Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/DFCI/Tatsuya Shiba

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Tatsuya Shiba (司波 達也)

Players to Watch




Elder of the Shiba siblings. A freshman in the National Magic University Affiliated First High School. A Year 1 Class E Course 2 student ridiculed as a "Weed". His expertise is the field of CAD design and technology.

Originally from the light novel series Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, localized as The Irregular at Magic High School.

Tatsuya, not to be confused with his assist form, is an all-purpose character blessed with the most versatile special moves in the game. He is most known for his ability to be able to punish virtually anything from a full screen away, provided he has meter. Tatsuya's run speed is among the best in the game, even before the movement buff from his Blue Trump Card, giving him a terrifying tick throw game. Tatsuya is ultimately a "wait-and-see" character. Players with good reaction speed and spatial awareness will enjoy his toolset.

Tatsuya Gameplay Sample


  • Amazing specials for hit confirms, whiff punishing, hard knockdown, frame advantage, etc. You name it, he's probably got it.
  • Great Blue Trump Card that is technically unpunishable, having no cooldown frames
  • Impressive Impact Skills. 2AB is particularly strong and can invuln through Rusian, Iriya fireworks, escape blasts, etc.
  • High average damage output from virtually any starter with meterless HKD access off of 236x~B/j236x~B.
  • Good synergy with assists. Try experimenting as you get more experienced in DFCI!


  • Normals have relatively short reach compared to the other DFCI zoners, so learning to take advantage of his specials (with some 5A/5B) is key.
  • His strong EX moves may entice players to exhaust resources inappropriately
  • Can be overwhelmed by faster characters as his 236/j236 series has deadzones and higher recovery on whiff.
  • Pretty much nothing else, Tatsuya and Rusian together have no weaknesses that JP labels the team as the "Shana-killer".

Recommended Assists

Rusian - In tandem with Tatsuya's wait-and-see punish game, Rusian can easily overwhelm opponents with 6S Monster Train and completely control the pace of the match in Tatsuya's favor. 5S is a counter move with a huge trigger box in case one gets a little too close to Tatsuya for his liking. A fearsome combination with a high reward for Tatsuya that allows him to always remain a threat on the screen even if he isn't putting anything out on the screen.

Dokuro - Dokuro is both a powerful neutral tool and a damaging combo extender. 5S is DFCI's greatest anti-air, covering the entire vertical space two character lengths in front of you. Tatsuya in particular uses it for high damage combos, allowing him to do nearly 45-50% with 2 bars in trump making his momentum swings deadly.

Maou - Maou compliments Tatsuya by giving him "wait-and-see" reactionary defensive playstyle an explosive, unreactable tool that does massive damage or chip, with many burst bait options.

Iriya - Tatsuya's strong solo neutral allows him to cover Iriya 5S with ease. Iriya 5S grants him multiple tech chase options to remain slippery, combo extensions, and even oki. 6S is a fullscreen tool that approaches from behind the opponent, giving this character even more fullscreen options.


Universal Potential: Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.

Character Potential: Call your assist without Miyuki being hit 4 times for Status Up Level 2 for 20 seconds. Can be activated twice a round.


This section is dedicated to showing unique elements in a characters gameplan, not necessarily defining it entirely (ie. explaining how Tatsuya might play around his j236x in neutral but not exactly what spacings to be at).


A few elements worth highlighting in Tatsuya's gameplan is jA, jB, 5B, 5C, j214, 236/j236 and how he uses each to be able to constantly remain a threat despite staying away from the opponent.

One of Tatsuya's best tools. 5B catches upbacking, anti-airs, stuffs grounded opponents, and so on. A go-to tool.

5C moves Tatsuya forward and hits fairly high, making it a great way to pin landings and a tool that comes out on top in scrambles if done early, as it's unsafe on block you should buffer 236A or 214A behind it. 236A can be punished if made to whiff from Reflection Guard on 5C. Delay 214A will catch delayed Reflection Guard on 5C.

An above average jA in the world of DFCI, this is Tatsuya's go-to rising normal to control air space. As players may want to jump at you to get around 236/j236 or just to check how Tatsuya controls his space on the screen.

