Ougon Musou Kyoku/EVA Beatrice

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Eva Beatrice


Originally some sort of inner being in Eva Ushiromiya, she became a witch after Eva solved the riddle of the Epitaph. She was recognized as Beatrice's successor, and was extremely cruel. She often used her powers to kill and resurrect people multiple times (usually in brutal ways) before finishing them off. She is sometimes referred to in the text as "The Cruel Witch", and later on, "The Black Witch". She is the main antagonist in Banquet of the Golden Witch.


Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good close to mid range game: Good air to airs and pokes, and very ranged lows, with good ways to convert them into oki, allow her to go into her trademarked pressure game.
  • Amazing pressure with Jelly: When the opponent is both cornered and has a Jelly in front of them, EVA's pressure can feel extremely overwhelming, thanks to high/lows, an airdash to get back in, a divekick, and 2 command grabs.
  • Berserk: Her ability is one that every character can make use of, making her a very easy character to fit in many teams.
  • Weak to zoning: While she has an air-dash, it's best used in pressure. Her kit is designed around staying close to the opponent, but not much in terms of actually getting there.
  • Easy to shutdown pressure without Jelly: Her pressure is full of resets, so if there isn't a Jelly to stop them, the opponent can very easily escape it.
  • Berserk: Her ability is simple to a fault. It doesn't help her or her partner in other ways that isn't just more damage, and unlike Battler's, it doesn't help unless she gets the hit. This ends up making her teams end up feeling like just two strong individual characters rather than having much synergy between them. It doesn't help that it's only 7 seconds duration, meaning other abilities during MetaWorld get shortened due to it.

Health - 1450.


Berserk - Increases attack power for a short period of time. (+25%, grabs are not affected)

Move List

Normal Moves


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 x 6 3 6 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta +1 +1 x
  • A tiny kick.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 x 6 4 4 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta +1 +1 x
  • A short poke with the butt of Eva's staff.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 x 5 6 14 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -4 -6 x
  • Eva knees the opponent in the groin.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
165 x 8 4 27 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta -5 -7 x
  • Eva swings her staff a circle immediately in front of her.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
198 x 22 3 24 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta launch -5 x
  • Eva uses her staff as a baseball bat to launch the opponent into the air.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
270 x 12 3 24 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta, Dash -2 -5 x
  • Eva brings the head of her staff down on her opponent.
  • Whiffs on some characters if used point blank.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
240 x 12 6 24 HL (J), Special, SP, Meta, Dash -5 -8 x
  • Eva kicks out with her front leg, pushing her forward.
  • Hitbox is high enough to anti-air, very slow whiff recovery however.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
210 x 23 6 13 HL Meta +6/+11 +3/+8 x
  • Eva pushes off her staff to kick the opponent in the face. Overhead.
  • If used point blank while midscreen, attack will whiff and Eva will cross over the opponent.
  • If hit during last active frames, Eva can link a normal afterwards.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
54 - 5 4 4 L Special, SP, Meta +2 +2 x
  • A short range poke with the butt of Eva's staff.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
165 - 8 7 19 HL Special, SP, Meta -10-/-4 -12/-6 x
  • Eva kicks out with her leg, pushing her forward somewhat.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
210 - 8 4 30 L Special, SP, Meta KD -12 x
  • Eva sweeps the opponents legs out from under them with her staff. Knocks down on hit.


Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
60 x 5 6 6 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • A short range poke with the butt of Eva's staff.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 x 6 9 7 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • A short range aerial kick.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
252 - 10 4 14 H Special, SP ? - x
  • Eva swings her staff in a downward arc.
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
150 - 13 until landing 0 H Special, SP ? ? x
  • Eva immediately falls to the ground while stabbing the ground below her with her staff.


Whiff animation
Whiff animation
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
300 - 0-1 x 26 (if whiffed) UNB - - - x
  • Eva grabs the opponent by the shoulder, knees them in the groin few times, then sends the opponent flying backwards. Can be air-teched.
  • The only one grab counts hit number, and earns more SP than others.

