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''' Double Attack: Pharaoh Split - Same strength P + K'''
''' Double Attack: Pharaoh Split - Same strength P + K'''

* '''(Any Version)''' Activates flight and hyper armor. While Anakaris is flying around, Kaibito is walking around in Anakari's lower half. You can attack with either half of Anakaris' body, but you can only move Anakaris' upper half. Pretty useful for escaping the corner or unblockables due to the hyper armor aspect.
* '''(Any Version)''' Activates flight and hyper armor. While Anakaris is flying around, Kaibito is walking around in Anakari's lower half. You can attack with either half of Anakaris' body, but you can only move Anakaris' upper half. Pretty useful for escaping the corner or unblockables due to the hyper armor aspect.
However, The move can get you into serious trouble as it takes anakaris to long to actually attack and only the legs or anakaris can attack one at a time, you can not do both. Because of this fact, the opponent can just do air chains on Anakaris repeatedly using anakaris slow normal speed and hyper armor that slows him down while being hit and their is not much that can be done about this. Be very careful with this darkforce.

== Strategies ==
== Strategies ==

Revision as of 15:47, 11 June 2012

Costume Colors


Anakaris (アナカリス), the Mummy. Widely considered to be the worst character in the game, he is handicapped in several regards and has some of the worst matchups in the game. Amazingly, when put in the right hands (like Chikyuu's) even the worst character in the game can beast the hell out of everybody. Still, you'll be fighting an uphill battle because Capcom really pulled one over on poor Anakaris. He can not normal or air throw (he can tech throws though), he can not pushblock, his GC is the worst in the game and is ES-only, his command throw is atypical from the rest of the cast as it's not point blank or instant, and to top it all off he's a tall standing and crouching character which makes quite a few characters happy as clams to walk all over him. In order to play Anakaris you really have to love the character and just "get it", because if you don't get it, you're not getting wins -- so pull out your pen and paper and start studying the player Chikyuu very closely..

Primary objective: Be Chikyuu.

Normal Moves

LP: s.LP has a 5 frame startup, has an active frame window for about 3 frames starting with the first frame (frame 5) and is

safe on hit(+8) and block (+7) with an 8 

frame recovery window. It has a very good hitbox that goes very far in front of him, thus allowing Anakaris to tag people outside or inside sweep range with ease. This normal is also very good at catching characters out of their jumps startup, so long as their jumps don't go over this normal past frame 6.


- sets up ground non-dash pressure blockstings.

- sets up dash pressure strings.

- sets up delayed blockstrings.

- sets up pyramid Dive pressure.

- sets up command grab attempts.

- sets up portal.

- tiger knee curse setup.

- empty jump guard break attempt or blocked air to air dive pyramid.

- Tick coffin drop setups.

- Hitconfirm into links or chains into knockdown or pressure if blocked.

- Frame Trap setups are easy off of this normal. Can frame trap into any normal including itself!!!!

- decent recovery

- can have more frame advantage if you can aim it has a meaty


- The weaknesses to this normal come from characters whom can duck under this normal (q bee).

- Normals/Special moves that hit him due to being out of range (this IS a hitbox issue. KNOW YOUR RANGES!!!).

- Normals losing by virtue of speed (the speed of their normals/specials must be 4 frames or below).

- Air Normals punching the top of your jab or getting over it.

- Bad trades (like if your frames collide with a knock down attack or a dragon punch/invulnerable moves. Dragon Punches for the most part, have very little invulnerability frames in this game).

- hurt box grow super huge when you do this normal making him easier to punish. Make sure when you do this normal that is going to hit!

MP: s.MP has a 6 frame startup and has two distinct active frames with very different hitboxes (though the normal can not actually hit twice). the first normal starts off on frame 6 and last for 1 more frame which makes it active for 2 frames. The second part of the normal activates on the 8th frame and stays out for 2 more frames making it have a 3 frame active window.

So if Anakaris hits while his hand is over his head, it is unsafe on hit (-2) and block (-3), but on the ground this can only happen against a standing Anakaris, Jedah or Victor at point blank range.