Tatsuya's go-to jump-in which can hit standing opponents, drastically better than jC for ATG.

Tatsuya's scariest tool. 236x hits fairly high, is easily hit confirmable, has RPS followups, etc. 236A is often seen in pressure or behind 5C, and 236B/C has ways to check aggressive neutral. With Rusian, the deadzones of this tool are harder to take advantage of. 236x~B is a meterless HKD follow-up, and 236x~C sends the opponent airborne and allows for airtech situations in which you can punish poor airtech movement or get Rusian 6S out if the opponent respects your positioning by retreating.

Another terrifying tool, j236 stalls Tatsuya's air momentum and is nearly the same as the grounded version. Unlike the grounded version, j236 is a lot harder to hitconfirm due to the longer startup on the C follow-up. Extremely unsafe on whiff and as such using it mindlessly fullscreen is not a good idea as it's easiest to exploit at such spacings. However, the air backflip on the animation can make it difficult to punish for some characters. Taking advantage of this tool on your 7j retreats is the best way to make the opponent second guess approaching, giving you more respect to summon Rusian or just burn out the timer.

j214 is a divekick which stalls Tatsuya's air momentum temporarily, and on hit invulns through Iriya 5S fireworks, escape blasts, etc. A great tool behind fuzzy-jump. If the non-EX version is airblocked or blocked standing, it becomes punishable.

Tatsuya's trump is +0 allowing him to ranbu through throw start-up and gives Tatsuya increased movement speed and faster fall speed (among other things). Within trump, Tatsuya has the ability to retreat further and faster, easily dash under opponents to avoid interacting, etc. This on top of universal trump mechanics means stopping him from getting Rusian 6S going is near impossible.

Assist Specific

The most common assist with Tatsuya and debately a top 1 team (the entirety of top 3 is interchangeable). Tatsuya has multiple left/right setups with Rusian, ways to cover him via gun, 5B/5C etc., an above average damage ceiling with Rusian, and his trump state allowing him to interact even less allows for you to effectively not play neutral for the entirety of your trump gauge. Rusian 6S being active gives Tatsuya a great way to cover his otherwise high recovery on whiff j236/236. After the 2nd wave of Rusian 6S on hit, if Tatsuya does 2AB or ends in j214x, Rusian will start to recharge before the opponent even recovers, making Rusian's "longer" cooldown time pointless. The threat of Tatsuya calling 6S if you don't approach him makes giving him any room a fatal mistake, causing bad over-extensions that Tatsuya can easily call out via 5B, 236x, etc. This becomes more obvious when you realize Tatsuya doesn't even need HKDs to get 6S going. He can summon 6S after an air-string falling (on hit), after 236x~C on reaction to backwards airtechs (on hit), on 236A block in blockstrings with excess meter, if you whiff an assist call/move in neutral, etc. An absolutely great pick for people who don't enjoy interacting and love 1P FG experiences.

Another common assist pick with Tatsuya, Dokuro is for players who want an explosive wait and see game as Dokuro's simple routing with Tatsuya and easy extensions allow for high damage at a low cost. 6S can be hit-confirmed into 236x on reaction, and 5S makes for high damage extensions off of 214AB > jc falling jBjC > 5S, off of j214x into 236B~C > 426BC, etc. A safe pick for people who want a more proactive defensive Tatsuya playstyle.

Not an uncommon team but underexplored in the western side of DFCI. Maou gives Tatsuya's wait-and-see game a terrifying punish tool, safe "meaty" after OTG strings, combo-extension, etc. Tatsuya, who benefits from forcing approaches, now has a loaded gun when Maou is ready allowing for him to stall out the timer and do a massive amount of chip damage leading to timeouts. If Maou 5S hits, opponents burst too early could be punished by Maou himself due to his active frames or Tatsuya purposely backing up to make escape blasts whiff into a 236AB punish. Great for players who want a unique timer-scam team.

