EN-Eins Perfektewelt/Changelog: Difference between revisions

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m (/* System Changes *slight grammar fix)
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*'' '''Additional Button''' ''
*'' '''Additional Button''' ''
:-The game now has 4 buttons. A: light, B: medium, C: heavy, D: reflector (parry).  
:-The game now has 4 buttons. A: light, B: medium, C: heavy, D: reflector (parry).  
::-D can also be used to do a super with pressing BC.
::-D can also be used to do a super without pressing BC.

*'' '''Air Blocking''' ''
*'' '''Air Blocking''' ''

Revision as of 10:17, 23 October 2020

Important Notes

1). This is compared to Ausf Achse, not Vanilla, since that was the last release before EE. For example, when Murakumo is hit by an attack while mine is out, the mine disappears, which it doesn’t in Vanilla. However, this was added in AA, not EE.

2). This isn’t a perfect change list. Some things are probably not right.

3). None of this is official. This is all based off our own observations and the Japanese wiki's.

System Changes

General changes to the system as a whole. For more details on these go to System Specifics.

  • Additional Button
-The game now has 4 buttons. A: light, B: medium, C: heavy, D: reflector (parry).
-D can also be used to do a super without pressing BC.
  • Air Blocking
-There is now low/high blocking in the air.
-i.e. if you hold back while jumping, you can't block lows. Hold down back while jumping and you can't block highs.
  • Double Jumps
-Everyone has a double jump.
-During a double jump, you can't air block, although you can reflector.
-You can't turn around with a double jump, even if you cross an opponent then jump again.
-Backwards double jumps come out ~2 frames slower than forward double jumps
  • Auto Block
-If you leave your controller at neutral, it will auto block mid/high attacks.
-Holding just 2 (down) will auto block mid/low attacks.
-Makes cross-up mixups a lot weaker.
-How much the guard bar decreases from attacks is doubled when you autoblock
-This also includes when you mash in block, i.e. if you mash an invincible move out of a true block string, it counts for doubled guard damage.
  • Kanzen Sekai (Burst)
-A+B+D can be performed anytime during a round at the cost of your entire meter bar.
-On activation, the character jumps up and an unblockable (but reflectable) red lightning strikes the opponent for 0 damage, knocking them back.
-It can be done out of almost anything, including EX moves and even other Kanzen Sekai activations. The exceptions are throws (including hit and command throws), level 3 supers, and Kanzen Shinsatsus.
-How much longer it will last is shown where the super meter normally is, and it will last longer if it's activated with more meter.
-How long it lasts also varies depending on a character's state upon activation. There is a small length penalty if activated while guarding, and a large penalty if done while in hitstun.
-Upon activation, it restores some health. If activated while guarding or in hitstun, it restores half the amount of health.
-For the rest of the time it is activated, it will slowly regenerate some health.
-Damage during Kanzen Sekai is 1.20x the default damage.
-The timer doesn't count as long as Kanzen Sekai is active.
-You gain access to Kanzen Shinsatsu.
-After activating Kanzen Sekai, all your meter is gone, and no more meter can be built until the start of the next round. At the start of the next round, you start with no meter.
-If the red lightning on activation is reflected, then it can be punished since the landing from the jump up on Kanzen Sekai has landing lag that can't be canceled.
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
-When in Kanzen Sekai mode, you can press A+B+D again for a new super.
-Generally, they have very high damage and lots of invincibility.
-While it's dependent on the character, most rush forward a good distance.
-When it is activated, Kanzen Sekai ends, meaning if done early you can miss out on some life regen.
-They all vary greatly between character, as some can be comboed off of, and others wall splat, so make sure to know what your character's does.
-They can be incorporated into a combo the same way as a regular EX move or super, but generally they are very susceptible to scaling, as they are only a few hits with a few exceptions.
-All are easy to parry due to the extra long super flash.
-They are also all super unsafe on block.
  • Hit Modifiers
-If a character gets counter hit by a launcher move, they go into a special spinning launch animation, and their landing becomes untechable. If they get hit again before landing while in this state, their landing becomes techable again.
-How much damage a counter hit does is increased by how much damage the move that got counter hit does as well as the regular 1.25x multiplier.
-Counter hit states last longer than in the previous games, and for some attacks like Adler's 214C, they can be counter hit even after the move is finished for a brief period of time.
-In EE, the damage on the first attack of a combo on a crouching opponent deals 1.05x more damage, and on an aerial opponent deals 1.10x more damage.
