Vampire Savior/Gallon

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Gallon (ガロン), also known as Jon Talbain, the Werewolf. Gallon is a simple and powerful rushdown character with a high reward throw game backed up by powerful frametraps that, when he has meter, give him even higher reward. His jump arc and air buttons are some of the scariest to deal with in the game and he has a high walk speed that will low profile to some degree to back up his ground game. While he has a high/low game, it isn't super strong and his primary way of opening you up will be with strike/throw.

His defensive options are also a bit lacking with his guard cancel not being particularly strong or reliable and his health is a bit low. While he has some long range buttons on the ground, they can have awkward ranges relative to each other and you'll have to be quick with your confirms. Gallon's basic pressure is fairly simple, but will require creative use of his command dash and good awareness of the corner to open up strong players.


If you want a strong straightforward character with huge damage potential and solid pokes, Gallon may be for you.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Gallon is low to the ground when he walks, making it hard to hit him with jump-in combos. It even allows him to walk under almost every projectile in the game.
  • Gallon is shorter than average when standing AND when crouching, rendering some characters' combos more difficult when fighting Gallon.
  • A lot of Gallon's useful moves extend fairly far in front of him. His B&B special move, Beast Cannon, is a self-projectile that reaches full screen.
  • Gallon has below average life
  • His Guard Cancel is fairly bad and is also slow to start up, meaning it could be easily baited.
  • Gallon has a more difficult time applying pressure on the ground than most characters.

Normal Moves

  • Here is a Breakdown of Gallon's normal attacks; by KEN

Standing Normals


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? Yes/Rapid Both 4 ? ? +6 +5 ? ?

Gallon's standing LP isn't particularly outstanding; however, it has some situational uses that are very important to know. First off, this is the move you'll be using for Guard Breaks. Second is that it's one of Gallon's important moves for stopping Instant Air Dash (IAD) pressure. When the IAD is initiated in close proximity to Gallon, this is your fastest and most reliable answer, for better or worse.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 7 ? ? +4 +3 ? ?

The only thing this move is really good for is baiting Guard Cancels; if you look at the hitbox, Gallon's vulnerable box doesn't expand outward nearly as far as his other standing normals. It's still not a GREAT option for baiting GCs, but it's worth remembering.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 6 ? ? +3 +2 ? ?

You won't be actively using this move; but, for what it's worth, it does more damage than its faraway counterpart, so smile if this one comes out during a chain.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 9 ? ? +6 +5 ? ?

HP can be used for zoning to a small extent, but will fall to the wayside for his better options. More importantly, this is a good finisher for damage-oriented chain combos.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 8 ? ? +3 +2 ? ?

I used to see no use for this move, but I did find one good use for this move by watching a great Gallon player: You can use this move as a meaty on wakeups or resets. Since the startup is different from Gallon's other usual pressure normals, its use for Variable Blockstun Pressure is wonderful. Try doing meaty f.5HP - 2HK a few times if you find your opponent likes to try and AG everything or jump all the time.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 5 ? ? +5 +4 ? ?

This move might be more important if Gallon ever had to rely on it, cos the hitbox and frame advantage are not half bad. As it stands, though, Gallon is super agile and has a hop dash, so you won't be seeing this move too often. Also, it doesn't hit low. Laaaaaame!


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 5 ? ? +3 +2 ? ?

It's a less reliable version of 5LP; it has all the same uses (Guard Breaks and IAD Defense), but with lower priority and the added possibility of getting the far LK, which has absolutely no use for either of those situations. Seriously, stay away from the the Light Kick button if you are standing!


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? Yes Both 6 ? ? +2 +1 ? ?

There is one, esoteric use for this move outside of combos: it's Gallon's best jump-deterrent from far ranges. Throw this in during ground pressure on occasion to keep your opponent from randomly jumping out. This move does more damage than its crouching counterpart, so if you're starting a chain combo from really close, don't be shy to throw in this move instead of 2MK.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 9 ? ? 0 -1 ? ?

