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Willard's 236AB is unique in the sense that is basically an all-purpose combo extender, as it acts as a launch on even otg opponents.
Willard's 236AB is unique in the sense that is basically an all-purpose combo extender, as it acts as a launch on even otg opponents.
'''As a rule, a 236AB can be followed up with any of the above 6C followups, except for 214A, 623BC. Even another 236AB if you so desire. '''
'''As a rule, a 236AB can be followed up with any of the above 6C followups, except for 214A, 623BC. Even another 236AB if you so desire. '''
236AB also allows you to get in a few more thwacks before your opponent enters stun.

236AB also allows you to get in a few more thwacks before your opponent enters stun.
236AB also allows Willard to '''link his meta super into his meta super.''' This requires precision timing and access to SP Cancel, as the 236AB must be SP cancelled into the meta super. '''It is extremely important to remember that having Lambdadelta as a partner makes this link impossible, as her ability has such a short duration that SP Cancel expires before the end of the first Meta Super, and thus the 236AB cannot be SP Canceled into the second Super.'''
It appears that using the 236AB Roughly the instant the enemy first bounces upon hitting the ground after the Meta super will give you the perfect opportunity to cancel into your meta super, which also requires strict timing. If you cannot replicate this, keep trying, it is an extremely useful link to learn and offers more bang for 1SP than any of your other skills.

