Ougon Musou Kyoku/Jessica Ushiromiya: Difference between revisions

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|caption=623A version
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|input=623A/B/C with Enchant on
|input=623A/B/C with Enchant on

Revision as of 14:51, 6 February 2022

Jessica Ushiromiya




  • Insane close range game:Absolutely every one of her normals is plus (even her overhead) while moving her forward, and her conversions do a lot of damage even without meter, which tend to lead into stun for even more damage, making her one of the most damaging characters in the game.
  • Shave-Booster can force a lot of checkmates:Doubling chip damage and not allowing it to be recovered makes some partner combinations basically win the moment they MetaDeclare while their opponents are at low health.
  • Great conversions:Even from stray hits, she can convert into very damaging combos with her 236X specials and 623X hitting OTG.


  • Very momentum based: Requires both being close and having Enchant (22X) up to pose a real threath
  • Bad footsies: While she has a decent Ground-to-Air and Air-to-Ground, her pokes are in the stubby side, meaning her midrange is probably the worst position to be in.
  • Struggles against zoners: She is a very close range fighter but lacks more movement options than the universal ones and her speed is just average, so keeping her out can be more easily achieved than with other Rushdown characters.

Ability: "Shave Booster"

Increases chip damage and prevents recoverable health accumulation.

Move List

Normal Moves


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 - 5 4 4 HL Special, SP, Meta +1 +1 x
  • Jessica jabs forward.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
72 - 12 4 6 HL Special, SP, Meta ±0 ±0 x
  • Jessica steps forward and jabs.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 - 8 4 6 HL Special, SP, Meta +6 +4 x
  • Jessica does a quick strike to the kidneys.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
135 - 8 7 8 HL Special, SP, Meta +1 -1 x
  • Jessica punches forward, generating wind around her fist and sliding forward.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
90,90 - 20 4,4 10 H Special, SP, Meta ±0 -2 x
  • Jessica steps forward before doing an overhead strike.
  • Hits twice. Meta, special and attack touch cancelable for combo potential.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
270 - 10 3 13 HL Special, SP, Meta +9 +6 x
  • Jessica does a left hook.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
240 - 14 8 16 HL Special, SP, Meta +1/+8 -2/+5 x
  • Jessica leans forward as her sprite inches forward, punching ahead of her.
  • Slow start-up, but fantastic range.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
255 - 11 7 19 HL Special, SP, Meta 1 -4 x
  • Jessica steps forward and does an uppercut. Launches if opponent is in the air.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
45 - 4 4 3 L Special, SP, Meta +3 +3 x
  • Jessica does a crouching jab.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
165 - 6 4 11 L Special, SP, Meta +1 -1 x
  • Jessica crouches and does a low straight.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
255 - 12 3 12 L Special, SP, Meta KD +7 x
  • Jessica slides forward and strikes at their feet. Hits low. Knocks down.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
60 - 3 6 6 H - ? ? x
  • Jessica jabs downwards, with almost no horizontal reach.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 - 7 6 7 H - ? ? x
  • Jessica does a jumping straight. Hits high
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 - 8 13 0 H - ? ? x
  • Jessica does her uppercut in the air.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
252 - 11 6 12 H - ? ? x
  • Jessica punches downwards diagonally. Hits high.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
252 - 11 3 11 H - ? ? x
  • Jessica swipes downwards. Hits high.


Whiff animation
Whiff animation
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
300 - 0-1 ? 27 (whiff) UNB - ? x x
  • Jessica grabs the opponent by their collar, punching them silly before tossing them into the air. Air techable.

