Super Naruto: Clash of Ninja 4/Technical Data

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Combo System

Damage Scaling

Where D† is damage adjusted for combo count and H is the number of hits in a combo,

  • D† = D * (1 - H*.05), with a max penalty of 50%
    • In other words, the first attack of a combo will deal 100% of its base damage. The second attack will deal 95% of its base damage, etc, capped at a 50% damage reduction after 10 hits.
    • Each Y-Cancel-cancel may add an additional 5% penalty (unless Stance Broken).

Damage dealt to an opponent while they're in a capture state does not suffer from damage scaling. This applies to both non-super attacks (such as SCON4 Sasuke Icon.png Sasuke's UpB Button, SCON4 Kakashi Icon.png Kakashi's DownA Button, SCON4 OTK Naruto Icon.png OTK Naruto's UpA Button) and cinematic supers, but the activator hit of the cinematic will be scaled. Damage scaling does affect supers which happen in real-time (without a cinematic) such as ZTK Naruto's X Button or Temari's Air AttackX Button.

Chakra Scaling

Where D is the base damage of the attack, C is the base chakra gain for an attack, C† is the attacker chakra gain adjusted for combo count and H is the number of hits in a combo,

  • 15360 is a completely full chakra gauge
  • Attacker hit base value: C = (D * 105)
  • Attacker hit adjusted for combo count: C† = C + (C * .125)(H-1)
    • In other words, each additional hit gives the attacker 12.5% more chakra than the base value, capped at a 125% increase after 11 hits.
  • Attacker blocked: C = D * 45
  • Defender hit: C = D * 72
  • Defender block: C = D * 30
  • Non-cinematic moves that drain chakra: C = D * 200 (subtracted)
  • Karasu Hit: C = D * 64 (subtracted)

5BB String Gap Table

Jab chart

Character Height 5B Startup 5B FD 5BB FD 5B Range 5BB Active Frames
SCON4 Anko Icon.png Anko Mid 15 -18 -16 14 3
SCON4 Choji Icon.png Choji Mid 15 -12 -9 13 2
SCON4 Gaara Icon.png Gaara High 14 -12 -6 13 2
SCON4 Might Guy Icon.png Might Guy High 11 -8 -7 15 2
SCON4 Haku Icon.png Haku High 15 -11 -6 15 4
SCON4 Hinata Icon.png Hinata High 13 -12 -16 12 2
SCON4 AW Hinata Icon.png Awakened Hinata High 14 -13 -14 14 2
SCON4 Third Hokage Icon.png Third Hokage High 15 -5 -8 13 2
SCON4 Ino Icon.png Ino High 15 -11 -6 15 2
SCON4 Iruka Icon.png Iruka High 14 -5 -6 11 4
SCON4 Itachi Icon.png Itachi High 14 -12 -13 11 3
SCON4 Jiraiya Icon.png Jiraiya High 15 -19 -12 16 2
SCON4 Jirobo Icon.png Jirobo Mid 15 -13 -7 12 3
SCON4 Kabuto Icon.png Kabuto High 13 -7 -4 11 2
SCON4 Kakashi Icon.png Kakashi High 14 -6 -4 11 2
SharinganSCON4 Kakashi Icon.png Kakashi High 14 -4 -4 11 2
SCON4 Kankuro Icon.png Kankuro High 15 -11 -6 15 2
SCON4 Kiba Icon.png Kiba High 15 -11 -26 15 2
SCON4 Kidomaru Icon.png Kidomaru High 15 -5 -9 15 4
SCON4 Kimimaro Icon.png Kimimaro High 13 -12 -9 13 2
SCON4 Kisame Icon.png Kisame High 15 -11 -6 15 2
SCON4 Rock Lee Icon.png Rock Lee High 11 -8 -7 14 2
SCON4 Mizuki Icon.png Mizuki High 14 -5 -6 11 4
SCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto High 14 -11 -11 15 3
Nine-TailsSCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto High 14 -9 -11 15 2
SCON4 OTK Naruto Icon.png OTK Naruto High 15 -11 -11 15 3
SCON4 Neji Icon.png Neji High 14 -13 -16 14 2
SCON4 Orochimaru Icon.png Orochimaru High 13 -10 -13 13 3
SCON4 Sakon Icon.png Sakon & Ukon High 14 -12 -10 14 3
SCON4 Sakura Icon.png Sakura High 15 -11 -8 15 3
SCON4 Sasuke Icon.png Sasuke High 14 -11 -6 15 2
SCON4 CS2 Sasuke Icon.png CS2 Sasuke High 14 -11 -4 15 2
SCON4 Shikamaru Icon.png Shikamaru Mid 14 -22 -6 18 4
SCON4 Shino Icon.png Shino High 14 -9 -6 12 2
SCON4 Tayuya Icon.png Tayuya High 15 -11 -17 15 3
SCON4 Temari Icon.png Temari Low 15 -9 -9 13 2
SCON4 Tenten Icon.png Tenten High 14 -10 -8 14 3
SCON4 Tsunade Icon.png Tsunade High 14 -5 -5 11 2
SCON4 Zabuza Icon.png Zabuza High 15 -11 -6 15 2