Special Moves

Air Dash 「空中ダッシュ」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
x x x x 12 (total) x - x x x
  • Eva dashes in the air.
  • She can only air dash forward.
Red Spider's Thread 「赤き蜘蛛の糸」
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236A 210 x 34 ? ? HL - +12 +9 x
  • Eva uses her staff to launch a spider web that she uses to drag the opponent towards her. Hits low.
  • Eva can link a normal if any of the version hit.
  • A Version - Shortest Range
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236B 210 x 34 ? ? HL - +12 +9 x
  • B Version - Medium Range
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
236C 210 x 34 ? ? HL - +12 +9 x
  • C Version - Longest Range
Three Colored Jelly Time 「三色ゼリータイム」
22A version
22A version
22B version
22B version
22C version
22C version
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
22A x x 34 305 ? HL - x x x
  • Eva places a giant piece of jelly on the screen.
  • Jellies can be broken by almost everything, but they cancel out the attack allowing Eva to punish them. If Eva is next to a jelly, the jelly takes the attack first. It only takes one hit however.
  • A Version - Places the jelly directly in front of her, which slowly moves forward for a period of time.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
22B x x 34 305 ? HL - x x x
  • B Version - Places the jelly a somewhat far distance away from Eva, which remains stationary.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
22C x x 34 305 ? HL - x x x
  • C Version - Places the jelly behind the opponent, which slowly moves back towards Eva.
Staff of the One-Winged Eagle 「片翼の鷲の杖」
A version
A version
B version
B version
C version
C version
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214A 210 x 21 ? ? HL - -8 -10 x
  • A Version - Eva takes a step forward and swings her staff in a horizontal arc. Hits mid.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214B 240 x 25 ? ? HL - KD -7 x
  • B Version - Eva takes a step forward and swings her staff over her head in a vertical arc, which pushes her forwards slightly. Knocks back. Hits mid.
Version Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
214C 270 x 29 ? ? H - KD -22 x
  • C Version - Eva pauses for a moment, then takes a step forward and swings her staff over her head in a vertical arc. Overhead. Knocks down.
Dream of Flying 「空を飛ぶ夢」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
360 x 1 ? ? UNB - KD x x
  • Eva grabs the opponent in mid-air and brings them straight down to slam into the ground.
  • A slightly delayed 2B can be used as a meaty.
  • All versions are identical.

SP Supers

Spider Crush 「蜘蛛潰し」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
549 x 22 ? ? HL - KD +10 x
  • Eva spawns a spider web. If it lands, she pulls the opponent in and hits them with her staff which forces a wallslam. Hits low.
Special Giant Jelly 「スペシャル巨大ゼリー」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
543 x 46 ? ? H - KD ? x
  • After a slight delay, Eva summons a giant purple jelly immediately in front of her that knocks down on hit. Overhead.
  • Does 50% guard break.
  • Once the animation reaches the part where Eva lowers her arm after raising it the Jelly is summoned and it will come down regardless if Eva is hit afterwards.
Imperial Wrath of the Tyrant 「暴君の逆鱗」
EvaBeatrice-214A+B 1.png
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
526 x 15 ? ? HL, H - KD -14 x
  • Eva Does her 214 series in a row, ending in her 214C. Last hit is overhead.
Be Careful around Iron Railings 「でも鉄柵には気を付けて」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
693 x 1 ? ? UNB - KD - x
  • Eva grabs the opponent out of the air and slams them down onto a pointed, iron railing.
  • Midscreen Eva has enough time to drop do 22A in order to drop a red jelly in front of the opponent and run up to them for a meaty attack.
  • In the corner the jelly will appear behind the opponent unless Eva moves back slightly. This gives less time for oki.

Exclusive SP Super

All You Can Eat Chocolate and Rare Cheese 「チョコとレアチーズの食べ放題」
Whiff animation
Whiff animation
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
660 - 1 - 31 (whiff) UNB - KD x x
  • Eva kicks the opponent, stunning them, then buries them under a mountain of chocolate and rare cheese.
  • Acts as a grab.

Level 2 Super

Why don't you just drop dead?「ヘソ噛んで死んじゃえヴァ」
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
645 - 7 9 25 HL - KD ? x
  • Eva slides forward the screen. If she hits the opponent, initiates a 7 hit combo that ends with a wallslam.

Meta Super

Closed Room of Spiderwebs 「蜘蛛の巣の密室」
641236C during MetaWorld
Whiff animation
Whiff animation
Damage RecDamage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
798 x 1 x 45 (total) UNB - KD x x
  • Instant activation time making this a great meta-reversal.
  • Acts as a grab
  • Unaffected by Berserk.
  • Builds slightly more than 1 bar of meter for Eva's partner while not building any meter for the opponent's partner.

