Samurai Shodown V Special/Ukyo Tachibana

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橘 右京, Tachibana Ukyo


Blue-haired Iaido master and poster boy for tuberculosis awareness.

Ukyo is one of the best characters in the game. Pretty much any gameplan can be accommodated for with his toolkit -- if he can do it, he does it incredibly well. Mixups, runaway, turtling, anti-airing, punishing, you name it. He takes extra damage, meaning he can suffer for a mistake, but he will run circles around most opponents if given the opportunity.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Stellar normals with long range, good damage, and quick startup.
  • Strong mixups and okizeme.
  • Great movement for both approaching to punish and running away to turtle.
  • Amazing anti-airs and air-to-airs.
  • Can punish just about everything.
  • A hit with the ladies.
  • Bad defense value.
  • Super floaty jump.
  • Relatively high execution barrier.
  • Mixups are very unsafe on block/whiff.


  • Damage taken: 120%
  • Rage duration: 20 seconds
  • Amount to rage: 45
  • Walk speed: 544
  • Backwalk speed: 384
  • Dash speed: 1792
  • Jump duration: 59 frames
  • Width: 16
  • Throw range: 12


Far Slashes

Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.
Worse 5B. Half the damage, 1f slower startup. Even with the quicker recovery it's not really worth using.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.
Ukyo's main poke. Quick horizontal swipe with 8-frame start up, great range, and decent recovery.
There are a few wrinkles to this move -- cancelling into 214C (fake apple toss) will shorten the recovery on hit and whiff, almost matching 5A recovery, and also segue into apple toss buffer trickery. Cancelling into 236S on hit will usually not combo, but will catch them trying to do something that isn't just blocking. The recoil cancel window also lets you occasionally blow up overeager punish attempts with a 236S, assuming they don't block.
Properties: Deflectable.
One of Ukyo's main punishers. Has a zippy-quick 13-frame startup, has huge range, and does pretty hefty damage. However, it has no recoil animation, so you're going to get hurt if this gets blocked.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Deflectable.
Basically 5B while crouching, which naturally means it's another mainstay poke. Super quick on startup and recovery, and is great at keeping foes away despite its range being somewhat short compared to his other slashes. Not too unsafe on block, either.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Deflectable.
Funny little sitting anti-air that starts above Ukyo's head before hitting in front of him. Requiring your foe be away from you limits this move to possibly being used for preemptively sniping jumps from midrange. Tsubame is usually your better bet to anti-air due to the risk of this being a crouching anti-air, but this is still great at catching slower jumps.
Properties: Deflectable.
Ukyo rolls to the ground and slashes at the opponent's knees. Another main punisher, is 1 frame faster than 5AB but does 2 points less damage. Like 5AB, it's very punishable on block. The short hurtbox also lets it low profile a good amount of stuff. Strong reactionary tool for various situations.
Pretty plus on backhit and leaves you closer to the opponent than other options. Link a Tsubame after for swag.

Near Slashes

Properties: Cancelable. Deflectable.
Mostly just used in scrambles. No recoil animation. Outclassed by 2C.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.
Fairly quick slash that can combo into his 236S or WFT for a knockdown. Doesn't reach upwards nearly as much as the animation would suggest.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Deflectable.
Basically a two-hitting version of 5AB, though its damage is outclassed by most of Ukyo's other punishers. You might use it to bait a rage explosion or something. It can recoil cancel or cancel during the first seven frames of its animation (before the actual attack comes out), but you really don't want to bank on either of those.
Properties: Cancelable. Deflectable.
Another scramble tool. Just like n.5A, it has no recoil animation. Also like n.5A, outclassed by 2C.
Properties: Cancelable. Deflectable.
Basically n.2A with slightly worse frame data and real combo options. His fastest slash that leads to a combo so it's worth knowing about, but you really don't want to misjudge your spacing and have a 2B come out instead.
Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Cancelable. Deflectable.
Crouching multi-hit horizontal swipe above Ukyo's head. Not an anti-air due to bad reach and multiple hits. Does more damage than n.5AB but starts up 2 frames slower. It's basically interchangeable with n.5AB as a punish tool, but it's a bit more likely to whiff the second hit from behind or at awkward spacings.


Properties: Hits high. Knockdown.
Weird hopping overhead that goes backwards. The hitbox goes backwards through the animation like with Mina so it can possibly hit rollers. Only really used to avoid lows/throws since you have much better ways to open opponents up.
Properties: Hits high. Knockdown.
Another weird overhead, now with Ukyo sticking his foot out. Doesn't go backwards and knocks the opponent quite a ways, but it's still an unarmed overhead (read: slow and punishable). If you absolutely need that long tech jump rather than a standard hop, I guess.