Considering Gallon's propensity for landing the near version of this move, you're bound to get a few of these on accident. Do not, however, proactively try and use this move, because it's just begging to get GC'ed and is not a very happy move on block in the first place.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 7 ? ? -3 -4 ? ?

From a theoretical standpoint, this move looks like crap; the hitbox is stupid, and it has a frame disadvantage on HIT. However, this is one of Gallon's best moves, as it's a pivotal part of his throw option select; go for a throw using the HK button, and if your opponent attempts to escape by jumping, they'll be swatted out of the air by this move, resetting the situation. Don't be fooled - this move is awesome.

Crouching Normals


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? Yes/Rapid Low Only 5 ? ? +5 +4 ? ?

One of Gallon's extremely important normals. It has an absurdly large and long-reaching hitbox for a Crouching Jab, it hits low, and can be canceled into special moves. It's also pivotal in Gallon's ground pressure, as he relies heavily on the reach of his normals combined with his Quick Move and hop dashes to lock an opponent down. Don't be surprised if a lot of your big-damage ventures start with a Crouching Jab.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 8 ? ? +1 0 ? ?

This is another important part of Gallon's pressure strings, as it allows him to do some ground pressure from farther away than 2LP without the use of a dash. Its range is unnecessarily long and is also another excellent move for dealing with IAD Pressure when the opponent starts the IAD from a fair distance away.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Both 9 ? ? -8 -9 ? ?

Thanks to the terribad frame disadvantage on hit and block, it's imperative that this move be used only as an anti-air. Incidentally, this move is pretty situational thanks to how long it takes for the move's active hitbox to reach its full height. When the situation DOES call for 2HP, though, it tends to be surprisingly powerful. Try using it in a Gallon mirror match and have a laugh when the opposing Gallon can't jump in on you at all. ...Also, try it in other situations.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? Yes/Rapid Low Only 5 ? ? +5 +4 ? ?

You'll be seeing a lot of this move in pressure strings with Gallon, usually immediately after starting pressure with a 2LP. It's also important to throw this out intermittently during pressure strings because it's the only really solid GC bait that Gallon has, thanks to the relatively small vulnerable hitbox. Learn to use this move intelligently unless you love taking Demon Cradles to the face.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? Yes Both 7 ? ? +3 +2 ? ?

This is like the MVP of all Gallon's normals. It's very quick, has a long range, and a variety of uses. It can be used in Gallon's pressure strings to peg jumpers. It can be canceled into Quick Move for positioning. It's also the prime candidate for comboing into ES Beast Cannon for big damage, which can be done during pressure or just after connecting a jump-in. If you really want to spice things up, try canceling this move into ES Beast Cannon from max range; it will not combo, but it WILL leave just enough time for your opponent to try some sort of counter or escape (and fail), allowing you to land the entire BC anyways.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No Low Only 9 ? ? KND -6 ? ?

Gallon's sweep isn't all that great, but it has its uses. It will most commonly see use as a finisher for a knockdown-oriented chain combo. Another more esoteric use is for Gallon's ground pressure game; after canceling a normal into Quick Move, Gallon can throw this out for a ghetto high/low mixup game in tandem with his short hop dashes. Due to the long startup, however, this is not the safest maneuver; although it's a powerful option, it should be used with discretion.

Jumping Normals


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? High only 5 Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A ?

As a jumping attack, this move doesn't have a lot of use. As with some of Gallon's other normals, it's not so much that it's a bad move as it is that Gallon just has even better options. It does have the fastest startup of Gallon's horizontal-reaching jump attacks, so it may be of use in like 1/100 matches?

As a dashing attack, this move sees a lot more use, thanks to the power of the the dash link [66LK, LP] against cornered opponents.

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? High only 6 Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A ?

As a jumping attack, this move sees a bit of situational use in air-to-air defense, but its primary use is to lengthen your air chains for Chicken Guard mind games and setting up Guard Breaks.

