Vampire Savior/Aulbath

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Aulbath (オルバス), the Merman

Residing underneath the Amazon, the peaceful kingdom of merfolk would abruptly come to an end with a tremendous volcanic eruption and earthquake. The hero of the kingdom, Emperor Aulbath was thought to be the sole survivor. After uncovering the responsibility of Pyron for the destruction of his home, Aulbath vowed to stop him. Happening upon another survivor, Aqueria, he decided to start a family and sought to rebuild his empire. This newfound peace would not last forever, however, as Aulbath would venture into Jedah's Majigen in search of his and Aqueria's missing son.

Aulbath is a strong character with a very effective corner game. He is simple to pick up, yet has the depth to keep players interested in his play style.


Primary Objectives:

  • Control space & gain meter with his amazing normals
  • Start offense with dashing attacks
  • Use regular throw, OS-command throw, frame-traps, & instant overhead 9LK to open up the opponent
  • Anti-air with Sonic Wave or Poison Cloud for big damage
  • Utilize Water Jail loops for big wins in the corner.
  • Use defensive Dark Force to escape the corner and gain the corner advantage
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Has a UB projectile that can loop into itself
  • Strongest corner presence in the game
  • His dash puts him in a unique crouching low-profile state
  • Has numerous stagger options to increase overall damage
  • He has extremely good air-to-air options, including an OS air-throw
  • Strong throw game, including numerous option selects
  • Effective walk speed & forward dash speed
  • Effective Dark Force that is challenging to punish
  • Most reliable anti-airs require a full charge
  • GC is terrible & typically unreliable at best
  • Tall when crouching, so lots of attacks can bully him
  • His designed win condition is heavily reliant on meter & corner positioning
  • Back dash is vulnerable and not an effective escape or movement option
VSAV Aulbath Art.png


Walk: Aulbath has the 3rd fastest walk speed in the game.

Dash: Aulbath is a ground dash character and his dash allows him to dash under fireballs if he doesn't press a button while he's dashing. You can also use this dash to get under certain badly placed jump-ins because of the speed of the dash.

Back Dash: Aulbath's back dash is unique because he hops backwards up to three times. Not terribly useful, but something to note.

Jump: Aulbath's jump arc is about average as well. He can cover most of the screen in front of and below him with his air-normals. However certain high jumping characters (Felicia, Gallon) might give you a bit of trouble.


Normal Moves

Standing Normals

5 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 8 8 7 H: 11 G: 10
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
A quick jab that can be used in some pressure strings. Mostly useful against characters who can't crouch it. Also good for hitting hop dashes, low air dashes, and catching upbacks. Good setup for a throw or command throw.
5 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 6x3 21 0 -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 10+8 4+3 H: 9+6 G: 6+3 W: 3
This move is interesting because it has two hits, either of which can be canceled into a Hunter Chain. Useful to Option Select Aulbath's regular throw and for specific corner meaties with bubble.
5 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
11 17 26 - -19 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Aulbath jumps up in the air like a little spiky ball. This move has the appearance of being an uppercut, but is far from it. While it does cause a knockdown, this move is easily blocked and punished. Only useful situations would be the OCCASIONAL anti-air, but since it can be blocked in the air, the move isn't as useful.
5 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 7 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - - 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
This move is alright, comes out fast, but doesn't have the range that his or c.lp does. As with standing lp, use this move to pressure and mixup with.
5 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 23 -2 -3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
This move does have its uses. It can go over some low attacks and hits people trying to jump out of strings. Pretty decent range too.
5 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 4 32 -7 -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 20 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
This move has some uses, such as far Anti-Air. It has a decent range and can go over low attacks.

Close Normals

Cl. 5HK
Cl. 5HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 4 21 4 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 22 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Plus on block. This move has some uses, such as far Anti-Air. It has a decent range and can go over low attacks. Might be good for stuffing jumpouts, but it can be crouched under.