FD=Frame Disadvantage; Range=Distance the attack travels, rounded to the nearest whole number.
Active frames for other moves with super cancels: Sasuke 5B (3), S.Kakashi 5BBB (4) wr.B (8) 5BB6A (5), Guy 5A, Guy 5BBBA (2), Hinata 6BB (5), Sakon and Ukon 6A (2+1+1)

4B Chart

Character Startup Guard Frames
SCON4 Anko Icon.png Anko 26 15
SCON4 Choji Icon.png Choji 44 35
SCON4 Gaara Icon.png Gaara 32 20
SCON4 Might Guy Icon.png Might Guy 29 17
SCON4 Haku Icon.png Haku 19 10
SCON4 Hinata Icon.png Hinata 30 19
SCON4 AW Hinata Icon.png Awakened Hinata 30 22
SCON4 Third Hokage Icon.png Third Hokage 27 14
SCON4 Ino Icon.png Ino 15 6
SCON4 Iruka Icon.png Iruka 29 15
SCON4 Itachi Icon.png Itachi 28 10
SCON4 Jiraiya Icon.png Jiraiya 33 19
SCON4 Jirobo Icon.png Jirobo 39 26
SCON4 Kabuto Icon.png Kabuto 32 22
SCON4 Kakashi Icon.png Kakashi 30 22
SCON4 Kankuro Icon.png Kankuro 38 20
SCON4 Kiba Icon.png Kiba 34 21
SCON4 Kidomaru Icon.png Kidomaru 30 11
SCON4 Kimimaro Icon.png Kimimaro 28 19
SCON4 Kisame Icon.png Kisame 38 21
SCON4 Rock Lee Icon.png Rock Lee 30 22
SCON4 Mizuki Icon.png Mizuki 24 14
SCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto 30 15
SCON4 OTK Naruto Icon.png OTK Naruto 31 17
SCON4 Neji Icon.png Neji 30 17
SCON4 Orochimaru Icon.png Orochimaru 17 7
SCON4 Sakon Icon.png Sakon & Ukon 28 17
SCON4 Sakura Icon.png Sakura 16 7
SCON4 Sasuke Icon.png Sasuke 26 15
SCON4 Shikamaru Icon.png Shikamaru 30 18
SCON4 Shino Icon.png Shino 30 12
SCON4 Tayuya Icon.png Tayuya 27 15
SCON4 Temari Icon.png Temari 33 23
SCON4 Tenten Icon.png Tenten 34 19
SCON4 Tsunade Icon.png Tsunade 29 16
SCON4 Zabuza Icon.png Zabuza 38 21

"Startup" is the first frame the hitbox appears and is not necessarily the frame the attack will connect.
"Guard frames" is the last frame DEFOK is active, so they can be hit on the next frame. Guard begins on frame 2.
CS2 Sasuke does not have a guard frame 4B. Transformation characters do not change 4B frame data based on form (Naruto/ZTK, Sasuke and Kakashi Sharingan, Lee and Guy gates, Sakon and Ukon).

