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[[Image:colors-felicia.gif|frame|right|Costume Colors]]  
{{VSAV Character Intro|char=Felicia|content=
== Introduction ==
'''Felicia (フェリシア)''', Catwoman - ''Nekomata''
Abandoned at a very young age due to being a Darkstalker, she was taken in by Sister Rose and raised in a Catholic Orphanage. When Sister Rose passed away many years later, Felicia decided to set off to make the world a better and happier place, as well as achieve her greatest dream of being a famous dancer in Las Vegas. She got that fame, but decided that her fame and fortune would be better used to give back to the less fortunate, and used it to set up an orphanage for unfortunate children. However, before she could accomplish this, she was brought into the Majigen as one of the chosen souls - so for the time being, her plans will have to wait - as Jedah threatens the human world she cherishes so greatly.
'''Felicia''' is considered a "Jack of all trades" character who is effective on offense and defense in neutral while having great mobility. She is able to handle most of the cast well while also being competitive against the top tiers. If you like characters that are mobile like Blanka or Chun-Li as well as being practically a Swiss Army Knife for most situations, Felicia is a great choice.
== Gameplay ==
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'''Primary Objectives:'''
* Use your mobility to perfectly space your opportunities; AA's, oki, footsies, etc.
* Anti-air using her numerous exceptional tools
* Control the air with OS 9HP
* Approach and or pressure the opponent with Cat Spike
* Abuse her OS command throw
* Use your mobility to chase the opponent after knockdowns
* Utilize your dash to setup overhead or landing low attacks
* Jump off the wall to avoid being cornered
* Excellent mobility with the second fastest walk and jump speed
* Effective & reliable tools for managing neutral
* Shortest standing character in the game with some of the best anti airs in the game as well. This synergy makes her excel as an AA machine.
* Good chain combo damage, which allows many instances of using Toy Touch or ES Toy Touch.
* Renda chains on both lights make combo confirms more accessible.
* Her dash attack capability, while not as strong as some other characters, is still an overall effective tool.
* Has tons of option selects at her disposal. Examples include: 2HP being throw invul, far 5HK being low invul, 9HP OS into an air throw, and a strong command throw OS into close 5HK.
* Humongous reward with a successful Dark Force while in the corner position. Offensive damage up to a full bat
* Good matchups against most of the cast, and can hold her own against the top tier characters.
* Due to a bug, certain situations allow her to airblock attacks that normally could not be airblocked (a.k.a. Cat Guard)
* One of the slowest wake-ups. She is more susceptible to being chased on oki
* Invincibility is gated behind her meter
* Punishing an air-state opponent is usually a low damage scenario. for example, bait a Demon Cradle & your best option is a 2HK
== Movement ==
'''Walk:''' Good walk speed and average height.
'''Dash:''' Hop. Good for high/low mixups. Her mids are more useful than her heavies when using this dash. At the end of the dash Felicia has a 7F recovery window, but the latter 6 frames are special cancelable. Therefor it's possible (albeit difficult) to do things like deep d.MK 236LP. This dash is also short-stoppable. Tapping or holding back during the forward dash will end the dash sooner and maker her drop faster. This also makes links/cancels off of it much easier, though it's rather difficult to time a dashing attack after quickstoping the dash because she falls so quickly after the quickstop, but it is possible.
::''Frame Data inquiry''
::''JP-Frame data link''
::''Basic Summary is - The fastest case when you issue an attack 1F after the establishment of the short dash. (11F when counting from the dash)''
'''Jump:''' Great jump arc. Very fast and highly obnoxious.
'''Headsit:''' Jumping on a standing opponent will cause this move to activate, there's no real input for it. The headsit is cancelable into anything, a jump or air attack. While headsitting the opponent can also cancel it by doing anything, which will cause Felicia to rejump. However, the headsit activation will also cancel an opponent's attack regardless of what kind of attack it was, so long as it was considered standing at the time. For example, if the opponent tries an anti-air MP and you activate the headsit it will cancel their MP entirely.
*Head-Ride corner offense
'''Wall Cling:''' Pressing towards the wall when near the wall makes Felicia cling to it momentarily. If the direction is held she will eventually start to gradually slide down the wall, and at a certain height from the ground she will automatically dismount. Releasing the button dismounts her. Felicia can perform any normal jumping action after the dismount and can attack/airblock/headsit just like a normal jump. However, the dismount causes her to jump much further and faster than a normal jump, making it quite good for getting in on the opponent when alternated between normal jump and wall jump.
== Special Moves and Throws ==
=== Throws ===
=== Normal Moves ===
==== Standing Normals ====
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5LP</font>=====
| title = 5 LP
| input = 5LP
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Solid multi-purpose jab. Pretty decent range for a light attack, and has uses for AA'ing and stuffing dashes with a quick and dirty button. Can be used also to confirm into Catspike. You can use this for walking jab pressure as well, but while it has good frame data its not good enough to completely abuse this move like that.
This move will not hit crouching on Gallon, Lilith, Morrigan, Q-Bee.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5MP</font>=====
| title = 5 MP
| input = 5MP
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Useful in a pressure strings to catch jumpers. It is very effective as both a general AA and guard break after the opponent blocks an air-to-air chain. Aim to hit this at max range, or as early as possible (dependent on the context of what you are striking for). This can be used to frame trap opponents, and it works well for that purpose. Be careful on using this against opponents who can crouch under it.
This move will not hit crouching: Bulleta, Gallon, Lilith, Morrigan or Q-Bee.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5HP</font>=====
| title = 5 HP
| input = 5HP
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Hits three times. Not a very useful button when compared to the rest of Felicia's normals. In some chains, it has surprisingly high damage output, but outside of that, it is not very good as a move. It is also easy to guard cancel. This button is mostly a waste of time.
The second hit of this move will whiff on crouching Q-Bee.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5LK</font>=====
| title = 5 LK
| input = 5LK
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This attack is by far, one of the most powerful normals she has at her disposal, and argued to be one of the best AAs in the game. This will crush most mid to far range jump in attacks, and there are very few normals it will outright lose to. Great as a guard break after getting your opponent in an air-to-air block string.
On hit, recovery from Far 5LK is so fast you have more than enough time to set up a high/low with a dash overhead or a 2LK/2HK low attack. Depending how close they were when you hit them you can even walk forward and go for it. Since it's also a light attack, you can rapid fire it on whiff to put up a bit of a wall. Be wary about abusing this though, since you will not really be moving, and you may find yourself in a bad predicament if you mess up your AA attempt.
The dangerous aspect of using this normal is when the opponent is so close that this turns into a Close 5LK, which has no anti-air properties what-so-ever. Get accustomed to the range that this turns into a Close 5LK so you don't get it on accident and eat a huge jump in combo.
This move will only hit crouching: Bishamon, Victor.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5MK</font>=====
| title = 5 MK
| input = 5MK
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Another incredibly powerful normal. Amazing long poke that dominates the mid range game. After training your opponent to stay grounded with a strong anti-air defense, you can control their approach on the ground with this alone, if you choose.

Great for catching characters out of their jump start up as well. Inserting this at the end of a pressure string or when you have a bit of frame advantage is a great way to catch jumpers. Space it out so you'll hit them with the tip. This attack also has great frame trap properties as well, which can be used with either your MP or another MK.

This move will not hit crouching Q-Bee.

== Introduction ==
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5HK</font>=====
Felicia (フェリシア), the Catwoman (Nekomata). Felicia is a fast character that comes equipped with a wide variety of good normal moves both in the air and on the ground. Felicia is generally regarded as one of the less technical yet solid characters in the game, since she can hold her own while relying on the basics. Many of her attacks are "all-purpose", have good range and speed, and very good hitboxes. If you enjoy jumping around a lot and using normal pokes to beat the opponent out of their own attacks then Felicia might be the character for you. To play Felicia you will need some sense of footsies and dash mixups, though simply learning her move properties can take you a long way.
| title = 5 HK
| input = 5HK
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Hits twice.
*Lower Body Invincible for 13 frames
This has the most range out of any of Felicia's attacks by far. Mostly used as a long range poke by utilizing the second hit or as an ender for your chains to move you back farther. There is lower body invincibility starting on the 5th frame may come in handy in some cases, but that often will not come into play. The only major weakness of this attack is that it is really slow. It is the slowest attack she has in her kit. Additionally, it can be potentially guard cancelled, especially if both hits of the attack connect while the opponent is blocking.
The first hit of this move will whiff on crouching Q-Bee.
==== Close Normals ====
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5LK</font>=====
| title = Close 5LP
| input = cl.5LP
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Best frame advantage out of all of Felicia's normals. The Renda Bonus value is incredible, to the point where it can even be used in Buckler combos if you desire.
Good for guard breaking opponents that are low to the ground in the corner.
At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5LP.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5MP</font>=====
| title = Close 5MP
| input = cl.5MP
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This is basically a slower, but stronger version of Close LP, with less frame advantage. Good move overall, but otherwise unremarkable.
At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5MP.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5HP</font>=====
| title = Close 5HP
| input = Cl.5HP
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Hits two times.
This is a move that is best used to hit low crouchers (i.e. Q.Bee, Morrigan, Lilith) in order to prevent them from jumping out. It is unsafe on hit and guard, so be sure to cancel it into a 2HK on block or when it hits a grounded opponent.
At 32 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5HP.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.LK</font>=====
| title = Close 5LK
| input = Cl.5LK
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This move often comes out as a result of a botched stand LK. This move has no AA properties whatsoever. That said, it could be a good indicator to tell you to stop pressing buttons if you see it come out during an AA attempt.
This move however, is pretty much outclassed by crouch LK, in almost every regard.
There may be more use to the move than what it lets off, but that is to be explored. This move otherwise is a waste of time.
At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5LK.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5MK</font>=====
| title = Close 5MK
| input = cl.5MK
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Felicia's highest damage special cancelable normal. If you want to combo into this off of a jump in attack, you must jump in very deep.
An option select button for her kick throw, as well as her command throw. This will hit every crouching character, unlike her Close 5HK, so if you don't think a short opponent is going to jump this may be a safer option incase you mistime your throw attempt.
At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5MK.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5HK</font>=====
| title = Close 5HK
| input = cl.5HK
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Amazing option select button for Felicia's Kick Throw and Command Throw, and great AA for opponents that are on top of you jumping. By far her best option when you have an opponent cornered. If you guess correctly, she can either grab the opponent with a throw/command throw, or hit an opponent with Close 5HK while they are attempting to jump out. If they are hit at all by Close 5HK, Felicia recovers so fast she can set up a dash overhead/low mix-up, or even cross under the opponent for a left/right mix-up while in the corner. Due to the massive frame advantage that applies even to grounded opponents. The only major weakness to this button is against opponents that can crouch it, or opponents that jump higher than the move reaches.
Also works as a guard break after an air chain against cornered opponents who are high in the air.
This move will only hit crouching: Anakaris, Aulbath, Bishamon, Demitri, Jedah and Victor.
These characters can jump higher than this move can reach: Anakaris, Felicia, Gallon, Jedah, Victor, Zabel

