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== General ==
== Notation ==

* '''What is VSav?'''
7 8 9
: Vampire Savior is a 2D fighting game released in arcades in 1997 by Capcom. It is the third game in the Vampire/Darkstalkers/Night Warriors series.
4 5 6    LP MP HP
          LK MK HK
1 2 3
LP = Low Punch / Jab
MP = Medium Punch / Strong
HP = High Punch / Fierce
LK = Low Kick / Short
MK = Medium Kick / Forward
HK = High Kick / Round House

* '''So there are other games?'''
The 9-point numerical direction system refers to the directions in which your pad or stick can be moved, with 7 8 9 being up left, up, and up right, 4 5 6 being left, neutral, and right, and 1 2 3 being down left, down, and down right. Thus 236 is qcf (quarter circle forward).
: Yes, although many people regard (the original) Vampire Hunter and Vampire Savior to be the best games of the series.

* '''What's with the character name changes between Japan and overseas versions?'''
:*f.LP- far LP
: Localization. As for the actual reason behind it, who knows.
:*n.LP- near LP
:*d.LP- dashing LP
:*c.LP- crouching LP
:*j.LP- jumping LP
:*oc.LP- offensive crouching LP (3LP).
:*+c.LP- The plus sign denotes a link rather than a chain. If it's not noted you can assume it's a chain.
:*c.LP xx - Indicates a special cancel.
:*c.LP > - Indicates a optional combo or a branch/tree of possible combo ender variants.
:*[c.LP]xN- Indicates that the action inside the brackets can be repeated for the number of times listed outside the brackets. If N is noted rather than an actual number then it can be repeated either indefinitely or until time runs out (game time or Dark Force time).
:*PP- two punches simultaneously.
:*PPP- all three punches simultaneously.
:*KK- two kicks simultaneously.
:*KKK- all three kicks simultaneously.
:*P~L- a sliding (kara) or piano input where you press the second attack a frame or two after the first attack rather than simultaneously.

* '''Why did characters get removed?'''
: Sadly, the arcade hardware (Capcom's CP System II) didn't have enough memory, so the roster was capped at 15. Some of the console releases did have all 19 characters though (including selectable Oboro Bishamon).

* '''Is this game for me?'''
:*GC- Guard Cancel (Guard Reversal).
''Do not play Vampire Savior if you...''
:*Tech- Either a pushblock or throw tech or ground tech, depending on the context.
:*DF#- Dark Force. The number listed indicates which strength (1 = LP+LK, 2 = MP+MK, 3 = HP++HK). If no number is indicated then any strength is applicable.
:*BD- Back Dash.
:*IAD- Instant Air Dash.
:*IABD- Instant Air Back Dash.
:*TK- Tiger Knee motion (typically 2369x). But can also refer to any instant air special move or while-rising air special move.

:* Prefer a nice slow pace.
:*ES- Extra Special. Powered up version of a special move that costs one stock.
:* Have trouble with 6-attack-strength games.
:*EX- Super. Usually a unique move that isn't associated with a special move. Costs one stock.
:* Don't like push blocking.
:* Dislike fast mixups.
:* Can't do piano/sliding or technical command inputs.
:* Have an issue with zombies/vampires/blood/etc.

''Do play if you...''
:*Suki- Literally "gap". Refers to any sort of recovery or state where you are unable to act for the amount of frames listed. A 4F landing suki would therefor mean a 4F recovery once your character touches the ground.

:* Like fast momentum-based rushdown and mixups.
:*LI- Luminous Illusion. One of Lilith's EX supers.
:* Enjoy very short rounds and quick matches.
:*DI- Darkness Illusion. One of Morrigan's EX Supers.
:* Like airblocking.
:* Think dead people and violence is cool!

