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''(Click [[Dengeki_Bunko_Fighting_Climax/Shana/DFC1|here]] for the original Shana page)''
[[File:DFC.Shana.Header.png|500px|thumb|right|<center><font size="3">'''Shana (シャナ)'''</font><br/>''You shall know divine punishment!''</center>]]

[[image:DFC.Shana.Header.png|650px|thumb|right|<center><font size="3">'''Shana'''</font></center>]]
==Players to Watch==
*[ T.I. (Rank 1 Shana/Tatsuya)]
*[ Seiba- (Rank 3 Shana/Tatsuya)]
*[ Timu (Rank 5 Shana/Tatsuya)]
*[ GO1 (Rank 7 Shana/Tatsuya, God of Anime Poverty Games)]*
*[ Niga (Strong Oldhead Shana/Tatsuya)]
*[ Shikki (Rank ? Shana/Wilhelmina)]

Originally from the light novel ''Shakugan no Shana''.
*[ Abister (Shana/Wilhelmina OR Tatsuya, Can be found in DFCI Discord)]
*Inebriated Mage (Shana/Tatsuya, Can be found in DFCI Discord) (Also wrote this page! Shoutouts)

==Additional Resources==
A synopsis of this character's play-style, strengths, weaknesses, etc
[ DFCIDiscord's Shana Character Page]
<br />[ Timu, Top 6 JP Shana's YT Channel, Semi-Frequent PSN Streams]
The Flame Haze of Alastor. Her title is the "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter" and her mission is to destroy the Crimson Denizens who feed on humans. She wields the "Nietono no Shana" and loves melon bread.
Originally from the light novel series ''Shakugan no Shana''.
Shana is a mid-range offensive powerhouse with versatile and far-reaching ground normals, an airdash, and oppressive air normals. While she is at her core a simplistic character, her average damage output and ease of access to truly explosive damage is unparalleled by every other character. Combined with a fierce dominance of the air with her airdash and jump normals, she is rivaled only by Yuuki and Kirino in terms of sheer fear factor. Shana's simple but deadly Blue Trump gives her meter and gives access to whiffed charged j.C into j.A or j.B pressure and spacing maneuvers.
'''[ Shana Gameplay Sample]'''

*Excellent normals for pressure and reactive play
*Amazing ground normals for pokes, including a far-reaching 5 frame 2A low
*Has an airdash
*In terms of overall coverage and function, she has among the best of the best air normals, especially once Trump is activated and charged j.C can be cancelled freely into other jump moves even on whiff
*Moveset allows for clean hit confirms virtually every time
*Best resource use to damage output efficiency in the game, unmatched.
*Full screen projectile
*Has tools for nearly every situation and is fairly independent. Even her dependency on Power Blast is less than that of other characters due to her Blue Trump effect.
*Has very high damage output alongside easy access to gauge
*Trump Card is excellent for continuing pressure, as well as forcing your opponent to whiff
*Has "mediocre" Impact Skills
*Relatively weak overall compatibility with assists outside of her established staples
*Can't use a double jump from an airdash
*Impact Skills are generally only for combo purposes and have weak defensive use
*If on losers side of round 2, her meter game with Tatsuya/Wilhelmina can be easy to exploit for experienced players

==Recommended Assists==
===Recommended Assists===

'''Kino''' - Arguably the best assist in the game. The safe, fast fireball adds a lot to your ability to play neutral safely and smack other assists doing things you don't want.
'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Tatsuya Shiba (Assist)|Tatsuya]]''' - The infamous "Shana-Onii" combination. 5S is a huge counter field that when activated, paralyzes the opponent, forcing them to either block, throw tech, or Escape Blast. Use this during Trump to force struggling opponents to know their place. 6S is a combo extender that buffs your next Climax Art, guaranteeing typically over half an opponent's life bar off most conversions into Climax Art.

'''Leafa''' - Generically strong assist. Helps in neutral and pressure.
'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Wilhelmina Carmel|Wilhelmina]]''' - Wilhelmina is a strong setplay assist that also carries the threat of explosive damage behind every 6S. 5S is a quick projectile that can strike away other assists or whiff punish starter. 6S is a timed bandage bind for combo extensions and high-low/tick-throw set-ups. For Shana in particular, 6S allows for explosive routing similar to Tatsuya assist making for insanely high reward.
'''Enju''' - Good combo and confirm potential, good abilities.
'''[[Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/Celty Sturluson|Celty]]''' - 5S is a giant hitbox in front of you that zooms across the screen with only 10 frame start-up. It’s great for scrambles, mid-screen stand-offs, and quick punishes into hard knockdown. 6S is a giant anti-air bike that hits twice to afford you two opportunities to run cross-ups or tick throws.

'''Kojou''' - Good combo assist for entering Power Up state or standard finisher. Also a very good oki assist after a climax or EX GnO

'''Universal Potential''': Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.
'''Character Potential''': Hit the opponent with 10 attacks (in the case of multi-hitting moves only the first hit is counted) for Attack Level 1 for 20 seconds. Can be activated once a round.
'''This section is dedicated to showing unique elements in a characters' gameplan, not necessarily defining it entirely (ie. explaining how Shana might play around her jB or 214x in neutral but not exactly what spacings to be at).'''

'''Universal Potential''': Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.
<br />Shana's gameplan centers around her unparalleled dominance of the mid-range, applying her strong jump normals in tandem with her oppressive close and mid-range pokes to lock down the opponent and begin her dangerous combo and confirm game. Her kit is well-rounded and suited for offense, able to swap from a mid-range dominant "wait and see" playstyle to an aggressive "gorilla" that enforces her options and takes note of how her opponent responds. The following normals are taken into consideration when discussing Shana's neutral: 2B, 5C, 2A, 2C/5B, jA, and jB.
<br />We begin by establishing Shana's oppressive ground tools. 2B is a mid-range low that confirms into 5C at any range. While it struggles from not being jump-cancellable, it makes for a great defensive and offensive tool, able to whiff punish opponents, guard space against opponents trying to dash in, or chop at an opponent's legs while they are trying to walk away or jump away from you! This also makes for a great landing punish. It has great reward from hitconfirms and is a staple tool in Shana's arsenal.
<br />A massive mid-range mid that arcs upwards towards the end of the hitbox, while also moving Shana's hitbox a tiny bit lower to the ground. While boasting strength in defending Shana's space because of its reward from counterhit, converting into 2AB, it is also very strong at conditioning opponents to stay put on the ground, as 5C can catch opponents on rising with its unique rising hitbox.
<br />This tool deserves consideration. It is a massive half-screen mid attack that, while punishable on block, can combo OR frametrap into a hit-grab followup that allows Shana to convert into an air combo. This tool is very strong at confirming counterhit 5Cs, but is also important in establishing answers to zoning and punishing opponents for recklessly powerblasting in neutral. You can also frametrap the first hit into combo-blast, which can snipe people trying to buffer microdash or 5AB to punish you.
<br />Solid air-to-ground and air-to-air hitbox. When opponents respect your ground game, j.B becomes a fantastic tool to take advantage of respect and establish your pressure. With its low vertical hitbox, you can destroy anti-airs and rising attempts to air-to-air Shana by double jumping or timing the j.B a little bit after jumping (at around the apex of your jump), which can establish not only a mind-game around when you will j.B, but also mix the opponent up by baiting them into blocking j.B at tall heights and falling into j.C, giving Shana a double overhead and further frame advantage to confirm her combo or start her pressure!
With your grounded dominance established, opponents may try to challenge you through air-scouting, using offensive movement such as forward jump or watching how you approach neutral using your grounded tools through neutral jump, drifting, and jumping back. We can now establish tools that will ensure Shana sticks to the opponent and either baits out the opponent, or enforces an option that catches the opponent off guard through primal fury!
'''2C, 5A and 5B'''
<br />2C is Shana's prime anti-air and is used to snipe most aggressive jumpins. However, it can also be used offensively to check people trying to jump back against Shana's 2A/2B/5C dominance. While lowering Shana's hurtbox, it falls victim to jumpins with disjointed hitboxes or jumpins timed early to check for 2C's startup, such as Asuna j.C, Yuuki j.C and j.[C], and Kuroyukihime j.C. In these situations, 5B shows its dominance by not only being easily jump cancellable into a confirm from counterhit, but also having a taller hitbox to snipe opponents for trying to play around 2C. Additionally, 5B can be used in tandem with 5A to, like 2C, catch opponents jumping to scout Shana's neutral approach by hitting opponents out of their pre-jump vulnerability OR catch aerial opponents off guard through dashunders.
<br />You will notice that opponents will move around your anti-airs, bait them out, or even read your dashins by doublejumping and pinning your movement down. This is where Shana's jump normals truly shine. j.A is an insane horizontal air-to-air special that stands unrivaled against the casts' j.As. While this can be used in combination with drift to protect your space against forward advancing opponent, it can also snipe opponents trying to circumvent your strong grounded mid-range game or evade your potent j.B spacings. Additionally, it can be used as a quick forward advancing poke from superjumps to check opponents trying to jump away from you, double jump, and more!
'''214X Series'''
<br />An incredibly versatile special series that can only be punished from forcing the last hit of 214X to whiff through pushblocking in the air. This can be a strong tool to catch opponents trying to anticipate anti-airs or air-to-airs and combos into a strong conversion provided the Shana has meter. While 214A is the safest because of its low-hitting hitbox, 214B and 214C are dominant at checking opponents in the air who are not wary of its hitbox. Should opponents block the last hit, Shana can cancel into 236AB to retain frame advantage. Be aware of how you use this though. Overreliance on this special can result in needlessly wasting frame advantage that could be spent on establishing j.A, j.B, 2C, dashunders, or scouting opponent air options and result in getting aerial pushblocked and subsequently punished!
<br />A situational neutral tool that can be used to check opponents trying to pin Shana's landing. Shana stalls her approach and performs a small hop while augmenting j.C's already enormous hitbox, causing HKD on hit.
<br />Trump allows Shana to jump cancel her oppressive ground normals, which augments her stickiness in neutral to be even more scary through applying tools like airdash and reestablishing the dominance of 9/8 j.A/B. Additionally, Shana gains access to rebeats from j.[C], allowing her to convert her air stalls into pressure against grounded and aerial opponents. When used as a neutral tool, Shana can establish a threat of opponents whiffing normals or misspacing aerial trajectory by blue trumping and then reacting with a punishing option. While it is useful to conserve trump for damaging combos, understanding how to apply trump at any point of the game state, which may require you to use it in neutral or defensively as well, is an integral aspect of learning Shana.
Shana's offense applies very similar tools to her neutral gameplan, using her superior mid-range to lock opponents down. She is able to cancel her normals into 236X, which allows her to check opponents trying to jump out once she is pushed out of her mid-range. When opponents respect her, she can establish her strike throw, which gives her access to dangerous high low mixups that she can delay to catch people performing early DP and fuzzy guard (171) by using j.[C]. One of the most important tools in Shana's arsenal for her pressure is 2A. Comically large for its button strength, 2A is perfect for when opponents respect your grounded dominance. By establishing this tool, you will open up not only options for your own pressure, but opportunities for opponents to try and prevent you from dashing in, which engages opponents in a dangerous mindgame surrounding Shana's whiff punishing capabilities and rewards.
When in trump, Shana is able to perform triple overheads using a properly timed j[C], rebeating it into jA and jB for a true string, or jB and jA for a frame trap that can be mixed up into a low through jB > 2A. Being able to jump cancel her normals empowers her tick throw game by allowing Shana to jump cancel 2B and 5C, ensuring she is always in a position to threaten dashin and 9jB.
Shana's okizeme revolves her ease of access to safejumps. Ending in 214AB/j.214AB and 426BC, or landing a throw, gives Shana access to a High-Low-Throw mixup. The following are her options from these safejumps:
*Dash8jB/jC: Safejump that will allow Shana to land and not be punished by opponents using 2AB or 624BC on defense.
*Dash 8jB/C (whiff) > 2A: Fakes a safejump to hit opponents low. Messes with opponent timing and can catch opponents trying to jump out of the mixup OR tech throws.
*Dash8jB/C (whiff) > Throw: Fakes a safejump to throw opponents. Loops into another safejump.
*Dash8 > anything > 4AB: Option to go into universal high. Strong with assist backing (be it to confirm the first hit (Wilh 6S) or to convert the followup (j.214X > Tatsuya/Wilh 6S)
*[In Trump]: Dash8j[C] jAB or jBA: Triple overhead route. While j.AB is a true string, j.BA has a gap between j.[C] and j.B, meaning it can be armored or 624BC'd. However, j.BA provides mixup strength as j.B has a lot of blockstun, meaning you can delay the j.A OR land into Low>throw. Additionally, j.[C] > j.B can be a lot more damaging than j.AB from hitconfirms.
These options get more interesting as opponents find different answers to the offense using layered option selects.
*Dash8j[C]: Delays overhead to check for fuzzy jumps (171) or delayed mashout options to counter throw. On counter hit, gives hard knockdown. Can be converted using CB/A+B+C or an assist.
*Dash 8[4] > dj7/8[4] jA/B: Fakes commitment to the H/L/T oki and gives it up to instead bait blue and red trumps OR scout out opponent challenges.
*Deep Dash 8jB~2A+B ~ 2A2B: This is a hitstop OS from a fake safejump. While you will be punished by 2ABs and 624BCs, this is intended to ONLY beat a certain option: wakeup powerblast/A+B+C. If you j.B whiffs, you will land and immediately 2A+B, the buffered 2A2B ensures the followup comes out as soon as possible. Should they block or get hit by the j.B, 2A+B does not come out and instead 2A and 2B confirm the hit, allowing you to go into a full combo. This is a potent mixup at any level when opponents are greedy with wakeup power blast.
**One astute observer might note that 236AB wall bounces in the corner. This DOES give Shana access to left-rights by dashing into opponents to make the gap between their character and the corner seem slim and jumping over them, thereby creating the L/R mixup. However, her reward for landing them varies. It is seen as more beneficial to keep opponents in the corner as Shana has access to her most flexible and damaging confirms when her opponent has their back to the corner through 236AB's wallbounce into powerblast and 2AB, or assist routes that make use of the corner. However, if the left right mixup can conclude the round, use your creativity to catch opponents off-guard!
Note that these options do NOT change with assists. While Wilhelmina provides Shanas with additional conversion strength from mixups, they remain the exact same.
<br />Shana's defense is initially not remarkable. While your 2A and 5A are strong for mashout options, her 2B and 5C are considerably slow. Additionally, your 5AB has a shallow horizontal and vertical hitbox that can be jumped over at certain distances should the opponent jump cancel their normal. 2AB is also an underwhelming reversal as its startup is too slow, rendering it vulnerable to delay staggers and the opponent cancelling the armor clash into 2Bs and 5Cs for counterhit confirms. However, she still has some unique tools at her disposal.
<br />This is an incredibly annoying tool that Shanas can present. Because it goes into the air AND crushes lows, this effectively provides a risky albeit rewarding answer for Shanas to crush H/L/T mixups from jump cancelled normals. Its strong vertical hitbox is perfect for catching opponents that are trying to double jump and bait throw tech or 2A/5A mashouts. Additionally, this tool is perfect for destroying armored moves like Yuuki 214X series and should you not be confident, you can cancel into combo blast on any hit of 214A!

