JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R/Caesar A. Zeppeli

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Caesar A. Zeppeli, a major ally in Battle Tendency, the second part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, is a setplay character excelling at locking down his opponents with wakeup pressure.

Caesar's gameplan centers around covering space with "Bubble Cutter" and "Bubble Launcher (Air)" until he gets a chance to get in and hard knockdown which allows him to set up "Bubble Lenses". The versions of "Bubble Lenses" all have different activation speeds and firing angles which allow for Caesar to mix-up his pressure. Caesar usually wants to end combos with 2H as it hard knockdowns even airborne opponents and allows him to return to an identical setup.

On defense, Caesar has a plethora of invincible reversal options with his "One-Fisted Uppercut(H version)" being your regular DP, "One-Fisted Uppercut(S version)" which crumples the opponent granting you a full combo, and his "Hamon Kick (S version)" which is safe on block and even on whiff against most characters that dont have a way to punish it. He also has great anti-airs with "One-Fisted Uppercut(L version)" allowing you to convert into a full combo and "Bubble Barrier" which can be safe on block if the opponent is further away. "Bubble Lenses" can also be used as an anti-air but is inconsistent.

Although because his best options cost HH Gauge he has to constantly manage his meter usage to be able to get in and start his pressure.

  • Hamon Specials: For the cost of 0.5 bars, Caesar can perform enhanced versions of his special moves, which will also cause Hamon Damage when used against Stone Mask characters.
  • Seated Leap: Caesar has access to a Super Jump ability that can be cancelled into from normals on both hit and block, giving him solid combo extensions and allowing for some situational mixups.
  • Aerial Chain Beat: Caesar can chain his aerial attacks, allowing him to have different combos and confirms.
  • Setplay: Thanks to his "Bubble Lenses" and their delayed activation, Caesar can enable okizeme through repeated knockdowns and ambiguous cross-ups.
JJASBR Caesar Small Icon.png Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli is a Hamon character who thrives off of setplay and mix-ups.
Pros Cons
  • Good Space Control: Caesar has access to several projectiles such as "Bubble Cutter", "Bubble Launcher (Air)", and "Bubble Lenses", meaning the opponent has to take risks to approach.
  • Good Defense: Both "One-Fisted Uppercut" and "Hamon Kick (S version)" are good invincible reversals, allowing Caesar to easily punish gaps in pressure.
  • Good Setplay: From any hit during a "Bubble Lenses" setup, Caesar can end the combo and return into an identical setup. This is aided by his 2H, which is uniquely capable of causing a hard knockdown even against airborne opponents.
  • Meter Reliant: Caesar's best tools are his Hamon Specials, which cost HH Gauge to use. In combination with his particularly low meterless damage (often being unable to deal 200+), Caesar struggles to compete without said resource.
  • Stubby Buttons: Short normals with poor conversions make it hard for Caesar to be the aggressor in neutral and bait Throws.
  • Inconsistent Routes: Due to the nature of his routing, different factors (such as Stand hurtboxes, positioning and distance to the wall, and his projeciles hitting in inconsistent ways) will often require for Caesar to improvise and modify a combo on the fly.


Style Health Low Health Mode Hashtag(s)
Hamon 950 Rumble #ASBR_CAE

Move List

Normal Moves

JJASBR Caesar 5L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
13 Mid 4 - - -2 +2

Caesar performs a low jab.

  • Standard jab.
  • Reaches lower than other jabs, making it not as good at stopping dash-jumps.
JJASBR Caesar 5M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
21 Mid 6 - - -6 -2

Caesar performs an uppercut.

  • Good range for counter-pokes.
  • Hits around halfway through the animation.
JJASBR Caesar 5H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
33 (10, 23) Mid 10(1)1 - - -8 -2

Caesar performs a spinning backfist.

  • Good range for pokes.
JJASBR Caesar 2L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
12 Low 6 - - 0 +4

Caesar performs a crouching jab.

  • Standard jab.
  • Can chain into itself 3 times.
JJASBR Caesar 2M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
20 Low 6 - - -2 +2

Caesar performs a crouching hook.

  • Good range for counter-pokes.
JJASBR Caesar 2H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
32 Low 12 - - -6 HKD

Caesar slides forward and performs a sweeping kick.

  • Causes hard knockdown, even during a juggle.
  • Good range for pokes.
JJASBR Caesar Jump L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
16 (4*4) Overhead 10((1)1)*3 - - - -

Caesar performs an attack downwards with Hamon.

  • Stubby aerial.
  • Good for jump-ins.
JJASBR Caesar Jump M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
25 Overhead 10 - - - -

Caesar performs a kick downwards.

  • Good for jump-ins and juggles.
JJASBR Caesar Jump H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
33 Overhead 12 - - - -

Caesar performs a kick outwards.

  • Good for air-to-airs and juggles.

Special Moves

Seated Jump
Any jump after 1/2/3
JJASBR Caesar 28.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - - - - Total XX -

Caesar propels himself into the air while remaining in a sitting position.