Primary objective: Spam j.MK/j.HP/j.HK, dash in mixups into Buckler/cmd-grab.
At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5HK.

== Normal Moves ==
==== Crouching Normals ====

'''LP:''' Tail slap. Very good range and speed for a jab, however this whiffs most crouching characters which limits it's uses. Even worse, it's neutral on hit and -1f on block. The main point of this move is to knock some one out of a jump attack or after an airblock since it reaches fairly high and far very quickly.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2LP</font>=====
| title = 2 LP
| input = 2LP
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This is a bit outshined by 2LK when it comes to a starter attack for a ground chain, but the extra frame advantage makes this very useful for linking into 2MP or when attempting a tick throw.

'''MP:''' Claw smack. Cancelable. Whiffs most crouching characters, use sparingly.  
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2MP</font>=====
| title = 2 MP
| input = 2MP
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A very good button. Useful as a poke, an anti-air and it's your go-to button when it comes to special cancels.

'''HP:''' Double slash. This attack has deceptive range, and an incredibly good hitbox, and is safe on block (advantageous, actually). But being a 3-hit move makes it GC/Tech bait, as the opponent has plenty of time to react. Mainly this is good for poking since the hitbox is just outstanding and hits just about everywhere, but to avoid GC/Techs it's a good idea to chain to c.HK
When anti-airing, you want to hit them with the tip of her paw so it works best from a long distance jump in. After an air reset, you can immediately do a dash hop overhead attack, or walk forward slightly and do a 2HK low.

'''LK:''' Upper kick. The upwards angle of this move makes it seem worthless at first, but it's one of her better anti-air options due to it's high reach and extremely fast speed. It does whiff crouching characters though, so about the only time you'll ever want to use it is when the opponent is in the air.  
Some characters have a ridiculously difficult time just getting around this normal to start an offense.

'''MK:''' Front kick. This move has slightly more range than HP and it's also safe on block so it's quite good as a poke. Unfortunately it's not cancelable so it's main use is simply as a poke. Fortunately it covers the main area you'd be worried about in regards to ground dashes and hop/rise dashes, so this is a fairly solid move for keeping people out when you know they will try to advance.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2HP</font>=====
| title = 2 HP
| input = 2HP
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Though an incredible anti-air in both hitbox and active frames, the fact Felicia is considered airborne (15f) during it gives 2HP a few interesting properties.  

'''HK:''' Toe stab. This move it pretty ridiculous and one of Felicia's main gimmicks. The range is quite outstanding and it has lower-body invulnerability (allowing it to go over lows) once Felicia gets up on her tail. This is great for stuffing pokes and for using during staggers to beat mashing. In general this is a beat-all move that you can throw out when you have advantage and you know your opponent won't jump over it.
*Since 2HP puts Felicia in an airborne state, it is possible for the opponent to just air block this normal like they could any air-to-air attack. It's hard for many characters to really punish this, but be careful when using it on those with air dashes and on a cornered opponent.

'''n.LP:''' Left claw. Unlike the far version, this one will hit most crouching characters. Even better, it's highly advantageous on hit/block, being her most advantageous move at +9/+8 (it gains one extra renda bonus frame).  
*If Felicia is hit during the airborne state of this move, she is air reset rather than just taking the hit on the ground which limits the opponents combo potential if this move is mistimed.

'''n.MP:''' Right claw. Cancelable, advantageous, good hitbox. Decent move. Good for OS'ing punch throw.
*Being airborne means that Felicia cannot be thrown, which makes it potentially useful against things like Demitri's EX Throw moves. However, due to it being 6 frames before she becomes airborne it's not a guaranteed escape.

'''n.HP:''' Uppercut. This move has kind of a wonky hitbox, it's good for OS'ing normal throw because it's a two hit move. Both hits connect fairly low so it can hit most crouching characters, though the second hit also hits very high in the air and is able to tag jumpouts. However, it's disadvantageous on block, and being two-hit it's tech/GC bait. Use this for normal throw OS'ing and chain into n.HK or c.HK of you don't grab or anti-air with it.
*It is not possible to chain out of this move into either hard kick attack.

'''n.LK:''' Shin kick. Unlike the far version this hits pretty low to the ground and can hit crouchers. Decent move overall but not nearly as advantageous as n.LP.
Out of all her anti-airs, 2HP is the most useful when the opponent is doing a deep jump in or making a cross up attempt. If this hits the opponent, you have enough time after the air reset to do a high/low mix-up like with her other anti-airs. Since the opponent is usually air reset close enough to you that you can actually walk forward and do a 2LK instead of relying solely on her 2HK for the low mix-up.

'''n.MK:''' Kneebutt. Cancelable, advantageous, good hitbox. Decent move. Good for OS'ing kick throws.
This move will not hit crouching: Bulleta, Felicia, Gallon, Lei-Lei, Lilith, Morrigan, Q-Bee, Sasquatch or Zabel.

'''n.HK:''' Upper kick. In terms of throw OS'ing this one isn't nearly as useful as n.HP because it whiffs crouching opponents and you can't chain cancel it into anything since it's a HK, but it can be used for OS'ing her command grab since it's a good anti-jump. This is also one of Felicia's moves that causes a knockup/reset ("launches") on hit, so if you manage to hit a standing/tall-croucher with it you'll get a good reset into mixup. Still, kara-cancelling her close HP into her cmd grab input is probably a better OS and you can still chain to HK on failed attempts.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2LK</font>=====
| title = 2 LK
| input = 2LK
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The starter for most of Felicia's ground chain combos. Range is noticeably good for a light attack.

'''c.LP:''' Low scratch. Links into c.MP, which allows you to combo rolls or scratches. Not as good range as c.LK but more advantage on hit/block, so this will be your main tick/stagger/link move.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2MK</font>=====
| title = 2 MK
| input = 2MK
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Despite being a crouching kick attack, this does not hit low. This move hits pretty much the same space as 2MP, but the overall frame data on 2MK is much worse. Though, depending on positioning the hitbox may be slightly more useful as an anti-air.

'''c.MP:''' Low lunge. Hits mid, like all of Felicia's mids and heavies (except c.HK). However, the main use of this is for either defensive or combos. It hits all over the place in front of her and cancels into rolls or scratches. You can link into it from c.LP (two frame link). The hitbox is surprisingly good, great for tagging dash-ins (hops or floats) and general poking. It can even sometimes also be used as an anti-air. This is her basic go-to move.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2HK</font>=====
| title = 2 HK
| input = 2HK
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A pretty amazing sweep. Great range and hits low. Use this in conjunction the rest of her amazing footsie game. Mixing this in when your opponent thinks you'll go for a dash hop overhead is vital.

'''c.HP:''' Blender. Takes her off the ground part-way through the animation, but not instantly. Once off the ground she's in an airborne state, so she can go over lows, can't be thrown, and will be reset if she's hit. This is also her other move that causes knockup/reset (launches) on hit. The hitbox is mostly vertical so it whiffs crouching characters, but it's a pretty decent anti-air or anti-crossup. This can also be used as a panic button when the opponent is rushing down, but it's not fail-safe so use sparingly.  
The guard advantage is surprisingly good for this kind of attack.

'''c.LK:''' Low toe. Decent low short. More range but less advantage than c.LP.
==== Jumping Normals ====

'''c.MK:''' Similar in nature to her c.MP, however the c.MK is not advantageous on hit/block unlike c.MP. It's also a frame slower in startup speed, so it's not as linkable. Still, it is cancelable and has roughly the same hitbox so it has similar uses in terms of poking and defense.  
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">J.LP</font>=====
| title = J LP
| input = J.LP
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Not the most useful button but it can do a couple things. Depending on your opponents jump height it may work decently as an air-to-air block string starter.