== Game Play ==
== Universal Commands ==
* '''Training mode?'''
:* Dark Force
: Refer to the [[Vampire Savior/Cheats|Cheats]] section.
:: Activated by pressing a punch and kick of the same strength at the same time, costs 1 super stock. All Dark Forces behave differently and have varying durations. Some characters gain new moves, some are granted flight, and some gain super armor. Generally there is a brief invulnerability window upon activation which can help escape unblockables and other traps. The recovery period when time runs out is character-specific, some characters like Jedah have no recovery at all while characters like Lei-Lei have a very long deactivation pose.  
:* Tech Hit (push block).  
* '''Tiers plz.'''
:: Done by pianoing inputs (sliding/mashing) during block-stop. Anakaris can not push block. This technique is pseudo-random in the since that it is a % chance to occur based on how many inputs you do. It starts at 0% chance for the first two inputs, three inputs becomes 25% chance, and increases by 25% per additional input, becoming 100% chance at six inputs. Simultaneous inputs do not count as multiple inputs, so hitting three buttons at the same time only counts as a single input, thus it's necessary to piano properly. The strength of the attack used when the pushblock activates will be the strength of the push itself, meaning light attacks will push the opponent a very short distance and heavy attacks will push them much further. If the player pushblocks against a cornered opponent it will negate pushblock and neither player will move. Tech hits also cause the blockstun duration to be modified, making it possible to sometimes punish moves that normally aren't punishable.
: The tiers are rather subjective and tend to shift around a bit. Fortunately the game is really quite balanced (for a Capcom game) and there isn't much of a difference in strength between the top/mid/bottom tiers. There are very few 8-2 matchups and there are no 9-1 matchups. Most matchups are close to even.
:* Throw Tech (throw softening).  
::* Top- Sasquatch, Zabel, Q-Bee, Gallon, Bulleta.
:: Throw teching is performed by inputting a throw command. Any direction except 8 and 2 plus a punch, or a kick if your character has a kick throw. The window for throw teching is from simultaneous to the catch-frame up to the sixth frame (so a 6f input window). If performed correctly the announcer will call a tech, and the HUD will also display a tech, and the throw will usually not cause a knockdown and do significantly less damage. There are some exceptions to this, such as Lei-Lei's airthrow which will cause knockdown whether it's tech'd or not. It is only possible to tech normal throws, not cmd throws or supers.
::* Mid- Felicia, Bishamon, Demitri, Aulbath, Lei-Lei.
:* Ground Tech (ground roll).
::* Low- Jedah, Lillith, Morrigan, Victor, Anakaris.
:: When knocked down, press a direction and any button. You will slide along the floor in the direction pressed. The timing is extremely lenient so simply mashing will result in a roll. The roll has no punishable recovery, but you are on the ground longer which makes you vulnerable to OTGs for longer, and you are also susceptible to advanced mixups. On the other hand, rolling can also avoid certain OTGs that require special aim. It should be noted that there are a few special moves that cause untechable knockdowns, such as Bishamon's runpast move (fireball followup).
:* Guard Reversal (Guard Cancel).  
* '''Matchups?'''
:: Done by inputting a DP plus either punch or kick depending on your character during block-stop. Your character will have a very brief invulnerability window and then perform their character-specific attack. Anakaris does not have a normal version, only an ES version.
: Once again these matchup charts are rather subjective. Especially since they were made by some of the best Japanese players, which means these charts assume you're able to play on their level.
::: DP+P characters: Anakaris (ES only), Bishamon, Demitri, Gallon, Jedah, Lei-Lei, Lilith, Morrigan
::*[[Media:Matchups.gif | Old Chart]]
::: DP+K Characters: Aulbath, Bulleta, Felicia, Q-Bee, Sasquatch, Victor, Zabel
::*[[Media:Newer-matchups.jpg | Newer Chart]]
:* Pursuit (OTG Stomp).
::*[[Media:Even-newer-matchups.jpg | Even Newer Chart]]
:: When a character is knocked down by normal means you can push any up direction and any attack button simultaneously. Connecting pursuits are not possible if the opponent was burned, but you can still whiff them. The same apply to most regular throws. Pursuits cause very little actual damage, but rather some of recoverable damage instead. Pursuits auto-target the opponent and can hit when the opponent stops bouncing from the knockdown, or while the opponent is tech rolling, though if the opponent is rolling they have a high chance of missing. Despite doing hardly any actual damage there's still a few reasons to use them--
:::* Obviously, if it will kill them with the recoverable damage.
* '''Infinites?'''
:::* If you're across the screen you can intentionally whiff a late pursuit in order to get across the screen very quickly (except Victor).