Tatsuya's pressure outside of trump is mainly standard DFCI, being tickthrows to open up the opponent as well as staggers to answer pushblock. Specifically, shorter A strings as your B normals don't have much reach as other characters. Commonly you'll see A staggers backed with 2C~4AB/214A/236A or 5A jc, 5A (recover) grab, 2A~A~5C236A. Your 2C/5C are punishable so you do need to cancel them. On jump cancels, you can fall with jB, do j214x to blow-up fuzzy 5As, or even j236x to catch fuzzy dashblocking.

In trump your pressure style changes a bit. Doing 2A2C/5A2C becomes a common string, as your trump BnB uses 2C to launch and 2C moves you in, allowing you to after 2/5A2C frametrap into 2A/5A rebeat (followed by 5C236A or (recover) grab), delay jump cancel, 4AB, and more. Keeping your options after 2C ambiguous or just tickthrowing after 2A/5A without going into 2C is your key to staying ambiguous as you wait for Rusian (if applicable) to get off cooldown.

Tatsuya's defense is difficult to deal with as long as he keeps a trump available as it is impossible to grab (as long as you are OSing with 4AC). This constant threat opens up room for you to mash out, dash out, fuzzy superjump, and other various escape options. Your 5B is a nice grounded AA allowing you to deal with lazy jump cancel pressure, and for actual throwteching said 5B makes for a good 4B~C OS. Alternatively, just standard 4BC/4C throwteching still can catch airborne opponents due to the size of 5C and as you should be buffering 236A behind every 5C you can convert said air hit. 2C when whiffed from 1BC can slide you under the opponent if whiffed vs jump cancel pressure. 2AB is a hitgrab and difficult for the opponent to answer on a clash back due to it going airborne halfway through. A nice option to present later in the round if you haven't trumped yet and the opponent is super jumpy and oppressive to avoid trump. It's worth noting that the center of Tatsuya's defensive threat is a trump card being on the table. Learning to take advantage of the constant trump card will be important to stay a problem for your opponents.

Move List

L = Low, H = High, A = Air
JC = Jump Cancel, SC = Support Cancel, EX = EX Cancel
ISC = Impact Skill Cancel, TCC = Trump Card Cancel, CAC = Climax Art Cancel

Startup includes the first active frame.

Normal Moves

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
300 5 2 14 -3
+8 (JC)

Fast 5A by DFCI standards for "zoner" characters. Reliable button all around.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
300 6 3 14 -4 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC LA -

Standard low 2A used to check space in front of Tatsuya or for tickthrows.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
500 8 3 18 -6
+10 (JC)

Strong grounded AA that Tatsuya can use after a dash-under or vs superjump approaches. Does not OTG.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 9 3 19 -7
+10 (JC)

A nice low that Tatsuya can use in pressure or during an OTG string.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 11 4 25 -12 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HLA -

A far reaching, large 5C that Tatsuya can use to catch players that are jumpy on landing or in strings to combat pushblocking. Worth buffering 236A behind it on grabs, throwtechs, or wherever due to it confirm on air hit or ground hit and his options on block.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 10 3 24 -10 to -8 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC L -

A sliding sweep that is punishable on block so is often cancelled into 4AB, 214A, 236A. 236A can whiff if 2C moves him too close midscreen.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
300 7 2 X+2 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Tatsuya's go-to air-to-air that's mainly used rising. Has a nice hitbox to stuff out players that are too comfortable in the air.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
500 9 3 X+3 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Tatsuya's go-to jump-in. Hits standing players for standing confirms or fuzzy jump (171B214B, fuzzy jump jB that confirms into divekick on hit)

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 11 4 X+4 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Often used as a combo tool due to its slower start-up. Can be used preemptively on an air retreat.

Special Moves

Mist Dispersion

Air O.K.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 696 Ground: 16
Air: 14
6 Ground: 31
Air: X+10 (min is 37)
Ground: -6
Air: -8 to -15
Ground: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
Air: SC, EX

Gunshot that goes about a character space or two in-front of Tatsuya (grounded).

