Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/DFCI/Akira Yuki: Difference between revisions

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[[image:DFC.Akira.Header.jpg|550px|thumb|right|<center><font size="3">'''Akira Yuki'''</font></center>]]
[[File:DFC.Akira.Header.jpg|500px|thumb|right|<center><font size="3">'''Akira Yuki (アキラ)'''</font></center>]]

==Players to Watch==
*[ Ashuura (Rank 1 Akira/Erio)], mains KYH/Rusian OR Mashiro OR Iriya
*[ Mizore (Rank 4 Akira/Erio OR Celty OR Dokuro)]
*[ NG (Rank 7 Akira/Tatsuya)]
*[ Tomo (Former Rank 2 Akira/Erio)]
*[ Yosshi  (Rank 2 Akira/Erio)]
*Clashmech (Akira/Wilhelmina), can be found in DFCI Discord

Originally from the Sega-AM2 developed arcade series ''Virtua Fighter''. He can be unlocked if the player beat most of the stage without Climax Arts to battle Akira in console version.

Akira is a Hakkyoku-ken fighter battling in the 5th World Fighting Tournament to test his skills and to find a worthy opponent. He's never seen without his trusty hachimaki.
A synopsis of this character's play-style, strengths, weaknesses, etc
A guest character from the SEGA arcade game series ''Virtua Fighter'', specifically wearing his outfit from ''Virtua Fighter 5''.
Akira is the quintessential fighting game rushdown character. He sports decent, quick normals with deceiving range for an unarmed fighter. His game plan is to get in your face and condition you to make unforced errors in close-range combat and punish. His unique dash move 666B can quickly close mid-range gaps and start his turn. With the absolute best back dash in the game, he can move out of opponents' close-range pokes and move back in with his equally-quick forward dash.
'''[ Akira Gameplay Sample]'''

*Has a various different moves
*Best back dash in the game, lasting a total 20f, allowing you to bait, whiff punish, and cause players to over-commit to answering you
*Has a command move
*Arguably best Red Trump Card in the game due to its horizontal reach. Tetsuzankou is your best anti-air, your best reversal, and among one of your best raw punish moves.
*Has two Extend Actions and two moves as EX only
*Unique 666B move can catch opponents off-guard with its deceptive reach. It makes landing for the opponent scary at more ranges than you'd expect.
*Joho Sensho and Teishitsu Dantai are the only way to perform an air solo combo followups without wasting Level gauge
*Great routing outside of A2A interactions, with a EX launcher, meterless wallbounce corner routing, solo trump install options, etc.
*Above average pressure. Some above average stagger options with 2C/2[C], 214A, with backdash on your barely minus frames to whiff punish with 236B, wait and see, etc.
*His step dash
*Decent assist synergy, just major dependence on said assist. Synergy is insanely important with the lower tiers.
*His Renkantai is different on the ground and in the air
*The only step-dash movement character in the game, and as such players may feel alienated on movement concepts and not being predictable with 66B.
*Has no projectile moves (not counted this version's Hougeki Unshin Sokousho). Needs Assist Cancels
*Extreme difficulty vs aerial opponents, making his best AA option his movement and positioning. He has no grounded AA, his reward on A2A interactions is terrible, and microdash unders/walk unders are going to be next to impossible. This is his steepest learning curve by far.
*Players may struggle to make pressure ambiguous, as jump cancelling is medicore due to poor ATGs, making him easy to box out if Akira does not abuse the massive stagger windows DFCI offers.

==Recommended Assists==
===Recommended Assists===

''Pai Chan'' - allow to perform untechable launcher
'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Erio Towa|Erio]]''' - Debatably Akira's best assist. Erio augments Akira's oppressive close-range game to maximize any advantages he pushes. 5S removes any opponent hitboxes that touch her while she jumps, netting easy punishes against antsy foes and forcing respect. 6S is a pressure extender and pseudo-projectile that goes off by hitting (pushing) her to help her slide across the screen. You can repeat this more than once per 6S call and can hit her with 66B, 236B, etc to make said options safer to throw out as she is insurance for you in neutral.

''Dokuro Mitsuaki'' - during an air combo in higher air, it is good for assist cancel into a dive attack for Akira to perform special moves/Impact Skills then EX to Climax Arts
'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Dokuro Mitsukai|Dokuro]]''' - Dokuro is Akira's safest pick, as he can use it as an extension after his launcher 214AB. Likewise, 5S in neutral covers Akira's biggest weakness, making him more difficult to mindlessly jump on in neutral.

'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Celty Sturluson|Celty]]''' - An interesting one for Akira that takes a bit of work to make truly strong. 6S is obviously an oki tool but 5S works as a way to be a threat from even further on the screen. You can play more spaced out vs an opponent's landing and still 66B a far ranged 5S on block. A good assist, but you'll have to work to make it rewarding.
'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Tatsuya Shiba (Assist)|Tatsuya]]''' - Only used by NG, and almost entirely as a combo assist. Akira can 6S after 214AB launcher into fairly high damage routing. Makes his reward explosive and 5S counter is a fun oki gimmick.
'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Wilhelmina Carmel|Wilhelmina]]''' - Used by Clashmech, Wilhelmina, gives Akira a decent set of additional neutral options, and works as a decent combo tool. He should get a left/right with 6S, but making 6S hit to make him a problem will take a bit of work. When he does hit, though, it is an issue for the opponent.

'''Universal Potential''': Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.
'''Universal Potential''': Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.