Unblockable Super Chart

Character Super Startup Active Frames Damage Notes
SCON4 Anko Icon.png Anko X Button 19 3 91
SCON4 Anko Icon.png Anko DownX Button 16 5 61
SCON4 Choji Icon.png Choji X Button 31 9 70+6 Unaffected by chips
SCON4 Choji Icon.png Choji DownX Button 36 30 95+2 Unaffected by chips
SCON4 Gaara Icon.png Gaara X Button 27 63 83
SCON4 Might Guy Icon.png Might Guy X Button 24 4 72
SCON4 Might Guy Icon.png Might Guy DownX Button 21 5 81
SCON4 Might Guy Icon.png Might GuyGate X Button 24 4 87
SCON4 Might Guy Icon.png Might GuyGate DownX Button 21 5 96
SCON4 Haku Icon.png Haku X Button 22 3 85
SCON4 Haku Icon.png Haku DownX Button 18 2 60 2A hit guaranteed, +9 damage
SCON4 Hinata Icon.png Hinata X Button 25 4 85
SCON4 AW Hinata Icon.png Awakened Hinata X Button 22 6 (3+3) 69+2 Two-hit activator
SCON4 Third Hokage Icon.png Third Hokage X Button 22 4 95
SCON4 Ino Icon.png Ino X Button 14 26 85+1
SCON4 Ino Icon.png Ino DownX Button 24 6 75
SCON4 Iruka Icon.png Iruka X Button 14 6 (3+3) 64 Two-hit activator
SCON4 Iruka Icon.png Iruka DownX Button 29 10 (5+5) 86 Two-hit activator
SCON4 Itachi Icon.png Itachi X Button 23 4 80
SCON4 Jiraiya Icon.png Jiraiya X Button 23 3 90
SCON4 Jirobo Icon.png Jirobo X Button 25 4 85
SCON4 Kabuto Icon.png Kabuto X Button 20 14 80+3
SCON4 Kakashi Icon.png Kakashi X Button 29 6 70-115 Variable
SharinganSCON4 Kakashi Icon.png Kakashi DownX Button 22 5 95
SCON4 Kankuro Icon.png Kankuro X Button 28 3 80
SCON4 Kiba Icon.png Kiba X Button 21 5 72
SCON4 Kiba Icon.png Kiba ForwardX Button 21 3 72
SCON4 Kiba Icon.png Kiba DownX Button 27 4 91
SCON4 Kidomaru Icon.png Kidomaru X Button 21 4 80+7
SCON4 Kimimaro Icon.png Kimimaro X Button 22 7 80
SCON4 Kisame Icon.png Kisame X Button 26 4 81
SCON4 Rock Lee Icon.png Rock Lee X Button 21 3 65
SCON4 Rock Lee Icon.png Rock LeeGate X Button 21 3 73
SCON4 Rock Lee Icon.png Rock LeeGateGate X Button 21 3 115
SCON4 Mizuki Icon.png Mizuki X Button 14 6 (3+3) 68 Two-hit activator
SCON4 Mizuki Icon.png Mizuki DownX Button 29 10 (5+5) 97 Two-hit activator
SCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto X Button 24 7 65
SCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto ForwardX Button 25 4 65
SCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto DownX Button 31 14 82
Nine-TailsSCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto X Button 24 7 81+1
Nine-TailsSCON4 Naruto Icon.png Naruto ForwardX Button 23 3 81+1
SCON4 OTK Naruto Icon.png OTK Naruto X Button 22 4 95+1
SCON4 Neji Icon.png Neji X Button 22 6 (3+3) 74+3 Two-hit activator
SCON4 Orochimaru Icon.png Orochimaru X Button 21 6 60
SCON4 Sakon Icon.png Sakon & Ukon X Button 24 2 78
SCON4 Sakura Icon.png Sakura X Button 27 4 70
SCON4 Sakura Icon.png Sakura DownX Button 33 6 79
SCON4 Sasuke Icon.png Sasuke X Button 21 4 80
SharinganSCON4 Sasuke Icon.png Sasuke X Button 18 5 75-90 Variable
SharinganSCON4 Sasuke Icon.png Sasuke X ButtonUp 18 14 75+1 Damage is regardless of charge
SCON4 CS2 Sasuke Icon.png CS2 Sasuke X Button 23 2 88
SCON4 Shikamaru Icon.png Shikamaru X Button 23 3 80
SCON4 Shikamaru Icon.png Shikamaru DownX Button 15 61 32+3 If hit before falling, guaranteed 8B (+16) and a combo or 6A (+18)
SCON4 Shino Icon.png Shino X Button 23 3 75
SCON4 Tayuya Icon.png Tayuya X Button 23 4 59
SCON4 Tayuya Icon.png Tayuya DownX Button 23 12 86+3
SCON4 Temari Icon.png Temari X Button 25 34 80
SCON4 Tenten Icon.png Tenten X Button 23 4 80
SCON4 Tsunade Icon.png Tsunade X Button 19 3 90
SCON4 Zabuza Icon.png Zabuza X Button 19 4 80

Damage: +n represents potential added fall damage. All fall damage is non-lethal.


Technical Data
Awakened Hinata
Might Guy
OTK Naruto
Rock Lee
CS2 Sasuke
Sakon & Ukon
Third Hokage
Archived Information
Training Modes