Active for a few frames and sticks out a decent distance. Easily his most unsafe kick on block. He's got better kicks but this isn't bad to have.
Properties: Hits low. Knockdown.
Sliding knock down kick which is safe if you space it properly. Can add a 2BC if you are close enough after. A good use of this is to use this when your opponent is running at you. Very strong option when disarmed.
Properties: Hits low.
This fucking kick. Hits low, 6-frame startup, neutral on block, and +5 on hit. This is his main way of mixing up at close range. It recovers fast enough to let you do all sorts of funny stuff on hit or block. See the 2C Mixups/Pressure section below for specifics.
Properties: Knockdown.
Similar frames to 6C. Active for a long time, great hitbox, but punishable if blocked and can't be spaced to make it safer. Doesn't move forward, though it is a goofy option to meaty through bad reversal attempts and throws thanks to its active frames featuring throw invuln. Also beats out pokes/approaches/bad jumpins easily. Useful move depending on the MU.


Properties: Hits high.
Jumping n.2A/n.2B. Just use his other jumping slashes if you really need to meet the opponent in the air.
Properties: Hits high.
Its hitbox allows it to cross up or instant overhead, but Ukyo jumps so slowly that against a good opponent the former will be blocked, and the latter will be punished on hit or block.
The primary time to use j.B is in time slow, being a very quick and effective instant overhead. It also becomes a 50/50 when paired with his 2C, both of which can be easily hitconfirmed into Issen.
Properties: Hits high.
A somewhat specialized air-to-air thanks to only being usable from a neutral jump. Can snipe opponents that otherwise lack a strong horizontal attack while in the air.
Properties: Hits high.
Strong air-to-air button that covers horizontally in front if you don't want to commit to a Tsubame. Exercise caution, depending on opposing jump arcs and how early you hit them with this, you might be punished on hit.
Properties: Hits high.
Hits twice, really active, covers slightly below in front of him. Not too bad but as usual be cautious when jumping as Ukyo. Might mess with throw mashers when landing with it.


Properties: Recoil cancel on block. Deflectable.
Low damage, okay reach, but horrendous frames on block and awkward recoil cancel window means you do not want to use this against someone on the ground. Lots of active frames though and can be a cross under anti-air. It's largely outdone by 66AB/66C for that purpose, though.
Properties: Knockdown.
Ukyo dashes to the other side of the opponent and does a slash that will knock down on hit. Fast irritating mixup combined with 66C and 66CD, particularly as surprise oki. Thanks to the autocorrect on running normals, if you run past your opponent and use this (such as after a knockdown), Ukyo will immediately turn around and do the attack normally for a same-side mixup.
Very unsafe, but since he runs right past the opponent it can avoid a lot of anti-dash moves, but it is not invincible and as such can still be stuffed. It will always whiff if your opponent is in the corner and can possibly whiff if you do it too close because of how far he runs. If you space this wrong and don't go behind them he'll slice the wrong direction and you will get punished. And even though it looks like he turns around during the attack, any punish after this being blocked will count as a backhit. TL;DR be careful.
Properties: Knockdown.
Running 2AB. Yet another awesome punisher, for those times when 5AB won't reach, and when chasing backdashes or stuffing approaches. It hits on frame 4(!), has absurd reach, and deals good damage. Ukyo's low hurtbox during this lets it low profile some stuff, and as such it's a great anti-air from the front or from behind if spaced right.
Properties: Hits low. Knockdown.
Basically running 6C. Somehow slightly safer on block. Can surprise opponents from a good distance away and combo into 2BC. Also has great utility as a cross-under anti air to catch the landing recovery. An important threat from Ukyo's good kit of dashing normals.


Dinky little slap at an upwards angle. Frames aren't that terrible and the angle is actually kind of nice.
Crouching version of the above. 2C pretty much invalidates this.
Properties: Hits high.
Jumping slap. Ukyo's moonjumping and j.C means this doesn't see use.
Properties: Knockdown.
Dash slap that knocks down. Safer up close than 66C but not a low. Works surprisingly well as an anti-air sometimes.