'''Character Potential''': Counter hit the opponent twice to increase damage dealt by 10% for 10 seconds. Can be activated three times a round.
'''Character Potential''': Counter hit the opponent twice OR counter-hit the opponent once with a charged attack to increase damage dealt by 10% for 10 seconds. Can be activated three times a round.
'''This section is dedicated to showing unique elements in a characters gameplan and for Akira will likely discuss which spacings to do these at. Unlike other characters, he lives and dies by his positioning and the players' movement. Pressing the good button will not be enough.'''
'''General Movement/Positioning and Backdashing'''
<br />Akira's unique movement, his stepdashes, is a double-edged sword that is his highest learning curve to become scary. Akira is the only character with a step-dash and in true FPan fashion this trade-off gives him an insane backdash. Akira's backdash clocks in to a total frame count of 20f, making it the only backdash in the game a player cannot punish after a whiffed A and/or B button with 5C/5AB. A backdash so fast that he can use it to set-up whiff punish opportunities in scramble spacings.
<br />However, even though his backdash is only 20f total, you need to be careful how you apply it. This is still a disadvantageous amount of frames to mindlessly put out, and this game not having an AUB reversal means you cannot cover a bad backdash with a DP on reaction to a jump-in. We need to first establish Akira's general positioning and layer0 movement and then we can discuss a few use cases for backdashing, and get an idea on how to make backdashing ambiguous as a neutral option.
<br />Akira's base walk-speed is on the lower side, having a stepdash means our general grounded vectors are predictable, we have no airdash due to this game not being an airdasher game, and our weak ATG presence means jumping about will only work against Akira. Likewise, a majority of the roster has fairly good ATG buttons and without a grounded AA as well as low A2A damage, even weaker ATG characters are going to be jumping onto Akira to test his understanding of AAing with his positioning. In general, you will be hunkering down in that round-start spacing and sometimes just outside of it. This spacing lets you consistently steer clear of that mix of dash buttons and jumping in on you, while your constant threat of 66B exists in the case of Iriya, Rusian, as well as them poorly burning through their air options quickly. At this spacing you can also do things like 8~[4]j to passively move yourself and stay ambiguous vs the opponent, as JUST sitting there is easy to answer with a plethora of options. While in 8~[4]j, you have the ability to fall with a button, as well as dj in various ways to circumvent a dash landing pin attempt or to angle yourself above an opponent jumping at you to thwart their approach. You can also choose to airblock in 8~[4]j or after your double-jump to air reflect-guard the opponent which will give you room to play with this better spacing and possibly score an AA hit. This general spacing will be your best friend in which you can choose to show your hand at times with Akira's various tools that will discussed later, as well as move in to pin landings, bait out doublejumps, 2C AA doublejump landings, etc.
Now we can discuss backdashing use cases. One way to use it is by backdashing after landing, ideally when landing outside a character's dash 5A spacing where you will avoid them dash C button pinning your landing. This can basically either slow down the opponent by making them wait to call out your backdash, or cause them to commit deeper with a deep dash 5C button to either grab you if you wait/hit you on backdash. In the best case, you will find yourself being able to push the thin line of disadvantage on landing by backdashing out of dash 2A/5A which you can whiff punish with 2C and ideally at worst you'll block a C normal. If you backdash as you land and they go airborne, you can wait out a greedy double-jump towards you in which you can choose to try to 9jA it, dash-under, gamble with 2AB as they no longer have a double-jump to block it on clash, etc. Once this is an option that has been established, even just once or twice, you can land and block on disadvantage and layer your landing with fuzzy 2A, fuzzyjump (171), etc to check over-commitment if the opponent is antsy about hardreading your backdash. Some downsides to overusing this is some characters like Asuna have strong 5ABs to call out backdash and take space even if they're too late, Kirino's 236A can negative a lot of the RPS due to its multi-tool nature, Kuroko/Tatsuya/KYH all have ranged tools to call you out if they're looking for backdash as well as good AA options if you just jump again, Celty 5S is blazing fast and will stop you in your tracks if they use it to pin your landing, and assists like Iriya/Rusian may mean the opponent doesn't focus on pinning your landing but instead establish their 1P mini-game. As such, besides keeping the MU in mind, you have to remember that on a "bad" jump landing and simply blocking is sometimes a part of the game and this backdash spot is simply an RPS decision you can show at times to catch players off guard.
Another possible use case for it is barely entering 9j~X spacing, and preemptively backdashing out. Against some players, you may find that they will be quick to jump when you show any signs of approach, whether that is towards you or away from you. By establishing this use-case of backdash, you open the door to waiting out the opponent's double-jump if they 8/9j in which you can AA their landing from said dj with 2C, you can cut off double-jump vectors if they 7j, or you can use it to get your assist established. Like before, the set of characters and assists listed means this is not your layer 1.
A final sample use-case of backdash is in situations where the opponent is ready for 66B/236B, ie. round-start 236B, you can backdash, then possibly 66B or wait and see. This avoids a 9j, and you can take a second before committing to 66B to identify that. You do run the risk of the opponent delaying their jump timings, cause you to whiff 66B and put yourselves under them.
<br />Akira has more use-cases for backdash, but these give some ideas on how to incorporate your backdash into an already existing gameplan, rather than forcing it to be the gameplan itself. Despite how ridiculous a 20f backdash is that is still a notable amount of recovery to commit to often. You should avoid falling into habits with backdash and keep in mind that sometimes you have to just hold the opponent's better decision and block, especially at times in trump state where you can then look to wait or fuzzy out of their pressure to try again. Don't rush your death.
'''Picking an Assist'''
<br />In DFCI, every character lives and dies by their assist but especially so for "weaker" characters like Akira. Picking Dokuro will enable a stronger AA presence with threatening reward as well as a fullscreen projectile if you aren't confident in your neutral. Erio, debatably the strongest choice, gives you 5S which nullifies any attacks against you making your ground game genuinely frustrating. 6S is a projectile and once she begins to slide she cannot be hit off the screen no matter what. She will come back on the screen and if hit again she will slide again. This enables you to more aggressively 66B, 236B, etc. as she works as insurance to cover you. Celty gives you 5S to more safely pin landings from further range and you can keep the opponent locked with 66B after to begin pressure. No matter which assist you pick, even if it's not these 3, just remember to think about how it can cover Akira's weaknesses, or amplify his general reward to maintain momentum.
'''Various Famous Attacks'''
<br />Unlike other characters, Akira's stepdash means he is not really using this to dash pin landings or dash 2A control space in front of him as it is very commital. However, these two buttons are still important for Akira to control his space at times when the opponent is getting too close for comfort.
<br />The god button. This tool covers a massive part of the screen at lightning fast speed, can be chained into other normals on block, is jump cancelable and air unblockable, etc. You can mix it in on roundstart if the opponent is ready for 236B by doing backdash 66B, you can use it to pin landings, you can use it to stop Rusian players from thinking they can mindlessly call 6S vs you, and in general it encourages unknowing opponents to hit buttons early and randomly, as well as jump around to cover it not realizing they are doing EXACTLY what you need them to to get your offense started. Love this button and know that if its not working, you're over-using it and not thinking about the next layers.
<br />Awesome 2C. This button can AA opponents landing from doublejump, works as a great whiff punisher out of backdash, and can sometimes be an abare in scrambles. Always cancel it into 214A for neutral applications.
<br />Insanely strong tool that is -13 but pushes the opponent pretty far, but this doesn't make it unpunishable. Often seen on round-start as round-start spacing is perfect for it. Not AUB but can catch jump-startup. If done closer than round-start spacing, it can be worth it to delay trump cancel to check people SOMETIMES.
<br />Standard DFCI stuff, 5A lets you jump cancel either instantly or delayed to mess with your timings, and you can stagger this into more A normals with respect or into 2C/2[C] to check opponent's if they reflect-guard. 2A is a good low option to check fuzzys.
<br />Neither buttons are remarkable by any means, but a way to change your pressure up from the usual 5A/2A~A, 5Ajc/5A~jc, 5A/2A~2C, etc. You can use 2B/5B as a string ender, as a delayed jc option, or check disrespect with a stagger 2C/2[C].
'''2C, 2[C]'''
<br />Incredible pressure tools. Great reach, fairly fast for C normals, and your main way of answering reflect-guard. You can stagger into 236A/214A, with 214A being an auto-hitconfirm option that's barely minus.
<br />The most common string ender. It's probably good to be cognizant of not ending every string with this just because it auto-hitconfirms, but on block you can backdash after, in which you are put in a perfect spacing to 2C whiff punish players trying to take their turn, or you can wait and see.
<br />Niche pressure tool which has poor reward, but is sometimes necessary to present to answer reflect-guard.