'''c.HK:''' Sweep. Good range for a sweep, and since Felicia's mids don't hit low, this is her only option for hitting low outside of c.LP/c.LK.  
Out of all her air normals j.LP has the best potential for a cross up. As a cross up attack it's not great, works well on the especially fat characters(Gallon, Lei-Lei, Q-Bee), but it generally requires very precise aiming to hit and even then it won't work on most of the cast properly. It can be difficult to incorporate this properly into your game plan, and empty cross ups in Savior can be dangerous so use this with caution.

'''j.LP:''' One claw. Standard jumping jab.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">J.MP</font>=====
| title = J MP
| input = J.MP
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Hits two times.

'''j.MP:''' Two claws. Because this hits twice it has some pretty good uses as a dash attack or normal jump attack. Mostly for hitconfirming but also in air battles. Good hitbox on it, too.
A multi-hit jump in attack. Its primary use is during her dash hop; being the easiest out of her jump normals to link from. Refer to the combo section for more information on this.

'''j.HP:''' Down swipe. Awesome jumping attack. A total bastard move and easy to abuse. Not as useful as a dashing attack, but really great for just normal jumping and wallbouncing. Good for airbattles due to range and possibility of OS'ing into airthrow.
Option selects into an air throw. When attempting an air throw, this is a little bit of a better option than her j.HP air throw option select.

'''j.LK:''' Heel. Standard jumping short.
The second hit of j.MP has the same cross up potential as j.LP (refer to that for more info). You can actually hit the button early, whiff the first hit and have the second hit as a cross up.

'''j.MK:''' Kungfu Kick. Really great hitbox on this, possibly better than her heavy attacks. Beats a lot of anti-airs and it's quite speedy. Good for just about anything.
Useful during air-to-air block-strings.

'''j.HK:''' Arch kick. Similar to her j.HP, but not as good for air battles due to lack of potential of OS airthrow and because you can't chain after it. Not as useful as a dash attack as her mids. In general you'd use this rather sparingly.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">J.HP</font>=====
| title = J HP
| input = J.HP
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One of the single best jump in attacks in the game. Covers a wide range and the hitbox extends far past the hurt box. Using this from a neutral jump or well spaced forward jump can be extremely difficult to deal with, especially with Felicia's fast jump speed.

== Command Normal Moves ==
Option selects into an air throw, though j.MP is a better option if you are explicitly aiming for an air throw.

'''P Throw:''' Cat scratch. Mashable, forces reset. Not particularly good for a throw since the opponent can wiggle out, and the damage is negligible. But you may end up using it a lot because close MP and close HP are good option selects for throw/anti-jump.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8J.LK</font>=====
| title = 8J LK
| input = 8J.LK
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Felicia's second best jump in attack to be used on grounded opponents. This actually extends further down than her j.HP, but has a much smaller hitbox and doesn't have as favorable of a hurtbox. Used mostly if you want to do a 2 hit air chain when jumping in on shorter opponents. A great button to press after chicken guarding an opponents air attack.

'''K Throw:''' Rolling toss. Good damage and tosses them really far, great throw in general. You can sometimes
From a neutral jump j.LK can be used as an instant overhead on: Anakaris, Aulbath(Hardest), Bishamon, Demitri, Jedah and Victor.
Jumping with 7 or 9 Will slightly alter the frame data

'''Air Throw:''' Air toss. Really great airthrow. Exceptional range and vertical reach. Decent damage. Easy to pursuit or OTG scratch after. If teched it sets the opponent backwards which makes it difficult/impossible to reversal after, giving you a free oki.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8J.MK</font>=====
| title = 8J MK
| input = 8J.MK
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Has a bit of use out of a dash hop, but you need to delay attacking with j.MK out of it if you want to link into a ground combo.
Jumping with 7 or 9 Will slightly alter the frame data

'''Pursuit:''' Bounce. Sets Felicia on the opposite side of the opponent on hit, so it's not particularly good if you knock the opponent into the corner, or else you'll end up in the corner. On the other hand, if your back was to the corner you can get out of the corner using this. ES version does more hits and a bit more recoverable damage, no actual damage. Generally speaking this isn't really as useful as her scratch OTG.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8J.HK</font>=====
| title = 8J HK
| input = 8J.HK
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Felicia's furthest extending jump attack. When used from a forward jump it can be more susceptible to anti-air than her other normals because the hitbox doesn't extend very far downward, but j.HK still has its uses.

== Movement ==
From a long distance hop this can be a quick overhead or poke. Good as an air-to-air poke from a neutral jump, not so much from a forward jump though since you can't chain out of it. It also works excellently in blockstrings in the air.
Jumping with 7 or 9 Will slightly alter the frame data

'''Walk:''' Good walk speed and average height.
==== Normal Throws ====

'''Dash:''' Hop. Good for high/low mixups. Her mids are more useful than her heavies when using this dash. At the end of the dash Felicia has a 7F recovery window, but the latter 6 frames are special cancelable. Therefor it's possible (albeit difficult) to do things like deep d.MK 236LP. This dash is also short-stoppable. Tapping or holding back during the forward dash will end the dash sooner and maker her drop faster. This also makes links/cancels off of it much easier, though it's rather difficult to time a dashing attack after quickstoping the dash because she falls so quickly after the quickstop, but it is possible.  
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">6MP or 6HP</font>=====
| title = P THROW
| input = 6MP or 6HP
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Felicia's punch throw. It is a hold, meaning that it can be mashed for more damage, and it can be counter-mashed by the opponent to reduce the damage. This is not a very good throw for Felicia to use, as she has access to better ones (literally any of her other throws) that are far more useful, and stable in damage. You may get this on accident, but that's about the only reason that you would use this throw. This throw is a waste of time.  

'''Jump:''' Great jump arc. Very fast and highly obnoxious.
Frame advantage on hit and tech varies depending on the character:
*+2f: Anakaris
*+3f: Jedah, Victor
*+4f: Bishamon, Bulleta, Demitri, Gallon, Lilith, Morrigan, Sasquatch, Zabel
*+5f: Aulbath, Felicia, Lei-Lei, Q-Bee

'''Headsit:''' Jumping on a standing opponent will cause this move to activate, there's no real input for it. The headsit is cancelable into anything, a jump or air attack. While headsitting the opponent can also cancel it by doing anything, which will cause Felicia to rejump. However, the headsit activation will also cancel an opponent's attack regardless of what kind of attack it was, so long as it was considered standing at the time. For example, if the opponent tries an anti-air MP and you activate the headsit it will cancel their MP entirely.  
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">6MK or 6HK</font>=====
| title = K THROW
| input = 6MK or 6HK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Felicia's kick throw. This is by far the better of the two basic throws that Felicia has. Not only does it have great corner carry, it also leave her in a better spot in case of a teched throw compared to the punch throw. It also has the ability to be option selected with her close HK, which is a powerful tool to have at your disposal in case of people attempting to jump out. You opt to always do this as your basic non-command throw option.  

'''Wall Cling:''' Pressing towards the wall when near the wall makes Felicia cling to it momentarily. If the direction is held she will eventually start to gradually slide down the wall, and at a certain height from the ground she will automatically dismount. Releasing the button dismounts her. Felicia has freeaction after the dismount and can attack/airblock/headsit just as a normal jump. However, the dismount causes her to jump much further and faster than a normal jump, making it quite good for getting in on the opponent when alternated between normaljump and walljump.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">J.6P or J.4P</font>=====
| title = AIR THROW
| input = J.6P or J.4P
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Essentially the same thing as her Kick throw, but done in the air. It does identical damage and corner carry to the Kick throw. This is a great throw to catch people with if you are airborne at the same time as the opponent, especially if the opponent is airblock-happy. Easy to pursuit or OTG scratch after. If teched it sets the opponent backwards which makes it difficult/impossible to reversal after, giving you a free oki.

== Specials ==
=== Special Moves ===

'''Meter Charge (sp-taunt) - 22KK:''' Holdable taunt. Felicia will constantly build meter while charging the taunt. Ironically though, it's not quite as good at building meter as her other options, such as air whiff chaining or ground kara-cancelling.
==== Hell Cat ====

''' Rolling Bunkler - 236P, P:''' A two part roll attack. First part is a one hit ball roll that goes under fireballs and high hitting attacks. Pressing P again will cause a followup uppercut scratch that can hit twice. The followup uppercut can be performed during the roll or even after the roll hits the opponent, allowing the roll and uppercut to combo with each other for three hits or allowing you to cancel the roll early. This is her basic combo move as it's fast and causes knockdown, plus decent damage. However, neither the roll nor the uppercut are safe on block with any version, so use with caution.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">632[4]K</font>=====
| title = HELL CAT
| input = 632[4] MK or HK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Felicia's command throw. This is a good tool for her to be able to open people up if you catch them in a situation to do so. This can also be option selected by Close HK if the opponent attempts to neutral jump you. This is especially useful and dangerous if she has you cornered.  

* '''(L Version)''' Short slow roll, very low and fast uppercut.
2F startup makes this pretty useful off a dash-in, jump-in, or whatever other tick setup. It does pretty good damage so use it plenty.
* '''(M Version)''' Medium range and speed, medium uppercut height.
* '''(H Version)''' Long range and fast speed, high uppercut height.
* '''(ES Version)''' Very long range and fast speed. ball roll can hit up to four times. Uppercut is very high, hits three times.