Pursuit - 2BC
Fairly slow pursuit with okay damage. This is a good tool for Ukyo because he can use it after most of his knockdowns and it keeps him within range to run his oki. Funny enough this is actually faster and deals more damage with no weapon.
Heavy Pursuit - 8BC
Only guaranteed time you can land this is after a 236A in the corner. Worth it in that respect but undoubtedly niche.


Deflect - 216D:
Standard deflect. Use like you would other deflects (recoil cancels, baiting pokes, etc).
Weapon Pickup - 5A:
Surprisingly fast weapon pickup.
Taunt Disarm - Start Start Start:
Just kinda sticks his sword in the ground. Not terribly slow.


Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236S:
One of Ukyo's most important moves in general. All versions hit overhead, have very great hitboxes that more or less cannot be contested, and have fast startup. Ukyo bounces backwards when it's blocked, with heavier versions not bouncing as far and having more recovery in exchange for increased damage. Generally speaking, these are all very unsafe on block. Some characters might have a tougher time meaningfully punishing light Tsubame if it's spaced out well, however, so its risk assessment can be matchup-dependent.
Doing a Tsubame from the ground (tiger knee'ing/TK) is input as 12369S, and you want to learn how to do this if you want to play Ukyo well. Can also be TK'd with neutral/back jumps or done from a backdash for specialized purposes. It can be low profiled, especially by smaller characters such as Rera, and having it whiff can be a death sentence. Pick your opportunities very carefully when using it. Or don't.
A/B both have a blazing fast 3-frame startup and are fast enough to combo off of 2C when TK'd. B Tsubame's longer landing recovery can put you in a bad situation even on hit, depending on the matchup (think Gaira or similar cases), so the light version's increased safety might make or break the match for you. These are a very strong option to buffer after blocking an attack for a lightning fast punish. You also get a lot of mileage reacting to bad jumps and hitting them with a TK'd Tsubame.
AB Tsubame is slower (10f startup) but hits numerous times for great amount of damage and has an even larger hitbox than the others, allowing him to cross up with it (not that you'd want to). It leaves him even more open to punishment if blocked or whiffed, as he hardly bounces at all and starts coughing after he lands, so only let it rip when you're absolutely certain it will hit.
Hiken Sasameyuki - 214S:
Ukyo tosses up an apple before slicing repeatedly in front of him. Has good range, but is only really useful as a chip tool. Surprisingly annoying for lots of characters to punish, but still risky if it pushes them out and you whiff. AB version has throw invuln on startup in case you want to look cool on a throw read.
During time slow if your opponent is almost dead, you can use this because the time slow basically eliminates its pushback. The AB version will eat up pretty much your entire time slow though. A neat somewhat gimmicky way to chip them out and beat anti-throw options, but the apple throw can be a giveaway. That's what throwing all those fake apples is for, wink wink.
'Hi'ken Sasameyuki - 214C: (can be used unarmed)
The absent sword, for all your apple throwing purposes. Not very committal. Very fun to cancel into for style points. You can buffer all sorts of fun stuff behind this, and even visually confirm what your opponent is doing before committing to anything beyond the toss itself.
All Ukyo players are required by law to do this at least five times per match.
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236S:
Pseudo-rekka that has Ukyo send afterimages to slice you. All versions are very unsafe and can be punished once you get used to the different audio cues for each one. Heavier versions go farther and add another slash to the sequence. Can theoretically be used as a gimmicky whiff punish to go through stationary hitboxes, from a back roll or a long distance chip/counterpoke tool, but really it's best to use it for punishes where you want the knockdown, or a recoil cancel if you're feeling lucky.
Oh, fun fact, the heavy version can whiff on the last hit from awkward ranges.
Tsubame Rokuren - 236CD - WFT:
Bad WFT compared to other characters. It starts up slow, has no invuln, and is hilariously punishable on whiff or block. Raging isn't the best option Ukyo has for meter management, considering the strength of his meditation and time slow. But it deals standard WFT damage and combos off of n.5B/n.2B if you really must. It is a high like the standard Tsubame, though far too slow to actually open anyone up with unless they're sleeping.