=Move List=
==Normal Moves==
<br />An overhead special that is only -3. Often autopilotted into 214AB to hitconfirm it, in which players may assist cancel as well in trump state to get pressure going further. Hits fairly far so it can be spaced to be as good as a +0 special.
<br />Even more niche tool, sometimes seen after making space in the corner. I like to sometimes establish stagger trump cancel after to check opponent's knowledge of Akira. A smarter player knows it's ranbu punishable however at those kind of spacings.
<br />As stated, it is seen after things like 214A, 214[C] (> 214AB), as well as 236A/236B. In general, you can establish it after slightly disadvantageous strings or after a spaced falling jB to bait out fuzzy options. Your 20f backdash makes this an annoying thing to deal with.
<br />Truthfully, I'm not 100% on how this tool is exactly used for pressure and as such feel free to edit this if you certain you have better use cases down. Akira can establish 214B after 5[C] in pressure, likely while he is in trump and has an assist with him (ie. Erio 5S) as this is a common fuzzy spot for dashing/jumping in response to Akira jump-cancelling 5[C]. Alternatively, it may be that 5[C] could be mistaken for 214[C] due to charged startup similarity and opponents get antsy and stand. Clearly has some use, but use with caution due to it whiffing on crouchers.
For defense, patience is everything. Your lack of grounded AAs, no run dash to run out of the corner, and average 2AB means you need to take it easy. On the plus side, all of your normals on RG or throwtech move you forward, meaning you are slightly annoying to jump bait and as such a player reading your defensive option will give you more space than what normal characters get. This can open up a variety of fuzzy options for you.
==Move List==
'''L''' = Low, '''H''' = High, '''A''' = Air, '''UNB''' = Unblockable<br>
'''JC''' = Jump Cancel, '''SC''' = Support Cancel, '''EX''' = EX Cancel<br>
'''ISC''' = Impact Skill Cancel, '''TCC''' = Trump Card Cancel, '''CAC''' = Climax Art Cancel
'''Startup includes the first active frame.'''
===Normal Moves===
|name=Chusui<br />「冲捶」
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=-4<br>+8 (JC)
  |description=Chusui is Akira's simple jab punch.
  |description=A simple jab punch. Not too much use in neutral due to his step-dash, but has some use cases in scramble situations.
|name=Housui<br />「崩捶」
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |description=Hosui is Akira's simple crouching side jab punch. The version of this move is from post-Virtua Fighter 4, and can be rapid tap unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive
  |description=A simple crouching side jab punch. Average 2A with average frame-data.
|name=Rimon Chouchu<br />「裡門頂肘」
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=-5<br>+10 (JC)
  |description=Rimon Chochu is Akira's famous elbow strike. Unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive series where it knock opponent forward, this move juggles juggled opponent and jump cancellable.
  |description=One of Akira's famous attacks, an elbow strike. Like a majority of his moves, this move moves Akira forward slightly helping out with its shorter range.
|name=Souka Housui<br />「捜下崩捶」
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=-6<br>+10 (JC)
  |description=Souka Hosui is Akira's lower crouching punch from Virtua Fighter 4. Unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive (After Red Critical attack sign only) series, It does not sweep the opponent.
  |description=A lower crouching punch. Has some niche counter-poke usage to defend your space preemptively, and moves Akira forward slightly.
|name=Chouzan Housui<br />「跳山崩捶」
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |description=Daiten Hosui is Akira's double fist strike debuted in Virtua Fighter 3. Unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive series, it does not strike knockdown the opponent, even during juggle.
  |description=A double fist strike. It does not strike knock down the opponent, even during juggles. Moves Akira forward, doesn't have much neutral use over something like 2C.
|name=Chouzan Housui (MAX)<br />「跳山崩捶 (MAX)」
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |description=The MAX version of Daiten Hosui causes strike knockdown. In this game, it also wallbounce the corner opponent.
  |description=The Extend Action (charged) version of Chouzan Housui's damage properties is the same as its 3D fighting game counterpart causing strike knockdown. Additionally however, it can also wallbounces opponents in the corner.
|name=Maho Shoukou<br />「馬歩衝靠」
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |description=Maho Shoko is Akira's crouching shoulder charge, which was introduced in Virtua Fighter 3. It uses Virtua Fighter attack property as a Launcher-like move instead of Dead or Alive attack property. Possible to perform jump cancel.
  |description=A crouching shoulder charge that moves Akira forward, and is one of his best buttons. This is his whiff punisher on backdash, and insanely easy to hit-confirm into 214A. Learn to love this button and it will love you.
|name=Zesshou Daiden Housui/Maho Shoukou (MAX)<br />「絶書大電崩捶」/「馬歩衝靠 (MAX)」
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |description=Although this move known as Zessho Daiten Hosui (a side stepped version of Maho Shoko) was introduced in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate as a Power Launcher, it uses a same sprite as 2C/Maho Shouko and launches higher.
  |description=Although this move is known as Zesshou Daiden Hosui (a side-stepped version of Maho Shoukou from ''Dead or Alive 5''), it uses the same sprite as 2C/Maho Shoukou and launches the opponent higher. Not much neutral use but a great pressure option to auto-frametrap opponents after 5A/2A.
|name=Touku Rakushou<br />「投句洛書」
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX
  |description=Toku Rakusho is Akira's simple aerial side jab punch.The version of this move is from post-Virtua Fighter 4.
  |description=A simple aerial side jab punch. Very average, but needed for Akira to have a chance in A2A interactions and ultimately his best AA button. It's rather slow, giving it an additional active frame compared to faster jA attacks.
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX
  |description=An aerial lower side kick. Original to this game.
  |description=An unnamed aerial lower roundhouse kick. This is Akira's go-to ATG attack if he finds himself in such a situation.
|name=Tankyaku/Utankyaku<br />「端脚」/「右端脚」
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX
  |description=Tankyaku/Utankyaku is Akira's aerial kick. Although the sprite is more of Utankyaku (which is an aerial side kick), the version of this move is from post-Virtua Fighter 4. Unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive series, it does not launches opponent to the air.
  |description=An aerial upward kick. Although the sprite resembles Utankyaku (which is a jumping side kick) than Tankyaku, it does not launch a grounded opponent to the air. It has some niche A2A usage, but is rather slow and is mostly a combo tool. Before Version 1.21 (console release), it was Renkantai until it changed to Tankyaku/Utankyaku, while Renkantai is now a command move.

==Command Normal==
===Command Normal===
|name=Rimon Chouchu Lv.2/Yakuho Chouchu<br />「裡門頂肘・二式 」/「薬舗頂肘」
  |cancel=EX, TCC, ICAC
  |cancel=JC, SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=-5<br>+14 (JC)
  |description=Although in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive series called "Yakuho Chouchu", a side switch version of Rimon Chouchu. Unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive series, it is called "Rimon Chochu Lv.2" in this game only, uses a same sprite as 5B/Rimon Chouchu and does not either launches the opponent forward (DOA version during Critical Hit), instead only knock the opponent, but still jump cancellable during juggle.
  |description=Otherwise known as Yakuho Chouchu (a side stepped version of Rimon Chouchu), it uses the same sprite as 5B and doesn't launch the opponent forward, but it still is jump cancellable and can chain to another normals. One of Akira's strongest moves due to its ridiculous reach. This move is a cause of fear for the opponent encouraging them to jump, in which you can wait and position yourself around said movement options and then instead use it to threaten their landings.
If you input 6B within 2f~ of the dash before it, you will get a just-frame version of the move (you'll see a white flash to indicate you've done this correctly). This will increase damage by 50 and hitstun by one additional frame, allowing for certain links into 5[C].