Willard is particularly capable of scoring stuns entirely on his own, but requires several BNB > cancel loops. As a general rule, BNB > Cancel * 2 > Launch Combo >(f.5c>)j.5b>j.5c will guarantee a stun, but this does require your touch meter to be full, meta available or 2SP and will not allow meta followup. If you want to have a stun and use a different followup such as your Meta Super, try to land another hit or two before launching into the combo, but really, that is still a very improbable situation in an actual game.
Willard is particularly capable of scoring stuns entirely on his own, but requires several BNB > cancel loops. As a general rule, BNB > Cancel * 2 > Launch Combo >(f.5c>)j.5b>j.5c will guarantee a stun, but this does require your touch meter to be full, meta available or 2SP and will not allow meta followup. If you want to have a stun and use a different followup such as your Meta Super, try to land another hit or two before launching into the combo, but really, that is still a very improbable situation in an actual game.
'''Linking Meta Supers'''<br>
Willard's ability to create enormous amounts of damage for low meter can be accounted to his ability to link several meta supers together.
This is accomplished mostly through his amazing 236AB. In fact, that maximum amount of possible meta supers to pack into a single meta is 3. When operating under lag, conserving SP or if you simply cannot perform the other link, it is extremely easy to perform an OTG 236AB after a meta super and SP Cancel it into another meta. In general, this should be done after almost any meta super. It costs only 1 SP for hilarious amounts of damage that, most uniquely, isn't canceled by the opponent entering stun like other characters extended combos can be. Remember that an enemy can only be struck by a single non-super attack whilst in the air after entering stun, these supers don't care about that and can keep on comboing.
The other link is a 236AB on an '''airbourne opponent after a meta super hits'' followed by a 6C canceled into a meta super.
This link is very difficult to perform, as the 236AB must hit the opponent whilst they are still quite airbourne and haven't yet struck the ground. This is extremely hard mostly because the attack will whiff against enemies higher in the air, directly after the meta super. If the attack connects properly, the opponent will be juggled noticeably differently than they would if struck OTG and they will be struck by a 6C with ease.
This 6C should be your only attack against the stunned opponent, so as not to invalidate the combo.
Unfortunately, this link cannot be performed twice in a 3 meta super combo, as you will run out of meta before the 3rd meta super can be triggered.
'''The Standard Combos'''<br>
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C'''
'''38 Hits, 3925 Damage without Jumpin'''
This is your "best case scenario" combo. Its simple to use and can be modified based on the situation.
This combo is a guaranteed stun should you land the jump in but remember '''you are probably not going to land this in a real game.'''
For that reason, you must modify this combo based on your situation, omitting Dash Cancel if you lack the touch meter for it or are unwilling to risk
a Damage Touch and also omitting the final 236AB>236236C if you lack the meter. Your main enemy with this combo is Damage Touch, if you can predict
it, that would be amazing, but is still unlikely. When an enemy counters your meta declaration, you will probably have to omit the
final 236AB>236236C or replace the 236236C with a different 236AB followup (see above).
Alternatively, there is a more difficult variant based on three Meta Supers.
'''(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C'''
'''44 Hits, 3527 Damage without Jumpin'''
This combo is even better than the above one, but much harder in lag due to the difficult 236AB>6C Link. But you may be thinking "pfft, this combo doesn't deal as much damage as the other!" that may be so, but this combo leaves you with 2 Spare SP to use to either relaunch the enemy for additional followup or to just keep hold of. If you burn the 2 SP on followup, the combo's damage does indeed tip into the 4000s.
===Comboing With a Partner===
Because of the way Willard's ability functions and the fact that he has high damagee, high stun and supers that have highly effective scaling, Willard is simply a combo beast, both for him and his partners. This section details the possibilities regarding his partners and comboing with him, or just with SP Cancel.
'''Short Duration Ability Users'''<br>
Characters with short duration abilities, such as Eva Beatrice, Ange and Ronove, invalidate the above combos, below are numbers, followups and workarounds.
Ange's ability is extremely useful to Willard, allowing him to land stuns where he normally wouldn't. Standard Combo #1 will guaranteed a 100% of the time because of stun boost triggering for the BNB loops, the only exception being if the opponent very recently was stunned. Unfortunately, her short duration ability '''Invalidates the standard combos as seen above'''.
Within the meta world, abilities will both expire at the exact same time, with their duration being equal to that of the shorter ability. Meaning that when StunBoost expires, so will SP Cancel. There is a simple workaround that unfortunately lowers the damage of these combos slightly.
Simply use your dash cancel > BNB BEFORE you Meta Cancel> BNB. This will give you a greater amount of time in the meta world to use SP Cancel,a s you will be performing one less BNB loop within the meta world.
Combo is as follows.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C'''
'''38 Hits, 3781 Damage without Jumpin'''
The lower damage of this combo is because Dash Cancels prorate a rather large amount, and reduce the damage of the remainder of the combo, thus reducing the damage of the following BNB loop that would have been reserved for beforehand.
Her Short Duration ability also invalidates the second combo, but the fix is far simpler and does not affect damage. Simply perform the 236AB > SP Cancel > 641236C link before the 236AB > 6C > 641236C link. This is more difficult, though, as it leaves you less opportinuty to gauge how much time in the meta world you have left to perform the link, but does not affect the damage.
Ange herself does not benefit from SP Cancel in the slightest, unless you want to perform some more silly combos involving SP Sakutarou cancelled into meta super.
Evatrice also as a short duration ability and thus suffers from the same limitations as Ange does, forcing him to use the above combos instead. Fortunately, Evatrice's ability, Berserk compensates, making these combos, in fact, superior to the regular one.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C'''
'''38 Hits, 3946 Damage (Berserk not active before meta declaration) OR 4286 Damage (Berserk active before meta declaration) without Jumpin'''
'''(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C'''
'''44 Hits, 3549 Damage (Berserk not active before meta declaration) OR 3846 Damage (Berserk active before meta declaration) Without Jumpin'''
Eva, unlike Ange, DOES benefit from SP Cancel, although possibly the most useful one for a combo followup would be 214AB(3 Hits)>SP Cancel>641236C. This link also helps considering 214AB's startup invincibility and use as a reversal, allowing her to link uses of it as a reversal into her meta super within the meta world.
Standard combo #1 with a followup involving this link gives us the following.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C>Jump Over Enemy and Touch'''
'''>5A>5B>2B>f.5C>Meta Declaration>Dash>5A>5B>2B>f.5C>214AB(3 Hits)>SP Cancel>641236C''' - Followup
'''55 Hits, 4286 Damage (Berserk active before meta declaration)'''
Ronove also has a short duration ability, and uses the above alterations too. Like Eva, Ronove also has a combo damage booster to compensate, but unlike Eva, it isn't as reliable. In the strange situations in which these combos begin with a boosted counterhit, the following are the results.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C'''
'''38 Hits, 4914 Damage without Jumpin'''
'''(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C'''
'''44 Hits, 4615 Damage without Jumpin'''