Crouching Normals

2 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 7 9 8 H: 12 G: 11
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
One of Aulbath's best moves. Hands down. Huge frame advantage, can link into itself and is his most useful poke in dash pressure strings. You will find yourself hitting this button a lot.
2 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3(5)3 12 6 5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid first - 10+7 4+3 H: 9+6 G: 6+3 W: 3
A two hit MP. This move can also be canceled during the first or second hit. What makes this move unique is it's ability to link into any other weak normal, such as 2LP, on hit. This gives Aulbath a powerful tool when using this move in a Pressure string. But this move is also GC bait, due to it hitting twice. Can't be cancelled when used out of a dash.
2 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3(3)3 25 - -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+13 3+5 H: 15+9 G: 10+4 W: 6
This move does knockdown on hit, but isn't as good as 2HK in terms of range. Must be blocked low.
2 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 9 7 6 H: 10 G: 9
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Really good 2LK with decent range. Less frame advantage than 2LP but hits low and automatically baits most guard cancels. This move can also link into itself and can be used in dash strings to change up your timing.
2 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3(3)3 17 1 0 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 10+5 4+2 H: 9+6 G: 6+3 W: 3
A two hit 2MK. Use on occasion while dashing for a further reaching low with more active frames than 2LK.
2 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 4 25 - -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 19 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Aulbath's sweep. Good range, but a bit slow. Very useful when dashing. The minus 1 frame disadvantage can leave Aulbath setup for a good pressure situation should he space the move correctly.

Dashing Normals

66 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 3 12 4 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
66 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3(5)3 12 6 5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 10+7 4+3 H: 9+6 G: 6+3 W: 3
66 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 6x3 18 -8 -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8x3 3x3 H: 12+6x2 G: 9+3x2 W: 6
The only dashing normal that isn't one of Aulbath's crouching normals. This move is never used as it is massively unsafe on hit or block and easy to Guard Cancel since it is 3 hits.
66 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 3 12 4 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
66 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3(3)3 17 1 0 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 10+5 4+2 H: 9+6 G: 6+3 W: 3
66 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 4 25 - -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 19 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Air Normals

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 6 4 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Almost all of Aulbath's air normals are excellent air-to-air nomals. Chain into mp, mk, or hp to keep the opponent from chicken blocking and counterattacking
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 5 4 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
This move is an excellent jump in move and easily one of Aulbath's main normals he'll be sticking to. Chain into MK or HP for a good frame trap to prevent chicken blocking. Another good trait about this move is that it acts as an option select in the air. If your opponent jumps in Aulbath's air-throw range the MP will become an air-throw if you are holding forward or back.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 6 18 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 21 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Another great air normal. As with MP, you can use option select this with air-throw.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 6 10 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
This has a weird angle and hitbox at first, but you'll soon realize how important this move is. Aulbath's only overhead is and it adds another dimension to his pressure game, especially on tall crouchers like Victor, Jedah and Bishamon. You can chain into j.dwn. hk or you can whiff an air chain to create a tricky jump in situation. Abuse this move often.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 6 9 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Not a move used terribly often, as MP covers the same options but with greater effect, but useable when doing air chains or neutral jumping.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 6 9 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 19 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
This move looks identical to MK but with greater startup and more hitstun/damage. Not terribly useful as a jump-in on its own, but can be useful for combos/air chains.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 until landing 4 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 19 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Dhalsim Drill. This move's hitbox is on the very tip. It can be used to escape certain pressures and in instant overhead setups but this normal is kinda silly to throw out, given Aulbath's other air options. Use it sparingly and close to the ground, because Aulbath can be punished if he's too high. Another interesting note is that if the opponent collides with Aulbath during a certain part of the normal(lower body) , the collision boxes will not allow the opponent to hit him until he lands.

Normal Throws

4 or 6 MP/HP
Ground Throw
4 or 6 MP/HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Amazingly strong throw, however it's weakness is that both MP and HP are lackluster buttons to use when throwing.

Throw button?: As for what button to throw with, 5MP tends to be the better option here, since 5HP is air blockable. However, if your timing is poor, you do 5MP late, or it gets crouched, letting it whiff, may get you killed if the opponent punishes your recovery when you attempt throwing. Most players will know this weakness and try to find opportunities to exploit it.

In practice, throwing with 5HP could be better, because if they air block it getting a strong punish isn't very practical, though it is possible to get an incredibly strong punish there. The bigger problem with 5HP is if they block it while on the ground. In that situation, letting an opponent ground blocking 5HP is exceptionally more dangerous than a blocked 5MP, since 5HP is -19 on block — at best. Landing recovery on 5.HP is only 1 frame though, making for certain punishes hard, but at minimum you have to expect a sweep coming.