==Special Moves==
===Special Moves===
|name=Mo'kou Kohazan<br />「猛虎硬爬山」
|name=Mouko Kouhazan<br />「猛虎硬爬山」
  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC
  |description=Akira's old palm fist knockdown from Virtua Fighter 2. In pre-Virtua Fighter 5 onward before command moves later used Chouda Chouchu, with Mo'kou Kohazan command move as a throw followup (such as from Shin'icha throw to Teirou Kanpo stance) and side switch move, it was originally 2[hold for 5 second]36P and not a side switch.
  |description=A palm fist: this move puts the opponent airborne on hit and is impressively only -2. If this move counterhits, it causes a hard knockdown. Its use case in pressure is an occasional reflect-guard read after short staggers. Originally before Version 1.21 (Console Version), it was one of only two special moves.
|name=Byakko Soushoda<br />「白虎双掌打」
|name=Byakko Soushouda<br />「白虎双掌打」
  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC
  |description=Akira's famous double palm strike. In this game, it cause wall bounce on the corner.
  |description=One of Akira's famous attacks, a double palm strike. It causes a wall bounce in the corner, but won't give a hard knockdown after a wallbounce at most heights. However, if this move doesn't cause a wallbounce, it gives you a hard knockdown. This move is insanely strong and often seen as a round-start option. It is -13 on block but causes a lot of pushback on block meaning when spaced right, it is safe to MOST options.  
|name=Renkantai<br />「連環腿」
|name=Renkantai<br />「連環腿」
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  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=-22 (1 hit)<br>-13 (both hits)
  |description=Akira's famous anti-air double kick. In this game, it can freezes opponent to the wall.
  |description=One of Akira's famous attacks, a rising double kick. It causes wall bounce in the corner or if the opponent is airborne and grants hard-knockdown on wallbounce. Originally before Version 1.21 (Console Release), it was an Air C normal.
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|name=Renkantai (Air Version)<br />「連環腿(空中可)」
|name=Renkantai (Air Version)<br />「連環腿(空中可)」
|data=The air version of Renkantai is a knockdown set-up unlike the ground version.
  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX
  |frameAdv=-11 or worse
  |description=Low air jumping.
  |description=The air version of Renkantai is an airtech ender and has various attack version ranges. Unfortunately, it is among the worst special moves in the game even as a combo tool. The non-EX versions barely sends the opponent away and has lots of landing lag, causing the airtech situation to be less than favorable for Akira. It's akin to the previous Air C from pre-Version 1.21 (Console Release).
  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX
  |frameAdv=-11 or worse
  |description=Medium air jumping.
  |description=Slightly more jump momentum than j.236A on start-up.
  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX
  |frameAdv=-11 or worse
  |description=High air jumping.
  |description=Higher jump momentum than both the A and B versions.
  |cancel=TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=-11 or worse
  |description=Higher air jumping and fully hard knockdown the opponent.
  |description=Higher jump momentum than the non-EX versions, plus it moves forward quicker. Gives a better airtech situation than the non-EX versions.
|name=Shura Haoh Ko'kazan<br />「修羅覇王靠華山」
|name=Shura Haoh Koukazan<br />「修羅覇王靠華山」
  |cancel=SC, TCC, CAC
  |description=Akira's three hit combo from Virtua Fighter 3 until it doesn't last on 4th then return in Dead or Alive 5 as a Power Blow move. In this game, it act as one of EX version.
  |description=This EX move references one of Akira's famous attacks, Akira's very first three-hit command combo since Virtua Fighter 3. It starts from Saiten, goes to Rimon Chouchu, then ends with Tetsuzankou. Gives Akira the freedom to trump install anywhere. A grounded opponent hit by this is only put into an OTG hit on the third attack, so cancelling into Trump or Combo Blast on either the first or second hit gives better advantage, but less damage in the case of trump.
|name=Joho Senshou<br />「上歩川掌」
|name=Jouho Senshou<br />「上歩川掌」
  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC
  |description=This is Akira forward palm stun knockdown from Virtua Fighter 3. Although in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive can be followed into a combo in less another way, in this game can combo into other moves freely as an OTG-like move.
  |description=A forward palm stun that causes soft knockdown. It can combo into other moves freely as an OTG-like move. Being only -4, this move is a frametrap tool, autopilot tool after 66B etc. Likewise, he can RPS during it with a backdash which is hard for the opponent to answer, and he can whiff punish with 2C if he sees anything. This will be one of your favorite moves as an Akira player due to how flexible it is. Before the Version 1.21 (Console Version) update, it was one of only two special moves.
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  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=+50 (hit)
  |description=Akira's unblockable uppercut-like move from Virtua Fighter 4. In this game if the opponent is hit, Akira performs Teishitsu Dantai launcher and Shura Haoh Ko'kazan juggle combo.
  |description=An unblockable uppercut-like move, if it hits and the opponent is inputting [4] it will show red guard effects and will do a chain of unblockable attacks. It '''ONLY hits standing opponents'''. If the standing opponent is hit, Akira performs the Teishitsu Dantai launcher and Shura Haoh Ko'kazan juggle combo. It cannot be cancelled into anything else, won't allow an assist to extend the combo after the end, and causes a hard knockdown and wallbounce on hit. The hitbox for the chain of attacks is full screen, which means it can also hit any assists on the screen. This has the disadvantage of hitting your own 5S Erio if used.  
|name=Koboku<br />「虎撲」
|name=Koboku<br />「虎撲」
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  |cancel=EX, TCC, CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC
  |description=Akira's rise and push down attack from Virtua Fighter 4. Although since Virtua Fighter 5 R added a bound system, it cause ground bounce when opponent is in the air.
  |description=A rise-and-push down attack, which has the same command direction input and damage properties on causing ground bounce against airborne opponents like its 3D fighting game counterpart. Does not have too much use over its charged counterpart. If this counterhits, the opponent is bounced up, allowing a conversion into moves like 66B.  
|name=Koboku (MAX)<br />「虎撲 (MAX)」
|name=Koboku (MAX)<br />「虎撲 (MAX)」
Line 429: Line 545:
  |cancel=EX, TCC,CAC
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC
  |description=A charge version of Koboku can ground bounce the opponent either if their in the air or on the ground.
  |description=A charged, overhead version of Koboku that can ground bounce the opponent whether they're in the air or on the ground. It is only -3 and is often seen autopiloted into 214AB on block despite having the same advantage as it is somewhat difficult to hit-confirm on official console and arcade releases. If this move counterhits, the opponent is bounced into the air for a longer duration than 214C's counterhit, allowing for better conversions even on a trade.  
|name=Youhou<br />「揚炮」
|name=Youhou<br />「揚炮」
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  |cancel=SC, TCC, CAC
  |description=Akira's famous fist launcher. It act as one of the EX moves and its hard knockdown. The version of this move is from post-Virtua Fighter 3.
  |description=One of Akira's famous attacks, a fist launcher. It causes hard knockdown. One of his strongest combo tools by far, giving him great advantage, letting him powerblast, etc.

==Universal Mechanics==
===Universal Mechanics===
|input=6C or 4C
|input=6C or 4C
  |cancel=SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC
  |frameAdv=+55 (hit)
  |description=Akira's shoulder throw. Unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive series which is stagger throw, it is strike throw.
  |description=A shoulder charge throw. It knocks down the opponent.
|name=Impact Skill<br/>Tenzanko<br/>「貼山靠」
|name=Impact Skill<br/>Tenzankou<br/>「貼山靠」
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC<br>(on hit)
  |description=This side step shoulder strike is introduced in original Dead or Alive 5. This version uses side step down version, but moves forward instead of side stepping like in Dead or Alive 5.
  |description=One of Akira's famous attacks, a side step shoulder strike. Although since this is a 2D fighting game, it only goes forward. Only really has combo utility.
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|name=Impact Skill<br/>Teishitsu Dantai<br/>「提膝弾腿」
|name=Impact Skill<br/>Teishitsu Dantai<br/>「提膝弾腿」
  |damage=1200<br>1300 (white flash)*
  |cancel=SC, EX, TCC, CAC<br>(on hit)
  |description=Akira's later known infamous 1 frame tap knee launcher. In this game (and sometimes also in Dead or Alive), performing this move is much easier.
  |description=This is Akira's knee launcher, which is widely known in 3D fighting games as one of Akira's famous attacks. Uniquely, this move on counter-hit can be confirmable without an EX cancel. Before Version 1.21 (Console Version), it was the only Impact Skill.
* Input A two frames after A + B to increase the attack power to 1300 (you'll see a white flash on Akira to indicate you did it correctly).
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|name=Impact Break
|name=Impact Break
  |damage=First Hit: 900<br>Launcher: 800
  |cancel=First Hit: N/A<br>Launcher: SC, EX, TCC, CAC<br>(on hit)
  |guard=First Hit: HA<br>Launcher: HLA
  |startup=First Hit: 22<br>Launcher: 9
  |active=First Hit: 8<br>Launcher: 2
  |recovery=First Hit: 14<br>Launcher: 50
  |frameAdv=First Hit: -2<br>Launcher: -37
  |description=Akira goes to Toku Rakusho then Youhou.
  |description=Akira goes to Touku Rakushou then Youhou.
|name=Trump Card<br/>Tetsuzanko<br/>「鉄山靠」
|name=Trump Card<br/>Tetsuzankou<br/>「鉄山靠」
  |description= Akira's famous shoulder strike.
  |description= One of Akira's famous attacks, a shoulder strike. It hits overhead and is air unblockable. An insanely large trump card which is a good reversal, a good frametrap check at some times, etc.

==Climax Arts==
===Climax Arts===
|name=Hougeki Unshin Soukosho<br />「崩撃雲身双虎掌」
|name=Hougeki Unshin Soukoshou<br />「崩撃雲身双虎掌」
  |description=This is Akira's famous throw combo. Unlike in Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive series,  it act as invuln. startup and performs a ki blast-like move on Sosho/3rd hit.
  |description=Standard Climax Art, but with the double-edged sword effect of sideswapping Akira. One of Akira's famous attacks, that being a throw combo. Akira performs a ki blast-like move on Sosho move/3rd hit. Before the console release (Version 1.21), it had no invuln. on startup and was originally the only Climax Art, until it got fixed into akin to its 3D fighting game counterpart's damage properties, along an utter change on Air C, new moves and a new sprites for new moves in console release.
|name=Yuki-ryu Hakkyoku-ken Hiden Guren・Hozan<br />「結城流八極拳秘伝・崩山」
|name=Yuki-ryu Hakkyoku-ken Hiden ・ Hozan<br />「結城流八極拳秘伝・崩山」
  |description=Original to this game. Akira goes to the opponent and perform Kaiko then Utankyaku, followed by a rapid fire Chusui juggle combo based on one of his Virtua Fighter rapid fire Chusui combo and ended with Youhou.
  |description=A ranbu super which is an expensive reversal option. Akira rushes toward the opponent: upon hit, he performs Kaiko then Utankyaku, followed by a rapid fire Chusui juggle combo based on one of his infinite rapid fire Chusui combos from the second ''Virtua Fighter'' game, and ends it with Youhou.