As a dashing attack, this can be linked into dashing MK, but this is ultimately a rare occurrence; Gallon's dash attacks are pretty much exclusively used as overheads, and 66MP will whiff on crouching opponents. ...So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that the dashing version of this move has little-to-no practical use in a real match.


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? High only 7 Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A ?

As a jumping attack, this move is very powerful as a jump-in and will overwhelm many characters' anti-air defenses entirely when used in conjunction with crossup j.LK. If you anticipate a mistake from your opponent, it can be chained into j.HK before landing into a very big damage combo.

As a dashing attack, this attack is decent as a surprise finisher if you think it will end the match. Otherwise, it can be used as a meaty attack against opponents who like to roll back on wakeup. In that particular situation, it's pretty easy to follow it up with a chain combo or use it for a tick throw.

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? High only 5 Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A ?

As a jumping attack, this is an extremely important jump-in. What it lacks in power compared to j.HP, it more than makes up for with its greater priority and superfluously easy crossup potential. It can be used as an ambiguous crossup after knocking down an opponent in the corner, and is generally the only reliable way to hit confirm into Moment Slice [Crossup j.LK, 2LP > 2MP xx Moment Slice]. Use this move liberally.

As a dashing attack, this move has a high amount of utility. It can be used in a short hop dash during Gallon's ground pressure game for some high/low mixup, and can also be used against cornered opponents to start a dash link [66LK, LP]. The dash link works on all but the shortest characters, but the flipside to this is that against those short characters, it's very easy for Gallon to do a crossup short hop attack.

Basically, this move rules. Do it.

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? High only 6 Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A ?

As a jumping attack, this move is pretty important. Its reach and priority are very high, making it a good utility move in many situations. It also has crossup potential (albeit pretty low), and is part of Gallon's meter-building empty air chain (j.MK, j.HK). If Gallon connects with this move deep enough, it can also be comboed into a Beast Cannon.

As a dashing attack, this move is important for use as a short hop attack from ranges too far for the use of Dashing Short. It's also part of Gallon's other important Dash Link [66MK, LK], which works on taller characters in the corner AND midscreen. This makes the move a very important part of Gallon's ground pressure against tall characters.

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? High only 7 Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A ?

As a jumping attack, this move's primary use is for zoning in the air. It can be used as a jump-in in most matches, but it can and will whiff shorter characters, especially B.B Hood and Q-Bee. So, make sure to be conscientious when using this move against shorties.

As a dashing attack, it works pretty similarly to 66HP (gimmicky finisher, tick throw). It's not very good as a meaty for landing a chain combo afterwards, but it makes up for that with the gimmicky use of being able to hit people from far away for doing dumb stuff. See how long it takes a Q-Bee or Rapter player to wise up and stop doing IADs from full screen after pegging them with this move over and over again. Finally, this is a randomly good maneuver against Lilith, as Gallon can dash over a grounded Soul Flash from fullscreen and kick her in the face.

Command Normals


Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? Both 10 ? ? +2 +1 N/A ?

This is just like the normal 5MK, but Gallon takes a step towards the opponent first. Doing this move will end a chain combo. It's generally used in pressure situations if you anticipate that your opponent will try and escape your pressure by jumping back.


P Throw:

If you're smart, you won't be using this as much as Gallon's Kick Throw, since the Kick Throw has a built-in option select with c.5HK. Still, the Punch Throw is handy in very specific instances; particularly, if you anticipate a Tech Hit and you haven't buffered the motion for Wild Circular, Punch Throw is excellent in this situation because Gallon recovers from the throw very quickly. Conversely, Gallon's Kick Throw recovers just barely before his opponent gets back on the ground, so it doesn't leave Gallon a lot of breathing room to do much else except another throw. You won't be using this often, but don't forget about it, either.

This throw can also be used after Dark Force Activation to set up an unblockable.

K Throw:

First rule: Always, always, always throw with HK. Using HK gives Gallon an Option Select; stay on the ground and get thrown, or jump and get reset immediately by c.5HK. Other than that, this throw is effective because of the horizontal space it covers, making it easy to put an opponent in the corner.

