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2AA -> 2BB -> [2]8A -> [4]6BC > 66X Metered corner carry.  
2AA -> 2BB -> [2]8A -> [4]6BC > 66X Metered corner carry.  
:If 66X wallsplats, follow up with 2AA -> 2B -> [2]8A or follow with j.C -> 2B -> 22X set
:If 66X wallsplats, follow up with j.B -> j.C -> 2B 22X set if you're close or remove the j.B if you're too far for it to hit while rising.

'''Corner Combos'''
'''Corner Combos'''

Revision as of 15:40, 22 October 2021

Murakumo's official profile image


"A military officer of the former Imperial Army that reincarnated as Major Senke of the GSO. He plans to execute a humankind massacre to deal with the upcoming Earth population problem."



  • Armor Ratio = 1.000 (average armor rating)
  • Forward Speed = 10.75 dots/f (fastest in the game)
  • Backwards Speed = 5.0 dots/f (fastest unbuffed)
  • Jump Startup = 3F (fastest unbuffed)
  • Basically has the best movement in the game
  • Backdash Duration = 32F (slowest but is unique)


  • Very strong pressure and mixups, especially with mine (22+X) oki
  • Best walk speeds in the game
  • Unique movement options with the teleports add to his mixups and neutral presence
  • Long range normals
  • Good corner carry on meter combos
  • Strong projectile that can cover multiple approach angles


  • Low damage outside of corner or mines
  • Frame data is on the slow end
  • Both lows while long ranged are punishable on block
  • Mediocre defensive options, needs to spend meter for an invincible reversal
  • Can be somewhat difficult to use, requires good situational awareness and being able to adapt on the fly

All damage values below were tested on Akatsuki with 1.000 armor ratio, full life on both sides, and power level 0 (remember about "Health difference", "Guts", and "Power Level" systems)

Normal Moves

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -

Command Normals

電光欺瞞 - Denkou Giman
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -
電光迷彩 - Denkou Meisai
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -
人間迫砲 - Ningen Hakubou
j.2A/B > 8A/B/C
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - - -

Special Moves

電光弾 - Denkoudan
- - - - -
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
A - - - - -
B - - - - -
C - - - - -
EX - - - - -
徹甲斬 - Tekkouzan
- - - - -
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
A - - - - -
B - - - - -
C - - - - -
EX - - - - -
電光地雷 - Denkou Jirai
- - - - -
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
A - - - - -
B - - - - -
C - - - - -
EX - - - - -

Universal Mechanics


Forward Throw
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- N/A 5 KD N/A
Air Throw
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- N/A 3 KD N/A


Standing Reflector
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - KD -
Crouching Reflector
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- N/A - KD -
Jumping Reflector
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- N/A - KD -

Dash Attack

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- High/Low - - -

Super Moves

八紘一宇 - Hakkou Ichiu
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - KD -
菊一文字 - Kiku Ichimonji
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
- - - KD -

General Strategy


Combo Game

Offensive Pressure


Reversal Options


Other Resources


Midscreen Combos

2AA -> 2B -> 2C

2AA -> 2BB -> [2]8C Worse knockdown, but better damage than above combo

2AA -> 2BB -> [2]8A -> [4]6BC > 66X Metered corner carry.

If 66X wallsplats, follow up with j.B -> j.C -> 2B 22X set if you're close or remove the j.B if you're too far for it to hit while rising.

Corner Combos

2AA -> 2BB -> [2]8C -> [4]6BC -> 66X -> 2A -> 2B -> [2]8A -> [2]8BC

2AA -> 2BB -> [2]8C -> [4]6BC -> j.A -> j.B -> j.C -> 2AA -> 2B -> 22X set or [2]8A -> [2]8BC

22B/C set -> 2AA -> 2BB -> 22X -> j.A -> j.B -> 5AA -> 2AA -> 2B -> [2]8A / [2]8A -> [2]8BC

22B/C set -> 2AA -> 2BB -> 22X detonate -> falling j.C -> 5BB -> [4]6C -> 2A -> 2BB > 22X set or [2]8A -> [2]8BC

Frame Data

KD - Knockdown
VB - Variable
*UV - value(s) marked with "?" in the table is/are unverified
x~yF - a period from frame "x" till frame "y"
N/A - not applicable
WB - wall bounce
WS - wall splat/stick
GB - ground bounce