If Anakaris hits with his fully-extended arm, the frame data changes to 8 frame startup (counting the 2 frames of the first hitbox as startup frames) hit (+3) block (+2). This can come in handy for setting up frame traps.

This normal's first active hitbox is really high, making it good for anti air. This normal can be used to catch point blank back jumps and jumps attempts that try to go on top of anak.

However, if they are too far away it will whiff, since the first active hitbox has little horizontal range and the second hitbox is not high at all. This normal carries an 18 frame recovery window.

Q Bee, Lilith, and Morrigan can duck under this normal. Other characters can get under the normal with certain moves as well (example Raptor c.HK).


- Pretty good anti air in its first animation. Decent poke on the second.

- Guard Break after the opponent blocks air down forward pyramid.

- Tick off of the second part of this normal with a command grab or high low.

- Hitconfirm off of this normal into chain for a knockdown.

- Frame Traps are possible off of the second part of this normal due to advantage gained by the second part of the normal.

- After hitting an aerial opponent chain into sweep for more meter.

- Works real good as a preemptive AA after being tick off of a s. LP for an easy frame trap. (do this one off of short frame traps 2 -3 hits)


- Hitbox is kinda iffy at beating some jumping normals.

- It is much easier to AA jumping normals starting from half screen range to point blank. Normals past that range become hard to beat cause of the hitbox.

- some characters can duck under the normal. (Bee, Lilith, and Morrigan)

- Normals/Special moves beating it by virtue of speed.

- Bad trades happen a lot due to the hurtbbox being around the first part of the normal a lot.

- decently long recovery period

HP: s.HP has an 11 frame startup has two different parts as a normal. First part starts at frame 11 and is active for 3 more frames making it 4 frames. Second part starts at frame 15 and last for 6 more frames making it have a 7 frame active window. this normal is unsafe on hit (-3) and block (-4) and has a very long recovery period at 21 frames. s.HP has a very long horizontal range, which make this a very good tool for poking. In fact this normal has the longest horizontal range out of all the standing normals. You can use s.LP and s.MP to setup a frame trap to catch jumpers with this normal.

Do not worry about the stand alone frame data as their are chains in this game, and you can make this normal safer with a c.HK as to use the last normal in the magic series to push the opponent away. This normal also suffers the same weakness as the other high normals as even more characters can duck this normal, here is the list: Lei Lei, Bulleta, Gallon, Q Bee, Morrigan, and Lilith


- Very Good Poke.

- Can snipe people out of preemptive jump frames

- Good after s.LP to hit people with counter hit frame trap setups

- very long active frame period that allows you to tag people if they stand up.

- easy to hit confirm it off a meaty if it hits into sweep


- Slow normal

- Can be ducked by a lot of the cast

- If they get over the normal you become a big target

_ have to make it safe with magic series which can be countered by guard cancel

- long recovery period

- stupid big hurtbox on whiff

LK: s.LK has the exact same frame data as s.LP with a 5 frame startup and has a 3 frame active window with an 8 frame recovery. s.LK is completely safe on hit (+7) and block (+8). It has a decent horizontal range not as much as s.LP or c.LK but it will suffice for what it does.

This normal will mostly be used the same way as s.LP but for characters who can duck under you standing punch normals its godsend. This normal has a lower body hitbox, so it will only be used to hit characters whom are grounded, as this normal will never cut it as an anti air.

This normal is very good for setting up frame traps, just like the s.LP (such as s.LK delay s.HP to hit a jumper). It can also set up all the same, "games", I have put down in the s.LP section as well. This will be your replacement normal for any character that can duck under your highs with ease.


- Unduckable normal

- sets up everything that s.lp can do except AA and air guard breaks.

- decent recover

- same startup as s. lp


- hardly any range on it.

- never a threat as an AA

- if out ofrange loses to many standing normals

MK: s.MK has a 7 frame startup and has a 4 frame active window with a 24 frame recovery. standing mk is both unsafe on hit (-3) and block (-4). s.MK has a pretty good horizontal range that is just slightly below the range of the standing jab.

