Samurai Shodown V Special/Ukyo Tachibana

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< Samurai Shodown V Special
Revision as of 15:15, 15 May 2019 by Makyurial (talk | contribs) (Quick clean-up of his slashes. Added properties, some descriptions to choice moves, etc.)
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橘 右京, Tachibana Ukyo


Blue-haired Iaido master and poster boy for tuberculosis awareness.

Jokes aside, he is arguably one of the best characters in the game. He has quick and long reaching pokes, an instant overhead that can combo from a 2C, a fast dash, and hard-hitting punishers, Uyko specializes in fast mixups and harassing the enemy.

Though he has good jumping normals along with his Tsubame Gaeshi, he also has the second-longest jump time in the game.


  • Damage taken: 120%
  • Rage duration: 20 seconds
  • Amount to rage: 45
  • Walk speed: 544
  • Backwalk speed: 384
  • Dash speed: 1792
  • Jump duration: 59 frames
  • Width: 16
  • Throw range: 12


Far Slashes

Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.
Ukyo's main poke. Quick poke with 8-frame start up. It is recoil-cancellable, so you can cancel it to 214C to lessen the recovery, or if you think your opponent is going to counter-poke, cancel into 236A (this is unsafe on block so only do this as a read).
Properties: Deflectable.
One of Ukyo's main punishers. Has a zippy-quick 13-frame startup and does pretty hefty damage. However, it isn't recoil-cancelable, so you're going to get hurt if this gets blocked.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Deflectable.
Basically 5B while crouching, which naturally means it's another mainstay poke. Super quick on startup and recovery, and is great at keeping foes away despite its range being somewhat short compared to his other slashes. Not too unsafe on block, either.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Deflectable.
Funny little sitting anti-air that starts above Ukyo's head before hitting in front of him. Not a very good move for anti-airing considering he has Tsubame Gaeshi, which is quicker and has greater reward on hit.
Properties: Deflectable.
Another main punisher, is 1 frame faster than 5AB but does 2 points less damage. The hitbox of this move is very low to the ground so it can punish some moves such as Kazuki's WFT (you have to press it immediately after the block).

Near Slashes

Properties: Cancelable. Deflectable.
Mostly just used in scrambles. No recoil animation.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.
Fairly quick slash that can combo into his 236S or WFT for a knockdown. Only really useful as a punish starter if you aren't confident n.5AB will hit them in time or really want to land the WFT.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Deflectable.
Basically a two-hitting version of 5AB. This naturally means you'll only want to use it when it's a guaranteed punish. It can recoil cancel or cancel during the first seven frames of its animation (before the actual attack comes out), but you really don't want to bank on either of those.
Properties: Cancelable. Deflectable.
Another scramble tool. Just like n.5A, it has no recoil animation.
Properties: Cancelable. Deflectable.
Basically n.2A with slower recovery. Ukyo's got better options at this range, and you really don't want to misjudge your spacing and have a 2B come out instead.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.


5BC: Weird


6C: Sliding knock down kick which is safe if you space it properly. Can add a small pursuit if you are close enough after. A good use of this is to use this when your opponent is running at you.
2C: This fucking kick. 6-frame startup, neutral on block (this is really rare in SSVSP) and +5 on hit. Hits low, and can link into a Tsubame Gaeshi, which hits high. And comes out in 4~5 frames. And knocks down, letting you low kick again. This is his main way of mix up, since 2C recovers fast enough to let you throw off their timing with 2C 2C Tsubame, or 2C -pause- Tsubame, or just throw them or 2C 66B cross up.


j.B: Can cross up with it but it's not going to work on experienced players due to Ukyo's slow jump speed. It can be done as a instant overhead but obviously unsafe because Ukyo will drop down very slowly due to his slow jump speed. However, this is very useful in Concentration mode as this creates a 50/50 high low mix up along with 2C. Both are hit-confirmable into Issen (BCD during Concentration mode).


