Ougon Musou Kyoku/Shannon

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One of the two servants present at Rokkenjima at the time of the serial killings, the other being her "younger brother" Kanon. Due to her constant breaking of mirrors she has 1000 years of bad luck.


Health = 1550

Shannon is a rather unorthodox zoning character in two aspects particularly.

For one, her zoning excels especially well at mid screen, as opposed to other zoners in game having oppressive zoning even fullscreen. Her shields act as both dash checks and tools to keep opponent stationary since they move forward and last 3 seconds. Three versions of shields can be in screen at the same time, and good Shannon player can pace these well to keep opponent on toes and keeping them away. Should opponent attempt jumping, Shannon can deal with this well with her great anti-airs like 6c, 3c and 22b, latter giving her great oki.

Secondly, while Shannon is "classified" as defensive character, her pressure, strings and corner oki are surprisingly decent for a character listed as so. When Shannon corners opponent, her normals and tools start to shine well. Her seagull is a versatile tool to keep opponent from getting close, and as part of knockdown pressure and string enders to keep them blocking. This gives Shannon a chance to go for her mixups. Shannon has decent amount of tools for this with her overhead, jumping normals(which can crossup) throws and 623x, which all lead to a knockdown where Shannon can keep the train going.

However, Shannon unfortunately has a lot of problems.

Like previously mentioned, Shannon's zoning is good around mid screen, but not anywhere else. Because of this, zoners like 410, Bernkastel and Virgilia can bully her full screen since Shannon's movement is quite poor. Some of Shannon's tools, like her normals and 623x, become quite poor too outside of corner. Her normals have bad reach, and her poke is quite slow. 623x sends opponent flying too far away for Shannon to get oki, which highlights Shannon's general lack of oki outside of corner. Shannon's normals, specials and throw have quite a lot of recovery frames, making them easy to punish. Should Shannon do one mistake, she can get punished quite easily.

Shannon's damage lacks in midscreen, and in corner it requires high execution and meta to do a lot damage(metaloop is a 1f link)

In short, Shannon can have difficulties getting into position to take advantage of her good stuff. Because of this, Shannon is often put into lower tiers on lists, sometimes even to bottom. However, due to OMKs nature, she's not unplayable, and should player find good partner to compensate her weaknesses, Shannon can definitely do work.


Auto-Guard - You will automatically guard for 15 seconds. This allows you to autoblock in the middle of dashes.

This ability is ok for Shannon, since it can make dealing against full screen zoning easier. However, Shannon doesn't need this on other matchups since she doesn't have need to dash a lot at other matchups. In general, it's a good ability for slower characters like Dlanor, Ronove and Virgilia, but these three don't go well with Shannon in term of team building.


Team Building

  • Jessica - Both struggle in neutral, and have poor pokes. It can kinda work with Jessica's natural explosive damage, but have zero synergy.
  • Ange - Stun can be OK to setup easier oki scenarios for Shannon, and autoblock can help Ange's middling ground game, but other than that they dont compliment other big flaws they've, like neutral.
  • Battler - Battler's natural versatility makes him a great partner for Shannon. Battler's amazing neutral helps with tagging Shannon, and Battler's ability compliments Shannon's tankiness and more zoning gameplay. Only issue with team is if Shannon cannot do metaloops, it can lack a little in damage department.
  • Beatrice - Another naturally versatile character, thus good for Shannon. It's for a different reason, however, since Beatrice's ability gives more damage and knockdown possibilities easier. Not as good synergy as Battler, but definitely good enough to have on consideration when thinking about partners for Shannon.
  • Rosa - Both being zoners characters with good oki, Rosa offers an interesting synergy for Shannon, since the fear of Detachment makes people more wary of seagulls and shields. This gives Shannon easier time to approach, and overall makes her mixups even more steamrolling.
  • Virgilia - Not much good synergy, since both have quite awkward movement and Lia has no use for Shannon's ability as a zoner.
  • Willard - Hands down the best partner for Shannon. Coupled with Will's already great versatility, damage and corner carry, his ability makes metalooping much easier, ensuring Shannon a guaranteed stuns to setup.
  • Kanon - OK partner for Shannon; Kanon's ability gives meter advantage from Shannon's zoning, and Kanon's rushdown gives Shannon easier time for tag into corner pressure
  • Lucifer - More potential damage thanks to Luci's ability, and Shannon's ability can be nice for Luci easier time to start pressure due to her fast dash speed. Other than that, not much overall synergy.
  • Black Battler - Because B.Battler lacks regular Battler's ability, there isn't much of a synergy outside of Battler's good neutral buttons.
  • Eva - Eva's ability can be ok to add some damage for Shannon's meddling mid-screen combos, but otherwise not much synergy.
  • Chiester 410 - They don't offer much with their different zoning styles, and their normal buttons aren't the best.
  • Ronove - Ronove offers an interesting turtle synergy. Shannon's ability is great for Ronove who has harder time to get in neutral, and makes guard kicks much easier. Problem with team is that you need to run Shannon on-point, which is not ideal for Shannon.
  • LambdaDelta - No particular synergy.
  • George - Shannon's ability helps George's poor ground neutral, but not much else.
  • Erika - No particular synergy, lacks in midscreen damage heavily.
  • Dlanor - Shannon's ability helps with Dlanor's poor movement, but nothing else
  • Bernkastel - No particular synergy, other than Bernkastel being a great character on her own.