'''Character Potential''': Hit the opponent with 10 attacks (in the case of multi-hitting moves only the first hit is counted) for Attack Level 1 for 20 seconds, can be activated once a round.
<br />-1 Blue trump. Because of its frame data, it can invuln through a lot of normals, specials, and even the most active of hitboxes. Once the Shana sees an opportunity to whiff punish, they can go into 214C starters while using their assist to convert after the final hit, leading into devastating combos. No matter what health percentage you are at, simply having this tool in your back pocket and presenting it is enough to force opponents into canning their pressure or being wary on offense, allowing you to establish basic defense concepts and answers against choices and decisions like opponents air scouting through drift and forward>back jump to bait your blue trump (using 8[4] or 9 > dj7) or using staggered/frame trapped normals and specials to bait 214A.

=Move List=
==Move List==
'''L''' = Low, '''H''' = High, '''A''' = Air<br>
'''L''' = Low, '''H''' = High, '''A''' = Air<br>
'''JC''' = Jump Cancel, '''SC''' = Support Cancel, '''EX''' = EX Cancel<br>
'''JC''' = Jump Cancel, '''SC''' = Support Cancel, '''EX''' = EX Cancel<br>
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'''Startup includes the first active frame.'''
'''Startup includes the first active frame.'''

==Normal Moves==
===Normal Moves===
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*It has a big hitbox, good for converting into random combos
Large 5A that has a big hitbox. Good all around for pressure, fuzzy 5A, catching jump start-up in neutral.
*Total length is pretty long, so it’s dangerous to wiff
*Chains into all other normals
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*Quick slash forward, hits low
Large 2A that is fast by DFCI standards. Used to check space in front of Shana and a go-to pressure tool due to lack of 2B jc.
*Like with 5A, total length is pretty long, so it’s dangerous to whiff
*Chains into itself 3 times
*4th time onward becomes 2B > 5C > Gouka
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*Rising slash forward that is air unblockable and jump cancellable
Strong grounded AA by DFCI standards, often seen after dash 5A or after a dash-under.
*Can be used as a predictive anti-air, but its hitbox isn’t the best for it (loses to Asuna’s j.C)
*Deadly if she uses it after the opponent blocks a jump attack or assist in the air
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  |description=Very far reaching low 2B but lacks the ability to be jump cancelled. One of the reasons why staying ambiguous with pressure outside of trump is more difficult for Shana.
*Leans forward into a sweeping slash, hits low and is air unblockable
*Not jump cancelable outside Trump Card
*Pretty long range, not quite as much as 5C
*Depending on the opponent, it can punish a whiffed jump in while they are landing
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  |description=Farthest reaching 5C in the game which shifts Shana's hurtbox lower and has an upwards curve towards the end, hitting jumping opponents. Can be punished by Tatsuya ranbu on block.
*Horizontal slash at the knees, not a low
*Longest range normal, but has no upward hitbox
*5C > 5A+B can drop at the absolute maximum range of 5C
*Great normal for checking an opponent on the ground
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  |description=Sweep that does not knock the opponent down and has short range. However it is a crouching anti-air (a strong one at that) which is often used in response to lazy jump-ins or superjump approaches.
*Downward slash in a semi-circle
*Very good anti-air as it is air unblockable
*Short range, possible to whiff 2B > 2C
*Faster recovery than 5C
*Can be used as a situational anti-air against certain moves (Tomoka’s j.C and a deep Asuna j.C for example)
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  |description=Terrifying jA that can be considered the best in the game. This tool is fast and has the horizontal reach of most jBs allowing for consistent air control in every matchup. It can also be used as a low ATG tool in the corner (ie dash 8[4]j~A).
*Quick slash forward, jump cancellable
*Fast start up with a good hitbox, perfect for air-to-air
*Short duration overall, but if she whiffs it she can’t do anything until she lands

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  |description=Shana's best air normal which has a very low hitbox for ATG and works as an A2A tool. Your go-to jump-in.
*Downward slash forward, jump cancellable
*Well rounded air normal, good for both air-to-air and jumping in
*Good to use for re-jump pressure

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  |description=Upward slash that is mainly used for A2A interactions. Probably her weakest air button (but not a weak button).
*Upward slash forward, jump cancellable
*Long startup but lots of damage and untech time
*Strongest against opponents in front of her, but it does have a hitbox below it as well

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  |description=Half circle slash in front of Shana that causes her to go upwards slightly, lots of hitstun. Can be assist cancelled on whiff and combo-blasted super late on block/hit. You have the ability to jump cancel j[C] but not on clash. In trump, you also are able to rebeat on whiff/hit/block allowing for triple overheads. Difficult to deal with when Shana is trumped.
*Full circular slash around her, jump cancellable
*Will only hit once, no matter the positioning
*Will stop her air momentum, allowing for short hop attacks
*Longest horizontal range among her jump normals
*Lower hitbox is like Kirino’s j.C. Very difficult to evade
*Wall bounces and knocks down on hit

