Ougon Musou Kyoku/Menus

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  • To access netplay, select from the Main menu: Versus >> Network


Order is the same as in the picture:

1. Host a game.

2. Host a game. Puts you into training mode while you wait for connection.

3. Join a game.

4. RP Options. 1st Option (Shown in picture) lets you show your rating on the top of your health bars when netplaying, 2nd option lets you hide your rating.

5. Exits the Network Menu.

Getting Matches

  • You can join #umineko on irc.mizuumi.net and ask for games. Please Remember to also mention what coast (or country) are you from, so people close to you play you.
  • If you host a game, please post your info. like this: IP:port (Coast/Delay you are using)
  • You may also host by simply typing !host <port> <message>, e.g. "!host 7500 west coast". This will display your external IP to the channel. Note that this trigger may occasionally fail for mibbit users.

Joining a Game

1. Select the "Join a game" option in Network's Main Menu.

2. Input the IP:Port to join the game. Tip: Copy your opponent's IP:Port then press "D" in this screen to Paste the info.

3. The "connecting..." screen will either send you to the Character Select Screen if Successful, or will return a message that the game has already been taken. If nothing happens, your opponent most likely can't host games.

Hosting a Game

  • Please remember to Portforward whatever port you are using to host games. Otherwise you won't be able to.

1. Select the "Host a game" option in Network's main Menu.

2. Select the port to use for hosting the game. Default is 7700, but you can change it to whatever.

3. Select the desired frame delay for the game. The less frames you skip, the best. For example, if you play people from the same state/really close to you, 1/60 or 2/60 should work fine. On the same coast, 3/60 should work, Etc. Since the game doesn't recognize the ping or the distance of your opponent, you must input this manually, thus the need to ask/say where are you from.

Notice that this game's netplay is not that good, and Crashes constantly for whatever reason. But for the most part with the right people it works just fine.


4. Wait for people to join your game. Once it connects successfully it will take you to the character select screen.





  1. Resume
    Return to combat.
  2. Reset
    Reset the training stage and players to their initial state. The shortcut key for this is spacebar.
  3. Movelist
    Display movelists for characters.
  4. P2 Action
    Sets the behavior of the training dummy. Can be set to the following:
    • Controller 2 - Let a human player control the training dummy.
    • Stand (default) - Just stands there, not blocking.
    • Crouch - Stays crouching.
    • Jump - Jumps straight up.
    • Forward Jump - Jumps toward you.
    • High Guard - Blocks high.
    • Low Guard - Blocks low.
    • Auto Guard - Blocks it all.
    • Combo Guard - Alternates between blocking and not whenever there is a gap.
    • Standing Attack - Dummy attacks using a standing attack.
    • Crouching Attack - Dummy attacks using a low attack.
    • Jumping Attack - Dummy jumps straight up and does a jumping attack.
    • Record - Player control changes to the dummy and allows you to record dummy actions.
    • Playback - Plays back recorded dummy actions.
  5. P2 Modifier
    Controls training dummy air teching.
    • Disabled
    • Enabled
    • Random
  6. Counter Hits
    Controls counter hits.
    • Normal
    • Always
  7. Meta Gauge
    Affects behavior of the Meta Gauge. Can either be set to normal (recharges as it would during a normal match) or refill (Refills the gauge instantly once Ougon Musou Kyoku/Metaworld ends or your last combo in it finishes).
  8. SP Gauge
    Affects behavior of the SP Gauge. Can either be set to normal (meters fill up like they would during a normal match) or refill (resets to 5 stock after returning to neutral).
  9. Input Display
    Controls whether input display is shown.
    • No input display is shown
    • Input display is shown
  10. Character Select
    Returns you to the character select screen for training mode.
  11. Title Screen
    Returns you to the main menu.




  1. Rounds
    Number of rounds it takes to win per match. Toggled between 1 round to 3.
  2. Time Limit
    Number of seconds allowed per match before a Time Forfeit is forced. May be toggled between 180 seconds and unlimited.
  3. Lifebar
    Amount of lifebars that are allowed per round for each player. Toggled between 2 lifebars to 3.
  4. BGM Volume
    The volume of the game BGM.
  5. SE Volume
    The volume of the game sound effects.
  6. System Voice
    The voiceover used by the game for menu or game sounds like "Character Select", "The 1st Movement", etc. May be any of the 38 characters that follow, but most must be unlocked via Arcade mode:
    • 01 - Bernkastel
    • 02 - Lambdadelta
    • 03 - Goat Butler
    • 04 - Battler Ushiromiya
    • 05 - Ange Ushiromiya
    • 06 - George
    • 07 - Kanon
    • 08 - Rosa
    • 09 - Maria
    • 10 - Natsuhi
    • 11 - Kyrie
    • 12 - Shannon
    • 13 - Kanon
    • 14 - Beatrice
    • 15 - Virgilia
    • 16 - Eva-Beatrice
    • 17 - Ronove
    • 18 - Furudo Erika
    • 19 - Dlanor A. Knox
    • 20 - Gertrude
    • 21 - Cornelia
    • 22 - Lucifer
    • 23 - Leviathan
    • 24 - Satan
    • 25 - Belphegor
    • 26 - Mammon
    • 27 - Beelzebub
    • 28 - Asmodeus
    • 29 - Siesta 410
    • 30 - Siesta 45
    • 31 - Siesta 00
    • 32 - Sakutaro
    • 33 - Zapar
    • 34 - Furfur
    • 35 - Featherine Augustus Aurora
    • 36 - Big Seagull
    • 37 - Small Seagull
    • 38 - Black Battler
  7. FPS Display
    Controls whether or not FPS is displayed. Can be toggled ON or OFF.
  8. Background Display
    Controls the quality of the background display. Can be toggled between Standard (標準) and Simple (簡易).
  9. Shadow Display
    Controls the quality of the shadow display. Can be toggled between Standard (標準) and Simple (簡易).
  10. Loading picture
    switches between showing official or guest artwork during loading screens.
  11. Control Mode
    Controls which control mode you will fight with.
    • Choice between Normal or Princess at Character Select
    • Normal - Normal controls just like every other fighting game.
    • Princess - The equivalent of Simple mode in other fighting games. Mashing A gives you an automatic BnB depending on direction pressed. Pressing B will give a special, again depending on direction pressed.
  12. Replay Saving
    Controls when replays are saved:
    • Never - Never saves replays. (無効)
    • Select Each Time - Asks the user to choose whether or not to save each replay. (毎回選択)
    • Always Save - Always saves replays. (全て記憶)
  13. Offline Delay
    Simulates input delay when playing offline.
  14. Exit
    Returns to menu.