Move List

Normal Moves

[ Mid | Damage - 42/42 | Startup - 4 | Active - 2/4 ]

Shannon slaps attack twice.

  • Can be special/super canceled from the first slap.
[ Low | Damage - 69 | Startup - 5 | Active - 4 ]

A floor-scrubbing attack.

[ Mid | Damage - 150 | Startup - 4 | Active - 4 ]

Shannon shoves the opponent.

[ Mid | Damage - 150 | Startup - 7 | Active - 4 ]

Shannon attacks with a carpet beater.

Shannon-6B 1.png
Shannon-6B 2.png
[ High | Damage - 90/90 | Startup - 21 | Active - 8 ]

Shannon does a bow, which hits twice. Overhead.

[ Low | Damage - 180 | Startup - 13 | Active - 28+ ]

Shannon moves forward in a floor scrubbing motion.

  • Can be held to extend the length.
[ Mid | Damage - 270 | Startup - 10 | Active - 12 ]

Shannon attacks by opening an umbrella.

  • Launches if it hits an airborne opponent.

[ Mid | Damage - 120/150 | Startup - 13 | Active - 3/? ]

Attacks with a serving cart which hits twice.

  • Can only be special canceled from the first hit.
  • Shannon can act during the second hit.

[ Mid | Damage - 264 | Startup - 14/13 | Active - ? ]

6C - A clumsy trip that spills cutlery in front of Shannon.
3C - Shannon while crouchimg, throws cutlery upwards.

[ Low | Damage - 210/150 | Startup - 9 | Active - 3/4/2 ]

Shannon lifts a rug and puts it back down. Two-part attack.

  • If first part of the attack hits, it trips the opponent, causing the 2nd part to whiff.
  • If second part of the attack hits, it knocks down the opponent.
  • If the first part of the attack hits an airborne opponent, it launches them.

[ High | Damage - 60 | Startup - 3 | Active - 9 ]

An aerial poke as Shannon struggles to keep her skirts down.

[ High | Damage - 150 | Startup - 10 | Active - 8 ]

A downwards smack with a serving tray.

[ High | Damage - 252 | Startup - 10 | Active - 24 ]

Shannon does a small twirl with the hitbox around her skirt.

  • Can cross-up.

[ High | Damage - 252 | Startup - 14 | Active - 7 ]

Shannon does a forwards flip, slamming her shoes down.

[ High | Damage - 270 | Startup - 15 | Active - 12 ]

A downwards bodyslam.

  • Can be used as a crossup.
[ Throw | Damage - 360 | Whiff - 50 ]

Shannon grabs the enemy, pushes them away, them slams them down with a floating plate.

Special Moves

Magic Barrier 「魔法障壁」 ― 236A/B/C

Conjures a pink octagonal barrier in front of Shannon for a period of time.

  • A: Summons a barrier one character length away from Shannon.
  • B: Summons a barrier four character lengths away from Shannon.
  • C: Summons a barrier eight character lengths away from Shannon.
  • Lasts about 3 seconds before disappearing.
  • Can be destroyed by other projectiles or melee attacks.

Capture Barrier 「捕縛障壁」 ― 623A/B/C

Shannon conjures a small burst of magic in front of herself. Enemies that step into the range are grappled in a capture barrier and receive damage as it shatters. Not a grab.

  • A: Fastest recovery.
  • B: Middling recovery.
  • C: Slowest recovery.

To Feed (the seagulls)「エサやり」 ― 214A/B/C

Shannon baits a seagull onto the stage with some bread, which flies around the stage in an arc back towards Shannon.

  • A: Shortest distance.
  • B: Middle distance.
  • C: Longest distance.
  • Hitting Shannon does not cancel the projectile.

Protective Barrier 「守護障壁」 ― 22A/B/C

Swiftly conjures a protective barrier which launches the enemy into the air.

  • Invincible on startup.
  • Active as long as the barrier is up.
  • Can block some projectiles.

