Vampire Savior/Jedah/Matchups: Difference between revisions

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TL;DR: Adapt to your opponent actively, get your PBs in check and strike viciously when given the chance, and you will get a chance.
TL;DR: Adapt to your opponent actively, get your PBs in check and strike viciously when given the chance, and you will get a chance.

===[[Vampire Savior/Sasquatch|Sasquatch]] (4-6)===
===[[Vampire Savior/Sasquatch|Sasquatch]] (4-6~3-7)===

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Just barely missing out a 3-7 score, if SA vs JE is even on the streets, then this is an even matchup! As Jedah mains we must cling to every bit of advantage, if there’s hope then we can make it work, every single time, no matter the opponent, no matter the matchup. Q-Bee has great advantage vs Jedah, but not where she expects, she can’t “bully the low tier” by just spamming IADs, this plan will not work. She cannot “bully the low tier” by spamming grounded normals, this will also not work. Her advantage lies on how amazing chicken block float is as an approaching tool, as she gets hit too high by guard break strings to be properly guard broken, instead reversing the game by doing airdash jLP after blocking mid air, creating her own offense out of what should be a disadvantageous state. Once she’s in, she’s in. She can put in work. Jedah’s hopes here are the fact he has a great projectile to keep her away, he’s a mostly airborne character which makes it difficult for her to IAD in from neutral for free, 2MK and 5LP are great normals for contesting her aireal approaches (especially the most predictable kind) and because Jedah doesn’t get oki, he doesn’t even feel her annoying wake up timings! This is kind of an odd plus since not getting a knockdown is much worse, but if you play other characters vs Q-Bee, you’ll learn to appreciate this. Though guard breaking is risky, Jedah is pretty much the only character that can properly guard break a floating Bee, if you hit it just right then you can snipe her with 5LP on your way down. She’s extremely wide, extremely weak and lacks good enough reversals to always threaten na interrupt to Jedah’s pressure. My best tip, use 5MP as an anti jump to make her respect you! Then go to town. Remember that DF combos only work as jMPMKHK, don’t start with jLP! It will whiff!
Just barely missing out a 3-7 score, if SA vs JE is even on the streets, then this is a winning matchup! As Jedah mains we must cling to every bit of advantage, if there’s hope then we can make it work, every single time, no matter the opponent, no matter the matchup. Q-Bee has great advantage vs Jedah, but not where she expects, she can’t “bully the low tier” by just spamming IADs, this plan will not work. She cannot “bully the low tier” by spamming grounded normals, this will also not work. Her advantage lies on how amazing chicken block float is as an approaching tool, as she gets hit too high by guard break strings to be properly guard broken, instead reversing the game by doing airdash jLP after blocking mid air, creating her own offense out of what should be a disadvantageous state. Once she’s in, she’s in. She can put in work. Jedah’s hopes here are the fact he has a great projectile to keep her away, he’s a mostly airborne character which makes it difficult for her to IAD in from neutral for free, 2MK and 5LP are great normals for contesting her aireal approaches (especially the most predictable kind) and because Jedah doesn’t get oki, he doesn’t even feel her annoying wake up timings! This is kind of an odd plus since not getting a knockdown is much worse, but if you play other characters vs Q-Bee, you’ll learn to appreciate this. Though guard breaking is risky, Jedah is pretty much the only character that can properly guard break a floating Bee, if you hit it just right then you can snipe her with 5LP on your way down. She’s extremely wide, extremely weak and lacks good enough reversals to always threaten na interrupt to Jedah’s pressure. My best tip, use 5MP as an anti jump to make her respect you! Then go to town. Remember that DF combos only work as jMPMKHK, don’t start with jLP! It will whiff!

TL;DR: If they’re slow with IADs, then poke them out with 5LP, take away their defensive jumps with 5MP and do lots of up back segas in neutral, use falling airdash jHPs to contest neutral IADs and these will sometimes grant you guard breaking opportunities. If they aren’t using float chicken blocks, then you should be winning this!
TL;DR: If they’re slow with IADs, then poke them out with 5LP, take away their defensive jumps with 5MP and do lots of up back segas in neutral, use falling airdash jHPs to contest neutral IADs and these will sometimes grant you guard breaking opportunities. If they aren’t using float chicken blocks, then you should be winning this!

Latest revision as of 22:31, 7 September 2023


Zabel (2-8)


This is a very bad matchup, it might not seem like it’s that bad once you play it against the very few Zabel’s that go around because they probably lack experience vs a good Jedah, but you can trust me that it is very very bad.