In the end, what button you use is heavily based on the character you are fighting against, since certain ones rise into the air slower than others when jumping, making them more likely to be tagged with 5MP. Reading the habits of your opponent, whether they tend to jump or stand grounded is also important. Choose wisely.

Full damage even when teched: It doesn't matter if the throw is teched or not, the opponent will always take full damage. This normal throw is essentially a techable command throw. Even if they happen to tech it, Aulbath is at +21 frames afterwards, making it very easy for him, on reaction, to dash forward and lay on meaty pressure. Against some opponents with good rolls, it may be actually better for Aulbath if they tech the throw midscreen, since it places them in an easy to pressure situation.

Follow-up hit: This throw actually has a follow-up to it, something uncommon to all other characters besides Victor. 28 frames in, about when the opponent's body slams into the floor, if you press the opposite direction from the throw, Aulbath will flip them over, slamming them down a second time. There is only a 3 frame window available to input the follow-up, making it very tight input. The follow-up will place them in the opposite direction the opponent was thrown originally, so keep that in mind when using it.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 54 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-53 whole body 17 (17) 6 (6) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 78 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-77 whole body 10+17 (10+17) 4+6 (4+6) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
J.6P or J.4P
J.6P or J.4P
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
J.6P or J.4P
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 54 + landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-54 whole body 20 (9) 7 (3) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0

A relatively easy to land air throw. From his jump height, position of the air throw grab line, and the fact you're probably mashing MP every time you jump — you'll probably be tossing them constantly.

If this is teched, Aulbath is usually in an slightly iffy situation due to extremely poor frame advantage. Some characters can actually punish him if they tech his air throw, however the timing for that is extremely tight and difficult to do on reaction.

Frame advantage when teched varies based on the character:
  • -26f: Felicia, Victor
  • -25f: Aulbath, Lilith, Morrigan, Sasquatch, Zabel
  • -24f: Anakaris, Bishamon, Bulleta, Demitri, Jedah, Q-Bee
  • -23f: Lei-Lei, Gallon

Special Moves

Sonic Wave

Normal Version
Es Version
Normal Version
Es Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Aulbath shoots a sonic wave. If the opponent is struck by this on the ground they are stunned and stay open long enough for a jump in combo. If they get hit in mid air they'll float there and any hit will knock them down. Comes out faster than the Poison Wave and hits everything on its path (so no blind spot), but has shorter range.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
15 17 23 63 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 13 5 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15

Fastest, shortest range. Good anti air; builds good meter.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
16 23 27 59 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 13 5 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15

Slower than L version but travels about 50% more distance.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
18 29 31 55 -6 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 13 5 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15

Slowest. Max distance is about 1/2 screen.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
15 63 23 63 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 13,18 5,6 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Travels full screen and take up quite some space. While some characters can still get over it and it's easy to pushblock from a distance, it can still be quite useful to help you get in or stuff someone's approach.

Poison Cloud

Normal Version
Es Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Aulbath releases a cloud at a particular distance depending on the strength of the kick button. It'll stun the opponent if hit, similar to Sonic Wave, although if the opponent is in mid air it will ground them allowing a full jump in combo rather than a 1 hit follow up. Only hits where the cloud appears. Slower than Sonic Wave. An interesting thing to note about the poison gas combo is that your opponent can change their hitbox stance by holding down back or back while being hit. So certain characters won't get hit by standing normals if they can crouch them.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
28 25 25 61 0 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 9 4 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15

Fastest. Cloud appears at about 30% a screen away from Aulbath.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
30 25 29 57 -4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 9 4 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15

Cloud appears at about 50% a screen away from Aulbath.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
34 25 34 52 -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 9 4 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15

Slowest. 70% screen distance away from Aulbath.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
28 25 25 61 0 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 15 5 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Releases the LK, MK and HK version at the same time as one big cloud with no blindspots in front. Also lasts for a good amount of active frames, making it even harder to move around.