  • K-Throw places the opponent backwards, causing turn around frames & negating the opponents ability to perform a REVERSAL. If the K-Throw is used to complete the first bat, Gallon will be backwards & cannot complete a REVERSAL.

Air Throw:

...Uhh...Well, it IS an air throw. I don't use it often, but it also causes Gallon to cover a lot of ground horizontally, so it CAN be useful...

Pursuit Attack

Pretty crappy Pursuit overall. Slow travel time, and low damage because it's only one hit (ES Pursuit is still only two hits). It's still effective to use as a late Pursuit to stay on your opponent though, so be sure to learn the timing for that.


Gallon's front step.


Gallon's walk animation & idle crouching animation is the second shortest in the game. It makes his vulnerable hitbox shorter and wider. He can walk under almost any fireball in the game, except for obvious ones like B.B Hood's low fireball. Watch out when trying to walk under a fireball and counter-attack; if you use the wrong moves while under a fireball, Gallon's hitbox will extend upwards, causing him to get hit by the fireball anyways.


Gallon's Dash is a hop dash. It's probably the hardest of all three hop dashes to use effectively (and perhaps the only technically difficult maneuver with Gallon at all), but it's also a huge boon to his pressure game, so learn how to short hop effectively with 66LK and 66MK, as he can link out of these moves into full combos.


Gallon's jump is so fast that from midscreen, you can anticipate your opponent throwing out a Medium or Hard attack, and do a jump-in into anything. Is it any wonder why new players abuse it so much? Make sure you abuse it too, but know your limits.


Beast Cannon – 236P

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? Both ? Variable Variable KND/Juggle Variable N/A ?
  • (Normal Version): The normal Beast Cannon is an unappreciated move. The Beast Cannon attacks, for the uninitiated, will travel in one direction, and at any point, you can press a direction and punch to start traveling in that direction.
While it is definitely risky, you can use it for a variety of mixup, pressure, and spacing applications. You can attack with Beast Cannon, and on block, either move backward to avoid retaliation, cross behind them and THEN move backward for a cross-up, do a double-towards to punish slow normals, or even stop after the first one and throw them. If your opponent likes to try and counter between hits, you can do a double-towards where you intentionally don't connect the first one, throwing the usual timing off. You can use it to move forward and backwards in neutral situations to try and trick your opponent into making a reckless move.
Gallon is considered airborne for the entire duration of beats cannon. He cannot be thrown.

  • (ES Version): The ES Version of the horizontal Beast Cannon is outrageously amazing, and is the one you'll be doing a lot. It's the one you'll be comboing into off of ground normals, and it also has use as a corner escape, due to its long distance trajectory and quick travel time. Also, use it Psychic-Shoryuken style from full screen to punish any reckless movement from full screen whatsoever. For a fun game, see how many Rikuo players you can piss off by hitting this move full screen every time they do a plainly-telegraphed backwards jump and do the Poison Attack as soon as they land.
  • Does not get traditionally Anti-Air'd
  • Low-risk & Medium-reward
  • Provides a new angle of approach
  • Timing can vary to beat Tech-Hit attempts
  • On hit, can easily combo into ES Climb Razor
  • Landing during the active frames of the 2nd cannon is frame advantage. Gallon may make more offensive decisions.

Air Beast Cannon – j.236P (Air OK)

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? Both ? Variable Variable KND/Juggle Variable N/A ?

This is a variation of the other Beast Cannon attack, done in mid-air, which travels diagonally towards Gallon's opponent.

  • (Normal Version): THIS move is the real hotness. In 'neutral' situations where neither character has the offensive advantage, you'll want to fish for knockdowns with this move. It's an easy way to get a knockdown without having to move into dangerous territory, and the cost of being knocked down against Gallon is so great that most opponents won't try and hit you out of it frequently. It's very safe on block unless you connect it very high up on a standing opponent, as well. Finally, it's very easy to juggle an ES Climb Razor after landing this move, making it his most important B&B Combo. I doubt I need to explain why getting the offensive advantage with a safe knockdown attack that leads to a braindead easy, two-move 40% damage combo is important to do, so use this a lot.
  • (ES Version): I sometimes use this if I'm sure my opponent will throw a fireball. After all, why counter with a chain combo when you can get an entire ES Beast Cannon sequence instead? Just don't use this version when trying the [Air BC, ES Climb Razor] combo, or the ES Climb Razor is pretty much guaranteed to whiff.

