, leaving the opponent guessing for the next strike/throw mixup.
  • Anti-Zoning Tool: Despite his poor normals, Shigechi can use "I can get anything I want!" as an anti-zoning tool, summoning the projectile directly above the opponent with very little recovery. Although it doesn't track very well, stationary zoning opponents are forced to block, stop zoning, or take the hit.
  • TERRIBLE Normals: Abysmal range on his normals and a lack of a 5f move in general make him an absolute hell to play as in neutral; he's better off letting the opponent engage him.
  • Hard to Master: A character that really needs time and practice to get the good stuff out of him. During advantage, Shigechi will be continuously performing inputs and keeping track of Harvest stacks and Formation, requiring both execution and resource awareness.
  • Useless without Harvest: Heavily relies on his Harvest stacks to do anything. Without them, he needs to confirm into 2H to get them back, which is hard to do with his poor normals.
  • Bad Throws: Shigechi's Throws deal low damage and are lacking in advantage to set up on oki. Forward Throw will not give him enough time to hit the opponent meaty at all, and a Back Throw only gives him a dashjump j.H at best.
  • OTG HHA Neutral on Hit: While OTG HHA is a great tool to end combos and refill Harvest stacks, it leaves Shigechi neutral on hit, meaning he can't keep his advantage going. Normal HHA isn't a much better option either, as it means losing out on damage and meter gain, and it'll launch away and reset the opponent to neutral.

Herd of Harvests

Unlike other Stand characters, Shigechi's Stand, Harvest, is always active. This repurposes his Style button to summon a Harvest stack.

Shigechi has access to a maximum of 3 Harvest stacks, which he can use on special moves. Depending on the button used, the special will get different properties and use a different amount of Harvest stacks: Light consumes one stack, Medium uses two stacks and Heavy requires all three stacks.

All of Shigechi's special moves consume Harvest stacks, becoming completely unavailable without them. Additionally, if Shigechi attempts to perform a special move that consumes multiple Harvest stacks while he has an insufficient amount, the next best highest strength variation is used automatically.


Style Health Low Health Mode Hashtag(s)
Stand 900 Rumble #ASBR_SHI

Move List

Normal Moves

JJASBR Shigechi 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
13 Mid 7 - - 0 +6

Shigechi performs a quick kick in front of him.

  • Low horizontal range, equal to 2L. About halfway in the front stack of Offensive Formation.
  • On hit sets up timing perfectly for a Throw after. Also a Frame Trap with 5L and 2L.
  • Small pushback, can be done 3 times on block without moving.
    • Neutral on block, but he doesn't have a 5f normal, so opponents can beat you.
JJASBR Shigechi 5M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
21 Mid 7 - - -4 +2

Shigechi dashes forward while putting his hands in front of him, attempting to push the opponent away.

  • Medium horizontal range. A little more than the front stack of Offensive Formation, together with the movement.
  • Moves him forward a bit.
  • Big pushback on hit and block.
JJASBR Shigechi 5H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
34 Mid 13 - - -8 0

Shigechi leaps forward horizontally with a headbutt.

  • Large horizontal range. About two front stacks of Offensive Formation, together with movement.
  • Moves him forward a fair amount.
  • Generally lets him end up right in front of the opponent, depends on range.
JJASBR Shigechi 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
12 Low 7 - - -2 +4

Shigechi performs a sitting low kick.

  • Can cancel into itself.
  • Low horizontal range, equal to 5L. About halfway in the front stack of Offensive Formation.
  • Very Small pushback, can be done 4 times on block without moving.
JJASBR Shigechi 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
20 Low 7 - - -4 +2

Shigechi slides forward while sitting, performing an uppercut.

  • Abysmal range, smaller than 5L and 2L. About a quarter of the way in the front stack of Offensive Formation.
  • Big pushback on hit and block.
JJASBR Shigechi 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
32 Low 13 - - -8 -

Shigechi slides over the ground using his Harvest, sweeping the opponent.

  • Provides hard knockdown.
  • Large horizontal range. Slightly less than two front stacks of Offensive Formation, together with movement.
  • Can low-profile certain moves.
JJASBR Shigechi Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
16 Overhead 9 - - - -

Shigechi pushes his arms out at an upwards angle.

  • Good vertical hitbox against aerial opponents, biggest horizontal range out of all aerials.
  • Fastest aerial option.
  • Short active duration.
  • Low hitstun.
JJASBR Shigechi Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
24 Overhead 11 - - - -

Shigechi kicks at a downwards angle.