This normal hitbox is designed to hit normals that are low for the most part (although some slides can get through). If the opponents normal is anywhere near the hitbox of s.MK, it will either trade or beat it depending on the speed of the normal. This normal will also replace your s.MP if the character can duck under most of your normals.

As with other unsafe normals you can make this one slightly safer by chaining into c.HK.


- Unduckable normal (with some exceptions)

- pretty good on meaty setups

- good range

- can beat some lows

- decent startup

- pretty good meaty move


- when not used on frame traps the startup can be troublesome to mashed out normals

- Loses to normals that get above it a lot

- unsafe by itself so you must cancel it on hit or block if you want

- bad recovery

HK: s.HK has an 11 frame startup with a 6 frame active window. This normal has 2 phases of recovery the first one last 24 frames going over lows. The second phase starts on frame 41 and last 13 frames you are grounded during this phase and punishable. s. HK is unsafe on hit (-12) and block (-13). This normal can also be done as a command normal (4+HK or 6+HK to move it left or right) this is done so that you can aim it to hit the edge of normals while poking.

s.HK goes over lows however, most of the cast can duck under this normal (only Bishamon, Victor, and Anakaris cannot duck under the normal) making this normal pretty hard to use effectively. Their are some normals such as Sasquatch c.HK that you can go over and still hit him.

Also the stand alone frame data does matter for this normal, as you do not have any more normals to chain into due to this being the final normal in the magic series. This move is considered to be in the air so it is always air blockable.


- Can go over some lows

- moves from front to back as a command normal


- Nothing to cancel into

- Highly unsafe on hit and block

- horrible normal in all regards

- 2 phases of recovery

- the recovery period is way to long

- super unsafe normal

c.LP: c.LP has a 5 frame startup and has a 3 frame active window with an 9 frame recovery. c.LP is safe on hit (+7) and block (+6).

This normal has slightly less range and similar start up as the standing jab. This normal is used very similarly to standing jab except that this normal is unduckable.


- Guard breaking lower to the ground jump in attempts after an opponent blocks a down forward dive pyramid.

- Using it while dashing to get much closer in range to do frame traps with other normals while on block.

- Getting the attack to whiff during pressure strings to check and see if they are moving around to mount a high/low/command grab game.

- Comboing off of the dashing version of this normal (hitconfirm).

- Lowering your hitbox in an attempt to dash under normals.

_ okay at stuffing IAD's as a last ditch effort if they get that low to the ground


- not much range

- their is a frame when you dash and do a normal where you will automatically stand up for a few frames. If you do not time a crouching normal to go under a jump in correctly you will get hit.

c.MP: c.MP has a 5 frame startup with two different hitboxes. First part is active at frame 5 and has a 6 frame startup. The second part starts at frame 11 and has a 6 frame active window. c.MP is unsafe on both hit (-10) and block (- 11).

This normal is unsafe but thanks to chains you still have options to make yourself safe. If this normal is blocked do the rest of your magic series to in attempt to create some distance from your opponent.

The first part of the normal is designed to hit most duckers and after apex jump ins

The second part is designed to hit players at the apex of their jump and loses to lows for free.

This will be one of your go to anti air normals for players jumping from full screen to mid range.

After hitting this normal as an anti air chain into c.HK so you build some meter and reduce the recover of the normal a bit.

On hit go for knockdown to startup your oki game.


- pretty good AA from full to half screen range

- good as a preemptive AA to counter jump startup

- when this hits on the ground you can go for knockdown via magic series.

- good at stuffing low to the ground IAD's

- first part is decent at hitting duckers

- second part beats jumps at their apex


- If they get through the normal you will be free to punish.

- this move gets stuffed by low normals.

- this move is unsafe on hit or block so you must use magic series to make it safe

c.HP: c.HP has a 7 frame startup and has a huge active frame window at 21 the recovery is massive at 32 frames. its a 3 part normal but you will only be concerned about frame 7- 10 because that is the one that knocks down.

c.HP is unsafe on block (-29). This normal does not have frame data on hit because it is a knockdown attack.

Just like with other normals that are unsafe chain a sweep on block to create some distance from the opponent.