-Just like in AA, when you grab an opponent out of a reflector, it's considered an interceptor. However, it doesn't deal extra damage like in AA, with the exception of command grabs. This doesn't apply to reflector interceptors.
-When one player has more rounds won than another, their damage is multiplied by 0.975, reducing their damage.
  • Perfect Chain
-You have auto combos now with AAAA, BBB or CC. Depending on the character, they may have an AAA, AAAAA or a BB.
-Different auto combo chains have different properties varying between character.
-Some chains have projectiles, but they are only actually considered projectile attacks on Anonym Guard and Blitztank's chains.
  • Wall Splats
-Wall splats were added to the game. They’re activated by hitting opponents into a corner with specific attacks that can cause it.
-While sticking to a wall, attacks that normally launch don't (with exception), and a character slowly slides down to the ground.
-While a character is in a wall splat but aren't touching the ground yet, they can be knocked off the wall by special moves, and can be hit by regular grabs and hit grabs.
-When the bottom of a character touches the ground, they can't be regular thrown or knocked off anymore. However, they can be command thrown.
-When a character's entire body touches the ground, it's considered a knockdown and it can be teched, albeit with hard timing. If it isn't teched then any additional damage at this point is considered OTG damage.
  • Dash Attacks
-66+button does a dash attack that will wall splat near the corner.
-Generally they are active long ranged attacks, but there are exceptions.
-Because Murakumo and Perfecti's dashes teleport, you have to attack very quickly after doing a dash to get their dash attack.
  • Meter Mechanics
-Meter gain is overall faster.
-You start with 1.5 meter at the start of a match
-The Power Level System now exists
-For each bar you gain on the super meter, you gain a Power Level, making you do more damage and gain more meter.
  • Gravity
-The gravity on aerial opponents is lower than what it was in either vanilla or AA.
-This makes juggle combos easier and longer.
  • Reflectors
-In the previous games, if a physical attack and a projectile hit at the same time on a reflector, it would prioritize the projectile and wouldn't do the reflector attack. In EE, it now prioritizes the physical attack and does the reflector attack.
-Because gravity is lower than in AA, reflector attacks generally have strong combos off of them.
-Getting a successful reflector restores the guard gauge now.
-Aerial Reflectors now autocancel if done high enough from the ground, instead of having landing lag (this can also be done with air throws). It doesn't actually need to be that high up to work.
-Aerial reflectors can't reflect low attacks no matter what.
-Cross up attacks will now always be get reflected, even if the reflector is the wrong way. However, the reflector attack will not switch to attack the direction of the opponent, meaning it will often whiff.
-Reflector attacks are slower than previous games, so they're easier to safe jump.
-Unlike in AA, the scaling on a reflector attack is not lowered by whether an attack is low, mid, or high, meaning they do higher damage generally.
-However, if you block a low with a low reflector, mid with a stand reflector, and high with a jump reflector, it counts as an interceptor, and does 1.25x damage.
-The damage of reflector attacks is also just higher.
  • Attack Chaining
-All normals can now be canceled into heavier normals (i.e. Adler couldn't do 5B > 5C until EE), with the exception of Blitztank who is limited to his autocombos.
-You can now chain j.B into j.C, which includes the full j.A > j.B > j.C, including Blitztank.
-When canceling another aerial into j.C, it will always cause a knockdown, even with aerials that normally don't like Sai's j.C. The only exception to this is Anonym Guard.
-Special chains from close moves into far moves, main example being Akatsuki doing Close 5B > Far 5B, have been removed. Additionally, it is impossible to chain into any close moves no matter how close you are to an opponent with one or two exceptions.
  • Whiff Cancel Aerials
-You can no longer whiff cancel aerials like in ABK.
  • Throws
-During jump startup, you only have regular throw invulnerability. This means you can be grabbed by command throws during jump startup.
  • Projectile Damage
-In EE, the longer a projectile takes to hit an opponent, the less damage it does (i.e. Akatsuki's 236A does more damage point blank then hitting the opponent on the other side of the screen).
-Unless you're right in the face of the opponent when you use a projectile, it will lose some damage, making combos with projectiles inconsistent damage wise.
-This doesn't apply to Blitztank or Perfecti's laser projectiles.
  • Cross Up Blocking
-In EE, it is impossible to block attacks that come from the back side, including projectiles that come from the back while the opponent is in front of you. In situations like that, you need to use the autoblock.
  • Visual Changes
-I'm not gonna go through this, there's way too many to list.