: '''Bulleta:''' has an infinite that works on standing or tall crouching characters that involves standing LP and either dash into neutral LP or dash into neutral MP. Because this infinite is so incredibly difficult it is not considered game-breaking, and is often referred to as the "Sako inf" because "only he can do it".
:::* If you predict they will not tech roll and you intentionally whiff the pursuit in order to go for a quick mixup.
: '''Jedah:''' has a character-specific infinite that works on Anakaris and Bishamon (maybe others) that involves doing dashing j.HP repeatedly. However, it's not easy to pull off and it's not gamebreaking since it only works on a couple characters and only when they are standing, plus he sucks anyway.
:::* If your back is to the wall and your pursuit would put you on the other side (Felicia, Lillith, Aulbath, Sasquatch).
:*  Airblocking.  
* '''Jedah sucks?'''
:: Any backwards direction while in the air. It is not possible to tech push or guard cancel in the air, but you have free-action after blockstun ends. Meaning, you are able to block and then perform a normal or special or super, or anything else. You can not airblock ground normals.
: Not really, but he's definitely low tier. A long time ago it was a very popular rumor (theory) that he was top tier, which was probably because Daigo Umehara played him frequently and made the character seem a lot better than he actually is, by beating everyone. Many other good Jedah players have also proceeded Daigo and rose to new levels of play after Daigo stopped playing, namely Oouchi(SaviorMeister). But despite having a character-specific infinite and ridiculous high/low mixups, he's technically not a very strong character due to his exceptionally slow normal moves, poor defense, and lack of consistent knockdown moves, among other reasons.
:* Normal chains (ground and air).  
:: Normal attacks can be chained (canceled) into a higher strength normal move. The order to priority is: LP, LK, MP, MK, HP, HK. Any attack strength can be optionally omitted, so it's possible to chain from LP directly to HK. It's also possible to alternate from standing and crouching normals at any time.
* '''Unblockables?'''
:* Normal throws (ground and air).
: Apart from throws there are a few unblockables in the game.
:: 4 or 6 plus MP or HP, or MK/HK if your character also has a kick throw (character specific). This can also be done in the air. It should be noted however that Anakaris does not have normal throws, he is able to tech throws though.
::* Bishamon's ES Fireball is unblockable at a specific range (the range you are put at after a blocked close HK).
:* Command throw(s).  
::* Zabel's j.LK is unblockable on the last active frame.
:: All characters have a command throw, some have two. The motion is character specific though so refer to the character sections for more information.
::* Bulleta's j.HK can be blocked high or low but it causes large enough blockstop for her c.LK to become unblockable if you block the j.HK high.
:* ES moves.  
::* Lei-Lei's HP Fireball hits high, and because it's very delayed she can hit you low simultaneously, causing an unblockable.
:: All characters can perform an upgraded version of their special moves at the cost of one stock. This is done by pressing two punches or two kicks (depending on which the special move calls for). Your character will flash blue during the ES move. The results vary, not all ES moves gain damage, hits, speed, invulnerability, range, special properties, etc, but many do gain the aforementioned attributes. Although most moves are ES-able, including most command throws, some command throws are not (for example: Lei-Lei, Jedah).
::* Gallon's 623PP allows him to create an unblockable if he pushed an opponent out of the corner with a downwards rush, the following rush will become unblockable.
:* EX moves.  
:: These differ from ES moves in that they require a different command input entirely and they may or may not mimic a special move at all. Your character will flash multiple colors (rainbow color) during these types of supers. The inputs for these are character-specific so refer to the character sections for more information.
* '''Dizzies?'''
:* Dashing.
: Sort of. There's no stun gauge in the game so you can't cause an opponent to dizzy from hitting them with just anything. However, certain moves cause a dizzy-state when they hit, such as some of Lei-Lei's projectiles and Aulbath's poison moves for example. In the case of Lei-Lei, only some of the things she throws can cause dizzy, and she only tosses those items with the MP or HP versions, so not every item she throws will cause a dizzy.
:: All characters have a forwards and backwards dash which is input by pressing 66 or 44 respectively. The results vary from character to character, though dashes/backdashes contain no invulnerability frames, except Demitri and Lei-Lei when they disappear during theirs. There are a few characters with an airdash as well: Jedah, Lei-Lei, Q-Bee, and Zabel. It should also be noted that Anakaris and Bulleta have double jumps and Felicia has a wall-cling and head-sit move, Lilith is also the only character with a super-jump. Everyone in the cast is also able to attack while dashing forwards or backwards, and in some cases this results in a special dash-only attack such as in the case of Bulleta. In these cases the while-dashing moves can not be normal chained, except Lei-Lei's forward dash which does not result in while-dashing attacks.