This is your anti air for opponents jumping from mid screen to close range as the hitbox is designed to AA vertically. This move has three different hitboxes when it starts up that is the knockdown portion (this will be what you are aiming for. The other two AA higher but you earn a shitty reset for your effort (so I recommend chaining into c.HK every time to avoid getting punished if it turns into a reset).


- first hitbox of this move causes knockdown on hit

- very good vertical AA

- decent at stuffing low to the ground IAD and


- only hits vertically so if you miss are going to get hit for free

- second and third hitboxes on this normal are kinda meh causing a reset if they hit cancel into sweep

- normal is unsafe on block so as a last ditch effort you need to cancel into crouching roundhouse to try to push them away.

- loses to sweeps if out of range on the first box. Second and thrid lose to a lot of normals.

c.LK: c.LK has a 6 frame startup with a 3 frame actice window with an 11 frame recovery and is safe on both hit (+8) and block (+7).

This normal is your go to low attack with lots of frame advantage to ride on for your frame trap needs.

It has way longer range then c.LP and will be one of the keys to your high/low/throw mixup game. This normal does everything that s.lp,, and c.lp do except for the anti air and guard break stuff.


- same as s.lp except for guard break and AA.

- lower body hitbox


- losses to moves with good horizontal range.

_ losses to IAD normals and jump ins clean

- trip guard does not exist in any form in this game so you are committing to low if the person does an air normal it will not hit them when they land.

- so so recovery

c.MK: c.MK has a 13 frame startup with a 3 frame active window and a 20 frame recovery.

c.MK is safe on hit (+1) however this leaves you neutral on block (0).

This is your long range low since it leaves you at neutral their is not to much utility to this move other then that its a low and you can chain into magic series to cause knockdown. I guess if you can get away with it you can use it to tick into command grab.

I need to look into this normal a little more cause I honestly hardly use it.


- Long range low

- can use it to pester the opponent

- chain into magic series to cause knockdown.


- very slow

- easy to IAD it on reaction

- no frame advantage to ride on

- long recovery

- not enough active frames to warrant how slow it is

c.HK: c.HK has a 13 frame startup with a 4 frame active window and has a 25 frame recovery.

c.HK has no frame advantage on hit because its a sweep and is also unsafe on block at (-1).

Pretty long range sweep and is your go to normal for magic series and for gaining quick knockdowns off of hitconfirmed jabs. This normal is utilized to make many of your anti airs safe. This normal is okay to do raw as to gain a trade or to do attempted low into knockdown.


- really long range sweep.

- low that knocksdown on hit.

- useful cancel to your AA normals to make them much more safe.

- good normal to chain into on block to push them away.

- good normal to chain into on hit to gain a knockdown on hitconfirm.

- one of the main key normals to setting up your oki game.


- same weaknesses as c.MK except for the ability to chain into something.

- Final move to chain into so beware of guard cancel.

- loses to crouching punch normals a lot out of range

- long recovery

- long startup

j.LP: j.LP has a 7 frame startup with a 3 frame active window and a 20 frame recovery. Frame advantage is dependent on how low you hit them to the ground so if you hit them to high when the opponent is on the ground you will be at a disadvantage and they can hit you.

This normal is normally used for air to air combat or chicken guarding. This is the only normal to protect you from close jumpins however, if it gets chicken blocked expect to be hit.

If you manage to jump in and get him low enough you can combo off of this normal. You can also repeat it multiple times in the air and switch between normals as well.


- decent air to air normal.

- good on chicken block

- can combo if hit low enough

- repeatable in the air


- easy to chicken guard and punish

- loses to a lot of air to air normals

- slow so can be air thrown a lot

- hardly any active frames

- crappy recovery for a lp in the air

- really slow startup for a lp in the air

j.MP: j.MP has a 9 frame startup with a 4 frame active window and a 13 frame recovery. Just like j.LP its frame data is dependent on where it hits because of it being a jumping normal.

Very good air to air poke with good range to boot. Had decent speed and is annoying to get around. This is his most spammed air normal by far. Its kinda hard to get the timing to combo this normal but it is possible if you hit them low enough.


