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Olof Linderoth


Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good range to keep the opponent controlled.
  • His punishing game is really good.
  • Incredibly Damaging and Unblockable Ippatsu Ougi.
  • His juggles can lead to massive damage.
  • The range of his Normals and Specials are balanced with pretty bad recovery times.
  • Struggles in pressure without Stress Meter.
  • No reliable pressure or chipping tools.
  • Counter hit moves needs to be deeply calculated, especially with Stress Shot.
  • Has a tall hurt box and can be hit easier by overheads.
  • His best combos have high execution requirements and can drop easely


Olof is a character who bases his gameplan on Hit n 'Run and 50/50, his best moves are used in his 50/50 setups with his 236B, juggling his j.214D and punishing jumps thanks to his 623A/C. His potential for combos is very good since he can cancel any of his normals in 3B and then finish with 214B or 623A, in addition to using his fake Ippatsu Ougi to cancel recovery times and extend his combos.

All this is balanced by his bad defensive game since thanks to his stature he can be reached by many crossups which puts him in very bad situations. Added to this, his Stress Shot is very difficult to use in combos or as a punish, since although it has invulnerability frames during the dash, it is very slow and can be easily blocked which leaves you exposed to any kind of punishment.

If you decide to play with Olof you will have to be both patient and aggressive and have a good understanding of your opponent's movements.

What you want to do:

  • Bait your opponent's offensive to get a chance of land your combos.
  • Use your 50/50 game to force damage.
  • Setup your Ippatsu Ougi to get a huge advantage on the match.
  • Get Matchup Knowledge and be ready for your opponent's moves.

What you want to avoid:

  • Getting cornered.
  • Beign predictable, specially with your punishes.
  • Face opponents with good Air-to-Air moves during a Jump.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Note: Despite the appearances, none of the Olof's standing normals can be crouched.


Matrimelee Olof 5A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Fast and has nice range. Olof's main standing poke wich can be comboed into 214B or 236A easely.


Matrimelee Olof 5B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Another good poke, it hits slightly higher and comes out a tiny bit slower than 5A but it causes double the damage. Can work as a late Anti-Air but Olof has better options.


Matrimelee Olof 5C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

This kick is pretty odd, comes out relatively fast, has a good range and hits upwards, but the recovery makes it pretty unsafe for throw it often as it can be jumped out and you will get punished for it. The best use for this one is to stop foward dashes or as a late Anti-Air.


Matrimelee Olof 5D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Another odd kick, shares the same problems as 5C but it can't be used as a late Anti-Air since it hits straight foward. Comes out kind of slow too, so you probably won't be using this one too much.


Matrimelee Olof 6A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - High - - - - - -

Overhead Axe Kick with a good ammount of stun that allows you to combo into 623B from close range or 214C from far range. It comes out kind of slow but is safe on block. Part of the Ippatsu Ougi Setup.


Matrimelee Olof 5CD.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Comes out slow and the range is shorter than his other standing normals, but causes good damage and is wall slam as any 5CD, but is not that good so you won't be using this one outside punishes to prepare your 50/50.

Crouching Normals


Matrimelee Olof 2A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Low - - - - - -

Pretty much a crouching version of 5A, but comes out a little bit slower with a tiny bit shorter range and does little bit less damage. Despite that this move can't be comboed into specials like 5A can.


Matrimelee Olof 2B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Low - - - - - -

Olof's main crouching normal, Fast and nice range but unlike 2A it can be comboed into specials like 214B or 623C. Usefull during combos but is outclassed as a footsie tool by 5A and 5B.


Matrimelee Olof 2C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Sliding kick, this moves Olof about 1 character length. Pretty usefull during combos and 50/50s. Despite the appareances, this is not an Anti-Air because it hits too low.


Matrimelee Olof 2D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Low - - - - - -

Long range sweep, comes out kinda slow and can't be comboed into but is a neat footsie move if you need the knockdown.


Matrimelee Olof 2CD.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Low - - - - - -

Slow and has almost no horizontal range, but it hits surpisingly high and sets some of the Olof's advanced combos. Also is the only way to combo into Stress Shot and Ippatsu Ougi.

Jumping Normals


Matrimelee Olof 9A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - High - - - - - -

This normal has a short range in comparsion to the other Olof's jumping normals, but is active for pretty much the entire jump and allows really easy Air-to-Ground combos but is kinda outclassed by j.B.


Matrimelee Olof 9B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - High - - - - - -

From where I should start? This is a great jumping normal, comes out almost instantly, has a great active period, is the Olof's main crossup and is a good all-round air to air normal. Is also safe on block so spam away.


Matrimelee Olof 9C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - High - - - - - -

Comes out fast and does good damage, but it hits upwards so is only usefull during certain air to air situations or for juggles. Good normal but its limited on his uses.


Matrimelee Olof 8C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - High - - - - - -

This one has the same uses as j.C, but even more limited since it hits almost straight upwards.