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 696 Ground: 18
Air: 16
6 Ground: 31
Air: X+13 (min is 42)
Ground: -6
Air: -13 to -20
Ground: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
Air: SC, EX

Gunshot that goes roughly 1/2 screen.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 696 Ground: 20
Air: 20
6 Ground: 31
Air: X+15 (min is 46)
Ground: -6
Air: -17 to -24
Ground: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
Air: SC, EX

Gunshot that goes roughly 3/4 screen.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 850 Ground: 15
Air: 17
~6 Ground: 28
Air: X+10 (min is 40)
Ground: -3
Air: -15 to -26
Ground: SC, TCC, CAC
Air: SC

Homes onto the opponent regardless of position. Great fullscreen punish/Power Blast punish. Has its own unique follow-up.

Additional Action

After 236X
Air O.K.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A X 2 X Ground: 30
Air: 21
Ground: -10 to -13
Air: -8 to -13
N/A X -

Teleports right next to the opponent. Use in tandem with Cancel Support before the follow-up to do so safely.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 297 2 3 Ground: 51
Air: 56
-10 SC, EX, TCC, CAC L -

Same animation as 2C, causes hard knockdown. Note that despite looking the same as 2C, it can be blocked standing and airborne if done from air gun.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 462 2 7 Ground: 62
Air: 64
Ground: -16
Air: -22

Tatsuya shifts through the opponent causing one hit and appears behind the opponent.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 316 2 4*3 79 to 82 -16 SC, TCC, CAC HLA -

Follow-up to the EX version of Mist Dispersion. Occurs if you follow up with A, B, or C. The button pressed does not affect the follow-up.

Loop Cast

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 858 15 9 22 -2 SC, EX HLA -

Commonly used with Rusian 6S coverage or after 2C to stay safe, as it is punishable otherwise.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 976 20 9 23 -3 SC, EX HLA -

Parrying a projectile will allow you to have A, B, and C follow-ups which are the same as Mist Dispersion follow-ups.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 1072 28 9 25 -5 JC, SC, EX HLA -

Parrying a projectile will allow you to have A, B, and C follow-ups which are the same as Mist Dispersion follow-ups. Last hit is jump cancellable either on whiff or block.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1382 14 18 33 -8 to -24 or +24* JC, SC HLA -

If you get the last hit on block, you can jump cancel for maximum advantage. The other listed advantages are for if the last hit does not connect. The opponent can also crouch to make all hits miss. It is impossible to get the last hit on grounded short characters.


Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 954 12 Until landing X+18 -3 to -6 SC, EX HLA -

Divekick that stalls Tatsuya's air movement during start-up. Auto-corrects to the direction the player is in if they dash-under. Used in neutral to check dash options, or pressure to blowup fuzzy options.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 1054 14 Until landing X+20 -5 to -7 SC, EX HLA -

Divekick that stalls Tatsuya's air movement during start-up. Auto-corrects to the direction the player is in if they dash-under.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 1154 16 Until landing X+21 -9 to -7 SC, EX HLA -

Divekick that stalls Tatsuya's air movement during start-up. Auto-corrects to the direction the player is in if they dash-under.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1331 8 Until landing 15 +2 to +4 Block: SC

On hit, Hayabusa automatically goes into a follow-up that lands Tatsuya. Not plus enough to recover into Rusian call outside of trump. Can be cancelled into from non-EX j214 to be plus and safe.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
N/A X X X X N/A N/A -

For one time only, when Tatsuya's life is depleted, he may revive when certain conditions are fulfilled.

Triggering conditions:

  • 1. Match round
  • 2. Universal potential is activated (upon reaching purple health gauge)
  • 3. One or more trump cards are available
  • 4. Blast Gauge at 100%

Self-restoration will automatically be activated when these four conditions are met.

After Revival you're put into the same state as using an Escape Blast. (If Blast Ignition was used than the blast recovery will appear white) If you have yellow health [denotes the player has over 30% health] and a combo kills you, Revival won't activate. In addition, if you're under 30% and the Universal Potential runs out [denoted by the health bar changing from purple back to yellow], Revival will not activate.

Universal Mechanics

6C or 4C
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 4 1 100 +54 (hit) SC, EX, TCC, CAC N/A -

Multi-hit grab that sends the opponent to roughly 236A spacing. Can dash 5A... OTG afterwards.