- Great range air to air normal

- much harder to chicken guard

- decent damage

- good for zoning

- nice startup on the normal

- decent amount of active frames.

- best recovery out of the air normals


- loses to some air to air normals

- loses if someone gets under the normal.

- really hard to combo off of

j.HP:j.HP has a 10 frame startup with a 6 frame active window and a 23 frame recovery. This normal is more useful as an air to ground normal. Its actually pretty decent at stuffing opponents trying to dash in while you are in the air. This normal has a decent amount of frame advantage when it hits so it is probably the easiest of the three punch air normals to combo into.


- good air to ground normal

- good at stuffing dashes

- easiest normal to combo off of out of the 3 punch normals in the air

- decent startup

- decent amount of active frames


- losess to air to air game pretty easily

- slow startup

- crappy recovery

- hit box on recovery is super low and easy to AA

j.LK: J.LK has a 19 frame startup with a 3 frame active window and a 17 frame recovery.

I rarely ever use this normal. Its super slow and really serves no purpose. This normal is worse then standing HK. Just imagine this button not being there cause this normal is that bad.


- Hits grounded opponents


- so slow you the opponent will jump and hit you out of the air before the move comes out

- can be hit before startup

- long startup for a lk in the air

- crappy recovery

- a lot of characters can duck under this normal

- loses air to air for free

- horrible normal

j.MK: j.MK has a 7 frame startup with 3 parts. first part activates on frame 7 and last 8 more frames. the second part is a gap in the normal that last for 3 frame it starts at frame 10. at frame 19 you get 6 more frames of active hitbox. Then a 14 frame recovery window.

One thing I failed to mention is that all the jumping kick normals can all be hit before startup easily on the ground. So you have to fish for this normal.

fortunately, this normal hits twice so it actually serves a purpose. It can be decent to combo into if you hit this normal low enough.


- decent startup

- hits twice

- good to use low to the ground

- can combo off of it much easier then j.HK

- decent for Air to Air for chicken blockers due to the gap in the string

- good at keeping opponent grounded


- can be hit on the ground by grounded normals

- last a little to long in the air so if it whiffs you will be hit

- losses to air to air pretty clean

j.HK: J.HK has a 7 frame startup with a 9 frame active window and a 23 frame recovery. This normal has a decent amount of hitstop due to it being a heavy normal so you can use it but its not as good as j.MK.

Decent for a one hit air normal to tag the opponent with in the air or on the ground.


- good damage one hit air jumping HK.

- a little harder to combo off of.

- same startup as j.MK

- decent startup

- pretty good amount of active frames


- same as jumping mk loses to grounded normals and air to air clean.

Command Normal Moves

P Throw: All you can do is tech throws. Techs can be done with any forward or back directional input: 4,1,3,6+LP, MP, HP, or HK.

Air Throw: You can tech air throws as well. It the same as teching on the ground however, you can add two more directional inputs to your throw techs 7 and 9.

Pursuit: A fairly slow pursuit attack. This one is a tough call because you want to get in but if you do this to whiff and it was to slow you can get into a lot of trouble. ES version is even worse to whiff and really bad on hit as you can be put into a command grab/normal throw option select if they don't tech away.

Normal pursuit is fine on hit but if you miss time the pursuit and get a whiff and they see it you may get hit with a throw.

ES version should be used exclusively for kill as it is highly risky to do to a character like sasquatch who will maul you with Big Brunch into whatever...

j3.K: Anakaris' down forward pyramid dive. Very fast overhead that can be followed with chain combo for knock down. Also use it to cancel your floaty jump while moving forward and builds meter.

j2.K: Anakaris' downward pyramid dive. You need to be above the opponent if you want it to connect. Can cross up. Sometimes when you are a little too high above the opponent it won't stun enough to follow up with a ground combo. Anyways the main use for this it to cancel your jump. Get close to the opponent then mix up : j3.K for overhead or j2.K c.LK for low attack. Land a knockdown then repeat.