Matrimelee Olof 9D.png
First kick
First kick
Matrimelee Olof 9D 2.png
Second kick
Second kick
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - High - - - - - -

Olof's oddest normal by far. It comes out with delay so it requires a good timing to be used on air to ground combos or air to air. if you hit the D button again after the j.D connects he will do a 2nd kick with almost the same properties but coming out faster enought to combo from the first hit. This is good on paper but on practice is kinda unorthodox to be used consistently, specially against short characters like Oume.


Matrimelee Olof 8D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - High - - - - - -

Pretty much a straight version of j.C.

Dashing Normals


Matrimelee Olof 66A-C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

This kick comes out slow wich makes it not very usefull, as any dashing punch it can combo into the dashing normals and if connects you can cancel it into 4146A for a combo, but that rarely happens so you won't be using this one too much.


Matrimelee Olof 66B-D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Comes out kind of fast wich makes it a good punish option if you can't get anything else. It can be countered easely on reaction so be carefull about that.

Close Normals


Matrimelee Olof cl.5A.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Low - - - - - -

Comes out quick, reaches surprisingly far for a close normal and hits low, this last detail is great because you can get a really easy High/Low after a blocked jumping attack. Despite that, this move is outclased by cl.B as a combo tool.


Matrimelee Olof cl.5B.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Olof's 2nd main combo tool. Comes out really fast, can be chained into itself up to 4 times and does nice damage. You want to use this each time you are close to the opponent.


Matrimelee Olof cl.5C.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

This normal is interesting. Comes out really fast, hits very high and does nice damage but its horizontal range is lame. Can be used as a late or preemptive anti-air if the opponent is close to you. On hit it can be comboed into 623B/D or cl.D for a knowckdown.

If you know when to apply it then this normal can give you nice results.


Matrimelee Olof cl.5D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - Mid - - - - - -

Pretty much cl.C with better vertical range, but this one comes out slower and has even worse horizontal range. Same uses than cl.C but more limited.

Special Moves


Counter Trick
Matrimelee Olof Auto counter.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
35 17 - High - - - - - -

After being Idle for 4 seconds Olof will enter on this stance for a couple of seconds. If hit by a Mid Normal or Special move, you will take no damage and he will counter attack with a 6A. Nice properties but really hard to apply on a real match unless your opponent doesn't know about it.


Battle (Битва)
Matrimelee Olof 236A-C.png
A Sends the projectile straight foward, C version is faster
A Sends the projectile straight foward, C version is faster
Matrimelee Olof 236B.png
B Sends the projectile downards, expands when touches the ground
B Sends the projectile downards, expands when touches the ground
Matrimelee Olof 236D.png
D Sends the projectile upwards with a 35° angle aproximately.
D Sends the projectile upwards with a 35° angle aproximately.
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
15 7 - Mid - - - - - -

All the versions of this projectile comes out relatively fast but have bad recovery times wich limits their usefullness.

236B is the most used version to set 50/50s while 236D can shut down most jumps preemptively


Sanctions (санкций)
Matrimelee Olof 623C-D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
B:20 - D:22 - Dash:30 B:10 - D:11 - Dash:15 - Mid, High - - - - - -

Nice option for a Dragon Punch that catches most of the jumps but has no invulnerability and not allways combos with the KD. Be very aware of the ranges because all the versions of this move are heavely punisheable on whiff.

B version hits 2 times with the 2nd hit being Overhead. It comes out quicker but has the worst vertical range.
D version hits 3 times with the 3rd hit being Overhead. Little bit slower but way better vertical range.
Dashing version hits 5 times with the 5th hit being Overhead. Scary vertical range with the dash momentum for horizontal range but really hard to combo into


Sudden Attack (внезапное нападение)
Matrimelee Olof 214A-C.png
First Kick
First Kick
Matrimelee Olof 214A-C 2.png
Second Kick
Second Kick
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
B:20 - D:22 - Dash:30 B:20 - D:22 - Mid - - - - - -

Since the first kick hits upwards this is mostly usefull on combos or a situational Anti-Air, but since the 2nd hit causes a Wall Slam then any damage it does becomes permanent wich is nice if you combo into it.

The dash version hits 3 times and launches instead of causing a Wall Slam so the opponent can roll to keep some HP.


By The Squares (По Квадратам)
Matrimelee Olof J.214B-D.png
First Kick
First Kick
Matrimelee Olof J.214B-D 2.png
Second Kick
Second Kick
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
B:20 - D:22 10 - Mid - - - - - -

Air version of 214B-D but with different properties. This move launches the opponent for juggle instead causing a Wall Slam and the first kick his horizontal, so is easier to catch the opponent with it. However this move is really hard to use against grounded opponents because the 2nd kick will miss if executed too soon and you simply will land before it comes out if executed too late.

If you input 214D after the 2nd kick, Olof will shoot a projectile to knock out the opponent. This only works with the D version.
D version is faster and launches up higher. If high enough you can use another j.214B-D.

