Ougon Musou Kyoku/Bernkastel

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Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles


Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles is an extremely powerful witch that has lived a thousand years. It is said that she lives in a world where concepts like fate and possibility can be visualized. She can give birth to all kinds of miracles with her immense power but, in compensation for that, her heart ends up breaking a bit each time she uses them.


Causes the Meta Bar to regenerate. This regeneration acts against the bar's depletion during the meta world, extending its duration.

Move List

Normal Moves

Special Moves

Bite him before the elbow「肘から先は
食い千切っていいわ」 ― 236ABC

Bernkastel lobs three cats into the air directly in front of her, each at a different distance from her. Halfway through their descent, one of the cats gains an aura and this is the only cat that can hit the enemy.

  • A Version - Closest cat strikes
  • B Version - Middle cat strikes.
  • C Version - farthest cat strikes.

Come, black cats「おいで、黒猫たち」 ― 623ABC

Bernkastel jumps upwards spins forwards, cats spinning around her, dealing damage. Despite seemingly being a standard dragon punch, has no invulnerability frames. Air Usable.

  • A Version - Bernkastel hops forwards slightly.
  • B Version - Bernkastel jumps an average distance forwards.
  • C Version - Bernkastel jumps a larger distance forwards.

Bite him above the knee「膝から下は
食い千切っていいわ」 ― 214ABC

Bernkastel commands three black cats to run towards the opponent, the frontmost cat has an aura and hitbox. Cannot be reused until the cats have left the screen.

  • A Version - Cats walk slowly forwards.
  • B Version - Cats run at a decent speed.
  • C Version - Cats sprint at their top speed.

Come, devil cat kings「おいで、猫の魔王たち」 ― 41236ABC

Bernkastel summons several caped cats who, after a short delay, fire lasers at the opponent. Lasers have deceptively wide hitboxes. All versions appear identical. 3 Hits for 315 Damage.

SP Moves

― 236AB

― 623AB

― 214AB

― 41236AB

Level 2 Supers

Mystery that pierces everything without mercy「全てを穿つ無慈悲なるミステリ」 ― 236236C

Meta Super

Leviathan that swallows everything without mercy「全てを呑み込む
無慈悲なるリヴァイアサン」 ― 641236C