''' Cat Spike - 623P:''' Ball pop move. This move is safe on block/hit for all normal versions. The ball itself doesn't actually do anything for the normal versions, but rather the scratch itself is the attack. Because this moves Felicia forward and is advantageous on hit/block it's a pretty decent move to use during pressure or to set up tickthrow OS'ing.  
It is noteworthy that this command throw actually makes two throw attempts in one attack. (active on frame 3 for one frame, disappears for 5 frames, and active on frame 9 for one frame again.)
Hits a little harder than the M and H Hellcat. This is one of the few times Felicia gets to really use her meter. If you get the opportunity to use this, opt for this command throw.

* '''(L Version)''' Short quick scratch. Combos off her mids. Good for tick throwing or pressure.
It is noteworthy that this command throw actually makes two throw attempts in one attack. (active on frame 3 for one frame, disappears for 5 frames, and active on frame 9 for one frame again.)
* '''(M Version)''' Jumping scratch.
* '''(H Version)''' Bigger jumping scratch.
* '''(ES Version)''' The ball itself is the attack in this version. Felicia spikes the ball like a volley ball (hence the name), and once spiked it becomes a projectile attack.

''' Delta Kick - 623K:''' An upperkick followed by a divekick. This move actually doesn't have much use outside of GC. It has no INV and isn't particularly comboable, nor is it safe on block. Use sparingly, if at all.
It seems like some characters get thrown away further than others. Some you can follow up with a Toy Touch afterwards and others not. '''Make a proper list'''

* '''(L Version)''' Low upperkick. The knee will combo with the dive if point blank, but can sometimes also fail.
==== Buckler ====
* '''(M Version)''' Medium upperkick. This version can sometimes combo with the dive against cornered opponents at point blank, but will sometimes fail.
* '''(H Version)''' High upperkick. The divekick almost never combos with the knee, making this version really worthless.
* '''(ES Version)''' This version will cause Felicia to do five rapid kicks during her divekick rather than just two, which makes it slightly more useful for chipping. However, it's fairly easy tech/GC bait so even this version doesn't get used much.
* '''(GC Version)''' This version gains 12F startup inv, which is good because the first hit is 7F startup. Not a particularly bad GC, but the followup divekick makes it counter-GC or DP bait if the first hit whiffs. Still, because of the inv and fast startup it has it's uses, just make sure the first hit connects.

''' Hell Cat (throw) - 624K (close):''' Felicia spins on the opponent like a scratch post for several scratch hits before tossing.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">236LP</font>=====
| title = LP BUCKLER
| input = 236LP
| images =

* '''(M Version)''' 2F startup makes this pretty useful off a dash-in, jump-in, or whatever other tick setup. It does pretty good damage so use it plenty.
| hitboxes =
* '''(H Version)''' Same as M version.
* '''(ES Version)''' Despite how it looks, this version only does slightly more damage and slightly more recoverable damage. Thus, is probably not worth the meter.
| info =
A two part roll attack. First part is a one hit ball roll that goes under fireballs and high hitting attacks. Pressing P again will cause a follow up uppercut scratch that can hit twice. The follow up uppercut can be performed during the roll or even after the roll hits the opponent, allowing the roll and uppercut to combo with each other for three hits or allowing you to cancel the roll early. This is her basic combo move as it's fast and causes knockdown, plus decent damage. However, neither the roll nor the uppercut are safe on block with any version, so use with caution.

== Supers ==
This move also sees use as a way to chase the opponent after a throw, or to use the followup as an AA (even though it is airblockable, this attack has a very good hitbox that beats a lot of jumpins. Requires you to have aim for it, and for the opponent to be constantly pressing buttons in the air.)
Short slow roll, very low and fast uppercut.
Medium range and speed, medium uppercut height.
Long range and fast speed, high uppercut height.
Very long range and fast speed. ball roll can hit up to four times. Uppercut is very high, hits three times.

''' Dancing Flash - 426PP:''' A super version of her Rolling Buckler. However, the roll itself can't be canceled once started. But rather, there is an auto-combo followup if the ball hits. This has 13F startup which is slower than any of her other Rolling Bucklers, but the ball itself also moves about as fast and as far as the ES version, making it pretty speedy. However, on block this move has quite a lot of recovery, making it easily punishable. Therefor it's best to combo it off a dashin or medium strength attack. Generally: d.MK, or d.MP, or c.MP into super. It may be tempting to some beginner players to just toss this out randomly rather than hitconfirming it, but it will definitely get you killed against most good players, so never use this outside of a combo.
==== Cat Spike ====

''' Please Help Me - 426KK:''' There's actually three versions of this move, depending on what button combination you used to activate it. Regardless, all three versions are stupidly risky and not comboable unless Felicia's back is to the corner and the opponent is point blank. That means this move is almost worthless. Felicia will not end the "tasukete" pose until the cat either hits or leaves the screen, which is why this move is so punishable and risky. If the opponent blocks the cat and it will take the cat a long time to exit the screen then Felicia is pretty bunch screwed. It may be tempting to some beginner players to just toss this out randomly, but it will definitely get you killed against most good players, so never use this. Unless you are going to die anyway and you feel like throwing away the round/match on a gamble.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">623LP</font>=====
| title = LP CAT SPIKE
| input = 623LP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Ball pop move that is really useful for pressure and for combos; This is one of the specials you should use all the time. This move is safe on block/hit for all normal versions and can be used to pressure opponents, or can be used to set up tick throw attempts. The ball itself doesn't actually do anything for the normal versions, but rather the scratch itself is the attack.

* '''(LK+MK Version)''' The cat runs across the ground. On block the cat will backflip her way off the screen in the opposite direction she came from (back towards Felicia's corner). On whiff the cat will exit the screen.  
Note that even though the MP and HP versions are airborne, THEY ARE NOT OVERHEADS, AND CAN BE BLOCKED CROUCHING.
* '''(LK+HK Version)''' The cat drops down from Felicia's corner in the upper part of the screen and falls to about midscreen. On block she will bounce off the opponent then run back towards Felicia's corner. On whiff the cat will land and start running for Felicia's corner.
* '''(MK+HK Version)''' The cat jumps across the screen with a long jump arc, starting from just behind Felicia's head to almost the other end of the screen. On block the cat will bounce off the opponent and then run back toward's Felicia's corner. In rare cases if the opponent moves the screen while the cat is still bouncing it can "fall off" the far edge of the screen, ending the move. On whiff the cat lands and runs back towards Felicia's corner.
Short quick scratch. Combos off her mids. Good for tick throwing or pressure. This move is air-state unblockable.
Jumping scratch. Unable to combo into it, but works well for throwing off the opponents tech attempt. When the MP version hits crouching opponents, it is possible link combo off of it.
Similar to the MP version, but Felicia goes much further. Needs to be performed from long range, otherwise you'll just go sailing over your opponent.
The ball itself is the attack in this version. Felicia spikes the ball like a volley ball (hence the name), and once spiked it becomes a projectile attack. Destroys most other projectile attacks. Very slow and not a very useful attack. This move is overall a waste of time.

== Dark Force ==
==== Delta Kick ====

''' Cat Helper: Kitty the Helper - Same strength P + K'''
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">623K</font>=====
| title = DELTA KICK
| input = 623K
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
An upperkick followed by a divekick. Used primarily as a GC, but can be used for pressure IF AIMED ON THE LAST TWO HITS; It is unsafe if all three hits connect on block (very similar to some of the fundamental uses tied behind Demitri's Bat Spin). Note that it has no invincibility outside of Guard Cancel. The guard cancel version is extremely useful, but must be performed close to the opponent. It can be easily baited otherwise.
Low upperkick. The knee will combo with the dive if point blank, but can sometimes also fail.
Medium upperkick. This version can sometimes combo with the dive against cornered opponents at point blank, but will sometimes fail.
High upperkick. The dive-kick almost never combos with the knee. This version is not particularly used.
This version will cause Felicia to do five rapid kicks during her dive-kick rather than just two, which makes it slightly more useful for chipping. However, it's fairly easy tech/GC bait so even this version doesn't get used much.

* '''(Any Version)''' A little cat will follow Felicia around and attack after Felicia does. The jump arc of the little cat is based on the strength of attack you use. Jab is narrow and low, Fierce is wide and high. It is possible to create combo loops by using the delayed hit from the helper to link another attack string.
==== Guard Cancel ====

== Strategies ==
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">623LK</font>=====
| title = DELTA KICK GC
| input = 623K
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
This version gains 13F startup invulnerability, which is good because the first hit is 7F startup. Not a particularly bad GC, but the follow up dive-kick makes it counter-GC or DP bait if the first hit whiffs. Still, because of the invulnerability and fast startup it has it's uses, just make sure the first hit connects. The very first active frame of the ES Guard Cancel version is unblockable.

== Combos ==
==== Taunt ====
Note: "+" means you must link the move from the preceding one.

- c.lp, xx ES roll: her most damaging combo. not too damaging but it does make the
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">22KKK</font>=====
opponent feel uncomfortable.
| title = Taunt
| input = 22KKK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Holdable taunt. Felicia will constantly build meter while charging the taunt. Ironically though, it's not quite as good at building meter as her other options, such as air whiff chaining or ground kara-cancelling.  