Special Moves

Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
x x ? ? (total) x - x x x
  • Jessica enchants her brass knuckles, enabling her to use enchant specials.
  • Recovery frames negate most projectiles.
  • Can be interrupted.
  • Every version is identical
【Maiden's Heartbreak!】
236A/B/C with Enchant on
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236A 300 x 17 4 10 HL - ? ? ?
  • Jessica punches forward horizontally, leaving a wave of flames as she does.
  • Can only be used when you hold Enchant. Uses up the Enchant at the start of animation.
  • All versions of Maiden's Heartbreak! can be comboed afterwards.
  • A Version comes out the quickest, recovers the quickest, is the easiest to combo after, but travels the smallest and does the least amount of damage.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236B 330 x 21 6 14 HL - ? ? ?
  • B Version is somewhere between A and C, and is so the recommended version to use unless you feel confident about linking after the C Version.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236C 360 x 24 8 18 HL - ? ? ?
  • C Version comes out the slowest, recovers the slowest, is the hardest to combo after, but travels the farthest and does the most amount of damage.
【Maiden's Explosion!】
623A/B/C with Enchant on
623A version
623A version
623B version
623B version
623C version
623C version
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
623A 300 x 13 ? ? HL - KD -5 ?
  • Jessica does a ground pound, making a small explosion upwards.
  • Any version can lift lying opponents off the ground.
  • Can extend aerial juggles.
  • Can only be used when you hold Enchant. Uses up the Enchant at the start of animation.
  • Explosion does not get stopped if Jessica is hit anytime after her fist touches the ground.

A Version comes out the quickest, and does the least amount of damage.

Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
623B 320 x 16 ? ? HL - KD -6 ?
  • B version comes out in an in-between of the A and C version
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
623C 360 x 19 ? ? HL - KD -7 ?
  • C Version comes out the slowest, but does the most amount of damage.
【Maiden's Invincible Punch!】
214A version
214A version
214B version
214B version
214C version
214C version
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214A 330 x 20 10 14 HL - KD -4 Full invul 1-14
  • Jessica does one of three different feints.
  • All versions are charge/delayable, and all knocks opponent into the air.
  • A Version: Jessica steps back and feints right, unleashing a powerful punch after a moment.
  • Dodges High/Mid/Lows.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214[A] 450 x 34 10 13 HL - KD ±0 Fulll invul 1-28
  • Charging this move delays and increases the damage of the punch, also turns the punch into a hard knockdown.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214B 360 x 14 4,14 26 HL - KD -16 Low profile 1-14
  • B version: Jessica crouches down before doing an uppercut.
  • Dodges High/Mids.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214[B] 480 x 28 4,12 16 HL - KD -18 Low profile 1-28
  • Charging this move increases the damage of the punch, changes the height of the uppercut, turns the punch into a hard knockdown, and gives full body invincibility.
  • Useful in air juggles due to the fully charged version allowing to combo afterwards, maybe with another 214[B] if the opponent is high enough.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214C 330 x 22 7 16 HL - KD -4 Low profile 1-18
  • C Version: Jessica feints to the left before striking.
  • Dodges High/Mids.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214[C] 450 x 36 7 17 HL - KD -1 Low profile 1-32
  • Charging this delays and increases the damage of the punch, turns the punch into a hard knockdown, and gives full body invincibility.
【Maiden's Heartbeat!】
Mash A/B/C 5 times
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Mash A ±500 x 9 8 14 HL - ? ? ?
  • Jessica's variation of the hundred hand slap, punching rapidly until the button presses stop or after a short duration.
  • A version doesn't travel any distance.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Mash B ±500 x 12 8 14 HL - ? ? ?
  • B Version is somewhere in between.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Mash C ±500 x 16 8 14 HL - ? ? ?
  • C Version travels the farthest.

SP Supers

Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
390 x 15 8 10 HL - +16 +12 x
  • Jessica does a super version of the heartbreaker, crossing half of the screen in an instant. Hits mid.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
540 x 11 ? ? HL - KD ? Full invul 11-17
  • Jessica puts her fist into the ground and launches an even larger explosion.
  • Invincible during first frames of super.
  • Explosion is not stopped if Jessica is hit the moment after the fist touches the ground.
  • Can lifted grounded/lying opponents off the ground.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
540 x 18 7 22 HL - KD -8 Full inful 1-14
  • Jessica feints to the right before doing a powerful strike.
  • Fully invincible during the dodge.
  • Wall Slams and does high amounts of stun.
Mash A+B 5 times
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
573 x 7 14 12 x - KD +2 x
  • Jessica does a super version of her Maiden's heartbeat, traveling across the screen extremely fast.
  • Wall Slams on the last hit.
  • 50% Break Limit Damage.