Trick Fish

Normal Version
Es Version
Normal Version
Es Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Aulbath's dragon punch-like attack, and his Guard Cancel. So terrible because he has to step back before activating it. Occasionally useful against jump happy opponents, but the main primary use is in niche bubble combo situations.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 15 14 + landing 8 - -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 4-6 feet 22 5 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Shortest range

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 18 18 + landing 8 - -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 4-6 feet 24 6 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Medium range

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
26 22 22 + landing 8 - -10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 4-6 feet 26 7 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Longest range

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 3x7,2 22 + landing 8 - -14 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 4-6 feet 15x3 5x3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
3 hit, more damage

Trick Fish GC

Normal Version
Es Version
Normal Version
Es Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 15 14 + landing 8 - -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-23 whole body 10 2 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 18 18 + landing 8 - -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-23 whole body 12 3 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
26 22 22 + landing 8 - -10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-23 whole body 12 3 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 3x7,2 22 + landing 8 - -14 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-23 whole body 7x3 2x3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Command Throws

6324 MP or HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
2 frame start up with 1 frame of invincibility. Places the opponent in front of you but throws them full screen; so use this when you have them in the corner.

Input Priority: If you press LP with either MP or HP at the same time, the LP will always come out over the other two attacks. This can be utilized with Aulbath's command throw by simply inputting 6324LP+MP, making it so a whiffed command grab will result in the safer and faster 5.LP instead of an MP or HP. The downside to using this method with Crystal Lancer is that if you have meter, on a successful grab it will be the ES version. While the damage on the ES version is nice, sometimes you want to save that meter for a bubble or Aulbath's other great meter options. Utilize this application at your own discretion.

Negative Edge: Utilizing Negative Edge with command grabs is something very strong. Negative edge is where you release a button to activate a special move, instead of pressing the button. This means you must already be holding down MP or HP, input 6324, and then release MP or HP. If done correctly, when you're in range you'll grab the opponent, and if you're out of range nothing will happen. For Aulbath, it allows you to completely sidestep having to risk a 5MP or 5HP whiffing. Use of this is situationally dependent, sometimes you may want to press the button and sometimes you may not.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 1 31 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1 whole body 4+4+19 2+2+4 H: 21 G: 0 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 1 31 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1 whole body 4x6+13 2x7 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
6324 MK or HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
7 frame start up with 6 frames of invincibility. Places the opponent behind you with great frame advantage; use this when your back is to the corner.

Since this is a kick throw, it opens up 5MK and 5HK as throw buttons. Input priority tricks, as mentioned under Crystal Lancer, also allow for 5LK and 5LP as throw buttons. Using 5.LK will result in the ES Version of Gem's Anger if you have meter, however an input such as 6324MK+LP will result an ES version not coming out on success and an LP coming out on whiff.

This is a bit of odd command throw, it has a pretty slow start up — but with a massive amount of invincibility frames to insure that it will grab as long as they don't jump. You'll often see a normal going right through Aulbath's body just before he grabs them. It looks somewhat strange at first tends to catch people by surprise until they get used to it. Another thing to note in regards to the start up time, there is a much larger chance of getting the somewhat rare throw-whiff animation if the opponent jumps after the throw has already been input. The total frames of this throw on whiff are 38 frames.

Gem's Anger actually gives better much better okizeme than Crystal Lancer, since it leaves the opponent right next to Aulbath and gives him plenty of time to move around. You can take a few steps backwards and then set up a bubble to cover their roll options.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 1 31 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-6 whole body 6x8 2x8 H: 21 G: 0 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 1 31 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-6 whole body 5x8+12 2x8+2 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0


8P/K or 8KK/PP
8P/K or 8KK/PP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Useful for securing the kill and whiffing it to chase characters in certain situations where you can't reach otherwise.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
18 21 landing 8 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 6 6 H: 24 G: 0 W: 6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
15 21 landing 8 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 5x3 5x3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Ex Moves =