==Midscreen Starter==
==Corner Starter==
==Throw Starter==
'''Stuff > 214A > ...'''
*Be very mindful of same move proration in this route. For example, if you do 2A5B2C 214A, after 214A you'll need to pick-up with 5A2B, as using 2A again or 5B again some routes below may be much tighter and/or give less reward.
'''66B OR 2A 2B > 2C > 214A > 5A > 5B > jAjB > djBjC (j236C)'''
*Standard meterless BnB for Akira. 66B and 5B do not share same move properties so SMP will not kick in if you use both. j236C adds nearly 100 damage, but will give worse advantage and as such should probably not be done close to the corner. If you omit j236C, you can delay the jC in djBjC slightly to have a few extra frames of advantage to move into a better airtech position.
'''2AB (counter-hit) > recover > 5A > 5B > 214A...'''
*Counter-hit 2AB has great routing, and can do what Stuff > 214A... can mostly 1:1.
'''66B OR 2A 2B > 2C > 214A > 5B > 5AB > 214AB > recover > ...'''
*Standard 1 bar Akira BnB. You can do 214[C] as they fall to add 200 extra damage while still have enough time to recover and call an assist, you can powerblast after 214AB or OTG with it after 214[C], or can call your assist after 214AB (ie. Dokuro 5S, Tatsuya 6S) for combos.
'''66B OR 2A 2B > 2C > 214A > 5A > 5B > 214AB > recover >...'''
*Easier 1 bar BnB for Akira if you struggle with 5B 5AB after 214A.
'''4AB~X > jBjC > djBjC (j236C)'''
*Standard Akira 4AB BnB.
'''4AB~X > 214AB > ...'''
*An alternative Akira 1 bar 4AB BnB, for if you understandably do not want an airtech situation.
'''2AB > delay > 214AB > recover > 214[C]'''
*214AB needs to be a very very long delay to hit after 2AB hit. 214[C] should not OTG.
'''Stuff > 214AB > 214[C] > 5AC'''
*214[C] should NOT OTG, as if it does 5AC will whiff. Trump will hit OTG here, but does a lot more damage than the routes below by 200-300 damage.
'''Stuff > 236AB(2) 5AC cancel OR 236AB(3) 5AC cancel'''
*An Akira trump install route. 236AB(2) 5AC will cause a true trump hit and 236AB(3) 5AC will cause an OTG trump hit for better advantage.
'''Stuff > 214AB > delay > 236AB > 426BC'''
*Akira kill route. A privilege for Akira where he gets burst-locked 4 bar routing. Very nice.
'''2A 2B 2C > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236C'''
*While I advised against using the same move twice before, we use 2C again here for height purposes. By doing 2C 236C, we give enough height to have lots of left/right ambiguity. One, you can let the opponent land, and then either micro-walk forward 9j/8[6]j or omit the micro-walk for a corner gap left/right. Alternatively, with the height given by the second 2C in 2C 236C, you can dash into the corner after 236C. From there, you can do superjump instant 8dj for a drift-back left/right.
'''2A 2B 2C > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236C > recover > (micro-walk back) delay > 5A > 5B > 236AB(2)5AC OR 236AB(3)5AC'''
*Corner trump routing. You may need to micro-walk back slightly after 236C to keep the opponent in the corner.
'''Stuff > 214AB > (2C) 236C (recover > 236B)'''
*This route is for being near the corner but not in it. If you are near the corner, you can still wall-bounce the opponent with 236C. If you are far enough and still get the wall-bounce, Akira will recover early enough to also add a 236B which grants HKD.
'''66B (5[C]/2[C]) > 214A > 5B > 236B > 214AB > OTG 2AA.../Powerblast/OTG Powerblast etc.'''
*Corner routing for 66B that uses 236B for additional damage. 236B will use one of your wallbounces, so this routing is mostly for powerblasting.
'''66B (5[C]) > 214A > 2C > 5AB > 214AB > delay > 236C > recover > 236B > 5AC'''
*Near corner trump install routing.
'''5S Hit > delay > 5B > 2C > 214A > 2B > 5AB > 214AB...'''
*Raw Dokuro 5S hit-confirm. Standard BnB with multiple options after 214AB.
'''jAjB > djBjC > 5S Cancel > land, 214[C]'''
*A2A Dokuro 5S combo. Not the best damage, but very good for Akira's otherwise awful A2A reward.
'''(jB) 5B/66B > 214A > 6S Cancel > dash > 214[C] > 2A > 2C > 214A > 5A > 214A > 426BC'''
*Akira/Tatsuya jump-in BnB.
'''(jB or 5A) 5B > Combo-Blast > recover, 6S > dash > 214[C] > 2A > 5B > 214A > 5A > 5B > 236C > 5[C] > 236B > 426BC'''
*Fairly difficult combo, you may have to omit things due to proration and/or spacing issues.

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[[Category:Dengeki Fighting Climax]]
[[Category:Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition]]
[[Category:Akira Yuki]]

Latest revision as of 08:53, 7 January 2024

Akira Yuki (アキラ)

Players to Watch



  • Clashmech (Akira/Wilhelmina), can be found in DFCI Discord


Akira is a Hakkyoku-ken fighter battling in the 5th World Fighting Tournament to test his skills and to find a worthy opponent. He's never seen without his trusty hachimaki.

A guest character from the SEGA arcade game series Virtua Fighter, specifically wearing his outfit from Virtua Fighter 5.

Akira is the quintessential fighting game rushdown character. He sports decent, quick normals with deceiving range for an unarmed fighter. His game plan is to get in your face and condition you to make unforced errors in close-range combat and punish. His unique dash move 666B can quickly close mid-range gaps and start his turn. With the absolute best back dash in the game, he can move out of opponents' close-range pokes and move back in with his equally-quick forward dash.

Akira Gameplay Sample


  • Best back dash in the game, lasting a total 20f, allowing you to bait, whiff punish, and cause players to over-commit to answering you
  • Arguably best Red Trump Card in the game due to its horizontal reach. Tetsuzankou is your best anti-air, your best reversal, and among one of your best raw punish moves.
  • Unique 666B move can catch opponents off-guard with its deceptive reach. It makes landing for the opponent scary at more ranges than you'd expect.
  • Great routing outside of A2A interactions, with a EX launcher, meterless wallbounce corner routing, solo trump install options, etc.
  • Above average pressure. Some above average stagger options with 2C/2[C], 214A, with backdash on your barely minus frames to whiff punish with 236B, wait and see, etc.


  • Decent assist synergy, just major dependence on said assist. Synergy is insanely important with the lower tiers.
  • The only step-dash movement character in the game, and as such players may feel alienated on movement concepts and not being predictable with 66B.
  • Extreme difficulty vs aerial opponents, making his best AA option his movement and positioning. He has no grounded AA, his reward on A2A interactions is terrible, and microdash unders/walk unders are going to be next to impossible. This is his steepest learning curve by far.
  • Players may struggle to make pressure ambiguous, as jump cancelling is medicore due to poor ATGs, making him easy to box out if Akira does not abuse the massive stagger windows DFCI offers.

Recommended Assists

Erio - Debatably Akira's best assist. Erio augments Akira's oppressive close-range game to maximize any advantages he pushes. 5S removes any opponent hitboxes that touch her while she jumps, netting easy punishes against antsy foes and forcing respect. 6S is a pressure extender and pseudo-projectile that goes off by hitting (pushing) her to help her slide across the screen. You can repeat this more than once per 6S call and can hit her with 66B, 236B, etc to make said options safer to throw out as she is insurance for you in neutral.

Dokuro - Dokuro is Akira's safest pick, as he can use it as an extension after his launcher 214AB. Likewise, 5S in neutral covers Akira's biggest weakness, making him more difficult to mindlessly jump on in neutral.

Celty - An interesting one for Akira that takes a bit of work to make truly strong. 6S is obviously an oki tool but 5S works as a way to be a threat from even further on the screen. You can play more spaced out vs an opponent's landing and still 66B a far ranged 5S on block. A good assist, but you'll have to work to make it rewarding.

Tatsuya - Only used by NG, and almost entirely as a combo assist. Akira can 6S after 214AB launcher into fairly high damage routing. Makes his reward explosive and 5S counter is a fun oki gimmick.

Wilhelmina - Used by Clashmech, Wilhelmina, gives Akira a decent set of additional neutral options, and works as a decent combo tool. He should get a left/right with 6S, but making 6S hit to make him a problem will take a bit of work. When he does hit, though, it is an issue for the opponent.


Universal Potential: Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.

Character Potential: Counter hit the opponent twice OR counter-hit the opponent once with a charged attack to increase damage dealt by 10% for 10 seconds. Can be activated three times a round.