* '''OTGs?'''
: On The Ground moves. All characters can hit the opponent once with a Pursuit once the opponent is knocked down by normal means. There is also other character-specific moves that can hit the opponent while they are knocked down such as Victor's hop-punch and Lei-Lei's spike balls from her EX Tenraiha super.
: It's important to note that you can not OTG if the opponent was burned, from moves like Bulleta's missiles and mines.
: It's also important to note that all normal pursuits do no actual damage, but rather they do recoverable damage only. However most other forms of OTGs cause actual damage (like Lei-Lei's Tenraiha spike balls).
* '''TK?'''
: Tiger Knee motion. This refers to doing a special move in the air the moment you leave the ground. For example Lilith's qcf,uf,P (236,9,P) causes her to jump then throw her fireball a few pixels off the ground. This is particularly useful because you're less vulnerable to being comboed when you're in the air.
* '''What's a cmd super?'''
: "CMD" is short for "command", which refers to supers that, instead of being input by a sequence of motions, are input by a special sequence of attack buttons, such as the Raging Demon input. An example would be Morrigan and Lilith's Darkness Illusion/Lightness Illusion, which are both input by the actual Raging Demon input, and Lei-Lei's Tenraiha.
: There is an important distinction between regular supers and cmd supers because cmd supers can break the chain-cancel rules. When a normal move is chained (like lp, lk, mp, mk chain) it can not be special/super canceled, but it can be cmd-super-canceled.
* '''Universal Moves?'''
: All characters have the following--
: Airblocking.
: Normal chains (ground and air).
: Normal throws (ground and air), except Anakaris.
: Command throw(s).
: ES moves.
: EX moves.
: Dark Force
: Tech Hit (push block), except Anakaris.
: Throw Tech (throw softening).
: Ground Tech (ground roll).
: Guard Reversal (Guard Cancel), Anakaris's is ES only.
: Pursuit (OTG Stomp).
== Multiplayer ==
* '''Netplay?'''
:* [ GGPO]
:* [ 2DF]
:* [ nFBA's P2P client] [[ download mirror]]
* '''Matchmaking?'''
: You can use the lobby system on GGPO, or you can try [ on].
== Miscellaneous ==
* '''Codes?'''
''* Soul Copy''
:* Highlight random select, press start 5 times, then any button.
:: The character you choose first will be selected at random, then you will automatically switch to your opponent's character after you defeat them.
''* Soul Copy 2''
:* Highlight character you want to use first then press Start 3 times, next go to the random select box and press Start 5 times, then any button.
:: Same as above, but your first character will not be selected at random.
''* Shadow Gallon''
:* Highlight Gallon and press start and all three punches simultaneously.
:: A palette swapped Gallon. The only differences are aesthetic, no gameplay differences. His appearance is dark and has a glow effect, and his EX "Dragon Cannon" has it's old sprite.
''* Hidden Costumes''
:* All characters have 8 costume colors. Secret color 1 is selected by pressing two punch buttons simultaneously, while Secret color 2 is selected by pressing two kicks simultaneously.
''* Win Pose Selection''
:* Holding an attack button after KO will cause your character to perform a specific win pose that corresponds with the button that is held, enabling you to select which winpose you want to see.
* '''So what's with those "Vampire Hunter 2" and "Vampire Savior 2" games?'''
: Vampire Savior 2 made many drastic changes--
: Characters removed: Sasquatch, Gallon, Aulbath.
: Characters added: Donovan, Phobos, Pyron (and a new stage and theme for them), as well as the ability to select Oboro Bishamon (hold Start when selecting Bishamon)
: Old Dark Forces were made into command supers.
: New Dark Forces cost two meter stocks and do not effect the character other than an increase in damage/defense/recoverable-life-regeneration.
: Tech Hit input function changed to 0% until four buttons which = 100%
: Unblockable glitches removed from Bishamon, Zabel, and Anakaris.
: Many other miscellaneous character-specific changes.
: Vampire Hunter 2 kept many of these changes, except the Savior characters have all been removed and all Hunter characters return (as well as Hunter music... but Savior stages), also Oboro Bishamon (...with his actual Savior theme).
* '''Oboro Bishamon?'''
[[Image:colors-obish.gif|frame|right|Costume Colors]]
: He's an alternate "boss mode" Bishamon with a new moveset. As mentioned, he's not selectable in the original arcade version of Vampire Savior without emulation cheats, so it's not possible to play him unless you're playing Hunter 2/Savior 2 or a console version. To fight against him you must not lose a round and you must get enough EX-wins to fight your hidden challenger. If you defeat him you are rewarded with an amusing "Congratulations" cut-scene featuring Oboro Bishamon and Anita (the girl who follows Donovan around).
:In the arcade version he is only selectable using emulation cheat codes, thus, for the purpose of this wiki Oboro Bishamon's data will be omitted.


