Ougon Musou Kyoku/Virgilia: Difference between revisions

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   '''Black Battler'''
   '''Chiester 410'''
   '''Eva Beatrice'''

Revision as of 04:14, 13 February 2022



The former Endless Witch/Beatrice, and Beatrice's mentor who taught her all about magic. Although she dislikes how Beatrice uses the power she has been bestowed, Virgilia is nonetheless loyal to her student and works to help Beatrice achieve victory. From an anti-fantasy perspective, she is Kumasawa.


Former teacher of Golden Witch Beatrice has some similar aspects: They both share good zoning and corner game which can snowball to big damage. Virgilia has alot amazing SP specials for utility and damage, however struggles more with antiairs and true mixups than her pupil. She still offers some great, versatile zoning and damage to those who want more traditional, slow paced zoning to their team.


  • Versatile zoning: Virgilia has fullscreen reaching projectiles which are overheads, magic circle which can be put on ground and activated manually, and long normals which are hard to parry touch too for punishing.
  • Snowbally corner game: If she gets you to corner, it can lead to huge damage from her very long blockstrings and guard damage especially if she has meter, which lead to guard break to potential huge damage into same oki situation.
  • Great SP specials: Her SP specials are very good, offering damage, pressure, screen control and zoning.


  • Very poor antiair game: Ougon already has pretty lackluster antiairs, and Virgilia has it especially bad since her antiairs are proximity based. Alongside that her huge model means she cannot tripguard or avoid jump buttons in general either.
  • Very meter dependent: While her SP specials are great, she uses them alot which mean she can be lacking when she has no access to them, and in game like Ougon where meter advantage is important throwing meter away can be bad.
  • Lack of reversals: Her metered options don't have enough invincibility to not trade.


Generates SP over time for both Virgilia and her teammate.

Virgilia's ability is one of the simpler ones in the game - just activate it and you passively get extra meter to spend. You don't build enough for a whole bar over its duration, but it's close enough to warrant trying to have it active as frequently as possible.

Whilst active, both characters generate SP at a rate of 0.07SP per second up to a maximum of 0.7SP over the entirety of its duration.

Move List

Normal Moves


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 x 4 3 11 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -4 -4 x
  • Short, upward stab with a dagger.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 x 7 3 11 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -4 -4 x
  • Forward stab with a dagger.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
180 x 8 12 6 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -2 -4 x
  • Virgilia thrusts with a large mirror.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 x 8 4 16 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -4 -6 x
  • Forward stab with a candelabra.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
270 x 12 4 18 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta, Dash -7 -10 x
  • Upward swing with a broom.
  • Launches if it hits an airborne opponent.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
240 x 13 4 23 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -2 -5 x
  • Horizontal swipe with a broom.
  • Cannot be Dash Canceled.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 x 6 6 6 HL Special, SP, Meta -2 -2 x
  • Forward stab with a dagger while sitting.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 - 8 5 13 L Special, SP, Meta -2 -4 x
  • Forward stab with a candelabra while sitting.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
210 - 13 3 24 L Special, SP, Meta KD - x
  • Low horizontal sweep with broom while sitting. Knocks down on hit.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
60 x 3 4 16 H Special, SP - - x
  • Forward stab with a dagger while jumping.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
60 x 4 4 16 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • Downward stab with a dagger while jumping
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 x 10 8 8 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • Forward thrust with a large mirror while jumping.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 - 13 8 4 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • Downward stab with a candelabra while jumping.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
285 - 16 5 10 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • Upward swipe with a broom while jumping.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
285 - 23 6 4 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • Downward swipe with a broom while jumping.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
252 - 10 until landing/0 0/? H x ? ? x
  • Virgilia rides a broom diagonally downward towards the ground.
  • Can be canceled mid-air by pressing C, otherwise it lasts until it hits the ground.
  • Active until Virgilia lands, or the move is manually canceled.


Whiff animation
Whiff animation
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
300 - 0-1 ? 49 (whiff) UNB x KD x x
  • Summons a goat servant to grab the opponent and throw them across the stage.
  • Wallslams.

Special Moves

Magic Circle Creation 「魔方陣設置」/Crucifixion 「磔刑」
236A version
236A version
236B version
236B version
236C version
236C version
236X set
236X set
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236X x - 17 x ? HLA x x x x
  • Creates a magical circle on the ground. The distance it is created from Virgilia depends on the button used. Vanishes upon use of Crucifixion or performing any kind of Touch.
  • (A version) - Creates a magical circle underneath Virgilia's feet.
  • (B version) - Creates a magical circle at the midpoint between herself and her opponent.
  • (C version) - Creates a magical circle underneath the opponent's feet.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236X-236X 150-240 - 15+2>30 ? 46 total L x ? ? x
  • Can only be used after placing Magic Circle. Summons a spear to strike twice at the magic circle, causing the magic circle to vanish. Hits low.
  • Launches if it hits an airborne opponent at a certain position.
Divine Spear: Gungnir 「神なる槍グングニル」
41236A version
41236A version
41236B version
41236B version
41236C version
41236C version
j.41236A version
j.41236A version
j.41236B version
j.41236B version
j.41236C version
j.41236C version
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
41236A 480 - 35 ? ? H - KD ? x
  • Summons a divine spear in the air above her and it flies at the opponent. Overhead.
  • A Version has the spear go in the angle closest to Virgilia.
  • Can be used in the air, with reduced angles for all versions
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
41236B 480 - 35 ? ? H - KD ? x
  • B Version appears somewhere in between the A and C version
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
41236C 480 - 35 ? ? H - KD ? x
  • C Version the farthest
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
j.41236A 480 - 35 ? ? H - KD ? x
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
j.41236B 480 - 35 ? ? H - KD ? x
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
j.41236C 480 - 35 ? ? H - KD ?6 x
Lesser Goat Servants 「従順なる山羊の従者」
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214A 300 - 27+2 18 ? HL - x x x
  • Summons a goat butler from the ground in front of Virgilia to perform an uppercut. Hits the enemy into the air.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214B 300 - 27+22 7 ? H - x x x
  • Summons a goat butler from the ground in front of Virgilia that swings both his fists down in front of him. Causes knockdown. Hits high.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214C 360/390 - 27+31/27+43 12/5 ? HL - x x x
  • Summons a goat butler from the ground behind Virgilia that rushes forward to tackle the opponent. Hits for either 360 damage frames 59-70, or for 390 damage by frames 71-75. Whichever part connects first will be the only one to be counted. Does not disappear if Virgilia is hit.