Universal Character Changes

Changes to the cast that are universal, but aren't directly related to the system itself.

  • Jumps
-Back jumps go less distance
  • Dashes
-Any dashes that jumped don't jump anymore, meaning they can't low crush and getting hit during them doesn't count as an air hit.
-You can no longer crossover opponents with a dash when they miss a tech.
  • Throws
-Throws generally have more recovery and all air throws are 1F slower than in AA.
-Projectiles can no longer hit opponent that is being thrown, such as Murakumo mines or Perfecti homing missiles.
  • Pushback on Block
-In general most attacks have more pushback on block, although there are some cases where it's notably more pushback or there isn't greater pushback.


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+- Has an average double jump, doesn't profit that much
  • A Auto Combo
- 5AAA is one of the worst 5AAAs, bad range, not great
+ 5AAAA is one of the better 5AAAAs, good range and launches, but won't see much use
  • B Auto Combo
+ 5BB is a good move, dashes forward to ensure it combos with far 5B
- 5BBB is a bad finisher, doesn't launch, shouldn't be used
  • C Auto Combo
+- 5CC is a swing down with his leg like j.C, ok finisher
  • Dash Attack
+ Good dash attack, has good range and is very active, used in some combos to wall splat
  • Wall Splats
+ Doesn't particularly profit from wall splats but can get them consistently, and is useful for extra damage
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+ Dashes forward with a multi-hitting punch that crosses up on hit or block. One of the highest damaging KS supers, and is relatively hard to punish on block.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Visuals
+- Many moves have a blue electric vfx now.
  • Forward Dash
- His dash no longer jumps, meaning it doesn't low crush or count as a juggle when hit out of it.
  • Throws
- Has significantly more recovery.
- Can no longer do an attack for after his air throw, such as 214A or j.C.
  • Chains
- Can no longer do the Close 5B Far 5B chain, due to having auto combo chains now.
- If you combo into 5B, you will always do Far 5B, and never Close 5B. Same applies to Close and Far 5C.
  • 8C
+ 8C now causes a wall splat.
  • 6B
- 6B now causes a ground bounce on hit, which while easier to combo off of, leads to weaker combos than the old link combos.
- 6B is no longer plus on block.
- 6B now has a blue electric effect, and makes a shock noise the moment the move starts, which may make it easier to react to for some people.
  • 236X
+- The damage of ground and aerial version of 236C are no longer mixed up between each other.
  • 214X
- 214A has more recovery.
+ There is more time to combo off of 214B on hit.
  • 22X
+- If you cancel the second hit of 22C into 236 EX, the distance the opponent launches is increased.
+ The final hit of 22 EX now causes a wall splat, allowing for small combo extensions.
- 22 EX does less overall damage and it became easier for the move to drop, but the wall splat generally makes up for it.
  • A+B+C
- The overall damage of A+B+C has been reduced.
+- Instead of causing a wall bounce on hit, it just causes a hard knockdown.
+- Even if the attack hits on OTG, instead of just doing the single punch and backing away, Akatsuki does a small series of hits without going into the full move like he does on block in previous entries.


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+ Has one of the better double jumps, especially when jumping forward. Good for movement and can help with getting in.
  • A Auto Combo
+- 5AAA is ok, sets up an oki situation
  • B Auto Combo
- 5BB is an average B finisher, shouldn't be used.
  • C Auto Combo
+ 5CC gives her a way to finish a combo without using 236 and putting herself at risk.
  • Dash Attack
+ Has a good hitbox but doesn't go very far. Has consistent ways to combo into it in corner.
  • Wall Splats
+ Wall splats are good for Kanae since she can grab opponents out of them after for good damage and knockdown.
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+- A typical Kanzen Shinsatsu, dashes forward with an elbow bash before following it up with a big shove. Better than average since it wall splats in corner, but that’s somewhat situational

