Ougon Musou Kyoku/Lambdadelta

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Lambdadelta, the Witch of Certainty


Lambdadelta, the Witch of Certainty used to be known as the most powerful witch in the universe, but was defeated by Bernkastel in "another game". She is also known as the Witch of the Absolute and her "magic of certainty" allows her to kill anyone with an absolute result. Lambdadelta, despite being a witch of unimaginable power, spends her time zoning and utilizing traps to fight her foes, as well as wasting a lot of food.


Health: 1200


Patch 2.30
+ UltraPER adjusted. Rather than being a 3 second duration ability, Lambdadelta's ability is now a single, instant use ability with a longer duration in order to prevent other characters' abilities from being useless.
- J.2C has been nerfed so it is harder to combo after on couchers.
? Black Hole, Konpeitou have been adjusted.
+ Metasuper no longer messes up it's own juggle.
? J.B has been adjusted.


UltraPER - Empties Lambda's Break Limit bar.

Move List

Normal Moves


Lambda swipes at the air with her hand. Whiffs on crouchers. Hits mid.


Lambda flings her arm at the opponents face. Hits mid.


Lambda does a low version of f.5A Hits mid.


Lambda takes a step forward as she pushes outwards with her hands. Hits mid.


Lambda does a normal kick to the knees. Hits mid.


Lambda attacks by sticking her foot out for a low kick. Hits low.


Lambda throws a popcorn with a long parabolic direction. Cannot be cancelled. Hits mid.


Similar to 6B, but the popcorn travels lower. Cannot be cancelled. Hits mid.


Lambda takes a step forward, then hits the opponent with a super paper fan. Hits mid.


Lambda makes a small candy explosion. Hits mid.


Lambda causes a ground explosion with very good horizontal range. Hits low. Knocks down.


Lambda makes the opponent trip with a low quick kick. It's a deceptive low. Hits low. Knocks down.


Lambda slides across the ground. Knocks down. Hits low.

  • Her hitbox during this move is low enough to dodge most mids and highs.

Lambda sticks her foot out. Hits high.


Lambda does a kick in the air. Hits high.


Lambda sticks out both her legs at a lower diagonal position and spins in the air. Hits high.

  • Slightly long active frames.

Lambda holds her skirt. Hits high.


Lambda does a punch in the air. Hits high.


Lambda creates a small candy explosion by her hand. Hits high.


A divekick which slightly moves Lambda forwards. If it hits, it bounces Lambda a small distance, allowing her to use more jumping attacks.

  • Can be used at any time during Lambda's jump.
  • If fast enough, Lambda can link a j.A > j.B on crouching opponents or a j.B > j.C on standing opponents to continue the combo, making this move a deadly move to use in mixups.

Lambda's throw. She transforms the opponent into a konpeito, then spits it out after chewing it, remarking how disgusting it tastes.

Special Moves

Swee→ts 「すぃ→⊃」 ― 236ABC

Lambda throws a candy projectile that floats on the screen forward.

  • A Version - Travels the longest distance and has the shortest startup. It will disappear on contact of a normal bullet.
  • B Version - Average Startup and Average Distance. It will disappear on contact of 2 normal bullets.
  • C Version - Shortest distance travelled and longest startup. It will disappear on contact of 3 normal bullets.
Hea→rtwa→rm 「は→とぅぉ→む」 ― 22ABC

Lambda covers herself in an heart shaped barrier that nullifies opponent's projectiles. All versions appear identical.

Koωpoito 「こω∧oぃとぅ」 ― 214ABC

Lambda shoots a candy projectile that explodes after floating with a parabolic direction after a brief period of time, depending on the button pressed.

  • A Version - Launched the farthest distance from Lambda and closest to the ground. Capable of hitting sliding, crouching and standing opponents.
  • B Version - Launched a medium distance away and at about standing height. Can be crouched and slid under, but can counter some jumpers.
  • C Version - Launched the closest to Lambda and higher than other versions. Very decent anti air and can keep the enemy from jumping out.
Bl〃ack Ho→le 「ふ〃らっ<ほ→る」 ― 63214ABC

Lambda summons a black hole in front of her that nullifies projectiles and has slowly pulls the enemy towards it.

  • A Version - Shortest startup, shortest duration. the duration is 3 seconds long. the recovery is about 1 second long.
  • B Version - Medium startup, average duration. the duration is 4 seconds long. the recovery is about 1.5 seconds long.
  • C Version - Longest startup, longest duration. the duration is 5 seconds long. the recovery is about 2 second long.

SP Moves

Big Swee→ts♪ 「ぉっきなすぃ→⊃♪」 ― 236AB

Lambda throws a slowly traveling pumpkin ahead of her fullscreen that bursts into treats on impact.

  • If the pumpkin is hit while it's traveling, the treats will explode anyways.
Ultra-He→artwa→rm♪ 「超は→とぅぉ→むっ♪」 ― 22AB

Lambda covers herself in a different variety of hearts, causing wallslam on the opponent on hit.