                            |     Frames      |  Frame Advantage  |
                    Attack  | Total | Startup | On Hit | On Block | Notes
      Universal Mechanics  ---------------------------------------
                4/5/6+A+B   |  21   |    6    |   KD   |    N/A   |
              j.4/5/6+A+B   |  VB   |    4    |   KD   |    N/A   |
                  5+B+C/D   |  36   |    7    |   KD   |    -2    |
                  c.B+C/D   |  36   |    7    |   KD   |    N/A   |
                  j.B+C/D   |  VB   |    6    |   KD   |    N/A   |
                      66X   |  32   |    7    |   WS   |    -10   |
                  Normals  ---------------------------------------
                      5A    |  15   |    4    |   +0   |    +0    |
                      5AA   |  20   |    4    |   -4   |    -4    |
                      5AAA  |  29   |    6    |   -12  |    -12   |
                      5AAAA |  N/A  |    7    |   KD   |    -8    |
                      5B    |  22   |    7    |   +0   |    -2    |
                      5BB   |  N/A  |    6    |   -4   |    -8    |
                      5C    |  46   |    32   |   +1   |    +1    |
                      c.A   |  15   |    4    |   +0   |    +0    |
                      c.B   |  35   |    7    |   -13  |    -15   |
                      c.C   |  42   |    15   |   KD   |    -12   |
                      j.A   |  VB   |    4    |   VB   |    VB    |
                      j.B   |  VB   |    5    |   VB   |    VB    |
                      j.C   |  VB   |    6    |   VB   |    VB    |
          Command Normals  ---------------------------------------
                         4C |  32   |    N/A  |   N/A  |    N/A   |
                   j.2A/B/C |  VB   |    N/A  |   N/A  |    N/A   |
                j.2A/B > 8A |  43   |    5    |   KD   |    -23   |
                j.2A/B > 8B |  51   |    5    |   KD   |    -31   |
                j.2A/B > 8C |  59   |    5    |   KD   |    -39   |
                 Specials  ---------------------------------------
                   [4]6+A   |  42   |    13   |   +1   |    -3    |
                   [4]6+B   |  42   |    13   |   +1   |    -3    |
                   [4]6+C   |  42   |    13   |   +1   |    -3    |
                   [2]8+A   |  49   |    5    |   KD   |    -29   |
                   [2]8+B   |  51   |    7    |   KD   |    -29   |
                   [2]8+C   |  53   |    9    |   KD   |    -29   |
                     22+A   |  40   |    40   |   N/A  |    N/A   | 
                     22+B   |  40   |    40   |   N/A  |    N/A   | 
                     22+C   |  40   |    40   |   N/A  |    N/A   | 
                  22X > A   |  30   |    9    |   KD   |    -4    | 
                  22X > B   |  30   |    13   |   KD   |    +0    | 
                  22X > C   |  30   |    17   |   KD   |    +4    | 
               EX, Supers  ---------------------------------------
                 [4]6+D     |  50   |    13   |   KD   |    -2    | 4F invincible
                 [2]8+D     |  53   |    5    |   KD   |    -25   | 4F invincible
                   22+D     |  40   |    40   |   N/A  |    N/A   | 2F invincible
                22D > D     |  30   |    9    |   KD   |    +13   | 0F invincible
          A+B+C (First Hit) |  40   |    5    |   KD   |    -20   | 8F invincible
                  A+B+D     |  56   |    11   |   KD   |    -30   | 12F invincible


  • Wants to be god yet gets pissed when he sees Sai.
  • Just like in ABK/AA Murakumo's story starts with him taking control of one of his clones, in this case Major Senke of the Ground Staff Office. He appears to always have a case with the latest version of the Blitz Uniform close to them.

Arcade Story

  • Opening
 In the year 20XX AD, in the Tibetan Tsangpo Canyon, there was a large-scale cave-in incident.
 Several days later, Major Senke of the GSO (*1) disappeared after having issued inexplicable reassignment orders.
 The case he took with him was written thus "M60 Blitz Uniform".

  • VS Generic
 Heheh... Soon, no one will be able to stop the PCC. (*2)

  • First Interaction
 Suddenly, piercing the South Pole's permafrost, the form of a huge structure appeared.
 How many times is this, Murakumo?... Isn't this the world you desire?
 The "Population Control Council" (*2) has reached its goal and is no longer needed.

  • Second Interaction
 You finally arrived here, so that means you hold a vessel worthy of God.
 Let me see if you are qualified to enter "Neuland", the New World.
 I am Valkyria, the one who brings death to the Old World.

  • Ending
 Valkyria was it? I'm the only God that's needed.
 I guess I should give you some praise for saving me the trouble of cutting personnel.
 Well then, I'll get my hands on this final prehistoric legacy.
  • Translation Notes
  • (*1) The rank of Murakumo's new host Senke (千家) is Major (三等陸佐 [Santou Rikusa], abreviated 三佐 [Sansa]) in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF). [1] As Kanae, he is assigned to the Ground Staff Office (陸上幕僚監部) abreviated here as 陸幕 (Rikubaku), so I used the equivalent acronym. The GSO is a special agency of the Ministry of Defense that commands the GSDF. [2]
  • (*2) In his win quote Murakumo uses 人調審 (Jinchoushin) as a shorthand version of 人口調節審議会 (Jinkou Chousetsu Shingikai) "Population Control Council" which I shortened as "PCC". This is the fictional organization he is in charge of mentioned in Kanae's story which he uses to carry out his plan of humankind massacre.

Cut Content
Marilyn Dajie
Anonym Guard
System Specifics