Impact Skill
Verdant Storm

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1071 12 10 48 -15 Block: TCC
Hit: SC, EX, CAC

Mainly a combo filler and visually identical to the C follow-up for 236. Causes Tatsuya to switch sides even on block and sometimes goes through moves (ie. Asuna 5AB).

Impact Skill
Drifting Cloud

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1120 12 7 69 -28 Block: TCC
Hit: SC, EX, CAC

Contender for the best 2AB. On hit, Tatsuya enters an invulnerable state that invulns through Rusian 6S, Iriya fireworks, escape blasts (even with escape blast buffed) etc. He disappears and goes airborne halfway through it, causing him to go over some clashback ABs. Can be used before a Climax Art to bait out bursts on reaction.

Impact Break
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
First Hit: 900
Launcher: 800
First Hit: 22
Launcher: 9
First Hit: 8
Launcher: 2
First Hit: 14
Launcher: 50
First Hit: -2
Launcher: -37
First Hit: N/A
Launcher: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
(on hit)
First Hit: HA
Launcher: HLA

Standard DFCI 4AB with no particular special features.

Flash Cast

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
X 0 X X ±0 X X -

Trump card that grants tatsuya a run speed buff, faster fall speed, HKD off non-EX j214x in the corner, gives j214AB a total of 3 hits vs the usual one hit, and cannot be grabbed as it is +0. Generally considered the best "reversal" trump card.

Climax Arts

Sonic End

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
3510 10 7 40 -22 N/A HLA -

Standard DFCI CA that has decent horizontal and vertical reach.


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
2925 7 23 20 -28 N/A HLA -

Despite sharing the same startup time as other non-fullscreen ranbus, Tatsuya's ranbu has a faster run speed allowing him to punish Shana 5C on block and likely more niche options. Often used out of trump as Tatsuya's +0 trump does not allow him to "go through" A normals.




  • Any portion in () is optional.
  • Stuff > refers to (jX) > 5A/2A > 2B/5B > 5C/2C etc.
  • Combo enders that go j214x(1) > (slight delay) > j236AB will drop if j236AB is done too early or too late.

5A/2A > 2B > 5C > 236A > B (1725/1655 damage)

  • Non-jump cancel variant of the standing meterless bnb. Generally used to set up hard knockdown into assist call. 2B is used over 5B in order to ensure the combo connects from max 2A length.

5A/2A > 2B > 5C > 236A > C > 214A+B > Powerup Blast (2632 damage)

  • Non-jump cancel variant of the standing combo into powerup blast.

5A > 5B > 9jB~jC > 2A > 2B > 5C > 236A (~B) OR (~C 236AB~X)

  • Standing only confirm. Usually a punisher.

Stuff > 236A~C > 236AB

  • Standard 1 bar BnB.

Stuff > 236A~C > 214AB > 8[4]jc > jB~jC > (land) > jAjB > djBjC > j214x... Alternative 1 bar BnB with airtech ender.

4A+B > j.B > j.C > dj > j.B > j.C > j.214C(1) > slight delay j.236AB > Follow-up > (2A OTG x3) (2454 (1795 if non-zoomed follow-up) Damage)

  • This is a generic variant of Tatsuya's universal air combo follow-up into hard knockdown. Slightly delay the j.236AB to cancel j.214C before its second hit or else the combo will drop. You can omit the 2A OTG and call assist instead.

Stuff > combo-blast > 236A(1) > EX/Super Cancel

  • In DFCI, multi-hit moves can be canceled as they initially hit to add damage and remain burst-locked. This is a proof of concept.

Stuff > 236A~C > 214AB > jc > j214AB OR j236AB > 426BC

  • Meter dump kill combo for Tatsuya.

Stuff > 5C > 236A(1) 5AC Cancel > dash > 2C > jBjC > djC > j214A > (slight delay) j236AB~X

  • Trump install route.


Stuff > 2C > (slight delay) > jB~jC > (land) > 5C > jAjC > djC > j214A > (slight delay) > j236AB~X

  • Standard Tatsuya trump BnB.

