Ougon Musou Kyoku/Bernkastel

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Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles


Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles is an extremely powerful witch that has lived a thousand years. It is said that she lives in a world where concepts like fate and possibility can be visualized. She can give birth to all kinds of miracles with her immense power but, in compensation for that, her heart ends up breaking a bit each time she uses them.


Causes the Meta Bar to regenerate. This regeneration acts against the bar's depletion during the meta world, extending its duration.

Move List

Normal Moves

Special Moves

Bite him before the elbow「肘から先は
食い千切っていいわ」 ― 236ABC

Bernkastel lobs three cats into the air directly in front of her, each at a different distance from her. Halfway through their descent, one of the cats gains an aura and this is the only cat that can hit the enemy.

  • A Version - Closest cat strikes
  • B Version - Middle cat strikes.
  • C Version - farthest cat strikes.

Come, black cats「おいで、黒猫たち」 ― 623ABC

Bernkastel jumps upwards spins forwards, cats spinning around her, dealing damage. Despite seemingly being a standard dragon punch, has no invulnerability frames. Air Usable.

  • A Version - Bernkastel hops forwards slightly.
  • B Version - Bernkastel jumps an average distance forwards.
  • C Version - Bernkastel jumps a larger distance forwards.

Bite him above the knee「膝から下は
食い千切っていいわ」 ― 214ABC

Bernkastel commands three black cats to run towards the opponent, the frontmost cat has an aura and hitbox. Cannot be reused until the cats have left the screen.

  • A Version - Cats walk slowly forwards.
  • B Version - Cats run at a decent speed.
  • C Version - Cats sprint at their top speed.

Come, devil cat kings「おいで、猫の魔王たち」 ― 41236ABC

Bernkastel summons several caped cats who, after a short delay, fire lasers at the opponent. Lasers have deceptively wide hitboxes. All versions appear identical. 3 Hits for 315 Damage.

SP Moves

― 236AB

Bernkastel lobs six cats forwards, each cat is lobbed in a slightly different arc, between the A and C versions. I.e, if someone is standing at a distance away from you where both the A version of this skill and C version would hit, all six cats will impact for 6 hits and 540 damage

― 623AB

Bernkastel jumps forwards with black cats surrounded by green auras, dealing more damage than the basic variant. Note: May have more to it, I cannot as of yet work out of this has invulnerability or what, because it appears somewhat luckluster.

― 214AB

Bernkastel commands 5 cats to rush the opponent down. All 5 cats have auras and are capable of striking the enemy. The 5 cats all move at different speeds, varying between the frontmost cat, which moves at a speed equal to the C version of this skill, and the last cat, who moves at A version speed. At point blank, the ability causes 5 hits for 450 Damage

― 41236AB

Bernkastel summons six cats all sporting their own snazzy cape and magic circle. After a short delay, they each fire a laser at the opponent, all of the lasers bar the Blue and Red will strike the opponent full screen, due to them all firing within the same area of effect the original had. The Blue laser fires at a low angle, and at full screen will strike the floor and vanish, the red laser fires at an upward angle, and will pass over a standing opponent at all ranges, but makes for decent anti-air. At full screen, 4 lasers will impact for 420 Damage if at point-blank or any angle at which the blue laser strikes, 5 hits for 525 Damage.

Level 2 Supers

Mystery that pierces everything without mercy「全てを穿つ無慈悲なるミステリ」 ― 236236C

Bernkastel summons eight snakes the arc out behind her before lashing out at the opponent from different angles. The first snake will strike the opponent from below, launching them. Even if they are OTG. Snakes strike at lightning speed, extremely powerful in combos and has potential for a combo extender due to OTG launches. Can combo into itself. 8 hits for 696 Damage.

Meta Super

Leviathan that swallows everything without mercy「全てを呑み込む
無慈悲なるリヴァイアサン」 ― 641236C

Bernkastel summons an ominous green mist that encompasses the entire battleground floor, this mist hits the opponent up to 13 times for 468 Damage and deals impressive chip damage. This mist strikes OTG opponents. Immediately after the mist is summoned, a monstrous leviathan jumps from it and dives back down, causing impressive chip and block damage to anyone struck by it. The leviathan jumps a great distance into the air, roughly the same height as Erika and Bernkastel can reach with their double jumps, making it impossible to jump over. If the leviathan strikes the opponent, it knocks down, allowing the mist to continue damaging OTG. A leviathan strike + Mist deals 14 hits for 849 Damage. At full screen, the leviathan misses, causing only the mist to strike. Combos extremely efficiently and can even be used as some bonus OTG damage or Okizeme. The leviathan strike even combos from an OTG 236236C.



Meta boost is a unique ability, as it has numerous functions. Outside of the Meta World, it causes the meta bar to regenerate extremely quickly. Within the meta world, this regeneration acts against the meta bar's gradual depletion, extending the duration of the meta world. Now, despite all of this MetaBoost still expires when her partner's ability expires when triggered via Meta World. This means, that the shorter the duration of your partners ability, the shorter MetaBoost expires earlier, and thus you receive less overall time in the metaworld. For example, with a character like Ronove, who has a short duration ability that with any other character, generally expires a good chunk of the way before meta expires naturally, will cause Bernkastel's MetaBoost to expire earlier too, causing the Meta Bar to begin depleting itself at the standard rate much sooner. On the other hand, if you pair Bernkastel with Jessica, who has an extremely long duration ability, the boosted Meta World actually expires before MetaBoost does. This means that in these pairings, After meta ends, the Meta Bar will enjoy MetaBoosts standard effect, regenerating extremely quickly, even right after a meta expires.

MetaBoost allows for some other interesting things to occur. Willard's ability to land three Meta Supers per Meta Declaration is expanded to four, Beatrice's towers last much longer and can be used to much more brutal punishment, Eva Beatrice can land two grabs per meta, now (She can already, but the timing between opponent wake-up and meta expiration is extremely strict and easily countered by the opponent) and Chiester410 can land a second Meta Super after the first expires.

Mobility Tools

Bernkastel has the most aerial mobility in the game, with access to both Erika's double Jump and Eva's air dash, granting her the ability to stay air borne for a hilarious amount of time. couple this with her variety of air usable abilities, such as her Meta Super, 236236C and 623 Series, and she is extremely dangerous in the air.

The Meta World

Bernkastel has the unique ability to declare meta whilst airborne, allowing her to extend her air combos dramatically and even end them with a Meta Super. This allows her some unique freedom with air combos, as she now has 3 different ways to cancel and extend them and this also allows her to immediately cancel any touch into a meta declaration, allowing her to save herself from any oki or even punish with her meta super or 236236C.