==Special Moves==
===Special Moves===
|name=Hien<br />「飛焔」
|name=Hien<br />「飛焔」
|input=236X<br />Air O.K.
|input=236X<br />Air O.K.
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  |frameAdv=+8 to -16
  |frameAdv=+8 to -16
  |description=Jumps back and launches a wave of fire, floats on hit. Full screen projectile. Has the slowest startup but recovers the fastest
  |description=Jumps back and launches a fireball. Full screen projectile. Has the slowest startup but recovers the fastest.
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  |frameAdv=-2 to -21
  |frameAdv=-2 to -21
  |description=A mix of both moderate start up and recovery  
  |description=Similar to the A version but with a mix of both moderate start up and recovery.
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  |frameAdv=-9 to -25
  |frameAdv=-9 to -25
  |description=Fast start up but long recovery
  |description=Fastest startup but longest recovery which allows her to be punished by Celty 5S, Rentaro ranbu and likely more. Can be converted into j214AB on hit. Often cancelled into after 5C to stay relatively safe.
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  |frameAdv=+15 to -4
  |frameAdv=+15 to -4
  |description=Startup is faster (combos from A normals) and she doesn’t jump back, so it’s a grounded move with less recovery
  |description=Does not go airborne like the non-EX versions and is plus. Used to stay safe after 214x, before a climax art for meter dump, as an OTG to kill, or as a way to answer projectiles as its 5 hits come out on top.
*Does 5 hits, so it will destroy single hitting projectiles
*Restore 10% of the Blast Gauge
*Wall bounds on hit
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|name=Guren no Oodachi<br/>「紅蓮の大太刀」
|name=Guren no Oodachi<br/>「紅蓮の大太刀」
|input=214X<br />Air O.K.
|input=214X<br />Air O.K.
Line 332: Line 387:
  |frameAdv=Ground: -12<br>Air: -7 to -15
  |frameAdv=Ground: -12<br>Air: -7 to -15
  |description=Full spinning slash that hits all around Shana and floats on hit.  
  |description=Full spinning slash that hits all around Shana and launches on hit. Recovers surprisingly quickly, but she lands close to the opponent and can be punished with 5A into a full combo if you do not cancel it into another option or are too close. Opponents can crouch underneath the aerial part of the spin and buffer 2AB/624BC to counter it. Can only be pushblock punished if the opponent is airborne making its use as a go-to AA less than reliable (emphasis on go-to).
*Last hit launches the opponent off the ground if they are hit while standing (short untechable time)
*Gigantic hitbox for controlling the air. It can also be used to beat early anti-airs and to go over lows
*Recovers surprisingly quickly, but she lands close to the opponent and can always be punished with 5A into a full combo
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  |frameAdv=Ground: -13<br>Air: -9 to -15
  |frameAdv=Ground: -13<br>Air: -9 to -15
  |description=Shana hops forward a little more than the A version before beginning her fire arc.
  |description=Staple combo ender into metered options. Can be used to hop over projectiles/lows but can be beaten if the opponent gets too close and goes under her. Can only be pushblock punished if the opponent is airborne making its use as a go-to AA less than reliable (emphasis on go-to).
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  |frameAdv=Ground: -14<br>Air: -6 to -15
  |frameAdv=Ground: -14<br>Air: -6 to -15
  |description=Shana hops further up before beginning her fire arc.
  |description=Strong combo starter. Can be used to hop over projectiles/lows but can be beaten if the opponent gets too close and goes under her. Can only be pushblock punished if the opponent is airborne making its use as a go-to AA less than reliable (emphasis on go-to).
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  |frameAdv=Ground: -13<br>Air: -4 to -15
  |frameAdv=Ground: -13<br>Air: -4 to -15
  |description=Last hit causes more untechable time and restore 10% of the blast gauge
  |description=Main use is as a combo ending tool for non Shana/Tatsuya players.

==Universal Mechanics==
===Universal Mechanics===
|input=6C or 4C
|input=6C or 4C
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  |frameAdv=+53 (hit)
  |frameAdv=+53 (hit)
  |description=Opponent is thrown slightly outside of superjump spacing midscreen, allowing for a safejump mixup. Can be followed up with 236AB and 624BC anywhere on the screen but 426BC will whiff. Combo-blast/A+B+C cannot be combo'd into from throw unless you select combo blast on character select.
*Safejump mix: Grab > microdash (66) > superjump (28/29) jB/C
<br />Alternatively, microdash > airdash jA can be used as a high/low mixup, framekill mixup into tickthrow, and more. A nice throw for Shana's toolkit considering Wil/Tatsuya assist are mainly used as combo tools.
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|name=Impact Skill<br/>Gouka<br/>「劫火」
|name=Impact Skill<br/>Gouka<br/>「劫火」
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  |description=2-hit charging slash, floats on hit
  |description=Multi-hit dash attack that is often used as a combo tool. Her only real "defensive" AB move as 2AB is a strange rekka.
*Cancellable into EX specials, Climax Arts, Trump Card and Combo Blast
*Only cancellable into Trump Card and Combo Blast on block
*The fast startup and charge makes it unsuitable as an anti-air against deep jump ins
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|name=Impact Skill<br/>Shinku<br/>「真紅」
|name=Impact Skill<br/>Shinku<br/>「真紅」
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  |frameAdv=First Hit: -15<br>Second Hit: -21
  |frameAdv=First Hit: -15<br>Second Hit: -21
  |description=Sweeps at the opponent’s feet with fire
  |description=2 hit rekka attack in which the second hit only comes out if you hit another face button. First hit sweeps at the opponent’s feet with fire with fairly far reach, making it difficult to punish for some of the roster due to the possible 2nd hit followup (though commonly punished by Asuna/Kirito/etc 5AB, ranbus). First hit will also pull the opponent in. Shana can use her 2AB as a hitstop OS option and to snipe bad neutral powerblasts from a nice range which nets her a huge combo as the proration on 2AB is ridiculously overtuned.
*Follow up is a attack-grab with a flaming hand
*You can stagger the follow-up as late as the fire effect completely disappearing
*Same cancel conditions as Gouka, plus the follow-up
*First hit will vacuum opponent towards Shana
*Long range but weak up close as a reversal and weak as an anti-air.
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|name=Impact Break
|name=Impact Break
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  |frameAdv=First Hit: -2<br>Launcher: -37
  |frameAdv=First Hit: -2<br>Launcher: -37
  |description=Short hop into a downward slash
  |description=Standard DFCI 4AB.
*Follow-up attack is a low-air charge, so she bounces back and is airborne on block (in recovery until landing)
*Can cancel the follow up into her trump card on block
*Has very short range (attack > 4A+B will whiff if the opponent push blocks)
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|name=Trump Card<br/>Shinpan<br/>「審判」
|name=Trump Card<br/>Shinpan<br/>「審判」
Line 474: Line 520:
  |description= A large flaming eye appears behind Shana, cancelling any action and returning her to neutral
  |description=Above average -1 blue trump allowing her to sometimes react to throw startup and throwtech. Shana also gains 1/2 bar from trump activation making her meter game terrifying.
*No hitbox, but it is strike invincible throughout the move (not throw invincible)
*Will fill half of a Climax Gauge stock on activation
*In addition to all the universal effects of Trump Cards, Shana’s will also make her Climax gauge increase gradually. Cancels out normal gradual increase and the effect of Power Up Blasts

==Climax Arts==
===Climax Arts===
|name=Guren no Souyoku<br/>「紅蓮の双翼」
|name=Guren no Souyoku<br/>「紅蓮の双翼」
Line 497: Line 541:
  |description=Wraps herself in fire, rises straight up then charges down forward
  |description=High minimum damage CA that has tons of combo utility as its able to confirm from any grounded 214x, close 236AB, 5AB, and close 2AB. On hit, Shana is invulnerable while she is moving vertically, allowing her to phase through fullscreen assists such as Rusian 6S and Iriya fireworks. Grants above average okizeme allowing her to get a setup afterwards.
*No invincibility and is air blockable, so it’s not a good anti-air
*Frame data note: Advantage only considers if the descending part is blocked. In-between the two parts, the opponent can run behind you.
|caption2=Initial hit
|caption3=Follow-up 1
|caption4=Follow-up 2
|name=Kessen Ougi<br/>「決戦奥儀」
|name=Kessen Ougi<br/>「決戦奥儀」
Line 517: Line 565:
  |frameAdv=-24, -28, -33
  |frameAdv=-24, -28, -33
  |description=Invincible super. Can press the buttons again for two follow up attacks, even on whiff.
  |description=Invincible super that is very unique as you gain rekka properties by pressing the buttons again for two follow up attacks, even on whiff.
*Initial hit: Shares animation of 2AB, sweeping horizontal hitbox that reaches midscreen, but has a shallow vertical hitbox.
*Follow-up 1: Fullscreen wave, vertical hitbox encompasses half of the screen, meaning that opponents that are very high up can cause this followup to whiff if it is not delayed after 624BC.
*Follow-up 2: Multi-hit wave. Begins with Shana's 5A+C animation that locks opponents in place to ensure the multi-hits connect without the opponent teching. Vertical hitbox encompasses half of the screen, meaning that opponents that are very high up can cause some of the hits during this followup to whiff if it is not delayed after the second followup.
*If the second attack is blocked or whiffs, the opponent can freely move during the Shinpan of the third attack. If the second attack hits, the Shinpan will freeze time like normal
*If the second attack is blocked or whiffs, the opponent can freely move during the Shinpan of the third attack. If the second attack hits, the Shinpan will freeze time like normal
*Restores 20% of the Blast Gauge
*Can be converted into by ANY hit of 236AB.
*While strong as a midscreen conversion tool for blast% and reversal, its property of launching the opponent fullscreen with poor HKD options from Shana (she can only establish 236X from confirming 624BC at fullscreen) in addition to its lackluster damage compared to 426BC causes this tool to see situational use.
*Damage data note: If you correctly delay the second follow-up into the third one, you can get the maximum damage output.
*Damage data note: If you correctly delay the second follow-up into the third one, you can get the maximum damage output.
*Frame data note: Recovery is variable as you can delay the follow-ups as much as you like. These are approximations based on inputting the follow-ups as quickly as possible.
*Frame data note: Recovery is variable as you can delay the follow-ups as much as you like. These are approximations based on inputting the follow-ups as quickly as possible.
Line 525: Line 577:

'''5A Starter'''
*'''Shana can end nearly any of her grounded routing into 426BC for damage. However, 624BC will depend on starter and combo length'''
*'''"Stuff" > refers to 5A/2A > 2B/5B > 5C/2C etc.', that prelude a confirm into the routing. Airdash is also considered "stuff."'''
*'''Because DFCI Operates under SMP, or 'same move proration,' it is advised to NOT use the same spin in one combo (i.e 214C), otherwise the last hit of the spin that allows Shana to end her combos will drop'''
*'''Buttons or specials in brackets, i.e (j.214X), are optional  routing choices that the player will have to make'''
*'''When 2A+B are followed with "X," it implies that pressing ANY button will perform the followup'''
'''Powerblast Installs'''

:stuff > 5A+B > 214A+B > (41236B+C)
'''Stuff > 5AB > 214AB > (recover) > 5A+B+C'''
*Simple way to combo into powerblast while still getting oki from OTG PB.

:stuff > 5A+B (1 hit) > Shinpan > 5C > 2C > j.BC > dj.BC > j.214C > (j.214A+B)
'''Stuff > 236C > j.214AB > (recover) > 5A+B+C'''
:*5C > 2C is a midair catch after Shinpan.  
*Alternative PB combo routing, can be used in further confirms as 5A+B can drop at farther distances.  

'''4A+B Starter'''
'''4AB~X > (slight delay) > jA+B+C'''
*Meterless PB install from universal overhead, can do jBC > 9jABC for additional damage/meter gain at the cost of further recovery.

:4A+B > B > j.A > etc
'''(5A) > 5B > 9jBC > dj9A+B+C'''
:*Notes about this particular combo
*Anti-air PB install.

'''Stuff > 426BC > (recover) > 5A+B+C'''
'''5A Starter'''
*Powerblast after 426BC knockdown. While it will not OTG, you will have enough time to establish ~2B/5C distances. Alternatively, can set up powerblast as a meaty to throw the opponent off.

3 meters 3026 damage
'''Stuff > 236AB > (recover) > 5A+B+C'''
*Corner only PUB combo. Using 236AB's wallbounce property, Shana can effectively install PB and get the additional 1-bar reward for hitting the opponent with PB.

5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB (1hit) > 236AB > 5AB (2hits) > 236AB > j.B > j.C > jc.B > j.C > 214C > 214AB

'''4A+B Starter'''

:4A+B > B > j.A > etc
'''Stuff > 5AB/236C'''
:*Notes about this particular combo
*Meterless routing for meter saving.