Walk: Walk Forward Pixel Distance (2.25 pixels) / Walk Backwards Pixel Distance (1.2 pixels)

This is by far the slowest walk in the game which is by no means a bad thing. You will use the walk to slowly get in to positions so that dash attacks, pokes, pyramid dives, and s.LPxx236+PP command throw become a threat, or to slowly position yourself to anti air with c.MP, s.MP, s.HP. s.HK, c.HP, or 46+P. It is especially good when you are doing strings that are longer then 3-4 hits (character dependent), as you can make stuff whiff with the slight walk back.

Essentially, you will mostly be using the dash and dive pyramids as that is your main tool to get in, but do not neglect the walk. At higher levels they will expect you to dash, jump, and dive pyramid spam which causes you to become predictable and you will get punished. By doing a less common movement, you can increase the chances of your more powerful tools to work. Players do not usually look to punish stuff that is considered to be a non-threat and this walk is one of non -threats in your arsenal. This means that this is one of the tools that can be used more so then any other tool in your arsenal to begin with.

Dash: A good ground dash that allows him to select any normal including ground normals. Anak is one of the few characters that can use any normal in a dash so make good use of it. Anything such as dash lp, lk, 2nd hit standing mp, crouching lp, and crouching lk will yield frame advantage and should be abused.

Dashing hp, mp, crouching hp, and crouching mp are you go to AA's while dashing. Dashing sweep is also a solid pick for a quick knockdown to startup you offense.

Their is a hidden weakness to this dash as it has recovery frames off of a whiff dashing attack. You can see it if you do a dashing low as your character will stand up a couple of frames before you are allowed to block again. Make sure that the opponent does not have an attack out on during the frames of recovery or you will regret doing that dashing attack.

Jump: Even more floaty than Dhalsim, he is light as a feather. He also comes equipped with multiple Double Jumps and air moves that halt his movement, allowing him to stay airborne for quite a long time. Though this may be in his favor since he has quite an array of bizarre air moves, some of which come from the ground even while he's in the air.

Float: By hitting up you are put into float state. You are allowed to use any air normal and air special move. Their are two tiers that anak can float around in. Being in float state is the same as being in air state which means that you can't block ground normals at all.


The Dance of Coffins - 22P/K (air also): Drops a coffin down from the sky. Not a bad move for stalling your jump trajectory or pestering from long range, but not especially useful at close distances. Can be used on some characters wake ups to stuff their wakeup options like dragon punches and things of that nature. You can also it time it to trade hits if the opponent comes to close although, this tactic is very difficult to do.

  • (L Version) Close.
  • (M Version) Mid.
  • (H Version) Far.
  • (ES Version) Drops several coffins in various distances.

Royal Judgement - 236P (air only): Pukes up a curse cloud. On successful hit this move will morph the opponent into their paper doll form. Surprisingly, this move is a lot more useful than it appears. You can get fairly good damage out of it by hitting the opponent while they are stuck in doll form. The amount of curse duration is relative to the move strength.

  • (L Version) Short curse time. Quickest recovery when on whiff. Used as a filler move in the air to cover your aerial approach.
  • (M Version) Medium curse time. Medium Recovery. Not to useful on filler.
  • (H Version) Longer curse time. Long Recovery time. Rarely used because it takes so long to recover on whiff.
  • (ES Version) Sends out three sets of wisps instead of one. Much longer curse duration. Takes forever to recover on whiff. Decent filler move in the air.

Spell of Turning (absorb) - 214K (air also): Anakaris will attempt to swallow an opponent's projectiles. This move actually does absolutely nothing unless it connects with an opponent's projectile while Anakaris' mouth is open. Upon successful absorption the projectile will be nullified and the opponent's move will be "learned" (previous absorption will be overwritten if applicable, for example Bulleta's missiles/mines the previously learned move will be lost).

Spell of Turning (release) - 236K (air also): This move does absolutely nothing unless the absorb version is used to learn an opponent's projectile attack. Once you absorb a projectile, however, Anakaris can hork up his own version of the move using this. The move will act similarly to the opponent's original version, though in some cases the move will behave differently/uniquely, for example Anakaris' ES version of Lei-Lei's items works nothing like her version (which for him is a good thing).