This section is dedicated to showing unique elements in a characters gameplan and for Akira will likely discuss which spacings to do these at. Unlike other characters, he lives and dies by his positioning and the players' movement. Pressing the good button will not be enough.


General Movement/Positioning and Backdashing
Akira's unique movement, his stepdashes, is a double-edged sword that is his highest learning curve to become scary. Akira is the only character with a step-dash and in true FPan fashion this trade-off gives him an insane backdash. Akira's backdash clocks in to a total frame count of 20f, making it the only backdash in the game a player cannot punish after a whiffed A and/or B button with 5C/5AB. A backdash so fast that he can use it to set-up whiff punish opportunities in scramble spacings.
However, even though his backdash is only 20f total, you need to be careful how you apply it. This is still a disadvantageous amount of frames to mindlessly put out, and this game not having an AUB reversal means you cannot cover a bad backdash with a DP on reaction to a jump-in. We need to first establish Akira's general positioning and layer0 movement and then we can discuss a few use cases for backdashing, and get an idea on how to make backdashing ambiguous as a neutral option.

Akira's base walk-speed is on the lower side, having a stepdash means our general grounded vectors are predictable, we have no airdash due to this game not being an airdasher game, and our weak ATG presence means jumping about will only work against Akira. Likewise, a majority of the roster has fairly good ATG buttons and without a grounded AA as well as low A2A damage, even weaker ATG characters are going to be jumping onto Akira to test his understanding of AAing with his positioning. In general, you will be hunkering down in that round-start spacing and sometimes just outside of it. This spacing lets you consistently steer clear of that mix of dash buttons and jumping in on you, while your constant threat of 66B exists in the case of Iriya, Rusian, as well as them poorly burning through their air options quickly. At this spacing you can also do things like 8~[4]j to passively move yourself and stay ambiguous vs the opponent, as JUST sitting there is easy to answer with a plethora of options. While in 8~[4]j, you have the ability to fall with a button, as well as dj in various ways to circumvent a dash landing pin attempt or to angle yourself above an opponent jumping at you to thwart their approach. You can also choose to airblock in 8~[4]j or after your double-jump to air reflect-guard the opponent which will give you room to play with this better spacing and possibly score an AA hit. This general spacing will be your best friend in which you can choose to show your hand at times with Akira's various tools that will discussed later, as well as move in to pin landings, bait out doublejumps, 2C AA doublejump landings, etc.

Now we can discuss backdashing use cases. One way to use it is by backdashing after landing, ideally when landing outside a character's dash 5A spacing where you will avoid them dash C button pinning your landing. This can basically either slow down the opponent by making them wait to call out your backdash, or cause them to commit deeper with a deep dash 5C button to either grab you if you wait/hit you on backdash. In the best case, you will find yourself being able to push the thin line of disadvantage on landing by backdashing out of dash 2A/5A which you can whiff punish with 2C and ideally at worst you'll block a C normal. If you backdash as you land and they go airborne, you can wait out a greedy double-jump towards you in which you can choose to try to 9jA it, dash-under, gamble with 2AB as they no longer have a double-jump to block it on clash, etc. Once this is an option that has been established, even just once or twice, you can land and block on disadvantage and layer your landing with fuzzy 2A, fuzzyjump (171), etc to check over-commitment if the opponent is antsy about hardreading your backdash. Some downsides to overusing this is some characters like Asuna have strong 5ABs to call out backdash and take space even if they're too late, Kirino's 236A can negative a lot of the RPS due to its multi-tool nature, Kuroko/Tatsuya/KYH all have ranged tools to call you out if they're looking for backdash as well as good AA options if you just jump again, Celty 5S is blazing fast and will stop you in your tracks if they use it to pin your landing, and assists like Iriya/Rusian may mean the opponent doesn't focus on pinning your landing but instead establish their 1P mini-game. As such, besides keeping the MU in mind, you have to remember that on a "bad" jump landing and simply blocking is sometimes a part of the game and this backdash spot is simply an RPS decision you can show at times to catch players off guard.

Another possible use case for it is barely entering 9j~X spacing, and preemptively backdashing out. Against some players, you may find that they will be quick to jump when you show any signs of approach, whether that is towards you or away from you. By establishing this use-case of backdash, you open the door to waiting out the opponent's double-jump if they 8/9j in which you can AA their landing from said dj with 2C, you can cut off double-jump vectors if they 7j, or you can use it to get your assist established. Like before, the set of characters and assists listed means this is not your layer 1.

A final sample use-case of backdash is in situations where the opponent is ready for 66B/236B, ie. round-start 236B, you can backdash, then possibly 66B or wait and see. This avoids a 9j, and you can take a second before committing to 66B to identify that. You do run the risk of the opponent delaying their jump timings, cause you to whiff 66B and put yourselves under them.

Akira has more use-cases for backdash, but these give some ideas on how to incorporate your backdash into an already existing gameplan, rather than forcing it to be the gameplan itself. Despite how ridiculous a 20f backdash is that is still a notable amount of recovery to commit to often. You should avoid falling into habits with backdash and keep in mind that sometimes you have to just hold the opponent's better decision and block, especially at times in trump state where you can then look to wait or fuzzy out of their pressure to try again. Don't rush your death.

Picking an Assist
In DFCI, every character lives and dies by their assist but especially so for "weaker" characters like Akira. Picking Dokuro will enable a stronger AA presence with threatening reward as well as a fullscreen projectile if you aren't confident in your neutral. Erio, debatably the strongest choice, gives you 5S which nullifies any attacks against you making your ground game genuinely frustrating. 6S is a projectile and once she begins to slide she cannot be hit off the screen no matter what. She will come back on the screen and if hit again she will slide again. This enables you to more aggressively 66B, 236B, etc. as she works as insurance to cover you. Celty gives you 5S to more safely pin landings from further range and you can keep the opponent locked with 66B after to begin pressure. No matter which assist you pick, even if it's not these 3, just remember to think about how it can cover Akira's weaknesses, or amplify his general reward to maintain momentum.

Various Famous Attacks

Unlike other characters, Akira's stepdash means he is not really using this to dash pin landings or dash 2A control space in front of him as it is very commital. However, these two buttons are still important for Akira to control his space at times when the opponent is getting too close for comfort.

The god button. This tool covers a massive part of the screen at lightning fast speed, can be chained into other normals on block, is jump cancelable and air unblockable, etc. You can mix it in on roundstart if the opponent is ready for 236B by doing backdash 66B, you can use it to pin landings, you can use it to stop Rusian players from thinking they can mindlessly call 6S vs you, and in general it encourages unknowing opponents to hit buttons early and randomly, as well as jump around to cover it not realizing they are doing EXACTLY what you need them to to get your offense started. Love this button and know that if its not working, you're over-using it and not thinking about the next layers.

Awesome 2C. This button can AA opponents landing from doublejump, works as a great whiff punisher out of backdash, and can sometimes be an abare in scrambles. Always cancel it into 214A for neutral applications.

Insanely strong tool that is -13 but pushes the opponent pretty far, but this doesn't make it unpunishable. Often seen on round-start as round-start spacing is perfect for it. Not AUB but can catch jump-startup. If done closer than round-start spacing, it can be worth it to delay trump cancel to check people SOMETIMES.


Standard DFCI stuff, 5A lets you jump cancel either instantly or delayed to mess with your timings, and you can stagger this into more A normals with respect or into 2C/2[C] to check opponent's if they reflect-guard. 2A is a good low option to check fuzzys.

Neither buttons are remarkable by any means, but a way to change your pressure up from the usual 5A/2A~A, 5Ajc/5A~jc, 5A/2A~2C, etc. You can use 2B/5B as a string ender, as a delayed jc option, or check disrespect with a stagger 2C/2[C].

2C, 2[C]
Incredible pressure tools. Great reach, fairly fast for C normals, and your main way of answering reflect-guard. You can stagger into 236A/214A, with 214A being an auto-hitconfirm option that's barely minus.

The most common string ender. It's probably good to be cognizant of not ending every string with this just because it auto-hitconfirms, but on block you can backdash after, in which you are put in a perfect spacing to 2C whiff punish players trying to take their turn, or you can wait and see.

Niche pressure tool which has poor reward, but is sometimes necessary to present to answer reflect-guard.

An overhead special that is only -3. Often autopilotted into 214AB to hitconfirm it, in which players may assist cancel as well in trump state to get pressure going further. Hits fairly far so it can be spaced to be as good as a +0 special.