SP Supers

Absolute Barrier 「絶対障壁」 ― 236A+B

Summons a stronger octagon barrier in front of of Shannon. The barrier is larger, lasts longer and moves a larger distance before it vanishes. Knocks back.

  • Cannot be destroyed by melee attacks.
  • Can take 5 hits before being destroyed.

Enhanced Capture Barrier 「強化捕縛障壁」 ― 623A+B

A stronger version of the original capture barrier. Wall slams.

  • Hits 11 times.
  • Can be looped in the corner.

It's Not A Hat?! 「帽子じゃなかった?!」 ― 214A+B

A larger seagull nabs Shannon's hat and charges head-on at an enemy. Knocks back.

  • Hits 5 times.
  • Does 60% guard break.
Absolute Protection Barrier 「絶対守護障壁」 ― 22A+B

A larger, more powerful version of the Protective Barrier. Knocks up.

  • Hits 8 times.
  • First few hits hit low before launching the opponent.
  • Has invincibility frames on startup.

Level 2 Super

You should say "No" in bad situations. 「嫌な時は嫌と言いますね」 ― 236236C

A rush towards the enemy which if hits, subjects the enemy to a long slapdown.

Meta Super

Promised Lightning 「契約の落雷」 ― 641236C

Shannon throws down a mirror and calls for lightning, which launches the opponent.

  • Invincible during startup.
  • Can link a 5B afterwards if timed correctly.

Frame data

  KD = Knockdown
                              |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |  360  |  0-1   |    ?    |    ?     |  UKD  |          |50 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                c.5A  | 42,42 |    4   |  2(6)2  |   12     |  -4   |   -4     |Frame Advantage is for 2nd hit
                f.5A  |   54  |    4   |    4    |   10     |  -4   |   -4     |
                  2A  |   69  |    5   |    4    |    5     |  +1   |   +1     |
                c.5B  |  150  |    4   |    4    |   17     |  -5   |   -7     |
                f.5B  |  150  |    7   |    4    |   17     |  -5   |   -7     |
                  2B  |  171  |    8   |    4    |    9     |  +3   |   +1     |
                c.5C  |  270  |   10   |   12    |   18     |  -5   |   -8     |
                f.5C  |120,150|   13   |    3    |   33     | -3/+6 |  -6/+3   |Missing data for 2nd (projectile) hit
                  2C  |210-150|    9   |3,4,4,4,2|   30     |  UKD  | -25/-9   |Hits only once; See Note C
                j.5A  |   60  |    3   |    9    |    6     |       |          |
                j.5B  |  150  |   10   |    8    |    4     |       |          |
               j8.5C  |  252  |   10   |   24    |    3     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5C  |  252  |   14   |    7    |    8     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  6B  | 90,90 |   21   |    8    |   17     |  -6   |   -8     |
                  6C  |  264  |   13   |    -    |   30     |       |          |See Note D
                  3B  |  180  |   13   |   28+   |   20     |  TKD  |   +1     |Increases duration/distance if held
                  3C  |  264  |   14   |    -    |   32     |       |          |See Note D
                j.2C  |  270  |   15   |   12    |    3     |       |          |
 Note B: Hits only once; Each hit has different damage (210, 180, 180, 150, 150) and different properties.
  Still need to test properties, but different hits seem to have different amounts of launch?
  Seems to also differ if the opponent is airborn, grounded, or already knocked-down.
 Note C: Hits only once; each hit has different damage (210, 180, 180, 150, 150) and different properties.
  Still need to test properties, but different hits seem to have different amounts of launch.
  Seems to also differ if the opponent is airborn, grounded, or already knocked-down. 
 Note D: China Projectiles are independant from Shannon.
  They are active until they either hit the ground or exit the screen.


  • 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 236A/B
Basic BnB combo.
  • 2A > 2B > 2C > 236A
Variation of the BnB combo.
  • 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > 2B > 2C > 641236C
Basic Metaworld combo.
  • 6B > A+B+C > 2C > 641236C
Overhead starter leading into Promised Lightning. Both hits of overhead should hit.


  • 2A > 2B > 5B > 2C > A+B+C > 66 > (5B > 3C/6C)xN > 5B > 641236C
Can only be done near or at the corner. Loop combo leading to the meta super. 3C can replace 6C when in the corner.
  • 2A > 2B > 5B > 2C > A+B+C > (641236C > 5B)xN > 641236C
Promised Lightning Loop. xN means can be done for as long as possible as long as opponent isn't stunned.
  • 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > 2C > 641236C > 22A/B/C > 641236C
Promised Lightning Loop using Will's SP Cancel.


黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-double-】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【die zwillinge】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-Bonds-】4 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-resolution-】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-reveal the truth-】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video

OMK:Shannon Combos - Shannon BnB video


Early concept art of Shannon.