Additionally, due to these counterhits hitting like trucks, a stun is all but guaranteed off these and fortunately, following up stuns with hilariously well scaling damage is Ronove and his Meta Super's specialty, the effect of a very simple Ronove followup is the following.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C>Jump Over Enemy and Touch
'''>5A>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declare>641236C''' - Followup
'''53 Hits, 5689 Damage'''
Ronove himself gets very few fun new tools to play with from SP Cancel, but there are a few links her can perform.
Notes: This is an extremely easy combo extender that can be performed quite easily and allows a 2C followup into whatever combo you want.<br>
Notes: An alternate, higher damage way of leading into a meta super than the standard 2C>6C Route in the corner, can be combo'd into with a 5C.
Poor Lambdadelta, she just plain ruins Willard's combo game. Lambda's ability lasts '''3 seconds''' this is not enough time for you to perform a 236AB>SP Cancel>641236C after a meta super, even if the first meta is triggered off a 6C>Meta Declaration. Thus, with Lambdadelta, the maximum amount of Meta Supers per meta world is 2.
Modified combos are as follows.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C>236AB>236236C'''
'''38 Hits, 4035 Damage without Jumpin'''
Yes, this combo does deal slightly more damage than the standard one, but the timing is so hilariously, unbeleivably strict that you will most likely never be able to pull it off with netplay delay, but feel free to try.
The second standard combo is simply a worse version of this one if you omit a meta super, so I won't bother putting it here.
This is unfortunate, though, considering how useful Lambda's zoning rushdown game helps Willard pull off his combos.
Lambda herself also gains little benefit from SP Cancel.
'''Everyone Else'''
Good god do Beatrice and Willard go well together. Access to Infinity SP makes Willard's already insane comboability godlike.
For example, should willard have access to Infinity SP before beggining a combo, he can add an additional BNB loop with a free 22AB and because of Infinity SP, he is left with an additional SP to burn at the end of the combo. He can perform this with either 4 SP, or use the additional SP for a measely 100 bonus damage.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>22AB>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>(j.5B>236AB>)236236C'''
'''42 Hits, 4315 Damage without Jumpin,  Stuns Guaranteed without Jumpin'''
'''44 Hits, 4412 Damage with optional extra launch.'''
In the above combo, the standard j.5B>j.5C cannot be performed due to stun setting in and preventing the 5C from connecting.
In the second standard combo, the damage is farm more brutal, as the 236AB>236236C combo finisher can be used thanks to the presence of Infinity SP leaving you with 3 SP instead of 2.
'''(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>22AB>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C'''
'''51 Hits, 4670 Damage without Jumpin. Stuns Guaranteed without Jumpin'''
These guaranteed stuns will also not work if the opponent was recently stunned, but will outside of that.
Beatrice herself makes a rather decent combo followup due to her infinite loops. Because these combos stun, she has no fear of a stun ruining one of her loops as they tend to do.
With SP Cancel, Beatrice can abuse it in one of two ways.
'''1) Guard Breaking'''
Within the meta world, Beatrice is already hilariously good at guard breaking using her towers, but her blockstrings are even more hilarious with SP Cancel.
Use of things such as the following can rack up over 90% Guard Break.
'''Knockdown>Meta Declaration>641236C(Summon)>641236C(Fire)>Random attacks during fire to wrack up block>623C>SP Cancel>641236C(Fire)>Either More Random attacks OR 641236B'''
This alone should essentially guarantee a guard break. Stop the string immediately once you break and launch into the combo of your choice.
'''2) Turbo Attack Rawket'''
Okay, I may have developed my own terminology here, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe the phenomenon.
Basically, what you do here is '''cancel a 214A/B/C into the SP Ability of your choice'''. At any point during Beatrice shiny golden flight, you can SP Cancel into any SP skill you want, essentially delivering that ability right into their face.
This can be used several ways, mostly in mind games though. Most enemies will attempt to punish a bad 214 by simply whacking you out of it when you get in range. SCREW THEM. Simply deliver an SP Red Truth Reversal right into their face and launch into the loop of your choice. If they choose to dash towards you so that they can punish you, immediately cancel into either 236236C or 236AB to punish them.
Alternatively, you can cancel into 214AB to continue flying across the battlefield in style.
Additionally, this actually allows you to combo into things from your 214 series, by either cancelling into 214AB or 623AB you can begin the combo loop of your choice.
Rosa can be seen as "combo insurance" to Willard. Her ability, Detachment pretty much guarantees Willard safety from Damage Touches after a meta declare, but outside of that (not that it isn't an absolutely amazing use of her), Willard doesn't get all that much from Rosa.
Rosa, on the other hand, gets some pretty hilarious stuff out of SP Cancel.
SP Cancelling a shotgun to the face with a reload instantly cancels the shot and leaves Rosa free to do whatever the hell she wants, including but not limited to a 623AB followup, one of rosa's brutal shotgun aerial followups, another gunshot or, most hilariously, a meta declare. In fact, try this for fun.
'''5A>5B>5C>236A/B>SPCancel>SP Reload>Meta Declare>236A>SP Cancel>SP Reload>j.9B>j.9C>236A/B/AB'''
'''8 Hits, 1986 Damage'''
This is with an absolutely barebones leadin and aerial followup, this is basically just to prove a point at how much much needed depth Rosa receives to her combos due to SP Cancel.
The damage on this combo is actually pretty damn great, and it damn well should be since it uses SP cancel twice. Breaking the 2000s in damage with a proper leadin to the first shot, which is extremely rare for Rosa but the timing on the second gunshot is quite strict. The fact that you just shot someone in the face 3 times in one combo is just a bonus. Alas, there is no way for Rosa to SP Cancel her Meta Super into a combo and you will still have to rely on stuns. SP Cancel is just plain good on Rosa, it gives her standard Reload all the functions of SP Reload when it comes to 623AB/236236C followups, as they will be cancelled immediately. In fact, Rosa is so very good at SP Cancelling her skills that you can actually cancel a point blank gunshot into SP Reload before the shot actually hits the opponent, allowing some hyper crazy stuff where the shot impacts whilst Rosa has already began attacking again.
Dlanor herself has very little impact on Willard's combos, but she earns a very special mention as an absolutely AMAZING combo finisher due to her supers that have hilariously good scaling. In fact, SP Cancel allows her some very unique links that make for some very decent followups.
A very decent link is one where she can SP Cancel a 22AB so that she can link two meta supers together, the link is difficult, but can be seen in practice below.
'''(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C>Jump over enemy and Touch'''
'''>5A>2B>2C>Meta Declaration>641236C>22AB>SP Cancel>641236C>63214AB''' - Followup
'''98 Hits, 4626 Damage without Jumpin'''
Alternatively, other fantastic links become available to Dlanor, such as the ability to cancel a 236236C into her Meta Super, this can be seen below and can be executed in the extremely unlikely situation that you find yourself touching from Willard into Dlanor within a meta world, with 5 SP. (Obviously this is just an example combo, you will never, ever use it)
'''5A>2B>2C>236236C>236236C>SP Cancel>641236C>63214AB'''
'''31 Hits, 2991 Damage, Stuns'''
'''5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C''' - Willard Followup
'''57 Hits, 4182 Damage'''
Other uses for SP cancel mostly revolve around her 623 series, which can be SP Cancelled at any point after the Autoblock ends. Common followups would be SP Grab, Meta Super or 623AB if you want to push your opponent fullscreen.