In every situation, Jedah has a worst kit and RVR, he cannot contest buttons such as jHP and jMP from Zabel in A2A (Air 2 Air, Air to Air) situations, which severely incapacitates Jedah’s game as he’s a character that really needs to be in the air to make things happen. He cannot compensate for this limitation via playing more patient/zoner-like in the ground, as Zabel is incredibly fast in the ground as well, his far range pokes via 6LP and 6MP will pester Jedah in the mid range, a range that Zabel can position himself to stay very easily, Jedah would like to throw segas and 2MKs to attempt to create a defensive wall, only to then pounce and make his own plans happen, these plans are unfortunately too slow and ineffective.

As Jedah, you want to sit just a bit outside the mid range against Zabel and keep in mind that his IADs can be cut off by 5LP and anti-aired by 2MK, backdash jHP is important to attempt to control some space in front of Jedah, but can prove to be very risky when extending your limbs out, use carefully! Jumping in with chicken block is an interesting attempt in this matchup, you can react to A2A situations via guard breaker strings, fall down with jHP to snipe IAD attempts by Zabel and also air dash at any point in your jump to throw off timings and threaten double overheads and Nero-Bassale OS even, these should be exploited, but are very dangerous as well.

TL;DR: Keep your wits about you, never give up and exploit your few openings ferociously.

Demitri (3-7)


This is Jedah’s own personal Makai. In this matchup, Jedah is stripped out of every neutral tool he has because of one very simple tool by Demitri: late jump HP fireball. If Demitri jumps, waits a tad bit and then throws out a fireball, he can hit standing Jedah, this takes away: early jump attempts, punishes standing sega attempts, punishes dash attempts, forces Jedah into blocking which makes him a sitting duck. All of these make Jedah extremely easy to mix, bully and control in neutral, a prime target for the most basic mixes Demitri has in fact.

Jedah also lacks any good answer to DPs both offensively and deffensively. On offense, Demitri can do IDDCs (Instant Dash Demon Craddles) and not have to worry about Zabel/Bishamon level punishes, as the best Jedah can get is a 5MK or 5MP, which deal pretty laughable damage and can only cause resets, creating yet another situation where Jedah has to work around guess-GCs, this will make you go absolutely insane. Defensively, Jedah’s style of pressure is very similar to Q-Bee’s but much weaker, meaning he has many, and i mean MANY, gaps in pressure for Demitri to guess-GC high, coupled with Jedah’s IMMENSE limbs, this will make your offense feel... somehow disadvantageous for you, very cool!

As Jedah, you want to react to late jump fireballs with either a low profile 2MK to go underneath it (and if DE has been doing them too high, you can even walk underneath them, but be careful!) or you can jump forward, chicken block and study your opponent from far away, if they like aggressing after the chicken block then you throw an HP fireball to stop dashes and jumps, if they sit patiently then you airdash afterwards with either jMP or jHP. If you jump in and they don’t fireball, then you can risk jMPHP jump in combo, an airdash, or chicken block a DP into jMP or other attempts at holding “advantage.” On pressure you have to be weary of DPs and GCs EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Never sleep on it, make DE forget he has DP from how many times it whiffs until you can truly go nuts with pressure. Use 2LK2HK and 2LK5HK for GC safe strings, throw meaty segas if they’ve been going a little too ham on wakeup DPs and reset DPs, when you hit them on block, use a pressuring “OS” with backdash jMP/backdash into air dash jHK/jHP, the latter will IOH and the former will stay safe from whiffed DPs.

TL;DR: This is a blow for blow matchup where every situation has a really bad RVR for Jedah, good luck out there, soldier!

Felicia (3-7)


This one is much simpler, Felicia’s strenghts in having really great normals in neutral is an obvious mortal counter to Jedah’s weakness in having really shitty normals in neutral. The only time Jedah can, arguably, have an advantageous state vs Felicia is on A2A situations, where he is very competent with guard break strings... Too bad cat guard exists! Very sad! No guard breaker for you! Cat guard is a bug where Felicia can defend standing normals during her jump, something unique to her and Zabel, but hers is much more powerful. What does Jedah have going on for him? He can at least enjoy full screen space to zone out a little bit, he can up back and throw sega to attempt to create mixups and advantageous situations, this is a very very good relief in this matchup as the previous matchups could all snipe you full screen. Although Felicia can interrupt Jedah in neutral very well, his pounces are still effective if he has the comfort of a sega in front of him or knows he can sneak his way through, and once he does, Felicia is a pretty standard character in terms of how you pressure her as Jedah. The biggest struggle for Jedah is footsies range, where Felicia can threaten a long range low with 2HK, extremely strong jump ins and dashes, her pressure is outstanding vs Jedah, given that he is very tall and lacks good reversals, and his DF is very risky and hard to use since he doesn’t have a great way of coming down to pressure Felicia in view of her extremely strong normals.