  • (n.5B or n.2B) ...
  • ... xx 236B/236AB 2BC
Standard corner carry. 236B does slightly more damage but carries a shorter distance. Frequently drops if you're hitting them from behind. Pursuit is corner only.
  • ... xx 236A 8BC
In case you're worried they'll explode. This is also the more consistent option on backhit. 8BC is a tighter link than 2BC in the above combo and is also corner only.
  • ... xx 214A
Reset to neutral. Can leave you open even on hit sometimes.
  • ... xx 236CD
If you absolutely must use WFT this is the only situation that it'll work in.
  • 2C tk.1236A/B
2C is low, Tsubame Gaeshi is high. The motion for the IoH should be done right around when Ukyo recovers from the kick in order to time the link correctly.
There is a caveat with this combo, being that whether or not it works can depend on who you're fighting. If your opponent's hurtbox shrinks low enough during hitstun, it can result in the combo not working at all, or only working when you aren't at point blank range. For the most part, you aren't going to be pressing 2C in their face so the latter category probably won't affect you very much.
Invalid on: Rimururu, Basara.
Valid when spaced on: Nakoruru, Shizumaru, Genuro, Kazuki, Sogetsu, Enja, Suija, Yoshitora, Yunfei, Mina.
  • (66AB/66C/6C/3C) 2BC
You'll likely use these normals quite a lot, so get used to converting them to a pursuit wherever you can.

Backhit only

  • 2AB tk.1236A/B
Situational? Yeah. Fast and hurts a ton? Yeah. At least the link is pretty lenient.
  • 2AB 5B xx 236B
Tougher and harder-hitting 2AB combo. The link is a lot tighter, but this does close to half a lifebar. Stick to the above version for more consistency.
  • n.2B xx 214C 5B xx 236B
Swag combo. The apple is only there to make linking into 5B easier, but the combo is still possible (albeit way less consistent) without it.
  • n.5B/n.2B xx 214CD
Not that you'll be in the situation to land this very much, but hey.

Time slow

  • j.AB j.AB j.AB ...
Used to hearing about this one yet? Your jump is pretty floaty though, so you might do better waiting for them to fall into Issen range.
  • (j.9B or 2C) BCD
50/50 with instant overhead j.B and 2C. Both lead to Issen. 2C is harder to explode on reaction but hoping they won't is risky. You can string together multiple 2C reps if you expect they'll block high for the ioh. Jump in with j.C before this mixup for an extra layer for them to block.
  • j.1236AB BCD
This one hurts a lot and cannot be exploded. Primarily used if you bait a big enough whiff while popping time slow. Use Tsubame before landing (don't tiger knee it), wait a little while for them to fall just around head height before using Issen. Lots of meditation and a full sword gauge for the Tsubame Gaeshi will lead to this easily shaving off ~75% of a lifebar.



Ukyo is ideally played as an irritating hit and run character that can choose to mix up when he lands a knockdown. To this end he will harass with quick long range normals, dance in and out of the opponent's range, and smack them for overextending. This makes him potent for both offensive and defensive play, thanks particularly to his incredibly good grounded movement. His forward run has numerous attacks he can mix up and whiff punish with to boot.

If he has the life lead, there's nothing stopping him from just running away and sitting on it. If the opponent has few options to effectively open you up, you can effectively wall them out with normals and punish them for overextending. This becomes very useful when the timer is running out.

But there are a few very pertinent things to be concerned about with Ukyo. He takes a lot of damage thanks to his defense value. Despite his great reach, if a character can outrange him with a quick long range attack, such as Haohmaru 5AB, he needs to be on point with his choices so he doesn't get blown up. Similarly he cannot get too trigger-happy with his buttons against a foe that represents deflects, because all of his best ranged pokes can be deflected and you will get hurt for it.

Almost any mixup Ukyo does is going to be heavily punishable, so if the opponent can block the basic 2C/Tsubame sequence or if they guess your 66B right, you are going to get hurt. Ukyo requires a great balance of careful play and effective risk-taking in order to play well, but the rewards for a correct guess can be huge as almost any knockdown he gets will feed into his pressure or let him run away.

2C Mixups/Pressure

Making the opponent block or get hit by a 2C opens them up to all sorts of possible mixups if you want to commit, including as okizeme. He can obviously do 2C tk.1236B for the classic setup, 2C 66B to cross up, 2C 6C to low knockdown, 2C 66CD to throw, etc. He can pretty safely keep pressing 2C to change up the timing, so getting out can be pretty tough if Ukyo's confident in his mixup.

However, don't abuse these options if your opponent is good at fuzzy guarding or has a decent invulnerable move. Getting blocked means you're going to eat a juicy punish, so as they show they can block correctly, your mixup becomes less braindead and requires you put more thought into which of his various options you use. Also note that Tsubame Gaeshi will go right over a 2D, and a poorly executed TK will result in it whiffing over some crouching opponents. Be confident in your execution when doing this mixup or else.


