Ougon Musou Kyoku/Kanon

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Kanon serves as a servant for the Ushiromiya family, and is romantically connected with Jessica. His backstory is fascinating.


Kanon is pretty similar to Lucifer, both being fast characters with good neutral, and while Lucifer has little better pressure and neutral button wise, Kanon has better damage, mobility with walljump and leap special. Kanon's defense is also more solid with better antiairs and invincible reversal. Kanon is excellent partner to zoning heavy character since thanks to his ability his team can get huge meter lead fast.


  • Great neutral and mobility: Kanon dominates neutral with his great dash speed and good neutral buttons, he also can be hard to catch thanks to his walljump and air wolfleap.
  • Decent damage: Optimal routes for Kanon can be hard at first, but do offer decent damage and good oki.
  • Great meter build: With right team, Kanon's ability allows for great meter build and advantage, which is very important in high level.
  • Good ground antiair: Kanon has luxury of having good ground antiair of 2B which can lead to good damage and oki with counterhit.


  • Alot minus frames on buttons: Kanon has very disadvantageous framedata, and he has to be mindful what buttons to press/end strings in or steal turn with wolf leap
  • Wolf leap pressure is reactable: wolfleap cancel from B buttons can be dash undered, and cancel from C puts Kanon into danger of being parry touched of DPd.


Silent Attack - Drastically reduces the amount of SP the opponent gains from your attacks.

Move List

Normal Moves

[ Mid | Damage - 36 | Startup - 8 | Active - 4 ]

Kanon stabs his locus straight at his opponent.

[ Mid | Damage - 42 | Startup - 4 | Active - 2 ]

Kanon swipes his locus at the enemy.

[ Mid | Damage - 42 | Startup - 5 | Active - 4 ]

A crouching horizontal locus swing.

[ Mid | Damage - 135 | Startup - 8 | Active - 3 ]

An angled locus swing.

[ Mid | Damage - 150 | Startup - 7 | Active - 7 ]

An angled locus swing aiming upwards.

[ Low/Mid | Damage - 150/90 | Startup - 8 | Active - 2 ]

A crouching locus attack that moves Kanon forward.

  • Hits mid if it connects during the last active frames.

[ Mid | Damage - 231 | Startup - 10 | Active - 2 ]

Kanon does a locus swing aiming downwards.

[ Mid | Damage - 261 | Startup - 12 | Active - 2 ]

Kanon spins around while doing a locus swing.

[ Mid | Damage - 315 | Startup - 16 | Active - 3 ]

Kanon lunges forward and attacks with his locus.

[ Low | Damage - 210 | Startup - 18 | Active - 3 ]

Kanon performs a hopping, spinning locus swipe. Knocks down on hit.

[ High | Damage - 60 | Startup - 3 | Active - 25 ]

Kanon attacks in midair with one knee.

[ High | Damage - 60 | Startup - 1 | Active - 9 ]

Kanon stabs downward with his locus in midair.

[ High | Damage - 135 | Startup - 8 | Active - 2 ]

Kanon swings downward with his locus in midair.

[ High | Damage - 234 | Startup - 12 | Active - 4 ]

Kanon swings horizontally with his locus in midair.

[ High | Damage - 306 | Startup - 13 | Active - Indefinite ]

Kanon drops, stopping all other momentum, and attacks below him. Knocks down on hit.

  • Indefinite = Active until Kanon lands.

[ Throw | Damage - 300 | Whiff - 36 ]

Kanon attacks his opponent with his locus and kicks them into the air. Opponent can tech almost immediately after the throw ends.

Special Moves

Triangle Jump 「三角飛び」 ― j.9 against a wall

Kanon can jump off the wall as he jumps into it.

Wolf Jump 「跳狼」 ― 41236A/B/C

Kanon performs a small, fast leap forward. Distance travelled depends on the version used, with A being the smallest jump and C being the largest. Air normals can be performed after Kanon reaches the peak of the jump.

  • Usable in the air.

Kanon-623ABC 1.png
Kanon-623ABC 2.png
Water Slice 「水面斬り」 ― 623A/B/C

The basic dragon punch move. Stronger versions send Kanon further into the air, and deal extra damage.

  • Invincible on startup for a very brief time.

Shadow Slice 「影斬り」 ― 214A/B/C

A Version [Hollow]: Kanon dashes forward a short distance, but does nothing.
B Version [Surface]: Kanon dashes forward and slashes at the enemy, ending in front of them. Knocks down the enemy.
C Version [Opposite]: Kanon dashes forward and slashes while continuing past the opponent to end up behind them.

Crescent Moon Slice 「三日月斬り」 ― j.236A/B/C

Kanon sends a small red slash into the air beneath him. B and C versions cause him to stop in the air momentarily before landing.

  • Can not be done immediately after a Wolf Jump.

SP Supers

Kanon-623A+B 1.png
Kanon-623A+B 2.png
Moon Reflection Slice 「水月斬」 ― 623A+B

A super dragon punch, but performs one low hit first.

  • Invincible on startup.

Shadow Trisection 「影殺三段」 ― 214A+B

Kanon performs the 214B version of Shadow Slice and follows up with two more slashes.