- dash mp, +ES roll: time to time the ES roll while she's still in the air, then press the
==== Pursuits ====
punches as soon as you se her recover on land.

- after reset or opponent's wake up, meaty late dash mk, xx ES roll.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8P or 8K</font>=====
| title = PURSUIT
| input = 8P or 8K
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Bounce. Sets Felicia on the opposite side of the opponent on hit, so it's not particularly good if you knock the opponent into the corner, or else you'll end up in the corner. On the other hand, if your back was to the corner you can get out of the corner using this. ES version does more hits and a bit more recoverable damage, no actual damage. Generally speaking this isn't really as useful as her scratch OTG.  

- c.lp her most damaging normal chain combo that reaches far. if you're too
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">22P</font>=====
far after a few ticks just go with c.lp
| title = TOY TOUCH
| input = 22P
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Your go-to pursuit in the corner. Normal versions are fast, allowing you to recover quick if you're late on a hit; ES Toy Touch does the most damage (4 white, 8 red) and reaches further than the normal Toy Touches, making it preferable in most situations. Remember that the Toy is the hitbox, and not Felicia's claw. This can cause whiffs if done too close, so you may need to readjust your position.  

- c.lp, two chains here connected. this is for smaller crouch characters
==== Ex Moves ====
that whiff the other chain combo. like gallon, q-bee.

- simple meaty chain if you're having trouble with wakeup timings.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">412[6]PP</font>=====
| input = 412[6]PP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
An EX move similar to her Rolling Buckler. On hit it goes into an auto-combo animation.  

- jump in or neutral jump punish with (j.lp), land xx ES roll: use this if you
*Compared to her ES Rolling Buckler, this travels much further, but has a longer startup time. The most stand out difference however is that this has some frames of startup invincibility. If used well this can be considered a reversal attack, however it is not without risk as the invincibility does not last until her first active frame. There is more than enough time to interrupt Dancing Flash by a stray hit or late throw. Watch out for moves that have an extremely active hitbox as well. This is a good move, just don't use it without thought or care. On block it is extremely punishable.
jumped with a neutral for mixup or are jumping in and know you will land a hit.

-d.fp,, lp hopslash/mp rollingbuckler
*Usable in combos the same way Rolling Buckler is, though generally getting all the hits from an ES Rolling Buckler will do more damage in most combos., +c.mkXXES rolling buckler
*It's possible to use this as a corner escape if you read a jump in from your opponent.

-c.lp,, +c.mpXXDancing flash
*8f Invincibility applications

-c.mkXXplease help me(lk+mk)
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">412[6]LK+MK</font>=====
*make sure you know how PHM works w/ the distancing of the buttons you press.
*works only w/ your back to the corner
| input = 412[6]LK+MK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
There are three versions of this move, depending on what button combination used to activate it.

-DF, [s.mkXXlp hopslash<catmidget hits>]xN, rolling buckler
One of the riskiest moves in the game, for not much payoff. Though it seems to be a favorite of many new players, it is very ill advisable to use outside of a few very specific punishes. On whiff or block, Felicia remains immobile until the kitten exits the screen, giving this the worst recovery out of any move in the game.

-DF, [+c.lp,,<cat midget hits>, walk forward]xN, Dancing flash near end
The "safest" of the three versions if used as a gamble would probably be the LK+HK one since the kitten leaves the screen quickest on both block and whiff. It isn't very effective outside of Felicia being in the corner with the opponent close to her though.
The kitten runs across the ground. On block the kitten will backflip her way back towards Felicia's corner and off the screen. On whiff the kitten will keep running until she exit's the opposite end of the screen.
The kitten drops forward from the upper corner of the side of the screen Felicia is on and lands a bit before midscreen. On block she will bounce off the opponent then run back towards Felicia's corner. On whiff the kitten will land and start running for Felicia's corner.
The kitten leaps across the screen with a long jump arc. She comes out from about Felicia's standing height and travels the entire screen. On block the kitten will bounce off the opponent and run back towards Felicia's corner. On whiff the cat lands and runs back towards Felicia's corner. In rare cases the recovery can end early if the opponent blocks the kitten from full screen and then scrolls the screen forward while the kitten is bouncing off. Doesn't hit most standing characters close to Felicia to about midscreen due to the arc of the jump.
== Dark Force ==

-DF, [c.lkXXmp hopslash]xN, Finisher
*the cat midget is suppose to combo after the lk… doesn’t work for me… I’ll haflta practice on the dc to make sure it works.
|name= Kitty Helper
|input= Same strength P + K
  |Permanent Damage=
  |Temporary Damage=
  |description= * '''(Any Version)''' A little cat will follow Felicia around and attack after Felicia does. The kitty leaps every time Felicia attacks, and acts as an arcing projectile, Provided it can act and is not airborne at the time Felicia attacks. The Kitty's jump arc is actually influenced by which direction Felicia is holding when she presses the attack. She can cause it to have low arcs when pressing down, waid arcs if she is pressing forward, narrow arcs when she is pressing back. The height of the attach is actually dictated where the hitbox of the attack is. The higher the hitbox, the higher the Kitty jumps in response.  

**someone test this: for both DF combos, close ES delta kicks can be thrown in when close(close so that you hit them on the way up)
Is possible to set up an unblockable with the kitty thanks to the Guard Switch Mechanic, like [  this video] show,  However: is very unsafe and the opponent can counter attack pretty easily, so is not worth it.

== Matchups ==
When Felicia enters her deactivation animation, the kitty will lose her hitbox, although oddly enough still cause proxy guard if the opponent holds back.

== Frame Data ==

== Notable Players ==
== Notable Players ==

Orecom (俺こん)
=== Japan ===
Japanese Player Index:
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name (English)
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
!width="70"| Color
|style="text-align:center;"| HK [[file:felicia_color_hk_small.png]]
|Kanto region
|Current #01 Felicia
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:felicia_color_kk_small.png]]
|Makai-2018 guest of Honor
|style="text-align:center;"| LK [[file:felicia_color_lk_small.png]]
|Kansai region
|Now plays Sasquatch
|style="text-align:center;"| LP [[file:felicia_color_lp_small.png]]
|Kanto region
|Now plays Gallon
|style="text-align:center;"| —
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:felicia_color_kk_small.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| LP [[file:felicia_color_lp_small.png]]
|Kansai region
|style="text-align:center;"| HK [[file:felicia_color_hk_small.png]]
|Kansai region
|style="text-align:center;"| MP [[file:felicia_color_mp_small.png]]
|Kansai region
=== North America ===
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name (English)
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
!width="70"| Color
|style="text-align:center;"| HK [[file:felicia_color_hk_small.png]]
|VMP Big Boss. Winning tournaments, running events, streaming, he does it all!
|style="text-align:center;"| LP [[file:felicia_color_lp_small.png]]
|Midwest TO/Community Organizer who has great results overall. Loves cats, and has an arcade world record for "Legendary Wings".
|040 (Day)
|040 デイ
|style="text-align:center;"| MK [[file:felicia_color_mk_small.png]]
|Los Angeles
|California organizer and veteran with very good results. Owner of NoSignal.
=== South America ===
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name (English)
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
!width="70"| Color
|style="text-align:center;"| HP [[file:felicia_color_hp_small.png]]
|Stood as the undisputed top 1 player in Brazil/South America for a really long time, now retired. [J]

Nekohashi (ねこはし)
=== Europe ===
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name (English)
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
!width="70"| Color
|style="text-align:center;"| MK [[file:felicia_color_mk_small.png]]
|Simple combos, deadly cat #J.HP
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:felicia_color_kk_small.png]]
|Resident Mad Scientist for Dark Force usage.


[[Category:Vampire Savior]]
[[Category:Vampire Savior]]

Latest revision as of 10:30, 4 June 2024


Felicia (フェリシア), Catwoman - Nekomata

Abandoned at a very young age due to being a Darkstalker, she was taken in by Sister Rose and raised in a Catholic Orphanage. When Sister Rose passed away many years later, Felicia decided to set off to make the world a better and happier place, as well as achieve her greatest dream of being a famous dancer in Las Vegas. She got that fame, but decided that her fame and fortune would be better used to give back to the less fortunate, and used it to set up an orphanage for unfortunate children. However, before she could accomplish this, she was brought into the Majigen as one of the chosen souls - so for the time being, her plans will have to wait - as Jedah threatens the human world she cherishes so greatly.

Felicia is considered a "Jack of all trades" character who is effective on offense and defense in neutral while having great mobility. She is able to handle most of the cast well while also being competitive against the top tiers. If you like characters that are mobile like Blanka or Chun-Li as well as being practically a Swiss Army Knife for most situations, Felicia is a great choice.


