Ougon Musou Kyoku/Rosa Ushiromiya

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Rosa Ushiromiya


Rosa Ushiromiya is Kinzo Ushiromiya's fourth and youngest child. She is ranked the fifth of all family members.

+ Strong, piercing projectile that pierces all projectile-only invincibility
+ Several normals with great reach
+ Fantastic 6B anti air
+ Decent guard break setups
+ Multiple invincible reversals in 623AB, 214AB and SP2
+ EX Reload functions as a pseudo metacancel

- No variety, no advanced tactics.
- Very limited tools.
- Relies heavily on meter to score decent damage.
- Very low combo ability.

Health: 1400.


Patch 2.10
+ Length of Detachment debuff has been increased from 5 to 10 seconds.
+ Golden dream now has autoguard on startup, no gap between the swings.
+ Goat Hunting (SP2) Now has invincibility on startup.
- Far 5A can no longer be chained into itself.


If the opponent is hit during the effect of detachment, he will be put in waiting state for a while

Move List

Normal Moves


Rosa lifts her leg and kicks forward, moving her forward as she does. Hits low. Very good poke.


Rosa whacks you with her elbow. Hits mid.


Rosa sticks her foot out. Hits low.


Rosa swings her shotgun at the opponent. Hits mid.


Rosa swings her shotgun upwards. Slides forward. Hits mid.


Rosa whacks the enemy with the butt of her shotgun. Hits mid.


Rosa sticks her foot out, significantly further than C.2A. Hits low.


Rosa does two far standing kicks, similar to Akuma's far HK. Hits mid.
Damage: 225


Rosa swings the barrel of her shotgun downwards. Hits high.


Rosa headbutts the opponent.


Rosa swings her shotgun at the opponent's feet. Does not knock down. Hits low.


Rosa throws herself forward, attempting to knock over the opponent, a la Iori C.HK. Knocks down. Hits low. Is considered airborne.


Rosa sticks her right foot out at a slight angle. Hits high.


Rosa sticks her left foot out at a better angle than J.A. Hits high.


Rosa swings her shotgun horizontally. Hits high.


Rosa sticks her knee out. Hits high.


Rosa kicks upwards. Whiffs on crouching.


Rosa swings her shotgun downwards. Hits high.

Special Moves

Back roll 「ローリングシープ」 ― 214ABC

Rosa's unique backroll. Cannot be EX'd, button determines distance she rolls backwards.

Reload 「リロード」 ― 236ABC

Rosa reloads her gun. Can be done in the air.

Sawed-off Rifle 「ソードオフライフル」 ― 236ABC

Rosa fires off her gun if loaded. Can be done in the air, button determines which angle she shoots at it (AB and C shoot forward, up forward, or up on the ground or forward, downforward, and down in the air, respectively.) All shots knock down, 236C in the air hits overhead. Button can be held on 236A on the ground to delay or outright feint a shot.

SP Supers

Golden Dream 「ゴールデンドリーム」 ― 214AB

Rosa catches a giant golden ingot and swings it around, until she throws it forward like a projectile. Builds half of the guard meter on hit.

As of 2.10, there is now autoguard on the startup, and the gap between the last two hits has been removed.

Quick Reload 「クイックリロード」 ― 236AB

Time freezes as Rosa reloads her gun. Can serve as a pseudo meta cancel, allowing for easy combo extension. Rosa is considered neutral jumping after EX reloading.

Wolf Hunting 「ウルフハンティング」 ― 236AB

Rosa fires a much more damaging shot. 236AB on the ground fires a full screen blast respective of the white beam shown during the super freeze similar to 236A, while 236AB in the air is a similar variation of j.236B.

Shooting Justice 「シューティングジャスティス」 ― 623AB

Rosa jumps up and attempts to kick the opponent at head level. On hit, she will spin around and form a cross hair on the opponent's head, shooting them and causing a wallslam. Has full startup invinc. This version only happens if the gun is loaded when the move is performed.

Flying Neck Cut「フライングネックカット」 ― 623AB

Rosa leaps forward identically to the last move, but does not follow up with a shotgun blast. Knocks the opponent back instead of wallslamming.

Level 2 Super

Goat Hunting 「ゴートハンティング」 ― 236236C

Rosa dashes forward a short distance very fast, unleashing a 7 hit combo. Does 5 hits for 750 damage if gun is loaded, and 5 hits for 660 if the gun is not loaded. Passes through the opponent on block.

As of 2.10, has invincibility on startup.

Meta Super

Let the one of you that wants to eat the bullet Maria chambered for me come forward, uwooooh! 「来いよォオオオォ! 真里亞の込めてくれた銃弾」 ― 641236C

Maria tosses Rosa a second shotgun and she unloads on the opponent, shooting projectiles fullscreen. The chip is insignificant and the startup prevents you from comboing into it outside of stun. Does Does 9 hits for 972 damage.


