EN-Eins Perfektewelt/Kati: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Super Moves: added descriptions.)
(→‎Combos: added some combos)
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'''Midscreen Combos'''
'''Midscreen Combos'''
5A > 5B > 5BB > 5C > 5CC
5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 22C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 236C
6C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C
5[C] > 5CC > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > 66X
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.C
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 236B > 22D
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214C > 22D
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214C > 236D > Double jump forwards > j.C > 2C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B
5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B OR 22C (two hits) > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C
6C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.214D > 5A > 236C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D
5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B OR 22C (two hits) > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D
6C > 5A > 22B OR 22C (two hits) > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.214D > 5A > 236C > 214D
A+B+C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C

'''Corner Combos'''
'''Corner Combos'''
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 22C
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5AA > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 22C
6C > 5A > 5AA > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C
5[C] > j.A > j.B > 66X > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 5C > 5CC
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.C > 2A > 2A > 2B > 22A
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.C > 2A > 2A > 2B > 22A > 214D
5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 22B > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 22A> 214D
6C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 22A  > 214D
5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 22A > 214D
A+B+C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C

== Frame Data ==
== Frame Data ==

Revision as of 20:42, 14 August 2020

Kati's official profile image


"A German little girl who went missing. She was somehow protected in Tibet and now sets out on a new journey wielding a strange wand."


Kati is an unusual character, that while sounding weak on paper, is among the strongest characters in the game. Kati has good range on most of her normals, allowing her to play well from a distance and get good whiff punishes. Making this stronger is she has ways to convert off most of her attacks, including her 22X due to her EX j.214 being a fantastic move for combos. Furthermore, her 22X is fully invincible and is fast, and leads to full combos, giving her one of the strongest reversals in the game. This does come with flaws though, as she has some of the slowest movement in the game and the worst defense rating. Additionally, her neutral is flawed, as while she has very good buttons, similar to Sai she can struggle at dealing with projectiles and characters better at zoning, and unlike Sai, doesn't have as many tools to get in quickly. Still, she's a character who has good pressure while being hard to pressure against, and a strong combo game to support it.

  • Armor Ratio = 1.050 (Lowest Defense)
  • Forward Speed = 4.5 (Third Slowest)
  • Backwards Speed = 3.5 (Second Slowest)
  • Jump Startup = 4F (Second Slowest)
  • Backdash Duration = 23F (Fourth Shortest)


  • Strong pokes that lead to conversions
  • Good frame data
  • Good mixups
  • Can convert into full damage at any part of the screen
  • Very strong reversal
  • Can block out of her dashes, meaning she can't be hit while dashing
  • Best girl don't @ me


  • Slow movement
  • Can struggle against projectiles
  • Bad defense rating

All damage values below were tested on Akatsuki with 1.000 armor ratio, full life on both sides, and minimum power level (remember about "Health difference", "Guts", and "Power Level" systems)

Normal Moves

EE Kati 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
400 High/Low 4 +0 +0

Typical 5A, although it does slightly less damage than normal.

EE Kati 5AA.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
300 High/Low 4 -4 -4

Typical 5AA

EE Kati 5AAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
300 High/Low 4 -4 -4

Has very good range for a 5AAA, and has uses.

EE Kati 5AAAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
300 High/Low 4 -8 -8

Has a lot of range although it won't be used much.

EE Kati 5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
900 High/Low 9 -3 -5

A very good poke, has a lot of range and confirms into full combos.

EE Kati 5BB.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
300 High/Low 7 -5 -7

Brings Kati forwards, allowing her to combo into 22C and get some of her bigger combos.

EE Kati 5BBB.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
300 High/Low 7 -4 -8

Bad finisher, shouldn't be used.

EE Kati 5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1200 High/Low 11 KD -9

OK 5C, has a good amount of range and works pretty well as an anti-air.

EE Kati 5CC.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
735 High 6 KD -8

Pretty good, as it comes out relatively fast for a 5CC and isn't that weak either.

EE Kati 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
300 High/Low 4 0 0

Pretty typical 2A.

EE Kati 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
700 Low 7 -2 -4

One of the longest range 2Bs in the game, very good as a poke.

EE Kati 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1100 Low 11 -11 KD

Functionally very similar to Sai's, but its slightly less active and has slightly less range.

EE Kati j.A.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
400 High 4 +0 +0

Not very good, has slightly more range than average but can't crossup.

EE Kati j.B.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
945 High 6 VB VB

Pretty good, has a good angle for landing and has good range.

