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Oldest of the four cousins comes in with power of his love Shannon, Taekwondo practice and glasses pushing. All these give him surprisingly good damage without needing to use meter, and good jumping normals which makes him hard to anti air and contest on air in general. His 2SP is really good for combo extension without minimum scaling and snowballing, and his MetaSuper is good way to get out of pressure and force opponent to play more carefully anytime. If you don't mind getting stunned very easily or lacking dangerous mixups, George is a simple character to play especially and fun especially for parry enthusiasts.  
Oldest of the four cousins comes in with power of his love Shannon, Taekwondo practice and glasses pushing. All these give him surprisingly good damage without needing to use meter, and good jumping normals which makes him hard to anti air and contest on air in general. His 2SP is really good for combo extension without minimum scaling and snowballing, and his MetaSuper is good way to get out of pressure and force opponent to play more carefully anytime. If you don't mind getting stunned very easily or lacking dangerous mixups, George is a simple character to play especially and fun especially for parry enthusiasts.  


*'''Decent damage''': George can do quite alot damage with his 6C juggle conversions without needing to use meter. He also has alot options there to go for either knockdown, corner carry or damage.
*'''Great SP2''': George has one of the best SP2s in game, offering combo extensions and disabling opponent's tag meter for 5 seconds, which is important to get that possible stun.
*'''Decent damage:''' George can do quite alot damage with his 6C juggle conversions without needing to use meter. He also has alot options there to go for either knockdown, corner carry or damage.
*'''Very hard to contest on air''': George's jump normals are good to point he is hard to antiair or challenge in air, so he can abuse jumping quite alot
*'''Great SP2:''' George has one of the best SP2s in game, offering combo extensions and disabling opponent's tag meter for 5 seconds, which is important to get that possible stun.
*'''MetaSuper forces a mindgame''':His MetaSuper being 1f parry, it forces opponent to play more carefully everytime he has meter advantage, since reckless button pressing will get you parried to damaging parry which also be juggles from.
*'''Very hard to contest on air:''' George's jump normals are good to point he is hard to antiair or challenge in air, so he can abuse jumping quite alot
*'''MetaSuper forces a mindgame:''' His MetaSuper being 1f parry, it forces opponent to play more carefully everytime he has meter advantage, since reckless button pressing will get you parried to damaging parry which also be juggles from.

*'''Lowest stun in the game:''' George can get stunned by just one combo from many characters, which can be very bad for danged of getting snowballed.
*'''Lowest stun in the game''': George can get stunned by just one combo from many characters, which can be very bad for danged of getting snowballed.
*'''Lackluster neutral in ground:''' George also has hard time picking up damage or poke on ground, so he is forced to jump in alot, which makes his gameplay predicteable
*'''Lackluster neutral in ground'''* George also has hard time picking up damage or poke on ground, so he is forced to jump in alot, which makes his gameplay predicteable
*'''Lack of good mixups:''' He cannot open people up easily without going for fake, risky options.
*'''Lack of good mixups''': He cannot open people up easily without going for fake, risky options.


Revision as of 12:57, 22 February 2023

George Ushiromiya


George Ushiromiya is Eva's and Hideyoshi's son. He is an affable young man, and is liked by everyone in the family. He is an apprentice to his father's company, and it looks like he finally has dreams of independence. He is the oldest of the four cousins and often acts as a peacemaker.