  • Can be cancelled into on hit or block.
Bubble Launcher
236L (Air OK)
JJASBR Caesar 236L (1).png
JJASBR Caesar 236L (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Ground 30 (6*5) Mid 18 - - -14 -10
Air 30 (6*5) Mid 10 - - 0 (TK) +4 (TK)

Caesar throws 5 Bubble Launchers.

Ground version:

  • Bubble Launchers are fired in front of Caesar, letting them float towards the opponent.
  • Bubbles only travel about two characters worth of distance.
  • Good for holding space.

Air version:

  • Bubble Launchers are fired downwards, letting them float.
  • Cannot be used while jumping backwards.
  • Bubbles do not reach the floor.
  • Good for juggles and holding space.
Bubble Cutter
JJASBR Caesar 236M (1).png
JJASBR Caesar 236M (2).png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal 48 (8*6) Mid 14 / 40 - - 0 -4
Style 80 (8*10) Mid 14 / 40 - - - +18

Caesar prepares a number of Bubble Cutters at head height before launching them straight ahead.

  • Listed startup refers to projectile spawn / release, assuming the move is not delayed.

Normal version:

Caesar throws 6 Bubble Cutters.

  • Travels fullscreen.
  • Can be held to delay the projectiles.
  • Will miss against crouching or short opponents.

Style version:

Caesar throws 10 Bubble Cutters.

  • Costs 0.5 HH Gauge.
  • Deals Hamon damage (96 [9.6*10]).
  • Travels fullscreen.
  • Can be held to delay the projectiles.
  • Covers more height than the Normal version.
Gliding Bubble Cutter
JJASBR Caesar 236H (1).png
JJASBR Caesar 236H (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
40 (8*5) Low 30 - - +4 0

Caesar prepares 5 Bubble Cutters at foot height before launching them straight ahead.

  • Travels fullscreen.
  • Can be held to delay the projectiles.
  • Can be jumped over.
One-Fisted Uppercut
JJASBR Caesar 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 50 Mid 10 - - -12 KD
Medium 65 Mid 12 - - -26 KD
Heavy 90 (15, 75) Mid 14(1)1 - - -34 KD
Style 65 (10*6, 5) Mid 8(1)1(1)1(5)1 - - -20 Crumple

Caesar performs a Hamon-infused uppercut.

  • Cannot be canceled into HHA.

L version:

  • Does not have invul.
  • Launches on hit.

M version:

  • Launches on hit.
  • Has invul.
  • Cannot be Flash Canceled.

H version:

  • Launches on hit.
  • Has invul.
  • Cannot be Flash Canceled.

S version:

  • Costs 0.5 HH Gauge.
  • Deals Hamon damage (78 [12*6, 6]).
  • Binds the opponent, which transitions into a crumple against grounded opponents.
  • Has invul.
  • Cannot be Flash Canceled.
Hamon Kick
JJASBR Caesar 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 80 (30, 50) Mid 16(1)1 - - -10 KD
Medium 90 (35, 55) Mid 20(1)1 - - -20 KD
Heavy 100 (40, 60) Mid 24(1)1 - - -26 KD
Style 120 (50, 70) Mid 18(1)1 - - -28 KD

Caesar performs a leaping kick.

  • The distance traveled changes depending on the version used.
  • Launches on hit.
  • Caesar will recoil backwards on hit or block.
  • Caesar is considered to be grounded despite going into the air, allowing him to cancel into HHA.
  • Shares IPS with its aerial counterpart.

L version:

  • Covers the least distance.
  • Recoils the least.

M version:

  • Covers and recoils a moderate distance.

H version:

  • Covers the most distance.
  • Recoils the most.

S version:

  • Costs 0.5 HH Gauge.
  • Deals Hamon damage (144 [60, 84]).
  • Has invul.
  • Cannot be Flash Canceled, nor canceled into HHA.
  • Travel and recoil distances are identical to the H version.
Cat Stance
JJASBR Caesar 421X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 0 - 12 - - - -
Medium 0 - 14 - - - -
Heavy 0 - 16 - - - -
Style 0 - 2 - - - -

Caesar poses, preparing to parry an opponent's attack.

  • Caesar performs a Stylish Guard on a succesful activation.
  • Does not work against projectiles, Throws, HHAs, GHAs, or Assists.

L version:

  • Slowest startup and fastest recovery.
  • Can be canceled into L normals during its active frames.

M version:

  • Balanced startup and recovery.
  • Can be canceled into M normals during its active frames.

H version:

  • Fast startup and slowest recovery.
  • Can be canceled into H normals during its active frames.

S version:

  • Costs 0.5 HH Gauge.
  • Fastest startup and recovery.
  • Cannot be canceled into normals.
Bubble Lenses
22L/M/H/S (Air OK)
JJASBR Caesar 22L.png
L version
L version
JJASBR Caesar 22M.png
M version
M version
JJASBR Caesar 22H.png
H version
H version
JJASBR Caesar 22S.png
S version
S version
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light Bubble: 12
Laser: 40
Mid 6 - Total XX - -
Medium Bubbles: 24 (12*2)
Lasers: 56 (28*2)
Mid 6 - Total XX - -
Heavy Bubbles: 36 (12*6)
Lasers: 72 (24*3)
Mid 6 - Total XX - -
Style Bubbles: 60 (12*5)
Lasers: 75 (15*5)
Mid 6 - Total XX - -

Caesar conjures stationary Bubble Cutters which, after a delay, will refract solar rays in the form of lasers.

