Ougon Musou Kyoku/Jessica Ushiromiya

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Jessica Ushiromiya


Krauss and Natsuhi's 18-year-old daughter. Although Jessica is the heiress of the Ushiromiya family after her father, she is an energetic and tomboyish young woman who lacks the more refined behavior expected of such a role. Due to her rebellious nature, she is resentful of her parents for the pressures they place on her regarding the family headship, but still shows concern for them. She has a crush on the servant Kanon, which later blossoms into love, and the two become a couple. She is also proficient in the use of brass knuckles.

+ Disgustingly high damage
+ Does not rely on meter
+ Damage increases drastically when given meter
+ Quick and effective knockdown normals
+ Can stun after most combos by ending in a 214AB

- Is zoned out very easily
- Relies on having enchant activated at all times
- Arguably poor mixup
- Rushdown character without 'sword normals'

Health - 1400.


Patch 2.30

? Maiden's Invincible Punch has been adjusted in some way.


Shave Booster - Increases shave(chip) damage. As of Cross this ability also prevents chip damage from being converted into recoverable health.

Move List

Normal Moves


Jessica jabs forward. Self explanatory.


Jessica does a crouching jab. Hits mid.


Jessica steps forward and jabs. Hits mid.


Jessica punches forward, generating wind around her fist and sliding forward. Good poke. Hits mid.


Jessica steps forward before doing an overhead strike. Hits twice. Meta and special cancellable.


Jessica does a quick strike to the kidneys. Hits mid.


Jessica crouches and does a low straight. Hits mid.


Jessica leans forward as her sprite inches forward, punching ahead of her. Fantastic range, hits mid.


Jessica steps forward and does an uppercut. Launches if opponent is in the air.


Jessica does a left hook. Hits mid.


Jessica slides forward and strikes at their feet. Hits low. Knocks down.


Jessica jabs downwards, with almost no horizontal reach. Hits high. Great for going through Shannon shields.


Jessica does her uppercut in the air. Hit high.


Jessica swipes downwards. Hits high.


Jessica does a jumping straight. Hits high. Deceptively long active frames.


Jessica punches downwards diagonally, ala ryu j.hp. Hits high.


Jessica grabs the opponent by their collar, punching them silly before tossing them into the air. Air techable.

Special Moves

Enchant 「エンチャント」 - 22ABC

Jessica enchants her brass knuckles, enabling her to use enchant specials. Recovery frames of enchant block projectiles for some reason. Enchant goes away if you tag.

"Maiden's heartbreak!" 「乙女のハートブレイク!」 - 236ABC

Enchant only. Jessica punches forward horizontally, leaving a wave of flames as she does. Button determines distance traveled, startup, and recovery. You can combo after the A verison.

"Maiden's Explosion!" 「乙女のエクスプロージョン!」 - 623ABC

Enchant only. Jessica does a ground pound, making a small explosion upwards ala Terry Bogard Power Geyser. OTGs.

"Maiden Invincible Punch!" 「乙女の無敵パンチ!」 - 214abc

Jessica does one 3 different moves, depending on the button, all versions are chargable/delayable. A version makes her step back and feint right, unleashing a powerful punch after a moment. As of patch 2.30, 214A now dodges low as well. Dodges high/mid attacks. B version makes Jessica crouch down before doing an uppercut, charging determines height of uppercut. C version makes Jessica feint to the left before striking. All versions knock the opponent into the air, though 214B knocks them significantly higher.

"Maiden's Heartbeat!" 「乙女のハートビート!」 - a, b, or c 5 times

Jessica's variation of the hundred hand slap, punching rapidly until the button presses stop or after a short duration. Button used changes the distance she moves forward.

SP Supers

"Maiden's heartbreak!" 「恋する乙女のハートブレイク!」 - 236AB

Jessica does a super version of the heartbreaker, easily crossing half of the screen. Able to combo after.

"Maiden's Explosion!" 「恋する乙女のエクスプロージョン!」 - 623AB

Jessica does a more accurate version of Terry's power geyser, with a gigantic hitbox and invincibility frames. OTGs. Fantastic Anti Air.