Stuff > Air Combo > j214x > (delay j236AB~X)

  • Corner trump BnB. Tatsuya's divekick for some reason gains a wall-bounce property enabling meterless HKD, he becomes safe from bursts like his 2AB, and you can delay j236AB to burn time, add damage, etc.

Stuff > Air Combo > j214AB

  • Tatsuya EX dive now gains more hits in trump, making the frame advantage better and adding damage.



5S hit > 5B > jAjB > djC > j214x > slight delay > j236AB~X

  • Standard confirm for 5S hit.

2nd wave hits > 2AB > ...

  • 2AB, as well as j214x, will start Rusian's CD timer before the opponent wakes up and as such it is the most common option after 2nd wave hits. You can play the airtech situation to save meter, 214AB cancel into j[4]~C rejump combo, etc.

2nd wave hits > 5B > jAjB > djC > j214A > slight delay > j236AB

  • Alternative to above route, but accomplishes a similar result by resetting Rusian's CD with j214x.

6S Wave 1 hits (in corner) > 5C > 2AB > 6S Wave 2 hits > ...

  • Combo for timing wave 1 hit into wave 2 in the corner.

2C > 214A > 6S Wave 1 hits after > 5B 2AB > 6S Wave 2 hits > walk-back > 214C > jc jB > j214A > slight delay > j236AB~X

  • Combo for picking up after 214A. Usually done when meatying with 5A2C after Rusian call outside trump. May need to be close to corner for 5B 2AB(2) to have 6S wave 2 to connect after.

6S Wave 1 (Blocked) > j236x/236x (hit) ~C > 214AB > jc, delay > jC > 6S Wave 2 hits > walk-back > 214C > jc...

  • Combo for opponent disrespecting after blocking wave 1, only to be hit by 236x. Can do whatever you want after. Previous combo's ender, powerblast, etc.

6S wave 1 l/r same-side option > 5B5C > 2AB > 6S wave 2 hits > 5C > jAjB > jC > j214A j214AB

  • Confirm for l/r hitting. 2AB being used to go into wave 2 is very important, as it is burst safe due to wave 2 picking up for you after. A checkmate. Be sure to do a non-EX divekick first as Kamone's splendid programming means it will begin to reset Rusian's CD. j236AB will not give HKD due to proration.

6S wave 1 l/r cross-up option > 2C > slight delay > 5C > 2AB > 6S Wave 2 hits > 214C > jc jC > j214A > slight delay > j214AB

  • Confirm for l/r hitting. 2AB being used to go into wave 2 is very important, as it is burst safe due to wave 2 picking up for you after. A checkmate. Be sure to do a non-EX divekick first as Kamone's splendid programming means it will begin to reset Rusian's CD. j236AB will not give HKD due to proration.

5B AA > jB~jC > land > jAjB > djB~jC > land > 6S/micro-dash 6S

  • This combo is fundamental for the team. It is a standard AA BnB, but by doing a re-jump route you make them airtech higher in the air AND by delaying the final jC you make them airtech later, allowing you to recover from 6S call fast enough to not get smacked. You can do this off gun > 214AB, etc.

2A > 2C > jB > jC > 5C > 2AB > 214AB > jc 8[4]j~C > (land) > jC > djC > j214AB > recover > 5AB > Rusian Recovers, 6S Cancel

  • Trump route with RUSIAN IGNITED for resetting Rusian CD if they swat him away during defensive 1S. May need some delays on the jB and jC after 2C jc.

236x hit when wave 1 passes/hits the opponent > ~C > 236AB~X (no delay) > left/right setup

  • Standard combo for checking disrespect against Rusian. Even outside trump, you get access to a left/right.

6S l/r confirm > 5C > jAjB > djC > j214A > ...

  • When facing the corner, you can use j214x's wall-bounce HKD to both reset Rusian and get corner oki. In fact, you can actually LONG delay j236AB/j214AB after the wall-bounce to kill more time for Rusian and get a considerable amount of more damage.


Raw 6S hit > (236C~C) 236AB~X

  • Confirm for 6S in neutral. Can omit the 236C~C if you are unable to hit-confirm.