Linked Crescent Moons 「連ね三日月」 ― j.236A+B

Kanon sends a large red arc diagonally down hitting the enemy four times. Knocks down. Hits high.

Level 2 Super

Reddened Moonlit Wolf Shadow 「赤き軌跡の月下狼影」 ― 236236C

Kanon charges into the enemy and does an auto combo.

Meta Super

Reddened Arc Moon Slashes 「赤き軌跡の弧月連斬」 ― 641236C

Kanon attempts a slash which if hits, unleashes a barrage of swipes which ends with a slash that knocks the opponent into the wall.

  • If it whiffs or is blocked, Kanon will do three slashes afterwards, with the last one knocking back.
  • Invincible on startup.

Frame Data

KD = Knockdown

                              |          Frames             |  Frame Advantage |
              Attack  | Damage|Startup*| Active  | Recovery |On Hit | On Block | Notes
               Throw  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 B+C  |  300  |  0-1   |    ?    |    ?     |  TKD  |          |36 Duration on Whiff
             Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                c.5A  |   42  |    4   |    2    |   14     |  -5   |   -6     |
                f.5A  |   36  |    8   |    4    |    7     |  -1   |   -1     |
                  2A  |   42  |    5   |    4    |    7     |  -1   |   -1     |
                c.5B  |  150  |    7   |    7    |   22     | -13   |  -15     |
                f.5B  |  135  |    8   |    3    |   17     |  -4   |   -6     |
                  2B  | 150-90|    8   |  2,2,2  |   25     | -15   |  -17     |Hits only once; See Note E
                c.5C  |  261  |   12   |    2    |   40     | -17   |  -20     |
                f.5C  |  231  |   10   |    2    |   29     |  -6   |   -9     |
                  2C  |  210  |   18   |    3    |   30     |  KD   |  -11     |
                j.5B  |  135  |    8   |    2    |   13     |       |          |
                j.5C  |  234  |   12   |    4    |   15     |       |          |
               j8.5A  |   60  |    3   |   25    |    6     |       |          |
           j(7/9).5A  |   60  |    4   |    9    |    4     |       |          |
     Command Normals  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  6C  |  315  |   16   |    3    |   33     | -11   |  -14     |
                j.2C  |  306  |   13   |    6*   |   20     |  UKD  |  -4/+1   |See Note F
            Specials  ------------------------------------------------------------------
                623A  |  276  |    7   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -22    |
                623B  |  312  |    7   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -28    |
                623C  |  372  |    7   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -34    |
              j.236A  |  180  |   14   |    ?    |    ?     |       |          |
              j.236B  |  180  |   17   |    ?    |    ?     |       |          |
              j.236C  |  180  |   17   |    ?    |    ?     |       |          |
              41236A  |   --  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
              41236B  |   --  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
              41236C  |   --  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
            j.41236A  |   --  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
            j.41236B  |   --  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
            j.41236C  |   --  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  --   |    --    |
                214A  |   --  |   12   |    ?    |   16     |  --   |    --    |
                214B  |  240  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    -9    |
                214C  |  240  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -13    |
        SPs and Meta  ------------------------------------------------------------------
            j.236A+B  |  588  |   16   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |          |
              623A+B  |  540  |    9   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -36    |
              214A+B  |  540  |   18   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    -2    |
              236x2C  |  645  |   12   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |    -6    |
             641236C  |  750  |    7   |    ?    |    ?     |  KD   |   -19    |

  Note E: Hits only once; Each hit has different damage (150, 120, 90), and Guard (L, L, M).
       Unconfirmed: The last hit might be considered a lower level attack (ie: less hitstun/guardstun) than the first two.

  Note F: 20 frames of forced (crouching) landing recovery that cannot be canceled.
       Knockdown only occurs on grounded opponents.
       Animation-wise; it is active until Kanon lands.


Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats on how to use Kanon and his strategy vs specific characters. Remember I'm watching you.

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Team Building

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what partners are best for Kanon to use. Remember I'm watching you.


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  Chiester 410 

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Sample Combos

Feel free to edit this part of the wiki with your tips/strats what combos to use. Remember I'm watching you.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 623A/B/C - Basic BnB combo.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 41236B/C > j.B > j.C > f.5B > 623A/B/C - A more challenging version of the BnB.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 641236C/236236C - Basic BnB Meta combo.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > 9j.B > 9j.C > 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 641236C/236236C - A variation of the BnB meta combo.

  • The 9j.B may whiff on smaller opponents.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > 9j.B > 9j.C > 9j.A > 9j.B > 9j.C > 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 641236C/236236C - A rejump combo variation of the BnB meta combo.

  • Timing is very strict, and is recommended only to be used on the tallest opponents.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > A+B+C > 41236B/C > j.B > 236A > 66 > 2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 641236C/236236C - Yet another variation of the BnB meta combo.

2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > A+B+C > 9j.B > 9j.C > 236A+B - A different meta combo you can use that gives a hard knockdown.


黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-double-】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【die zwillinge】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-Bonds-】4 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-resolution-】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video
黄金夢想曲†CROSS 嘉音&紗音コンボムービー【-reveal the truth-】 - Kanon/Shannon combo video


Early artwork of Kanon.