632PP or 632KK
632PP or 632KK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Aulbath summons a pillar of water. If you did the PP version, you can hold the buttons to adjust where the pillar appears. The KK version has set tracking. It does however deal pretty good damage and when the opponent falls down you can juggle them with any attack (even a Bubble, although the game has set quite a number of limits on the stun fireball moves). Fun vertical space control move that offers some of Aulbath's most curiously attractive combo and setup options, but it is resource intensive.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
42-124 52 61-101 - -4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 40,22 10,8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
42-101 52 61 - -4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 40,22 10,8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Aulbath's signature bubble move. He creates a man-sized bubble which slowly crawls forward, disappearing after awhile or when he's hit. It catches the opponent if they are too close and they can't block it. It isn't technically a grab, it can catch people during blockstun or hitstun, and doesn't care if the opponent is airborne or grounded, it can can catch them as long as their hitbox is exposed to it . When an opponent is caught they'll float upwards, receiving white damage until the bubble breaks (after awhile) or when they get hit. Don't mess around, as the opponent can mash out! A Poison Wave soon after the catch will net you a free ground combo.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
37 78 50 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
unblockable no - 12+0/14f 4+1/14f H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Aulbath summons waves of water that hits very close to the ground. First few hits have small gaps between them so you can't jump out. The later hits can be jumped out though. Good for snuffing fireballers who get too predictable (Jedah, Demitri). Cannot be used while in Dark Force.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
28 110 123 7 -11 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - (14,10,8)x8 (5,4,3)x8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
This move costs three stocks of super, and can only be done in LP or MP costume colors. It is an overhead, but it has a ridiculously slow startup, very poor recovery on block, and does pathetic damage on hit. Very obviously a joke super meant as an Easter egg, for novelty value only. Never use this. In fact, don't even pick those costume colors so you can avoid using it by accident.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 3 38 - -23 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21 5 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Dark Force

Wave Surfing: Ocean Rage - Same strength P + K (32f Start Up; 34f of Invincibility; 8f Recovery after touching the ground when DF ends)

Aulbath activates one of the best Dark-Forces in the game and hops on the Mach Crab! While surfing on the Mach Crab Aulbath enters a limited flight mode and gains and loses several abilities: He gets hyper armor but is unable to block, he cannot throw the opponent or be thrown by the opponent, and all of his attacks are the crouching versions though the opponent can block while standing, crouching or jumping.
When surfing on the Mach Crab, Aulbath can move in all 8 directions freely, to a maximum height of a little above the middle of the screen. His forward movement while surfing is speedy, but surfing backwards is pretty slow. He can dash forward and backwards with 66 and 44, which covers the screen almost instantly.
He has access to most of his special moves while riding on the Mach Crab, however he cannot use Trick Fish, Sea Rage, or either of his Command Throws. Direct Scissors also loses the overhead property and can be blocked while crouching. He can also special and ex cancel any normal, including during a chain combo on hit or block!
  • LK+MK+HK (While in Dark-Force):
Press all three Kick buttons to manually jump off the Mach Crab. By holding specific directions you can change how you hop off. While you're still in the air you're free to do jumping attacks and chains, these attacks must be blocked standing.
  • 4, 5 or 6 + KKK will have Aulbath dismount the Mach Crab by hopping off with his normal jump height.
  • 7, 8 or 9 + KKK will have Aulbath dismount the Mach Crab with a super jump!
  • 1, 2 or 3 + KKK will have Aulbath dismount the Mach Crab with a short hop.
Holding these directions while the Dark-Force timer naturally ends, or by pressing "Same Strength P+K" to forcibly end the Dark-Force will still allow you to control your dismount direction and attack on the way down. However, when ending the Dark-Force in the manner, Aulbath has a brief moment of recovery time as soon as he touches the ground which makes comboing incredibly difficult. Manually dismounting the Mach Crab with KKK doesn't end the Dark-Force, so the recovery is delayed and comboing from the air to the ground is much easier. Be aware that even if you are off of the Mach Crab, you will still have the 8 frame recovery time as soon as the Dark-Force ends.
When manually dismounted from the crab, Aulbath regains his standard attributes. He has access to all of his special moves once again besides Sea Rage, which he still cannot use until the Dark-Force ends.
  • LK+MK+HK (While still in Dark-Force, but you have manually jumped off of the Mach Crab):
You saddle back up on the Mach Crab! Wherever the Mach Crab is on the screen, Aulbath leaps directly towards it and gets back on. The opponent can interrupt Aulbath's remount by attacking him. When back on the Mach Crab he regains all of his Dark-Force attributes.
You can special cancel into the remount. It's even possible cancel Aulbath's backdash into remount, just like you can cancel it into a Trick Fish. Oddly enough you can simply hold down all three kick buttons to repeatedly get on and off the crab, which looks very silly. None of this has any practical use, because in a normal match the Dark-Force timer just doesn't last long enough to constantly dismount and remount.