Beast Cannon (diagonal) – 623P (GC OK)

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? Both ? Variable Variable KND/Juggle Variable N/A ?

This is a variation of the other Beast Cannon attack, which travels diagonally towards Gallon's opponent.

  • (Normal Version): This variation isn't used a lot. HOWEVER, it's very important against IAD characters. It keeps them honest by keeping them from jumping on wakeup. The next time they try it, break out with this move immediately as they get up and watch them get knocked back down. Keep doing it until the learn to keep their feet planted firmly on the ground as they get up. You can also use this against Air-Dashers of any kind who like to commit to air-dashes from far away, as they won't be able to block it. This can be used similarly against any character if you think they will try and jump on wakeup or throw out a slow attack; however, it's pretty uncommon to use this in any situation other than against IAD characters.
  • (ES Version): I suppose this could be used for all the exact same situations as the normal version. Keep in mind, though, that if you guess wrong and the move is blocked, you're losing a whole meter for nothing. If your 'Yomi' (ability to predict your opponent's actions) is really good, then give it a whirl. If you're not absolutely sure, you're wasting your meter.
  • (GC Version): Gains 15F invulnerability frames by virtue of being a GC. Not an especially good GC because the startup is so slow and the angle is poor for hitting people, but it can be used for escaping bad situations, such as getting out of the corner. It sees more use against pressure rushdown characters, but in general is a bit dangerous.

As a final note, this move is Gallon's Guard Cancel. This may sound cool at first, but keep in mind that GCs do half damage, so you don't actually have an epic 50%-life ES Guard Cancel. Also, the hitbox is really tiny, so don't even think about using it unless your opponent is right up in your grill.

Climb Razor – 28K

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? Both ? Variable Variable KND Variable N/A ?
Keep in mind that this is not a charge move; the motion is executed simply by tapping the directional inputs and pressing Kick.
  • (Normal Version): The normal Climb Razor is pretty bad. The only thing it really has going for it is that it's one of the few anti-air moves which is unblockable if the opponent is close to landing. If you look at the hitbox though, you'll notice the tradeoff is that the move has abysmal priority. There's only two times I ever use the normal version of Climb Razor:
- An opponent is trying to jump over me and doesn't suspect I'll do anything. I'll just say right now that this pretty much never happens, but if it does, Climb Razor was tailor-made for that oddly-specific circumstance.
- Building meter after landing Moment Slice. You can whiff two of these (Lk Version) after landing Moment Slice, but I generally do just one so that I have enough time to position myself accordingly afterwards.
  • (ES Version): The ES Version of Climb Razor would be pretty worthless, too, if it weren't for its juggle potential. Connecting this after landing an Air Beast Cannon is very pivotal to Gallon's game, so you should be seeing a healthy amount of this. For an added flavor splash, try throwing out this move even if your opponent blocks the preceding Air BC. Sometimes, in their recklessness, they'll get hit by the ES Climb Razor anyways.

Million Flicker – 214P

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? Both ? Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A ?
You can mash the punch button for the Normal Version to keep the move going, similar to moves like Lightning Legs or Hundred Hand Slap.
  • (Normal Version): I'll admit, this move is pret-ty bad. ...But! As funny as it sounds, if you have the wiggle room to throw this move out (11 Frame Startup; compare that to Gallon's normals which average 6-7 Frame Startups), it's probably Gallon's safest anti-air. It also has the added bonuses of knocking down an airborne opponent and completely humiliating your opponent when they realize they got anti-aired by Million Flicker.
  • (ES Version): ...Alright, I really don't have anything good to say about this one. If you somehow manage to land a combo during Gallon's Dark Force (not going to happen), any combo into this will do upwards to 3/4ths of a lifebar. Good luck ever getting that to happen, though.

