Vampire Savior/Secrets: Difference between revisions

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:::Noting that win poses for Gallon that show his human form are inaccessible for Dark Gallon
:::Noting that win poses for Gallon that show his human form are inaccessible for Dark Gallon

*Gallon is always human
*Bulleta's Secret Rap
:::Noting that Gallon will always have a human transformation win pose when defeating Dark Gallon in story mode
:::Unlock Condition - Defeat CPU Gallon or CPU Dark Gallon.

== Stages ==
== Stages ==

Revision as of 19:44, 14 August 2020

Character Select

  • Dark Gallon
Unlock Condition - Select Gallon with START+PPP. Dark Gallon cannot use Auto-Guard mode, he has a unique graphic for EX Dragon Canon. He only has (2) costume colors & the second color is only selectable when both players use Dark Gallon.
  • Shadow
Unlock Condition - (2) Methods exist for using START inputs at the Character Select Screen.
  • Lei-Lei's Portrait Mirror
Noting that Lei-Lei's PL-1 & PL-2 portraits are not exclusively mirror images, The character on her hat have been altered to be legible.
  • Oboro Bishamon
Unlock Condition - Cannot be accessed in VSAV, he is strictly a story-mode boss.
  • Marionette
Unlock Condition - Cannot be accessed in VSAV, she is only selectable in VSAV 2, Hunter 2 & select console ports of VSAV.

Character Secrets

Costume Colors

  • Color 0x06
Unlock Condition - Select your character with (2) or (3) punches.
  • Color 0x07
Unlock Condition - Select your character with (2) or (3) kicks.
  • Color 0x08
Unlock Condition - Select your character with Auto-Guard then HP.
  • Color 0x09
Unlock Condition - Select your character with Auto-Guard then HK.

Intro Animations

  • Jedah's Descending Intro
Unlock Condition - Story mode Boss only
  • Anakaris's Rising Coffin Intro
Unlock Condition - vs CPU Anakaris only
  • Felicia's Transformation Intro
Unlock Condition - vs CPU Felicia only
  • Felicia's Head Ride Intro
Unlock Condition - vs human controlled Anakaris only
  • Gallon's Dimensional Intro
Noting that this is technically Dark Gallon's intro, but exist within Gallon's programming, Only accessible as Dark Gallon.
  • Morrigan's Dimensional Intro
Unlock Condition - vs CPU Morrigan only
  • Aulbath's Frog Intro
Unlock Condition - Aulbath Mirror Match only
  • Victor's Shocking Intro
Unlock Condition - Victor has a 50% probability for either of his intros to animate
  • Oboro's Armor Intro
Unlock Condition - vs Bishamon only
  • Zabel's Love Struck
Unlock Condition - vs Lei-Lei only
  • Le Malta's Love Struck
Unlock Condition - Zabel vs Bulleta only


  • Sasquatch's Banana
Unlock Condition - Cost 1-meter, input 41236+START.
  • Felicia's Cat Hug
Unlock Condition - Cost 0-meter, input 6+START adjacent to the opponent. This does 0 damage.
  • Aulbath's Direct Scissors
Unlock Condition - Cost 3-meter, input 2,2+PPP as Costume Colors LP or MP only.
  • Victor's Bird & Boogie
Unlock Condition - Cost 0-meter, input Taunt. Victor has a 50% chance of one of these attacks executing. They can Cheap-Finish, but only do 1-damage. The Boogie is negative frames on hit.
  • Zabel's Dark Force Afro
Unlock Condition - Cost 1-meter, input Dark Force activation. There is a 1/16 probability that his activation animation will have an afro.
  • Anakaris's Upside-Down Coffin Drop
Unlock Condition - hold START after hitting the opponent with Anakaris's command super level-1, 2, or 3.


  • Felicia's Scaredy-Cat
Unlock Condition - Cost 0-meter, input 2,2+KKK & hold KKK to sustain the taunt
  • Zabel's Love Struck
Unlock Condition - vs Lei-Lei only
  • Le Malta's Love Struck
Unlock Condition - Zabel vs Bulleta only
  • Anakaris's Corpse Drop
Unlock Condition - Regular taunt has a low probability of a unique corpse animation
  • Anakaris Mummy Parade
Unlock Condition - Input START+PPP
  • Anakaris's Corpse Break-dance
Unlock Condition - Execute a taunt while an opponent Anakaris is executing a "Mummy Parade"
  • Anakaris's Mummy Dance
Unlock Condition - During an opponent's "Mummy Parade" taunt, Input START+PPP
  • Victor's various taunts
Unlock Condition - 25% probability for any of his taunts to animate, his butt shake will be 2-4 cycles. Boogie & Bird have hit boxes.
  • Demitri's various taunts
Unlock Condition - 50% probability for his hair spray or come-here animation to appear
  • Zabel's various taunts
Unlock Condition - 50% probability for either the guitar-flip or the finger-point animation to appear
  • Lei-Lei's sustained taunt
Unlock Condition - Hold START to suspend her animation indefinitely