  • (Any Version) Pukes up the learned attack.
  • (ES Version) Pukes up an ES version of the learned attack.

Cobra Blow - 4, 6P: Similar in appearance to his standing HP, however this version is a special move and thus it behaves as such (like knocking down airborne opponents, etc). Additionally, this strength of the move determines the distance and number of hits.

  • (L Version) Short
  • (M Version) Medium
  • (H Version) Long
  • (ES Version) Really long, plus lots of hits.

Mummy Drop - 236P (throw): Spin the stick and mash buttons for more damage. Anakaris' command throw is rather unique. The strength of the button used will determine the distance. Normal version can be crouched under by any character. Es version can not be ducked under. ES version is very good as an Anti Air because you can not jump after landing from a previous jump for about 2 frames.

  • (L Version) Close.
  • (M Version) Medium.
  • (H Version) Far.
  • (ES Version) This version causes the hands to start near Anakaris then rapidly fly forwards. This version is also mashable for damage, and it is recommended to do so.

The Word of Truth - 623PP (GC):

Anakaris' guard cancel move. This can only be done during blockstop and costs 1 stock. Worthless move, do not use it ever unless your opponent has never seen it before, in which case it's worth a laugh.
  • (ES Version) Inarguably the worst GC in the game, Anakaris may as well not even have one. This is because it gives the opponent free damage on you, so you're essentially wasting meter to give the opponent a free hit on you. But let's take a look at how bad it really is. Anakaris spits out Kaibito at a specific range, if the opponent is too close or too far from Anakaris it will whiff completely and allow the opponent a free combo on you while you recover from the move. If it manages to hit it deals a very tiny little bit of damage to the opponent and morphs them into their paper doll for a very short amount of time. But the opponent un-morphs from this state before Anakaris finishes his attack pose, and since the opponent can move around in their paper doll form they can get point blank and throw Anakaris as soon as they un-morph, before he even recovers from the move. All at the cost of one stock. In other words, never use this unless your opponent has never seen it before, and don't expect it to catch anyone off guard more than once. You can expect to eat a throws worth of damage or worse any time you use this with very little reward even if the opponent does nothing to retaliate.

The Pit of Blame - 623K (while knocked down): This move can only be done if Anakaris was hit by something that knocks down (sweep, etc). He will split in half and open an unblockable portal that catches nearby opponents. Basically an anti-pursuit move, though it can also catch opponents who get too close to him during normal rushdown patterns. Somewhat risky to use since if it fails he can be hit, so avoid using this against opponents with powerful 1-hit options.


The Pit to the Underworld - 426KK (unblockable): Unblockable portal. Pretty good, since it reaches rather high vertically.

Pharaoh Magic - MK LP 2 LK MP (air also): Sends out a curse, on hit will autocombo the opponent. Pretty useful, decent damage.

Pharaoh Salvation - HK MP 2 MK HP [start] (air also, costs 2 stocks): Requires two bars of meter. But it's basically powered up version of Pharaoh Magic.

Pharaoh Decoration - HK MP LK 2 LP MK HP (air also, costs 3 stocks): Requires three bars of meter. This one is also a powered up version of Pharaoh Magic and Pharaoh Salvation.

Dark Force

Double Attack: Pharaoh Split - Same strength P + K

  • (Any Version) Activates flight and hyper armor. While Anakaris is flying around, Kaibito is walking around in Anakari's lower half. You can attack with either half of Anakaris' body, but you can only move Anakaris' upper half. Pretty useful for escaping the corner or unblockables due to the hyper armor aspect.

However, The move can get you into serious trouble as it takes anakaris to long to actually attack and only the legs or anakaris can attack one at a time, you can not do both. Because of this fact, the opponent can just do air chains on Anakaris repeatedly using anakaris slow normal speed and hyper armor that slows him down while being hit and their is not much that can be done about this. Be very careful with this darkforce.




Frame Data

Notable Players

Chikyuu (地球)

Kazu (カズ)