Super Moves

Stress Shot

Stress Shot - Blockade (Блокада)
Matrimelee Olof Stress Shot.png
Matrimelee Olof cl.5D.png
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
50 25 - Mid - - - - - -

After the flash, Olof dashes for about a whole second and then does a kick similar to his cl.D, if the kick connects then he will do a 14 hit Auto Combo and then launches the opponent. The whole dash is fully invulnerable so it is a great punish while the Kick is air unblockable, but when the kick actually comes out Olof is no longer invulnerable so he can be counter hitted. Nice damage and good punish tool but is incredibly hard to connect unless you confirm it with 2CD and even then is hard because it will miss against some characters.

Ippatsu Ougi

Ippatsu Ougi - In An Extreme Case (Крайний Случай)
Matrimelee Olof Ippatsu Ougi.png
Very extreme punch
Very extreme punch
Total Damage Permanent Damage Cancel Guard Gauge Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
90 45 - Unblockable - - - - - -

This move... Easily the most damaging Ippatsu Ougi of the game but also extremely hard to land. After a little preparation, Olof will hop and then release this very powerful punch that reaches 3/4 of the screen. It's unblockable and Olof is Invulnerable during the hop but not lasts until the punch comes out can be countered if the opponent's timing is good, also can be easily avoided by rolling so is not a big deal unless you use it to punish a move with a high amount of recovery or combo into it from 2CD.

If this move connects, Olof will take 40 points of damage, this damage is recoverable and will not make you lose the round.
You can input 4146A to use a fake version of this move wich has the same flash but only spends 1 Stress Gauge, this is usefull to cancel the recovery time of his normals to extend combos or trick the opponent to use a roll and then punish him for that. Try to be creative with this one.


Combo Total Damage Permanant Damage Notes
BnB Combos
cl.5a > cl.5a > cl.5a xx 214.B 30T 15P
cl.5A > cl.5A > cl.5A > 3.B xx 214.D 35T 35P Cancel on the first hit of 3.B.
cl.5b > cl.5b > cl.5b > 5.B > 3.B xx 214.D 33T 33P Cancel on the first hit of 3.B.
6.A xx 214.D 32T 32P
9.B >> cl.5B > 5.B xx 214.B 30T 15P
9.B >> cl.5B xx 623.D 31T 15P
9.B >> cl.5C > 3.B xx 214.D 38T 38P Cancel on first hit of 3.B.
2.CD xx 2363214.D 62T 31P Requires 1 Stress Meter.
2.CD xx 4146.C Requires 2 Stress Meter.
Intermediate Combos
cl.5A > cl.5A >> 2.B xx 214.B 32T 16P cl.5A >> 2.B requires a CPS1 Chain.
cl.5A > cl.5A >> 2.C xx 214.B 34T 17P 5.A >> 2.C requires a CPS1 Chain.
cl.5A > cl.5A >> 2.C > 3.B xx 214.D 41T 41P 5.A >> 2.C requires a CPS1 Chain. Cancel on 1st hit of 3.B.
cl.5A >> 2.C > 6.A xx 214.D 43T 41P 5.A >> 2.C requires a CPS1 Chain.
Cross-up 9.B >> 5.A > 5.A >> 2.C xx 623.D 39T 19P 5.A >> 2.C requires a CPS1 Chain.
Cross-up 9.B >> cl.5B > cl.5B > 5.B > 3.B xx 214.D 39T 39P Cancel on 1st hit of 3.B.
6.A >> 2.B xx 214.B 37T 18P 6.A >> 2.B is a low frame link.
6.A >> 2.B > 3.B xx 214.D 39T 39P 6.A >> 2.B is a low frame link.
(Corner Only) 9.D > D xx J.214.D >> 623.D 47T 23P
9.D > D >> 2.CD xx 2363214.D 72T 36P Requires 1 Stress Meter.
Advanced Combos
(juggle) 9.C > j.214.D >> 9.C > j.214.D >> 5.C > 3.B xx 623.D T P J.214.D must launch high enough. Must corner carry.
9.D > D xx J.214.D >> 214.D T P 2nd hit on 214.D whiffs.
9.D > D >> cl.5A >> 2.B > 3.B xx 214.D T P cl.5A >> 2.B requires a CPS1 Chain. Cancel 3.B on the 1st hit.
(Corner only) 9.D > D > j.214.D > cl.5C > 3.B xx 623.D T P Cancel 3.B on the 1st hit.
(Corner Only) 9.D >> 2.CD xx 4146.A >> Dashing 623.K T P Must instantly dash to connect 623.K Requires 1 Stress Meter.
6[6].A xx 4146.A >> 2.C > 3.B xx 4146.A >> 2.B > 3.B xx 236.C T P Cancel all 3.B's on the first hit. Requires 2 Stress Meter.
9.b >> cl.5B > cl.5B > 5.B xx 4146.A >> 2.C > 3.B xx 4146.A >> 2.C > 3.B xx 214.D T P Cancel all 3.B's on the first hit. Requires 2 Stress meter.


Matrimelee Olof Palettes.png