Win Poses

  • Choosing standard Win Poses
Unlock Condition - Hold a standard attack button when the opponent is knocked-down from the KO to select a standard win pose
  • Felicia's Fist Pump
Unlock Condition - Perfect win + No button override
  • Zabel's Stage Dive
Unlock Condition - Perfect win + LP button override
  • Zabel's Afro
Unlock Condition - MK button override has a 1/16 probability of an Afro appearance. Note that the probability is decided each animation frame.
  • Anakaris's Bloody Tears + Mega Coffin
Unlock Condition - Deathblow with a command super. Different levels of command supers have unique animations. Level-2 has a squish animation + Kaibto on top. Note that you can activate the secret upside-down coffin in conjunction with the secret deathblow to get a mega upside-down deathblow coffin.
  • Anakaris's Extra Assets
Unlock Condition - Deathblow with an ES-Attack + any button override (not LK as Big Coins are managed differently)
  • Anakaris's Big Coins
Unlock Condition - LK button override win pose will play a coin-shooter mini game. Each coin has a 1/256 chance of being a Big Coin.
  • Anakaris's Kaibito Zombie Walk
Unlock Condition - Deathblow in DarkForce
  • Morrigan's Doll #1
Unlock Condition - 1/256 chance + Cheap Kill + no button override (confirm) (Value 0x0E) Note that the probability is decided each animation frame.
  • Morrigan's Doll #2
Unlock Condition- 1/256 chance + Perfect + no button override(confirm) (Value 0x10) Note that the probability is decided each animation frame.
  • Morrigan's Doll #3
Unlock Condition - 1/256 chance + on your Last Pixel of life + no button override (confirm) (Value 0x12) Note that the probability is decided each animation frame.
  • Morrigan's Doll #4
Unlock Condition - Unknown conditions or it's possibly cut-content/RAM manipulation (confirm) (Value 0x14) Note that the probability is decided each animation frame.
  • Lilith's Death
Unlock Condition - Story Mode Completion
  • Lei-lei's Lin-Lin Delayed head turn
Unlock Condition - MK button override + 1/256 chance that Lin-Lin's animation delay's such her & Lei-Lei are desynced.
  • Lei-lei's Alternate Audio
Unlock Condition - MP & LK animations can have an alternate audio track, if Lei-Lei gets a win streak. (Confirm length)
  • Dark Gallon is not human
Noting that win poses for Gallon that show his human form are inaccessible for Dark Gallon
  • Bulleta's Secret Rap
Unlock Condition - Defeat CPU Gallon or CPU Dark Gallon.


Secret Stages

  • Iron Horse Iron Terror
Unlock Condition - Story mode battle #5 only
  • Fetus of God
Unlock Condition - Story mode battle #6 only
  • Stage-Variants
Unlock Condition - Mid-Boss, Final-Boss & Secret-Boss battles only

Stage Interactions

  • Abaraya's Grandma Animations
Unlock Conditions - Unknown conditions, the older woman will have some humorous animations on the Abaraya stage. Possible conditions are player health difference, finish condition, game clock value, achieving a double-down / unique round-conditions, meter stock or RNG chances. It's also speculated to be limited to the JP rom set.
  • Fetus of God's 3rd Eye
Unlock Conditions - Unknown conditions, It's confirmed in VSAV graphic banks that the Fetus of God has a third eye animation. This animation is made available in the Saturn port but it is unknown if this is accessible in the VSAV arcade release.

Stage Select Probabilities

The table below shows the possibility out of 16 that a specific stage will appear when that particular character challenges in versus mode.

Character Feast of the Damned Concrete Cave Tower of Arrogance Red Thirst Deserted Chateau Abaraya Vanity Paradise War Agony Forever Torment Green Scream
Jedah 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1
Bulleta 6 6 4
Q-Bee 8 8
Lilith 10 6
Demitri 10 3 3
Morrigan 3 3 10
Anakaris 12 4
Victor 5 5 3 3
Zabel 3 3 10
Lei-Lei 3 3 10
Gallon 9 2 2 3
Felicia 4 8 4
Aulbath 4 12
Sasquatch 4 4 8
Bishamon 8 8


  • Oboro's Theme
Unlock Condition - vs Oboro only (confirm)

Secrets in Console Ports

Vampire Savior (Saturn)

Darkstalkers 3 (PlayStation)

Vampire Chronicle (Dreamcast/PSP)

Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection (PlayStation 2)

Darkstalkers Resurrection (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3)