Oldest of the four cousins comes in with power of his love Shannon, Taekwondo practice and glasses pushing. All these give him surprisingly good damage without needing to use meter, and good jumping normals which makes him hard to anti air and contest on air in general. His 2SP is really good for combo extension without minimum scaling and snowballing, and his MetaSuper is good way to get out of pressure and force opponent to play more carefully anytime. If you don't mind getting stunned very easily or lacking dangerous mixups, George is a simple character to play especially and fun especially for parry enthusiasts.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Decent damage: George can do quite alot damage with his 6C juggle conversions without needing to use meter. He also has alot options there to go for either knockdown, corner carry or damage.
  • Great SP2: George has one of the best SP2s in game, offering combo extensions and disabling opponent's tag meter for 5 seconds, which is important to get that possible stun.
  • Very hard to contest on air: George's jump normals are good to point he is hard to antiair or challenge in air, so he can abuse jumping quite alot
  • MetaSuper forces a mindgame: His MetaSuper being 1f parry, it forces opponent to play more carefully everytime he has meter advantage, since reckless button pressing will get you parried to damaging parry which also be juggles from.
  • Lowest stun in the game: George can get stunned by just one combo from many characters, which can be very bad for danged of getting snowballed.
  • Lackluster neutral in ground: George also has hard time picking up damage or poke on ground, so he is forced to jump in alot, which makes his gameplay predicteable
  • Lack of good mixups: He cannot open people up easily without going for fake, risky options.


Patience - Amount of meter built while blocking is increased. The character on point also gains meter while blocking.

Move List

Normal Moves


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
66 x 6 3 7 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta ±0 ±0 x
  • George sticks his fist forward, punching the opponent in the stomach.
  • Whiffs on certain crouching opponents.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
69 x 6 3 6 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta +1 +1 x
  • George raises his leg, kicking the opponent in the waist area.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
69 x 21[22] 5 13 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -1 -1 x
  • George performs a quick hop forward then attacks with f.5A.
  • Holding the A button will cancel the attack after the top.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 x 6 10 7 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -1 -3 x
  • George knees the opponent in the gut.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
135 x 8 8 10 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -2 -4 x
  • George performs a step-kick forward at the opponent's head level.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
198 x 23[22] 8 17 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -2 -4 x
  • George performs a quick hop forward then attacks with f.5B.
  • Holding the B button will cancel the attack after the top.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
126,114 x 9 4(14)4 15 HL, H (J), Special, SP, Meta, Dash +6 +3 x
  • Two hit normal where George kicks upwards and as the leg is raised does a heel kick.
  • 2nd hit is an overhead.
  • The first hit is be canceled into another move
  • Cannot cancel the 2nd hit into another normal or special.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
240 x 11 5 17 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta, Dash +3 ±0 x
  • George performs a roundhouse kick.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
219 x 23[22] 10 25 HL Meta Launch -6 x
  • George performs a quick hop forward then kicks straight up into the air, launching the opponent into a juggle state.
  • Holding the C button will cancel the attack after the top.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 - 4 4 4 L Special, SP, Meta +2 +2 x
  • George punches downwards, aiming at the ground.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
165 - 8 3 17 HL Special, SP, Meta -4 -6 x
  • George spins his leg forward, kicking the opponent's feet.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
210 - 13 3 14 L Special, SP, Meta KD +5 x
  • George crouches down, moves forward and trips the opponent with a spin kick.
  • George's hurtbox gets significantly lower during the animation.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
75,75 - 13 2(11)3 21 L Special, SP, Meta -15 -2 x
  • George crouches and trips the opponent with break-dance kicks.
  • First hit, for some reason, can be teched in the air, but the second one is a true KD.
  • C can be held to have George attack 3 times.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
60 x 4 6 6 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • George sticks his knee out.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
135 x 7 9 7 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • George sticks his leg out.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
237 - 10 11 4 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • George spins in the air, kicking downwards.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150,150 - 8 3(6)3 12 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • George kicks in front of him twice while jumping.


Whiff animation
Whiff animation
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
300 - 0-1 ? 32 (whiff) UNB - KD x x
  • George places his legs on the opponent's shoulders, then flips backwards, ramming their head into the ground.
  • Switches positions with the opponent.
  • Can follow up after it with an OTG route.

