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General Characteristics

Stand Stand
Crouch Jump
(Start Up)
Jump Back
Jump Up
Jump Forward
Ground Dash
(Start Up)
Ground Dash
Jedah state stand.png Jedah state hitstun.png Jedah state crouch.png Jedah state jump start.png Jedah state jump b peak.png Jedah state jump peak.png Jedah state jump f peak.png Jedah state dash start.png Jedah state dash peak.png

Stand: Incredibly tall as second tallest standing character in the game. His height opens him up to some extra pressure that's difficult to deal with; particularly from characters that don't jump very high and can spam air normals during the jump's ascent and descent. Three hit air chains on the way down are not uncommon.

His height gives him two benefits. One is that, like the other two tallest standing characters, while in standing hitstun Jedah's hurtbox becomes much shorter, causing certain jumping chain combos to miss that otherwise wouldn't (this actually makes several potential infinites not work, thankfully). The other is that not only is he tall, he's thin, making it difficult to not only hit a cross-up, but to combo on the ground afterwards if one does happen to hit.

Walk: Average walk speed. Typically, Jedah will not walk long distances and will mostly do it for slight positional adjustments to anti-air or while pressuring. He doesn't really feel like he's walking through mud though, and sometimes it's better to keep your feet on the ground so don't be afraid of taking a stroll.

Crouch: The fourth tallest crouching character in the game. Jedah is forced to block a few extra attacks that shorter characters wouldn't, but the situation isn't nearly as bad as it is for the tallest two crouchers, Bishamon and Victor. He's a bit fat in the rear while crouching, making it easier to get hit with a cross-up while crouching, so be careful.

Jump: Jedah's jump is one of the two highest reaching in the game, which is both good and bad, but mostly good. His jump normals are well positioned to deal with his jump height, and once he is in the air, it can be very difficult to bring him down. In addition, to make such a huge jump less predictable, he has several options for changing his aerial momentum, including an air-dash. The main downside to his jump is that his hurtbox becomes very fat.

  • Jump Start Up — The image above is when Jedah's feet initially leave the ground 6 frames after pressing up. His jump start-up is extremely good, as he is already well into the air soon after pressing up. If the opponent's low attack meaties are off, Jedah may become very hard to pin down.
  • Jump Back — The highest reaching of his jumps, but it travels less distance than his forward jump; which is probably a good thing or else he'd corner himself even faster. This can be seen as a quick escape, but the potential to corner yourself is still serious.
  • Jump Up — Just a tiny bit shorter than his jump back. A well spaced neutral jump can position Jedah above most opponents that are jumping at him, potentially avoiding their attack while coming down on them with a j. MK.
  • Jump Forward — The shortest of his jumps, but the distance on it is outrageous. Jumping forward launches Jedah by about 3/4ths of the screen, and combined with his huge jumping normals lets him attack from nearly a full screen distance away. The danger here is that as that such a huge jump is easily telegraphed, potentially making it an easy anti-air.

Dash: jet-like dash, similar to Morrigan's. This is a ground-to-air dash, and what makes Jedah's high/low game possible. Dashing is a commitment, as Jedah is unable to block until he lands. It is possible to cancel the ground dash into the-air dash, granted you don't attack first. The rules regarding jump attacks completely change when ground dashing or air dashing, so be sure to take in the following:

  • Air chain combos are not possible when dashing.
  • Linking air normals is possible, however the links are difficult and limited.
  • The speed of Jedah's descent after dashing is much slower than his jump's descent, which lets him (or should I say "forces") him to do pressure strings with his jump normals as he falls.
  • All air normals become special cancelable at any point, even if they completely whiff.
  • The meter gained from medium and hard normals attacks that hit or are blocked is reduced, and whiffing them results in no meter gain.
  • Air throws are not possible when dashing.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

5 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 3 10 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 8 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Jab, whiffs on all crouching characters except for Bishamon and Victor
5 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 3 19 -1 -2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

Between 5.MP and 5.HP, this is Jedah's superior throw button. It recovers much faster, is safe on hit and block, and there is a chance of hitting certain characters trying to jump away when attempting a throw.

It has some decent potential as a poke, but mostly against the six characters who cannot crouch it. Against those who cannot duck it, it has an excellent hitbox that covers a large part of the screen, and will most likely hit them if they try to jump out. The problem is the awful hurtbox before the the attack is active, so to make it safe you may want to mix it in while staggering 2.LK so you have some frame advantage going into it.

If you happen to air reset an opponent with this, your ability to apply meaty pressure afterwards is somewhat limited. If you hit them high up in the air you can probably go for a dash j.LP/LK or j.MK, but otherwise you'll have to settle for inching forward and hitting with a 2.LK.

