Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax/DFCI/Kirino Kosaka

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Kirino Kosaka (高坂桐乃)
This'll be interesting! Bring it!

Players to Watch



  • Inebriated Mage (Kirino/Iriya OR Wilhelmina OR Maou, Can be found in DFCI Discord. Also the writer for this page!)
  • Tsuntenshi (Kirino/Iriya)


  • FS (Can be found in DFCI Discord)


8th grade girl overachiever. She's beautiful, smart, and athletic, but has a thing for risque video games. She's got a cold relationship with her brother, Kyosuke.

Originally from the light novel series Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, localized as Oreimo.

Kirino is rivaled only by Asuna and Taiga for the type of relentless rushdown she dishes out. Kirino’s main attraction is her movement. With her above average runspeed, access to air dash, and a moving anti-air, pressure, and mixup tool in Athlete’s Dash [Asuda], Kirino can constantly threaten the opponent with large, active hitboxes and bully them with rampant momentum through her unique red trump potential.

Kirino Gameplay Sample


  • Excellent normals, including j.C, 2A, and 2C, among others
  • The highest dash startup speed with among the best overall dash speed. Her AA, 236A, also moves her which can allow Kirino to force better positions and situations by playing mindgames with how she uses it.
  • Unrivaled Special Moves: Athlete’s Dash (236X) is almost a character unto itself and the other specials have utility as projectiles to check the opponent’s knowledge and reactions. This paired with her movement makes her neutral control almost unparalleled with the right assist.
  • Great wake-up options: Fastest reversal tool in 2AB and the only character in the cast with access to a 1-bar reversal in 236AB.
  • Incredible momentum that intoxicates the player. When Kirino is in control, she can stay like that using her red trump’s on-hit effect, which allows Kirino to overwhelm the opponent using assist cancels to create mixup opportunities with 236X or make neutral unbearable.


  • 5C has a total of 35f of recovery on whiff making her suspectible to getting punished hard on throwbaits, and forces 4B~C OS making her defense bullyable.
  • Linear Pressure Outside Trump: 5C cannot be cancelled until the 3rd hit making it easily RG punishable, 5B is stubby and 2B cannot be jump canceled. This forces her to master 236x pressure usage which is expensive to cover if done wildly.
  • Meter hog. If the opponent knows how to counter meterless Athlete's Dash follow-ups, you need to Assist Cancel (or Combo Blast) to make them safe. Likewise, giving up 236x for this reason weakens her greatly forcing you to play with fire.
  • Her trump install is not a great defensive option and easy to jump bait, and on whiff it hinders her wincon greatly as her character potential is tied to it. This makes a deep understanding of trump install spots and general gameflow important.
  • She's a little sister

Recommended Assists

Iriya - Likely the best assist for Kirino but is gated behind execution. 5S can be summoned after landing from an air combo or plinked into mid-combo through j.236AB extensions, providing constant neutral control through Iriya’s presence or a falling C plate. 5S also serves to help Kirino challenge zoners through 5/j.A plate flick. Additionally, with Asuda extending OTG combos, 5S can easily be setup from hard knockdowns like throw or 236AB, enabling suffocating pressure. 6S, while covering for zoner-play, can also be used to make Asuda safe and is especially strong in trump-state to help close neutral or force pressure on the opponent. The allure of Iriya comes from her constant plate pressure and status bonuses through 2-plate and 3-plate, which substantially helps Kirino reach her win-condition.

Mashiro - Mashiro serves as both a potent neutral tool and potentially terrifying setplay. 5S unleashes a murder of baumkuchen that fiendishly roll forward, serving as a projectile to front your approach or as a combo extender. 6S sets out four cats that serve as both ample tick throw and high-low set-ups as well as checks against the opponent's movement and pokes as you close in.

Pai - A dark horse that is arguably her best assist and makes her athlete's dash much stronger. 5S easily covers any blocked athlete's dash and if they RG standing they are locked into a standing position, and vice versa. This opens up the ability to do the 236B to low-crush them and get a combo or the jc follow-up if they RG crouching. Very grimy. 6S covers airtech situations that Kirino finds herself dealing with, let's her trump install air-to-airs, and sets up an interesting unblockable.

Maou - Maou compliments Kirino tremendously. 5S/6S work to mess with stagger timings for Kirino on 236x blocked, and the utility of Maou 5S/6S demon form (espc. in trump state) is great at making the opponent feel hopeless as Kirino will be able to push her luck and always have it ready even if you attempt to maintain positional advantage.