Rosa does not really have much variety to her combos, but here you go anyway.

Gun not loaded:

  • 2B>f.5C>3C - 500-600 damage, quick decent range punish knockdown. 3C is cancellable into a quick reload. May whiff if you let both f.5C hits land.
  • 2B>5B>5C>3C>236A - 756 damage, reload.
  • 2B>5B>5C>236AB>f.5C(two hits)>236a - 1136 damage.
  • Anti air 6B>236A>236C>SJ.8>J.B>J.C>236AB>J.B>236A - 1446 damage.

Gun already loaded:

  • 2B>f.5C>3C>236A/B - 1k damage. Quick and easy punish knockdown off of a decent poke.
  • 2B>5B>5C>623AB - 1206 damage
  • 2B>5B>5C>DC>2B>5B>5C>3C>236AB - 1559 Damage


Rosa likes Dlanor. Rosa likes Dlanor A LOT. Rosa LOVES blasting the SHIT out of Dlanor. Rosa ALSO loves fighting people who love to constantly tag, or better yet, burst in the middle of combos due to the usefulness of her Detatchment.

With that comment out of the way, Rosa is a very odd character, lacking fast, reliable projectiles, but lots of long range zoning normals and backwards movement options. In theory, you can say that Rosa isn't much of a meter whore because her damage does not advance all that much with meter... however having meter gains her quite a few advanced options, between SP reload cancel gimmicks, full range projectile punishes, higher damage combos, her SP2 as a reversal and her Golden Dream as a pressure and guard break tool.

Unfortunately, Rosa is not a character who can fit in almost any team like Battler, Lucifer, or other simple yet effective characters, as she has a lot of glaring weaknesses to go with her few strengths. She's always welcome in a team fighting Dlanor or other characters who have a hard time dealing with projectiles, but any time she has to deal with a character who doesn't care about her zoning (Erika, for example) She suddenly loses many of her strengths.

Every match is played carefully rationing your rifle bullets, as any time Rosa is not loaded she is VULNERABLE. Her specials do less damage, she has very poor zoning options, and must rely on 3C for a knockdown. As soon as a mistake is made and Rosa is left at disadvantage with the rifle unloaded, any smart opponent will rush in and give her hell until she either has her rifle loaded or tags out to her partner. Therefore, once she's at disadvantage, she wants to try and land a quick 3C into reload, a blockstring/combo into 214 series to escape the opponent, use meter to reload/score a knockdown, or merely tag out and gain meter until her partner can put her at advantage.

By far Rosa's 3 strongest points are:

  • Her ability to immediately counter any dash or jumpins with exteremely fast ranged attacks.
  • Her brutal ability
  • Terrific aerial combo damage

These three things are unfortunately somewhat situational, but are simply the meanest of mean to those who are countered by them. Rushdown characters will find themselves utterly screwed when attempting to fight a Rosa with her gun loaded, as a strong Rosa should be able to time a perfect shot on any approaching enemy. Thus, one of her most annoying counters is Shannon's ability, AutoGuard, which allows dashing enemies safe approach. Another thing Rosa screws with are enemies dependent on tagging. Some of the most popular pairings are ones based on keeping abilities active as long as possible because of their debilitating effects. A good example of this is Battler and Ronove. Battler's ability is simply so effective that the more often it is triggered the better, and Ronove's ability causes brutal levels of damage, but has a short duration and tagging must be frequent.

Rosa's ability, Detachment is just plain unfair against these matchups, especially after its enormous buff in 2.10, doubling its effect. Against matchups that pair together characters using Long Duration abilities and short duration ones also suffer against Detachment, especially lambdadelta pairings. These matchups often make the Metaworld pretty inefficient when it comes to attempting to abuse longer duration abilities like Dlanor's ArmorBoost if they're simply going to expire after short duration abilities like Eva's Berserk. This means that the foe is probably planning on using touches to abuse ArmorBoost's extremely potent effect, a perfectly timed detachment works wonders here.

To properly abuse Detachment, just activate it whenever it pleases you. If you have any spare Gauge towards the end of a combo and the opponent has few or none, strongly consider declaring meta and getting an extra thwack in to trigger detachment instead of using a standard SP finisher. In these situations, Detachment is even more punishing for the opponent as they're trapped using a low gauge character for another 10 seconds, even better if your combo ends in a knockdown and you can normal touch to your partner for another detatchment before your current one ends. Additional Detachments will simply reset the opponents touch gauge to 10 seconds again if you hit an already detached enemy. Another good abuse of Detatchment is with characters who have powerful guard breaking tools. Characters who can guard break easily within Meta like Battler and his Meta Super Spam are just very mean with Rosa. Should any of his 3 spammed supers happen to guard break and strike the enemy, detachment goes through. On the other end of the guard breaking spectrum, characters who can perform extended blockstrings but fear Guard Touches simply love detachment, as it prevents them doing so for 10 seconds. A very good example of this is Kannon and his absurd blockstrings and Erika, who is far more practical in this sense. If Erika uses meta properly to land a meta super or simply finish off a combo, she can use her SP2 OTG the enemy to set up a blockstring at the end of the combo, and with Detachment, there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.