Wild Circular - 624K (close)

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? ? Unblockable ? ? ? KND N/A N/A ?
Command Throw. It can not be performed with LK; MK and HK only.
  • (Normal Version): Gallon has one of the best Command Throws in the entire game. It has an excellent combination of quick startup, high amount of active grabbing frames (meaning you can be a bit sloppy in your timing), and invincible frames. It also has the built-in Option Select that his normal Kick Throw has, so long as you do it with Roundhouse. There are so many top-notch ways of griefing opponents with this move that I can't even hope to discuss them all in this tiny space. Just do this move, like, all the time. Trust me.
  • (ES Version): Don't do it. You're spending meter for a menial damage increase. Perhaps if the ES Version gave it a significant boost like Q-Bee's ES Command Throw, it would be worth it; unfortunately, it's not.

Quick Move - 1KKK, 2KKK or 3KKK

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
N/A N/A ? N/A ? ? ? N/A N/A N/A ?
This move is solely for positioning and does no damage. There is also no ES Version. Quick Move is a big part of Gallon's ground pressure game, because he can cancel certain ground normals into it. This allows him to repeatedly pressure with short, erratic block strings without pushing himself too far out of range to continue his rush. Incorporate this into your game, quick.
For you thrill-seekers who Do The Dew, Quick Move can cross to the other side of an opponent, regardless of their state (standing, crouching, knocked down). The next time you land Moment Slice, try corpse-hopping your opponent a few times to see if you can trick them into defending your next attack in the wrong direction.
Gallon can be thrown during startup & recovery frames of Quick Move. During the middle of Quick Move, Gallon is off the ground & throw vulnerable.

EX Moves

Dragon Cannon - 41236KK:

Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No All ? Variable Variable KND Variable N/A ?

As with most EX Attacks, this move is for specific situations. Dragon Cannon is very effective against opponents about to lose a lifebar. If you think your opponent is going to attack you - especially after a knockdown - throw this move out to punish them for making such a predictably desperate choice. For kicks, try doing this move if you think an opponent is going to roll behind you for a crossup Dragon Cannon.

Note: the game accepts 4123KK as the input for this move
Moment Slice - LP, MP, 6, LK, MK:
Red Dmg. White Dmg. Cancelable Guard Direction Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Renda Bonus Meter (Whiff/Block/Hit)
? ? No All ? ? ? HARD KND ? N/A ?

Command Super. It's important to not that even though the move says to press towards your opponent (6), it can be any toward motion (6, 9, or 3), and you'll usually be comboing with Down-Towards (3).

Most command supers tend to be imperative to a character's game, but Gallon's is not. The main problem is that it's incredibly hard to hit-confirm; it's possible to do [2LP > 2MP xx Moment Slice]; but your opponent will be pushed too far away if you try to combo it off of a normal jump-in. To mitigate that, you could try [2LP/2LK xx Moment Slice], but that's still not all that easy to hit confirm (or to execute, for that matter).

There's only one situation where Moment Slice is easy to hit-confirm, and in that instance, it's very important to do land it as much as possible: when landing a crossup j.LK, do the combo [Crossup j.LK, 2LP > 2MP xx Moment Slice]. Doing Moment Slice when possible is important for Gallon, because it's his best method of dealing red (unrecoverable) damage.

This move can also be used in an option select after his 8j.LK crossup shenanigans. If you've knocked a cornered opponent down and you anticipate that they will roll towards you, jump straight up from the point where you think the roll will end, and do the following input: [j.LK, 2LP > 2MP, 3, 2LK > 2MK > 5HP].

If you crossed your opponent up successfully, you'll see [Crossup j.LK, 2LP > 2MP xx Moment Slice].

If you did not cross your opponent up, you'll get [j.LK, 2LP > 2MP > 2MK > 5HP].