'''4AB~X > jBC > 9j(A)BC > (j214X)'''
*Meterless ender from universal overhead. You can forgo adding j.214X, which will sacrifice damage, and go for better landing+spacing+recovery by doing j.A~B~C.

:5A > 5B > 5C > 6S > 5A+B > (6S hits) > j.BC > dj.BC > j.214C > (j.214A+B)
'''(5A) > 5B > jBC > j(A)BC (j214X)'''
*Meterless anti-air routing from 5B.

:5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B (1 hit) > Shinpan > 5A > 5B > j.B > j.BC > [j.214C > 6S] OR [j.214C > j.214A+B > 6S] > (6S hits) xx 5A+B 41236B+C
'''jA > jB > 9djABC (j214X)'''
*Air-to-Air conversion from j.A. If you are completely out of reach for j.B to connect from j.A, look to convert into j.214B/C. Otherwise, land and use the opponent's tech height to your advantage.
'''2A+B > X > (dash) > 5A5B > 9jBC > dj9BC (j214X)'''
*Basic 2A+B conversion. If too far away, you can choose to instead do 5A+B rather than dashAB. Alternatively, dash5C>236C also works but requires proper timing and failure will result in air forward tech punishing you.
'''5C > 2A+B > X'''
*Counterhit conversion, this is an essential tool in whiff punishing or sniping move startup.
'''2A+B > X > jABC > dj9BC (j214X)'''
*Unless you have started with an airdash, this should be universally easy to confirm and provides you with the choice of saving meter or spending it for HKD.
'''Stuff > 5A+B > 214AB (426BC/624BC)'''
*Most basic ground ender. Sets up for safejumps and easy F-Shiki (double overhead) setups.
'''Stuff > 236A+B (426BC/624BC)'''
*Alternative ground ender that pushes opponent further towards the corner while sacrificing oki if used in isolation.
'''(Stuff) > 236C > j214AB'''
*Easy conversion from long range hits or punishing opponents using raw 236C.
'''Aerial launcher/Anti-air/Air-to-air > jA~B~C > j214AB > land2A 5B/2C > 214B (426BC)'''
*Air conversion into a relaunch combo. Very tricky because of height and proration. At better prorations (if a starter does not use 2C, for example) you can convert into 2A2C for better damage compared to 2A5B.
'''Stuff > A+B+C > 2A+B (whiff) > X'''
*Combo blast confirm. If you are not confident in timing the first hit of 2A+B, you can time the followup to hit by whiffing 2A+B and whiff cancelling into the followup. You are free to either 5B2C and j.A B C for confirm.
'''2A+B > X > 236A+B/214AB > 426BC'''
*If you are concerned about the opponent generating blast during your 214B > 426BC chain and using it to have another chance at winning and you have the extra bar, it is wise to spend the meter early for a burstless ender. 236A+B works at ALL prorations, while 214AB is specific to low hitcounts/non-IAD confirms.
*'''NOTE: Shana's midscreen meterless routes are the same for her corner meterless. What changes drastically is her metered conversion strength.'''
'''Stuff > 236A+B > 2A+B > X > (dash) > 5B > 9jABC dj9BC (j214X)'''
*Metered solo corner routing, does high damage.
'''Stuff > 236A+B > 2A+B > X > (dash) > 5B2C > 214C (214AB>426BC OR 426BC)'''
*Alternative meter dump routing.
'''2A 2B 2C (5A+B OR 236A+B)'''
*Basic OTG routing. 5A+B can be added for better damage but is very proration dependent. 236A+B can be used to tack on additional chip damage to ensure a kill.
'''Stuff > 5A+B[1] > 5A+C > 2C > jABC > jBC > (j214X)'''
*Trump install, can pull off similar metered route endings (i.e j.ABC 214AB) with unique access to j.BC land214B!
'''Stuff > 236A+B > 5A+C > 2A+B > X > (dash) > 5A5B > j(A)BC > dj9BC > (j214X)'''
*1-Bar trump install, very solid damage and freedom of conversion.
'''2A > 2B > jB~C~A > 2A > 2B > 5C (236C/5A+B)'''
*Confirm from empty jump > low. Can easily land j.A > 214C for corner carry and meter spending strength. Standing confirm.
'''[Requires dash momentum OR corner] j[C] > jAB > 5B > 9jBC > dj9BC (j214X)'''
*Mixup from High-Low-Throw (H/L/T) using delay j.[C] to throw opponents off or bait opponent challenges.
'''5C > 2C > 2B > 2AA'''
*Best case scenario for OTG in trump, requires decent proration prior.
'''5A > 2B > 2C > 2AA'''
*Universal trump OTG.
'''Powerblast Installs'''
'''Stuff > 5A+B > 6S > (recover from 5AB) > A+B+C'''
*Route into PB, requires 1 bar.
'''214X/j214X > 6S > A+B+C'''
*Install from any spin! The multihit spin and groundbounce from aerial spin allows you to easily confirm hits into installs.
'''6S Confirms Without Trump'''
*'''Assist costs 1 Bar to cancel into from your normals and specials WITHOUT trump state. The combo notation considers this and makes the baseline for confirms 1 Bar. These combos are still applicable and OPTIMAL in trump state.'''
'''6S > 2A+B > X'''
*Confirm from raw 6S in neutral, you want to go for 2A+B the majority of times. If not, route into usual Shana ground starters/enders (i.e 2B5C, 662A2B5C, etc.)
'''Stuff > 5C (236C/5A+B) > 6S > 2A+B > X >( 665B (2C) ) 214B (426BC)'''
*Universal metered confirm from any hit. Allows you to route into 426BC OR j. ABC post 2A+B > X. If you had a heavily prorated starter (2AAA 2B 5C, airdash j.X) you can opt out of 5B2C and go straight into 214B. if your starter was moderately prorated (2AA2B5C) you can opt out of 2C and instead go into 5B 214B.
'''4AB X > j.214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 66 (dash) > 5B2C > 214B > (426BC)'''
*UOH routing into 426BC.
'''(Stuff) > 214X OR j214X > 6S > (5B (2C)) > 214B > (426BC)'''
*Anything that you confirm into spin (j.A, j.B. 5B, 2C anti-airs, etc.) you can convert into Tatsuya for 1 bar.
'''Stuff > A+B+C/CB > 6S > 2A+B > X > (5B (2C) ) 214B (426BC)'''
*You can convert anything into 6S by using CB, which only costs your blast gauge. This is very helpful in meter+blast economy where you do not want to commit to spending meter but want to get your blast regenerating OR stall out for a better trump/metered confirm.
'''Stuff > 5A+B > 236A+B > 6S > 2A+B > X > (5B (2C) ) 214A/B > 426BC'''
*Corner confirm. Using the wallbounce, we can confirm into 6S without spending ADDITIONAL meter to summon him. This also helps with regards to blast economy, as burning meter to call assists does not affect blast percentage.
'''Trump Install Confirms'''
<br />'''NOTE:'''
<br />'''*Combos are organized by their HITCOUNT unless prefaced otherwise.'''
<br />'''*Assuming you do not have the meter for 426BC, you could opt to end in j.214X via 2A+B > X j.ABC dj9BC j.214X. However, it is advised that you understand the intention of trump installing is to make the MOST out of your trump and not burn out your time in the state to ensure you two or three touch your opponent!'''
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 3 hits prior to 5A+B] 2A > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 2C5B > 214B > 426BC'''
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 4 hits prior to 5A+B]  2AA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5B > 214B > 426BC'''
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 5 hits prior to 5A+B]  2AAA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 214A/214B 426BC'''
*These combos are Shana's bread and butter when using Tatsuya. You will want to confirm these hits to establish your 50% damage threat and also put opponents into okizeme and threaten the two-touch. Your routing will depend on hitcount prior to 5A+B and involves your post 2A+B followup.
**3+ Hits: 2A+B > X > 2C5B is optimal.
**4+ hits: 2A+B > X > 5B is optimal.
**5+ hits: 2A+B > X > 214B is optimal.
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, < 2 hits, distance dependent] 2A > 2B > 214C > 5A+C > 214A > 6S > 2A+B > X > 2C5B > 214B > 426BC'''
*Distance dependent 'optimal' confirm. 2A 2B can be replaced with 2A5C, 2B5C, etc., it is dependent on your starter and distance. Very situational but leads to solid damage.
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Anti-Air] 5B/2C > 214C > 5A+C > 214A > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC'''
*Anti-air hitconfirm into trump install. Leads into absurd damage.
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Reversal] 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > (236A+B) > 426BC'''
*Reversal trump. This is a crazy starter that deals a lot of damage, making it a threatening option to use on defense should you conserve trump as a reversal in round one or three!
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Punisher] 2A+B > X > 5A+C > 66214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC'''
*2A+B punisher midscreen, also works from 5C Counterhit! You be using this starter to occasionally punish powerblast in neutral OR during offense! This route still works without the first hit of 2A+B and does even more damage if the followup is the first hit.
'''[1 Trump, 3+ Bar, Poke/Punisher] 5C > 236A+B > 5A+C > 665A+B [First hit whiffs] > 6S > 2A+B > X > 66 (dash) > 5B2C > 214B > (236A+B)'''
*70% damage combo. This confirm put fear into the heart of any opponent should the Shana be on point with their hitconfirms. Nothing else is to be said other than timing the 665A+B can be difficult because it is reliant on the Shana spacing for the last hit of 5A+B. Get a feel for when you will need to walk back OR dash forward to properly convert 5A+B into the 6S!
*Get a feel for 2A+B > X spacing. If you feel like you will be unable to confirm the 665B 2C, you still have some time to microdash 2A+B to further close the distance and make the combo more stable.
'''[1 Trump, 3+ Bar, Mixup] Throw > 236AB > 5A+C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC'''
*Mixup from throw. Valuable if you can guarantee a kill OR have a surplus of meter to fall back on.
'''Trump Specific Confirms'''
'''[Requires dash momentum OR corner] j[C] > jAB > 5B > 7jA j214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC'''
*Confirm from j[C] mixups.
'''2A > 2B > jB~C~A > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 2C5B > 214B > 426BC'''
*Confirm from standing opponents off of a high low mixup.
'''Powerblast Install'''
'''2B~6S > 5C > 5A+B (6S hits) > A+B+C'''
*Difficult to route into without 2A prior but is a possible confirm.
'''214B or 214C or j214X [Cancel first hit] > 6S > 6S Hit > A+B+C/PB'''
*The long duration of the 214X series, as well as its ground bounce property in the air, allows you to consistently confirm 214B/C and j.214X into Wilhelm 6S! This gives you the freedom of easily converting into powerblast.
'''Confirms Without Trump'''
<br />'''NOTE:'''
*'''Assist costs 1 Bar to cancel into from your normals and specials WITHOUT trump state. The combo notation considers this and makes the baseline for confirms 1 Bar. These combos are still applicable and OPTIMAL in trump state.'''
'''6S > 2A+B > X > (5B/2C 214B) 214A > 426BC'''
*General conversion from any hit of 6S. These confirms include the following:
**[Okizeme] 6S > 4AB (6S hits)
**[Okizeme] 2AA (6S hits)
**[Hitconfirm] 214B/214C/j.214X [Cancel first hit] > 6S
'''5S > 66(2B) > 5C > 236C > (214A+B)'''
*General hitconfirm from 5S on grounded opponents.
'''5S > 66 (dash) > 5A5B > 9jBC > dj9BC > (j214X)'''
*General hitconfirm from 5S on aerial opponents, you will see this frequently should you apply 5S to pin landings.
'''Trump Installs'''
<br />'''NOTE:'''
<br />*'''Assuming you do not have the meter for 426BC, you could opt to end in j.214X via 2A+B > X j.ABC dj9BC j.214X or end on your ground spin (214A/B). However, it is advised that you understand the intention of trump installing is to make the MOST out of your trump and not burn out your time in the state to ensure you two (or more likely three) touch your opponent!
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 3 hits prior to 5A+B] 2A > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 2C > 214B > 426BC'''
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 4 hits prior to 5A+B]  2AA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 5B > 214B > 426BC'''
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 5 hits prior to 5A+B]  2AAA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 214A/214B > 426BC'''
*These combos are Shana's bread and butter when using Wilhelmina and go into 50%. Like Tatsuya routing, your enders will depend on the hitcount prior to 5A+B.
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Reversal] 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 5C2C 214B (236A+B) 426BC'''
*Reversal trump combo.
'''[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Poke/Punisher] 5C > 236A+B > 5A+C > 66 (dash) > 2AB > 6S > X > 6S hits > 8/9j.[C] > 2A+B > X > 2C 214B 426BC'''
*Wilhelmina punisher combo from 5C. Using 8/9 j.[C], you can make this combo sideswap. Unlike the Shana+Tatsuya combo, this combo is more finnicky and relies on properly spacing both uses of 2A+B to ensure they hit. If you are not confident in the second 2A+B, simply route into 2C5B 214B.
'''Trump Specific Confirms'''
'''[Requires dash momentum OR corner] j.[C] > j.AB > 5B > 7j.A j214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 2C > 214B > 426BC'''
*Confirm from j[C] mixups.
'''2A > 2B > j.B~C~A > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 2C > 214B > 426BC'''
*Confirm from standing opponents off of a high low mixup.
'''Stuff > 5AB > 5S > jBC > djBC > j214C > j214AB'''
:*Hit 5S immediately after inputting 5A+B; don't wait for 5A+B to hit.
'''5A > 5B > 5C > 6S > 5AB > (6S hits) > jBC > djBC > j214C > (j.214AB)'''
'''5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B (1 hit) > Shinpan > 5A > 5B > j.B > j.BC > [j.214C > 6S] OR [j.214C > j.214A+B > 6S] > (6S hits) xx 5A+B 41236B+C'''
:*5A > 5B is a midair catch after Shinpan.
:*5A > 5B is a midair catch after Shinpan.
:*Hit 6S 2 to 3 hits into j.214C (or j.214A+B, if you opt to spend three meter instead of two).
:*Hit 6S 2 to 3 hits into j.214C (or j.214A+B, if you opt to spend three meter instead of two).
:*After 6S hits, link 5A+B to hit them as they're falling.
:*After 6S hits, link 5A+B to hit them as they're falling.