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Movement
- Forward dash goes less distance.
- Back dash goes less distance.
- Back dash doesn't jump anymore.
+ Walk speed is faster (4.5-4.75, 3.5-3.75)
+ Forward jump goes farther.
  • New Move, Aerial 236X
+ An aerial command grab that stops all her aerial momentum.
+- Strength of the button doesn't change the move.
+ Deals more damage than a regular air grab and has more range.
- Can't be canceled into from an aerial like other air specials.
+- Goes a long distance and crosses up when it hits the ground. Doesn't cross up in corner.
+ Comes out frame 3.
+ Has a small amount of time where it can be comboed into 2A, which can combo into other moves (ie j.236X > 2A > 5B > 22BC).
  • Close 5B
+ Can now be special canceled.
  • 6C
- Has more startup.
- Has more recovery and is less plus.
  • 3C
+- The move isn't as long.
  • j.2C
- Has less horizontal movement.
  • 22X
+ Has invincibility on startup now.
+ Has much less recovery on block, can be comboed into OTG 2C and also gives a huge amount of knockdown, allowing for stronger mixups and setups.
  • 214X
+ No longer glows during counter stance, may make it harder to tell when she's in counter stance
- 214C can no longer be super canceled.
+ You can combo off 214C if gotten in corner.
  • A+B+C
- Does slightly less damage.


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+ Double jump combined with j.B and 214X gives Sai more mixup on how he lands.
  • A Auto Combo
+ 5AAA is an ok poking tool.
+- 5AAAA is not bad but pretty much will never be used.
  • B Auto Combo
- 5BB is bad, shouldn't be used.
  • C Auto Combo
+ 5CC is a god tier move. Has link combos mid screen and gives huge corner carry, wall splats in corner. Sai's new main combo starter.
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
- Basically a super strong rising tackle, very hard to use due to having very short range, incredibly unsafe but some of the highest damage and guard damage on a kanzen shinsatsu.
  • Wall Splats
+ 22X can now be comboed into consistently in corner since it can be used on a wall splatted opponent, and since his 5CC wall splats, he has easy access to wall splat combos.
  • Dash Attack
+- Has an ok dash attack, won't see much use outside of meter midscreen combos.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Movement
- Forward dash doesn't jump up anymore.
  • Reflector
+ For some reason when Sai successfully gets a reflect, if you quickly do a special move motion exactly two times in a row before the reflector attack comes out, Sai will instead do the special move you inputted. This applies to all his reflectors.
  • 6B
- 6B now ground bounces, easier to combo off of especially in midscreen, but leads to less damaging combos than before.
- More recovery, no longer plus on block.
- Now has a visual effect, may make it easier for some people to react to.
  • 236X
+ 236 EX launches the opponent farther and higher, and is easier to combo off of.
+ 236 EX drops opponents less.
  • 214X
+ Aerial 214 EX now flies upwards, so it doesn't immediately return to the ground. Assures all hits will hit when cancelling off an aerial.
+ Aerial 214 EX wall splats on the final hit.
  • A+B+C
+ Is now a multi-hit, so it doesn't scale as hard when comboed into.

Marilyn Dajie

Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+ Has a very good double jump, allows for more aerial mixup and helps on getting in
  • A Auto Combo
+ 5AAA is a good poke
+- 5AAAA is an average A finisher, not much reason to use it
  • B Auto Combo
+ 5BB is probably the best 5BB, as it can be comboed out of and is now one of her main combo tools.
- 5BBB should never be used, stops you from comboing with 5BB.
  • C Auto Combo
+- 5CC is ok, uses her 6C animation.
  • Dash Attack
+ Arguably the best dash attack in the game. A giant flying kick that covers most of the screen and is active for 10 years. Used in a lot of combos to finish with a wall splat. Only weakness is that it's very punishable.
  • Wall Splats
+- Doesn't particularly benefit from wall splats, just extra damage although she can get them consistently.
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
- Not that good. Runs forward with a kick before doing a series of rising aerial kicks similar to chun-li. Has a tendency to drop and is very unsafe from going high up in the air.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Movement
- Doesn't have a wall jump anymore, although not too necessary with double jumps
- Forward dash doesn't jump as high anymore, can't low crush and doesn't count as a juggle when hit during it.
  • Lost Move
- No longer has 4X out of 236X
  • Move Change
+- 4B is now 5C
+- 5C is now 6C
  • Chains
- No longer has the 2B > 5B chain.
  • Air Throw
- Can't combo out of air throw, not even in corner
  • 5B
+ 5B has a lot more range, especially on the first hit.
  • 2B
- Travels less distance.
  • 6C (formerly 5C)
+ The ground bounce is slightly easier to combo off of.
  • 236X
- 236 EX has more recovery on hit.
+ The distance traveled by 236 EX is farther.
  • 214X
+ The movement speed of 214X is slightly faster.
+ Has slightly more range.
+ Moves faster now.
+- There is now hit freeze when the guard point is hit.
+ The guard point, while normally considered a standing guard, is now possible to change to a low guard, although the window to do so very small.
  • [2]8X
- [2]8C has less horizontal movement and is slightly slower
  • A+B+C
- Does less damage.
+ If used in corner it doesn't cross up anymore.


