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White Buffalo


White is a slow charge character that hits like a freight train. One combo will easily drain an opponent's life down by 1/3rd or more. White also holds the highest health pool of 180. However, White is insanely slow. Having the slowest run and walk speed it cripples his attempts at getting in and can easily be avoided by some characters with faster walk speeds or longer normals.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Massive combo damage.
  • Good anti-air Stress Shot.
  • Extremely good 9.D normal with a big hitbox that can also cross-up.
  • Great Buffalo Storm Projectile that deletes other projectiles
  • Buffalo Storm's release is a great anti-air.
  • Access to Hard Wallslams to end combos.
  • Extremely high health. (180)
  • Extremely slow walk and run speed.
  • Lacks mix-ups.
  • Very slow recovery on all attacks.
  • No reliable, safe block strings.
  • Always unsafe on block.
  • Projectiles can be easily rolled through or punished with supers.


White is not a great character. He has extremely slow walk/run speed and slow move recovery. In order to make up for his extremely slow speed, he has to play extremely smart and calculate the risk of approaching.


Approaching an opponent with White is extremely difficult due to his slow speed. But, White can get in with his 9.D. White's 9.D has an extremely large hitbox and can cross-up. For a grounded approach, using 2.A or 2.B is your best and safest option. You can cancel both normals into light Tackle Blow, which Hard Wall Slams and can give access to a cross-up attempt. White can also use light Buffalo Storm and follow the projectile. Forcing them to block, jump or roll the Buffalo projectile. This sets up a grab, an anti-air juggle, or even a cross-up. Once you do manage to approach and hit the opponent it is crucial that you know White's combo options and routes so you can capitalize on his big damage and take the life lead. You will have to be very careful if your opponent blocks everything White can easily be punished on block and whiff.

Playing Neutral & Defense

White's Heavy Buffalo Storm is excellent for playing defensively. You can hold it and release it whenever you want. Both versions of Buffalo Storm have a great anti-air kick that is active upon releasing the special. White's level 1 Stress Shot is also excellent at catching jump-ins due to it being air unblockable. White's Stress Shot is also a projectile, so if White ever gets hit it'll trade for big counter hit damage. However, the level 1 is extremely unsafe on whiff and block. It's an easy punish for those who are patient so use it sparingly. White also has a great Standing CD, or great attack. It's extremely fast, causes a hard wall slam, and is special cancelable. Use his standing Great Attack to check unsafe approaches.

White is extremely match-up based. If your opponent doesn't know the matchup and doesn't know how to punish your unsafe moves it'll be easy. If they do, expect a difficult time winning.

Normal Moves

Far Standing Normals

White FS 5A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
4 2 Special
Rapid Chain
Mid - - - - - -

Overshadowed by 2.A. Links off of cl.5A.

White FS 5B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
12 6 Special Mid - - - - - -

Overshadowed by 2.B. Use sparingly.

White FS 5C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 Special
Mid - - - - - -

Not used often and overshadowed by cl.5C. Can only cancel into Arrow Shot. Unsafe on block. (Unsure about advantage)

White FS 5D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
22 11 Special
Mid - - - - - -

Extremely long hitbox & hurtbox. Hard to combo into anything. Unsafe on block. (unsure about advantage).

White FS CD.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
27 13 Special
Mid - - - - - -

Hard Wallslam on hit. It can be canceled into specials or supers on hit/block.

Close Stand Normals

White CL5A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
5 2 Self
Mid - - - - - -

One of White's best normals. Extremely fast jabs that can link into supers or specials.

White Cl5B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
10 5 Special
Low - - - - - -

One of White's few low hitting normals. Links into command normals, specials, supers, etc

White CL5C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 Special
Mid - - - - - -

White's best normal. Great Juggle tool. Hits twice.

White CL5D.png
First hit
First hit
White CL5D D.png
Second hit
Second hit
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 Special
Mid - - - - - -

Can chain into 5D on hit/block. Substitute for cl.5C for more raw damage. Unsafe on block/whiff. (Unsure about advantage)

Crouching Normals

White 2A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
5 2 Self
Mid - - - - - -

One of White's best normals. Extremely fast jabs.

White 2B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
10 5 Special
Low - - - - - -

One of White's few low normals. It's a go-to move for where 2.A can't reach.

White 2C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - Special
Mid - - - - - -

Decently long crouching normal, slightly more range than 2.B.

White 2D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
22 11 Special
Low - - - - - -

Decently long sweep.

White 2CD.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 Special
Low - - - - - -

Launches. It can be used to set-up juggles.

Dashing Normals

White D P.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 - Mid - - - - - -

Great grounded punish tool. Can link into specials and supers.

White D K.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
26 13 Special
Mid - - - - - -

Better range and damage than 66.P. Knocks down on hit.