:stuff > 5A+B > 5S > j.BC > dj.BC > j.214c > j.214A+B
:*Hit 5S immediately after inputting 5A+B; don't wait for 5A+B to hit.

:5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B > 6S > Power Blast
*Cancel into assist on the second hit of spin if you're in the corner.

:5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B > 6S > slight delay > 2A+B + followup > 2C > 214B > 41236B+C
'''5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB(1)> 5AC > 5C > 2C > jB > jC > j214C > 5[S] > 5ABC'''
:*The Shatsuya special. Does more than half of a life bar worth of damage.

:5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B > Trump > 214B > 6S > slight delay > 2A+B + followup > 2B > 214B > 41236B+C
'''5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB(1)> 5AC > 2C > jB > jC > j214C > 5[S] > 2AB + followup > 214B > 426BC'''
:*May drop with too many 5As
:*2B after 2A+B's followup instead of 2C is required due to hitstun scaling.
:*The other Shatsuya special. Does more than half of a life bar worth of damage.

:Air confirm > j.214X > 6S > Power Blast
'''5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB > 236AB > 5[S] > 2AB + followup > 5B > 2C > 214B > 426BC'''

:Air confirm > j.214X > 6S > 2A+B + followup > slight delay > 2C > 214B > 41236B+C
'''2C/5B (AA) > 214C > 5[S] > 2AB + followup > 5C > 2C > 214C > 426BC'''

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[[Category:Dengeki Fighting Climax]]
[[Category:Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition]]

Latest revision as of 18:31, 12 December 2023

Shana (シャナ)
You shall know divine punishment!

Players to Watch



Additional Resources

DFCIDiscord's Shana Character Page
Timu, Top 6 JP Shana's YT Channel, Semi-Frequent PSN Streams


The Flame Haze of Alastor. Her title is the "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter" and her mission is to destroy the Crimson Denizens who feed on humans. She wields the "Nietono no Shana" and loves melon bread.

Originally from the light novel series Shakugan no Shana.

Shana is a mid-range offensive powerhouse with versatile and far-reaching ground normals, an airdash, and oppressive air normals. While she is at her core a simplistic character, her average damage output and ease of access to truly explosive damage is unparalleled by every other character. Combined with a fierce dominance of the air with her airdash and jump normals, she is rivaled only by Yuuki and Kirino in terms of sheer fear factor. Shana's simple but deadly Blue Trump gives her meter and gives access to whiffed charged j.C into j.A or j.B pressure and spacing maneuvers.

Shana Gameplay Sample


  • Amazing ground normals for pokes, including a far-reaching 5 frame 2A low
  • In terms of overall coverage and function, she has among the best of the best air normals, especially once Trump is activated and charged j.C can be cancelled freely into other jump moves even on whiff
  • Best resource use to damage output efficiency in the game, unmatched.
  • Has tools for nearly every situation and is fairly independent. Even her dependency on Power Blast is less than that of other characters due to her Blue Trump effect.


  • Relatively weak overall compatibility with assists outside of her established staples
  • Impact Skills are generally only for combo purposes and have weak defensive use
  • If on losers side of round 2, her meter game with Tatsuya/Wilhelmina can be easy to exploit for experienced players

Recommended Assists

Tatsuya - The infamous "Shana-Onii" combination. 5S is a huge counter field that when activated, paralyzes the opponent, forcing them to either block, throw tech, or Escape Blast. Use this during Trump to force struggling opponents to know their place. 6S is a combo extender that buffs your next Climax Art, guaranteeing typically over half an opponent's life bar off most conversions into Climax Art.

Wilhelmina - Wilhelmina is a strong setplay assist that also carries the threat of explosive damage behind every 6S. 5S is a quick projectile that can strike away other assists or whiff punish starter. 6S is a timed bandage bind for combo extensions and high-low/tick-throw set-ups. For Shana in particular, 6S allows for explosive routing similar to Tatsuya assist making for insanely high reward.

Celty - 5S is a giant hitbox in front of you that zooms across the screen with only 10 frame start-up. It’s great for scrambles, mid-screen stand-offs, and quick punishes into hard knockdown. 6S is a giant anti-air bike that hits twice to afford you two opportunities to run cross-ups or tick throws.


Universal Potential: Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.

Character Potential: Hit the opponent with 10 attacks (in the case of multi-hitting moves only the first hit is counted) for Attack Level 1 for 20 seconds. Can be activated once a round.


This section is dedicated to showing unique elements in a characters' gameplan, not necessarily defining it entirely (ie. explaining how Shana might play around her jB or 214x in neutral but not exactly what spacings to be at).

Shana's gameplan centers around her unparalleled dominance of the mid-range, applying her strong jump normals in tandem with her oppressive close and mid-range pokes to lock down the opponent and begin her dangerous combo and confirm game. Her kit is well-rounded and suited for offense, able to swap from a mid-range dominant "wait and see" playstyle to an aggressive "gorilla" that enforces her options and takes note of how her opponent responds. The following normals are taken into consideration when discussing Shana's neutral: 2B, 5C, 2A, 2C/5B, jA, and jB.

We begin by establishing Shana's oppressive ground tools. 2B is a mid-range low that confirms into 5C at any range. While it struggles from not being jump-cancellable, it makes for a great defensive and offensive tool, able to whiff punish opponents, guard space against opponents trying to dash in, or chop at an opponent's legs while they are trying to walk away or jump away from you! This also makes for a great landing punish. It has great reward from hitconfirms and is a staple tool in Shana's arsenal.

A massive mid-range mid that arcs upwards towards the end of the hitbox, while also moving Shana's hitbox a tiny bit lower to the ground. While boasting strength in defending Shana's space because of its reward from counterhit, converting into 2AB, it is also very strong at conditioning opponents to stay put on the ground, as 5C can catch opponents on rising with its unique rising hitbox.

This tool deserves consideration. It is a massive half-screen mid attack that, while punishable on block, can combo OR frametrap into a hit-grab followup that allows Shana to convert into an air combo. This tool is very strong at confirming counterhit 5Cs, but is also important in establishing answers to zoning and punishing opponents for recklessly powerblasting in neutral. You can also frametrap the first hit into combo-blast, which can snipe people trying to buffer microdash or 5AB to punish you.

Solid air-to-ground and air-to-air hitbox. When opponents respect your ground game, j.B becomes a fantastic tool to take advantage of respect and establish your pressure. With its low vertical hitbox, you can destroy anti-airs and rising attempts to air-to-air Shana by double jumping or timing the j.B a little bit after jumping (at around the apex of your jump), which can establish not only a mind-game around when you will j.B, but also mix the opponent up by baiting them into blocking j.B at tall heights and falling into j.C, giving Shana a double overhead and further frame advantage to confirm her combo or start her pressure!

With your grounded dominance established, opponents may try to challenge you through air-scouting, using offensive movement such as forward jump or watching how you approach neutral using your grounded tools through neutral jump, drifting, and jumping back. We can now establish tools that will ensure Shana sticks to the opponent and either baits out the opponent, or enforces an option that catches the opponent off guard through primal fury!

2C, 5A and 5B
2C is Shana's prime anti-air and is used to snipe most aggressive jumpins. However, it can also be used offensively to check people trying to jump back against Shana's 2A/2B/5C dominance. While lowering Shana's hurtbox, it falls victim to jumpins with disjointed hitboxes or jumpins timed early to check for 2C's startup, such as Asuna j.C, Yuuki j.C and j.[C], and Kuroyukihime j.C. In these situations, 5B shows its dominance by not only being easily jump cancellable into a confirm from counterhit, but also having a taller hitbox to snipe opponents for trying to play around 2C. Additionally, 5B can be used in tandem with 5A to, like 2C, catch opponents jumping to scout Shana's neutral approach by hitting opponents out of their pre-jump vulnerability OR catch aerial opponents off guard through dashunders.