Primary Objectives:

  • Use your mobility to perfectly space your opportunities; AA's, oki, footsies, etc.
  • Anti-air using her numerous exceptional tools
  • Control the air with OS 9HP
  • Approach and or pressure the opponent with Cat Spike
  • Abuse her OS command throw
  • Use your mobility to chase the opponent after knockdowns
  • Utilize your dash to setup overhead or landing low attacks
  • Jump off the wall to avoid being cornered
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Excellent mobility with the second fastest walk and jump speed
  • Effective & reliable tools for managing neutral
  • Shortest standing character in the game with some of the best anti airs in the game as well. This synergy makes her excel as an AA machine.
  • Good chain combo damage, which allows many instances of using Toy Touch or ES Toy Touch.
  • Renda chains on both lights make combo confirms more accessible.
  • Her dash attack capability, while not as strong as some other characters, is still an overall effective tool.
  • Has tons of option selects at her disposal. Examples include: 2HP being throw invul, far 5HK being low invul, 9HP OS into an air throw, and a strong command throw OS into close 5HK.
  • Humongous reward with a successful Dark Force while in the corner position. Offensive damage up to a full bat
  • Good matchups against most of the cast, and can hold her own against the top tier characters.
  • Due to a bug, certain situations allow her to airblock attacks that normally could not be airblocked (a.k.a. Cat Guard)
  • One of the slowest wake-ups. She is more susceptible to being chased on oki
  • Invincibility is gated behind her meter
  • Punishing an air-state opponent is usually a low damage scenario. for example, bait a Demon Cradle & your best option is a 2HK
VSAV Felicia Art.png


Walk: Good walk speed and average height.

Dash: Hop. Good for high/low mixups. Her mids are more useful than her heavies when using this dash. At the end of the dash Felicia has a 7F recovery window, but the latter 6 frames are special cancelable. Therefor it's possible (albeit difficult) to do things like deep d.MK 236LP. This dash is also short-stoppable. Tapping or holding back during the forward dash will end the dash sooner and maker her drop faster. This also makes links/cancels off of it much easier, though it's rather difficult to time a dashing attack after quickstoping the dash because she falls so quickly after the quickstop, but it is possible.

Frame Data inquiry
JP-Frame data link
Basic Summary is - The fastest case when you issue an attack 1F after the establishment of the short dash. (11F when counting from the dash)

Jump: Great jump arc. Very fast and highly obnoxious.

Headsit: Jumping on a standing opponent will cause this move to activate, there's no real input for it. The headsit is cancelable into anything, a jump or air attack. While headsitting the opponent can also cancel it by doing anything, which will cause Felicia to rejump. However, the headsit activation will also cancel an opponent's attack regardless of what kind of attack it was, so long as it was considered standing at the time. For example, if the opponent tries an anti-air MP and you activate the headsit it will cancel their MP entirely.

  • Head-Ride corner offense

Wall Cling: Pressing towards the wall when near the wall makes Felicia cling to it momentarily. If the direction is held she will eventually start to gradually slide down the wall, and at a certain height from the ground she will automatically dismount. Releasing the button dismounts her. Felicia can perform any normal jumping action after the dismount and can attack/airblock/headsit just like a normal jump. However, the dismount causes her to jump much further and faster than a normal jump, making it quite good for getting in on the opponent when alternated between normal jump and wall jump.

Special Moves and Throws



Normal Moves

Standing Normals

5 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 8 5 4 H: 8 G: 7
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - - 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Solid multi-purpose jab. Pretty decent range for a light attack, and has uses for AA'ing and stuffing dashes with a quick and dirty button. Can be used also to confirm into Catspike. You can use this for walking jab pressure as well, but while it has good frame data its not good enough to completely abuse this move like that.

This move will not hit crouching on Gallon, Lilith, Morrigan, Q-Bee.
5 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 18 0 1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 15 6 H: 5 G: 9 W: 3

Useful in a pressure strings to catch jumpers. It is very effective as both a general AA and guard break after the opponent blocks an air-to-air chain. Aim to hit this at max range, or as early as possible (dependent on the context of what you are striking for). This can be used to frame trap opponents, and it works well for that purpose. Be careful on using this against opponents who can crouch under it.

This move will not hit crouching: Bulleta, Gallon, Lilith, Morrigan or Q-Bee.
5 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 2(4)3,2 22 3 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 7+7+11 3+3+4 H: 12+6+6 G: 9+3+3 W: 6

Hits three times. Not a very useful button when compared to the rest of Felicia's normals. In some chains, it has surprisingly high damage output, but outside of that, it is not very good as a move. It is also easy to guard cancel. This button is mostly a waste of time.

The second hit of this move will whiff on crouching Q-Bee.
5 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 4 7 5 4 H: 8 G: 7
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

This attack is by far, one of the most powerful normals she has at her disposal, and argued to be one of the best AAs in the game. This will crush most mid to far range jump in attacks, and there are very few normals it will outright lose to. Great as a guard break after getting your opponent in an air-to-air block string.

On hit, recovery from Far 5LK is so fast you have more than enough time to set up a high/low with a dash overhead or a 2LK/2HK low attack. Depending how close they were when you hit them you can even walk forward and go for it. Since it's also a light attack, you can rapid fire it on whiff to put up a bit of a wall. Be wary about abusing this though, since you will not really be moving, and you may find yourself in a bad predicament if you mess up your AA attempt.

The dangerous aspect of using this normal is when the opponent is so close that this turns into a Close 5LK, which has no anti-air properties what-so-ever. Get accustomed to the range that this turns into a Close 5LK so you don't get it on accident and eat a huge jump in combo.

This move will only hit crouching: Bishamon, Victor.
5 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3 19 2 1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

Another incredibly powerful normal. Amazing long poke that dominates the mid range game. After training your opponent to stay grounded with a strong anti-air defense, you can control their approach on the ground with this alone, if you choose.

Great for catching characters out of their jump start up as well. Inserting this at the end of a pressure string or when you have a bit of frame advantage is a great way to catch jumpers. Space it out so you'll hit them with the tip. This attack also has great frame trap properties as well, which can be used with either your MP or another MK.

This move will not hit crouching Q-Bee.
5 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 3(4)3 24 -2 -3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 5-14 lowerbody 15-17 feet 10+12 4+5 H: 15+9 G: 10+4 W: 6

Hits twice.

  • Lower Body Invincible for 13 frames

This has the most range out of any of Felicia's attacks by far. Mostly used as a long range poke by utilizing the second hit or as an ender for your chains to move you back farther. There is lower body invincibility starting on the 5th frame may come in handy in some cases, but that often will not come into play. The only major weakness of this attack is that it is really slow. It is the slowest attack she has in her kit. Additionally, it can be potentially guard cancelled, especially if both hits of the attack connect while the opponent is blocking.

The first hit of this move will whiff on crouching Q-Bee.

Close Normals

Close 5LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 7 9 8 H: 12 G: 11
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Best frame advantage out of all of Felicia's normals. The Renda Bonus value is incredible, to the point where it can even be used in Buckler combos if you desire.

Good for guard breaking opponents that are low to the ground in the corner.

At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5LP.
Close 5MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3 15 3 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

This is basically a slower, but stronger version of Close LP, with less frame advantage. Good move overall, but otherwise unremarkable.

At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5MP.
Close 5HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 3,6 24 -5 -6 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 13+10 5+4 H: 15+9 G: 10+4 W: 6

Hits two times.

This is a move that is best used to hit low crouchers (i.e. Q.Bee, Morrigan, Lilith) in order to prevent them from jumping out. It is unsafe on hit and guard, so be sure to cancel it into a 2HK on block or when it hits a grounded opponent.

At 32 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5HP.
Close 5LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 8 5 4 H: 8 G: 7
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 6 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

This move often comes out as a result of a botched stand LK. This move has no AA properties whatsoever. That said, it could be a good indicator to tell you to stop pressing buttons if you see it come out during an AA attempt.

This move however, is pretty much outclassed by crouch LK, in almost every regard.

There may be more use to the move than what it lets off, but that is to be explored. This move otherwise is a waste of time.

At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5LK.
Close 5MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 16 2 1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 17 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

Felicia's highest damage special cancelable normal. If you want to combo into this off of a jump in attack, you must jump in very deep.

An option select button for her kick throw, as well as her command throw. This will hit every crouching character, unlike her Close 5HK, so if you don't think a short opponent is going to jump this may be a safer option incase you mistime your throw attempt.

At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5MK.
Close 5HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 5 12 25 12 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Amazing option select button for Felicia's Kick Throw and Command Throw, and great AA for opponents that are on top of you jumping. By far her best option when you have an opponent cornered. If you guess correctly, she can either grab the opponent with a throw/command throw, or hit an opponent with Close 5HK while they are attempting to jump out. If they are hit at all by Close 5HK, Felicia recovers so fast she can set up a dash overhead/low mix-up, or even cross under the opponent for a left/right mix-up while in the corner. Due to the massive frame advantage that applies even to grounded opponents. The only major weakness to this button is against opponents that can crouch it, or opponents that jump higher than the move reaches.

Also works as a guard break after an air chain against cornered opponents who are high in the air.

This move will only hit crouching: Anakaris, Aulbath, Bishamon, Demitri, Jedah and Victor.

These characters can jump higher than this move can reach: Anakaris, Felicia, Gallon, Jedah, Victor, Zabel

At 36 pixels away from the opponent this turns into a Far 5HK.

Crouching Normals

2 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 6 7 6 H: 10 G: 9
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 5 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
This is a bit outshined by 2LK when it comes to a starter attack for a ground chain, but the extra frame advantage makes this very useful for linking into 2MP or when attempting a tick throw.
2 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 4 14 3 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

A very good button. Useful as a poke, an anti-air and it's your go-to button when it comes to special cancels.

When anti-airing, you want to hit them with the tip of her paw so it works best from a long distance jump in. After an air reset, you can immediately do a dash hop overhead attack, or walk forward slightly and do a 2HK low.

Some characters have a ridiculously difficult time just getting around this normal to start an offense.
2 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 6 12 19 6 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 20 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Though an incredible anti-air in both hitbox and active frames, the fact Felicia is considered airborne (15f) during it gives 2HP a few interesting properties.