Frame Data

  KD - knockdown
                              |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |0,0,300|  0-1   |    ?    |    ?     |  TKD  |          |26 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                c.5A  |   54  |    6   |    3    |    6     |  +1   |   +1     |
                f.5A  |   54  |    6   |    4    |    4     |  +2   |   +2     |
                  2A  |   54  |    5   |    4    |    4     |  +2   |   +2     |
                c.5B  |  150  |    5   |    6    |   14     |  -4   |   -6     |
                f.5B  |  165  |    8   |    4    |   27     |  -5   |   -7     |
                  2B  |  165  |    8   |    7    |   19     |-10/-4 | -12/-6   |
                c.5C  |  270  |   12   |    3    |   24     |  -2   |   -5     |
                f.5C  |  240  |   12   |    6    |   24     |  -5   |   -8     |
                  2C  |  210  |    8   |    4    |   30     |  UKD  |  -12     |
                j.5A  |   60  |    5   |    6    |    6     |       |          |
                j.5B  |  150  |    6   |    9    |    7     |       |          |
                j.5C  |  252  |   10   |    4    |   14     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  6B  |  198  |   22   |    3    |   24     | launch|   -5     |Jump Cancelable on block from frame 36 onwards
                  6C  |  210  |   23   |    6    |   13     | +6/+11|  +3/+8   |Loses Collision Box between frames X-X
                j.2C  |  150  |   13   |   16*   |    0     | +2/+12|  -1/+9   |See Note H
            Specials  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                236A  |  210  |   34   |    ?    |    ?     | +12   |    +9    |
                236B  |  210  |   34   |    ?    |    ?     | +12   |    +9    |
                236C  |  210  |   34   |    ?    |    ?     | +12   |    +9    |
            j.63214A  |  360  |    1   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    --    |
            j.63214B  |  360  |    1   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    --    |
            j.63214C  |  360  |    1   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    --    |
                 22A  |   --  |   34   |   305   |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
                 22B  |   --  |   34   |   305   |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
                 22C  |   --  |   34   |   305   |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
                214A  |  210  |   21   |    ?    |    ?     |  -8   |   -10    |
                214B  |  240  |   25   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    -7    |
                214C  |  270  |   29   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -22    |
         SPs and Meta  ------------------------------------------------------------------
              236A+B  |  549  |   22   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   +10    |
               22A+B  |  543  |   46   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    +9    |
          j.63214A+B  |  693  |    1   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    --    |
            63214A+B  |  660  |    1   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    --    |
              214A+B  |  528  |   15   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -14    |
              236x2C  |  645  |   12   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    -6    |
             641236C  |  798  |    1   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    --    |
  Note H: *Animation-wise; it is active until Eva lands.


General Strategy:

  Eva's Jellies

A Version

  • If Eva is a distance from the enemy midscreen, she can throw this out to help her close the gap. It creates a wall for the enemy since if they try to attack Eva, they'll hit the jelly first which will allow them to be punished. Eva can use this move to setup okizeme in the corner to prevent damage touches or some reversals.

B Version

  • Eva can use this to setup okizeme midscreen if she can land this behind the opponent. The opponent now loses their option to backdash and now their only ways to escape is to jump or guard touch. This jelly remains stationary which means if Eva combos or pressures the enemy, the jelly will negate the pushback.

C Version

  • Can be used midscreen to force opponent to jump backwards over it allowing Eva to anti-air easily, or let themselves get trapped between Eva and the jelly as the C jelly moves back towards Eva.

EX Version

  • Very slow startup, which means that Eva should not do this unless the opponent is knocked down. If you can get a oki setup, you can force them to either block the jelly and loses 50% of their guard meter, get hit, or assault touch out of it.

Team Building

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what partners are best for EVA to use. Remember I'm watching you.

The information displayed here is from the 2022 Team Tier List from the Ougon Discord Thus, it is open to change, but it should work as a building block for people looking for team pairing ideas. If you are a player of any of the teams and want to change anything feel free to do so.