You will notice that opponents will move around your anti-airs, bait them out, or even read your dashins by doublejumping and pinning your movement down. This is where Shana's jump normals truly shine. j.A is an insane horizontal air-to-air special that stands unrivaled against the casts' j.As. While this can be used in combination with drift to protect your space against forward advancing opponent, it can also snipe opponents trying to circumvent your strong grounded mid-range game or evade your potent j.B spacings. Additionally, it can be used as a quick forward advancing poke from superjumps to check opponents trying to jump away from you, double jump, and more!

214X Series
An incredibly versatile special series that can only be punished from forcing the last hit of 214X to whiff through pushblocking in the air. This can be a strong tool to catch opponents trying to anticipate anti-airs or air-to-airs and combos into a strong conversion provided the Shana has meter. While 214A is the safest because of its low-hitting hitbox, 214B and 214C are dominant at checking opponents in the air who are not wary of its hitbox. Should opponents block the last hit, Shana can cancel into 236AB to retain frame advantage. Be aware of how you use this though. Overreliance on this special can result in needlessly wasting frame advantage that could be spent on establishing j.A, j.B, 2C, dashunders, or scouting opponent air options and result in getting aerial pushblocked and subsequently punished!

A situational neutral tool that can be used to check opponents trying to pin Shana's landing. Shana stalls her approach and performs a small hop while augmenting j.C's already enormous hitbox, causing HKD on hit.

Trump allows Shana to jump cancel her oppressive ground normals, which augments her stickiness in neutral to be even more scary through applying tools like airdash and reestablishing the dominance of 9/8 j.A/B. Additionally, Shana gains access to rebeats from j.[C], allowing her to convert her air stalls into pressure against grounded and aerial opponents. When used as a neutral tool, Shana can establish a threat of opponents whiffing normals or misspacing aerial trajectory by blue trumping and then reacting with a punishing option. While it is useful to conserve trump for damaging combos, understanding how to apply trump at any point of the game state, which may require you to use it in neutral or defensively as well, is an integral aspect of learning Shana.


Shana's offense applies very similar tools to her neutral gameplan, using her superior mid-range to lock opponents down. She is able to cancel her normals into 236X, which allows her to check opponents trying to jump out once she is pushed out of her mid-range. When opponents respect her, she can establish her strike throw, which gives her access to dangerous high low mixups that she can delay to catch people performing early DP and fuzzy guard (171) by using j.[C]. One of the most important tools in Shana's arsenal for her pressure is 2A. Comically large for its button strength, 2A is perfect for when opponents respect your grounded dominance. By establishing this tool, you will open up not only options for your own pressure, but opportunities for opponents to try and prevent you from dashing in, which engages opponents in a dangerous mindgame surrounding Shana's whiff punishing capabilities and rewards. When in trump, Shana is able to perform triple overheads using a properly timed j[C], rebeating it into jA and jB for a true string, or jB and jA for a frame trap that can be mixed up into a low through jB > 2A. Being able to jump cancel her normals empowers her tick throw game by allowing Shana to jump cancel 2B and 5C, ensuring she is always in a position to threaten dashin and 9jB.


Shana's okizeme revolves her ease of access to safejumps. Ending in 214AB/j.214AB and 426BC, or landing a throw, gives Shana access to a High-Low-Throw mixup. The following are her options from these safejumps:

  • Dash8jB/jC: Safejump that will allow Shana to land and not be punished by opponents using 2AB or 624BC on defense.
  • Dash 8jB/C (whiff) > 2A: Fakes a safejump to hit opponents low. Messes with opponent timing and can catch opponents trying to jump out of the mixup OR tech throws.
  • Dash8jB/C (whiff) > Throw: Fakes a safejump to throw opponents. Loops into another safejump.
  • Dash8 > anything > 4AB: Option to go into universal high. Strong with assist backing (be it to confirm the first hit (Wilh 6S) or to convert the followup (j.214X > Tatsuya/Wilh 6S)
  • [In Trump]: Dash8j[C] jAB or jBA: Triple overhead route. While j.AB is a true string, j.BA has a gap between j.[C] and j.B, meaning it can be armored or 624BC'd. However, j.BA provides mixup strength as j.B has a lot of blockstun, meaning you can delay the j.A OR land into Low>throw. Additionally, j.[C] > j.B can be a lot more damaging than j.AB from hitconfirms.

These options get more interesting as opponents find different answers to the offense using layered option selects.

  • Dash8j[C]: Delays overhead to check for fuzzy jumps (171) or delayed mashout options to counter throw. On counter hit, gives hard knockdown. Can be converted using CB/A+B+C or an assist.
  • Dash 8[4] > dj7/8[4] jA/B: Fakes commitment to the H/L/T oki and gives it up to instead bait blue and red trumps OR scout out opponent challenges.
  • Deep Dash 8jB~2A+B ~ 2A2B: This is a hitstop OS from a fake safejump. While you will be punished by 2ABs and 624BCs, this is intended to ONLY beat a certain option: wakeup powerblast/A+B+C. If you j.B whiffs, you will land and immediately 2A+B, the buffered 2A2B ensures the followup comes out as soon as possible. Should they block or get hit by the j.B, 2A+B does not come out and instead 2A and 2B confirm the hit, allowing you to go into a full combo. This is a potent mixup at any level when opponents are greedy with wakeup power blast.
    • One astute observer might note that 236AB wall bounces in the corner. This DOES give Shana access to left-rights by dashing into opponents to make the gap between their character and the corner seem slim and jumping over them, thereby creating the L/R mixup. However, her reward for landing them varies. It is seen as more beneficial to keep opponents in the corner as Shana has access to her most flexible and damaging confirms when her opponent has their back to the corner through 236AB's wallbounce into powerblast and 2AB, or assist routes that make use of the corner. However, if the left right mixup can conclude the round, use your creativity to catch opponents off-guard!

Note that these options do NOT change with assists. While Wilhelmina provides Shanas with additional conversion strength from mixups, they remain the exact same.

Shana's defense is initially not remarkable. While your 2A and 5A are strong for mashout options, her 2B and 5C are considerably slow. Additionally, your 5AB has a shallow horizontal and vertical hitbox that can be jumped over at certain distances should the opponent jump cancel their normal. 2AB is also an underwhelming reversal as its startup is too slow, rendering it vulnerable to delay staggers and the opponent cancelling the armor clash into 2Bs and 5Cs for counterhit confirms. However, she still has some unique tools at her disposal.

This is an incredibly annoying tool that Shanas can present. Because it goes into the air AND crushes lows, this effectively provides a risky albeit rewarding answer for Shanas to crush H/L/T mixups from jump cancelled normals. Its strong vertical hitbox is perfect for catching opponents that are trying to double jump and bait throw tech or 2A/5A mashouts. Additionally, this tool is perfect for destroying armored moves like Yuuki 214X series and should you not be confident, you can cancel into combo blast on any hit of 214A!

-1 Blue trump. Because of its frame data, it can invuln through a lot of normals, specials, and even the most active of hitboxes. Once the Shana sees an opportunity to whiff punish, they can go into 214C starters while using their assist to convert after the final hit, leading into devastating combos. No matter what health percentage you are at, simply having this tool in your back pocket and presenting it is enough to force opponents into canning their pressure or being wary on offense, allowing you to establish basic defense concepts and answers against choices and decisions like opponents air scouting through drift and forward>back jump to bait your blue trump (using 8[4] or 9 > dj7) or using staggered/frame trapped normals and specials to bait 214A.

Move List

L = Low, H = High, A = Air
JC = Jump Cancel, SC = Support Cancel, EX = EX Cancel
ISC = Impact Skill Cancel, TCC = Trump Card Cancel, CAC = Climax Art Cancel

Startup includes the first active frame.

Normal Moves

DFCI Shana 5A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
300 6 2 16 -5
+8 (JC)

Large 5A that has a big hitbox. Good all around for pressure, fuzzy 5A, catching jump start-up in neutral.

DFCI Shana 2A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 5 2 18 -7 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC LA -

Large 2A that is fast by DFCI standards. Used to check space in front of Shana and a go-to pressure tool due to lack of 2B jc.

DFCI Shana 5B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
500 9 2 18 -5
+10 (JC)

Strong grounded AA by DFCI standards, often seen after dash 5A or after a dash-under.

DFCI Shana 2B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 9 3 19 -7 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC L -

Very far reaching low 2B but lacks the ability to be jump cancelled. One of the reasons why staying ambiguous with pressure outside of trump is more difficult for Shana.

DFCI Shana 5C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 11 3 22 -8 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HLA -

Farthest reaching 5C in the game which shifts Shana's hurtbox lower and has an upwards curve towards the end, hitting jumping opponents. Can be punished by Tatsuya ranbu on block.

DFCI Shana 2C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 10 4 20 -7 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HL -

Sweep that does not knock the opponent down and has short range. However it is a crouching anti-air (a strong one at that) which is often used in response to lazy jump-ins or superjump approaches.

DFCI Shana j.A.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 7 2 X+2 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Terrifying jA that can be considered the best in the game. This tool is fast and has the horizontal reach of most jBs allowing for consistent air control in every matchup. It can also be used as a low ATG tool in the corner (ie dash 8[4]j~A).

DFCI Shana j.B.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 9 3 X+3 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Shana's best air normal which has a very low hitbox for ATG and works as an A2A tool. Your go-to jump-in.

DFCI Shana j.C.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
650 10 4 X+4 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Upward slash that is mainly used for A2A interactions. Probably her weakest air button (but not a weak button).

DFCI Shana j.-C-.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
800 19 4 X+4 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Half circle slash in front of Shana that causes her to go upwards slightly, lots of hitstun. Can be assist cancelled on whiff and combo-blasted super late on block/hit. You have the ability to jump cancel j[C] but not on clash. In trump, you also are able to rebeat on whiff/hit/block allowing for triple overheads. Difficult to deal with when Shana is trumped.

Special Moves


Air O.K.
DFCI Shana 236A B C.png
DFCI Shana 236AB.png
DFCI Shana j.236AB.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A Close: 880
Mid: 600
Far: 400
Ground: 15
Air: 17
31* (max) X+14 +8 to -16 SC, EX HLA -

Jumps back and launches a fireball. Full screen projectile. Has the slowest startup but recovers the fastest.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B Close: 880
Mid: 600
Far: 400
Ground: 14
Air: 16
25* (max) X+17 -2 to -21 SC, EX HLA -

Similar to the A version but with a mix of both moderate start up and recovery.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C Close: 800
Mid: 600
Far: 400
Ground: 12
Air: 14
24* (max) X+20 -9 to -25 SC, EX HLA -

Fastest startup but longest recovery which allows her to be punished by Celty 5S, Rentaro ranbu and likely more. Can be converted into j214AB on hit. Often cancelled into after 5C to stay relatively safe.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX Ground: 1088
Air: 1300
Ground: 13
Air: 14
Hit: 69
Whiff: 16* (max)
Ground: 22 (whiff)
Air: X+16
+15 to -4 SC HLA -

Does not go airborne like the non-EX versions and is plus. Used to stay safe after 214x, before a climax art for meter dump, as an OTG to kill, or as a way to answer projectiles as its 5 hits come out on top.