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+ Double jump further enhances Fritz's mix, since he can combine it with fast falls
  • Close A Auto Combo
- 5AAA is a bad finisher, but will be used occasionally when mashing 5A or 2A
  • Close B Auto Combo
- 5BB is a head butt, not very good
  • Far B Auto Combo
+- 5BB is just 4B, no reason to use it over 5C if Far B hits unless you want more knockdown time if they miss the tech
  • C Auto Combo
+- Doesn't exist
  • Dash Attack
- One of the worst dash attacks. Has little range and isn't as active as other dash attacks. Doesn't have any ways to combo into it other than a landing aerial
  • Wall Splats
- Can't do much off of wall splats and doesn't have any ways other than dash attack to access them
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+ One of the best kanzen shinsatsu. Flys forward with a sword slash that crosses up. Is almost impossible to punish, and while it deals less damage than average, still a good amount

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Sword Normals
- Sword normals no longer do chip damage.
+- All sword normals have noticeably more pushback on block.
  • Reflector
+ The reflector can't be teched anymore.
  • 2B > 2C
+- To do the 2B > 2C chain, you don't need to press 2C anymore, you just need to do 2B > C
  • A+B+C
- Does less damage overall, but is more hits so it scales better in the rare situation where it's comboed into.

Anonym Guard

Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+ Anonym got one of the best double jumps in the game, and can use it for running away and a little mix with 214
  • A Auto Combo
+ Is the only character who can do A auto combo from a range, since this is her only way to shoot guns outside of specials.
+- 5AA is her old 4B, mediocre move
- 5AAA is her old 5A. Can be autocomboed from a range into 5AAAA if the bullet hits an opponent, whether on block or hit. Uses one bullet
- 5AAAA is her old 2A. Same properties as 5AAA.
+- 5AAAAA is a new move where she jumps back with a shot. Better than most A auto combo finishers but still not great.
+- 2AA is her old 2B, average move
  • B Auto Combo
- 5BB is her old 2B, annoying to use since it can't be used from a range and uses up a bullet.
- 5BBB is her old 5B, same properties as 5BB
+ 5BBBB is her old 6C. One of the only auto combos that wall splats, good ender
  • C Auto Combo
+- 5CC is her old j.2, average C auto combo finisher, won't see much use in favor of cancelling a normal
  • Wall Splats
+ Wall splats do help Anonym, as it allows her to fully hit 236BC and get some better corner combos
  • Dash Attack
+- Dash attack uses her old 6C animation. Is an ok dash attack, but doesn't really have ways to combo into it
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+- Kanzen Shinsatsu is a dash forward and two hit attack. An average kanzen shinsatsu.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • General
+ Has higher defense.
- Shooting normals no longer deal chip damage.
+- Bullets on shooting moves now collide with and destroy other projectiles.
  • Forward Dash
- Forward dash no longer goes through opponents.
- No longer has any invincibility.
- Has a larger hurtbox.
- Has more recovery.
  • Lost Moves
- No longer has her dropkick (j.2X)
- Her grounded 5 moves are no longer gunshots
- No longer has any gunshot moves while grounded outside of auto combos, which are laggy as a result, 6C, which is her old 5C, and 3C, her old 2C. This heavily affects her neutral and how she plays.
- No longer has any aerial gun shots other than j.6C, which was formerly j.C, which is only usable as an air to air or air combo tool.
- No longer has the old 6C, replaced by the new 6C which is her former 5C.
  • Air Throw
+ Has a new animation, and leaves the opponent in knockdown longer.
  • New 5B
+ new 5B. Has slightly more range than old 4B
- New 5B has more recovery than old 4B
  • 5C (formerly 4C)
+ 5C now has a bigger hitbox and is better as an anti-air.
- 5C can't be linked out of anymore, hurting her combo game.
+ Can low crush.
  • New 2B
+ Hits low and dashes forward, giving it good range. Isn't much slower than old 4B
  • 6A
+ Reload animation has less recovery frames
+ Can now be canceled into from more moves.
  • 3C
+ 3C now launches opponents, a good combo tool if it hits.
- 3C can't be canceled into now
  • j.B (formerly j.4B)
+ Can now cross up.
  • j.C (formerly j.4C)
- Noticeably slower.
  • j.6C (formerly j.C)
+ j.6C launches really far if it hits an aerial opponent, and will wall splat in corner
+- When doing j.B to j.C in an air combo, it will always automatically does j.6C instead of j.C
  • 236X
+ New 236A. Similar to her held 5A in AA, where she fires 3 shots onto the ground that bounce. Only 236X that doesn't reload. Her new main zoning tool.
- When guarded in the air, it now causes barely any knockback.
+ 236C still jumps back but doesn't shoot up anymore. Will wall splat on hit.
  • 214X
+ 214X works differently now. 214A jumps still in the air, 214B jumps slightly forward, 214C jumps far forward. Pressing A, B, or C still changes which direction you jump in after the initial jump, allowing you to vary up where you go more
+ The jump on grounded 214X now has a small bit of invincibility.
+ 214BC now has a launching attack on startup, making it a better reversal and ensuring all shots hit. Also jumps back now instead of staying in place.
- The speed and distance traveled on j.214X has been reduced.
  • 22X
+ 22B now launches, can allow for juggles with 2B or 3C.
  • New A+B+C
+- Loses her revival super. Anonym runs along the ground while throwing out several attacks before launching the opponent and shooting them with the 22X animation. Will throw out all the attacks except for the ending 22 on block or on whiff, but is safe on block, so hard to punish. Hitting any of the attacks during the animation unless you hit only the launcher hit will trigger the final 22X. Most of the damage is from the final 22X so will do a lot of damage even if most of the attack whiffs