  • 5B - The big button itself. If you don't know what best to use, you can choose this with relative impunity. Just be sure the opponent doesn't have a read on you.
  • 2B - Not as catch-all as his other normals, but you can keep them from jumping by representing this. Know your range so this actually comes out.
  • 2A - The quicker shorter range version of 5B. If they're too close for comfort, use this. It's especially great for catching desperate approaches.
  • 2C - His best mash option up close. On hit or block you can mix up pretty effectively. Or just push them out of reach so you can go back to using slashes.
  • 3C - A super active option you can stick out to beat buttons and make approaching difficult. Doesn't lead to the best oki but you can make room if this hits.
  • 6C - Very quick decent range low option that leads to a pursuit and oki opportunities. Fairly safe when spaced.
  • 236A - Unsafe counterpoke gimmick, but hard to react to and punish if used sparingly. Best used at around 5B distance; even better as a recoil cancel. Do not abuse this.
  • 214S - Not too bad to wall them out with, actually. Does little damage but attempts to punish are tough to time correctly. Use sparingly if at all.


  • n.5B/n.2B xx 236S - Your fastest slash option that also does decent corner carry. See combos for version differences on 236S
  • 6C - A low commitment punish if you act too late for anything else. Easily sets up further pressure.
  • 5AB - 13f of pain. Great reach, startup, damage. Expect to die if this is blocked. Only use it for larger punishes.
  • n.5AB - Hugely unsafe but not as much as 5AB. Being multihit means this can be exploded and does middling damage.
  • 2AB - Alternative to 5AB. Similar damage/startup but slightly weaker. Still worth representing.
  • 66AB - Buffer this during blockstun to reliably get it out faster. Great range, can punish from absurd distances even with minimum distance traveled.
  • 66CD - With a run speed like that, why not?
  • tk.1236A/B - If you fancy yourself as having fast reflexes, buffer this during blockstun (maybe even hitstun). His absolute fastest punish but also one of the riskiest. Very big gamble.

Time Slow vs. Rage

Ukyo's meditation is very strong. He gets a lot of bang for his buck meditating and his time slow is supremely threatening thanks to dangerous mixups that cash out for immense damage with Issen. His damage is already pretty strong without rage as well, so it's not like he really wants to rage. Find spots during slow moments to meditate, usually when the foe is too far to do anything but throw fireballs and try to chip you a bit.

With that in mind if you're in a very scramble-heavy match and you find yourself raging because you didn't have time to meditate don't fret. Ukyo rages for a long time (20 seconds) and his best punishes/mixups all do some seriously beefy damage with extended sword gauge. His bad WFT is tacit encouragement to play out the rage and capitalize hard on his increased damage. Just play your usual Ukyo game and make them hurt a lot for making a mistake.


  • vs. Rasetsumaru
A reversal super will go clean through anything you try on wakeup, and he rages really fast. Watch out especially if he's raged in footsie range, because roll into WFT will blow you up hard. His rage doesn't last very long though and his super is mega unsafe. Shoulder crushes 2C spam and DP makes Tsubame Gaeshi completely whiff.
  • vs. Jubei
If you get too predictable, a good Jubei player can catch Tsubame Gaeshi with his high counter. He can even buffer it off of a blocked 2C and catch the overhead afterwards. A reversal 623 will beat your 2C.
  • vs. Yoshitora
His AB uppercut takes a while to get out but is invincible until the first active frame. If your 2C is early enough you can actually recover before his uppercut's first active frame, then block and punish.
  • vs. Haohmaru
Similar to Yoshitora in that a well-timed 2C meaty can whiff and recover in time for you to block and punish if he does 623S on his wakeup. 623AB is really fast so it might blow you up for a poorly timed one but has no invincibility. He outranges you with 5AB, but it's very easy to punish on reaction with 66AB if he doesn't commit to a wacky recoil option.