Level 2 Super

Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
645 x 6 52 29 HL - KD ? Low profile 1-58
  • Jessica demonstrates her variation of the Dempsey roll, travelling across the screen until it hits the opponent or a certain distance.
  • Low profile during animation.
  • Costs 2 meters.

Meta Super

【Sweet! Thanks for coming to see me Today!】
641236C during MetaWorld
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
±1250 x 72 ? 21 HL - KD ? Full invul 72-?
  • Jessica changes into her Marisa Kirisame cosplay costume and has a Master Spark fire upwards diagonally directly in front of her.
  • Extremely slow startup with no invincibility, but Jessica is fully invincible during the duration of the beam. How long is that? See for yourself.
  • Best used in the corner as oki after you've knocked the opponent down with 6C. If used midscreen, the blocking opponent will get pushed back far enough for the beam to eventually miss.
  • Safe on block if spaced correctly.
  • Does high amounts of chip and guard damage.

Frame Data

UNDER CONSTRUCTION (Format stolen from ABK Wiki. Don't sue!)
KD = Knockdown
+- = May be more or less than
Move = Fully Charged

                              |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |  300  |  0-1   |   --    |    --    |  TKD  |    --    |27 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  5A  |   54  |    4   |    3    |    6     |  +1   |   +1     |
                  2A  |   45  |    4   |    4    |    3     |  +3   |   +3     |
                c.5B  |  150  |    8   |    4    |    6     |  +6   |   +4     |
                f.5B  |  135  |    8   |    7    |    8     |  +1   |   -1     |
                  2B  |  165  |    6   |    4    |   11     |  +1   |   -1     |
                c.5C  |  270  |   10   |    3    |   13     |  +9   |   +6     |
                f.5C  |  240  |   14   |    8    |   16     | +1/+8 |  -2/+5   |
                  2C  |  255  |   12   |    3    |   12     |  UKD  |   +7     |
                j.5A  |   60  |    3   |    6    |    6     |       |          |
               j8.5B  |  150  |    7   |    6    |    7     |       |          |
               j8.5C  |  252  |   11   |    6    |   12     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5B  |  150  |    8   |   13    |    0     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5C  |  252  |   11   |    3    |   11     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  6A  |   72  |   12   |    4    |    6     |  +0   |   +0     |
                  6B  | 90,90 |   20   |   4,4   |   10     |  +0   |   -2     |
                  6C  |  255  |   11   |    7    |   19     |  -1   |   -4     |
             Specials  ------------------------------------------------------------------
             22A/B/C  |  --   |   25   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |   --     |
                236A  |  300  |   18   |    ?    |    ?     |  +15  |   +12    |
                236B  |  330  |   22   |    ?    |    ?     |  +11  |   +8     |
                236C  |  360  |   26   |    ?    |    ?     |  +7   |   +4     |
                214A  |330/450|  20/34 |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |  -4/+0   |           
                214B  |360/480|  14/28 |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |  -16/-18 |
                214C  |330/450|  22/36 |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |  -4/-1   |
                623A  |  300  |   13   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |   -5     |
                623B  |  320  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |   -6     |
                623C  |  360  |   19   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |   -7     |
             A/B/Cx5  | +-500 |10/12/14|    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |    ?     |  
         SPs and Meta  ------------------------------------------------------------------
              236A+B  |  390  |   15   |    ?    |    ?     |  +16  |    +12   |
              214A+B  |  540  |   20   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |    -8    | 
              623A+B  |  540  |   11   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |    -10   | 
               A+Bx5  |  573  |    7   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |    +2    |
              236x2C  |  645  |    8   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |    -5    |
             641236C  |+-1250 |   72   |    ?    |    ?     |   KD  |    -10   |


Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats on how to use Jessica and her strategy vs specific characters. Remember I'm watching you.