Universal Potential: Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds when health falls under 30%. If behind in rounds won, increases damage dealt by 20% instead.

Character Potential: Hit the opponent with a Trump Card for Support Cast Level 2 for 20 seconds. Can be activated once a round.


This section is dedicated to showing unique elements in a characters gameplan, not necessarily defining it entirely (ie. explaining how Kirino might play around her 236x in neutral but not exactly what spacings to be at).


A few elements worth highlighting in Kirino's gameplan is 236x, jB/jC, 5B, 2A/5A and how she uses each to constantly maintain the base threat of 236x alone, which makes or breaks the character.

Kirino’s fast dashspeed enables her to present the threat of dash2A at midscreen spaces because of its large horizontal hitbox, which serves as an effective low poke and pressure starter because it can be gatlinged into 5A. 5A has a great vertical hitbox and can sometimes snipe people trying to jump away from Kirino. However, it is mainly reserved for when Kirino has closed in on the opponent in neutral and has the advantage because of its less horizontal hitbox and jump cancellable property, making it more valuable for pressure.

2B, 2C
Both of these tools are great for poking at the opponent. 2B can easily be chained into 2C without fear of being punished. However, 2B is not a low and cannot be jump cancellable, which will usually result in 2A being a better alternative to dash-poke pressure. 2C is a long sweep and hits low. While quite committal, it can pin down landings and ‘trip guard’ the opponent, or lock the opponents down from a far-reaching normal like 2A, 2B, or 2C.

Stubby horizontal, decent vertical. Situational anti-air that Kirino can throw out in dashins or as a reactive anti-air. While it will lose to better air to grounds, such as Shana j.B and Yuuki j.C because of where they can press them, it is best combined with the threat of Asuda to enable dashunder anti-air punishes.

Air-to-Air. Core to Kirino’s gameplan of intercepting opponents and making them feel constantly pressured in neutral. Fast horizontal hitbox enables Kiirno to check movement that would otherwise circumvent Asuda.

Next to 2A, likely Kirino’s best normal. Massive horizontal hitbox with decent vertical, all-purpose jump-in and space control tool. Great to cover superjumps with and protect space using 7jC or 8[4] jC.

j.236A, C
Occasional neutral tool, pins down opponent movement or anti-airs. Depending on distance, j.236X can be converted from j.236AB, land 236Ab, and combo blast depending on distance.

Almost the best special in the game and the backbone of Kirino's gameplan in every area. 236A is a forward moving, 6f startup special with upper-body invuln being active throughout almost the entire dash. Whether it hits/is blocked/whiffs, Kirino has the option to cancel it into ~A (feint/dash stop), ~C (wheel-kick, has three other follow-ups which are low slide (~B), (~C more kicks, very minus combo tool), (~8/9 jump follow-up)), and ~B (low-side follow-up). This tool ends up being an AA, ""counter-poke"" (lol), pressure tool, abare option, fuzzy option, etc. The strength of this tool is entirely dependent on the player's ability to understand the counterplay, RPS, and general tool layers and keeping it a threat without blindly using it or holding it back too much out of fear of counterplay. This works alongside Kirino’s great dashspeed and air-game to create opportunities where the implicit threat of Asuda will create greate opportunities to limit opponents in neutral.

236x Roadblocks/Layers/Answers etc
The most obvious layer0/1 option for the opponent vs 236A is to simply block it. With some practice, the opponent can time their reflect-guard to RG the first hit of the ~C follow-up, which most characters can then 5A punish into a full combo. If you do ~A instead, you may get grabbed by the fuzzy 4BC timing and if you do ~A instantly to avoid that they may react if they have practiced it. Due to this, Kirino on block is often forced to assist cancel for 1 bar to stay safe and as such you begin to burn through your limited resources. This is an easy layer to circumvent and play around, but in a game that rewards proactive defense so heavily, it is a real issue.

It's also worth noting that 236A has a deadzone on top of Kirino where C followup will not clip you. Therefore, using 9j. or 8[6] to get above Kirino can force Asuda to whiff in neutral, enabling you to force Kirino into a disadvantageous state.

Like said in point #1, pushblocking the first hit of 236A~C followup enables characters with 5f 5As to get a clean punish. With 6f 5As, you’ll have to throw. That being said, the only difference is the punisher and if the Kirino does airdash after the C follow-up, you can easily react to it using a AB, 5C, dash5A, or special such as a fireball.