66B: Ukyo dashes to the other side of the opponent and does a slash that will knock down on hit. Very unsafe, but since it's a psuedo-teleport it can beat a lot of anti-dash moves. It will always whiff if your opponent is in the corner.
66AB: Ukyo rolls to the ground and slashes at the opponent's knees. Another awesome punisher, for those times when 5AB won't reach. It's fast and does good damage for its speed, and you can tack on a 2BC if you're close enough afterwards. It can also go under a surprising amount of stuff with its low hitbox. Ukyo's fast dash is just the icing on the cake.




Deflect - 216D:
Weapon Pickup - 5A:
Taunt Disarm - Start Start Start:


Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236S:

One of Ukyo's most important moves in general. Hits overhead, can be tigerknee'd, and has a blazing fast 3-frame startup, fast enough to combo off of 2C. Also can be used as anti-air.

Hiken Sasameyuki - 214S:
'Hi'ken Sasameyuki - 214C: (can be used unarmed)
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236S:
Tsubame Rokuren - 236CD - WFT: Bad WFT compare to other characters. It is slow with 19 frames and no invulnerable frames. It is a high so I guess you can hit people who don't play the game...



  • (n.5B or n.2B) ...
  • ... xx 236AB 2BC
  • ... xx 214A
  • ... xx 236CD
  • 236A 8BC
  • (236B or 236AB) 2BC
  • 2C tk.1236B
2C is low, firebird is high. Have fun blocking!
  • 66AB 2BC
  • 66C 2BC
  • 6C 2BC
  • 3C 2BC

Time slow


Poking and Punishing

Ukyo is mainly played as a poking character. He can harass the opponent with long reaching normals (far 5B, far 2A). His punish game is exceptionally good: Far reaching 13-frame far AB, and if it is too far, you can do the 4-frame 66AB.

Hit and Run

His poking and punishing game is complemented by Ukyo's quick dashing and backdash speed. Quick dashing allows 66AB for punish, 66B for cross up, 66C for low, and 66CD for grab.


Once he scores a single knockdown, he can start running his 2C firebird oki, which may as well be unblockable for how fast it is. If you're feeling fancy, you can go for 2C 2C firebird to throw off their block timing. However, don't abuse this if your opponent is good at fuzzy guarding or has a decent invulnerable move. Also the hitbox doesn't hit close to the ground so it can be ducked. Also prone to be deflected too.


Some characters have dangerous counters to Ukyo's mixup. Watch out for:

Rasetsumaru: A reversal super will go clean through anything you try on wakeup, and he rages really fast. His rage doesn't last very long though and his super is mega unsafe.

Jubei: If you get too predictable, a good Jubei player can buffer a high counter off of a blocked 2C and catch a followup Tsubame Gaeshi. A reversal 623 will beat your 2C.

Yoshitora: His AB uppercut takes a while to get out but is invincible until the first active frame. If your 2C is early enough you can actually recover before his uppercut's first active frame, then block and punish.