  Reasons to choose EVA-Beatrice for your team
  • Eva is amongst the most solid characters in Ougon, not needing much support for her to work fine, thanks to her balanced kit and good general ability. If anything, her biggest problem would be middling damage for a rushdown character without Meta. Her ability is also a bit too simple for her own good, not helping her in neutral, which is her most difficult aspect, at all.
  • Her standout point however is Jelly pressure, so whichever character can either help her set it up or also benefit from it will tend to be a better partner for Eva. She is a very solid character that, while not dominant, is overall very strong in many aspects, so really, most team compositions will be okay with her.
  • Could be better overall, one of Ange’s better teams but there’s little reason to pick Eva over Rono.
  • StunBoost can help Eva get her setups and Berserk fixes Ange’s damage.
  • A team with no weak points, although the big damage setups even with Eva’s ability can be a bit situational. Expect to dominate almost any character in neutral. The prospect of Attack Touching to Eva adds a dimension of threat to Battler’s pressure that he really wants.
  • Generally quite honest, you just win most exchanges and shut down the opponent’s options bit by bit.
  • Entirely carried by how good the individual characters are, they have no special synergy. Well, Resurrection combined with jelly can give you some breathing room. You could say this team is remarkably balanced; it does well both offensively and defensively.
  Black Battler
  • Berserk and Massacre have a direct synergy, but this isn’t really enough to offset Black Battler’s lower health.
  • Battler is the better option for Eva, but she does complement BB’s more offensive playstyle. These two find it surprisingly hard to stun.
  • Great neutral and hard to hit, but ultimately Black Battler probably isn’t worth it. There may be marginally less need for BB’s meterless reversal because of Eva’s jelly too.
  • The pressure and damage setups these two create together can never be overlooked. Eva will handle neutral and drive the opponent into the corner, so Beatrice can start her setplay for even more damage than usual, then you switch back into Eva and begin jelly setplay on top of it all.
  • Eva’s command grabs also have the rare property of feeding a little more SP back into Beato.
  • That said you will struggle to catch some opponents to begin with; Lambdadelta, Kanon and Ronove can all annoy this pair quite a bit.
  • Regardless of the matchup though, once they get going, their killing power is some of the best in the game.
  • Bernkastel has a special appreciation for Berserk over CounterBoost or StunBoost because it boosts her overall damage without forcing her to shorten her juggles.
  • Eva’s threatening MetaWorld presence also appreciates the extra time MetaBoost gives, and both characters’ MetaSuper helps maintain the SP needed to hog MetaWorld.
  • The reason this team isn't amazing is just that Beato/Bern and Beato/Eva pretty much do the same thing but better. Well, this team has better neutral than Beato/Eva, but it’s not really enough to justify the lower damage, stun, and lack of foolproof setplay.
  Chiester 410
  • 410, whose damage isn’t great, appreciates the boost from Berserk, and Eva’s SP jelly and spiderweb are prime recipients for BreakBoost, so there’s some ability synergy here.
  • Eva can also make decent use of 410’s MetaSuper as the slightest opening means a command grab for her.
  • Can be extremely hard to hit when used right, but it’s not clear why someone should use 410 over Luci, at least after the first guardbreak.
  • The reason this team isn’t great is just its lack of snowballing momentum for a team that overall revolves around big damage.
  • Hits hard and is bulky, but these two have no reason to pick each other.
  • Dlanor’s main damage comes from grabs which aren’t affected by Berserk.
  • Very complementary neutral for these two, the opponent is going to have trouble approaching. Eva makes good use of Force Counter too compared to some characters.
  • Nevertheless these two struggle to deal with pressure and their movesets come together a bit awkwardly, such that they can’t exactly play rushdown. *You’ll have to rely on mixup and short combos combined with fairly slow pressure.
  • Both gain options in MetaWorld which is nice, but Erika’s MetaSuper does not benefit from Berserk which isn’t as nice.
  • Both have low stun which isn’t fun, they also have no real synergy.
  • Berserk helps George’s damage a bit, but Battler’s the obviously preferable choice for Eva here.
  • George is a little better at mixup, but not enough to use him as Eva has her own anyway.
  • Potentially solid neutral and very high damage combined with pretty deadly pressure.
  • If you can do Jessica’s link, there’s a neat trick where you can do it multiple times against yellow or green jelly, but you’re not too likely to see that often in general play.
