Ougon Musou Kyoku/Beatrice

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Main Witch of the series is also runnerup of being the best character in game with her absurd zoning, corner carry, damage and setups. She has almost everything people looking for one sided games like, and she can force checkmate situations quite easy, only being held down by being meter reliant and having unorthodox ground game.


  • Really high damage: Especially on corner her damage can get very absurd, with meter she can loop her juggles to guaranteed stun, and her combos often have great corner carry which allows her to do these loops.
  • Oppressing zoning: with stakes and seals (especially SP seal) She can keep people put on situations she's not looping you to death.
  • Great setups: With her MetaSuper, she can setup hard to escape sequences which do alot of chip damage, allow her to do mixups and offer alot damage. Getting stunned from her loop to metasuper sequence is often checkmate for her.
  • Great DP:Access to meterless reversal which acts as good antiair is a privilege.


  • Meter reliant: Without meter she cannot force her most oppressive side as easy
  • Average ground normals: Outside of 3C, Beatrice's ground normals aren't good for traditional play, forcing her to either zone or jump in with her good jump buttons, making her gameplay possibly predicteable.



Move List

Normal Moves

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 3 | Active - 5 ]

Beatrice swings her pipe at the opponent.

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 7 | Active - 6 ]

Beatrice swings her pipe at her opponent.

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 5 | Active - 3 ]

Beatrice kicks at the opponent.

[ Mid | Damage - 168 | Startup - 3 | Active - 10 ]

Beatrice swings her pipe at the opponent.

[ Mid | Damage - 150 | Startup - 8 | Active - 7 ]

Beatrice swings her pipe at the opponent.

[ Low | Damage - 150 | Startup - 8 | Active - 7 ]

Beatrice swings her pipe at her opponent, attacking with a trail of golden butterflies.

[ High | Damage - 180 | Startup - 20/[35] | Active - 11 ]

Beatrice jumps at the opponent, hitting them with her dress.

[ Mid | Damage - 270 | Startup - 8 | Active - 4 ]

Beatrice attacks with an explosion of golden butterflies.

[ Mid | Damage - 249 | Startup - 12 | Active - 6 ]

Beatrice attacks with an explosion of golden butterflies.

[ Low | Damage - 210 | Startup - 13 | Active - 3 ]

Beatrice spins, attacking the opponent with her chair of golden butterflies.

[ Mid | Damage - 225/[285] | Startup - 16/[29] | Active - 3 ]

Beatrice kicks her opponent.

[ Low | Damage - 180 | Startup - 8 | Active - 20 ]

A sliding kick. Knocks down.

[ High | Damage - 150 | Startup - 11 | Active - 5 ]

Beatrice attacks the opponent in midair with one knee.

[ High | Damage - 60 | Startup - 5 | Active - 9 ]

Beatrice attacks the opponent with her pipe in midair.

[ High | Damage - 60 | Startup - 5 | Active - 9 ]

Beatrice attacks the opponent in midair with her knees.

[ High | Damage - 252 | Startup - 12 | Active - 9 ]

Beatrice kicks the opponent in midair with both legs.

[ High | Damage - 252 | Startup - 17 | Active - 12 ]

Beatrice swings her pipe in midair.

[ Throw | Damage - 300 | Whiff - 40 ]

Beatrice grabs her opponent with golden butterflies and knocks them to the ground.

Special Moves

Levitation 「空中浮遊」 ― j.[8]

Beatrice floats in the air for a small amount of time. Hold it to increase its duration.

Come to Me, Seven Stakes! 「おいでなさい、七杭!」 ― 236A/B/C

Beatrice summons one of the stakes from a portal in front of her which then flies horizontally across the stage.

Red Truth 「赤き真実」 ― 623A/B/C

Beatrice sweeps her hand up into the air trailed by red.

Surely I Am The Golden Wind! 「妾こそは黄金の風!」 ― 214A/B/C

Beatrice disperses into a swarm of golden butterflies which fly forward and damage the foe on contact.

Sinister Seal 「不吉なる刻印」 ― j.236A/B/C

Beatrice summons a magical red circle in front of her.