This move will only hit crouching: Anakaris, Aulbath, Bishamon, Demitri, Jedah, Victor
5 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 2(5)2(5)2 38 -13 -14 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8x3 3x3 H: 12+6x2 G: 9+3x2 W: 6

Though this button is an option for when attempting Jedah's Punch Throw, it is an extremely bad choice since from up close it's unsafe on whiff, block, and hit. This attack does not have much use outside of an ender for certain chain combos — and even then it's typically not the best option.

• The first hit of this move will only hit crouching: Aulbath, Bishamon, Demitri, Jedah, Victor
• The second hit whiffs on all crouching characters.
• The second hit of this move will not hit standing: Aulbath, Felicia, Gallon Lei-Lei
• This move will not hit crouching: Q-Bee
Variable Frame Advantage
• If only the first hit connects: H:-27/G:-28
• If it does not hit past the second hit: H:-20/G:-21
• If the third hit connects: H:-13/G:-14
5 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 7 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

This isn't a bad attack, but it just doesn't end up seeing much play typically. Primarly used in chains to get a specific spacing, with 5LK being canceled into a Dio Sega.

This attack has the shortest total frame count out of all of Jedah's normals, and the quickest recovery — meaning there may be some potential use in using it to bait out guard cancels, but this would need to be tested.
5 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 5 26 1 0 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 17 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

An excellent normal, and the typical ender for most of Jedah's chain combos. Jedah's frame advantage on his Hard Attacks is poor, and he can't chain into a knockdown, resulting in many of his chains simply ending on Standing Medium Kick. With a Hit Advantage of +1, you can attempt to pressure after ending your chain on one of these.

In the neutral game, this attack looks really strong. It has a great hitbox (reaches even further than 2LK), and a fast start-up with a lot of active frames — the only problem is that on whiff this move just hangs out there, leaving Jedah stuck with a fat and tall recovery hurtbox. If you whiff this attack and the opponent is already jumping at you, expect to eat a beefy combo. You should primarily use 5MK to poke when your opponent is already at some sort of frame disadvantage, making it less likely to get jumped in on.
5 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
35 6 36 - -7 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 20,16 7,6 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

A scythe attack that must be blocked standing. It's primary use is getting you killed by coming out on accident when you're attempting a Dash j.HK.

This is Jedah's only normal attack that can knock the opponent down, however it is far to slow to combo into. It's so slow that it is incredibly easy to block high on reaction after seeing it just a few times.

That said, this does get some specialized use in the corner, where it's a bit better since the opponents movement is limited. From this position it's primarily useful for opponents who keep jumping up-back, since this has excellent anti-air capabilities and great range. You want to hit 5HK's max range, so with proper spacing do either a 2MK or 2.HP and then chain cancel it into a 5HK, if the opponent attempts to jump or presses a button after recovering from the initial attack they'll get hit with the scythe and be knockdown.

Crouching Normals

2 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 2 10 7 6 H: 10 G: 9
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 8 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Crouch jab. Pretty standard for a crouching jab, hits mid, good speed, rewards the most frame advantage out of any of his light attacks, chains into it self. Useful

for ticking and keeping people off of you.
2 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
12 5 16 1 0 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
This has great range and an alright hitbox, but the exceedingly long start up time and poor hurtbox before the attack becomes active makes this an awful normal to use outside of chain combos. The frame advantage is the same as Jedah's 5MK, so it has similar follow-ups to that if used as the ender in a chain combo.
2 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 2(5)2(5)2 44 -18 -19 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 8x3 3x3 H: 12+6x2 G: 9+3x2 W: 6

An extremely unsafe normal, even more so than 5.HP since 2.HP has even worse frame advantage. This is only to be used as the ender to chain combos when you're too far away for 2.HK to hit, but even then it's inadvisable unless it will kill.

• The second hit of this move will not hit crouching: Gallon, Lei-Lei, Lilith, Morrigan, Q-Bee
Variable Frame Advantage
• If only the first hit connects: H:-32/G:-33
• If it does not hit past the second hit: H:-25/G:-26
• If the third hit connects: H:-18/G:-19
2 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 8 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

One of the longest reaching light attacks in the game, this is an incredible normal and a core part of Jedah's game. Because of the length, it can be difficult for many characters to counter poke Jedah when he's abusing this from max range.

2.LK has a lot of uses. Virtually all of his chain combos will start with this normal, since it's his only light attack that must be blocked low. Because of it's range and ability to rapid cancel, this is what you'll be typically special canceling with. When used at max distance it can bait out certain guard cancels.

