Super Naruto: Clash of Ninja 4/Gaara

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With high health and the sturdiest guard in the game, the Sand Village's jinchuriki is a defensive powerhouse. Gaara punishes poor KNJ's hard with tracking sand pillars which reset his long combo loops. Once his victim is weakened, he can easily finish them off with his Sand Burial super, or chip damage with his various sand attacks.

Character Traits

  • Sturdiest guard bar in the game. Gaara can afford to block strings for a little bit longer than other characters.
  • His main combo loops of 8ABAY and 2BA are very obnoxious to KnJ. 8ABA causes front sub resets at walls, and 2BA pillars have good tracking which can punish KnJ into a reset anywhere.


String List

String # Inputs Notes
CONR3 STRING.png 01 B ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB Button
  • X ButtonCancellable at B Button(B Button)
  • For CONR3 STRING.png 03, can hold the final input to change the move's effect.
  • For CONR3 STRING.png 04, the final move requires 75% meter to be used.
CONR3 STRING.png 02 B ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 03 B ButtonB ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 04 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonX Button
CONR3 STRING.png 05 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 06 B ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 07 ForwardB ButtonB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 08 ForwardB ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 09 ForwardB ButtonA ButtonA Button
  • Can hold the final input to change the move's effect.
CONR3 STRING.png 10 BackB ButtonB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 11 BackB ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
  • Can hold the final input to change the move's effect.
CONR3 STRING.png 12 DownB ButtonB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 13 DownB ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 14 DownB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonX Button
  • The final move requires 75% meter to be used.
CONR3 STRING.png 15 DownB ButtonA ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 16 DownB ButtonA ButtonA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 17 DownB ButtonA ButtonA ButtonForwardA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 18 DownB ButtonA ButtonA ButtonDownA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 19 UpB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 20 UpB ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 21 RunB ButtonB Button
CONR3 STRING.png 22 ForwardA ButtonA Button
CONR3 STRING.png 23 BackA ButtonA Button
  • The second input will not come out unless the first is successfully activated.
CONR3 STRING.png 24 UpA ButtonB ButtonB ButtonX Button
  • The final move requires 75% meter to be used.
CONR3 STRING.png 25 UpA ButtonB ButtonA ButtonA Button

Weak Attacks


B Button
SCON4 Gaara 5B.png
SCON4 Garaa 5B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
14 High 14 2 30 - - - -
  • Primary Jab.
  • Can go intoB Button(B Button) on whiff.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


ForwardB Button
SCON4 Gaara 6B.png
SCON4 Garaa 6B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
16 Mid 18 5 34 - - - -

Lunging back hand. High crushes and hits mid making it useful for okizeme.

Flag Data
High Crush frames 7~17
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


DownB Button
SCON4 Gaara 2B.png
SCON4 Garaa 2B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
16 Low 18 5 32 - - - -

Low, sweeping kick. High crush. One of Gaara's most commonly used neutral pokes. Slower than his jab but leads to his main sand pillar combos. Be careful on block, as characters with air kunai attacks can punish A follow-ups.

Flag Data
High Crush frames 11~35
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


BackB Button
SCON4 Gaara 4B.png
SCON4 Garaa 4B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
20 Mid 32 4 38 - - - -

Guard frame attack. Slow relative to other character's 4B's but, lacking other defensive abilities aside from his sturdy guard, sometimes a necessary evil. On offense can link into a full combo but the string is punishable on block.

Flag Data
Autoguard frames 2~20
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


UpB Button
SCON4 Gaara 8B.png
SCON4 Garaa 8B hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
16 High 18 3 36 - - - -

Jumping knee kick. Lifts the opponent on block or causes a spinning launch on hit. High crush during the startup. High damage combo filler. j.A is a decent blockstring.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Running B

RunB Button
SCON4 Gaara runB.png
SCON4 Garaa runB hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
17 High 19 5 39 - - - -

Backflip kick. Not all too useful on block as the follow-up is punishable. Niche uses in combos.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


Air AttackB Button
SCON4 Gaara jB.png
SCON4 Garaa jB hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
18 Mid 25 Until landing - - - - -

Divekick which causes a spinning launch. Great combo filler due to its high damage and big launch. Its slow startup makes it risky and seldom-used in neutral.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Strong Attacks


A Button
SCON4 Gaara 5A.png
SCON4 Garaa 5A hitbox.png
SCON4 Garaa 5A charge.png
SCON4 Garaa 5A charge hitbox.png
Version Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
Uncharged - - - - - - - - -
Charged - - - - - - - - -

Fires two slow moving sand projectiles. Full charge makes them space out and multi-hit, allowing Gaara to combo depending on the spacing. Not great in neutral as opponent can move around them easily, but great on block due to the multi-hit nature of the attack locking down the opponent.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


ForwardA Button
SCON4 Gaara 6A.png
SCON4 Garaa 6A hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -

Gaara's round ender. Can finish off opponents by dealing tons of chip damage. A follow-up allows for extra damage and help keep Gaara safe after the attack. Near walls, Gaara can link 6A back into 5B (and then string to 5BBB(A)) for a combo loop that forces substitution.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


DownA Button
SCON4 Gaara 2A.png
SCON4 Garaa 2A hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
16 - - - - - - - -

Gaara causes an eruption of sand completely surrounding himself. On hit, sends the victim flying across the screen. Serves as a combo ender since it will catch KNJ's. Sometimes able to combo afterwards this is dependent on positioning with the wall. Unblockable when Gaara is backturned to the opponend and nd thus has utility in certain okizeme situations.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