Raw 5S hit > 2C > 5AB > (214AB jc jBjC j214x...) OR (426BC)

  • Standard BnB for raw 5S hit. Usually, you go into super after 5AB to cash out as this is a huge starter but you can of course decide otherwise.

Stuff > 236A~B > 214AB > instant jc > falling jB~jC > (land, recover) > 5S...

  • Can end this combo how you please, powerblast, 2C5AB426BC, etc. 5S call should be meterless.

Stuff > 2C > 5C > jBjC > djBjC > j214A > 5S Cancel > (land) > 236C~C > 426BC

  • Dokuro 5S timing after divekick is important for this combo to work. Likewise, you need to instantly do 426BC after 236C~C to avoid it dropping.

2AB > slight delay after 2nd hit > 6S > dash > 2C > 5AB > 426BC

  • Trump 2AB starter confirm. Can possibly do this outside of trump but it becomes a 3 bar combo for a 2AB starter.


Maou Pre-Demon Form Combos


Throw > slight delay Maou 5S > dash 5B > j.B > j.C > dj > j.B > j.C > j.214B(1) > slight delay j.236AB > Follow-up (2093 Damage)

  • Typically used at the start of round 2 or round 3 if you have excess meter to burn. Alternatively it costs no meter to assist cancel in trump mode. The objective here is to have Maou's demon form ready after cooldown since he was summoned to hit the opponent mid-combo.

5A > (2A>) 5B> j.B> j.C > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > Maou 5S > B (2286 Damage)

  • As you probably noticed, this is the meterless bnb on standing opponents with Maou 5S before the B follow-up on 236A. This is an example ad-lib of how to activate the Maou demon install mid-combo while retaining hard knockdown, but there are many more ways to achieve this. Explore on your own and create new movements and strategies.

Trump State

j.C > (2B) > 2C > j.B > delay j.C > land > j.A > j.C > j.214AB > delay Maou 5S > dash OTG 2C > 2A x2 (2931(2980) Damage)

  • This combo actually works from any starter so as long as you cancel chain into 2C by the third hit. The purpose of this combo is to float the opponent low enough on j.214AB that calling Maou's 5S punch after you land from the j.214AB cinematic induces hard knockdown, allowing you to dash OTG into running okizeme. Of course, installing Maou's demon form while keeping up the offensive is an added bonus.

2A > 2C > j.B > delay j.C > land > 5C > 2AB > delay Maou 5S > (dash) j.B > j.C > j.214AB > OTG 2A x3 (3331 Damage)

  • Corner/Near Corner routing. A slightly more damaging variant of the Maou install combo that works near the corner. Maximize the delay on the Maou 5S assist call to give yourself plenty of time to dash if needed to pick up afterward.

Maou Demon Form Combos (May need trump for some routes)

Defensive 1S/4S > 236AB > Delay Follow-Up > 426BC (3759 Damage)

  • Ad-lib confirm from using Maou's demon 6S while blocking in Trump Mode. Depending on the opponent's height, you may want to slightly delay 236AB and/or the follow-up. The 236AB follow-up's final hits occasionally miss if done too high, making it difficult to cancel into Climax Art afterward.

j.C > 2C > j.B > delay j.C > land > 5C > j.C > dj j.C > j.236A > C > immediate Maou Demon 5S > 236AB > follow-up > 214AB > jc > j.236AB > follow-up > Combo Blast > j.214AB > 426BC (6546 Damage)

  • While there are nearly countless ways to dump resources into high damage with Maou's demon form 5S, this combo is the threat that makes this team so terrifying. The trickiest part of the combo is timing the Maou 5S call for right after you do the C follow-up from j.236A. If done correctly, you can use 236AB in its entirety and Maou's 5S laser will pop the opponent right next to you, allowing for a 214AB extension into massive damage. Your best combo starter is j.C or another jump normal as most likely you will use this to punish a throw tech bait.


Air Combo > j214AB (Immediate 5S Cancel) > Recover > 2C5A2AOTG jump cancel > Mixup

  • Standard Iriya BnB with oki for Tatsuya.

5A > 5B > 5C > 2C > slight delay > jB~jC > (land) > 5S5C > 2AB

  • Meterless trump combo that sets up a plate for you to play around with on airtech.