==Tag Partners==
==Tag Partners==

Revision as of 07:38, 11 April 2012

Willard H. Wright.


Willard H Wright was introduced in Requiem of the golden witch to solve the mystery behind Lion Ushiromiya. He is said to represent the intelligent readers of Umineko no Naku Koro Ni.

+ Extremely long range normals
+ Projectile very useful for pressure, similar to Ronove Roses
+ 236AB is insanely good for extending combos
+ 623 series have invincibility
+ Dodge roll SP2 is a safe reversal

- Can burn meter like crazy
- Ability is useless with certain characters (Example: Lucifer)
- Normals are not as fast as say, Lucifer
- Normals have long recovery frames if whiffed
- 623 series' usefulness without meter is questionable

Health - 1400.


SP cancel

Allows you to cancel special moves, EX moves and SP2s into any super move of higher priority. (SP1 --> SP2 --> Meta super)

Examples: Willard's 214B into 214AB, 236AB, 236236C, or 641236C.
Ronove - 623C into 623AB, 236236C, 641236C.
Battler - 236236C into 641236C.

Be careful, when using Meta World to trigger this ability its duration is equal to that of your other character's ability, meaning some SPCancel combos are impossible when using certain characters with Willard. These characters have abilities listed as Short or Extremely Short in Duration in the Abilities page.
EG. With a Ronove Partner, when the BNB>Meta Cancel>BNB>Dash Cancel>Launch Combo>Meta Super>236AB>SPCancel>Meta Super combo is impossible because you cannot use the SP cancel so late in the meta world. Instead the Dash Cancel must be performed first, before the meta declaration.
This property is shared with Beatrice's Infinity SP

Move List

Normal Moves


Will does a somewhat slow sword slash downwards. Hits mid.


Will whacks you with his elbow. Hits mid, whiffs on some crouchers.


Will sticks his foot out. Good range. Hits low.


Will swings his sword upwards, a la Zero’s third sword slash from MMX6. Hits mid. Fantastic anti air.


Will hops forward sticking his foot out. Chains into 2C even at max range, making it an attractive poke. Hits mid.


Will knees the opponent in the gut. Hits mid.


Will swings his sword, slicing at the opponent’s leg. Hits low.


AKA the Haohmaru slash. Will takes a step forward while swinging his sword, resulting in a poke with slow startup but potentially the longest range in the game. Has a long recovery time if it whiffs. Hits mid
Damage: 225


Will steps forward, swinging his sword upwards. Will’s launcher, which is his only method of hard knocking down (through untechable launch.) Can be chained into off 2C.


Will does a strong overhead strike. Hits mid.


Will makes a wide sweep with his sword forward. Does not knock down. Hits low.


Will slides forward a good distance. Cannot be chained into his other normals, but is special cancelable.


Will quickly swipes downwards with his sword. Only lasts 1-2 frames. Hits high.


Will makes a wide sweep with his sword. One of his best jump ins, can be used for street fighter crossups. Hits high.


Will makes a sweep upwards with his sword. Good for air to air.


Will sticks his foot out. Hits high.


Will kicks upwards. Whiffs on crouching.


Will does a horizontal slash. Likely only useful for combos or anti air.


Will swings downwards with his sword, a la Dante helmsplitter (Somewhat). Fantastic jump in, has TONS of hitstun.


Willard's throw. He grabs the opponent and tosses them to the other side. Possible to relaunch afterwards with 236AB.

Special Moves

Forbidden Blade 「禁ずる刃」 ― 214ABC

Will's Iai style sword strike. Button determines whether you strike above, below or low. Button can be held to increase range and add hard knockdown.

C version has techable knockdown uncharged. A version is useful for extending juggles. B version forces airtech, possible reset potential.

Ashes to Ashes 「灰は灰に」 ― 236ABC

Will swings his sword, shooting out a tornado. As it counts as a projectile, it has no knockback. On hit and block, leaves will at a slight disadvantage. Button determines how far Will moves forward, with A leaving Will stationary. Can cancel other projectiles.

Illusions to Illusions 「幻は幻に」 ― 623ABC

Will leaps forward into the air, striking the opponent. Has invincibility on startup, but is unsafe on both hit and block. SP cancel can be used to cancel the recovery and combo afterwards.

SP Supers

Forbidden Sin 「禁ずる咎」 ― 214AB

A super version of the Iai strikes. Does not juggle. Can be charged, but charging has no benefit. Causes hard knockdown.

236AB can be used to combo afterwards.

Ashes to Ashes! 「灰は灰に還る」 ― 236AB

Will lets out a much bigger version of the tornado from before. Relaunches, even off of OTG. This move is Will’s bread and butter, as it allows him to convert off of every single knockdown and allows for combo extensions in almost every situation.

Illusions to Illusions! 「幻は幻に還る」 ― 623AB

Time stops as Will does a bigger version of Illusions to Illusions. Hitbox is kind of funky on this, but causes hard knockdown on air opponents and grounded opponents.

Level 2 Supers

I won't let this delusion without love persist! 「愛なき妄想を禁ず」 ― 236236C

Will dashes forward, slicing through the enemy for 650 damage. Can be charged for no apparent advantage, likely just to help time it for juggles.

Earth to Earth! 「土は土に還る」 ― 22AB

Will channels his predecessor M C Hammer, stopping time and dodging through the opponent. Stops time entirely with invinc frames, allowing him to use it as a safe reversal or a combo extender.

While the move seems costly and not worth it compared to other methods of combo extension such as dash canceling or meta canceling, it's worth noting that due to the way Ougon scales it's combo damage,this method of extension is preferrable over dash canceling/other methods as the number of hits does not scale a combo like in most games, but the methods of extending apply a flat rate of damage scaling. (Example: stun applies roughly 40%) Therefore, this is an appealing option to extend combos in order to ensure that damage stays high.

Meta Super

I won't let this illusion without love persist! 「愛なき幻想を禁ず」 ― 641236C

Will charges up for a moment before dashing forward, turning into a projectile and bouncing around the screen ala Maximum Spider or Phantom Dance in the Marvel VS Capcom series. Is easily comboable, and 641236C > 236AB > 641236C is usually possible. The brief charge up at the beginning of the super does not occur if you cancel into the move.


