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Olof Linderoth


Olof is a well-round character that can be used at many ways thanks to his arsenal, some of this ways are: Zoner, Pressuring, Shoto and Rushdown. This will make him a character easy to learn for most of the people.


As was mentioned, Olof has a lot of strategies that varies depending of the player, the most common one is begin a Zoner character thanks to his 3-way projectile, but also can be focused on pressure due to the range of his normals and the chip damage that he can deal. His combos are simple and devastating and he has some unpredictable tools to condition the opponent, the combination of this facts turns Olof into a scary character on good hands.

Normal Moves


Special Moves

Revolver Shoot 236A/B/C/D
Olof turns arround and executes a kick that releases a fire projectile, The button used determines the directon of the projectile:
  • A Sends the projectile in a straight line at low speed.
  • B Sends the projectile low, once it touchs the ground it will expand into a flame that hits 2 times.
  • C Sends the projectile in a straight line at high speed.
  • D sends the projectile to the air on a 35° angle that knockdowns opponents in the air.

Olof's main move on zoning strategy, mixing up the projectiles will make the opponent think before jump due to the C version, the B version will get pressure and some chip damage if the opponent is on the corner.

Rocket Kick 214B/D
Olof kicks the opponent by throwing him into the air, then finishes him with a kick that sends him to the corner. The B version does a little dash before the kick and the D version does a long dash.

This move is amazing, does good damage and sends the opponent to the corner wich allows you taunt to build your stress gauge or send a Revolver Shoot B to make the opponent block and go to start pressure.

Misille Kick 66214D
Olof does a powered version of Rocket Kick that knockdowns the opponent.

You can hit confirm this move with 66A/C, as almost any running move of this game.

Flying Assault 214B/D on Air
Air version of Rocket Kick, both do the same damage and knockdowns the opponent. Can hit grounded opponents too.
Flying Revolver 214D during D version of Flying Assault
After the move, Olof shoots a fire projectile to the opponent, increasing the damage.

This 2 moves are very usefull at the right momments, either to surprise the opponent or punish some projectiles since the travel is pretty good, the Flying Revolver will send the opponent furter higher, wich allows you to retreat and taunt or do Revolver Shoot B to force him block at stand and go to start pressure.

Thunder Kick 623B/D
Olof executes a kick that launches him on the air and falls down with an overhead axe kick. The B version moves Olof a little and hits 2 times, the D version travels further, higher and hits 3 times.

This move is pretty good to protect you from jumpers, it can be air blocked but will send the opponent back with chip damage.

Carpet Bomb Kick 66214B/D
Olof executes a powered version of Thunder Kick. Both Versions does the same damage, travels the same distance and hits 5 times.

It can be confirmed from 66A/C.

Auto-axe Kick Hold N for 5 seconds
Olof will raise up his leg and stay like that for several seconds, if he gets hitted by a Mid attack it will counter with an overhead Axe Kick.

This move is kinda strange, you must stay neutral during 5 seconds and only counters Mid hit moves, its best use is to stay quiet during the round announcement, that way you will have it active and if the opponent hits you direcly you will counter it starting the match with advantage.

Poison Plague 2363214D Stress Shot (lvl 1 Super Move)
Olof will dash with invulnerability during 1/2 of the screen, after that he will do a high kick, if connects will release a 14 auto combo.

This move is usefull when you know how to apply it, can counter jumpers at the rigth distance since it can't be air blocked also can punish projectiles and high recovery moves due to the invulnerability dash.

Ghost Punch 412146A Stress Shot (lvl 1 Super Move)
Fake version of Draining Punch.

This move is used to condition the opponent, if he does not pay attention to your Stress Gauge then he will jump to avoid the incoming Draining Punch, but since is a fake you will have him to go with your offensive. I recommend use this move and then Poison Plague if he did a high jump, remember that Poison Plague cannot be air blocked so its like a hit confirm if you don't care to use 2 Stress Gauge.

Draining Punch 412146C Ippatsu Ougi (level 2 Super Move)
Olof charges and releases an extremetely powerfull punch that will drain a portion of your Health Bar, this drain can be recovered. Unblockable.

Another amazing move, its unblockable at ground and air, so the opponent must roll or jump to avoid it, also it only will drain your Health Bar if hits, so if fails you don't need to worry about that. This move also has an interesting propiety, while higher higher is the opponent's health, it will do more damage, at max HP it releases an outstanding 65% damage hit, if you learn to hit confirm this attack then the victory will be yours. I will list some Hit Confirms and how to apply them bellow.


Basic Level

  • j.B > 2.C > 6.A >
    • 623.C
    • 236.C
    • 412146.cC
623.C and 412146.C are links, but stills powerfull since they are Overhead and Unblockable respectively.
  • j.C >> 5.B > 5.B > 3.B xx 214.B or 236.C
3.B must be canceled on the first hit to connect 214.B or 236.C
  • J.C > 5C >
    • 5.D
    • 3.B > 214.C
5.D Follow causes Knockdown, 3.B must be canceled on first hit.

Medium Level

  • J.D > J.D xx 214.D > 214.D
This combo is kinda hard to pull out and will miss small characters like Ume and Tane, you must input J.D at the top of your jump since it has a little delay by default.
  • J.D > J.D >> 5.A > 5.B > 5.B > 3.B XX 214.B
Input the J.D at the top of the jump or you will not have time to input the 2nd one before fall, cancel 3.B on the first hit.
  • J.D > J.D >> 2.B > 3.B XX 236.C
You need to time well the J.D to combo 2.B, 3.B do not need to be canceled.

Advanced Level

  • J.D > J.D >> 5.A > 2.B > 6.A > 3.B xx 214.D
Hardest Olof Combo, the timmings are really tight and mostly goes out as a link, but the damage is really high, 3.B must be cancelled on 1st hit.

Draining Punch Confirm

Olof's best move and the most powerfull Ippatsu Ougi of the game, confirm it will lead you to the victory and here i show you a list of hit confirms for it:

  • J.B > 2.B > 3.B XX 412146C
The most simple one, cancelling 3.B on its first hit will confirm the hit if the opponent follow the reflex of block instead jump.
  • 2.B > 6.A > 3.B xx 412146.C
This one works better as punish for DP's or some high attack, also works on recovery roll
  • J.D > J.D >> 5.D xx 412146.C
A little complex one but rewards since its his best confirm, the only 2 ways that the opponent has to escape are jump at the right time or get an Stress Gauge from 5.D, so be carefull with that.