As Jedah, you want to stand just outside of footsies range and get good projectiles on the screen to make your plays, your approaches must ALWAYS be extremely fast, as bad jump ins and full screen airdashes will be 5LK’d and will consequently kill you, fending off Felicia aggression comes down to not being in a bad position in the first place, but if you are then here are a few tips: Nero fatica will eat dashes and jump ins like hot cakes, but can be mortally punished, 2MK isn’t a trust worthy AA in this matchup, it will lose to jumps! Anti-aired got aired! Cool! Don’t mash on defense, do proper PBs and use DF DEFENSIVELY, don’t try to push it against Felicia, it will not work out.

TL;DR: pretty bad matchup that you’ll need a lot of experience to improve at.

Gallon (3-7)


Where as Felicia beats Jedah really well by keeping her ground and beating him there, Gallon beats Jedah in the air. Gallon’s air normals as simply fantastic against Jedah, neutral jumps go miles at stopping incoming pressure, 2MK is a great long range fast poke and Gallon’s dashes compliment his full screen ESBC/BC options extremely well, all getting interrupted in different timings that can punish each other. That being said, this is a pretty optimistic matchup, Jedah has great opportunities on this one, coupled with the fact Gallon is a very wide character with low health and no reversals, you will have a lot of good spots to put in work. If you’re playing a beast cannon heavy Gallon then you should be more patient, do backdash ES segas, backdash jHP and react to your opponent’s options. Grounded BCs can be punished on the ground and ES BCs can be punished on their way up via PB 5LP from Jedah, this is something we often take for granted as most characters either have to suck the ESBCs up or 1 hit GC it. If you play a more patient and reactive Gallon then you can slow play it with low airdashes, walks into pokes and playing around dio segas more. Although Gallon’s air normals are outstanding, Jedah can sometimes challenge them with a high airdash jHP, standing jab and walk up 2MK, this is also a good break as it will set you up very well for a mixup! You might be asking then, why is this such a bad matchup then, Mendy? Because these plans usually don’t work and being cornered is an actual death sentence, if you figure out a way to defend in the corner consistently, then maybe you can update this part of the wiki yourself!

TL;DR: Adapt to your opponent actively, get your PBs in check and strike viciously when given the chance, and you will get a chance.

Sasquatch (4-6~3-7)


I once said that this matchup is awful on paper, but even on the streets, what did i mean by this? I believe this one borders on 4-6, but is realistically a 3-7. Jedah’s strenghts can really shine vs Sasquatch, the main issue in this matchup is that Sasquatch’s strenghts shine really well vs Jedah, and his neutral tools often place him perfectly to exploit them. Sasquatch has strong pounces with dashing normals, can do a great job at punishing jump attempts and has vortex style pressure, this really grinds Jedah down. That being said! Sasquatch lacks a good enough anti-air to contest Jedah’s pressure! He’s also very wide! His reversal kinda goofy! He gets SLAUGHTERED by DF! These are fantastic news for Jedah, because it actually grants him solid advantage on pressure for guessing right, Jedah’s combos will hit on the correct timing to maintain control after a combo and loop pressure himself, his projectiles are hard to contest as Sasquatch and will go a long way in neutral as well, DF can be contest either by ES Ice Towers or neutral jumps, these can all be punished with either a reset or a falling combo which grants DF mixup opportunities, EXTREMELY dangerous for Sasquatch! Because of this, the matchup rating mostly comes down to the sort of RVR we’re dealing with, the RVR is skewed towards Sasquatch of course, but Jedah’s offense is very very tricky to deal with. As for neutral, you want to contest dashes with 2MKs, sometimes 5LPs and airdash jHPs, and enjoy space advantage with backdash/up back MP segas in neutral, use these to create your standard mixes. Be weary of a Sasquatch with meter! He will punish full screen projectiles!

As Jedah you must mix your offense and pressure all the time, bring out the secret spells from an old forgotten book of curses, squeeze every ounce of juice from this character and you will be rewarded.