(jC) 2A > 2C > slight delay > jB~jC > (land) > 5C > jBjC > djC > j214C (5S Cancel) > (recover) 9jC (flick plate with jC) > Mixup

  • Corner specific meterless Iriya setup BnB.

Setups (Okizeme)


HKD > 2AA2B OTG > jc 8j~[6]...

  • Trump drift "l/r" for when you don't have Rusian or are running a non-oki team.

236x~C > slight delay > 236AB~X > recover > 8~[6]j...

  • Drift l/r for standard HKD.

Ranbu (hit) > recover > 9j/micro-walk forward 9j l/r

  • l/r for ranbu, perhaps as a punisher or out of trump without an oki assist. Doing a micro-walk lets you sideswap.



236x hits as wave 1 passes opp/would hit > ~C > 236AB~X (no delay) > ...

  • In trump, you can do 8j falling jB for same side due to the faster falling speed, and 9dj for cross-up with the second wave. You can do the same outside of trump, but its worth mixing in 4AB/2C for same side, or superjump for cross-up as an alternative mixup at times due to different movement speed outside trump.

Stuff > 236A~C > slight delay for height > 236AB~X > 6S cancel 2nd or 3rd hit of EX follow-up > recover > 8j...

  • Standard trump l/r for Tatsuya, because why would he not have this. Falling with jB is your same-side option and 9dj is your cross-up option. If jB is not hitting before 6S, you are doing it too slow. Trust me, this mix-up isn't as reactable as you think. Since it uses jB and dj as it's mix options, and Rusian wave is just... persistent even if they blue trump you are fine to keep playing your single-player experience.

Stuff > Air Combo > j214x > wall-bounce > max delay > j236AB~X > 6S cancel 1st EX follow-up hit > 8j...

  • Same as above, but uses the HKD wall-bounce effect to make the combo longer, possibly allowing Rusian to come off CD and auto-timing the mix-up. To confirm, you do 2C/5C 2AB, not 2C5C 2AB or 5B5C 2AB.

5B > 2C > slight delay > jB~jC > 5C > jAjC > djC > j214A > 6S cancel on wall-bounce > 2C OTG > 9j...

  • Meterless trump l/r in the corner. Weaker than the EX stuff as cross-up involves you doing land 2A which can be blue-trump > ranbu'd. Same-side option is a 7dj. To pick-up the l/r, do 5C2AB and it will confirm into 2nd wave.

Grab > slight delay 6S cancel > 2AA OTG > 9j...

  • Meterless l/r off grab option. Land 2A for cross-up and 7dj for same-side. May need to adjust OTG length based on your 6S cancel timing.

Grab > 236AB~X > 6S cancel on third hit of follow-up > recover > slight dash-up > 8j...

  • Rusian l/r for grab > ex gun. Like with the other 236AB l/rs, you fall with jB fairly early for same-side due to your fast fall speed, or 9dj to cross-up.

Grab > slight delay > combo-blast > 6S cancel during the blast > dash-under (dash close if you overdashed) > 8j...

  • Sometimes seen when you are going for combo-blast in R2 to build resources. Works outside trump. As usual, jB same-side 9dj cross-up.


2C/grab HKD > dash > 5S~~5A~2A~2A2B2C (plate flick)

  • Low proration Iriya flick oki for stray 2C hit or grab. Takes lots of hard delays.

BnB with 236AB~X > recover > 5S~2AA2B > 5A(w) flick plate before they wakeup...

  • A flick allows for low/throw mixup, or jump bait to avoid/bait blue-trump.

BnB with 236AB~X > recover > 5S~2AA2B > 5B/2B meaty...

  • Loses to blue trump. On 5B/2B meaty, you can frametrap into 2C and stagger into 214A/4AB, you can recover and dash grab/grab bait, you can jump cancel and land into 2A/grab/jump again, etc. Lots of freedom.

BnB > j214AB > 5S Cancel first hit > (recover) > 2C5A2A > jc...

  • Standard trump BnB into oki that sets up for low/throw etc.


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Innocent Charm