Ougon Musou Kyoku/Chiester 410

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Chiester 410


Chiester 410 nyeh

+ One of the strongest abilities in the game
+ Good set of normals
+ 214 and 63214 arrows can make pressure safe
+ Meta is very strong for pressure, does not go away if you tag your partner in

- No ground overhead
- Low combo potential

Health - 1450.


Break Boost
Increases the rate that you can fill up your opponents Break Limit gauge. This goes well with moves and specials that do multiple hits since it can allow you to break your opponents guard easily in one fell swoop.


Extra Moves

Triangle Jump 「三角跳び」 ― 9 in the air against the wall

Good old wall jump. Good for Chiester since she doesn't have a reliable reversal... or even a reversal. If you don't want to spend meter on bursts or guard touches, use this if you can find a moment.

Normal Moves

| 5A

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 4 | Active - 4 ]

A low kick, quick start up and easy to confirm off of.

| Near 5A

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 6 | Active - 3 ]

A completely horizontal punch. A bit slow but you can stack about three of these on before moving too far away from your opponent.

| 5B

[ Mid | Damage - 135 | Startup - 8 | Active - 3 ]

"Hoisa!" A high round house. Its high hitbox tends to whiff over characters with low crouch profiles (Kanon) during combos. Confirm into 2B instead on those characters.

Chiester-n.5B 1.png
Chiester-n.5B 2.png
| Near 5B

[ Mid | Damage - 90 → 90 | Startup - 6 → 20 | Active - 2 → 2 ]

"Eisa!" Chiester does a two hit kick that looks somewhat like Venom's close Slash. Good blockstring tool, but the second hit tends to whiff if you're a little to far out.

| 5C

[ Mid | Damage - 240 | Startup - 13 | Active - 5 ]

"Nakko!" A strong forward punch. Connects into 236AB. At some ranges, 2C will whiff after this move, so be careful.

| Near 5C

[ Mid | Damage - 270 | Startup - 13 | Active - 2 ]

"Choitto!" Spinning back knuckle. Its slow start up makes only useful for combos.

Chiester-6C 1.png
Chiester-6C 2.png
| 6C

[ Mid | Damage - 210 → 120 | Startup - 7 → 11 | Active - 4 → 2 ]

"Nyappa!" A two hit uppercut. This does not have much use in combos, but it is active for a long time and has a great anti air hitbox on the second hit. This is a good meaty tool since it will completely beat pokes, bad reversals and chicken blocks. If you throw it out early, it's good against jump ins and Eva's air dash. The first hit can cancel into 2C or 3C.

| 2A

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 4 | Active - 3 ]

Your everyday crouching punch. Fast start up and easy to confirm off of.

| 2B

[ Low | Damage - 165 | Startup - 8 | Active - 3 ]

"Uisa!" Chiester reaches out for a low hook. Good for combos from most ranges.

| 2C

[ Low | Damage - 210 | Startup - 9 | Active - 3 ]

"Hoitto!" A low, full body sweep. Gives you a hard knock down so that you could use her guided arrows for okizeme.

Chiester-3C 1.png
Chiester-3C 2.png
| 3C

[ Low | Damage - 210 | Startup - 9 | Active - 11 ]

"Suii~" Chiester slides forward a bit for a low attack. This also gives you a hard knockdown, but you can't cancel it into anything. This is still good for going under projectiles and staggers.

| JA

[ High| Damage - 60 | Startup - 3 | Active - 6 ]

Flying knee kick. Ridiculous amount of active frames and super fast start up. You could just throw it out early to beat any one that tries to jump up and intercept you in the air. On hit it will connect into a neutral JB. J79A is the same as this move.

| JB

[ High | Damage - 150 | Startup - 7 | Active - 6 ]

A downward punch. You don't use this much besides comboing from JA since you have JC.

| J79B

[ High| Damage - 54 | Startup - 8 | Active - 6 ]

A downward kick with both legs. This is a good jump in and cross up move.

| JC

[ High | Damage - 252 | Startup - 10 | Active - 6 ]

A mid air split kick that looks just like Chun-Li's Neutral Jump Heavy Kick. This has good reach but is a bit slow. If you use it early, it makes a great air to air move.

| J79C

[ High| Damage - 252 | Startup - 10 | Active - 7 ]

A hammer fist. This is also a great cross up move but if you hit with it two high, you can't combo into anything and could be throw on the ground.

Special Moves

| Golden Bow 「黄金の弓」 ― 236ABC (Air)

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 4 | Active - 4 ]

Chiester shoots an arrow straight forward. The A version shoots one, the B version shoot two, the C version shoots three. The stronger versions have progressively shorter range and longer start up in exchange for more arrows. In the air, Chiester always shoots one arrow diagonally downwards. The different versions change the recoil from the attack. The C version moves you backwards the most after the attack. Recovers in the air.

| Rolling Bunny 「うさぎローリング」 ― 623ABC

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 6 | Active - 3 ]

Chiester dives forward, spinning into the opponent. B and C have longer ranges.

| Guided Anti-Air Arrow 「地対空誘導矢」 ― 214ABC

[ Mid | Damage - 135 | Startup - 8 | Active - 3 ]

Chiester shoots an arrow in a forward arc that homes in on the opponent. The Different versions of this move change the angle of return towards the opponent. Note that the arrow will vanish if you get hit

| Delayed Guided Anti-Air Arrow 「地対空誘導矢あさって」 ― 63214ABC

[ Mid | Damage - 90 → 90 | Startup - 6 → 20 | Active - 2 → 2 ]

Chiester turns around to shoot an arrow backwards that homes in on the opponent. Note that the arrow will vanish if you get hit

SP Supers

| Five Consecutive Pursuit Arrows 「五連続追撃矢」 ― 236A+B (Air)

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 4 | Active - 4 ]

Chiester shoots five arrows straight forward. The super version has the same range as 236A. In the air, Chiester shoots all five arrows at once in a spread shot. The air version almost covers the entire screen. If done in the corner, allows for a followup.

| Dreaming Rolling Bunny 「夢見るうさぎローリング」 ― 623A+B

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 6 | Active - 3 ]

The super version of her normal roll. It does four hits and has some invincibility.

| Guided Buckshot Arrow 「散弾誘導矢」 ― 214A+B

[ Mid | Damage - 135 | Startup - 8 | Active - 3 ]

Shoot five arrows in a forward arc that home in on the opponent. If you are hit, the arrows will still vanish.

| Delayed Guided Buckshot Arrow 「散弾誘導矢あさって」 ― 41236A+B

[ Mid | Damage - 90 → 90 | Startup - 6 → 20 | Active - 2 → 2 ]

Turns and shoots five arrows backwards that home in on the opponent. If you are hit, the arrows will still vanish.

Rondo Super

| Rabbit Dance 「うさぎたちの舞踏」 ― 236236C

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 4 | Active - 4 ]

Chiester dashes forward in an attempt to hit the opponent. If it connects, she then begins a small combo. This has a very good chance of stunning your opponent on hit after a small combo.

Meta Super

| Guided Firing System Activate 「射撃誘導システム起動」 ― 641236C

[ Mid | Damage - 54 | Startup - 4 | Active - 4 ]

Chiester summons her sister and fires one arrow after a small charge time. Afterwards, a multitude of arrows will fly across the screen. They will continue to fly across the screen periodically and hit the opponent until the attack wears off or Chiester is hit by the opponent.

Note that you may switch Chiester out after the super. While striking Chiester will stop the super, hitting her partner will not do so.