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+ Dawei at first doesn't particularly gain from double jumps, but with agility buff gains the best double jump in the game. Also helps that j.B is a very good cross up aerial.
  • A Auto Combo
+- 5AA has good range and may occasionally be used
+- 5AAA has good range as well and launches for knockdown, but is irrelevant on Dawei's moveset
  • B Auto Combo
+ 5BB is one of the best in the game since it's one of two auto combo finishers that can be canceled out of. Main combo tool
  • C Auto Combo
+ 5CC is one of the highest damaging finishers in the game, making Wei's mash combos decent. Also has a good knockdown.
  • Dash Attack
+ Very good dash attack, has good range and one of the longest launching dash attacks. Combined with agility buff has huge range
  • Wall Splats
- Doesn't particularly gain much from wall splats, doesn't have a consistent way to combo into them and doesn't gain much when he gets them
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+- Average Kanzen Shinsatsu. Dashes forward and does two strikes. One of the highest damaging Kanzen Shinsatsu.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • New Move
+ You can charge 5C, and during the charge Dawei has armor. Launches really far and wall splats near corner.
  • 5C
- Doesn't launch high enough for corner combos anymore, and is generally slower.
  • j.6C
+ Launches back less. Allows you to get corner combos with it on hit
  • [4]6X
- Generally has lower damage.
  • [4]3X
+- You don't need to do forward with an attack to do the follow-up, just the button. Allows you to cancel into EX moves.
  • [2]8X
- If you whiff [2]8X you can no longer do the follow-up attack.
+- You don't need to do forward with an attack to do the follow-up, just the attack. Allows you to cancel it into EX moves now.
- Generally has lower damage.
  • 22X
+ Glitch with 22A where if you keep holding a direction even after it runs out, if you were moving prior to when it deactivated the increased speed remains until you stop moving. Also works with 22BC and A+B+C.
- The damage multiplier on 22C is lower, also effects 22BC.
+- The visual for how much longer a buff lasts is now a draining bar instead of the seconds left
- Can't use 22BC while it's already active anymore.
+- New visual effects on 22BC
  • A+B+C
- Damage multiplier is lower
+- New visual effects