BackA Button
SCON4 Gaara 4A.png
SCON4 Garaa 4A hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -

Counter. Activated counter is Gaara's teleport sand dive. Works on projectiles.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


UpA Button
SCON4 Gaara 8A.png
SCON4 Garaa 8A hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
14 - 23 - - - - - -

Gaara makes a sand pillar erupt at his opponent's location, launching them in the air. Good anti-air since it reaches pretty high and Gaara can start his combo loop with 8ABAY, but sucks in neutral as the move's position tracking is quite a bit before it actually hits and the move can also be easily punished if it doesn't connect.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Running A

RunA Button
SCON4 Gaara runA.png
SCON4 Garaa runA hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
18 Low 9 17 33 - - - -

Sand car. Sweeps on hit but easily punishable on block. Generally serves as a combo ender for a little extra damage, like after a 5[A], or as a seldom used burst option to catch the opponent off guard.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


Air AttackA Button
SCON4 Gaara jA.png
SCON4 Garaa jA hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -

Gaara launches sand projectiles at a downwards angle, similar to standard air kunai.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes



Y Button
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
20 - 1 1 48 - - - -

Standard throw.


DownY Button
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -

Side switch throw. Gaara launches the opponent behind himself with a sand pillar.



X Button
SCON4 Gaara 5X.png
SCON4 Garaa 5X hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -

Gaara sends out a wave of grasping sand-hands which slowly move forward, making it the longest active super in the game and good for catching rolling opponents or connecting after sand pillars. High damage and if it doesn't kill, Gaara can go for a chip-damage kill with 6AA. One of the better BM supers to hit after round end because the cutscene is long and brutal.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


DownX Button
SCON4 Gaara 2X.png
SCON4 Garaa 2X hitbox.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
- - - - - - - - -

Gaara protects himself in a sphere of sand and then Shukaku's arm shoots out towards the opponent. Gaara is fully invincible during the move. The attack is blockable. Not very useful unless you're catching your opponent pressing a very laggy move, due to its slow startup. The arm can be directed straight upwards by holding 8.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


Gaara's main gameplan is to keep the opponent guessing, both on block and hit, with his sand pillars. Given that the sand attacks of DownB ButtonA ButtonA ButtonA Button track the enemy, it can be hard for the opponent to KNJ out. Gaara's combo loop lasts so long that a mistimed KNJ can easily link into a death combo, even without a hard call out from Gaara. Gaara should mix up the number of pillars he uses and their timing following a DownB Button.

B ButtonB ButtonB ButtonB ButtonA Button (sand dive) crosses up on block, though the defender can avoid this attack with a sidestep or movement.

The UpA ButtonB ButtonA Button string threatens a teleport attack (sand dive) at the end, which can be performed on whiff. Air AttackA Button string enders can help make the opponent scared to take back their turn.

It's okay if you don't outright kill your opponent after a combo or super, as Gaara is the king of chipping out opponents remaining health with moves like ForwardA Button.

Gaara may struggle against characters with good block strings and fast buttons, leaving him doing nothing but blocking helplessly. Ensure to keep a good defensive wall, snuffing out approaches and always making sure you're in control of the match.


Default ()
Chunin Exams ()
Half-Shukaku ()
CONR3 Alternate ()

Changes from Vanilla

List may be outdated

  • Guard: increased from 1760 to 2000
  • 5B: elbow hitbox removed; hitbox made smaller; active frame 2, hitbox size increase
  • 5B(B): hitbox disappears two frames earlier
  • 5BB(B): turns back turned opponents around
  • 5BBA(A): has three grabbable frames at the startup, doesn't teleport as high
  • 5BBBB(A): hitbox appears two frames earlier; teleports a frame later when coming from B moves (ex: 6BB(A) instead of 8AB(A))
  • 6B: turns back turned opponents around
  • 6B(B): (taijutsu flip kick) blockstun increased, start up is 4 frames later, toe hitboxes slightly bigger; "lands" 2 frames later; recovers 10 frames faster on landing
  • 4BB(B): increased duration, lower angle, hand knockdown
  • 2B: lift increased
  • 2BA(A) and 2BAA(A): adjusted hand to clasp on Gaara's arm properly
  • 8B: ends significantly sooner, cannot do A or B follow ups after Gaara lands
  • 5A: charge time decreased from 11f to 9f
  • 6A: appears 12 frames sooner; can be grabbed for the whole duration
  • 4A: counter window improved
  • A4A: appears behind opponent into custom RA that is an unblockable sweep
  • 2A: comes out faster, can be grabbed
  • 8A: is immune to high attacks on frames 9-20, cannot be thrown 15-until the pillar appears, then can be grabbed after; hands curl around the arm properly
  • 8A(B): (sand flip kick) "lands" two frames later; recovers 8 frames faster
  • JA: projectile has more stun; air momentum only affects his upwards lift
  • 5X: hitbox appears 5 frames sooner
  • 2X: comes out faster, recovers quicker, requires and costs 75% meter, blocks everything while the orb is active, safe(r) on hit; grabbable until frame 30 on startup (13 frames after super freeze ends for the opponent) and as the sphere disappears; does 40 damage
  • GRKnJ: is RA; teleports 1 frame faster


Technical Data
Awakened Hinata
Might Guy
OTK Naruto
Rock Lee
CS2 Sasuke
Sakon & Ukon
Third Hokage
Archived Information
Training Modes