In Jedah's high/low game, 2.LK is very important since it hits low and has excellent frame advantage. You want to be able to hit a quick 2.LK low and immediately dash the frame after recovering into an overhead attack.
2 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
12 7 14 1 0 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 17 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

Blood spout. Arguably Jedah's best anti-air. This move also hits low, despite not looking like it should. It's also deceptively safe on block/hit. The only down

side is the startup speed, but in general this is one of Jedah's most valuable moves.
2 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
18 9 34 -6 -7 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 21 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Blood pool. This also hits low, but does not cause a knockdown on hit. It's disadvantageous on hit/block but not nearly as bad as HP/c.HP, thus when hitting with a

chain this is the ideal ender. On block you may want to forgo the c.HK in order to maintain neutral/advantage.

Air Normals

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 4 8 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 9 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Jumping jab. Useful in air strings and rushdown pressure.

• From a normal jump, this move will not hit crouching: Q-Bee
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 3 11 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Jumping claw. Huge hitbox, though unfortunately huge hittable box as well, making it less useful than it initially seems. Despite that, it's still quite good.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 2(3)2(3)2 27 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 8x3 3x3 H: 12+6x2 G: 9+3x2 W: 6

Jumping hands. This is significantly more useful than the standing or crouching versions because while it retains the range, the recovery is neutralized by landing.

Thus, backdash j.HP and backdash airdash j.HP and whiff j.HK j.HP become a lot more useful than the standing or crouching version.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 6 3 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 9 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

High wing. The hitbox on this is quite high, making it whiff air to ground a lot. But, the recovery is also good so it's still useful for rushdown and mix-up sequences, perhaps more so simply because it whiffs.

• From a normal jump, this move will only hit crouching: Anakaris, Aulbath, Bishamon, Demitri, Jedah, Victor
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 4 9 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 17 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Downward wing. Exceptionally good hitbox for a jump-in attack. Extremely useful for general purpose air to ground. Works well for air-to-air if the opponent has a lower jump height than Jedah.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
11 2,4 9 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 13+10 5+4 H: 15+9 G: 10+4 W: 6
Blood sprites. This move is one of Jedah's main gimmicks. It will halt his air trajectory which is very useful for aerial footsies and general positioning. It also hits all around his knees, which is great for left/right mixups. It also doesn't inflict much (if any) hit-stop which makes it also extremely good at high/low mixups. By far one of his best mixup tools and general purpose moves.

Command Air Normals

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 21 landing + 1 - 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 14 6 H: 12 G: 6 W: 0
One of the four characters in the game to possess an air dash. Like QB, Jedah can only airdash forward. However, Jedah's airdash is unique in that the flying animation also contains a hitbox that can attack the opponent. This will knock down an airborne opponent. Jedah's airdash also allows him to special cancel his air normals. And, like his ground dash, if Jedah crosses over (or under) the opponent he will auto-correct to face the opponent.


6MP or 6HP
6MP or 6HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 98 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-96 whole body 23 (11) 8 (4) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
J.6P or J.4P
J.6P or J.4P
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
J.6P or J.4P
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 103 +38 + landing 2 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-96 whole body 23 (11) 8 (4) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0

Special Moves

Dio Sega

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
46 65 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8x3 4x3 H: 15+3x2 G: 13+1x2 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
46 65 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8x5 4x5 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0


  • (L Version) Low to the ground.
  • (M Version) Mid level.
  • (H Version) High.
  • (ES Version) Hits more times, persists once it leaves Jedah's hands and forms the wheel. Somewhat useful for rushdown strings.


  • (L Version) High in the air.
  • (M Version) Mid level.
  • (H Version) Low to the ground.
  • (ES Version) Highs more times, persists once it leaves Jedah's hands and forms the wheel.

Nero Fatica

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
11 15 36 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 12+17 4+6 H: 29 G: 0 W: 14
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
11 15 36 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 12+5+5+4+4+16 4+2+2+1+1+3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Nero Fatica. There is always some confusion on what to call this attack, with "claw" or "swipe" being the most common, but it's probably easiest to call it by it's actual name.

An unblockable attack that is typically used as an anti-air, but it can also hit standing opponents. When preformed, Jedah slices the air with a clawed hand while sliding backward — if the opponent enters the sliced space they'll be caught by the move and be knocked down. By design it will never hit a crouching opponent, as the throw-box is disabled as long as they're crouching. During the active frames it also has the ability to absorb projectiles, but this is more of a bonus safety feature rather than something you can use against the opponent.