Kirino’s neutral deadzone is outside of her superjump j.C range, where 236A and dash2A are a poke. Playing defensively in these ranges can force more commitment or movement on the Kirino’s part to reclaim her stronger spaces. In general, a player will strong defensive neutral will have you felt like you are being strung along.

Fast, jump cancellable poke. Because it gatlings into everything except itself, it’s the primary way that Kirino begins her pressure. The below options all stem from 5A.

Great low poke, perfect for redashes. Gatlings into 5A for more suffocating pressure, mainly used to check for 4BC, throw, fuzzy guard, and mashing. Great for tic-throws alongside 5A.

2B, 2C
Low pokes. Great for stuffing fuzzy guard and mashing, but are prone to react pushblock. No jump-cancel reinforces the use of 5A as your core pressure tool.

Great jump-in from 5A. Can be spaced-out to bait anti-airs or 9j.A . Kirino can cover her dashin by establishing j.C~2B/2C and layer that into j.C~dj.C or j.C walkback, which will setup for dashins should the opponent not respect your advantage.

You’ll run into this normal as an unfortunate side-effect of tic-throws. You can only cancel the last hit. It’s airborne so it will occasionally circumvent throws or command throws accidentally so keep that in mind.

Kirino’s way of isolating interactions post-pushblock. Can use this to keep pressure going. C-followup can frametrap opponents trying to pushblock or throw you out of Asuda. ~A/feint is -5 at worst, which means that Kirino can occasionally use the opponent’s respect of C followup to their advantage. In the corner, C[8] followup can be used to create double-overheads by delaying the jump cancel and chaining j.B into j.C, which can be mixed with no followup, delay j.A(whiff), and B followup. Be aware that C-followup can be punished by any character with a 5f 5A by crouch-pushblocking the first hit of C-followup.

Flipkick is primarily used after getting pushblocked out to scout for opponents presenting options like jump scouting or forcing you to block with a 5C or special. Similar airdash rules apply. On hit, it will give you a guaranteed j.BC combo from C[8] followup. If you catch someone in the air with it, at certain heights, B followup will guard break them because of its air-unblockable property.

Slide has similar applications to 236C, in that you’re using it to check for post-pushblock interactions. From 236A, cancelling into B will activate its airborne frames, letting it occasionally stuff throws and fuzzy guard. However, you are punishable on block with 6f 2As and throw unless the opponent pushblocks or you hit them with the very end of its active frames from a far-out pushblock.

With defense, there are two issues to worry about. One, you are highly susceptible to throwbaits. Your 5C is very weak with LOTS of recovery on whiff. Two, your red trump is NOT a good reversal option, and while there are times where you are forced to present it, if it whiffs you miss out on your character potential which greatly weakens your chance of winning cleanly.

Despite this, you are still a force to be reckoned with on defense. For point #1, you will want to learn to 4B~C throwtech, where you get 5B to catch jumpbaits and have less recovery if baited and tech on grab. Besides this, you are playing around mostly presenting a mix of wait, reflect-guard, and fuzzy 236A. Finding spots to reflect-guard in, which then forces the opponent to bait you via jump cancels, wide staggers, etc. then enables you to 236A out. This can only effectively be answered by staggers, as if they jump to bait RG you are upper-body invuln. Tighter staggers to answer your 236A then opens up the reflect-guard threat again, which you can use to take space, whiff punish, etc.

Move List

L = Low, H = High, A = Air, UNB = Unblockable
JC = Jump Cancel, SC = Support Cancel, EX = EX Cancel
ISC = Impact Skill Cancel, TCC = Trump Card Cancel, CAC = Climax Art Cancel

Startup includes the first active frame.

Normal Moves

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
300 5 2 14 -3
+8 (JC)

Kirino’s most effective pressure tool, it’s fast and has good frame data alongside being jump cancellable. This tool is made even more important by the lack of jump cancellable 2B, so you’ll be living and dying in pressure by this tool.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 5 3 15 -5 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC LA -

Fast low poke, great for stagger pressure alongside 5A. Because of its length, it will easily snipe instant pushblocks and likely help you guard break someone trying to jump out or read throw. Also great as an option out of short dashes to control space due to her speed and its fast startup.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
500 8 2 17 -4
+10 (JC)

Standard anti-air. It’s rather stubby so be careful about trying to anti-air strong jump-ins. Layer it into Athlete’s Dash to help challenge opponents to press different buttons that will enable 5B to hit and convert.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 9 3 19 -7 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC L -