SP Supers

Gouge and Kill, Seven Sisters! 「抉りて殺せ七姉妹!」 ― 236A+B

Beatrice summons all seven stakes from red portals which fly horizontally across the stage, hitting the opponent six times before knocking them away with a final seventh hit.

I'll Say it Again, The Red Truth! 「重ねて言おう、赤き真実!」 ― 623A+B

Beatrice sweeps her hand up into the air trailed by red twice.

Gaze at my Golden Butterflies and Die! 「見惚れて死ね、黄金蝶に!」 ― 214A+B

Beatrice disperses into a swarm of golden butterflies which fly forward and damage the foe on contact for four hits.

Take this, my magic circle!" 「くれてやるわ魔法陣!」 ― j.236A+B

Beatrice summons 3 large magical red circles at the opponent's position which sticks to them as it hits.

Level 2 Super

Beatrice's Definition of a Closed Room 「ベアトリーチェの密室定義」 ― 236236C

Beatrice rushes forward at the opponent. If she hits them, she traps them in a closed box and the opponent takes 8 hits.

Meta Super

Summon Twin Battle Towers 「双子の戦塔召喚」 ― 641236C

Beatrice summons two towers at her current position, which lasts as long as the Meta World is active. While the towers are out, she can do three things:

641236A: Beatrice destroys her two towers, allowing you to use summon them again at a different place.

641236B: Beatrice quickly summons a second set of towers behind the opponent, which fires a quick barrage of red projectiles, knocking them away.

641236C: Beatrice uses her twin towers to send a barrage of red projectiles, hitting for up to 36 times.

Frame Data

    KD = Knockdown
                              |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |  300  |  0-1   |    ?    |    ?     |  UKD  |          |40 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                c.5A  |   54  |    3   |    5    |    6     |  +1   |   +1     |
                f.5A  |   54  |    7   |    6    |    4     |  +0   |   +0     |
                  2A  |   54  |    5   |    3    |    8     |  -1   |   -1     |
                c.5B  |  168  |    3   |   10    |   26     | -20   |  -22     |
                f.5B  |  150  |    8   |    7    |   13     |  -4   |   -6     |
                  2B  |  150  |    8   |    4    |   14     |  -2   |   -4     |
                c.5C  |  270  |    8   |    4    |   19     |  +2   |   -1     |
                f.5C  |  249  |   12   |    6    |   22     | -3/+2 |  -6/-1   |
                  2C  |  210  |   13   |    3    |   24     |  UKD  |   -5     |
                j.5A  |   60  |    5   |    9    |    6     |       |          |
                j.5B  |  150  |   11   |    5    |    8     |       |          |
               j8.5C  |  252  |   12   |    9    |    6     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5C  |  252  |   17   |   12    |    9     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  6B  |  180  |   20   |   11    |   12     | +2/+12|  -1/+9   |
                6[B]  |  180  |   35   |   11    |   12     | +2/+12|  -1/+9   |Special- and SP-cancelable
                  6C  |  225  |   16   |    7    |   21     | -3/+3 |  -6/+0   |
                6[C]  |  285  |   29   |    7    |   21     |   WS  |  -6/+0   |Jump-cancelable at the moment it connects
                  3C  |  180  |    8   |   20    |   12     |  UKD  | -10/+9   |
            Specials  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                236A  |  195  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
                236B  |  195  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
                236C  |  195  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
              j.236A  |  300  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
              j.236B  |  300  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
              j.236C  |  300  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
                623A  |  300  |    6   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                623B  |  315  |    8   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                623C  |  330  |   10   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
                214A  |+-480  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
                214B  |+-480  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
                214C  |+-480  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
              j.214A  |+-480  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
              j.214B  |+-480  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
              j.214C  |+-480  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
       SPs and Meta  ------------------------------------------------------------------
              236A+B  |+-585  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
            j.236A+B  |+-504  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |   ?   |     ?    |
              623A+B  |+-498  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
            j.214A+B  |+-636  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
              214A+B  |+-636  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
              236x2C  |  645  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |     ?    |
             641236C  |  --   |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
          -> 641236A  |  500  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
          -> 641236B  |  420  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
          -> 641236C  |+-743  |    ?   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |

General Strategy


Team Building





Early artwork of Beatrice.