Basically, go for this move if you land a cross-up, not so much if you didn't. Finally, this move will whiff crouching Q-Bee, so don't do it unless you get your jollies by doing elaborate whiff-to-throw setups.

Dark Force

Illusion Attack: Mirage Body - Same strength P + K:

  • (Any Version): Mirage Body causes all of Gallon's normals to hit multiple times at slightly staggered intervals, similar to a Variable Combo from Street Fighter Alpha 3. Gallon's Dark Force is crap as a pressure tool, because the duration is too short. If an opponent lands even one string or knockdown on Gallon, it's likely to run out and force a deactivate before he gets the chance to try and deactivate safely.
  • Variance: Dark Force activation has (2) possible mirage patterns, each with a difference in the timing between Gallon starting an attack & the Mirage starting the same attack. Unfortunately, this makes all of Gallon's DF combos unreliable in a match as (1) version is perfect for links & the other is too slow.
Pattern# 01 is a 9-frame delay
Pattern# 02 is a 16-frame delay
Either pattern can vary by +1-Frame
  • Example Dark Force combos:
  • It's best used as a a defensive tool, due to its prolonged invulnerability frames. Some common ways to set up a safe deactivate:
  • Backdash j.HK, Deactivate
  • Beast Cannon (towards, then away; 6, 4), Deactivate

Frame Data


Move Startup Hit






Guard Cancel Notes
n.LP 4 +6 +5 0/3/6 Mid Yes
n.MP 6 +3 +2 3/9/15 Mid Yes
n.HP 8 +3 +2 6/15/24 Mid ×
n.LK 5 +3 +2 0/3/6 Mid Yes
n.MK 6 +2 +1 3/9/15 Mid ×
n.HK 7 -3 -4 6/15/24 Mid ×
LP 4 +6 +5 0/3/6 Mid Yes
MP 7 +4 +3 3/9/15 Mid Yes
HP 9 +6 +5 6/15/24 Mid ×
LK 5 +5 +4 0/3/6 Mid Yes
MK 6 +2 +1 3/9/15 Mid Yes
HK 9 0 -1 6/9+3+3/12+6+6 Mid ×
6MK 10 +2 +1 6/15/24 Mid × Ends chain combos
2LP 5 +5 +4 0/3/6 Low Yes
2MP 8 +1 +0 3/9/15 Mid x
2HP 9 -8 -9 6/15/24 Mid ×
2LK 5 +5 +4 0/3/6 Low Yes
2MK 7 +3 +2 3/9/15 Mid Yes
2HK 9 KD -6 6/15/24 Low ×



Notable Players


Japanese Player Index:

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Takahashi たかはし HK Gallon color hk small.png Kansai, Ibaraki
West Japan's most effective Gallon
Technical & Strong
KEN ケン HP Gallon color hp small.png Kanto
Tokyo Tournament Organizer
Okizeme of Dark Force x Wild Circular
BUZZ バズ MK Gallon color mk small.png Kanto Well known for violently shaking the whole arcade cabinet while playing, Unpredictable character movement
MAB マブ HK Gallon color hk small.png Tokyo Nama Beeru
Mako マコ HK Gallon color hk small.png Nagoya Uses Tiger-Knee Beast Canon as Zurashi
Haneman ハネマン PP Gallon color pp small.png Yamagata Retired
Verti / Welch ヴェルチ MK Gallon color mk small.png Nagoya Retired
Ginsho ぎんしょう/銀晶 LP Gallon color lp small.png Tokyo
Love あらげ LP Gallon color lp small.png
Cerberus ケルベロス KK Gallon color kk small.png


Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Mini Maww ??? KK Gallon color kk small.png Ohio, USA ??? One of the Nasty Boys. Throws a mean flying disc.
Hagure ??? PP Gallon color pp small.png California, USA ??? Community Organizer. Works too damn hard.

South America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Legoshi レゴシ HK Gallon color hk small.png Brasil Frequent player on NekoPunchi's streams