Long Kirino poke, does not hit low and cannot be jump cancelled. Can be a nice far-reaching normal and easily converts into 2C or Athlete’s Dash. Very good at stuffing pushblock attempts because of its length. Can be ranbu punished at some spacings by Tatsuya due to the lack of jump cancel property outside trump.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
852 12 7 35 -9 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC HLA -

Combo fodder. You’ll get this if you mess up throwing the opponent. Incredibly punishable on block using pushblock as it cannot be canceled at all until the final hit. Has a large amount of active frames and the hitbox curves upwards on the last hit, enabling some silly anti-air interactions. Has airborne frames, which can sometimes mess up someone command throwing or trying to throw you but is incredibly niche and rarely comes up.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
700 11 4 21 -8 SC, EX, ISC, TCC, CAC LA -

Large sweeping low that knocks down on hit. Frame-trap tool and combo fodder, use this to check people pushblocking you and trying to jump. Can also substitute as a solid poke because of its disjointed hitbox and ability to trip-guard [punish opponents landing with recovery from the air].

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
250 7 2 X+2 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Standard horizontal aerial poke. Fast and great for air-to-airs, but will likely lose to certain sword characters doing the exact same option. Great for twitch anti-airs on people jumping at you or expending jump options.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
450 9 3 X+3 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

Standard air-to-ground, hits vertically beneath Kirino. Strong pressure tool because it can gatling into j.C from opponents blocking j.B too early, providing access to double overheads. Does not see as much use in neutral because of the following button, but still serves its specific niche well.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
750 10 4 X+4 Varies JC, SC, EX HA -

This move has great air-to-ground coverage, provides a great wall in front of Kirino for air-to-airs, and easily converts into j.236AB from far hits into solid damage. Also, because of its air-to-ground range it can also occasionally crossup!

Special Moves

Athlete Dash

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 650 6 Raw: 26
A: 11*
Raw: 24
A: 23
Raw: -7 to -31
A: -5
SC, EX, TCC, CAC (Raw only) HLA -

A running attack with three different follow ups. With its unique property of lowering Kirino’s hitbox, this move can stuff Air to Grounds and easily convert for great damage. Additionally, because Kirino is moving during Athlete’s Dash, even if she whiffs an anti-air attempt, she can easily reset to neutral provided that the opponent does not avoid and land right next to you during Asuda’s recovery.

  • A follow-up: Quick Stop; stops your active attack frames to roughly 11.
  • B follow-up: Low Slide, can dodge some attacks, identical frame data to 236B
  • C follow-up: Jump kick, can be followed up like C Athlete Dash, identical to 236C
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 850 13 13 12 +2 to -8 SC, EX, TCC, CAC L -

Low slide that's also air unblockable, has no follow ups. Goes airborne for a few frames. Punishable on block but necessary for her to to make 236x strong. Cancelling into combo blast can continue your turn, but you also lose out on blast. Therefore, layering this followup with MOSTLY an assist instead can be beneficial to continuing momentum.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 860 7
C: 11
C: 4
C: 22
+2 to -11
C: -8

Jump kick, has three different follow ups. can be punished by antiairs/ by some impact skills.

  • B follow-up: Low Slide, frame data is identical to 236B.
  • C follow-up: Jump Kick, launches opponent away. This move has its own frame data.
  • Jump followup, gives Kirino the most frame advantage.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1556 9 5 130 (Landing: 12) -13 to -36 SC, TCC, CAC L (slide), HLA (else) -

The game's only 1-bar reversal. Ranbu attack, switches sides and knocks down. Kirino has unique access to this game’s only 1-bar invulnerable reversal. However, it is strike invulnerable, meaning that it can occasionally get sniped by throws or command throws [but this rarely happens].

  • Frame data note 1: If Kirino hits an opponent's block with the low slide, the final kick will whiff completely, putting you at max disadvantage.
  • Frame data note 2: If Kirino hits the opponent's standing block with the last kick, you will receive the minimum disadvantage listed.
Misplaced Anger

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 700 First two throws: 16
Next throws: 1
Varies on item* 20* (min) First item: -
Second item: +
  • Frame data note 1: The move is always active for a maximum of 62 frames. The projectile is active until it hits the ground or opponent. Kirino's recovery frames starts then.
  • Frame data note 2: The move's frame advantage depends on the first item (usually minus). If you hit with the second item, you'll always have frame advantage.
  • Throws 2 items
  • If you keep pressing the button, she will keep throwing items (max 4 items at a time)
  • Has 7 different objects:
  • Frying Pan - fast and straight
  • Magic Hand - slowly flies in a parabolic arc that bounce off walls.
  • Plastic Bottle - short arc
  • Amazon box - slides along the ground
  • Cushion - stuffed octopus, thrown right in front of her then bounces
  • Laptop - thrown right in front of her then bounces slightly and explodes
  • Underwear - slowly falls right in front of her, gives her a slight meter boost when she touches it
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 700 14 Varies* 16 (min)* First item: -
Next item(s): +

Throws 3 items, the move increases in recovery and cycles through more items. Not as useful for space control compared to Kirino’s other tools so you likely will not be using this as much in neutral or pressure.

