Super Naruto: Clash of Ninja 4/Kabuto: Difference between revisions

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Line 275: Line 275:
|hitbox = SCON4_Kabuto_5A_hitbox.png
|hitbox = SCON4_Kabuto_5A_hitbox.png
|hitbox2 = SCON4_Kabuto_5A_charge_hitbox.png
|hitbox2 = SCON4_Kabuto_5A_charge_hitbox.png
|caption = Uncharged
|caption = {{NotationIcon-SCON4|X}}
|caption2 = Charged
|caption2 = {{NotationIcon-SCON4|6}} {{NotationIcon-SCON4|X}}
|hitboxCaption = Uncharged
|hitboxCaption = {{NotationIcon-SCON4|X}}
|hitboxCaption2 = Charged
|hitboxCaption2 = {{NotationIcon-SCON4|6}} {{NotationIcon-SCON4|X}}
|name = {{NotationIcon-SCON4|A}}
|name = {{NotationIcon-SCON4|A}}
|input =  
|input =  

Revision as of 15:53, 8 September 2023


SCON4 Kabuto Portrait.png
Health: 190
Guard Gauge: 1640
Backdash Type: Normal


Kabuto was often considered a sleeper character in Vanilla GNT4. In Super, he augments his great jab, low sweep, and 2A combo finisher with improvements to some of his lesser-used buttons and strings. Kabuto is a character who leverages his user's fundamentals via his above-average close-quarter attacks and strong punish game. The character's signature ability is continual health regeneration, making Kabuto a pesky foe to defeat.


  • Cellular Activation: Kabuto will continuously regenerate a portion of the damage taken.

String List

String # Inputs Notes
CONR3 STRING.png 01 B ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB Button
  • X ButtonCancellable at B Button(B Button)
  • For CONR3 STRING.png 02 and CONR3 STRING.png 05-07, the final move has Guard.
CONR3 STRING.png 02 B ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 03 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 04 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 05 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 06 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 07 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 08 ForwardB ButtonB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 09 ForwardB ButtonB ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 10 ForwardB ButtonA ButtonB Button
  • The final move has Guard.
CONR3 STRING.png 11 ForwardB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 12 DownB ButtonB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 13 DownB ButtonB ButtonA Button
  • The final move has Guard.
CONR3 STRING.png 14 ForwardA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB Button
  • Not present in the in-game Strings List.
  • For CONR3 STRING.png 15, the final move has Guard.
CONR3 STRING.png 15 ForwardA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 16 ForwardA ButtonA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB Button
  • X ButtonCancellable at ForwardA Button(A Button)
  • For CONR3 STRING.png 18-20, the final move has Guard.
CONR3 STRING.png 17 ForwardA ButtonA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 18 ForwardA ButtonA ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 19 ForwardA ButtonA ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 20 ForwardA ButtonA ButtonA ButtonA Button

Weak Attacks


B Button
SCON4 Kabuto 5B.png
SCON4 Kabuto 5B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 13 4 22 - - - -7
  • Primary Jab.
  • Can go into B Button(B Button) on whiff.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


ForwardB Button
SCON4 Kabuto 6B.png
SCON4 Kabuto 6B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 22 3 31 - - - -15
  • Description
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


DownB Button
SCON4 Kabuto 2B.png
SCON4 Kabuto 2B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 20 4 28 - - - -13
  • Low, high crush sweep and also low profiles incoming attacks. Good at round start.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


BackB Button
SCON4 Kabuto 4B.png
SCON4 Kabuto 4B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 32 4 27 - - - -16
  • Guard frame attack. Staggers, leading to a strike/throw mix.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


UpB Button
SCON4 Kabuto 8B.png
SCON4 Kabuto 8B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 26 5 27 - - - -8
  • Jumping low crush attack. Good frame data, and leaves Kabuto with time to DownB Button or ForwardA Button afterwards to beat a jab.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Running B

RunB Button
SCON4 Kabuto runB.png
SCON4 Kabuto runB hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 21 5 43 - - - -19
  • Description
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