Guren no Oodachi

Air O.K.
DFCI Shana 214A B C.png
DFCI Shana 214AB.png
DFCI Shana j.214A B C.png
DFCI Shana j.214AB.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 1148 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 34
Air: X+16
Ground: -12
Air: -7 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Full spinning slash that hits all around Shana and launches on hit. Recovers surprisingly quickly, but she lands close to the opponent and can be punished with 5A into a full combo if you do not cancel it into another option or are too close. Opponents can crouch underneath the aerial part of the spin and buffer 2AB/624BC to counter it. Can only be pushblock punished if the opponent is airborne making its use as a go-to AA less than reliable (emphasis on go-to).

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 1228 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 37
Air: X+16
Ground: -13
Air: -9 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Staple combo ender into metered options. Can be used to hop over projectiles/lows but can be beaten if the opponent gets too close and goes under her. Can only be pushblock punished if the opponent is airborne making its use as a go-to AA less than reliable (emphasis on go-to).

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 1307 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 40
Air: X+16
Ground: -14
Air: -6 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Strong combo starter. Can be used to hop over projectiles/lows but can be beaten if the opponent gets too close and goes under her. Can only be pushblock punished if the opponent is airborne making its use as a go-to AA less than reliable (emphasis on go-to).

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1465 Ground: 8
Air: 9
17 Ground: 39
Air: X+16
Ground: -13
Air: -4 to -15
TCC, CAC (ground version only)

Main use is as a combo ending tool for non Shana/Tatsuya players.

Universal Mechanics

6C or 4C
DFCI Shana Throw.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 4 1 59 +53 (hit) SC, EX, TCC, CAC N/A -

Opponent is thrown slightly outside of superjump spacing midscreen, allowing for a safejump mixup. Can be followed up with 236AB and 624BC anywhere on the screen but 426BC will whiff. Combo-blast/A+B+C cannot be combo'd into from throw unless you select combo blast on character select.

*Safejump mix: Grab > microdash (66) > superjump (28/29) jB/C

Alternatively, microdash > airdash jA can be used as a high/low mixup, framekill mixup into tickthrow, and more. A nice throw for Shana's toolkit considering Wil/Tatsuya assist are mainly used as combo tools.
Impact Skill

DFCI Shana 5AB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1096 12 6 40 -20 SC, EX, CAC (hit only)

Multi-hit dash attack that is often used as a combo tool. Her only real "defensive" AB move as 2AB is a strange rekka.

Impact Skill

DFCI Shana 2AB.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1457 First Hit: 20
Second hit: 13
First Hit: 2
Second Hit: 2
First Hit: 28
Second Hit: 34
First Hit: -15
Second Hit: -21
SC, EX, CAC (hit only)

2 hit rekka attack in which the second hit only comes out if you hit another face button. First hit sweeps at the opponent’s feet with fire with fairly far reach, making it difficult to punish for some of the roster due to the possible 2nd hit followup (though commonly punished by Asuna/Kirito/etc 5AB, ranbus). First hit will also pull the opponent in. Shana can use her 2AB as a hitstop OS option and to snipe bad neutral powerblasts from a nice range which nets her a huge combo as the proration on 2AB is ridiculously overtuned.

Impact Break
DFCI Shana 4AB.png
DFCI Shana 4AB~X.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
First Hit: 900
Launcher: 800
First Hit: 22
Launcher: 9
First Hit: 8
First Hit: 14 First Hit: -2
Launcher: -37
First Hit: N/A
Launcher: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
(on hit)
First Hit: HA
Launcher: HLA

Standard DFCI 4AB.

Trump Card

DFCI Shana 5AC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
N/A 0 N/A ~50 -1 N/A N/A -

Above average -1 blue trump allowing her to sometimes react to throw startup and throwtech. Shana also gains 1/2 bar from trump activation making her meter game terrifying.

Climax Arts

Guren no Souyoku

DFCI Shana 41236BC.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
3514 9 15 32 -20 N/A HLA -

High minimum damage CA that has tons of combo utility as its able to confirm from any grounded 214x, close 236AB, 5AB, and close 2AB. On hit, Shana is invulnerable while she is moving vertically, allowing her to phase through fullscreen assists such as Rusian 6S and Iriya fireworks. Grants above average okizeme allowing her to get a setup afterwards.

Kessen Ougi

DFCI Shana 63214BC(1).png
Initial hit
DFCI Shana 63214BC(2).png
Follow-up 1
DFCI Shana 63214BC(3).png
Follow-up 2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
400, 540, 1962* (max) First hit: 12 First hit: 5 34, 40, 54* -24, -28, -33 N/A HLA -

Invincible super that is very unique as you gain rekka properties by pressing the buttons again for two follow up attacks, even on whiff.

  • Initial hit: Shares animation of 2AB, sweeping horizontal hitbox that reaches midscreen, but has a shallow vertical hitbox.
  • Follow-up 1: Fullscreen wave, vertical hitbox encompasses half of the screen, meaning that opponents that are very high up can cause this followup to whiff if it is not delayed after 624BC.
  • Follow-up 2: Multi-hit wave. Begins with Shana's 5A+C animation that locks opponents in place to ensure the multi-hits connect without the opponent teching. Vertical hitbox encompasses half of the screen, meaning that opponents that are very high up can cause some of the hits during this followup to whiff if it is not delayed after the second followup.
  • If the second attack is blocked or whiffs, the opponent can freely move during the Shinpan of the third attack. If the second attack hits, the Shinpan will freeze time like normal
  • Can be converted into by ANY hit of 236AB.
  • While strong as a midscreen conversion tool for blast% and reversal, its property of launching the opponent fullscreen with poor HKD options from Shana (she can only establish 236X from confirming 624BC at fullscreen) in addition to its lackluster damage compared to 426BC causes this tool to see situational use.
  • Damage data note: If you correctly delay the second follow-up into the third one, you can get the maximum damage output.
  • Frame data note: Recovery is variable as you can delay the follow-ups as much as you like. These are approximations based on inputting the follow-ups as quickly as possible.



  • Shana can end nearly any of her grounded routing into 426BC for damage. However, 624BC will depend on starter and combo length
  • "Stuff" > refers to 5A/2A > 2B/5B > 5C/2C etc.', that prelude a confirm into the routing. Airdash is also considered "stuff."
  • Because DFCI Operates under SMP, or 'same move proration,' it is advised to NOT use the same spin in one combo (i.e 214C), otherwise the last hit of the spin that allows Shana to end her combos will drop
  • Buttons or specials in brackets, i.e (j.214X), are optional routing choices that the player will have to make
  • When 2A+B are followed with "X," it implies that pressing ANY button will perform the followup


Powerblast Installs

Stuff > 5AB > 214AB > (recover) > 5A+B+C

  • Simple way to combo into powerblast while still getting oki from OTG PB.

Stuff > 236C > j.214AB > (recover) > 5A+B+C

  • Alternative PB combo routing, can be used in further confirms as 5A+B can drop at farther distances.

4AB~X > (slight delay) > jA+B+C

  • Meterless PB install from universal overhead, can do jBC > 9jABC for additional damage/meter gain at the cost of further recovery.

(5A) > 5B > 9jBC > dj9A+B+C

  • Anti-air PB install.

Stuff > 426BC > (recover) > 5A+B+C

  • Powerblast after 426BC knockdown. While it will not OTG, you will have enough time to establish ~2B/5C distances. Alternatively, can set up powerblast as a meaty to throw the opponent off.

Stuff > 236AB > (recover) > 5A+B+C

  • Corner only PUB combo. Using 236AB's wallbounce property, Shana can effectively install PB and get the additional 1-bar reward for hitting the opponent with PB.


Stuff > 5AB/236C

  • Meterless routing for meter saving.

4AB~X > jBC > 9j(A)BC > (j214X)

  • Meterless ender from universal overhead. You can forgo adding j.214X, which will sacrifice damage, and go for better landing+spacing+recovery by doing j.A~B~C.

(5A) > 5B > jBC > j(A)BC (j214X)

  • Meterless anti-air routing from 5B.

jA > jB > 9djABC (j214X)

  • Air-to-Air conversion from j.A. If you are completely out of reach for j.B to connect from j.A, look to convert into j.214B/C. Otherwise, land and use the opponent's tech height to your advantage.

2A+B > X > (dash) > 5A5B > 9jBC > dj9BC (j214X)

  • Basic 2A+B conversion. If too far away, you can choose to instead do 5A+B rather than dashAB. Alternatively, dash5C>236C also works but requires proper timing and failure will result in air forward tech punishing you.

5C > 2A+B > X

  • Counterhit conversion, this is an essential tool in whiff punishing or sniping move startup.

2A+B > X > jABC > dj9BC (j214X)

  • Unless you have started with an airdash, this should be universally easy to confirm and provides you with the choice of saving meter or spending it for HKD.

Stuff > 5A+B > 214AB (426BC/624BC)

  • Most basic ground ender. Sets up for safejumps and easy F-Shiki (double overhead) setups.

Stuff > 236A+B (426BC/624BC)

  • Alternative ground ender that pushes opponent further towards the corner while sacrificing oki if used in isolation.

(Stuff) > 236C > j214AB

  • Easy conversion from long range hits or punishing opponents using raw 236C.

Aerial launcher/Anti-air/Air-to-air > jA~B~C > j214AB > land2A 5B/2C > 214B (426BC)

  • Air conversion into a relaunch combo. Very tricky because of height and proration. At better prorations (if a starter does not use 2C, for example) you can convert into 2A2C for better damage compared to 2A5B.

Stuff > A+B+C > 2A+B (whiff) > X

  • Combo blast confirm. If you are not confident in timing the first hit of 2A+B, you can time the followup to hit by whiffing 2A+B and whiff cancelling into the followup. You are free to either 5B2C and j.A B C for confirm.

2A+B > X > 236A+B/214AB > 426BC

  • If you are concerned about the opponent generating blast during your 214B > 426BC chain and using it to have another chance at winning and you have the extra bar, it is wise to spend the meter early for a burstless ender. 236A+B works at ALL prorations, while 214AB is specific to low hitcounts/non-IAD confirms.


  • NOTE: Shana's midscreen meterless routes are the same for her corner meterless. What changes drastically is her metered conversion strength.

Stuff > 236A+B > 2A+B > X > (dash) > 5B > 9jABC dj9BC (j214X)

  • Metered solo corner routing, does high damage.

Stuff > 236A+B > 2A+B > X > (dash) > 5B2C > 214C (214AB>426BC OR 426BC)

  • Alternative meter dump routing.