Frame Data

Move Damage Startup Active Total Cancel Weapon
Guard Notes
5A 6 9 2 25 1~2(2) / 9~14(6) 8(1) -6 -6 -12 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
5B 12 8 2 34 11~15(5) 7(1) -8 +0 -18 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
5AB 31 13 2 52 x - -2 +8 -34 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
2A 5 5 2 20 1(1) / 7~11(5) - -5 -5 -6 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
2B 11 8 3 40 1~4(4) - -9 -1 -18 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
2AB 29 12 1 49 1~6(6) - +0 +10 -32 Mid Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
n.5A 5 5 3 16 1~4(4) / 5~13(9) - -1 -1 -6 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
n.5B 8 8 1 40 8~11(4) 6~7(2) -14 -6 -18 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
n.5AB 5, 23 12 2 63 1~7(7) 9~11(3) / 14(1) / 19(1) -6 +4 -26 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(heavy)
n.2A 4 5 5 16 1~2(2) / 5~12(8) - -1 -1 -6 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
n.2B 6 6 6 23 6~15(10) - +1 +9 -12 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
n.2AB 5, 25 14 3 62 1~5(5) - -2 +8 -21 Mid Weak attack, Deflectable(heavy)
5C 5 8 4 35 1~4(4) - -9 -1 -22 Mid Medium attack
6C 7 5 11 34 1~2(2) - KD KD -24 Low Knockdown attack
2C 2 6 4 11 x - +5 +5 +0 Low Weak attack
3C 6 5 10 28 x - KD KD -24 Mid Knockdown attack
5-14f throw invincible
j.A 5 7 16 30 1~3(3) - -- -- -- High Weak attack, Deflectable(weak)
j.B 9 5 4 29 1~2(2) - -- -- -- High Medium attack, Deflectable(med)
j8.AB 26 10 3 33 1~5(5) - -- -- -- High Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
j7/9.AB 25 12 5 27 1~5(5) - -- -- -- High Heavy attack, Deflectable(heavy)
j.C 3, 3 5 5 30 x - -- -- -- High Heavy attack
ju.C 3, 3 5 5 30 x - -- -- -- High Heavy attack
5BC 16 20 2 45 x - KD KD -19 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
u.5BC 6 31 9 44 x - KD KD -19 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
66A 5 11 8 33 1~3(3) - -4 +4 -26 Mid Medium attack, Deflectable(heavy)
66B 12 22 1 66 x - KD KD -39 Mid Knockdown attack
66AB 15 4 2 38 1~2(2) - KD KD -29 Mid Knockdown attack
1-13f throw invincible
66C 4 6 12 32 1~3(3) - KD KD -21 Low Knockdown attack
1-17f throw invincible
u.5S 4 5 1 18 1(1) - -3 -3 -8 Mid Weak attack
u.2S 4 6 1 20 x - -4 -4 -9 Mid Weak attack
ju.S 4 9 8 25 x - -- -- -- High Medium attack
u.66S 4 6 1 24 1~2(2) - KD KD -13 Mid Knockdown attack
1-14f throw invincible
u.66C 4 6 12 32 1~3(3) - KD KD -21 Low Knockdown attack
1-17f throw invincible
2BC 6 21 7 68 x - -- -- -- Mid
u.2BC 8 7 24 35 x - -- -- -- Mid
8BC 13 40 38 101 x - -- -- -- Mid
u.8BC 8 25 18 79 x - -- -- -- Mid
Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236A 18 3 6 x x - KD KD -41 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
16f landing recovery
Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236B 21 3 6 x x - KD KD -48 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
23f landing recovery
Tsubame Gaeshi - j.1236AB 2x6, 24 10 7 x x - ?? ?? -75 High Medium attack Knockdown attack
45f landing recovery
'Hi'ken Sasameyuki - 214C x x x 17 x - -- -- -- Mid
Hiken Sasameyuki - 214A 5x5 19 2 61 x - -4 -4 -17 Mid Medium attack
Hiken Sasameyuki - 214B 6x8 18 2 76 x - -5 -5 -17 Mid Medium attack
Hiken Sasameyuki - 214AB 7x11 22 2 102 x - -12 -12 -25 Mid Medium attack
1-12f throw invincible
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236A 16 15 2 x x - KD KD -27 Mid Knockdown attack
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236B 5, 18 15 2 x x - KD KD -36 Mid Medium attack Knockdown attack
Zanzou Fumikomi Giri - 236AB 5, 5, 10 15 2 x x - KD KD -34 Mid Heavy attack Knockdown attack
Tsubame Rokuren - 236CD 30 19 29 69 x - KD KD -59 High Medium attack
14-47f above ground
22f landing recovery
Samurai Shodown V Special



AmakusaBasaraCharlotteEnjaGairaGalfordGaohGenjuroHanzoHaohmaruJubeiKazukiKusaregedoKyoshiroMinaMizukiNakoruruRasetsumaruReraRimururuShizumaruSogetsuSuijaTam TamUkyoYoshitoraYunfeiZankuro


MechanicsTablesHitboxesHidden Moves