Jessica by herself, has arguably a terrible neutral game. Having only two normals with which to poke with, and abysmal aerials makes her neutral game a little tough.

f.5B: Jessica's signature poke/hitconfirm. It moves Jessica forward a bit, has good recovery, and can easily hitconfirm a f.5C off of if it hits a careless dasher. You'll be using this move a lot as the neutral game goes on, hoping for a random hit so as to hitconfirm.

f.5C: Another one of Jessica's long range normals. It moves her forward a good distance, and if it hits, you'll be able to dash cancel and start your oki. However, the recovery frames are very long so if she whiffs this move, expect an aware opponent to punish. It's a nice move to throw out randomly since it's even more effective than f.5B at punishing bad jump-ins and dashes.

2C: The hitbox of this move lingers, punishing dashes and bad jump-ins, along with giving Jessica somewhat of a low hitbox. This move is much more useful in blockstrings however, as on block it gives an massive advantage of +7, literally forcing most opponents to block your next mixup or eat a very damaging frame trap. 2A into 2C is a deceptive frame trap. Be wary of parry guard touches though, so don't be too 2C happy.

6C: Jessica's anti-air move. If you can hit an airborne opponent with this move, you can get a 214B loop, which will do a ton of damage. The hitbox is not high enough to catch some jumpers, like Erika or Bern, so you may whiff this move. However, this move makes Jessica something to fear when you're in the air. You can dash in and 6C after making your opponent block 2C. 2C has a couple frames where they can jump out, and 6C can launch them and guarantee you a high damage combo for an Enchant setup. If it's blocked, you can just cancel it with another 2C and continue the blockstring from there.

8j.B: Jessica's only decent air to air move. You can attempt this to knock enemies out of the air, but it's not as reliable as Battler's 8j.B

A+Bx5: This move is Jess' definitive guard break special. It does 50-60% damage to the opponent's Break Limit, and it can't be guard touched, making it one of the best options to guard break with. Ronove can still guard kick this however so be careful.

214A: The small invincibility frames this move gives you will help you punish dash ins, jump ins, and even attack touches. It's not recommended to charge this move however, since any low will go through it.

214C: It is recommended to charge this move however. During the last part of the charging animation. Jessica becomes invincible during the entire attack, making it an extremely useful tool to punish wake-up reversals, and jump ins. The best way to use this move is to use it as oki, as the opponent is waking up. Charging the move will give you reversal coverage, and the move is relatively safe on block if spaced well. 214C cannot be guard touched, making it a good move to use to guard break the opponent. 214C > 623A+B is a good frametrap to use to punish enemies that try to punish your 214C or jump out, or even finish off the opponent's Break Limit.

Team Building

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what partners are best for Jessica to use. Remember I'm watching you.


Coming Soon


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Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

  Black Battler 

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Coming Soon

  Chiester 410 

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Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


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Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Sample Combos

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what combos to use. Remember I'm watching you.


  No Enchant

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 22A/B/C: Basic setup for Enchant. - 773 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.
  • Delay after 5C is necessary in order to be able to hit with 2C.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 2B > 6C > 22A/B/C: Setup for Enchant in the corner. - 1136 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.
  • Delay after 5C is necessary in order to be able to hit with 2C.
  • The latter 2B may have to be omitted against opponents with thin air hitboxes, like Beatrice and Lambda. Switch it with 5B.
  • Can be used midscreen if dash is used between 2C and the latter 2B. Will not work against characters with thin air hitboxes, like Beatrice and Lambda.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 214B/C: Basic combo that ends with a knockback instead of Enchant. - 1070 Damage

  • If used midscreen, essentially another 22A/B/C setup, but you lose the oki that would have been gained by using 6C instead, therefore this combo is not recommended.

AA 6C > 214[B] > 214[B] > 2B > 6C > 22A/B/C: Anti-air combo which does a lot of damage and sets up Enchant. - 1531 Damage

  • [Move] = Charged
  • [AA] = Anti-Air (Must hit an airborne opponent).
  With Enchant

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 236B/C > 2A > 2B > 5B > 2C > 6C > 22A/B/C: An Enchant loop followed up by another Enchant setup. - 1469 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 623A/B/C > 2B > 6C > 22A/B/C: Combo that uses 623C to OTG opponent off the ground to hit with 6C for enchant setup. - 1433 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.
  • Delay after 5C is necessary in order to be able to hit with 2C.
  • Use in case you're scared of opponent damage bursting, not recommended otherwise however.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 2B > 6C > 623C > 214[B] > 2B/5B > 6C > 22A: Corner only combo which guarantees stun against most characters. - 2176 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.
  • Delay after 5C is necessary in order to be able to hit with 2C.
  • The latter 2B may have to be omitted against opponents with thin air hitboxes, like Beatrice and Lambda. Switch it with 5B.
  • [Move] = Charged
  • Definitely recommended every time you're in the corner with enchant up.
  • Combo success varies according to hitboxes of opponents.