  • Frame data note 1: The move is always active for a maximum of 82 frames. The projectile is active until it hits the ground or opponent. Kirino's recovery frames starts then.
  • Frame data note 2: The move's frame advantage depends on the first item (usually minus). If you hit with the next item(s), you'll always have frame advantage.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 700 13 Varies* 90* (min) First item: -
Next item(s): +

Throws 4 items

  • Frame data note 1: The move is always active for a maximum of 101 frames. The projectile is active until it hits the ground or opponent. Kirino's recovery frames starts then.
  • Frame data note 2: The move's frame advantage depends on the first item (usually minus). If you hit with the next item(s), you'll always have frame advantage.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1332 13 Varies* 87* (min) First item: -
Big Cushion: +32 to +8

Throws 5 objects (Frying pan through Cushion). The cushion will be a larger version than normal one and all the objects will fly along different paths. The cushion at the end will also cause wall bounce if you're in the corner.

Beach Spike

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
A 600 15 18* (max) X+14 +4 to -2 SC, EX HLA -

Spikes a beach ball. The difference between j.236A/B/C is the distance the beachball and Kirino move. Otherwise, they have the exact same use: pins down opponent movement or defends the space beneath Kirino by airstalling. Can be delayed into combo blast to frametrap or combo from the projectile. j.236A/B can be comboed into land 236AB depending on distance and counterhit confirm.

  • Frame data note: The beach ball is active until it hits either the ground or the opponent.
  • Button strength determines the angle it flies
  • Stops her air momentum
  • Has landing recovery
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
B 600 15 18* (max) X+14 +4 to -2 SC, EX HLA -

The difference between j.236A/B/C is the distance the beachball and Kirino move. Otherwise, they have the exact same use: pins down opponent movement or defends the space beneath Kirino by airstalling. Can be delayed into combo blast to frametrap or combo from the projectile. j.236A/B can be comboed into land 236AB depending on distance and counterhit confirm.

  • Frame data note: The beach ball is active until it hits either the ground or the opponent.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
C 600 15 19* (max) X+14 +4 to -2 SC, EX HLA -

The difference between j.236A/B/C is the distance the beachball and Kirino move. Otherwise, they have the exact same use: pins down opponent movement or defends the space beneath Kirino by airstalling. Can be delayed into combo blast to frametrap or combo from the projectile. At most distances, j.236C can be comboed into j.236AB.

  • Frame data note: The beach ball is active until it hits either the ground or the opponent.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
EX 1300 12 19* (max) X+12 +5 to +3 SC HLA -

Plus on block. Knocks opponents down and cause a ground bounce. Mainly used to send opponents back to the ground and end in a super or extend her combo.

  • Frame data note: The beach ball is active until it hits either the ground or the opponent.

Universal Mechanics

6C or 4C
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1100 4 1 61 +52 (hit) SC, EX, TCC, CAC N/A -

Standard grab which leaves her at a nice spacing to OTG/set up okizeme.

Impact Skill
Shooting Star

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1208 12 6*7 hits 63
(Landing: 22)
-17 SC, EX (hit only) HLA -

Standard 5AB. It has a longer animation than other 5ABs and can be cancelled on any of its hits. The last hit can be buffered into a land-cancel with 236AB, 214AB, 426BC, or 624BC. Will mostly see this to end longer combos into red trump installs or damaging finishers. Additionally, because of how long and active it is, it can be used in niche safejump situations to check wakeup powerblast.

Impact Skill
Amazon Upper

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
1080 9 13 30 -20 SC, EX (hit only) HLA -

Standard 2AB with more armor frames. This is the fastest 2AB in the game and because most of its hits are on the ground, they provide an excellent way to squeeze more damage from OTG routes. Converting from 2AB as a grounded hit is easy, using j.236AB. However, from anti-airs, it’s better to either let the recovery rock or use combo blast, because beachball will not confirm from opponents and greater heights.