EE Kati j.C.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1470 High 9 VB VB

Very good aerial. Decently fast, has good range, and is at a good angle for landings.

Command Normals

昇天モルゲンシュテルン - Shouten Morgenstern
EE Kati 5(C).png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1400 High/Low 24 KD -5

Has full armor during startup, making it a scary move for opponents. Launches so it leads to good combos.

圧砕モルゲンシュテルン - Assai Morgenstern
EE Kati 6C.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1260 High 23 KD -9

Decent overhead that leads to alright combos. However, its on the slower end for overheads.

Special Moves

制裁モルゲンシュテルン - Seisai Morgenstern
EE Kati 236A.png
Power pole extend!
Power pole extend!
EE Kati 236B.png
EE Kati 236C.png
EE Kati 236D.png
- - - - -

The closest thing Kati has to a projectile. Kati makes her wand extend. Reaches far and can be used for many different purposes depending on the version used.

Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
A 800 Low/High 9 -16 -21
  • Hits the opponent without doing anything else.
  • Best version for neutral play, as it reaches decently far and won't put you in a bad situation if it's blocked from a distance
B 900 Low/High 9 +0 -11
  • Kati extends the wand and then pulls it.
  • Pulls opponent to her on hit, and pulls her to the opponent on block.
  • Can be used for some gimmicks when it hits due to it being +0 (throwing immediately, dping).
  • Dangerous to use in neutral since you're pulling yourself right to the opponent if they block while minus
  • Can be used in a few super confirms for slightly higher damage over 236C.
C 600 x 2 Low/High 9 KD -19/-47
  • Kati pulls the wand and follows it up with a smack.
  • Used as a combo ender for some meterless combos and to set up super cancels.
  • If its blocked, it'll beat people who mash after the first hit since Kati is invincible between the first and second hit, meaning it'll beat invincible moves. However, the second hit can be reflectored.
  • It's also incredibly unsafe if the second hit is simply blocked.
EX 900 x 4 Low/High 9 KD -9
  • Kati extends the wand and makes it extra big.
  • Can be used to make an otherwise unsafe blockstring or dp safe
  • Wallsplats, but this isn't very useful since Kati gets pushed back so far from the opponent.
  • Has use in a few combos since it can be used for a good amount of corner carry, but Kati has better options
爆走カルーセル - Bakusou Karussell
214+A/B/C/D (Air OK!)
EE Kati 214A.png
EE Kati 214D 1.png
EE Kati 214D 2.png
- - - - -

Kati spins with her wand, hitting the opponent multiple times. Has occasional use as a combo ender but is more used for extending combos.

Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
A 1000 Low/High 10 -2 -6
  • Kati swings her wand once
  • Functionally useless in her moveset, maybe can be used as a poke?
B 700 x 2 Low/High 10 KD -7
  • Kati swings her wand twice
  • Launches, and can be linked into 2A for extended combos in both midscreen and corner. Has good use as a result.
C 600 x 3 Low/High 10 KD -12
  • Kati swings her wand three times, dealing the most damage
  • Can't link into 2A like 214B
  • Canceled into supers for some combos, but isn't use much otherwise
EX 1000 x 6 Low/High 7 KD -15

Kati takes a position then swings her wand 5 times before slamming the opponent into the ground.

  • Kati's best combo ender in longer combos when 22 EX would drop.
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
j.A 800 Low/High 10 VB VB
  • Kati spins in the air, jumping up slightly
  • Stays in place, removing all her aerial momentum
  • Has use for crossup mixups but not much else
j.B 800 Low/High 10 KD VB
  • Kati spins in the air, jumping a little higher
  • Goes slightly forwards, helping her crossup mixups.
j.C 800 Low/High 10 KD VB
  • Kati spins in the air, jumping the highest of the j.214X series.
  • Flies very far forwards, can be used similarly to Sai's 214C as a tool to get in.
j.EX 800 x 5 Low/High 7 KD VB

Kati spins around 5 times, normally hitting 3 times. One of her most important moves for comboing

  • Often combined with a 22C or 22B to extend combos, allowing her to deal good damage
華麗ヴィルベル - Karei Wirbel
EE Kati 22A.png
EE Kati 22D 1.png
EE Kati 22D 2.png
I hope you like getting stepped on
I hope you like getting stepped on
- - - - -

Kati's DP. One of the better DPs in the game, leads to some of her strongest combos and also her main combo ender.

Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
A 1200 Low/High 5 KD -26
  • Her fastest DP. Mainly used as a wake-up option
  • Used in a few combos to cancel into 214 EX
  • On hit can be canceled into j.214 EX to get a combo out of it
  • Her only meterless DP that is fully invincible.
B 800 x 2 Low/High 7 KD -26
  • Her least used version of the DP, albeit still useful
  • Used in combos that allow her to switch sides, and in a few niche corner combos
  • Used as a combo ender in a few combos
C 700 x 3 Low/High 9 KD = 30
  • Her most used version
  • Not good as a reversal due to it having little invincibility
  • Can be canceled into 214 EX for strong combos, used frequently for this purpose
EX 1000 x 4 + 800 + 200 Low/High 5 KD -36

Kati brings them up to the air with her spinning wand, then slams them back to the ground and kicks them away.

  • Her highest damaging EX move, used as a combo ender for combos that aren't too long, mainly combos that use 236B or 236C.

Universal Mechanics


Forward Throw
EE Kati A+B.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
2000 N/A 5 KD N/A

An ok throw. Launches the opponent fairly far from her, but not too far.

Air Throw
EE Kati j.A+B.png
EE Kati j.A+B 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
~2000 N/A 3 KD N/A

A pretty good air grab. Kati grabs the opponent and slams them down to the ground. Keeps her close to the opponent and gives her a mixup.


Standing Reflector
EE Kati Standing Reflector.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
800 High/Low - KD -

Typical standing reflector. Leads to fairly bad 5A combos. Has better combos in corner.

Crouching Reflector
EE Kati Crouching Reflector.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
600 N/A - KD -

Actually leads to better combos than her standing reflector, starting with 5A or 5B.

Jumping Reflector
EE Kati Jumping Reflector.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
700 N/A - KD -

One of the worst jumping reflectors, only leads to a combo starting with 5A or 5B.

Dash Attack

EE Kati 66X.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1000 High/Low 7 KD -10

Slightly worse than average dash attack, not very active and only has an average amount of range. However due to her unique dash she can take advantage of it. Used in a couple combos but not many.

Super Moves

兇眼モルゲンシュテルン - Kyougan Morgenstern
EE Kati A+B+C 1.png
EE Kati A+B+C 2.png
Kati slam!
Kati slam!
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1800 + 4000 Low/High 5 KD -12

Kati shoots an eye projectile out of her wand, locking the opponent in place while she jumps up, increasing the size of the wand and slams the opponent.

  • The only level 3 in the game you can combo off of, although the scaling applied makes it not really worth it.
  • Similar to Sai's level 3, comboing into her level 3 increases the damage scaling so much that it's not worth using.
  • Can be used as a reversal as it comes out just as fast as her 22A or 22 EX but it's a high price to pay if it misses.
暴走ロコモーティヴ - Bousou Lokomotive
EE Kati A+B+D 2.png
EE Kati A+B+D 3.png
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
2800 x 2 Low/High 10 KD -32

Kati goes into a runner's starter stance before dashing forward, hitting the opponent twice. After hitting the opponent, she does her victory pose.

  • One of the worst Kanzen Shinsatsus, incredibly unsafe on block, even more so than others.
  • Doesn't do a particular amount of damage or allow you to combo off of it to make up for it

General Strategy


Combo Game

Offensive Pressure


Reversal Options


Other Resources


Midscreen Combos

5A > 5B > 5BB > 5C > 5CC

5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 22C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 236C

6C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C

5[C] > 5CC > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > 66X

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.C

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 236B > 22D

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214C > 22D

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214C > 236D > Double jump forwards > j.C > 2C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B

5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B OR 22C (two hits) > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C

6C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.214D > 5A > 236C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D

5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B OR 22C (two hits) > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D

6C > 5A > 22B OR 22C (two hits) > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C > 214D

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.214D > 5A > 236C > 214D

A+B+C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 236C

Corner Combos

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 22C

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5AA > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 22C

6C > 5A > 5AA > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C

5[C] > j.A > j.B > 66X > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 5C > 5CC

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.C > 2A > 2A > 2B > 22A

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.C > 2A > 2A > 2B > 22A > 214D

5A > 5B > 5BB > 214B > 2A > 5B > 5BB > 22B > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 22A> 214D

6C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22B > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 22A > 214D

5[C] > j.A > j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.214D > 5A > 5B > 22A > 214D

A+B+C > 5A > 5B > 5BB > 22C

Frame Data

KD - Knockdown
VB - Variable
*UV - value(s) marked with "?" in the table is/are unverified
x~yF - a period from frame "x" till frame "y"