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
- Has one of the worst double jumps, doesn't really need it or use it much
  • A Auto Combo
+- 5AAA is an ok poke, may see a little use
+ 5AAAA is one of the better finishers since it hits low, but it will see little use
  • B Auto Combo
+- 5BB has a good hitbox
+- 5BBB also has a good hitbox
+- 5BBBB is bad like most B finishers, but slightly better than most since it hits low
  • C Auto Combo
+ 5CC is pretty good, has a good hitbox and does ok damage
  • Dash Attack
+ Dash attack is a really good dash attack. Has way more range than it should and is super active. Doesn't have many if any ways to combo into it.
  • Wall Splats
- Can't get a lot off wall splats, and rarely gets them
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+- Typical kanzen shinsatsu. Dashes forward and does two hits. Slightly higher damage than average.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Forward Dash
- No longer jumps and low crushes or counts as a juggle when hit.
  • Close/Far 5B
- Both do slightly less damage.
  • j.A
+ Can now hit while rising
  • 6C
- Has slightly more recovery on hit.
  • [4]6X
+ Moves slightly faster on A and C
- Has more recovery, much harder to link into for corner combos.
  • [2]8X
- [2]8 EX deals less damage.
+ [2]8 EX has more range and is harder to punish on hit.
  • A+B+C
+- Blitzbombe no longer appears in all caps


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+- Adler doesn't particularly profit off of double jumps
  • A Auto Combo
+ 5AAA is an ok poke, but isn't great, reuses his 5B animation
+ 5AAAA is a better finisher than most 5AAAAs and can be comboed off of in corner
  • B Auto Combo
+ 5BB has good range and is a good combo tool
+- 5BBB has ok range but won't see much use, uses his close 5C animation
  • C Auto Combo
+ 5CC is his overhead, functionally the same as just holding 5C in AA
  • Dash Attack
+ Has one of the best dash attacks in the game since its fast and has a deceiving amount of range, and can use it in some corner routes
  • Wall Splats
+- Can use wall splats for extra damage but doesn't particularly profit from them
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+- Has a mediocre kanzen shinsatsu. Dashes forward and does an attack. Does a good amount of damage, not much special about it

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Forward Dash
- No longer jumps, can't low crush and doesn't count as a juggle hit when hit during it.
  • Lost Move
+- No longer has a close 5C
  • Air Throw
- Air throw puts him further away from the opponent, doesn't affect corner combos but means he has less time to meaty outside of corner.
  • 5B (Formerly close 5B)
+ Steps forward with it, giving it far more range than before.
  • 2C and 5C
+- Instead of having to hold the button to get their follow ups, you now just press it a second time.
  • 5C
+ Deals more damage.
  • 2C
- The second hit deals less damage.
  • 4B (formerly far 5B)
+- far 5B in AA is now tied to 4B
  • 6B
+ Safer on hit now.
  • j.A
+ you can now hit j.A while jumping up
  • 22X
- 22 EX does less damage.
  • 236X
+ Aerial 236C lasts much longer.
- Aerial 236C now has more landing lag.
+ 236BC now launches opponents allowing for juggles, air combos, and air throws
  • 214X
+ 214 EX has more range, slightly harder to punish
  • A+B+C
+ Is now a multi-hit, makes loops a lot easier.
+ Deals more damage for each hit.
- Now disappears if it hits the opponent 10 times on hit or block.
+ A meter now appears where the super meter would normally appear that shows how much longer it will last
+ Fully invincible on startup, making it practically an unpunishable reversal.


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
- Has the worst double jump in the game, but still helps with running away and escaping corners
  • A Auto Combo
+- 5AAA is not a good finisher but is better than having no options out of 5A
  • B Auto Combo
+- 5BB is ok, better than having no options
  • C Auto Combo
+- 5CC is his old 5C (now 6C) since he got a new 5C, is an ok finisher and hits overhead
  • Dash Attack
+ A very good dash attack, has a huge amount of range but not very active
  • Wall Splats
+- Can use them for extra damage, with lasers in particular. Has a few ways to get wall splats
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+ A pretty good Kanzen Shinsatsu, does a forward dash that hits, does a cross up making it harder to punish but still not too hard to punish

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Armor
- Blitztank’s armor is now only present during an attack
  • Movement
- Forward dash isn't an attack anymore
  • Projectile Normals
- Projectile normals no longer deal any chip damage.
  • 5B
- 5B is now 1 hit instead of 3
  • 5C
+ 5C is now a different move, while the former 5C is now tied to 6C. A dash forward where Blitztank swings his head up to launch an opponent. Has good range and is relatively fast for Blitztank's moveset.
  • 6C
+- Formerly 5C, is still an overhead
  • j.B
+ Is now a new move, Blitztank swings his neck in the air. Knocks down an opponent when it hits in air. Has a good air to air hitbox but bad for landing.
  • j.6C
+ Can't be hit by low attacks anymore.
  • 236X
- No longer destroys other projectiles.
+ 236C has less recovery, easier to combo off of on hit.
+ 236BC wall splats on hit
  • 214X
- Has more recovery.
- Has a smaller hitbox, more likely to whiff on moves that low profile than before.