TL;DR: You can do it! Trust yourself! PB his offense, AA his normals, and fight fiercely!

Q-Bee (4-6)


Just barely missing out a 3-7 score, if SA vs JE is even on the streets, then this is a winning matchup! As Jedah mains we must cling to every bit of advantage, if there’s hope then we can make it work, every single time, no matter the opponent, no matter the matchup. Q-Bee has great advantage vs Jedah, but not where she expects, she can’t “bully the low tier” by just spamming IADs, this plan will not work. She cannot “bully the low tier” by spamming grounded normals, this will also not work. Her advantage lies on how amazing chicken block float is as an approaching tool, as she gets hit too high by guard break strings to be properly guard broken, instead reversing the game by doing airdash jLP after blocking mid air, creating her own offense out of what should be a disadvantageous state. Once she’s in, she’s in. She can put in work. Jedah’s hopes here are the fact he has a great projectile to keep her away, he’s a mostly airborne character which makes it difficult for her to IAD in from neutral for free, 2MK and 5LP are great normals for contesting her aireal approaches (especially the most predictable kind) and because Jedah doesn’t get oki, he doesn’t even feel her annoying wake up timings! This is kind of an odd plus since not getting a knockdown is much worse, but if you play other characters vs Q-Bee, you’ll learn to appreciate this. Though guard breaking is risky, Jedah is pretty much the only character that can properly guard break a floating Bee, if you hit it just right then you can snipe her with 5LP on your way down. She’s extremely wide, extremely weak and lacks good enough reversals to always threaten na interrupt to Jedah’s pressure. My best tip, use 5MP as an anti jump to make her respect you! Then go to town. Remember that DF combos only work as jMPMKHK, don’t start with jLP! It will whiff!

TL;DR: If they’re slow with IADs, then poke them out with 5LP, take away their defensive jumps with 5MP and do lots of up back segas in neutral, use falling airdash jHPs to contest neutral IADs and these will sometimes grant you guard breaking opportunities. If they aren’t using float chicken blocks, then you should be winning this!

Aulbath (4-6)


This is a pretty good matchup for both characters. For Aulbath it’s good because... well, because he’s a better character! But for Jedah it feels good because he enjoys some great neutral space control, a low to the ground sega will prevent Fish from just dashing at him and will force him to either jump in if he wants to be aggressive, or sit patiently and neutral jump or throw out a sonic or gas, these can be exploited. In fact, there are many spots where Fish is vulnerable and can be targeted! You can chicken block sonics and gasses by jumping at them, following up with a jMP to punish, although this is risky. Because Fish has a lot of multi hit normals and is pretty preditable with his dashes, your GC will shine very bright against him. DF can be extremely clutch! Fish will default to throwing gaps in pressure to cancel light attacks into charge specials, you can DF between the lights and the specials for a DF + punish, guaranteeing a mixup on the ground, a very deadly mixup, just be careful because if you misinput the DF, you die! Very nice! Death!

You want to sit at the very limit of the midrange vs Fish, where lights and medium versions of sonic and gas won’t hit you and Fish can’t directly dash or jump in, in this range you want to keep jump ins and backdash airdashes in the back of your mind for approaching, as you wait to see what option Fish picks, when they throw out a charge move, they like to approach, so be ready with a GC or an anti-air! Remember that Fish is a pretty bad character defensively, when you’re already in, so don’t be scared to push it a little further against him.

TL;DR: Exploit the gaps Aulbath provides in neutral and on his offense, play patiently in grounded neutral.

Bulleta (4-6)


Mostly the same as fighting Aulbath, Bulleta has convenient gaps in neutral to exploit because of her missile game, jumping patterns and her need to dash in. Jedah has plenty of space to throw out projectiles, but can often struggle at approaching safely, Bulleta will enjoy full screen space for throwing out missiles and slow playing neutral, picking her spots for approaching, P missiles vs K missiles will create interesting mixes as well, as P missiles can be low profiled with 2MK and K missiles can be airdashed over, this will make “yomi” levels of gameplay which are fun to keep track off. Bulleta lacks proper anti-airs outside of LP missile, so you will see her use the very rare molotov special because of how annoying Jedah’s approaching angles are, if they don’t use this then you have a clearcut advantage on air approaching, if they do use it then be aware you can chicken block jMP it or, sometimes, go around it with airdashing. To deal with Bulleta’s dashing pressure, you must get good PBs and then make a decision. Poke her out of dashes, interrupt jumps with 5LP or 2MK them on their way down, IAD for a quick counter attack, DF to catch her dashing as well, all of these require experience and careful adaptation against your opponent. In pressure, you should keep 5MP as an anti-jump option in mind as well as getting your jump in guard breaks in check, this will serve as a pseudo-OS that can guard break if they jump, punish missile attempts and maintain pressure if you land on them blocking, this has it’s weaknesses as well, as it can be molotov’d (possibly on reaction) and simply walked/dashed under.