The general strategy with Will is to eventually chain into 6C for extended juggles, and/or eventually end in a knockdown so he can extend with 236AB. Almost every knockdown leaves him capable of relaunching with 236AB, so go nuts. Furthermore, it is easy to go into his meta super multiple times in one meta due to the ease of canceling into it.
Willard's general lack of attacks and non-meter supers that knock down may seem like a disadvantage, but it does give him very high-damage attack strings to lead into meta and dash cancels for repetition or chaining into other combos.


(5A/2A)>5B>2B>2C>f.5C - 792 Damage

This standard combo does not knock the opponent down, but deals enormous damage considering. Follow this up with a dash cancel, meta cancel or 22AB to either repeat it once more or chain into another combo. This is particularly effective if you want to use a combo that only works in the corner and you wish to push them into it. All SP1 Supers and his SP2 can also end this combo. If you are choosing to repeat this more than once, remember to use your 22AB/Meta cancel first, as a dash cancel prorates. Be wary if the opponent has enough SP on his partner to assault touch, try and predict the assault touch if possible to extend your combo, if you cannot, it is probably best not to attempt looping this. Remember, the 5A/2A actually prorates to the point that your combo deals more damage without it. Use of this combo Dash/Meta/22AB cancelled into itself will be reffered to as a BNB > Cancel from here on.

(5A/2A)>5B>2B>2C>6C > ... 

This is your standard way of setting up a slightly more extravagant combo, as the 6C Launches, there are several useful follow ups: Remember, the 5A/2A actually prorates to the point that your combo deals more damage without it. All damage calculations will ignore the 5A/2A. Followups are listed in ascending damage order.

...>623BC - 1032 Damage

Decent damage and extremely easy to pull off. Unfortunately this is techable and quite unsafe, but does place you on the opposite side of your enemy.

...>214A (Held) - 1152 Damage

Strict timing on cancelling the 6C into the 214 and just as strict timing on the release. Because of knockdown, this can be extended with an 236AB.

...>j.5b>j.5C - ~1197 damage

More difficult than the above two followups, but a great deal easier than the other meterless one below. This CAN be followed up with a 236AB if timed properly.

...>623AB (Delayed) - 1242 Damage

Only does a teensy bit more damage than any of the meterless alternatives, but when used mid-screen, it does land you on the opposite side of the opponent.

...>236236C (Delayed or Held) - 1442 Damage

An easy link with practice. Very Decent Damage. Your 236236 has fantastic damage scaling, and works wonders after a long, prorating combo.

...>f.5C>j.5B>j. 5C - 1455 Damage

Extremely strict timing on the f.5C, but your best bang-for-buck meterless attack.

...>641236C - 1557 damage

Requires meta world to be active, of course. A very easy link, but has strict timing, so try not to miss the window.

Advanced Comboing

Willard's 236AB is unique in the sense that is basically an all-purpose combo extender, as it acts as a launch on even otg opponents. As a rule, a 236AB can be followed up with any of the above 6C followups, except for 214A, 623BC. Even another 236AB if you so desire. 236AB also allows you to get in a few more thwacks before your opponent enters stun.

Willard is particularly capable of scoring stuns entirely on his own, but requires several BNB > cancel loops. As a general rule, BNB > Cancel * 2 > Launch Combo >(f.5c>)j.5b>j.5c will guarantee a stun, but this does require your touch meter to be full, meta available or 2SP and will not allow meta followup. If you want to have a stun and use a different followup such as your Meta Super, try to land another hit or two before launching into the combo, but really, that is still a very improbable situation in an actual game.

Linking Meta Supers
Willard's ability to create enormous amounts of damage for low meter can be accounted to his ability to link several meta supers together. This is accomplished mostly through his amazing 236AB. In fact, that maximum amount of possible meta supers to pack into a single meta is 3. When operating under lag, conserving SP or if you simply cannot perform the other link, it is extremely easy to perform an OTG 236AB after a meta super and SP Cancel it into another meta. In general, this should be done after almost any meta super. It costs only 1 SP for hilarious amounts of damage that, most uniquely, isn't canceled by the opponent entering stun like other characters extended combos can be. Remember that an enemy can only be struck by a single non-super attack whilst in the air after entering stun, these supers don't care about that and can keep on comboing. The other link is a 236AB on an 'airbourne opponent after a meta super hits followed by a 6C canceled into a meta super.

This link is very difficult to perform, as the 236AB must hit the opponent whilst they are still quite airbourne and haven't yet struck the ground. This is extremely hard mostly because the attack will whiff against enemies higher in the air, directly after the meta super. If the attack connects properly, the opponent will be juggled noticeably differently than they would if struck OTG and they will be struck by a 6C with ease. This 6C should be your only attack against the stunned opponent, so as not to invalidate the combo. Unfortunately, this link cannot be performed twice in a 3 meta super combo, as you will run out of meta before the 3rd meta super can be triggered.

The Standard Combos

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C
38 Hits, 3925 Damage without Jumpin

This is your "best case scenario" combo. Its simple to use and can be modified based on the situation. This combo is a guaranteed stun should you land the jump in but remember you are probably not going to land this in a real game. For that reason, you must modify this combo based on your situation, omitting Dash Cancel if you lack the touch meter for it or are unwilling to risk a Damage Touch and also omitting the final 236AB>236236C if you lack the meter. Your main enemy with this combo is Damage Touch, if you can predict it, that would be amazing, but is still unlikely. When an enemy counters your meta declaration, you will probably have to omit the final 236AB>236236C or replace the 236236C with a different 236AB followup (see above).