  • The Bubble Lenses themselves can hit the opponent.
  • Only one set of Bubble Lenses can be out at a time.
    • Bubble Lenses already out on the field will disappear if any version of the move is used again, unless those Bubble Lenses were already firing off.

L version:

  • Caesar creates a singe Bubble Lens in front of him.
  • Shoots a single laser downwards.

M version:

  • Caesar creates 2 Bubble Lenses in front of him.
  • Shoots lasers at a 45 degree angle downwards.

H version:

  • Caesar creates 3 Bubble Lenses above him.
  • Shoots lasers outwards.

S version:

  • Caesar creates 5 Bubble Lenses above him.
  • Costs 0.5 HH Gauge.
  • Deals Hamon damage (Bubbles: 70 [14*5]; Lasers: 90 [18*5])
  • Shoots lasers that track the position of the opponent.
Hamon Kick (Air)
JJASBR Caesar Jump 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Light 25 Overhead 14 - - - -
Medium 30 Overhead 18 - - - -
Heavy 35 Overhead 22 - - - -
Style 60 Overhead 14 - - - -

Whlie in the air, Caesar performs a divekick.

  • How long Caesar takes to descend changes depending on the version used, inversely affecting landing recovery.
  • Cannot be used while jumping backwards.
  • Shares IPS with its grounded counterpart.

L version:

  • Descends quickly, but has the most landing recovery.

M version:

  • Takes longer to descend, but has less landing recovery.

H version:

  • Takes the longest to descend, but has even less landing recovery.

S version:

  • Costs 0.5 HH Gauge.
  • Deals Hamon damage (72).
  • Descends the fastest and has the least landing recovery.

System Mechanics

Hamon Spark
5/4 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Caesar Throw (1).png
JJASBR Caesar Throw (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
110 Throw 6 - - - HKD

Caesar grabs the opponent and fills them with Hamon with both of his hands.

  • Leaves the opponent close to Caesar.
  • Both Throws are identical aside from direction.
JJASBR Caesar Assist (1).png
JJASBR Caesar Assist (2).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Bubbles: 60 (12*5)
Lasers: 75 (15*5)
Mid - - - - -

Caesar conjures 5 stationary Bubble Cutters that will refract solar rays in the form of lasers after a delay.

  • Assault Assist Stocks: 2
  • Reversal Assist Stocks: 2
  • Based on 22S
  • Deals Hamon Damage.
  • Lasers track the position of the opponent.
Hamon Breathing
JJASBR Caesar 5S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - - - - - -

Caesar uses Hamon Breathing to charge his HH Gauge.

  • Takes 20.2 seconds to go from 0 to 3 bars.
  • Cannot be cancelled into or out of.
  • Animation changes on each use; purely aesthetic.

Heart Heat Attack

Bubble Barrier
236 + Any Two Attack Buttons
JJASBR Caesar HHA (1).png
JJASBR Caesar HHA (2).png
JJASBR Caesar HHA (3).png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
210 (15*6+120) Mid - - - - HKD

Caesar throws a multitude of bubbles in three groups. When they make contact with the opponent, it traps them in a larger bubble and pops, dealing damage to them.

  • Activation projectile does not travel fullscreen.
  • This is a hitgrab.

Great Heat Attack

Burn Black!
JJASBR Caesar GHA (1).png
JJASBR Caesar GHA (2).png
JJASBR Caesar GHA (3).png
The light! It goes from lens to lens! Burn Black!
The light! It goes from lens to lens! Burn Black!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
320 (12+6*40+68) Mid - - - - HKD

Caesar sends forward many Bubble Lenses that surround the opponent, reflecting sunlight into lasers that all converge onto the opponent and burn them.

  • Projectiles travel fullscreen, but are slow.
  • Confirms from 623S.



Normal (Color 1)
Normal (Color 2)
Normal (Color 3)
Normal (Color 4)


Special A (Color 1)
Special A (Color 2)
Special B (Color 1)
Special B (Color 2)


Character Data
Patch Notes
JJASBR Part 1 Emblem.png
Phantom Blood
Dio Brando
JJASBR Part 2 Emblem.png
Battle Tendency
Lisa Lisa
JJASBR Part 3 Emblem.png
Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro (Part 3)
Old Joseph
Hol Horse
Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice
JJASBR Part 4 Emblem.png
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke (Part 4)
Jotaro (Part 4)
JJASBR Part 5 Emblem.png
Vento Aureo
JJASBR Part 6 Emblem.png
Stone Ocean
Foo Fighters
Pucci (WS)
Pucci (Final)
JJASBR Part 7 Emblem.png
Steel Ball Run
AW Diego
JJASBR Part 8 Emblem.png
Josuke (Part 8)
Wonder of U
Baoh the Visitor