  • Does 2 hits, the initial crouch and then the uppercut
Impact Break
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
First Hit: 900
Launcher: 800
First Hit: 22
Launcher: 9
First Hit: 8
First Hit: 14 First Hit: -2
Launcher: -37
First Hit: N/A
Launcher: SC, EX, TCC, CAC
(on hit)
First Hit: HA
Launcher: HLA

Standard 4AB. Her 4AB, unfortunately, does launch her on hit-whiff, which means that she is easily punished compared to other characters that don’t jump.

Trump Card
Life Consultation

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
2950 25 5 26 +28 (hit) N/A N/A -

Kirino’s most important tool. It is a poor reversal option compared to other red trumps because it lacks an anti-air hitbox, but it makes up for it in the sheer power it has offensively. Converting into red trump provides Kirino with a unique potential, buffing her Assist Action to recover even faster than normal. In trump state, this becomes devastating. A unique property of the command throw is that it has a hit and a followup cinematic. While Kirino is invulnerable during the transition from hit > followup, the opponent, interestingly, can still be launched. This creates unique assist interactions where Kirino can set up pseudo-unblockables, where if the opponent jumps, they are hit by the assist, and if they do not, the assist hits them during that transitionary period, unlocking some of Kirino’s most foul and damaging combos.

Climax Arts

Claw Machine Mutilation

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
3500 12 2 43 N/A N/A UNB -

Drops a UFO catcher a set distance in front of her, leading to a cinematic. The attack is a ground unblockable, but can be used on aerial opponents as part of a combo. While unblockable, the slow startup gives plenty of time for a knowledgeable opponent to jump out and punish Kirino, and it also cant connect on an opponent in blockstun, so this is only used as a combo ender. As of DFCI, you can hold an attack button during the startup of the cinematic to play a timing mini-game. The mini-game has no effect on the damage or move properties - try to get SSS rank for fun!

True Cosplay Ranbu

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox
2770 7 23 21 -29 N/A HLA -

Invincible dash attack that travels 80% of the screen. A typical Reversal Climax Art.



5A Starter

5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > C Follow-up > jc > j.A > j.B > j236x
  • This is a good BnB for crouching opponents. (2174)
5A > 5B > j.B > j.C(delayed) > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > B follow-up
  • Good BnB combo on standing opponents. (2183)
5A > 5B> 5C > 236C > j.236A+B > 5B > j.B > j.C > jc > A+B+C
  • A simple meter burn combo that confirms into a Power Up Blast. Costs 1 bar. (2391)
5A > 5B> 5C > 236C > j.236A+B > 5B > j.B > j.C > jc > j.B > j.C > 236x
  • This is a simple meter burn confirm. Costs 1 bar. (2575)
5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > C Follow-up > jc > j.A > j.B > j.236x > j.236A+B > 63214B+C
  • A combo that is more for show over practicality, seeing as its damage for the cost isn't the greatest. Also, the timing on the Climax Art at the end is tight. Costs 3 bars. (3398)
5A > 5B > j.B > j.C > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > B follow-up > 41236B+C
  • This is Kirino's standard BnB with a Climax Art thrown in. You can use either Climax Art, but the one listed does more damage. Costs 2 bars. (3653)

4A+B Starter

4A+B > x > j.B > j.C > jc > j.B > j.C > j.236x
  • This is an average 4A+B confirm for Kirino. (2099)
4A+B > x > j.B > j.C > jc > j.B > j.C > j.236A+B > 63214B+C
  • This is a meter burn to get more damage out of Kirino's 4A+B. Costs 3 bars. (3210)


5A Starter

5A > 5B > 5C > 214A+B > 5B > j.B > j.C > jc >j.B > j.C > j236x
  • Corner combo using her EX Misplaced Anger. Costs 1 bar (2441)
5A > 5B > 5C > 214A+B > 5B > j.B > j.C > jc >j.B > j.C > j.236A+B > 63214B+C
  • Corner combo into Kirino's True Cosplay Ranbu. Costs 4 bars. (3611)

4A+B Starter

4A+B > B > j.A > etc
  • Notes about this particular combo



5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > 5S > C Follow-Up > (5S connects here) > Trump Card
  • This is a short and sweet combo that activates a trump card for you. Costs 1 bar. (2844)
5A > 5B > 5C > 236C > j236A+B > 5B > j.B > j.C > jc > j.B > j.S > j.C > (j.S connects here) > 41236B+C
  • Confirms into Enju, as well as Claw Machine Mutilation. Costs 4 bars. (4122)

External Links


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Change List
Innocent Charm