Frame Data

Move Damage Startup Active Total Cancel Weapon
Guard Notes
5A 6 9 2 25 1~2(2) / 9~14(6) 8(1) -6 -6 -12 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
5B 12 8 2 34 11~15(5) 7(1) -8 +0 -18 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
5AB 31 13 2 52 x - -2 +8 -34 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
2A 5 5 2 20 1(1) / 7~11(5) - -5 -5 -6 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
2B 11 8 3 40 1~4(4) - -9 -1 -18 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
2AB 29 12 1 49 1~6(6) - +0 +10 -32 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
n.5A 5 5 3 16 1~4(4) / 5~13(9) - -1 -1 -6 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
n.5B 8 8 1 40 8~11(4) 6~7(2) -14 -6 -18 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
n.5AB 5, 23 12 2 63 1~7(7) 9~11(3) / 14(1) / 19(1) -6 +4 -26 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(heavy)
n.2A 4 5 5 16 1~2(2) / 5~12(8) - -1 -1 -6 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
n.2B 6 6 6 23 6~15(10) - +1 +9 -12 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
n.2AB 5, 25 14 3 62 1~5(5) - -2 +8 -21 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(heavy)
5C 5 8 4 35 1~4(4) - -9 -1 -22 Mid Medium attack
6C 7 5 11 34 1~2(2) - KD KD -24 Low Knockdown attack
2C 2 6 4 11 x - +5 +5 +0 Low Weak attack
3C 6 5 10 28 x - KD KD -24 Mid Knockdown attack
5-14f throw invincible
j.A 5 7 16 30 1~3(3) - -- -- -- High Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
j.B 9 5 4 29 1~2(2) - -- -- -- High Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
j8.AB 26 10 3 33 1~5(5) - -- -- -- High Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
j7/9.AB 25 12 5 27 1~5(5) - -- -- -- High Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
j.C 3, 3 5 5 30 x - -- -- -- High Heavy attack
ju.C 3, 3 5 5 30 x - -- -- -- High Heavy attack
5BC 16 20 2 45 x - KD KD -19 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
u.5BC 6 31 9 44 x - KD KD -19 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
66A 5 11 8 33 1~3(3) - -4 +4 -26 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(heavy)
66B 12 22 1 66 x - KD KD -39 Mid Knockdown attack
66AB 15 4 2 38 1~2(2) - KD KD -29 Mid Knockdown attack
1-13f throw invincible
66C 4 6 12 32 1~3(3) - KD KD -21 Low Knockdown attack
1-17f throw invincible
u.5S 4 5 1 18 1(1) - -3 -3 -8 Mid Weak attack
u.2S 4 6 1 20 x - -4 -4 -9 Mid Weak attack
ju.S 4 9 8 25 x - -- -- -- High Medium attack
u.66S 4 6 1 24 1~2(2) - KD KD -13 Mid Knockdown attack
1-14f throw invincible
u.66C 4 6 12 32 1~3(3) - KD KD -21 Low Knockdown attack
1-17f throw invincible
2BC 6 21 7 68 x - -- -- -- Mid
u.2BC 8 7 24 35 x - -- -- -- Mid
8BC 13 40 38 101 x - -- -- -- Mid
u.8BC 8 25 18 79 x - -- -- -- Mid
Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236A 18 3 6 x x - KD KD -41 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
16f landing recovery
Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236B 21 3 6 x x - KD KD -48 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
23f landing recovery
Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236AB 2x6, 24 10 7 x x - ?? ?? -75 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
45f landing recovery
'Hi'ken Sasameyuki - 214C x x x 17 x - -- -- -- Mid
Hiken Sasameyuki - 214A 5x5 19 2 61 x - -4 -4 -17 Mid Medium attack
Hiken Sasameyuki - 214B 6x8 18 2 76 x - -5 -5 -17 Mid Medium attack
Hiken Sasameyuki - 214AB 7x11 22 2 102 x - -12 -12 -25 Mid Medium attack
1-12f throw invincible
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236A 16 15 2 x x - KD KD -27 Mid Knockdown attack
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236B 5, 18 15 2 x x - KD KD -36 Mid Medium attack Knockdown attack
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236AB 5, 5, 10 15 2 x x - KD KD -34 Mid Heavy attack Knockdown attack
Tsubame Rokuren - 236CD 30 19 29 69 x - KD KD -59 High Medium attack
14-47f above ground
22f landing recovery
Samurai Shodown V Special



AmakusaBasaraCharlotteEnjaGairaGalfordGaohGenjuroHanzoHaohmaruJubeiKazukiKusaregedoKyoshiroMinaMizukiNakoruruRasetsumaruReraRimururuShizumaruSogetsuSuijaTam TamUkyoYoshitoraYunfeiZankuro


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