Alternatively, there is a more difficult variant based on three Meta Supers.

(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C
44 Hits, 3527 Damage without Jumpin

This combo is even better than the above one, but much harder in lag due to the difficult 236AB>6C Link. But you may be thinking "pfft, this combo doesn't deal as much damage as the other!" that may be so, but this combo leaves you with 2 Spare SP to use to either relaunch the enemy for additional followup or to just keep hold of. If you burn the 2 SP on followup, the combo's damage does indeed tip into the 4000s.

Comboing With a Partner

Because of the way Willard's ability functions and the fact that he has high damagee, high stun and supers that have highly effective scaling, Willard is simply a combo beast, both for him and his partners. This section details the possibilities regarding his partners and comboing with him, or just with SP Cancel.

Short Duration Ability Users

Characters with short duration abilities, such as Eva Beatrice, Ange and Ronove, invalidate the above combos, below are numbers, followups and workarounds.

Ange's ability is extremely useful to Willard, allowing him to land stuns where he normally wouldn't. Standard Combo #1 will guaranteed a 100% of the time because of stun boost triggering for the BNB loops, the only exception being if the opponent very recently was stunned. Unfortunately, her short duration ability Invalidates the standard combos as seen above. Within the meta world, abilities will both expire at the exact same time, with their duration being equal to that of the shorter ability. Meaning that when StunBoost expires, so will SP Cancel. There is a simple workaround that unfortunately lowers the damage of these combos slightly. Simply use your dash cancel > BNB BEFORE you Meta Cancel> BNB. This will give you a greater amount of time in the meta world to use SP Cancel,a s you will be performing one less BNB loop within the meta world. Combo is as follows.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C
38 Hits, 3781 Damage without Jumpin

The lower damage of this combo is because Dash Cancels prorate a rather large amount, and reduce the damage of the remainder of the combo, thus reducing the damage of the following BNB loop that would have been reserved for beforehand.

Her Short Duration ability also invalidates the second combo, but the fix is far simpler and does not affect damage. Simply perform the 236AB > SP Cancel > 641236C link before the 236AB > 6C > 641236C link. This is more difficult, though, as it leaves you less opportinuty to gauge how much time in the meta world you have left to perform the link, but does not affect the damage.

Ange herself does not benefit from SP Cancel in the slightest, unless you want to perform some more silly combos involving SP Sakutarou cancelled into meta super.

Evatrice also as a short duration ability and thus suffers from the same limitations as Ange does, forcing him to use the above combos instead. Fortunately, Evatrice's ability, Berserk compensates, making these combos, in fact, superior to the regular one.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C
38 Hits, 3946 Damage (Berserk not active before meta declaration) OR 4286 Damage (Berserk active before meta declaration) without Jumpin
(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C
44 Hits, 3549 Damage (Berserk not active before meta declaration) OR 3846 Damage (Berserk active before meta declaration) Without Jumpin

Eva, unlike Ange, DOES benefit from SP Cancel, although possibly the most useful one for a combo followup would be 214AB(3 Hits)>SP Cancel>641236C. This link also helps considering 214AB's startup invincibility and use as a reversal, allowing her to link uses of it as a reversal into her meta super within the meta world. Standard combo #1 with a followup involving this link gives us the following.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C>Jump Over Enemy and Touch
>5A>5B>2B>f.5C>Meta Declaration>Dash>5A>5B>2B>f.5C>214AB(3 Hits)>SP Cancel>641236C - Followup
55 Hits, 4286 Damage (Berserk active before meta declaration)

Ronove also has a short duration ability, and uses the above alterations too. Like Eva, Ronove also has a combo damage booster to compensate, but unlike Eva, it isn't as reliable. In the strange situations in which these combos begin with a boosted counterhit, the following are the results.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C
38 Hits, 4914 Damage without Jumpin
(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C
44 Hits, 4615 Damage without Jumpin

Additionally, due to these counterhits hitting like trucks, a stun is all but guaranteed off these and fortunately, following up stuns with hilariously well scaling damage is Ronove and his Meta Super's specialty, the effect of a very simple Ronove followup is the following.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C>Jump Over Enemy and Touch
>5A>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declare>641236C - Followup
53 Hits, 5689 Damage

Ronove himself gets very few fun new tools to play with from SP Cancel, but there are a few links her can perform.

Notes: This is an extremely easy combo extender that can be performed quite easily and allows a 2C followup into whatever combo you want.

Notes: An alternate, higher damage way of leading into a meta super than the standard 2C>6C Route in the corner, can be combo'd into with a 5C.

Poor Lambdadelta, she just plain ruins Willard's combo game. Lambda's ability lasts 3 seconds this is not enough time for you to perform a 236AB>SP Cancel>641236C after a meta super, even if the first meta is triggered off a 6C>Meta Declaration. Thus, with Lambdadelta, the maximum amount of Meta Supers per meta world is 2. Modified combos are as follows.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C>236AB>236236C
38 Hits, 4035 Damage without Jumpin

Yes, this combo does deal slightly more damage than the standard one, but the timing is so hilariously, unbeleivably strict that you will most likely never be able to pull it off with netplay delay, but feel free to try. The second standard combo is simply a worse version of this one if you omit a meta super, so I won't bother putting it here.

This is unfortunate, though, considering how useful Lambda's zoning rushdown game helps Willard pull off his combos. Lambda herself also gains little benefit from SP Cancel.