AA 6C > 214[B] > 214[B] > 2B > 6C > 623C > 2B > 6C > 22A/B/C: Anti-Air combo that uses Enchant's 623 series to extend the combo. - 2217 Damage

  • [Move] = Charged
  • [AA] = Anti-Air (Must hit an airborne opponent).
  • The latter 2B may have to be omitted against opponents with thin air hitboxes, like Beatrice and Lambda. Switch it with 5B.
  • If used in corner, instead after 623C, use 214[B], then follow it up with 2B for more damage.

With Meter:

  No Enchant

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 214A+B: Basic combo that ends with a SP knockback. - 1259 Damage

  • Only recommended to be used if opponent is near stun, or the extra damage given by 214A+B KOs the opponent. Better off just setting up another Enchant.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > Dash > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 2B > 6C > 641236C: Combo into meta super. - 2269 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.
  • Delay after 5C is necessary in order to be able to hit with 2C.
  • You MUST dash after 2C if you are midscreen in order to hit 2B.

META (Or during Meta) > AA 6C > 641236C: Guaranteed meta super. - Up to 1371 Damage

  • Recommended to just use 214[B] loop since it does more damage, but this combo has a high chance of stun and it looks cool so...
  With Enchant

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 236B/C/A+B > 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > Meta > 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 214A+B: Combo that leads to a guaranteed stun. - 2471 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.
  • Delay after 5C is necessary in order to be able to hit with 2C.

2B > 5B > 5C > Meta Cancel > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 2B > 5B > HJC9 > j.A > j.C > j.B > 623AB > (214A+B OR 2B > 5B > j.A > j.C > j.B) > Stun: 3.2k damage, 3/2SP, before stun.

  • 214A+B ender actually does less damage but is easier to execute.
  • Skipping the 2B after the 2C might be necessary against some characters;
  • The 2B after the 623AB is necessary, or else 5B will launch & knockdown.
  • Ridiculous damage, and doesn't require any touch meter/can be touched into.
  Will SP Cancel Specific Cancels

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > Dash > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 623B/C/A+B > Cancel > 641236C: Guaranteed stun. = Up to 2564 Damage

  • May need to delay the 5B after the 2B hits in order to use to Far 5B against crouching opponents.
  • Delay after 5C is necessary in order to be able to hit with 2C.
  • Will need to dash after 2C if used midscreen in order to combo the 623.

214A+B > 623B/C/A+B > Cancel > 61236C: Wonderful combo to punish wake-ups with. Corner only. - 1701 Damage

  Ronove CH Boost Specific Combo

9j.C > 9j.B > 66 > 2B > c.5C > 66 > 5A > f.5B > f.5C > 236A+B > 66 > 2B > c.5C > 66 > 5A > f.5B > f.5C > Attack Touch > 66 > c.5B > c.5C > 623A+B > 66 > c.5B > c.5C > A+B+C > 66 > c.5B > c.5C > 623A+B > 66 > 5B > 2C > 6C > 641236C > Raw Touch > 22A/B/C > 9j.C > 9j.B > 66 > 2B > c.5C > 66 > 5A > f.5B > f.5C > 236A+B > 66 > 2B > c.5C > 66 > 5A > f.5B > f.5C > Attack Touch > 66 > c.5B > c.5C > 623A+B > 66 > c.5B > c.5C > A+B+C > 66 > c.5B > 2C > 6C/f.5C -> 641236C: Around 7600 damage, started from CH Boost. If done w/o CH Boost, around the 6000s.

  • Requires a lot of links


Early concept art of Jessica Ushiromiya.