Special Moves

King's Heel 「王者の踵」
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
A 270 - 19 4(6)23 - HL, H - KD ? x
  • George hops forward with an ax kick that hits twice.
  • 2nd hit is an overhead.
  • George hops farther depending on button is pressed.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
B 294 - 22 4(6)23 20 HL - KD ? x
  • B version moves in a straight line
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
C 315 - 25 4(6)23 20 HL - KD ? x
  • C version moves diagonally backwards

Supreme King's Whirlwind Kick「覇王旋風脚」
1st hit
1st hit
2nd hit
2nd hit
3rd hit
3rd hit
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
A 207 - 14 6 14 HL - ? ? x
  • George launches forward with spin kicks, knocking back the opponent in the last hit.
  • Amount of kicks and launch distance is dependent on which button is pressed.
  • All kicks whiff on most crouching opponents.
  • A version does one kick
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
B 294 - 14 6(8)4 20 HL - ? ? x
  • B version does 2 kicks
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
C 351 - 14 4(8)4(7)4 20 HL - ? ? x
  • C version does 3 kicks

Transmigration of the Body 「輪廻転身」
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
A x - x x 32 total x - ? ? x
  • George rolls forward a certain distance.
  • Roll distance is dependent on which button is pressed.
  • Low profile on startup.
  • George can pass through the opponent with this move. Sounds like a good tool for Left/Right mix-ups, but no cancel into is remotely safe and each version has a different voice quote, meaning the opponent can memorize then and know which side you'll be on.
  • Still, its low profile nature can be useful to deal with certain attacks on the ground or air moves with a lot of priority
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
B x - x x 32 total x - ? ? x
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
C x - x x 32 total x - ? ? x

Flying Meteor Kick 「飛翔流星脚」
j.214A/B/C near a wall.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
A 360 - 17 16 8 H - KD + x
  • Must be performed at the wall in mid-air, and only above George's height. George dive kicks off the wall behind him.
  • Angle of descent is determined by whichever button is pressed.
  • A Button - 25 degrees
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
B 360 - 17 16 8 H - KD ? x
  • B Button - 45 degrees
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
C 360 - 17 16 8 H - KD ? x
  • C Button - 65 degrees

SP Supers

Tyrant's Heel 「暴君の踵」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
537 x 23 4(6)23 21 HL,H - KD ? x
  • George hops forward with an more powerful ax kick that hits three times.

3nd hit is an overhead.

Imperial King's Whirlwind Kick 「龍王旋風脚」
1st hit
1st hit
2nd and 4th hit
2nd and 4th hit
3rd and 5th hit
3rd and 5th hit
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
525 x 9 4(7)4(7)4(7)4(7)4 30 HL - KD ? x
  • George launches forward and does five spin kicks with the last one knocking the opponent away.
Surging Transmigration Kick 「輪廻波濤脚」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
330 x 5 2,2,2,3 15 HL - ? ? 1-11
  • George performs a powerful cartwheel kick.
  • Whiffs on crouchers
  • Invincible on startup
  • The first hitbox appears directly behind them, making it very hard to connect, but this move is best used against airborne opponents most opponents most of the time either way, so this doesn't really matter.
Flying Comet Kick 「飛翔彗星脚」
j.214A+B near a wall
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
360 x 11 until landing 8 HL - KD + 1-until landing
  • Must be performed at the wall in mid-air, and only above George's height. George dive kicks off the wall behind him at an 80 degree angle engulfed in dragon-shaped flames.
  • Invincible during the entire animation

Level 2 Super

Nirvana Kick 「涅槃蹴り」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
0 x 7 9 24 HL - ? ? x
  • George dashes forward, faking out the opponent with a feint kick if the dash connects. The hitstun lasts long enough for George to continue his combo.
  • Does not apply damage scaling.
  • Prevents the opponent's touch meter from being usable for a limited amount of time.

Meta Super

The King's Precepts 「王者の教え」
641236C during MetaWorld
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
750 x 1 ? ? x - ? ? x
  • George goes into a counter stance. If hit by a melee attack, he goes through a series of feint kicks, then finishes with a big soccer ball kick that launches the opponent into a juggle state.
  • If the super is finished while George has exited Meta, the opponent will be able to air tech. Otherwise, you can combo after it.

