Vampire Savior/Victor/Strategy

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Basic Hitboxes & Movement

Victor standing.png
Standing Hitbox

The third tallest standing character in the game. His extreme height gives him several problems, such as big jump-in chain attacks and the inability to walk underneath Demitri's air fireball. He has one of the slower walk speeds in the game, and his alternative movement options (dashing, special moves) are lacking.

While in hitstun, his head hitbox disappears, which thankfully makes some re-jump infinite combos impossible.

Victor crouch.png
Crouching Hitbox


Victor is the second tallest crouching character in the game, being only a pixel shorter than Bishamon. This immense crouching height puts him in the path of many extremely pressuring normals that would typically whiff on everyone else in the cast, such as certain characters jabs and Q-Bee's standing medium punch. To make matters worse, he doesn't have a solid low profile move, like Bishamon's Iai Giri slashes, to attempt to go underneath these attacks. The only attack Victor has which shrinks his hurtbox would be his Mega Forehead, though it's somewhat slow startup would make it difficult to use for such a purpose.

Typically, you need to have solid pushblock or guard cancel skills to deal with players who may heavily abuse this.

Victor jump.png
Jumping Hitbox

A very tall jumping hurtbox with a rather short jump, Victor has some issues jumping away from pressure compared to other characters. However, once he's in the air, he becomes somewhat terrifying due to the power of jumping hard punch.

Again, solid pushblock skills are useful here, to give you the space needed to jump for offense or defense.

Victor dash.png
Dashing Hitbox

The worst dash in the game. It's extremely slow for a dash and travels very little distance. It still has some use in an up close pressure game though. You could use it to go under Demitri's Fireballs too I guess.

Offense Victor doesn't have the insane mixups of Sasquatch or Zabel. Victor does have a fair amount of priority in his moves though, so he can often out poke others leading to a combo.

His choice for a combo starter is usually LP, cr.LP, cr.LK, MP. These come out fast, have good priority and have good combo potential.

His jumpin should be j.HP.

For antiair use cr.HP.

All other pokes have their use, but the above are what you'll probably use the most.

Forcing the opponent to stay defensive then go for a mixup is another part of Victor's offensive game. Victor can create several situations where he's at frame advantage :

Blocked j.HP

Blocked weak pokes (LP, LK etc)

Knockdown (grab, sweep)

Reset (MP throw, anti air with ground normal - preferring the electrified version for even more advantage)

Victor's high/low mixup involves getting to jump distance, do a jump in j.LP then either :

Do a j.HP which must be blocked high

Or whiff the j.HP by doing it a little close to the ground, then cr.LK which must be blocked low

Up close Victor can also add grab to his mixup to counter overly defensive players.

Victor can also lock down an opponent in the corner using his weak pokes to create frame advantage then dash in and repeat attacking.

Grab setups :

Blocked/whiffed Giga Burn, grab

Empty jumpin/whiffed jumpin, grab

Knock opponent down next to you, Giga Burn crossup when they wakeup, grab

Reset, dash in grab

Blocked j.HP/LP/LK etc dash/walk in grab

Corner opponent, knock down. Stand at opponent's roll distance and wait for them to roll out then grab. This is also a great 720 setup, just wait for the opponent to roll to you, buffer 360 in a whiffed LK, then do another 360 + K when they stands up.