[[Category:Vampire Savior]]
[[Category:Vampire Savior]]

Revision as of 17:02, 17 December 2011


7 8 9

4 5 6    LP MP HP
         LK MK HK
1 2 3

LP = Low Punch / Jab
MP = Medium Punch / Strong
HP = High Punch / Fierce
LK = Low Kick / Short
MK = Medium Kick / Forward
HK = High Kick / Round House

The 9-point numerical direction system refers to the directions in which your pad or stick can be moved, with 7 8 9 being up left, up, and up right, 4 5 6 being left, neutral, and right, and 1 2 3 being down left, down, and down right. Thus 236 is qcf (quarter circle forward).

  • f.LP- far LP
  • n.LP- near LP
  • d.LP- dashing LP
  • c.LP- crouching LP
  • j.LP- jumping LP
  • oc.LP- offensive crouching LP (3LP).
  • +c.LP- The plus sign denotes a link rather than a chain. If it's not noted you can assume it's a chain.
  • c.LP xx - Indicates a special cancel.
  • c.LP > - Indicates a optional combo or a branch/tree of possible combo ender variants.
  • [c.LP]xN- Indicates that the action inside the brackets can be repeated for the number of times listed outside the brackets. If N is noted rather than an actual number then it can be repeated either indefinitely or until time runs out (game time or Dark Force time).
  • PP- two punches simultaneously.
  • PPP- all three punches simultaneously.
  • KK- two kicks simultaneously.
  • KKK- all three kicks simultaneously.
  • P~L- a sliding (kara) or piano input where you press the second attack a frame or two after the first attack rather than simultaneously.

  • GC- Guard Cancel (Guard Reversal).
  • Tech- Either a pushblock or throw tech or ground tech, depending on the context.
  • DF#- Dark Force. The number listed indicates which strength (1 = LP+LK, 2 = MP+MK, 3 = HP++HK). If no number is indicated then any strength is applicable.
  • BD- Back Dash.
  • IAD- Instant Air Dash.
  • IABD- Instant Air Back Dash.
  • TK- Tiger Knee motion (typically 2369x). But can also refer to any instant air special move or while-rising air special move.
  • ES- Extra Special. Powered up version of a special move that costs one stock.
  • EX- Super. Usually a unique move that isn't associated with a special move. Costs one stock.
  • Suki- Literally "gap". Refers to any sort of recovery or state where you are unable to act for the amount of frames listed. A 4F landing suki would therefor mean a 4F recovery once your character touches the ground.
  • LI- Luminous Illusion. One of Lilith's EX supers.
  • DI- Darkness Illusion. One of Morrigan's EX Supers.