Frame Data

    KD = Knockdown
                              |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |  300  |  0-1   |    ?    |    ?     |  UKD  |          |Switches Sides; 32 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                c.5A  |   66  |    6   |    3    |    7     |  +0   |   +0     |
                f.5A  |   69  |    6   |    3    |    6     |  +1   |   +1     |
                  2A  |   54  |    4   |    4    |    4     |  +2   |   +2     |
                c.5B  |  150  |    6   |   10    |    7     |  -1   |   -3     |
                f.5B  |  135  |    8   |    8    |   10     |  -2   |   -4     |
                  2B  |  165  |    8   |    3    |   17     |  -4   |   -6     |
                c.5C  |126,114|    9   | 4(14)4  |   15     |  +6   |   +3     |
                f.5C  |  240  |   11   |    5    |   17     |  +3   |   +0     |
                  2C  |  210  |   14   |    3    |   14     |  UKD  |   +5     |
                j.5A  |   60  |    4   |    6    |    6     |       |          |
                j.5B  |  135  |    7   |    9    |    7     |       |          |
                j.5C  |  237  |   10   |   11    |    4     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  6A  |   69  |   21   |    5    |   13     |  -1   |   -1     |
                6[A]  |       |   22   |    -    |    3     |       |          |
                  6B  |  174  |   23   |    8    |   17     |  -2   |   -4     |
                6[B]  |       |   22   |    -    |    5     |       |          |
                  6C  |  219  |   23   |   10    |   25     | launch|   -6     |
                6[C]  |       |   22   |    -    |    3     |       |          |
                  3C  | 75,75 |   13   | 2(11)3  |   21     |TKD,UKD| -15/-2   |
                3[C]  |  75x4 |   13   | Note J  |   21     |TKD,UKD| -15/-2   |
                3[C]  |  75x6 |   13   | Note K  |   21     |TKD,UKD| -15/-2   |
                j.2C  |150,150|    8   |  3(6)3  |   12     |       |          |
            Specials  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                236A  |  270  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                236B  |  294  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                236C  |  315  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
              j.214A  |  360  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
              j.214B  |  360  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
              j.214C  |  360  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                214A  |  207  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                214B  |  294  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                214C  |  351  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                 22A  |   --  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
                 22B  |   --  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
                 22C  |   --  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
        SPs and Meta  ------------------------------------------------------------------
              236A+B  |  537  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
               22A+B  |  330  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
            j.214A+B  |  360  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
              214A+B  |  525  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
              236x2C  |    0  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    -6    |
             641236C  |  750  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    --    |
     Note J: Identical to 3C, has a second set of identical active frames 13F after the second hit.
     Note K: Identical to 3[C], has a third set of identical active frames 13F after the fourth hit.


Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats on how to use George and his strategy vs specific characters. Remember I'm watching you.

Coming Soon

Team Building

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what partners are best for George to use. Remember I'm watching you.

The information displayed here is from the 2022 Team Tier List from the Ougon Discord Thus, it is open to change, but it should work as a building block for people looking for team pairing ideas. If you are a player of any of the teams and want to change anything feel free to do so.