                            |     Frames      |  Frame Advantage  |
                    Attack  | Total | Startup | On Hit | On Block | Notes
    Throws and Reflectors  ---------------------------------------
                4/5/6+A+B   |       |         |   KD   |    --    |
              j.4/5/6+A+B   |       |         |   KD   |    --    |
                  5+B+C/D   |       |         |   KD   |          |
                  c.B+C/D   |       |         |   KD   |          |
                  j.B+C/D   |       |         |   KD   |          |
                  Normals  ---------------------------------------
                      5A    |  15   |    4    |   +0   |    +0    |
                      5AA   |       |         |        |          |
                      5AAA  |       |         |        |          |
                      5AAAA |       |         |        |          |
                      5B    |       |         |        |          |
                      5BB   |       |         |        |          |
                      5BBB  |       |         |        |          |
                      5C    |       |         |   KD   |          | 
                      5CC   |       |         |        |          |
                      c.A   |  15   |    4    |   +0   |    +0    |
                      c.B   |       |         |        |          |
                      c.C   |       |         |   KD   |          |
                      j.A   |  15   |    4    |   +0   |    +0    |
                      j.B   |       |         |   VB   |    VB    |
                      j.C   |       |         |   VB   |    VB    |
          Command Normals  ---------------------------------------
                       5[C] |       |         |   KD   |          |
                       6C   |       |         |   KD   |          |
                 Specials  ---------------------------------------
                    236+A   |       |         |        |          |
                    236+B   |       |         |        |          |
                    236+C   |       |         |        |          |
                    214+A   |       |         |        |          | 
                    214+B   |       |         |        |          | 
                    214+C   |       |         |        |          | 
                  j.214+A   |       |         |        |          |
                  j.214+B   |       |         |        |          |
                  j.214+C   |       |         |        |          |
                     22+A   |       |         |        |          | 
                     22+B   |       |         |        |          | 
                     22+C   |       |         |        |          | 
EX, Level 3, Kanzen Sekai  ---------------------------------------
                  236+D     |       |         |   KD   |          | ?F invincible
                  214+D     |       |         |   KD   |          | ?F invincible
                j.214+D     |       |         |   KD   |          | ?F invincible
                   22+D     |       |         |   KD   |    --    | ?F invincible
                  A+B+C     |       |         |   KD   |    --    | superflash ?F, ?F invincible
                  A+B+D     |       |         |   KD   |    --    | superflash ?F, ?F invincible


  • The German girl who was possessed by Mycale in the events of ABK/AA.

Kati's Story

  • Opening
 Kati, a German little girl who went missing while going out,
 was somehow protected in the hinterland of Tibet, but instead of returning home to her parents
 she set out on a new journey wielding a strange wand after recovering from a debilitating condition.

  • VS Generic
 Uwaa, I won...

  • VS Sai
 Ah, mister long legs...? (*1)

  • VS Perfecti
 Are you okay?
 Hey, wait a moment...

  • First Interaction
 Suddenly, piercing the South Pole's permafrost, the form of a huge structure appeared.
 So you are still alive... but why did you come to this place?
 Oh well... This must also be destiny. I will personally grant your soul salvation.

  • Second Interaction
 To think you could defeat the Perfecti Mycale... Was it the power of that wand's evil eye?
 However, this ends here. Accept your death archaic human.
 I am Valkyria, the one who brings death to the Old World.

  • Ending
 Perfecti-chan... no, Mycale-chan, wake up!
 Kati understands very well that Mycale-chan has been lonely for a long time.
 That's why I came to see you... and... I hope we can be friends.
  • Translation Notes
  • (*1) 足長おじさん (ashinaga ojisan) (1) anonymous scholarship system for orphans whose parents have been killed in traffic accidents (from Daddy-Long-Legs, a 1912 novel by Jean Webster); (2) harvestman; daddy long-legs (arachnid of order Opiliones). Sai helped Kati (it's uncertain if he had something to do with either her being found safe in Tibet or her recovery from a weakened state), so they know each other and they use Japanese familiar terms when they speak to one another. Kati uses おじさん (oji-san) [old man; mister] for Sai so in Japanese this is a pun that has both the same meaning of "Daddy-Long-Legs" and "mister long-legs". Sai refers to Kati as お嬢ちゃん (ojou-chan) a familiar term from the polite お嬢さん (ojou-san) [young lady] usually translated as "missy" or "little lady". Both also have the meaning of uncle and daughter (not family related) respectively but using those terms would lead to confusion.

Cut Content
Marilyn Dajie
Anonym Guard
System Specifics