Air AttackB Button
SCON4 Kabuto jB.png
SCON4 Kabuto jB hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 25 - - - - - -
  • Description
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Strong Attacks


A Button
SCON4 Kabuto 5A.png
SCON4 Kabuto 5A hitbox.png
X Button
X Button
SCON4 Kabuto 5A Charge.png
SCON4 Kabuto 5A charge hitbox.png
Forward X Button
Forward X Button
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 25, 26 - - - - - -
  • Description
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


ForwardA Button
SCON4 Kabuto 6A.png
SCON4 Kabuto 6A hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 21 3 34 - - - -18
  • High crushes frame 9. Good whiff punish and can catch back dash. Good round starter. ForwardA ButtonA Button is a super cancel point.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


DownA Button
SCON4 Kabuto 2A.png
SCON4 Kabuto 2A hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 44 5 - - - - -
  • Powerful capture state move and combo-finisher. Hold A Button at the cost of meter to delay the grab.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


BackA Button
SCON4 Kabuto 4A.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -
  • Counter. Teleports Kabuto behind the enemy.


UpA Button
SCON4 Kabuto 8A.png
SCON4 Kabuto 8A hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 11, 12, 13, 14 - - - - - -
  • Description
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Running A

RunA Button
SCON4 Kabuto runA.png
SCON4 Kabuto runA hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 17, 18 - - - - - -
  • Description
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


Air AttackA Button
SCON4 Kabuto jA.png
SCON4 Kabuto jA hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 8, 10 - - - - - -
  • Description
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes



Y Button
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
20 - 1 1 48 - - - -
  • Description


Air AttackY Button
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -
  • Description



X Button
SCON4 Kabuto 5X.png
SCON4 Kabuto 5X hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 20 14 33 - - - -

Kabuto does a shoulder charge with crazy long active frames that make it incredibly easy to wake up super with.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


DownX Button
SCON4 Kabuto 2X.png
CON4 Kabuto 2X hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - 30 19 79 - - - -
  • Area-of-effect attack around Kabuto that inflicts the sleep state and drains a small amount of chakra. Is blockable if Kabuto and the opponent are facing opposite directions, and is unblockable if they are facing the same direction, regardless of positioning (whether Kabuto or the opponent is in front).
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


Kabuto is a fundamentals-heavy character who relies on a straightforward yet strong selection of buttons and strings. His low HP, which is the smallest in the game, is made up for by continual regeneration after taking damage, and as such zoners like SCON4 Haku Icon.png Haku or SCON4 Sakura Icon.png Sakura will be limited in their ability to threaten Kabuto with chip damage. On the other hand, Kabuto must be wary of being on the receiving end of touch-of-death combos that would not be able to finish the round against a character with a normally sized health bar.

Kabuto's blockstrings apply good pressure and tend to leave him in an advantageous position. B ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB Button (or DownB ButtonB Button) lifts the opponent in the air, giving Kabuto an opportunity to Air AttackY Button or mix their landing. If the opponent uses jump kunai or a swordsmen Air AttackA Button, Kabuto's A ButtonA ButtonA ButtonA Button string finisher has guard frames and will punish the attack, though this finisher will whiff if the opponent double jumps first.

DownA Button is an extremely strong capture state combo-ender, often accessed with DownB ButtonB ButtonA ButtonY-CancelDownA Button.

Kabuto has a grounded infinite, linking the string B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonA Button into itself on repeat, which combines the hitstun of his horizontal kunai slash and the speed of his quick jab. This loop can also be started with RunA Button or ForwardB ButtonA Button. Kabuto can kill opponents caught grounded with low meter by linking the loop with B ButtonB ButtonDownX Button, which drains meter and starts a new combo. The A+B tech can be used to make the link from the kunai slash to jab easier. B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonB Button can also link into B Button if the opponent does not mash out of stagger state.


Default ()
Color 2 ()
Color 3 ()
Anbu ()


Technical Data
Awakened Hinata
Might Guy
OTK Naruto
Rock Lee
CS2 Sasuke
Sakon & Ukon
Third Hokage
Archived Information
Training Modes