TL;DR: Get good PBs, IOH sequences can be interrupted by 5LP (except jMPHP) be decisive and pounce quickly, prevent her from jumping defensively for free.

Victor (4.5-5.5)


I’ve always felt like this one was either even or better for Jedah, but i respect the case for Victor having the very slight upper hand. Victor is a monster once you’re cornered, and his strong beefy normals that eat through everthing in his path are very scary, as they can set up his offense... somewhat, he’s extremely slow so it depends on where he is on the stage. Jedah has advantage once he’s in and he can control the pace of the game well, his DF is extremely oppressing and goes a long way at getting him out of disadvantageous positions like being cornered or being reset. Empty airdashes into ES sega are good at baiting out 2HP by Vic, you can also jump in Ira Spinta them, but use this very sparingly. Dashing pounces are outstanding when placed correctly, and with proper conditioning, as 66jHP in specific is god awful to deal with as Victor, it’s a massive jumping normal that hits three times and leaves Jedah very very plus. Being very tall, Victor can be DF looped, get hit by IAD double overheads very consistently and get sniped by jump-ins + jMP IOH sequences. In Victor’s advantage, he has massive normals in neutral, can really destroy Jedah once he corners him and has the biggest health bar in the game.

TL;DR: You will find this matchup feels very nice, just be careful not to run in head first into heavy charged normals.

Lilith (4.5-5.5)


There’s a case for this matchup being worst than this rating, i personally believe it’s 4-6 in Lilith’s favor, but the more responsible score is 4.5-5.5. Mostly a neutral game cold war for the most part, Lilith has pretty telegraphed approaches with superjumps and dashes, Jedah has solid tools to combat that, Lilith does however have TK LP fireball, this works like a jumping low fireball by Demitri, but a little weaker. WIth TK fireball, she halts any possibility of Jedah jumping in, dashing in, airdashing in and, sometimes, his ability to poke her out of it entirely. What Jedah can do against this is, sometimes, close the space by walking and trying to counter poke or set up a mix up, he can also just back off and throw an MP sega, making an argument for “haha, i have an annoying projectile too” and, funnily enough, Lilith can’t get past MP sega the same way Jedah can’t get past TK fireball. Both characters want to be approached, none of them want to approach, Lilith has LI confirms which grants her much better bang for her buck than Jedah and she has superior defense simply for the fact that she has a proper DP. These two details are what set Lilith at a clear advantage, even if it isn’t a massive one.

As Jedah, you want to Nero fatica super jumps on reaction, beat the bad super jumps out of her. You can check her dashes with 2LKs and 2MKs, backdash jHPs as well. On offense you should stay safe of DPs via the backdash OS mentioned on JE vs DE and keep up pressure, as getting back in is very annoying, plus Lilith has low health.

TL;DR: Boring even matchup, don’t get hit by LI and you should be better.

Bishamon (5-5)


There’s a case for this matchup being better for Jedah! This matchup would be a clear 6-4 for Jedah were it not for Bishamon’s amazing mixups and pressure. This one is very unique in that Jedah can freely play in the air and throw segas, completely setting the pace and can punish Bishamon for trying to push too hard and being impatient. Jedah’s jump ins are lethal, his DFs are extremely scary and can be placed on places where Bishamon will have no good answer to other than a GC, this can be heavily exploited. A sega in the middle of the stage halts Bishamon completely, he has no good answer to it, a careful approach to opening up this character is very necessary tho, as being air reset for a bad jump in will cause you to be UB’d by ESKD, into a Hayate Togakubi Sarashi. This really really hurts, i do not like this.