  • Invincible on startup, and very fast.
Big Koωpoito♪ 「ぉっきなこω∧oぃとぅ♪」 ― 214AB

Lambda winds up a bigger konpeito. If it touches the opponent, it launches them into the air into a juggle state.

  • Great for oki setups and keepaway strats.

Swee→t Ho→le~♪ 「すぃ→とほ→る~♪」 ― 63214AB

Lambda summons a black hole, which after a short delay starts sucking candy into it. The candy's pattern seems somewhat randomized and will do damage on hit.

  • If Lambda is hit during the late phase of this move, the candy will stop.

Level 2 Supers

RaU〃ow☆Fireworks 「にU〃ぃЗ☆はなひ〃」 ― 236236C

Lambda rushes toward the opponent, then spins on her self hitting him 7 times with her candies.

Meta Super

CanU☆Comet 「ぉかU☆すぃせぃ!!」 ― 641236C

Lambda summons down a candy meteor after a delay, which travels downwards slowly at an angle.

  • Does about 60%-70% guard break, making this a very scary move to block.
  • Puts the opponent in a juggle state while knocking them back.

Frame Data

  KD = Knockdown
                             |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |  300  |  0-1   |    ?    |    ?     |  UKD  |          |30 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                c.5A  |   54  |    4   |    1    |    7     |  +2   |   +2     |
                f.5A  |   54  |    6   |    3    |    3     |  +4   |   +4     |
                  2A  |   45  |    4   |    3    |    5     |  +2   |   +2     |
                c.5B  |  150  |    8   |    4    |    9     |  +3   |   +1     |
                f.5B  |  135  |    6   |    8    |   12     | -4/+3 |  -6/+1   |
                  2B  |  165  |    6   |    8    |   12     |  -4   |   -6     |
                c.5C  |  240  |   12   |   12    |   12     | +1/+12|  -2/+9   |
                f.5C  |  240  |   12   |    2    |   19     |  +4   |   +1     |
                  2C  |  225  |   14   |    6    |    7     |  UKD  |  +9/+14  |
                j.5A  |   60  |    3   |    6    |    6     |       |          |
               j8.5B  |  150  |    7   |    5    |   11     |       |          |
               j8.5C  |  252  |   10   |    8    |   17     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5B  |  150  |    8   |    9    |    6     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5C  |  225  |   12   |   12    |    6     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  6B  |   90  |   13   |    -    |   23     |       |          |See Note S
                  6C  |  225  |   11   |    9    |    8     |  UKD  |   +5     |
                  3B  |   90  |   13   |    -    |   23     |       |          |See Note S
                  3C  |  240  |   11   |   15    |   18     |  UKD  | -11/+3   |
                j.2C  |  180  |   14   |    9*   |    0[8]  |       |          |See Note T

  Note S: Popcorn Projectile is independant from LambdaDelta.
       Popcorn appears on frame 13, but is only active from frame 14.
       It is active until it either hits the opponent or exits the screen.

  Note T: Has a recovery animation on hit/block that makes LambdaDelta move upwards a bit.
       This changes the move's recovery. Recovery duration on hit/block is listed in brackets.
       LambdaDelta can perform any available air actions after the end of this recovery (except another j.2C).
       *Animation-wise; it is active until LambdaDelta lands.


Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats on how to use Lambda and her strategy vs specific characters. Remember I'm watching you.

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Team Building

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what partners are best for Lambda to use. Remember I'm watching you.


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Sample Combos

2A > 2B > 5B > f.5C > 2C - Basic BnB oki setup.

2A > 2B > 5B > f.5C > 2C > 66 > 5B > f.5C > j9.B > j9.C - A simple extension to the BnB combo as the opponent is floating off of 2C.

  • If done in the corner, you can replace the j9.B > j9.C with j8.B > j8.C.

j.2C > j.A > j.B > 2A > 2B > 5B > f.5C > 2C > 66 > 5B > f.5C > j9.B > j9.C - A sample combo that can be used on a crouching opponent after you hit them with j.2C.

  • j.2C must be done immediately and the j.A must be timed accurately as well for this combo to work.
  • If done in the corner, you can replace the j9.B > j9.C with j8.B > j8.C.

j.2C > j.B > j.C > 2A > 2B > 5B > f.5C > 2C > 66 > 5B > f.5C > j9.B > j9.C - Another sample that can be used on a standing opponent after you hit them with j.2C.

  • j.2C must be done almost immediately, and the j.B must be timed accurate for this combo to work.
  • If done in the corner, you can replace the j9.B > j9.C with j8.B > j8.C.

... > Stun Opponent > j.C > j.2C > j.B > j.C > 2A > 2B > 5B > f.5C > 2C > 66 > 5B > f.5C > j9.B > j9.C - A sample combo you can use post-stun.

  • j.C must hit the opponent while Lambda is close to the ground for this combo to work.
  • If done in the corner, you can replace the j9.B > j9.C with j8.B > j8.C.