  • Very low horizontal range, decent vertical range.
  • Long active duration.
  • Can hit rising on standing targets, and specific crouchers.
    • Works well with 623L setup.
  • Medium hitstun.
  • Good hitbox for crossups.
JJASBR Shigechi Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
38 Overhead 15 - - - -

Shigechi stretches out horizontally, kicking the opponent.

  • Decent vertical and horizontal range, hits about where his shoes are horizontally.
  • Rather slow aerial option.
  • Medium active duration.
  • Long hitstun.
    • Can combo after rising dashjump.
  • Can crossup.

Special Moves

I can get anything I want!
JJASBR Shigechi 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 11*6 Mid - - - - -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Medium 6*13 Mid - - - - -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Heavy 90 Mid - - - - -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2

JJASBR Offensive Harvest Icon.png
Offensive Formation
JJASBR Defensive Harvest Icon.png
Defensive Formation
Don't underestimate Harvest!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 10*6 Mid 17 - - -10 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Medium 7*12 Mid 17 - - -4 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Heavy 6*18 Mid 17 - - 0 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Offense 214X
Mess with me and you're gonna get hurt!
JJASBR Shigechi Off 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 9*6 Low 21 - - -36 -20
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Medium 6*12 Low 21 - - -34 -18
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Heavy 5*18 Low 21 - - -30 -16
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Offense 41236X
Move and you'll regret it!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 14, 5*4, 20 Throw 27 - - - -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Medium 14, 5*5, 25 Throw 27 - - - -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Heavy 14, 5*6, 30 Throw 27 - - - -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Defense 214X
Don't come any closer!
JJASBR Shigechi Def 214X.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - - - - - -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Defense 214X-6X
I'll protect them!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 35 Mid 5 - - -16 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Medium 5*15 Mid 5 - - +16 +22
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Heavy 40*2 Low 5 - - -14 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Defense 41236X
So itchy!
JJASBR Shigechi Def 41236X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 40 Low 19 - - -26 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Medium 40 Low 19 - - -16 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Heavy 40 Low 19 - - -10 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2

System Mechanics

Don't move!
5/4 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Shigechi Throw (1).png
JJASBR Shigechi Throw (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
95 Throw 7 - - - +20
  • Forward Throw will not allow Shigechi to hit the opponent in time for wakeup.
  • Back Throw leaves the opponent closer, but can't set up 623L or get a stack back before it.
Don't come any closer!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - - - - - -
Relay Race
JJASBR Shigechi 66-Hold.png
JJASBR Shigechi 44-Hold.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Forward - - - - - - -
Back - - - - - - -

Harvest carries Shigechi in a caterpillar track-like fashion.

  • Allows Shigechi to run backwards.
  • Movement speed increases with Harvest stacks.
You can see my Harvest?!
JJASBR Shigechi 5S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - 1 - 24 - -

Summons a stack of Harvest.

  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
Defensive Formation
Offensive Formation

JJASBR Shigechi 6S.png
Offensive Formation
Offensive Formation
JJASBR Shigechi 4S.png
Defensive Formation
Defensive Formation
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - 1 - 26 - -

Switches Offensive to Defensive Formation (4S), or Defensive to Offensive Formation (6S).

  • Both have the same cancel features of a Command Normal, meaning they can be canceled into from Normals and canceled into Specials.

Heart Heat Attack

Now I'm real mad!
236 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Shigechi HHA (1).png
JJASBR Shigechi HHA (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal 186 (48*3+42) Mid 1(4)1 - - -64 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2
OTG 186 (48*3+42) Mid 1(2)1 - - - 0
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2

Great Heat Attack

You want proof? Here it is!
JJASBR Shigechi GHA (1).png
JJASBR Shigechi GHA (2).png
JJASBR Shigechi GHA (3).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
354 (60+294) Mid 1(26)1 - - -128 -
  • Notes 1
  • Notes 2


Character Data
Patch Notes
JJASBR Part 1 Emblem.png
Phantom Blood
Dio Brando
JJASBR Part 2 Emblem.png
Battle Tendency
Lisa Lisa
JJASBR Part 3 Emblem.png
Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro (Part 3)
Old Joseph
Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice
JJASBR Part 4 Emblem.png
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke (Part 4)
Jotaro (Part 4)
JJASBR Part 5 Emblem.png
Vento Aureo
JJASBR Part 6 Emblem.png
Stone Ocean
Foo Fighters
Pucci (WS)
Pucci (Final)
JJASBR Part 7 Emblem.png
Steel Ball Run
AW Diego
JJASBR Part 8 Emblem.png
Josuke (Part 8)
Wonder of U
Baoh the Visitor