Command Normals

White 3A Command.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
18 9 Special
Mid - - - - - -

White's main combo ender before a special or super.

White 6B Command.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 No Mid - - - - - -

High counter command normal. Extremely slow start-up and quick active frames. Avoid uisng.

Jumping Normals

White J 8A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
10 5 Air Special High - - - - - -

Great Air to Air.

White J 8B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - Air Special High - - - - - -

Good for hop normal to cancel into Flying Elbow.

White J 8C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
16 8 Air Special High - - - - - -

Has less pushback compared to 8.D

White J 8D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
18 9 Air Special High - - - - - -

Excellent Air to Air. Use 9.D for jump-ins.

White J 9D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
18 9 Air Special High - - - - - -

Extremely strong cross-up normal. Huge hitbox, too.

Misc Normals & Grabs

Rage Explosion
White RageExplosion.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
6 3 No Mid - - - - - -

Requires 1 Stress Meter to active. Air unblockable; creates a juggle on hit.

Throw (Grounded/Air)
White NormalGrab.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 No Grab - - - - - -

Guard Cancel
White 3A Command.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
8 8 No Mid - - - - - -

Requires 1 Stress Meter. Can only be done on block.

Special Moves

Arrow Shot

White S 236P.png
Arrow Shot
Arrow Shot
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
16 8 No Mid - - - - - -

Heavy version's arrow is faster.

Tackle Blow

White S 46P hit1.png
Light Tackle Blow
Light Tackle Blow
White S 46P hit2.png
Second hit
Second hit
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
23 23 No Mid - - - - - -

Hard Wall Slam.; Air unblockable.
Great for ending combos.

White S 46P hit1.png
Heavy Tackle Blow
Heavy Tackle Blow
White S 46P hit2.png
Second hit
Second hit
White S 46K 623Followup.png
Optional 623.C Follow-up
Optional 623.C Follow-up
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
25 25 Special Mid - - - - - -

hard Wall Slam; Air Unblockable.
Can also be canceled using 623.C on the first hit.

Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
10 5 No Mid - - - - - -

Can only be done on the first hit of Heavy Tackle Blow.
Launches for an air grab follow-up.

Buffalo Storm

White S 46K.png
Buffalo Storm
Buffalo Storm
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
20 10 No Mid - - - - - -

Air Unblockable.
Has a great anti-air kick upon releasing the Buffalo. Projectile has super high priority and destroys other projectiles.
Holding down D during the charge doubles the damage.

Flying Elbow

White S J214B.png
Light Flying Elbow
Light Flying Elbow
White S 214D.png
Heavy Flying Elbow
Heavy Flying Elbow
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
24 12 No High - - - - - -

Use sparingly. It can be used as a surprise overhead and cannot be used in combos.

Super Moves

Stress Shot

White SS 2363214C.png
Tornado Pole
Tornado Pole
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
60 30 No Mid - - - - - -

Air Unblockable. High priority projectile.

Ippatsu Ougi

White SS 63214C.png
Guardian Bomb
Guardian Bomb
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
89 45 No No - - - - - -

Command Grab; Soft Wall Slam.
It can be comboed into.


Combo Total Damage Permanent Damage Notes Demonstration
Basic Combos
2.A > 2.A xx [4]6.A T P View Demonstration
2.B xx [4]6.A T P View Demonstration
9.D >> cl.A > cl.A > 5.A xx [4]6.A 39T 39P Hard WallSlam. View Demonstration
9.D >> cl.D > D xx [4]6.C 53T 53P Hard Wallslam. View Demonstration
9.D > cl.C > 3.A xx [4]6.C 59T 59P Hard Wallslam. View Demonstration
(juggle) cl.C > 3.A xx 236.P 46T 23P View Demonstration
(juggle) cl.C > 3.A xx [4]6.A 51T 51P View Demonstration
9.D >> cl.5C > 3.A xx 236.P T P View Demonstration
9.D >> cl.5D > D xx 236.P T P View Demonstration
9.D >> cl.5C > 3.A xx 236-3214.C 77T 39P Requires 1 Stress Meter View Demonstration
9.D > cl.C > 3.A xx 63214-63214.C 88T 44P Requires 2 Stress Meter. View Demonstration
Intermediate Combos
(Cross-up)9.D >> cl.5A > cl.5A > 5.A xx [4]6.A T P View Demonstration
9.D > cl.A > 5.A >> 2.B xx [4]6.A 42T 42P 5.A >> 2.B Requires a Rapid Chain Cancel. View Demonstration
9.D > cl.C (2hit) > 3.A xx [4]6.C xx 623.C >> Air Throw 62T 31P Cancel [4]6.C on the first hit. View Demonstration
Advanced Combos
9.D >> 6[6].P xx 63214-63214.C 101T 50P Only works on crouching Reiji. View Demonstration
