Kirby Fighters 2/Ninja

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Ninja (Unlocked at Fighters Rank 33)

Ninja as an extremely powerful swordsman with great damage, large disjoints, and block pressure, plus a his Knife Throw(5B) projectile that forces your opponent to approach you by beating or trading with a majority of projectiles in the game, usually only losing to ones that have been charged. In general, you want to be using 5B in neutral, and using Shock(j.5[B]) to win air-to-air and to start combos into Blossom Storm(28B).


General Moves

Neutral Gameplay

Ninja's Knife Throw(5B) is an extremely powerful projectile, not for how much damage it does, but for how it's fast, low-commital, and destroys other projectiles (especially ones that aren't/can't be charged) that are much slower, meaning Ninja wins the interaction from a distance. Notable examples include Bomb, Magolor, and Water.

5B is also a great pressure tool against characters who don't have projectiles of their own, such as Whip, Hammer, or Sword. This forces them to approach, meaning you can 50/50 with Stealth Slash(66B) or Shock(5[B]), or running up to them and using Air Drop(c.6B/c.8B). 5B is a powerful Ninja tool has, akin to Fox's Laser in Melee. Use this whenever there's any space between you and your opponent. Generally, you'll want to do 5B, jump, 5B twice, land, then repeat. This rhythm shoots knives at 3 different heights (Low, High, then Middle). If you mash both A and B over and over again, chances are that the two knives shot in the air will be around the same height, but if you jump higher they'll likely differ in height, covering more vertical range.

With 5B projectiles flying across the screen, your opponent may go for dash attacks to approach. If you think they're going to try it, use Blossom Storm(28B) to dodge their attack from above and strike with your own that sets up for j.5[B] pressure. It's worth noting that even if you use j.5[B] as soon as you leave the ground, the hitbox is always active. Ninja's best trait is how well he can trade with his disjoint and usually outdamage his opponent, or if it doesn't, you will put them into a combo situation.


j.5[B] into 2B into 66B (Extremely close range only, has to be a jump in)

j.5[B] into standing 5[B] (the first hit and the shockwave) (CLOSE RANGE ONLY)

note: Deals as much damage as the combo below, however can be used to not stale your Cherry Blossom

j.5[B] into Cherry Blossom (Mid-Close range only)

note: Use this whenever your standing 5[B] won't connect to not stale it

j.5[B] into 66B (Any range)

note: Use this when Cherry Blossom won't connect

2B --> j.5[B] --> Cherry Blossom

{Platform Combos/Unblockables}

(You are below the platform, your opponent is above or below) Cherry Blossom --> 66B

(Your opponent blocks the Cherry Blossom on a platform) Cherry Blossom --> Air grab (6B) (Unblockable set up)

(Opponent blocks Cherry Blossom up close) Cherry Blossom --> fall for a few frames --> Air grab (unblockable set up, possibly not true)

Corner Combos/Infinites

aerial Shock(j.5[B]) --> Smoke Screen(2B) (repeat forever)

Blockstrings and pressure

Synopsis: Generally you want to continue Ninja's extreme guard pressure with Dash Attacks and Cherry Blossoms, while using j.5[B] to make sure they don't feel safe jumping, and your grabs so they don't get too comfortable blocking. It's worth noting a lot of these chain into themselves, which can be used to apply pressure over and over. Also worth noting is these work anywhere on stage, not just the corner.

66B > j.5[B] > 5[B] > 5[B]

66B > j.5[B] > Cherry Blossom --> (if close) Air Grab (if far) 66B

j.5[B] --> 6B (Close)

j.5[B] --> j.5[B]

j.5[B] --> 66B --> Cherry Blossom --> 2B --> 6B (close)


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