2A 2B 2C (5A+B OR 236A+B)

  • Basic OTG routing. 5A+B can be added for better damage but is very proration dependent. 236A+B can be used to tack on additional chip damage to ensure a kill.



Stuff > 5A+B[1] > 5A+C > 2C > jABC > jBC > (j214X)

  • Trump install, can pull off similar metered route endings (i.e j.ABC 214AB) with unique access to j.BC land214B!

Stuff > 236A+B > 5A+C > 2A+B > X > (dash) > 5A5B > j(A)BC > dj9BC > (j214X)

  • 1-Bar trump install, very solid damage and freedom of conversion.


2A > 2B > jB~C~A > 2A > 2B > 5C (236C/5A+B)

  • Confirm from empty jump > low. Can easily land j.A > 214C for corner carry and meter spending strength. Standing confirm.

[Requires dash momentum OR corner] j[C] > jAB > 5B > 9jBC > dj9BC (j214X)

  • Mixup from High-Low-Throw (H/L/T) using delay j.[C] to throw opponents off or bait opponent challenges.


5C > 2C > 2B > 2AA

  • Best case scenario for OTG in trump, requires decent proration prior.

5A > 2B > 2C > 2AA

  • Universal trump OTG.



Powerblast Installs

Stuff > 5A+B > 6S > (recover from 5AB) > A+B+C

  • Route into PB, requires 1 bar.

214X/j214X > 6S > A+B+C

  • Install from any spin! The multihit spin and groundbounce from aerial spin allows you to easily confirm hits into installs.

6S Confirms Without Trump NOTE:

  • Assist costs 1 Bar to cancel into from your normals and specials WITHOUT trump state. The combo notation considers this and makes the baseline for confirms 1 Bar. These combos are still applicable and OPTIMAL in trump state.

6S > 2A+B > X

  • Confirm from raw 6S in neutral, you want to go for 2A+B the majority of times. If not, route into usual Shana ground starters/enders (i.e 2B5C, 662A2B5C, etc.)

Stuff > 5C (236C/5A+B) > 6S > 2A+B > X >( 665B (2C) ) 214B (426BC)

  • Universal metered confirm from any hit. Allows you to route into 426BC OR j. ABC post 2A+B > X. If you had a heavily prorated starter (2AAA 2B 5C, airdash j.X) you can opt out of 5B2C and go straight into 214B. if your starter was moderately prorated (2AA2B5C) you can opt out of 2C and instead go into 5B 214B.

4AB X > j.214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 66 (dash) > 5B2C > 214B > (426BC)

  • UOH routing into 426BC.

(Stuff) > 214X OR j214X > 6S > (5B (2C)) > 214B > (426BC)

  • Anything that you confirm into spin (j.A, j.B. 5B, 2C anti-airs, etc.) you can convert into Tatsuya for 1 bar.

Stuff > A+B+C/CB > 6S > 2A+B > X > (5B (2C) ) 214B (426BC)

  • You can convert anything into 6S by using CB, which only costs your blast gauge. This is very helpful in meter+blast economy where you do not want to commit to spending meter but want to get your blast regenerating OR stall out for a better trump/metered confirm.

Stuff > 5A+B > 236A+B > 6S > 2A+B > X > (5B (2C) ) 214A/B > 426BC

  • Corner confirm. Using the wallbounce, we can confirm into 6S without spending ADDITIONAL meter to summon him. This also helps with regards to blast economy, as burning meter to call assists does not affect blast percentage.

Trump Install Confirms
*Combos are organized by their HITCOUNT unless prefaced otherwise.
*Assuming you do not have the meter for 426BC, you could opt to end in j.214X via 2A+B > X j.ABC dj9BC j.214X. However, it is advised that you understand the intention of trump installing is to make the MOST out of your trump and not burn out your time in the state to ensure you two or three touch your opponent!

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 3 hits prior to 5A+B] 2A > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 2C5B > 214B > 426BC

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 4 hits prior to 5A+B] 2AA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5B > 214B > 426BC

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 5 hits prior to 5A+B] 2AAA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 214A/214B 426BC

  • These combos are Shana's bread and butter when using Tatsuya. You will want to confirm these hits to establish your 50% damage threat and also put opponents into okizeme and threaten the two-touch. Your routing will depend on hitcount prior to 5A+B and involves your post 2A+B followup.
    • 3+ Hits: 2A+B > X > 2C5B is optimal.
    • 4+ hits: 2A+B > X > 5B is optimal.
    • 5+ hits: 2A+B > X > 214B is optimal.

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, < 2 hits, distance dependent] 2A > 2B > 214C > 5A+C > 214A > 6S > 2A+B > X > 2C5B > 214B > 426BC

  • Distance dependent 'optimal' confirm. 2A 2B can be replaced with 2A5C, 2B5C, etc., it is dependent on your starter and distance. Very situational but leads to solid damage.

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Anti-Air] 5B/2C > 214C > 5A+C > 214A > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC

  • Anti-air hitconfirm into trump install. Leads into absurd damage.

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Reversal] 5A+C > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > (236A+B) > 426BC

  • Reversal trump. This is a crazy starter that deals a lot of damage, making it a threatening option to use on defense should you conserve trump as a reversal in round one or three!

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Punisher] 2A+B > X > 5A+C > 66214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC

  • 2A+B punisher midscreen, also works from 5C Counterhit! You be using this starter to occasionally punish powerblast in neutral OR during offense! This route still works without the first hit of 2A+B and does even more damage if the followup is the first hit.

[1 Trump, 3+ Bar, Poke/Punisher] 5C > 236A+B > 5A+C > 665A+B [First hit whiffs] > 6S > 2A+B > X > 66 (dash) > 5B2C > 214B > (236A+B)

  • 70% damage combo. This confirm put fear into the heart of any opponent should the Shana be on point with their hitconfirms. Nothing else is to be said other than timing the 665A+B can be difficult because it is reliant on the Shana spacing for the last hit of 5A+B. Get a feel for when you will need to walk back OR dash forward to properly convert 5A+B into the 6S!
  • Get a feel for 2A+B > X spacing. If you feel like you will be unable to confirm the 665B 2C, you still have some time to microdash 2A+B to further close the distance and make the combo more stable.

[1 Trump, 3+ Bar, Mixup] Throw > 236AB > 5A+C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC

  • Mixup from throw. Valuable if you can guarantee a kill OR have a surplus of meter to fall back on.

Trump Specific Confirms

[Requires dash momentum OR corner] j[C] > jAB > 5B > 7jA j214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 5C2C > 214B > 426BC

  • Confirm from j[C] mixups.

2A > 2B > jB~C~A > 214C > 6S > 2A+B > X > 2C5B > 214B > 426BC

  • Confirm from standing opponents off of a high low mixup.


Powerblast Install

2B~6S > 5C > 5A+B (6S hits) > A+B+C

  • Difficult to route into without 2A prior but is a possible confirm.

214B or 214C or j214X [Cancel first hit] > 6S > 6S Hit > A+B+C/PB

  • The long duration of the 214X series, as well as its ground bounce property in the air, allows you to consistently confirm 214B/C and j.214X into Wilhelm 6S! This gives you the freedom of easily converting into powerblast.

Confirms Without Trump

  • Assist costs 1 Bar to cancel into from your normals and specials WITHOUT trump state. The combo notation considers this and makes the baseline for confirms 1 Bar. These combos are still applicable and OPTIMAL in trump state.

6S > 2A+B > X > (5B/2C 214B) 214A > 426BC

  • General conversion from any hit of 6S. These confirms include the following:
    • [Okizeme] 6S > 4AB (6S hits)
    • [Okizeme] 2AA (6S hits)
    • [Hitconfirm] 214B/214C/j.214X [Cancel first hit] > 6S

5S > 66(2B) > 5C > 236C > (214A+B)

  • General hitconfirm from 5S on grounded opponents.

5S > 66 (dash) > 5A5B > 9jBC > dj9BC > (j214X)

  • General hitconfirm from 5S on aerial opponents, you will see this frequently should you apply 5S to pin landings.

Trump Installs
*Assuming you do not have the meter for 426BC, you could opt to end in j.214X via 2A+B > X j.ABC dj9BC j.214X or end on your ground spin (214A/B). However, it is advised that you understand the intention of trump installing is to make the MOST out of your trump and not burn out your time in the state to ensure you two (or more likely three) touch your opponent!

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 3 hits prior to 5A+B] 2A > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 2C > 214B > 426BC

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 4 hits prior to 5A+B] 2AA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 5B > 214B > 426BC

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, 5 hits prior to 5A+B] 2AAA > 2B > 5C > 5A+B > 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 214A/214B > 426BC

  • These combos are Shana's bread and butter when using Wilhelmina and go into 50%. Like Tatsuya routing, your enders will depend on the hitcount prior to 5A+B.

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Reversal] 5A+C > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 5C2C 214B (236A+B) 426BC

  • Reversal trump combo.

[1 Trump, 2 Bar, Poke/Punisher] 5C > 236A+B > 5A+C > 66 (dash) > 2AB > 6S > X > 6S hits > 8/9j.[C] > 2A+B > X > 2C 214B 426BC

  • Wilhelmina punisher combo from 5C. Using 8/9 j.[C], you can make this combo sideswap. Unlike the Shana+Tatsuya combo, this combo is more finnicky and relies on properly spacing both uses of 2A+B to ensure they hit. If you are not confident in the second 2A+B, simply route into 2C5B 214B.

Trump Specific Confirms

[Requires dash momentum OR corner] j.[C] > j.AB > 5B > 7j.A j214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 2C > 214B > 426BC

  • Confirm from j[C] mixups.

2A > 2B > j.B~C~A > 214C(1) (6S Cancel) > 2A+B > X > 2C > 214B > 426BC

  • Confirm from standing opponents off of a high low mixup.


Stuff > 5AB > 5S > jBC > djBC > j214C > j214AB

  • Hit 5S immediately after inputting 5A+B; don't wait for 5A+B to hit.


5A > 5B > 5C > 6S > 5AB > (6S hits) > jBC > djBC > j214C > (j.214AB)

5A > 5B > 5C > 5A+B (1 hit) > Shinpan > 5A > 5B > j.B > j.BC > [j.214C > 6S] OR [j.214C > j.214A+B > 6S] > (6S hits) xx 5A+B 41236B+C

  • 5A > 5B is a midair catch after Shinpan.
  • Hit 6S 2 to 3 hits into j.214C (or j.214A+B, if you opt to spend three meter instead of two).
  • After 6S hits, link 5A+B to hit them as they're falling.


  • Cancel into assist on the second hit of spin if you're in the corner.

5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB(1)> 5AC > 5C > 2C > jB > jC > j214C > 5[S] > 5ABC

5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB(1)> 5AC > 2C > jB > jC > j214C > 5[S] > 2AB + followup > 214B > 426BC

5A > 5B > 5C > 5AB > 236AB > 5[S] > 2AB + followup > 5B > 2C > 214B > 426BC

2C/5B (AA) > 214C > 5[S] > 2AB + followup > 5C > 2C > 214C > 426BC


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