SP Supers

Divine Spear Crucifixion 「神槍の磔刑」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
240-240 x 38 ? ? L - KD ? x
  • After placing Magic Circle. Summons spikes of light from the Magic Circle to hit the opponent twice for 480 damage. Launches the opponent into the air on hit. Causes the Magic Circle to vanish. Comes out almost instantly.
Divine Hammer: Mjollnir 「神なる槌ミョルニル」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
690 x 39 ? ? H x ? ? x
  • Summons a giant hammer right in front of the opponent which smashes them. Can also be performed in the air. Hits high, can only be interrupted in the first few frames, otherwise the hammer will come out even after Virgilia is hit.
Lesser Goat Servants: Goat Rush Hour 「従順なる山羊の従者山羊によるラッシュアワー」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Varies x ? ? ? HL x ? ? x

Exclusive SP Supers

Falling Tower 「墜落せし塔」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
550 x ? ? ? HL - KD ? ?

Level 2 Super

Magic Item Show 「マジックアイテムショー」 ―
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
645 x 7 42 29 HL x KD ? x
  • Virgilia rushes at the opponent. If she hits them, she summons a multitude of objects which all hit the foe. Hits 8 times for very high stun damage.

Meta Super

Summon Odin 「オーディン召喚」 ― 
641236C during MetaWorld
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
650 x ? ? ? H x KD ? x
  • Virgilia flies backward then summons Odin and his horse. Odin then throws a divine spear at the opponent after aiming at their general location.
  • Can hit OTG for full damage.

Frame Data

  KD = Knockdown
                              |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |  300  |  0-1   |    ?    |    ?     |   WS  |          |49 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                c.5A  |   54  |    4   |    3    |   11     |  -4   |   -4     |
                f.5A  |   54  |    7   |    3    |   11     |  -4   |   -4     |
                  2A  |   54  |    6   |    6    |    6     |  -2   |   -2     |
                c.5B  |  180  |    8   |   12    |    6     |  -2   |   -4     |
                f.5B  |  150  |    8   |    4    |   16     |  -4   |   -6     |
                  2B  |  150  |    8   |    5    |   13     |  -2   |   -4     |
                c.5C  |  270  |   12   |    4    |   28     |  -7   |  -10     |
                f.5C  |  240  |   13   |    4    |   23     |  -2   |   -5     |
                  2C  |  210  |   13   |    3    |   24     |  UKD  |   -5     |
               j8.5A  |   60  |    3   |    4    |   16     |       |          |
               j8.5B  |  150  |   10   |    8    |    8     |       |          |
               j8.5C  |  285  |   16   |    5    |   10     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5A  |   60  |    4   |    4    |   16     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5B  |  150  |   13   |    8    |    4     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5C  |  285  |   23   |    6    |    4     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                j.2C  |  252  |   10   |   16*   |   24     |-10/+9 | -13/+6   |See Note I

  Note I: *Animation-wise; it is active until Virgilia lands.

General Strategy

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats on how to best use Virgilia.

Coming Soon

Team Building

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what partners are best for Virgilia to use.

The information displayed here is from the 2022 Team Tier List from the Ougon Discord Thus, it is open to change, but it should work as a building block for people looking for team pairing ideas. If you are a player of any of the teams and want to change anything feel free to do so.

  Factors in choosing Virgilia for your team
  Black Battler
  Chiester 410


Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with other combos to use, ranging from BnBs to optimized.

Normal Combos

  • 2A 5B 2B 2C 236c
Basic Magic Circle setup.
  • 2A 5B 2B 5C 236X xx dash 5B 2B 2C 236c
Standard Magic Circle combo extension. Leads into another Magic Circle setup.
  • c.5C 214A xx dash c.5C 41236A
Anti-air combo.
  • 214A xx c.5B c.5C 236a/tk.j.41236A
Corner only. Neat little conversion off of 214A, racks up a lot of stun. You can either go for another Magic Circle setup at the end or tack on a little bit more damage with tk Spear, which still leaves you with enough time to land a meaty.

Metered Combos

  • 2B c.5B f.5C 41236SP xx (otg)236SP xx SP2 xx metaDeclare metaSuper
The meter-waster. Stuns most of the cast.
  • c.5C 214A xx dash c.5C metaDeclare metaSuper
Anti-air combo. Works anywhere.
  • c.5C 214A xx c.5B c.5C 236SP xx 214A xx c.5B c.5C 236a/tk.j.41236A/(metaDeclare) metaSuper
Corner variant of the anti-air combo.


Early concept art of Virgilia.