Nero Fatica technically counts as a throw, so it must touch the opponents throwable-box to hit. Because of this, it may have trouble when used as an anti-air against certain jump-in attacks. Take Lilith's j.HK for example, even as an attack that would normally be easily anti-aired with Jedah's 2.MK, it's extremely long range could potentially hit Jedah out of his Nero Fatica attempt even with the backwards momentum. On the other hand, Nero Fatica may have an easier time catching jumping attacks that aim downward, which 2.MK may have a harder time anti-airing.

You should only use the HP and ES versions of Nero Fatica. All versions of it have the same start-up, recovery, and throw-box, with the only difference being how far Jedah moves back when performing the move. The HP and ES versions move Jedah back significantly further and at a faster speed, making it less likely that he'll be hit before the attack grabs the opponent. In regards to how far the HP and ES versions actually move you, frame 25 shows how far Jedah will slide backward by the last active frame, while frame 29 shows the full distance he'll slide backward.

Off-screen Glitch

This attack has a glitch associated with it, that can potentially render the remainder of the match unplayable, resulting in a time over. It occurs when the opponent push-blocks an attack from Jedah, and immediately afterwards gets caught by the Nero Fatica. At this point, Jedah will keep sliding backwards, all the way off the screen where he cannot be attacked. There are only two ways for Jedah to get back on the screen at this point, one is to immediately do a pursuit attack to the knockdown caused by Nero Fatica, and the other is to catch them with his EX Move, Finale Rosso. The optimal solution here is to immediately pursuit attack, which is the assured method of getting back on the screen. Since most of the requirements to cause this glitch can be purposefully set up by a Jedah player, in a tournament setting if the Jedah player who goes off-screen fails to immediately pursuit attack back onto the screen they will be given the loss.

Ira Spinta

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
47 until landing 2 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 6x5 2x5 H: 22 G: 0 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
47 until landing 2 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 7x6 2x6 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Dive/Scythe Dive. An aerial command grab type of move if left uncancelled. It has large startup, but once it begins it can grab grounded or airborne opponents. This move is also marginally controllable by holding back or forwards before and during the dive. Alternately you can cancel this move into a scythe-wheel dive rather than the grab dive by pushing punch during the startup.

  • (L Version) Short range.
  • (M Version) Medium range.
  • (H Version) Far range.
  • (ES Version) Far range, adds additional damage.

Ira Piano

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
62 until landing + 10 8 + landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 27 10 H: 30 G: 21 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
62 until landing + 10 8 + landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 10x5 4x5 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Ira Piano (Scythe-wheel):

  • (L Version) Short range.
  • (M Version) Medium range.
  • (H Version) Far range.
  • (ES Version) Far range, adds additional hits and damage.

Guard Cancel

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 3 54 - -30 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 13 5 H: 21 G: 16 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 3x3 72 - -42 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 8x3 3x3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Jedah's guard cancel, that can only be used as a guard cancel. If you input it outside of block stun nothing will happen. It has both it's good and bad points and overall its a usable guard cancel that is essential to his defense, but there are a few things to watch out for.

  • Invincibility lasts for 13 frames, overlapping with the first active frame. It will usually cleanly hit without trading.
  • The range on this thing is ridiculous. There are a lot of things Jedah can guard cancel to punish that most other characters cannot. This is it's best aspect.
  • The input somewhat overlaps with Dio Sega, resulting in an accidental Dio Sega if your input is sloppy with a mistimed the guard cancel attempt. This is an issue because the startup time for Dio Sega is long, and even if you successfully toss it out the opponent will probably be too close to you for it to even hit. Make your 623 inputs as clean as possible to avoid this issue.
  • It's slow. Talented players will be able to bait it on the ground with light attacks or with a late jump-in attack.
  • The recovery is long, so on a successful bait it is possible to get a full punish from an IAD, short hop, or dash link.
  • It whiff's on crouching Q-Bee, making it mostly useless when she's in your face.
The ES version hits 3 times, but against airborne opponents it only hits once. It also gives worse knockdown pressure than his regular one. You're better off ignoring the ES version and saving the extra meter.

San Bassale

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 1 24 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 5+5+24 2+2+8 H: 21 G: 0 W: 12


8P or 8K
8P or 8K
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
30 9 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-6 lower body 7 7 H: 24 G: 0 W: 6
8PP or 8KK
8PP or 8KK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
30 9 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-6 lower body 4x5 4x5 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Ex Moves

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 6 67 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no - 5x6+18 2x6+4 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
42 19 57 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
unblockable no - 3x13+5 1x14 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0