Even more niche tool, sometimes seen after making space in the corner. I like to sometimes establish stagger trump cancel after to check opponent's knowledge of Akira. A smarter player knows it's ranbu punishable however at those kind of spacings.

As stated, it is seen after things like 214A, 214[C] (> 214AB), as well as 236A/236B. In general, you can establish it after slightly disadvantageous strings or after a spaced falling jB to bait out fuzzy options. Your 20f backdash makes this an annoying thing to deal with.

Truthfully, I'm not 100% on how this tool is exactly used for pressure and as such feel free to edit this if you certain you have better use cases down. Akira can establish 214B after 5[C] in pressure, likely while he is in trump and has an assist with him (ie. Erio 5S) as this is a common fuzzy spot for dashing/jumping in response to Akira jump-cancelling 5[C]. Alternatively, it may be that 5[C] could be mistaken for 214[C] due to charged startup similarity and opponents get antsy and stand. Clearly has some use, but use with caution due to it whiffing on crouchers.


For defense, patience is everything. Your lack of grounded AAs, no run dash to run out of the corner, and average 2AB means you need to take it easy. On the plus side, all of your normals on RG or throwtech move you forward, meaning you are slightly annoying to jump bait and as such a player reading your defensive option will give you more space than what normal characters get. This can open up a variety of fuzzy options for you.

Move List

L = Low, H = High, A = Air, UNB = Unblockable
JC = Jump Cancel, SC = Support Cancel, EX = EX Cancel
ISC = Impact Skill Cancel, TCC = Trump Card Cancel, CAC = Climax Art Cancel

Startup includes the first active frame.

Normal Moves


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
300 5 2 15 -4
+8 (JC)

A simple jab punch. Not too much use in neutral due to his step-dash, but has some use cases in scramble situations.


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 5 2 14 -3 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC LA -

A simple crouching side jab punch. Average 2A with average frame-data.

Rimon Chouchu

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
500 9 4 16 -5
+10 (JC)

One of Akira's famous attacks, an elbow strike. Like a majority of his moves, this move moves Akira forward slightly helping out with its shorter range.

Souka Housui

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 11 3 18 -6
+10 (JC)

A lower crouching punch. Has some niche counter-poke usage to defend your space preemptively, and moves Akira forward slightly.

Chouzan Housui

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 14 4 19 -6 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HLA -

A double fist strike. It does not strike knock down the opponent, even during juggles. Moves Akira forward, doesn't have much neutral use over something like 2C.

Chouzan Housui (MAX)
「跳山崩捶 (MAX)」

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 20 4 19 -6 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HLA -

The Extend Action (charged) version of Chouzan Housui's damage properties is the same as its 3D fighting game counterpart causing strike knockdown. Additionally however, it can also wallbounces opponents in the corner.

Maho Shoukou

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 11 4 22 -9 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HL -

A crouching shoulder charge that moves Akira forward, and is one of his best buttons. This is his whiff punisher on backdash, and insanely easy to hit-confirm into 214A. Learn to love this button and it will love you.

Zesshou Daiden Housui/Maho Shoukou (MAX)
「絶書大電崩捶」/「馬歩衝靠 (MAX)」

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
900 18 4 22 -9 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HL -

Although this move is known as Zesshou Daiden Hosui (a side-stepped version of Maho Shoukou from Dead or Alive 5), it uses the same sprite as 2C/Maho Shoukou and launches the opponent higher. Not much neutral use but a great pressure option to auto-frametrap opponents after 5A/2A.

Touku Rakushou

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 8 3 X+2 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

A simple aerial side jab punch. Very average, but needed for Akira to have a chance in A2A interactions and ultimately his best AA button. It's rather slow, giving it an additional active frame compared to faster jA attacks.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 10 3 X+3 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

An unnamed aerial lower roundhouse kick. This is Akira's go-to ATG attack if he finds himself in such a situation.


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
650 12 2 X+4 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

An aerial upward kick. Although the sprite resembles Utankyaku (which is a jumping side kick) than Tankyaku, it does not launch a grounded opponent to the air. It has some niche A2A usage, but is rather slow and is mostly a combo tool. Before Version 1.21 (console release), it was Renkantai until it changed to Tankyaku/Utankyaku, while Renkantai is now a command move.

Command Normal

Rimon Chouchu Lv.2/Yakuho Chouchu
「裡門頂肘・二式 」/「薬舗頂肘」

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
650 10 4 20 -5
+14 (JC)

Otherwise known as Yakuho Chouchu (a side stepped version of Rimon Chouchu), it uses the same sprite as 5B and doesn't launch the opponent forward, but it still is jump cancellable and can chain to another normals. One of Akira's strongest moves due to its ridiculous reach. This move is a cause of fear for the opponent encouraging them to jump, in which you can wait and position yourself around said movement options and then instead use it to threaten their landings. If you input 6B within 2f~ of the dash before it, you will get a just-frame version of the move (you'll see a white flash to indicate you've done this correctly). This will increase damage by 50 and hitstun by one additional frame, allowing for certain links into 5[C].

Special Moves

Mouko Kouhazan

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1000 13 3 14 -2 SC, EX, TCC, CAC HLA -

A palm fist: this move puts the opponent airborne on hit and is impressively only -2. If this move counterhits, it causes a hard knockdown. Its use case in pressure is an occasional reflect-guard read after short staggers. Originally before Version 1.21 (Console Version), it was one of only two special moves.

Byakko Soushouda

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1300 11 3 27 -13 SC, EX, TCC, CAC HLA -

One of Akira's famous attacks, a double palm strike. It causes a wall bounce in the corner, but won't give a hard knockdown after a wallbounce at most heights. However, if this move doesn't cause a wallbounce, it gives you a hard knockdown. This move is insanely strong and often seen as a round-start option. It is -13 on block but causes a lot of pushback on block meaning when spaced right, it is safe to MOST options.


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1059 9 4 49 -22 (1 hit)
-13 (both hits)

One of Akira's famous attacks, a rising double kick. It causes wall bounce in the corner or if the opponent is airborne and grants hard-knockdown on wallbounce. Originally before Version 1.21 (Console Release), it was an Air C normal.

Renkantai (Air Version)

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 959 10 4 X+14 -11 or worse SC, EX HLA -

The air version of Renkantai is an airtech ender and has various attack version ranges. Unfortunately, it is among the worst special moves in the game even as a combo tool. The non-EX versions barely sends the opponent away and has lots of landing lag, causing the airtech situation to be less than favorable for Akira. It's akin to the previous Air C from pre-Version 1.21 (Console Release).

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 996 11 4 X+14 -11 or worse SC, EX HLA -

Slightly more jump momentum than j.236A on start-up.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 1035 12 4 X+14 -11 or worse SC, EX HLA -

Higher jump momentum than both the A and B versions.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1135 10 4 X+14 -11 or worse SC HLA -

Higher jump momentum than the non-EX versions, plus it moves forward quicker. Gives a better airtech situation than the non-EX versions.

Shura Haoh Koukazan

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1570 10 2 57 -20 SC, TCC, CAC HLA -

This EX move references one of Akira's famous attacks, Akira's very first three-hit command combo since Virtua Fighter 3. It starts from Saiten, goes to Rimon Chouchu, then ends with Tetsuzankou. Gives Akira the freedom to trump install anywhere. A grounded opponent hit by this is only put into an OTG hit on the third attack, so cancelling into Trump or Combo Blast on either the first or second hit gives better advantage, but less damage in the case of trump.

Jouho Senshou

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
800 8 2 17 -4 SC, EX, TCC, CAC HLA -

A forward palm stun that causes soft knockdown. It can combo into other moves freely as an OTG-like move. Being only -4, this move is a frametrap tool, autopilot tool after 66B etc. Likewise, he can RPS during it with a backdash which is hard for the opponent to answer, and he can whiff punish with 2C if he sees anything. This will be one of your favorite moves as an Akira player due to how flexible it is. Before the Version 1.21 (Console Version) update, it was one of only two special moves.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1853 8 1 20 +50 (hit) N/A UNB -

An unblockable uppercut-like move, if it hits and the opponent is inputting [4] it will show red guard effects and will do a chain of unblockable attacks. It ONLY hits standing opponents. If the standing opponent is hit, Akira performs the Teishitsu Dantai launcher and Shura Haoh Ko'kazan juggle combo. It cannot be cancelled into anything else, won't allow an assist to extend the combo after the end, and causes a hard knockdown and wallbounce on hit. The hitbox for the chain of attacks is full screen, which means it can also hit any assists on the screen. This has the disadvantage of hitting your own 5S Erio if used.