  • Since 2HP puts Felicia in an airborne state, it is possible for the opponent to just air block this normal like they could any air-to-air attack. It's hard for many characters to really punish this, but be careful when using it on those with air dashes and on a cornered opponent.
  • If Felicia is hit during the airborne state of this move, she is air reset rather than just taking the hit on the ground which limits the opponents combo potential if this move is mistimed.
  • Being airborne means that Felicia cannot be thrown, which makes it potentially useful against things like Demitri's EX Throw moves. However, due to it being 6 frames before she becomes airborne it's not a guaranteed escape.
  • It is not possible to chain out of this move into either hard kick attack.

Out of all her anti-airs, 2HP is the most useful when the opponent is doing a deep jump in or making a cross up attempt. If this hits the opponent, you have enough time after the air reset to do a high/low mix-up like with her other anti-airs. Since the opponent is usually air reset close enough to you that you can actually walk forward and do a 2LK instead of relying solely on her 2HK for the low mix-up.

This move will not hit crouching: Bulleta, Felicia, Gallon, Lei-Lei, Lilith, Morrigan, Q-Bee, Sasquatch or Zabel.
2 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 7 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 5 2 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
The starter for most of Felicia's ground chain combos. Range is noticeably good for a light attack.
2 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 18 0 1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 15 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Despite being a crouching kick attack, this does not hit low. This move hits pretty much the same space as 2MP, but the overall frame data on 2MK is much worse. Though, depending on positioning the hitbox may be slightly more useful as an anti-air.
2 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 2 21 - 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 17 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

A pretty amazing sweep. Great range and hits low. Use this in conjunction the rest of her amazing footsie game. Mixing this in when your opponent thinks you'll go for a dash hop overhead is vital.

The guard advantage is surprisingly good for this kind of attack.

Jumping Normals

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 6 4 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Not the most useful button but it can do a couple things. Depending on your opponents jump height it may work decently as an air-to-air block string starter.

Out of all her air normals j.LP has the best potential for a cross up. As a cross up attack it's not great, works well on the especially fat characters(Gallon, Lei-Lei, Q-Bee), but it generally requires very precise aiming to hit and even then it won't work on most of the cast properly. It can be difficult to incorporate this properly into your game plan, and empty cross ups in Savior can be dangerous so use this with caution.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 4(2)4 6 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 9+8 3+3 H: 9+6 G: 6+3 W: 3

Hits two times.

A multi-hit jump in attack. Its primary use is during her dash hop; being the easiest out of her jump normals to link from. Refer to the combo section for more information on this.

Option selects into an air throw. When attempting an air throw, this is a little bit of a better option than her j.HP air throw option select.

The second hit of j.MP has the same cross up potential as j.LP (refer to that for more info). You can actually hit the button early, whiff the first hit and have the second hit as a cross up.

Useful during air-to-air block-strings.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 6 8 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 20 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

One of the single best jump in attacks in the game. Covers a wide range and the hitbox extends far past the hurt box. Using this from a neutral jump or well spaced forward jump can be extremely difficult to deal with, especially with Felicia's fast jump speed.

Option selects into an air throw, though j.MP is a better option if you are explicitly aiming for an air throw.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 5 7 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Felicia's second best jump in attack to be used on grounded opponents. This actually extends further down than her j.HP, but has a much smaller hitbox and doesn't have as favorable of a hurtbox. Used mostly if you want to do a 2 hit air chain when jumping in on shorter opponents. A great button to press after chicken guarding an opponents air attack.

From a neutral jump j.LK can be used as an instant overhead on: Anakaris, Aulbath(Hardest), Bishamon, Demitri, Jedah and Victor.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 4 6 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Jumping with 7 or 9 Will slightly alter the frame data
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 6 8 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 15 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

Has a bit of use out of a dash hop, but you need to delay attacking with j.MK out of it if you want to link into a ground combo.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 6 8 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 15 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Jumping with 7 or 9 Will slightly alter the frame data
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 4 12 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 18 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Felicia's furthest extending jump attack. When used from a forward jump it can be more susceptible to anti-air than her other normals because the hitbox doesn't extend very far downward, but j.HK still has its uses.

From a long distance hop this can be a quick overhead or poke. Good as an air-to-air poke from a neutral jump, not so much from a forward jump though since you can't chain out of it. It also works excellently in blockstrings in the air.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 6 10 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 18 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Jumping with 7 or 9 Will slightly alter the frame data

Normal Throws

6MP or 6HP
6MP or 6HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 222 5 - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-190 whole body 2x(4~16) (1x(4~16)) 2+2 (1+1) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0

Felicia's punch throw. It is a hold, meaning that it can be mashed for more damage, and it can be counter-mashed by the opponent to reduce the damage. This is not a very good throw for Felicia to use, as she has access to better ones (literally any of her other throws) that are far more useful, and stable in damage. You may get this on accident, but that's about the only reason that you would use this throw. This throw is a waste of time.

Frame advantage on hit and tech varies depending on the character:

  • +2f: Anakaris
  • +3f: Jedah, Victor
  • +4f: Bishamon, Bulleta, Demitri, Gallon, Lilith, Morrigan, Sasquatch, Zabel
  • +5f: Aulbath, Felicia, Lei-Lei, Q-Bee
6MK or 6HK
6MK or 6HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 97 + landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-77 whole body 21 (10) 8 (4) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
Felicia's kick throw. This is by far the better of the two basic throws that Felicia has. Not only does it have great corner carry, it also leave her in a better spot in case of a teched throw compared to the punch throw. It also has the ability to be option selected with her close HK, which is a powerful tool to have at your disposal in case of people attempting to jump out. You opt to always do this as your basic non-command throw option.
J.6P or J.4P
J.6P or J.4P
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
J.6P or J.4P
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 40 + 23 + landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-40 whole body 21 (10) 8 (4) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
Essentially the same thing as her Kick throw, but done in the air. It does identical damage and corner carry to the Kick throw. This is a great throw to catch people with if you are airborne at the same time as the opponent, especially if the opponent is airblock-happy. Easy to pursuit or OTG scratch after. If teched it sets the opponent backwards which makes it difficult/impossible to reversal after, giving you a free oki.

Special Moves

Hell Cat

632[4] MK or HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 1(5)1 41 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 3x3+18 1x3+6 H: 21 G: 0 W: 12

Felicia's command throw. This is a good tool for her to be able to open people up if you catch them in a situation to do so. This can also be option selected by Close HK if the opponent attempts to neutral jump you. This is especially useful and dangerous if she has you cornered.

2F startup makes this pretty useful off a dash-in, jump-in, or whatever other tick setup. It does pretty good damage so use it plenty.

It is noteworthy that this command throw actually makes two throw attempts in one attack. (active on frame 3 for one frame, disappears for 5 frames, and active on frame 9 for one frame again.)

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 1(5)1 41 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 3x6+18 1x6+6 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Hits a little harder than the M and H Hellcat. This is one of the few times Felicia gets to really use her meter. If you get the opportunity to use this, opt for this command throw.

It is noteworthy that this command throw actually makes two throw attempts in one attack. (active on frame 3 for one frame, disappears for 5 frames, and active on frame 9 for one frame again.)

It seems like some characters get thrown away further than others. Some you can follow up with a Toy Touch afterwards and others not. Make a proper list


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
A two part roll attack. First part is a one hit ball roll that goes under fireballs and high hitting attacks. Pressing P again will cause a follow up uppercut scratch that can hit twice. The follow up uppercut can be performed during the roll or even after the roll hits the opponent, allowing the roll and uppercut to combo with each other for three hits or allowing you to cancel the roll early. This is her basic combo move as it's fast and causes knockdown, plus decent damage. However, neither the roll nor the uppercut are safe on block with any version, so use with caution.

This move also sees use as a way to chase the opponent after a throw, or to use the followup as an AA (even though it is airblockable, this attack has a very good hitbox that beats a lot of jumpins. Requires you to have aim for it, and for the opponent to be constantly pressing buttons in the air.)

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 30 14 -19 -20 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 15 5 H: 18 G: 15 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 6,4 16 + landing 15 - -17 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 6+8 2+3 H: 12+4 G: 10+2 W: 8

Short slow roll, very low and fast uppercut.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 30 15 -20 -21 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 15 5 H: 18 G: 15 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 6,9 19 + landing 16 - -26 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 6+8 2+3 H: 12+4 G: 10+2 W: 8

Medium range and speed, medium uppercut height.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 30 16 -21 -22 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 15 5 H: 18 G: 15 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 6,13 23 + landing 17 - -35 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 6+8 2+3 H: 12+4 G: 10+2 W: 8

Long range and fast speed, high uppercut height.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 30 18 -23 -24 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 9x4 3x4 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 3,3,16 28 + landing 19 - -45 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 7+7+10 2+2+3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Very long range and fast speed. ball roll can hit up to four times. Uppercut is very high, hits three times.

Cat Spike

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Ball pop move that is really useful for pressure and for combos; This is one of the specials you should use all the time. This move is safe on block/hit for all normal versions and can be used to pressure opponents, or can be used to set up tick throw attempts. The ball itself doesn't actually do anything for the normal versions, but rather the scratch itself is the attack.

