EN-Eins Perfektewelt/Glossary

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Gameplay Glossary

This section contains definitions of terms that are commonly used in gameplay discussions.

  • Anti-Air - an attack that can reliably hit opponents out of the air.
  • Chip Damage - damage incurred to a player's life meter when blocking an attack (often special, EX or Level 3); guard FX is orange in this case.
  • Combo - a series or sequence of attacks such that when the first hit connects, the subsequent attacks cannot be blocked or avoided.
  • EX moves - powered up special attacks, that do considerably more hits and damage (if any) and may as well sport additional properties; require 1 super stock to perform.
  • Guard Crush - a state in which the player is temporarily unable to act after their guard meter has been depleted because of guarding too many attacks.
  • Guard Damage - same as Chip Damage.
  • Juggle - a special type of combo that allows the player to combo the opponent while they are airborne.
  • Level 3 - nickname for a super move, unique to each character, that requires 3 super stocks and a unified A+B+C command (in most cases) to perform.
  • Normals - same as Normal Attacks, the least damaging attacks in player's posession, usually deal no chip damage, so the guard FX is blue.
  • OTG (Off The Ground) - ability to hit a downed opponent, thus extending a combo.
  • Overhead - an attack that must be blocked while the character is standing.
  • Tick Damage - same as Chip or Guard Damage.
  • Tick Throw - a maneuver used to throw an opponent immediately after their hit stun or block stun has ended.
  • Throw Break - a common technique, that allows a player to escape opponent's ground throw after it's been initiated; is performed with the same input as opponent's throw.

Official Story Introduction

EE Story.jpg

 "In the year 20XX AD in one of Tibet's most secluded regions, the Tsangpo Canyon, there was a barely reported cave-in incident."
 "Several months later an organization calling itself "New Order of the Knights Templar", by means of simultaneous terrorist outbreaks, turned the world into chaos."
 "And now each faction, taking advantage of this confusion, begin a fight in the shadows for the New World's supremacy!"

Story Glossary

The terms here describe only the game's background story, and are in no way related to gameplay. Corrections are welcome.

  • Agartha - Ancient city where human-like entities known as Gods once lived. Possibly the origin of the blitz motor.
  • Blitz Motor/Engine - The mcguffin of the ABK series. Some kind of engine that can be installed into equipment and people to give them super human abilities. Powered by ATP, causing it to shorten the lifespan of those with one built into them, with the exceptions of the perfect Blitz Motors. Possibly created by God.
  • God - Term used to refer to the ancient being(s) that lived in Agartha. Possibly the original creators of the Blitz Motor, and considered to be a more evolved version of humans by the Perfecti Kyodan. EN-Eins is partially cloned off of God.
  • Perfecti Kyodan/New Knights Templar/ New Order of the Knights Templar (新聖堂騎士団) - A secret society created by Mycale/Perfecti in the 14th or 15th century. Secretly controlled the world behind the scenes in order to force humanity to evolve to the level of "God". Responsible for the events of the whole series, including creating the Gesselschaft and discovering the Blitz Motor. Members include Mycale/Perfecti (Founder), Valkyria (Leader), Adler (Former Scientist), Murakumo (Former Leader), Tempelritters (Soldiers), Elektrosoldats (Soldiers), and Blitztanks (Soldiers).
  • Perfecti - Term used to refer to those in the series who have become a "Perfect Person", or in other words, someone who is immortal and can reincarnate. This includes Mycale/Perfecti, Adler, and Murakumo.

Official Glossary

This is a direct translation from the official ABK site taken from the section Words which details the meaning of various terms used throughout the games. The bullet points below each give further explanation if needed.

Year 266X AD - 紀元266X年
The year is 266X AD in the Japanese national calendar [1]. It corresponds to 200X AD in the Gregorian calendar [2].
  • The Japanese Imperial year system (皇紀 kōki) uses the year of Emperor Jinmu's [3] ascension to the throne as its zero point which happened in 660 BC.

M6X Blitz Uniform [Denkou Hifuku] - 六○式電光被服
The 2660 AD (Imperial) model, which means the one adopted in 2000 AD (Gregorian).
  • Literally "lightning clothes". The 六○式 comes from military weapon terminology, meaning M6X (also Model 6X) which is the latest version of the Blitz Uniform (as used by Murakumo). The exact year of the make is censored so I used X to represent this.

German Military Affairs Delegation Dispatch - 遣独軍事使節団
During the Great War, submarines were used to carry out Japanese-German technology exchange. Before the outbreak of the war the "Indian Ocean - Cape of Good Hope" route was used, but during the closing years of the Great War navigation was near impossible.

Hibernation Control Unit [Toumin Seigyo] - 冬眠制御
The technology used to control metabolism and lower body temperature. It also improves the immune system.

Akatsuki - アカツキ
Codename originated from "Akatsuki Unit" which was the alias of an Imperial Army naval force.
  • This is the description from the Japanese Wikipedia article related to 暁部隊 (Akatsuki Unit): [4]
"The Shipping Command Unit (Senpaku Shireibu Tai) was an organization of the Imperial Japanese Army that supervised the transportation of troops, goods, etc. during the war. It was assigned the Unit Character Name: "Akatsuki Unit". More popularly know as "Akatsuki"."
The Imperial Japanese Army gave codenames, based on a guideline called Tsūshōgō [5], that assigned a character (kanji) and a number for each unit. In this case 暁 meaning dawn, daybreak.

Gesellschaft - ゲゼルシャフト
Its real meaning being closer to "Society". It originates from "German asociation for the spiritual inheritance of protohistoric ancestors" to be commonly referred to as "Ahnenerbe".
  • アーネンエルベ "Ancestors Inheritance" from Ahnen (ger: ancestors, forefathers) and Erbe (ger: inheritance, heritage, legacy). The phrase is a strong reference to the motivation behind Gessellschaft, Perfecti Cult and the New Knights Templar throughout the series: "protohistoric ancestors" the ancient Gods (like Valkyria) and "spiritual inheritance" Mycale's endgoal of global perfection with the Pneuma Project.

Hēi​hái​zi - 黒孩子(ヘイハイズ)
An unregistered illegitimate child not declared for being born outside the one-child policy.
  • Literally meaning "Black Child". [6]

Professional Assassin - 職業兇手
A hitman.
  • Could be also read as "Zhí​yè​ Xiōng​shǒu"​ in Chinese.

Hēi​shè​huì​ - 黒社会
Underworld organization, mafia.
  • From chinese 黑社会 (hēi​shè​huì​) criminal underworld; organized crime syndicate.

Black Hands - 黒手会(ブラックハンズ)
Taking advantage of Hong Kong handover to mainland China, the local mafia expanded into the continent. The origin of the name comes from its assassins black gloves. It's unrelated to the Serbian Black Hand Society. [7]
  • The name is very similar to the Chinese word for mafia: 黑手党 (hēi​shǒu​dǎng).

State Council - 国務院
The Chinese government.
  • From 国务院 (Guó​wù​yuàn​) State Council (of the People's Republic of China). [8]

8th License Holder - 8番目の許可証保持者
License given to the strongest agents authorizing homicide.

Cut Content
Marilyn Dajie
Anonym Guard
System Specifics