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 22 5 19 -7 SC, EX, TCC, CAC HLA -

A rise-and-push down attack, which has the same command direction input and damage properties on causing ground bounce against airborne opponents like its 3D fighting game counterpart. Does not have too much use over its charged counterpart. If this counterhits, the opponent is bounced up, allowing a conversion into moves like 66B.

Koboku (MAX)
「虎撲 (MAX)」

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1200 28 5 17 -3 SC, EX, TCC, CAC HA -

A charged, overhead version of Koboku that can ground bounce the opponent whether they're in the air or on the ground. It is only -3 and is often seen autopiloted into 214AB on block despite having the same advantage as it is somewhat difficult to hit-confirm on official console and arcade releases. If this move counterhits, the opponent is bounced into the air for a longer duration than 214C's counterhit, allowing for better conversions even on a trade.


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1400 12 2 19 -3 SC, TCC, CAC HLA -

One of Akira's famous attacks, a fist launcher. It causes hard knockdown. One of his strongest combo tools by far, giving him great advantage, letting him powerblast, etc.

Universal Mechanics


6C or 4C
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 4 1 60 +55 (hit) SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC N/A -

A shoulder charge throw. It knocks down the opponent.

Impact Skill

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 12 2 42 -27 SC, EX, TCC, CAC
(on hit)

One of Akira's famous attacks, a side step shoulder strike. Although since this is a 2D fighting game, it only goes forward. Only really has combo utility.

Impact Skill
Teishitsu Dantai

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1300 (white flash)*
13 6 39 -28 SC, EX, TCC, CAC
(on hit)

This is Akira's knee launcher, which is widely known in 3D fighting games as one of Akira's famous attacks. Uniquely, this move on counter-hit can be confirmable without an EX cancel. Before Version 1.21 (Console Version), it was the only Impact Skill.

  • Input A two frames after A + B to increase the attack power to 1300 (you'll see a white flash on Akira to indicate you did it correctly).
Impact Break
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
First Hit: 900
Launcher: 800
First Hit: 22
Launcher: 9
First Hit: 8
Launcher: 2
First Hit: 14
Launcher: 50
First Hit: -2
Launcher: -37
First Hit: N/A
Launcher: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
(on hit)
First Hit: HA
Launcher: HLA

Akira goes to Touku Rakushou then Youhou.

Trump Card

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
3000 25 2 29 -16 N/A H -

One of Akira's famous attacks, a shoulder strike. It hits overhead and is air unblockable. An insanely large trump card which is a good reversal, a good frametrap check at some times, etc.

Climax Arts

Hougeki Unshin Soukoshou

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
3500 13 2 38 -23 N/A HLA -

Standard Climax Art, but with the double-edged sword effect of sideswapping Akira. One of Akira's famous attacks, that being a throw combo. Akira performs a ki blast-like move on Sosho move/3rd hit. Before the console release (Version 1.21), it had no invuln. on startup and was originally the only Climax Art, until it got fixed into akin to its 3D fighting game counterpart's damage properties, along an utter change on Air C, new moves and a new sprites for new moves in console release.

Yuki-ryu Hakkyoku-ken Hiden ・ Hozan

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
2710 7 23 20 -27 N/A HLA -

A ranbu super which is an expensive reversal option. Akira rushes toward the opponent: upon hit, he performs Kaiko then Utankyaku, followed by a rapid fire Chusui juggle combo based on one of his infinite rapid fire Chusui combos from the second Virtua Fighter game, and ends it with Youhou.




Stuff > 214A > ...

  • Be very mindful of same move proration in this route. For example, if you do 2A5B2C 214A, after 214A you'll need to pick-up with 5A2B, as using 2A again or 5B again some routes below may be much tighter and/or give less reward.

66B OR 2A 2B > 2C > 214A > 5A > 5B > jAjB > djBjC (j236C)

  • Standard meterless BnB for Akira. 66B and 5B do not share same move properties so SMP will not kick in if you use both. j236C adds nearly 100 damage, but will give worse advantage and as such should probably not be done close to the corner. If you omit j236C, you can delay the jC in djBjC slightly to have a few extra frames of advantage to move into a better airtech position.

2AB (counter-hit) > recover > 5A > 5B > 214A...

  • Counter-hit 2AB has great routing, and can do what Stuff > 214A... can mostly 1:1.

66B OR 2A 2B > 2C > 214A > 5B > 5AB > 214AB > recover > ...

  • Standard 1 bar Akira BnB. You can do 214[C] as they fall to add 200 extra damage while still have enough time to recover and call an assist, you can powerblast after 214AB or OTG with it after 214[C], or can call your assist after 214AB (ie. Dokuro 5S, Tatsuya 6S) for combos.

66B OR 2A 2B > 2C > 214A > 5A > 5B > 214AB > recover >...

  • Easier 1 bar BnB for Akira if you struggle with 5B 5AB after 214A.

4AB~X > jBjC > djBjC (j236C)

  • Standard Akira 4AB BnB.

4AB~X > 214AB > ...

  • An alternative Akira 1 bar 4AB BnB, for if you understandably do not want an airtech situation.

2AB > delay > 214AB > recover > 214[C]

  • 214AB needs to be a very very long delay to hit after 2AB hit. 214[C] should not OTG.

Stuff > 214AB > 214[C] > 5AC

  • 214[C] should NOT OTG, as if it does 5AC will whiff. Trump will hit OTG here, but does a lot more damage than the routes below by 200-300 damage.

Stuff > 236AB(2) 5AC cancel OR 236AB(3) 5AC cancel

  • An Akira trump install route. 236AB(2) 5AC will cause a true trump hit and 236AB(3) 5AC will cause an OTG trump hit for better advantage.

Stuff > 214AB > delay > 236AB > 426BC

  • Akira kill route. A privilege for Akira where he gets burst-locked 4 bar routing. Very nice.


2A 2B 2C > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236C

  • While I advised against using the same move twice before, we use 2C again here for height purposes. By doing 2C 236C, we give enough height to have lots of left/right ambiguity. One, you can let the opponent land, and then either micro-walk forward 9j/8[6]j or omit the micro-walk for a corner gap left/right. Alternatively, with the height given by the second 2C in 2C 236C, you can dash into the corner after 236C. From there, you can do superjump instant 8dj for a drift-back left/right.

2A 2B 2C > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236C > recover > (micro-walk back) delay > 5A > 5B > 236AB(2)5AC OR 236AB(3)5AC

  • Corner trump routing. You may need to micro-walk back slightly after 236C to keep the opponent in the corner.

Stuff > 214AB > (2C) 236C (recover > 236B)

  • This route is for being near the corner but not in it. If you are near the corner, you can still wall-bounce the opponent with 236C. If you are far enough and still get the wall-bounce, Akira will recover early enough to also add a 236B which grants HKD.

66B (5[C]/2[C]) > 214A > 5B > 236B > 214AB > OTG 2AA.../Powerblast/OTG Powerblast etc.

  • Corner routing for 66B that uses 236B for additional damage. 236B will use one of your wallbounces, so this routing is mostly for powerblasting.

66B (5[C]) > 214A > 2C > 5AB > 214AB > delay > 236C > recover > 236B > 5AC

  • Near corner trump install routing.



5S Hit > delay > 5B > 2C > 214A > 2B > 5AB > 214AB...

  • Raw Dokuro 5S hit-confirm. Standard BnB with multiple options after 214AB.

jAjB > djBjC > 5S Cancel > land, 214[C]

  • A2A Dokuro 5S combo. Not the best damage, but very good for Akira's otherwise awful A2A reward.


(jB) 5B/66B > 214A > 6S Cancel > dash > 214[C] > 2A > 2C > 214A > 5A > 214A > 426BC

  • Akira/Tatsuya jump-in BnB.

(jB or 5A) 5B > Combo-Blast > recover, 6S > dash > 214[C] > 2A > 5B > 214A > 5A > 5B > 236C > 5[C] > 236B > 426BC

  • Fairly difficult combo, you may have to omit things due to proration and/or spacing issues.


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Innocent Charm