Universal Commands

  • Dark Force
Activated by pressing a punch and kick of the same strength at the same time, costs 1 super stock. All Dark Forces behave differently and have varying durations. Some characters gain new moves, some are granted flight, and some gain super armor. Generally there is a brief invulnerability window upon activation which can help escape unblockables and other traps. The recovery period when time runs out is character-specific, some characters like Jedah have no recovery at all while characters like Lei-Lei have a very long deactivation pose.
  • Tech Hit (push block).
Done by pianoing inputs (sliding/mashing) during block-stop. Anakaris can not push block. This technique is pseudo-random in the since that it is a % chance to occur based on how many inputs you do. It starts at 0% chance for the first two inputs, three inputs becomes 25% chance, and increases by 25% per additional input, becoming 100% chance at six inputs. Simultaneous inputs do not count as multiple inputs, so hitting three buttons at the same time only counts as a single input, thus it's necessary to piano properly. The strength of the attack used when the pushblock activates will be the strength of the push itself, meaning light attacks will push the opponent a very short distance and heavy attacks will push them much further. If the player pushblocks against a cornered opponent it will negate pushblock and neither player will move. Tech hits also cause the blockstun duration to be modified, making it possible to sometimes punish moves that normally aren't punishable.
  • Throw Tech (throw softening).
Throw teching is performed by inputting a throw command. Any direction except 8 and 2 plus a punch, or a kick if your character has a kick throw. The window for throw teching is from simultaneous to the catch-frame up to the sixth frame (so a 6f input window). If performed correctly the announcer will call a tech, and the HUD will also display a tech, and the throw will usually not cause a knockdown and do significantly less damage. There are some exceptions to this, such as Lei-Lei's airthrow which will cause knockdown whether it's tech'd or not. It is only possible to tech normal throws, not cmd throws or supers.
  • Ground Tech (ground roll).
When knocked down, press a direction and any button. You will slide along the floor in the direction pressed. The timing is extremely lenient so simply mashing will result in a roll. The roll has no punishable recovery, but you are on the ground longer which makes you vulnerable to OTGs for longer, and you are also susceptible to advanced mixups. On the other hand, rolling can also avoid certain OTGs that require special aim. It should be noted that there are a few special moves that cause untechable knockdowns, such as Bishamon's runpast move (fireball followup).
  • Guard Reversal (Guard Cancel).
Done by inputting a DP plus either punch or kick depending on your character during block-stop. Your character will have a very brief invulnerability window and then perform their character-specific attack. Anakaris does not have a normal version, only an ES version.
DP+P characters: Anakaris (ES only), Bishamon, Demitri, Gallon, Jedah, Lei-Lei, Lilith, Morrigan
DP+K Characters: Aulbath, Bulleta, Felicia, Q-Bee, Sasquatch, Victor, Zabel
  • Pursuit (OTG Stomp).
When a character is knocked down by normal means you can push any up direction and any attack button simultaneously. Connecting pursuits are not possible if the opponent was burned, but you can still whiff them. The same apply to most regular throws. Pursuits cause very little actual damage, but rather some of recoverable damage instead. Pursuits auto-target the opponent and can hit when the opponent stops bouncing from the knockdown, or while the opponent is tech rolling, though if the opponent is rolling they have a high chance of missing. Despite doing hardly any actual damage there's still a few reasons to use them--
  • Obviously, if it will kill them with the recoverable damage.
  • If you're across the screen you can intentionally whiff a late pursuit in order to get across the screen very quickly (except Victor).
  • If you predict they will not tech roll and you intentionally whiff the pursuit in order to go for a quick mixup.
  • If your back is to the wall and your pursuit would put you on the other side (Felicia, Lillith, Aulbath, Sasquatch).
  • Airblocking.
Any backwards direction while in the air. It is not possible to tech push or guard cancel in the air, but you have free-action after blockstun ends. Meaning, you are able to block and then perform a normal or special or super, or anything else. You can not airblock ground normals.
  • Normal chains (ground and air).
Normal attacks can be chained (canceled) into a higher strength normal move. The order to priority is: LP, LK, MP, MK, HP, HK. Any attack strength can be optionally omitted, so it's possible to chain from LP directly to HK. It's also possible to alternate from standing and crouching normals at any time.
  • Normal throws (ground and air).
4 or 6 plus MP or HP, or MK/HK if your character also has a kick throw (character specific). This can also be done in the air. It should be noted however that Anakaris does not have normal throws, he is able to tech throws though.
  • Command throw(s).
All characters have a command throw, some have two. The motion is character specific though so refer to the character sections for more information.
  • ES moves.
All characters can perform an upgraded version of their special moves at the cost of one stock. This is done by pressing two punches or two kicks (depending on which the special move calls for). Your character will flash blue during the ES move. The results vary, not all ES moves gain damage, hits, speed, invulnerability, range, special properties, etc, but many do gain the aforementioned attributes. Although most moves are ES-able, including most command throws, some command throws are not (for example: Lei-Lei, Jedah).
  • EX moves.
These differ from ES moves in that they require a different command input entirely and they may or may not mimic a special move at all. Your character will flash multiple colors (rainbow color) during these types of supers. The inputs for these are character-specific so refer to the character sections for more information.
  • Dashing.
All characters have a forwards and backwards dash which is input by pressing 66 or 44 respectively. The results vary from character to character, though dashes/backdashes contain no invulnerability frames, except Demitri and Lei-Lei when they disappear during theirs. There are a few characters with an airdash as well: Jedah, Lei-Lei, Q-Bee, and Zabel. It should also be noted that Anakaris and Bulleta have double jumps and Felicia has a wall-cling and head-sit move, Lilith is also the only character with a super-jump. Everyone in the cast is also able to attack while dashing forwards or backwards, and in some cases this results in a special dash-only attack such as in the case of Bulleta. In these cases the while-dashing moves can not be normal chained, except Lei-Lei's forward dash which does not result in while-dashing attacks.