"Maiden's Invincible Punch!" 「恋する乙女の無敵パンチ!」 - 214ABC

Jessica feints to the right before doing a powerful strike. Dodges high/mid during the dodge. Does crazy amounts of stun and wall slams. One of her most reliable ways to score knockdown.

"Maiden's heartbeat!" 「恋する乙女のハートビート!」 - AB 5 times

Jessica does a super version of her Maiden's heartbeat, traveling across the screen extremely fast and wall slamming on the last hit.

Level 2 Super

Jessi Roll - 「ジェシー・ロール」 - 236236C

Jessica demonstrates her variation of the Dempsey roll. Has startup invinc, moves roughly half the screen. 645 damage. Fantastic for annoying the opponent, as the animation is rather derpy and humiliating to be hit by.

Meta Super

Sweet! Thanks for coming to see me Today! - 641236C

Jessica turns into Marisa Kirisame with a microphone and performs an upwards version of Master Spark. Very slow startup, full invincibility during the beam and unpunishable. Hard to combo into outside of stun, but does fantastic chip and guardbreak.


Like many explosive damage characters, Jessica has only one goal in life: To get in, get close, and get a hit confirm in any way possible. Due to how scary her damage is, she has very few tools to guarantee that happening. Jessica gets zoned out easily, and would prefer an opponent that tries to get in on her so she can score a lucky knockdown through a hitconfirm or a 214 series and bring the pain.

Once she's actually in, she has to rely on her f.5B and f.5C pokes, 6B overhead and anything else she can utilize to land that hit. Bringing her in when the opponent's guard meter is already broken can be a good idea, as landing a quick guard break into a hit confirm is an easy 2-3k damage dealt.

Tag partners

Jessica does not require SP to do do damage, so pairing her with someone who is a meterwhore can be a good idea. In addition to this, her ability 'Shave Booster' makes her a good pairing for any character with a large amount of chip (Beatrice, Battler, BBattler, Siesta, etc) can also be a good idea.

Her biggest flaw for her explosive damage and rushdown is her poor normals, which is a major flaw in a game flooded with 'sword user' characters that all have godlike normals. Pairing her with such characters can actually be a good idea, allowing her to get in through another character's mobility/rushdown, score a quick knockdown, set up enchant and pressure while still in close proximity.


While Jessica lacks variety in her combos, it really doesn't matter because her damage output is downright disgusting. Her loops are relatively simple but effective, and as long as she has enchant up she can tag an easy 1.5k minimum before tagging someone in. Lacking enchant, however, she definitely leaves something to be desired.


No Enchant

  • 6B>214B/C
  • 2B>5b or 5B>5C>2C - Quick and easy knockdowns. Nothing fancy, but Jessica is starved for a knockdown for that enchant. If you're close enough, you can go for 214 B or C instead of the 2C.
  • 2b>5B>5C>C Heartbeat - 1k damage, no knockdown.

Requires Enchant

  • 2b>5b>5C>236A>2b5b5C>Attack touch. Scores an easy 1.4-1.5k and allows you to tag your partner in to extend the combo. Depending on your partner, this setup can easily turn into something rediculous, such as...

Ex: Above combo, attack touch into Ronove>5b>2b>2c>6C>Meta cancel>Meta super>stun>5b>2b>2C>6C>Meta super - 4k damage, 1SP,

SP Combos

No enchant

  • 2b>5b>5C>DC>2b>5b>5c>214AB - 1SP, dash cancel.
  • 2b>5b>5c>2c>214AB - 1SP. Input the 214AB pretty much as soon as the 2c connects to deal with the wind-up on 214AB.

Requires Enchant

  • 2b>5b>5c>2c>623A>SP2 - A basic combo into SP2.
  • 2b>5B>5C>Meta Cancel>2b>5B>5C>236AB>2b>5B>5C>Dash cancel>2b>5B>5C>214AB>Stun, enchant>2b>5B>5C>DC>2b>5B>5C>exAB>EX214 - 3k damage, 3SP. Disgusting damage. The loop can also be performed off her overhead, merely substitute the initial loop for 6B>Meta cancel.