Everyone Else

Good god do Beatrice and Willard go well together. Access to Infinity SP makes Willard's already insane comboability godlike. For example, should willard have access to Infinity SP before beggining a combo, he can add an additional BNB loop with a free 22AB and because of Infinity SP, he is left with an additional SP to burn at the end of the combo. He can perform this with either 4 SP, or use the additional SP for a measely 100 bonus damage.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>22AB>5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>(j.5B>236AB>)236236C
42 Hits, 4315 Damage without Jumpin,  Stuns Guaranteed without Jumpin
44 Hits, 4412 Damage with optional extra launch.

In the above combo, the standard j.5B>j.5C cannot be performed due to stun setting in and preventing the 5C from connecting. In the second standard combo, the damage is farm more brutal, as the 236AB>236236C combo finisher can be used thanks to the presence of Infinity SP leaving you with 3 SP instead of 2.

(j.9B>j.9C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>22AB>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C
51 Hits, 4670 Damage without Jumpin. Stuns Guaranteed without Jumpin

These guaranteed stuns will also not work if the opponent was recently stunned, but will outside of that. Beatrice herself makes a rather decent combo followup due to her infinite loops. Because these combos stun, she has no fear of a stun ruining one of her loops as they tend to do.

With SP Cancel, Beatrice can abuse it in one of two ways.

1) Guard Breaking

Within the meta world, Beatrice is already hilariously good at guard breaking using her towers, but her blockstrings are even more hilarious with SP Cancel. Use of things such as the following can rack up over 90% Guard Break.

Knockdown>Meta Declaration>641236C(Summon)>641236C(Fire)>Random attacks during fire to wrack up block>623C>SP Cancel>641236C(Fire)>Either More Random attacks OR 641236B

This alone should essentially guarantee a guard break. Stop the string immediately once you break and launch into the combo of your choice.

2) Turbo Attack Rawket

Okay, I may have developed my own terminology here, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe the phenomenon. Basically, what you do here is cancel a 214A/B/C into the SP Ability of your choice. At any point during Beatrice shiny golden flight, you can SP Cancel into any SP skill you want, essentially delivering that ability right into their face. This can be used several ways, mostly in mind games though. Most enemies will attempt to punish a bad 214 by simply whacking you out of it when you get in range. SCREW THEM. Simply deliver an SP Red Truth Reversal right into their face and launch into the loop of your choice. If they choose to dash towards you so that they can punish you, immediately cancel into either 236236C or 236AB to punish them. Alternatively, you can cancel into 214AB to continue flying across the battlefield in style.

Additionally, this actually allows you to combo into things from your 214 series, by either cancelling into 214AB or 623AB you can begin the combo loop of your choice.

Rosa can be seen as "combo insurance" to Willard. Her ability, Detachment pretty much guarantees Willard safety from Damage Touches after a meta declare, but outside of that (not that it isn't an absolutely amazing use of her), Willard doesn't get all that much from Rosa.

Rosa, on the other hand, gets some pretty hilarious stuff out of SP Cancel. SP Cancelling a shotgun to the face with a reload instantly cancels the shot and leaves Rosa free to do whatever the hell she wants, including but not limited to a 623AB followup, one of rosa's brutal shotgun aerial followups, another gunshot or, most hilariously, a meta declare. In fact, try this for fun.

5A>5B>5C>236A/B>SPCancel>SP Reload>Meta Declare>236A>SP Cancel>SP Reload>j.9B>j.9C>236A/B/AB
8 Hits, 1986 Damage

This is with an absolutely barebones leadin and aerial followup, this is basically just to prove a point at how much much needed depth Rosa receives to her combos due to SP Cancel.

The damage on this combo is actually pretty damn great, and it damn well should be since it uses SP cancel twice. Breaking the 2000s in damage with a proper leadin to the first shot, which is extremely rare for Rosa but the timing on the second gunshot is quite strict. The fact that you just shot someone in the face 3 times in one combo is just a bonus. Alas, there is no way for Rosa to SP Cancel her Meta Super into a combo and you will still have to rely on stuns. SP Cancel is just plain good on Rosa, it gives her standard Reload all the functions of SP Reload when it comes to 623AB/236236C followups, as they will be cancelled immediately. In fact, Rosa is so very good at SP Cancelling her skills that you can actually cancel a point blank gunshot into SP Reload before the shot actually hits the opponent, allowing some hyper crazy stuff where the shot impacts whilst Rosa has already began attacking again.

Dlanor herself has very little impact on Willard's combos, but she earns a very special mention as an absolutely AMAZING combo finisher due to her supers that have hilariously good scaling. In fact, SP Cancel allows her some very unique links that make for some very decent followups.

A very decent link is one where she can SP Cancel a 22AB so that she can link two meta supers together, the link is difficult, but can be seen in practice below.

(j.5b>j.5C>)5B>2B>2C>5C>Meta Cancel>Dash>5B>2B>2C>5C>Dash Cancel>5B>2B>2C>6C>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C>236AB>236236C>Jump over enemy and Touch
>5A>2B>2C>Meta Declaration>641236C>22AB>SP Cancel>641236C>63214AB - Followup
98 Hits, 4626 Damage without Jumpin

Alternatively, other fantastic links become available to Dlanor, such as the ability to cancel a 236236C into her Meta Super, this can be seen below and can be executed in the extremely unlikely situation that you find yourself touching from Willard into Dlanor within a meta world, with 5 SP. (Obviously this is just an example combo, you will never, ever use it)

5A>2B>2C>236236C>236236C>SP Cancel>641236C>63214AB
31 Hits, 2991 Damage, Stuns
5B>2B>2C>6C>Meta Declaration>641236C>236AB>SP Cancel>641236C - Willard Followup 
57 Hits, 4182 Damage

Other uses for SP cancel mostly revolve around her 623 series, which can be SP Cancelled at any point after the Autoblock ends. Common followups would be SP Grab, Meta Super or 623AB if you want to push your opponent fullscreen.