This matchup is very very complex and a good Jedah will show his talents in it, you have opportunities for flashy DF loops, for flashy dashlinks, Nero fatica punishes and San Bassale OS, perfect segas into supers and ES Spinta, all your tools are here, and because Jedah is so used to playing without half his kit, having everything avaiable will feel like you’re playing an 8-2 matchup, Bishamon mains will tell you the matchup certainly feels that way. As Jedah, you should be threatening with your air game, make them fearful of throwing karame damas in neutral by threatening jump ins and high airdashes, once you gain their respect in that sense, you can get neutral dashes on and enjoy the space advantage. Remember not to do combos ending in 2HP too much, as these are punishable on hit by low Iaai Giri.

Lei-Lei (5-5)


Unlike vs Bishamon, where an even matchup feels brutally winning, this feels brutally losing. Jedah has decent answers for every neutral option Lei-Lei has. She’s throwing pesky MP projectiles? You can walk forward or dash at her from full screen. She’s throwing pesky LP projectiles? Jump in chicken block OS. She’s airdashing full screen? 2MK. She’s airdashing in my face? 5LP. She’s camping with pendulum on top of the screen? Airdash jHP. Jedah has good answers for everything, but these options are often risky and finnicky, the main disadvantage for Jedah is that defending against Lei-Lei is hell, but that goes for everyone vs her, so who cares, right? Lei-Lei also struggles at defending against Jedah... but she struggles defending vs everyone, so who cares, right? She’s wide, weak and lacks any good reversal, employ a Q-Bee style pressure against her with occasional jump ins you’d use against Bulleta.

TL;DR: Don’t jump at projectiles, get your PBs on and don’t get approached for free, punish blocked TRH with 5MK.

Morrigan (5-5)


Borderline not winning for Jedah, Morrigan will be vulnerable at similar places where Fish would, if you see her projectile as a sort of bad sonic by Fish. You can challenge her air fireballs nicely with rising jMPs, these can be very dangerous tho. Her grounded zoning is very risky, as exposing herself to the longest jump-in in the game isn’t a good idea usually. What keeps MO from being clearly worst vs JE is the fact she can do DI confirms and has the second best DP in the game, this makes offense pretty daunting for Jedah. To compensate, she does really badly at approaching. Direct approaches with grounded dashes are pretty predictable and lose very clearly to 5LP and 2MK, coupled with not presenting much of a mixup behind them to begin with, even when opened up, Jedah gets hit by a chain combo at most. Her superjump/super jetdash is also pretty telegraphed and can be avoided entirely if you can react fast enough, literally just leave the situation.

TL;DR: Don’t let her approach for free, AA attempted dashes, throw projectiles for free and challenge her in the air when you’re confident about it.

Anakaris (6-4)


Finally a winning matchup! ...and it’s the only one. The previous matchup descriptions described this matchup as, and i quote “ This matchup is so free in so many ways I don't know where to start. Well, I guess I'll go over the one thing he can do before we proceed to learn how to make him a wrapped cloth punching bag mummy pinyata” Spelling piñata as “pinyata” is only more absurd than calling this matchup free. Do not underestimate Anakaris! Jedah has uncontested offense, amazing DF spots, free DF pressure and great hitboxes by his side for an advantage, but Anakaris has some of the best anti-air normals in the game and this really grinds Jedah down. Anakaris can pounce with dashes extremely well, in ranges where Jedah will like to sit to threaten dashes, Anakaris has very real, solid and mean mixups with pyramid dives and Jedah will eat them all day if he isn’t careful. The mummy is not to be underestimated.

As Jedah, you want to PB the first hit in neutral of Anakaris if you must, but attempt to get a sega on the screen to set the pace of the matchup. Jumping in against Anakaris is extremely finnicky and requires a lot of mixups behind it (i.e using Ira Spinta, jump in MP/ES sega) and only then can he properly jump in without getting hit by: 2HP, 5MP, 2MP, up back chicken block. Do not just jump against Anakaris, being AA’d and mixed afterwards can turn the game around completely. Anakaris can be annoying with moves like 5HP, waiting for dashes with 2MP, standing still and 2HP’ing jump ins and full screen ES curse. You can 2MK low profile 5HP and cobra blow, 2MPs can be baited by doing dash interrupt then whiff punishing, at certain ranges Jedah’s dashes are unreactable as well. Patient 2HP’ers can be hit with ES Ira Spinta or jump in ES sega’d for an easy neutral game win. ES curse can be chicken blocked into an airdash to punish Anakaris. If you DF against Anakaris, BE QUICK TO COME DOWN, he will start spamming 5MP to swat you down and this is very annoying to counter, do not give him time!

TL;DR: Mix you approaches properly, DF decisively, PB him out of mixup opportunities and enjoy your only winning matchup!
