Ougon Musou Kyoku/Abilities

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Every character in Ougon Musou Kyoku has a hidden ability. You can use these traits to power your character and their partner for a limited period of time. There are two ways to provide buffs with your abilities (There is a third way to gain access to an ability in Cross, and that is using the assault touch). One is through the use of a normal touch. When you switch characters characters with a normal touch, the character that enters will gain the ability of their partner for a set amount of time. You can also bring out your abilities during Metaworld. During that period of time, your current character gains two abilities, one from himself and his partner. Beware though, triggering abilities via the meta world will cause them both to expire at the same time, with a duration equal to that of the shortest lasting ability. This can be of detriment to certain characters.


Bat.jpg Battler Ushiromiya
Gradually restores your stamina for a brief period of time. Simple and goes well with the other abilities.

Duration: Average

Ange Ushiromiya
Stun Boost
Drastically increases the amount of stun damage you do for a set period of time. You can easily stun your opponent while this is in effect to give you more opportunities for big combos.

Duration: Below Average (As of 2.30)

Sie.jpg Chiester 410
Break Boost
Increases the rate that you can fill up your opponents Break Limit gauge by roughly double. This goes well with moves and specials that do multiple hits since it can allow you to break your opponents guard easily in one fell swoop.

Duration: Extremely Long

Infinity SP
For a short period of time, this will allow you to use a SP super for zero cost one time.

Duration: Long, One Time Use.

Eva.jpg Eva Beatrice
Increases your attack power by 20% for a while. A simple but effective trait.

Duration: Short

Silent Attack
This will dramatically decrease the amount of SP your opponent gains from your attacks.

Duration: Long

Rus.jpg Lucifer
Attack Touch
This will let you use attack-touch once, even if the touch gauge is not full. If it is full, you'll be able to use touch without depleting the gauge.

Duration: Long, One time Use

Ron.jpg Ronove
Counter Boost
This drastically increases the damage dealt by counter hits and the combo's they lead to for a short period of time. This can be useful for Ronove since he has counter techniques. For a combo to gain effect from counter boost, only the counterhit that begins the combo must be done under the effect of counter boost, the rest of the combo doesn't need the ability to remain active. Activating the ability mid-combo will not boost its damage.

Duration: Short

File:Sha.jpg Shannon
You will automatically block for a period of time. This can help you defend while inputting reversals and even while dashing.

Duration: Extremely Long

War.jpg Virgilia
This will allow your SP to recover over time.

Duration: Long

File:Geo.png George
The amount of SP gained while blocking will be dramatically increased.

Duration: Extremely Long

File:Jes.png Jessica
Shave boost
Increases Shave (chip) damage for the duration and prevents it from generating recoverable health.

Duration: Extremely Long

File:Ros.png Rosa
On hit, the enemy's touch meter will break for ten seconds.

Duration: Long, One Time Use

File:Eri.png Erika
Force Counter
All hits will register as counter hits. (Only the initial hit in a combo can be a counter hit.)

Duration: Below Average

File:Dla.png Dlanor
Armor boost
Damage taken is halved.

Duration: Extremely Long

File:Bba.png Black Battler
Gain health upon dealing damage.

Duration: Average

File:Wil.png Willard H. Wright
SP Cancel
Special moves, SP moves, and SP2 moves can be canceled into moves of a higher priority (Special ---> SP --> SP2 ---> Metasuper). Only provides one cancel per ability activation.

Duration: Long, One Time Use

File:Lam.png Lambdadelta
Immediately empty's the user's break limit gauge. A spell circle persists for three seconds afterwards.

Duration: Long, One Time Use (Consumed on touch).

File:Ber.png Bernkastel
Causes the Meta Bar to regenerate. This regeneration works against the natural depletion that occurs when in the meta world, causing Meta to last longer.

Duration: Very long.