Tag Partners

Beatrice - Beatrice's ability is a natural companion for Willard with his extra SP2 combo extender and the ability to extend any knockdown with 236AB. In addition, Beato is (likely, have not double checked at the time of this edit) one of the few characters who could take advantage of SP cancel, if not by doing a rediculous extended combo, then by doing tower setups to pressure the opponent into oblivion.

Lucifer - Teaming up Lucifer and Willard gives you two characters with absolutely ridiculous normals, Willard's being slightly slower, but with beautiful range and Lucifer's with rediculous hitboxes and speed. Her attach touch ability enables Willard to tag in at any time to convert Lucifer's rushdown into nasty, extended unburstable damage without the use of the 3C loop (But hey, Willard can tag back into her for that if you really want.)

Kanon - Similar to Lucifer, Kanon's block strings, mobility and rush down give you ample opportunities to get Will in during a combo, score nasty damage, then start pressuring on wake up with EITHER character. Kanon is also able to combo into his meta super off of 214C with the use of SP cancel, so Kanon can do Meta Super > 214B then cancel it in an another Meta Super.

Ronove - Willard is one of the characters who can really benefit from teaming up from Ronove, turning into an absolutely frightening pressure team, albeit different than a lucy/kanon pressure. Willard and Ronove both love being in metaworld for this team, as both benefit from having counter boost active to make their frame traps deadly, and Ronove can use SP cancel to cancel his dodge or his roses into big damage. Lastly, if Will is ever put on the defensive and he cannot fight back against it, Ronove is always one guardtouch away with his multitude of defensive options.

Lambdadelta - Lambda earns herself a special mention as a pretty awful partner for Will. Her ability screws him over something special. Its 3 second duration completely invalidates Willard's BNB Meta Super > 236AB > Meta super link because SP cancel expires before the first Meta Super finishes. Unfortunate, too, because her zoning would have been pretty good for Willard.

General strategy

Will appears to be a bit lacking when you first start picking him with lack of a quick knockdown, a non-chainable slide, an odd projectile and hard to use 214/623 series. However, once you put some time into him, Will turns into an absolute monster, able to convert any attack touch partner combo to be roughly 1-2k damage higher through use of his 236AB relaunch, high damage normals and his metasuper.

His pressure game is fantastic, with his tornado being roughly neutral or positive on block/hit and being able to decide how far forward he moves with it based on which button you press. Once an opponent is pushed into the corner, many characters are forced to either burn meter to get out or simply hope to find a gap in the pressure and super jump out. Thankfully, Willard has one of the easiest anti air normals in the game in 5B, allowing him to predict that super jump and deny it instantly. No matter the matchup, Willard wants to be annoying if all else--The tornado should always be a factor that is annoying and frustrating the opponent, as it's fast, effective and hard to deal with.

Will's biggest flaw however, is how hungry he is for meter. While he CAN extend any knockdown or combo further with 236AB, that burns through your 5 precious meters fast, and once lacking his meter options he can be rather lacking. As a result of this, Willard will often be comboing off of attack touches to his damage right after gaining 2-3 SP.

While his 623 series do have a fair amount of invincibility on them, do not rely on this too much, as all variations except 623AB seem to be negative on hit and block, though rumor has it you can SOMEHOW get a 2A off of 623A.

SP Cancel Gimmicks

Rosa Ushiromiya - Reload into 236AB Shot (Yes, seriously).

Ange Ushiromiya - Sakutaro air hit into Meta Super

Battler Ushiromiya - SP2>Meta Super, 623 into Meta Super/623AB, 623 into 236AB causes comboable wallbounce in the corner, recovery frames of Blue Raid are cancellable.

Beatrice - Can cancel 236SP, 623x, and more into tower barrage when in metaworld to extend her blockstring.

Lucifer - J.214AB>SP2, 236 series x2 > SP2 or Meta.

Willard - After his meta super, he can do 236AB otg then cancel it in an other meta super.

Kanon - 214 series into SP2 or Meta, 623AB into Meta, possibly air 236 into 236AB

Shannon - 236 Shield, 22Shield, 623 Capture Shield and more are cancellable into SP1 Seagull, Meta Super, etc. A 641236C > 22ABC > SP Cancel 641236C combo becomes possible for an easy stun.

B. Battler - See Battler.

Eva Beatrice - 214AB series is cancellable into meta super at any time.

Chiester 410 - Likely has some sort of safe setup canceling a super/SP into her metasuper.

Ronove - Roses into SP1 roses or meta super, dodge into 214AB/623AB

Jessica Ushiromiya - 623AB into Meta Super

George Ushiromiya - The landing recovery of his 236 series can be canceled with SP cancel.

Erika Furudo - Erika is able to cancel from her j.214AB followup straight into meta super, tacking on an extra 3-500 damage off her bread and butter. She can also do Meta Super > TK Dive then cancel it in an another Meta Super

Dlanor A. Knox - Her 623 series are easily cancellable into SP grab. Her Meta Super can now combo into itself with 641236C > 22AB > SP Cancel 641236C. Only works in the corner. Remember that The meta super removes the 22 Shield.