Note that even though the MP and HP versions are airborne, THEY ARE NOT OVERHEADS, AND CAN BE BLOCKED CROUCHING.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 4 13 + landing 8 2 1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 23 6 H: 26 G: 22 W: 18

Short quick scratch. Combos off her mids. Good for tick throwing or pressure. This move is air-state unblockable.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 4 7 + landing 9 5 4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 24 6 H: 26 G: 22 W: 18

Jumping scratch. Unable to combo into it, but works well for throwing off the opponents tech attempt. When the MP version hits crouching opponents, it is possible link combo off of it.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
34 4 6 + landing 10 5 4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 26 7 H: 26 G: 22 W: 18

Similar to the MP version, but Felicia goes much further. Needs to be performed from long range, otherwise you'll just go sailing over your opponent.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
40 (2)3 22 + landing 18 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21 hit,27 projectile 7 hit, 8 projectile H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
The ball itself is the attack in this version. Felicia spikes the ball like a volley ball (hence the name), and once spiked it becomes a projectile attack. Destroys most other projectile attacks. Very slow and not a very useful attack. This move is overall a waste of time.

Delta Kick

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
An upperkick followed by a divekick. Used primarily as a GC, but can be used for pressure IF AIMED ON THE LAST TWO HITS; It is unsafe if all three hits connect on block (very similar to some of the fundamental uses tied behind Demitri's Bat Spin). Note that it has no invincibility outside of Guard Cancel. The guard cancel version is extremely useful, but must be performed close to the opponent. It can be easily baited otherwise.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 16(4)16 landing 14 - -3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 14+8+6 5+3+2 H: 22+4+4 G: 20+2+2 W: 18

Low upperkick. The knee will combo with the dive if point blank, but can sometimes also fail.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 18(4)18 landing 15 - -5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 16+8+6 6+3+2 H: 22+4+5 G: 20+2+3 W: 18

Medium upperkick. This version can sometimes combo with the dive against cornered opponents at point blank, but will sometimes fail.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 18(4)22 landing 16 - -10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 18+8+6 7+3+2 H: 22+4+6 G: 20+2+4 W: 18

High upperkick. The dive-kick almost never combos with the knee. This version is not particularly used.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 16(4)27 landing 18 -5 -6 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21+4x6 8+1x6 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
This version will cause Felicia to do five rapid kicks during her dive-kick rather than just two, which makes it slightly more useful for chipping. However, it's fairly easy tech/GC bait so even this version doesn't get used much.

Guard Cancel

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 16(4)16 landing 14 - -3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 8,3+3 3,1+1 H: 22+4+4 G: 20+2+2 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 18(4)18 landing 15 - -5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 8,3+3 3,1+1 H: 22+4+5 G: 20+2+3 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 18(4)22 landing 16 - -10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 8,3+3 3,1+1 H: 22+4+6 G: 20+2+4 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 18(4)22 landing 16 - -10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 8,3+3 3,1+1 H: 22+4+6 G: 20+2+4 W: 18
This version gains 13F startup invulnerability, which is good because the first hit is 7F startup. Not a particularly bad GC, but the follow up dive-kick makes it counter-GC or DP bait if the first hit whiffs. Still, because of the invulnerability and fast startup it has it's uses, just make sure the first hit connects. The very first active frame of the ES Guard Cancel version is unblockable.


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
- - 1 + variable + 23 - 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
N/A no - 0 0 W: 1 every 4f
Holdable taunt. Felicia will constantly build meter while charging the taunt. Ironically though, it's not quite as good at building meter as her other options, such as air whiff chaining or ground kara-cancelling.


8P or 8K
8P or 8K
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
16 27 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 6 6 H: 24 G: 0 W: 6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
16 27 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 5+1x6 4+1x6 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Bounce. Sets Felicia on the opposite side of the opponent on hit, so it's not particularly good if you knock the opponent into the corner, or else you'll end up in the corner. On the other hand, if your back was to the corner you can get out of the corner using this. ES version does more hits and a bit more recoverable damage, no actual damage. Generally speaking this isn't really as useful as her scratch OTG.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 3 26 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 7 7 H: 24 G: 0 W: 6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
21 6(8)6(8)6(8)6 30 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 3x4 2x4 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Your go-to pursuit in the corner. Normal versions are fast, allowing you to recover quick if you're late on a hit; ES Toy Touch does the most damage (4 white, 8 red) and reaches further than the normal Toy Touches, making it preferable in most situations. Remember that the Toy is the hitbox, and not Felicia's claw. This can cause whiffs if done too close, so you may need to readjust your position.

Ex Moves

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 40 18 - -33 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-8 whole body 5+3x8+9+9 2+1x10 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

An EX move similar to her Rolling Buckler. On hit it goes into an auto-combo animation.

  • Compared to her ES Rolling Buckler, this travels much further, but has a longer startup time. The most stand out difference however is that this has some frames of startup invincibility. If used well this can be considered a reversal attack, however it is not without risk as the invincibility does not last until her first active frame. There is more than enough time to interrupt Dancing Flash by a stray hit or late throw. Watch out for moves that have an extremely active hitbox as well. This is a good move, just don't use it without thought or care. On block it is extremely punishable.
  • Usable in combos the same way Rolling Buckler is, though generally getting all the hits from an ES Rolling Buckler will do more damage in most combos.
  • It's possible to use this as a corner escape if you read a jump in from your opponent.
  • 8f Invincibility applications
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
There are three versions of this move, depending on what button combination used to activate it.

One of the riskiest moves in the game, for not much payoff. Though it seems to be a favorite of many new players, it is very ill advisable to use outside of a few very specific punishes. On whiff or block, Felicia remains immobile until the kitten exits the screen, giving this the worst recovery out of any move in the game.

The "safest" of the three versions if used as a gamble would probably be the LK+HK one since the kitten leaves the screen quickest on both block and whiff. It isn't very effective outside of Felicia being in the corner with the opponent close to her though.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 - 77 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 2+1x29+2x4 1+1x12 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

The kitten runs across the ground. On block the kitten will backflip her way back towards Felicia's corner and off the screen. On whiff the kitten will keep running until she exit's the opposite end of the screen.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 - 156 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 2+1x29+2x4 1+1x12 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

The kitten drops forward from the upper corner of the side of the screen Felicia is on and lands a bit before midscreen. On block she will bounce off the opponent then run back towards Felicia's corner. On whiff the kitten will land and start running for Felicia's corner.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 - 86 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 2+1x29+2x4 1+1x12 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
The kitten leaps across the screen with a long jump arc. She comes out from about Felicia's standing height and travels the entire screen. On block the kitten will bounce off the opponent and run back towards Felicia's corner. On whiff the cat lands and runs back towards Felicia's corner. In rare cases the recovery can end early if the opponent blocks the kitten from full screen and then scrolls the screen forward while the kitten is bouncing off. Doesn't hit most standing characters close to Felicia to about midscreen due to the arc of the jump.

Dark Force

Kitty Helper
Same strength P + K
Permanent Damage Temporary Damage Cancel Guard startup
- - - - -
active recovery AdvHit AdvBlock renda meter
  • (Any Version) A little cat will follow Felicia around and attack after Felicia does. The kitty leaps every time Felicia attacks, and acts as an arcing projectile, Provided it can act and is not airborne at the time Felicia attacks. The Kitty's jump arc is actually influenced by which direction Felicia is holding when she presses the attack. She can cause it to have low arcs when pressing down, waid arcs if she is pressing forward, narrow arcs when she is pressing back. The height of the attach is actually dictated where the hitbox of the attack is. The higher the hitbox, the higher the Kitty jumps in response.

Is possible to set up an unblockable with the kitty thanks to the Guard Switch Mechanic, like this video show, However: is very unsafe and the opponent can counter attack pretty easily, so is not worth it.

When Felicia enters her deactivation animation, the kitty will lose her hitbox, although oddly enough still cause proxy guard if the opponent holds back.



Notable Players


Japanese Player Index:

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Lyne リネ HK Felicia color hk small.png Kanto region Current #01 Felicia
Zero-One ゼロ•ONE KK Felicia color kk small.png Kanto Makai-2018 guest of Honor
Orecon 俺こん LK Felicia color lk small.png Kansai region
Now plays Sasquatch
Guratan グラタン LP Felicia color lp small.png Kanto region
Now plays Gallon
P KK Felicia color kk small.png Sendai Retired
Cat-K cat-k@アライ LP Felicia color lp small.png Kansai region Retired
Nekohashi ねこはし HK Felicia color hk small.png Kansai region
Teruchika てるちか MP Felicia color mp small.png Kansai region Retired.

North America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Ailerus エィレラス HK Felicia color hk small.png Cincinnati VMP Big Boss. Winning tournaments, running events, streaming, he does it all!
Typhas タイファス LP Felicia color lp small.png Chicago Midwest TO/Community Organizer who has great results overall. Loves cats, and has an arcade world record for "Legendary Wings".
040 (Day) 040 デイ MK Felicia color mk small.png Los Angeles California organizer and veteran with very good results. Owner of NoSignal.

South America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Redarts レッドアーツ HP Felicia color hp small.png Brazil Stood as the undisputed top 1 player in Brazil/South America for a really long time, now retired. [J]


Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Likiminaj MK Felicia color mk small.png France Simple combos, deadly cat #J.HP
Ciccioimberlicchio チチオインベルリチオ KK Felicia color kk small.png Italy Resident Mad Scientist for Dark Force usage.