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
- Perfecti doesn't particularly profit off double jumps, and can sometimes help escape from corner. Has one of the worst double jumps
  • A Auto Combo
- 5AAA is just her close 5B, doesn't serve much purpose
- 5AAAA is just her close 5C, has pretty much no purpose
  • B Auto Combo
+- 5BB is an okay finisher when you're charging C
  • C Auto Combo
+ 5CC is one of the best auto combo finishers in the game. Does great damage and shoots a laser, meaning its range covers the entire area in front of Perfecti. Meterless finisher.
  • Dash Attack
+ Dash attack super benefited Perfecti, and is now used in almost all her meter combos and leads to humongous damage. Her dash attack itself uses the 5C animation and has ok range
  • Wall Splats
+ Perfecti can take advantage of wall splats by comboing multiple laser supers and setting up 214 oki, can also combo into them consistently
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+ One of the best. Shoots a giant laser that will cover literally the entire screen except behind her, and as a result is safe on block if spaced correctly. Can also be comboed into.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • New Move, 2[8]X
+ Perfecti has a new flash kick move, not great but can be canceled into charge laser and is better than not having one.
+ A version comes out frame 4 and has 3 frames of invincibility, and can be canceled into j.[BC], making it a very strong reversal.
  • 5A
+- Has less vertical range, but more horizontal range, makes it better for combos but worse as an anti-air.
  • 2A
+ 2A can now be canceled on whiff.
  • Far 5C
- Has less range.
  • j.C
- Can't be used as an instant overhead anymore.
  • Charge Laser
+ A meter now appears when you're charging a button for laser that shows how charged it is.
+ The gap between releasing the button and firing on the aerial version has been reduced.
  • 22X
+ 22X doesn't launch opponents back as far when it releases them, making it easier to combo off of
  • 236X
- 236X moves slower.
- 236X is smaller.
- 236X doesn’t launch opponents as high.
+ 236C can now hit crouching opponents if close enough.
+ 236BC bounces opponents back towards Perfecti more, making it much easier to combo.
  • 214X
+ The projectiles now better track the Y-Axis.


Universal Changes:

  • Double Jump
+ Probably the best double jump distance wise. Further enhances his landing mixups.
  • A Auto Combo
+- 5AAA is pretty typical, ok range but not great
+- 5AAAA looks cool but isn't particularly great, launches but doesn't lead to anything
  • B Auto Combo
+ 5BB is very good since it's one of two B finishers that can be special canceled, giving it many uses and a primary combo tool.
  • C Auto Combo
+- Doesn't exist
  • Dash Attack
+- Fairly average dash attack, sticks his leg out pretty far and is moderately active, has combos into it that are useful.
  • Wall Splats
+- Doesn't particularly profit off wall splats but has consistent ways to get them and can use them for extra damage
  • Kanzen Shinsatsu
+ One of the better kanzen shinsatsu. Similar to Fritz's, Murakumo dashes forward and after a little bit slashes a large area. Crosses up on block and hit and is hard to punish unless it's parried.

Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes:

  • Teleport Bug
- Can't do the teleport bug anymore since you can't cancel whiffed aerials anymore
  • Movement
+ His dashes aren't telegraphed with a red flash anymore. Same applies to j.2X
- His back jump goes less distance.
  • Throw
- Because you can no longer hit projectiles during a throw, mine setups into throw don't work anymore.
- A bug where you couldn't tech Murakumo's throw no longer exists.
  • Chains
- The 5B > 2B chain no longer exists.
+ B attacks can now be canceled into 4C.
  • 5C, 2C, 4C
+- The clones that appear are darker now.
  • 5C
+ 5C is now always +1 on hit and block.
  • j.C
- j.C knocks down, making it so where he can't do juggles with it anymore
  • j.2X
- j.2C now has a height restriction.
+ The red flash on startup no longer appears, making it slightly harder to react to
  • 2[8]X
- Now more unsafe.
  • 22X
- Mines have slightly less range.
  • A+B+C
- Does less damage.
- Has slightly less range.
- At the end of the move, Murakumo jumps back, making it much harder to pressure on wake up.

Cut Content
Marilyn Dajie
Anonym Guard
System Specifics