Another feature of Rosa that largely goes ignored is her absurd damage in the air against aerial opponents. The first thing to note is that Rosa's shotgun is air unblockable, even if fired by Rosa in the air. This means that basically, if Rosa hits you in the air with her gun loaded, you are eating that gun shot, guaranteed. All she has to do is continue the block string and end it with a 236A or B depending on the angle of the enemy, on the other hand, Rosa's greatest weakness, not having her gun loaded, becomes one of her greatest strengths in the air, at least for boosting her damage. An SP Reload in the air cancels her current attack animation and then changes your jump type to 8J. As with most characters, Rosa has different attacks if she jumps on an angle than if she jumps vertically, SP reloading in the air resets this attack style to vertical and allows you to continue attacking and then end your combo with a gun shot. This also makes Rosa a very, very good Attack Touch on knockdown. If you knock the opponent down with, say, a standard 2C attack from most characters, immediately attack touch into rosa, who can perform a 9j.A > 9j.B > 236AB > 8j.B > 236A/B to deal very decent damage. This would probably be used if you either desperately want Rosa on the field or if a stray 2C strikes the enemy and you want to capitalize on it.

A slightly more advanced tactic to attempt is cancelling a touch with an aerial reload. All characters with Aerial supers can cancel all non assault/attack touch into them, but Rosa definitely earns a special mention because of how absolutely hilarious she is when she does it, and it can make for some interesting zoning. Reloading in the air causes Rosa to be pushed upwards slightly and lose the ability of any further aerial followup. Whilst touching, if she reloads mid-touch she retains her momentum. Exactly as it sounds, she retains the momentum she recieves as any character would as they swoop into the battlefield after a touch. This has the hilarious result of her flying a great distance over the battlefield, way beyond where she would normally land after the touch. This can be used to counter any oki waiting for you, to corner an opponent after a guard touch (assuming you were in the corner when you guard touched, you should fly over your opponent's head when you reload) or to just make some distance between you and an opponent that closed in on you during the touch animation. Trust me, Rosa swooping over the battlefield whilst reloading her gun is possibly the funniest thing in the game and it surprisignly does ahve strategic value if used properly. Be careful not to use it on most attack touches, as it is unsafe on blocking enemies.

Tag Partners

Surprisingly enough, Lambda isn't too bad of a partner for Rosa, because of the nature of Rosa's meta. Provided, that is, the partner you don't want out is happily building meter in the back. A simple BNB cancelled such as c.5b>2b>Meta cancel>5C can keep certain individuals (hello, Dlanor!)from tagging out, letting either Rosa continue her blasting or keeping an opponent who struggles against Lambda's traps locked in. You only have 10 seconds, however, so make it count.

Willard H. Wright:
Willard earns a very special mention here for actually giving Rosa some much needed depth to her combos. SP Cancel is an absolutely amazing ability for almost any character, and Rosa wouldn't appear to be one with her somewhat poor specials which frankly are just your PEWPEW and nothing much more. Good thing SP Reload is here to be awesome! SP Cancelling a shotgun to the face with a reload instantly cancels the shot and leaves Rosa free to do whatever the hell she wants, including but not limited to a 623AB followup, one of rosa's brutal shotgun aerial followups or, most hilariously a meta declare. In fact, try this for fun. 236A/B (Point Blank) > SP Cancel > SP Reload > META DECLARATION > 236A > SP Cancel > SP Reload > Aerial followup ending in 3rd PEWPEW. With a hyper, hyper basic 5A > 5B > 5C leadin and a very standard j.9a > j.9b > 236B followup, it deals a decent 1986 Damage.

The damage on this combo is actually pretty damn great, and it damn well should be since it uses SP cancel twice. Breaking the 2000s in damage with a proper leadin to the first shot, which is extremely rare for Rosa but the timing on the second gunshot is quite strict. The fact that you just shot someone in the face 3 times in one combo is just a bonus. Alas, there is no way for Rosa to SP Cancel her Meta Super into a combo and you will still have to rely on stuns. SP Cancel is just plain good on Rosa, it gives her standard Reload all the functions of SP Reload when it comes to 623AB/236236C followups, as they will be cancelled immediately. In fact, Rosa is so very good at SP Cancelling her skills that you can actually cancel a point blank gunshot into SP Reload before the shot actually hits the opponent, allowing some hyper crazy stuff where the shot impacts whilst Rosa has already began attacking again.

Willard also loves Rosa. Detachment means he can execute his long ground loops several times without fear of Assault Touch, especially if he declares meta halfway through.