How to properly use Aulbath's Dark Force:

When using it as a purely defensive tool, due to the Hyper Armor it can get him out of some very dangerous situations. Most notably, is that he can use it to escape his own Bubble setups. Otherwise it is useful to try an escape grab attempts or to just escape the corner during typical corner pressure, as it automatically takes Aulbath away from the corner.
While one of the strongest Dark-Force's in the game, if Aulbath doesn't get the initial hit at the start, opening up the opponent afterwards can be difficult since he can't throw or hit high or low. You want to get them jump on them right after activating, otherwise they'll just block until the Dark-Force ends. First thing to realize with his Dark-Force is that every time it is activated, Aulbath moves to the same part of the screen, which is essentially 1/4th across the total screen distance. It doesn't matter if he is in front of that spot or behind it, he'll leap forwards or backwards to get on that Mach Crab. If you have your opponent pushed towards the far end of the screen, you may need to instantly dash forward after recovering from your Dark-Force activation to get in range to attack.
The best part about Aulbath moving to a specific position on the screen after activating Dark-Force is that if he is cornered with his opponent next to him, upon activation he will jump over them to that 1/4th screen position and onto the Mach Crab almost instantly; at the same time placing the opponent in the corner. If the opponent had Aulbath in the corner and misplaces an attack or a poor throw attempt right when Aulbath activates, there is a good chance for Aulbath to punish. Even if the opponent is able to block, the quick cross up may confuse them into not blocking correctly. From this position, if you get the hit you can chain them into a knockdown and then set up an unblockable bubble.
If you fail to get that initial hit, you can try hopping off of the Mach Crab with KKK and go for a quick overhead, but most players should be expecting at least that much. Faking the overhead isn't a bad idea, and if you surf to the lowest point on the screen and do a short jump off of the Mach Crab with 3.KKK you can land surprisingly quickly and go right into a low attack. From that height it can become difficult to see if a high or low attack is coming.
The last way to open someone up while in Dark-Force mode is to realize that even if Dark-Force'd Aulbath is hit while the Bubble is out, it will not cause it to pop. You can just try to brute force someone into the Bubble while not worrying about taking hits. Due to Aulbath being able to control his vertical positioning on the screen while surfing you have the ability to set Bubbles out a bit higher up, making it difficult (and maybe even impossible) for taller crouching opponents to duck under AND jump over.



Notable Players


Japanese Player Index:

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Uminoko 海の子 MK Aulbath color mk small.png Kanto region
East Japan's strongest Fish
Bow MK Aulbath color mk small.png Okayama West Japan's strongest Fish
MaguMogu マグモグ HP Aulbath color hp small.png North North Japan's strongest Fish
Haiiro 灰色 KK Aulbath color kk small.png Kanto region Name means "grey" in Japanese, hence his color.
Shou しょう LP Aulbath color lp small.png Kanto region

North America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Xanoz ザノス KK Aulbath color hp small.png Colorado, USA Long time community organizer. Nicknamed VSAV Mama, and she's a big time Streets of Rage fan and player.
DaiAndOh ダイアンドオー PP Aulbath color pp small.png New York, USA Community Organizer. He's a huge basketball fan that will see you in NBA Jam always. Requires 2 chairs to play.
OMGWTFLOL OMGWTFLOL MK Aulbath color lk small.png Pennsylvania, USA Long time player and tech monster for VSAV. Known for playing with a custom built keyboard. She is also a legendary COTA player who may or not be a real life Terminator.
Miller2B ミラー2B MP Aulbath color mp small.png Midwest, USA Strong Midwest Aulbath player that also plays Gallon.
ActionHank アクションハンク KK Aulbath color hp small.png Ohio, USA VMP Fish player that has consistently been strong and very technical.
Lou Minaudi ルーミナウディ MK Aulbath color lk small.png USA Originally an online Fish player that has done well at recent tournaments
GrooveDiva グルーヴディーバ KK Aulbath color hp small.png Philadelphia, USA ??? Originally online fish player that went to his first major in 2022 and did incredibly well
Sonicspear ソニックスピア MP Aulbath color mp small.png Ohio, USA Very strong VMP Aulbath player


Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Baldadidi KK Aulbath color kk small.png France Always fails the bubble, but wins the match

South America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Ellecito エレシト チェ PP Aulbath color pp small.png Concepcion, Chile Fresh Fish from Chile! Very consistent defense and lethal offense con sus burbujas!