  Reasons to choose George for your team
  • SP2. It's SP2. He has other nice qualities about him and his ability can kinda work with more defensive teams but really, SP2 is the main attraction. Rosa's Detachment on command for 2 bars is incredibly powerful, if a bit costly.
  • Due to this, a lot of George teams aren't picked because of George's overall synergy with them, but rather, how good can they make use of George's Detachment effect on his SP2, and how good are they at building his meter cost. These teams tend to have troubles on the neutral and meterless damage, but when they get rolling, they get rolling.
  • You can just jump on them and they also can’t do any damage, their mixup can be interesting though.
  • Ange/Rono outclasses this in every way that matters.
  • Overly focused on neutral with limited ability to do damage. Reset-heavy.
  • Both prefer Ronove.
  Black Battler
  • Bad bulk and damage, no synergy, suffers from the same issues as Bat/George.
  • Relies on reset and mixup even though it’s the easiest team in the game to punish.
  • An underestimated team which probably snowballs better than almost any other. SP2s from George prevent the opponent from touching and he can use them extremely liberally as Beatrice gives him one for free and easily generates the SP for more with her towers. SP2 the opponent, switch to Beatrice, turn 1SP from her into 5SP for George, SP2 them again, repeat.
  • Your momentum never ends if you play correctly and the opponent won’t survive this cycle long; the moment their guard capacity is high in the corner, Beatrice can shred their healthbar. A few confirms will take you far, and George complements Beato’s low-SP playstyle better than anyone.
  • Similar to Beato/Jess though, you need to get George handle neutral so you might not always get into that sweet spot cycle that makes this team so good.
  • It’s hard to justify picking George over someone else for Bern, such as Ronove or Battler. Beato also fills Bern’s role a little better here. Bern also has no use for Patience as blocking is not her favorite thing.
  • This pair still works though. Bern can do meterless combos off of George’s 6C which is nice, as well as build up some meter for his SP2.
  • George is also much more threatening in MetaWorld and MetaBoost enables him to stay in that state for as long as possible and focus on counterplay. *Pretty much one of George’s best teams, but certainly not one of Bern’s.
  • Expect some cool mixup though.
  Chiester 410
  • Pretty excellent mixup and decent neutral, can be a pretty annoying team but generally doesn’t come out on top.
  • Easy to bully early in the match. Bad damage.
  • There is no reason to pick George as the one to handle neutral for Dlanor, Battler and Bern are both much better options for speed and approaching ability.
  • 15-second ArmorBoost is nice as always though. Dlanor’s damage pales in comparison to Beato’s in practical play.
  • No gameplan, awkward combos, bad damage. Mixup and neutral are fairly good.
  • This team is fun but lacks any serious killing power. Force Counter suits George fine.
  • Both have low stun which isn’t fun, they also have no real synergy. Berserk helps George’s damage a bit, but Battler’s the obviously preferable choice for Eva here.
  • George is a little better at mixup, but not enough to use him as Eva has her own anyway.
  • A balanced and honest team with no huge strengths or weaknesses. Both characters just kind of do what they do without special interactions.
  • Neither typically benefits much from the other’s ability, but both last for 15 seconds which is cool for what it’s worth.
  • George’s larger normals and better aerials complement Jessica’s high damage and shorter, faster normals designed for pressure.
  • Solid but both have teams that are more damaging and more efficient. Jess/Rono outclasses this team in most ways, though George’s neutral is a bit more unpredictable which can be a good match Jessica’s punishing damage.
  • Awkward and low damage. Reacts poorly to pressure unless George has an SP advantage.
  • Kind of decent neutral and mixup.
  • Bad damage, guardbreak reliant, fragile, pretty bad meterless. No moveset synergy.
  • Ability synergy on paper but this doesn’t really influence the match very frequently.
  • Major damage issues, Bat/Luci outclasses, can excel in mixup but low stun on both and low health makes this team very punishable.
  • Good, but badly overshadowed by Beato/George.
  • Rono is one of the few characters whose regular playstyle benefits from Patience at least to some extent.
  • He also builds some nice meter for George to turn into SP2 down the line, and CounterBoost improves George’s damage and stun which can be lacking. But both characters would prefer someone else.
  • No gameplan, bad damage, awkward pressure. George’s grab works well with Detachment at least.
  • Rosa can kind of appreciate Patience, but not that much.
  • Their abilities synergise perfectly, but they’re both defensive so it’s not that impressive.
  • Their roles are clear but there’s no reason to choose Shannon over Beato (except love).
  • George can’t corner carry that well which Lia really needs, he far prefers Beato. Lia prefers Rono.
  • Terrible reaction to pressure.
  • George is at a disadvantage to Battler or Kanon for Will’s partner, but these two form a functional pair. George really prefers Beato too though.
  • Weird pick for either.

Sample Combos

2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 6C > 236A - Simple BnB that gives you easy okizeme with 22.

2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5A > c5.C - Simple reset that sets up the opponent for an overhead mixup.

  • Make sure the first hit of c.5C whiffs.

2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5A > 5B > j.9C > j.9B > 22A+BxN - Simple metered combo that lands you a hard knockdown.

  • xN = You can keep using 22A+B as long as you have enough meter.

2A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 6C > 236x2C > 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > Attack Touch - Excellent stun builder that also gives your partner an unburstable combo.