  • Nevertheless these two have a lot of stun and killing power between them, and their corner is a big kill zone.
  • Jessica loves Berserk but overall this team is good because its two members are so individually good.
  • You want to keep pressure up pretty much constantly to prevent Jessica from becoming a weak link in neutral. If you can do that this team is very hard to hit.
  • Faster and more direct than Jess/Beato, but less damage (for what that’s worth).
  • Good, but Eva’s command grabs mean she doesn’t really need Silent Attack to accumulate meter advantage. She prefers Luci’s moveset and ability.
  • Kanon can Wolf Jump freely with jelly up in the corner though, which is nice.
  • A pretty mixup-heavy team. Kanon’s damage isn’t the highest so he can appreciate Berserk to bring it up to par.
  • Still there’s no real reason not to pick Will for Kanon instead, as SPCancel boosts his damage similarly in practicality and Will overall suits his style better: he’s more about confirms than pressure.
  • Both decent characters but completely overshadowed by other choices for one another.
  • Berserk improves precious comet damage before guard capacity increases and Eva can combo off comet somewhat. But both prefer Beato.
  • A solid and surprisingly damaging team that is difficult for just about anyone to approach, but it struggles defensively when the opponent has momentum. You want to sustain careful pressure and pick the opponent apart with threatening MetaDeclarations and forcing Damage Touch.
  • Plays kind of similarly to Bat/Luci, opt for resets sometimes and these two will maintain a meter advantage without much difficulty.
  • Neither tend to spend it in neutral. Lucifer greatly appreciates the boost from Berserk, as damage is her main shortcoming. Lucifer’s own ability can mean free MetaSupers for Eva too, which means SP advantage.
  • The main strength of this team is that it’s strong against many high-tier teams; Will and Bern in particular struggle with this pair.
  • Both have low stun, so while you’ll be hard to hit, don’t be careless. These two have really annoying hurtboxes.
  • The similar playstyles these two have go together very well. This team has good bulk, high damage, amazing pressure and is extremely punishing of any mistake from the opponent.
  • Has no real weaknesses, except maybe projectile-heavy play like you see from Lambda and Bern.
  • Your opponent will be forced to play defensively which is really difficult for some teams.
  • Similar to Bat/Rono, you might want to get creative as apart from Eva’s overheads and crossups this team lacks any major mixup or guardbreak setups, but this is no major shortcoming.
  • The combination between Detachment and jelly setups mean this team can sustain pressure remarkably well.
  • This team mostly thrives on shutting down the opponent’s options by preventing Touch and dominating neutral, but it can’t play too patiently for fear of Detachment wearing off.
  • It’s a fairly bulky rushdown team and your opponent will probably spend a lot of time in the corner.
  • No major weaknesses, but both of these characters can struggle against faster ones. You might want to play safe to begin with before you get momentum.
  • Berserk can boost Shannon’s corner loop without increasing the stun which is nice, but these two have no other synergy.
  • No reason to pick Shannon over Beato. AutoGuard with jelly is overkill.
  • Both function best in the corner and Eva can handle pushing them into it. Pretty insane pressure and great damage once they get going, but it’s hard to justify why you would pick Lia over Beato here.
  • Neither reacts particularly well to pressure which can be an issue.
  • No special moveset synergy here, but this team brings the best out of Lia’s high damage-dealing potential and Brimful can also pair well with jelly stall.
  • Excellent neutral and highly damaging, although Berserk won’t affect Will’s MetaSuper it will add damage to his juggles without increasing his stun, which he likes.
  • Eva has a few uses for SPCancel, for one she can sneak in a reversal before using her MetaSuper, but this isn’t that useful for the cost. It can help her mixup.
  • Still, each would probably be hard-pressed to pick the other over Beato, whose ability to guardbreak easily in additionto her fusion of both of these characters’ roles is kind of important. This team has better neutral than those counterpart teams though, so it’s safer and more adaptable.


Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what combos to use. Remember I'm watching you.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Bread and butter combo. Eva can use either 214B to knock the enemy away, or use 22x to setup oki.

Bread and butter Meta combo. Eva can replace her Meta Super with 2C > 22x for an oki setup.

Another possible Meta combo. Bypasses enemy ability to burst, more execution heavy.

Corner only combo. Eva must be a good distance away from the wall, or 236A+B will whiff.


Early artwork of Eva-Beatrice.