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[[Image:colors-bulleta.gif|frame|right|Costume Colors]]
{{VSAV Character Intro|char=Bulleta|content=
[[Image:portrait-bulleta.gif|frame|right|Bulleta (Baby Bonnie Hood)]]
== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
Bulleta (バレッタ), the Dark Hunter.
'''Bulleta (バレッタ)''', also known as Baby Bonnie Hood, the Dark Hunter.

Infamous for her execution requirements and esoterics, she's a character for the hardest of core. She has compact and potent normals that, coupled with her fantastic movement and projectiles, make her zoning game very effective. With her amazing ground dash you can adjust on the fly to whatever your opponent feels like assaulting you with. She may be lacking in natural defense like a decent guard cancel or reversal, but she benefits greatly from system mechanics. Her normals and doublejump do wonders with airguard and, because her missiles persist after getting hit, push-blocking is a fantastic option. Her offense is brutal, assuming you have the execution and reactions to make it work. Between instant overheads, ambiguous jump-ins, jarring staggers, and a threatening command throw, you're almost sure to net some damage on any successful in. Her only real problems involve execution and footsies. You need exceptional spacial and situational understanding and awareness to keep up with this game's powerful top tier. The slightest misstep will most likely result in you taking damage. If you're willing to commit to the grind and already have the execution, this character will reward you in spectacular fashion.
A thrill seeker who enjoys the hunt, to the point where she does it for the sport of the hunt rather than the pursuit of money. Because of this, she is mainly described as an antithesis to Donovan. She hunts solely for sport, while Donovan hunts to find meaning in his existence. As a profit-seeking Dark Hunter, she pretends to act like a defenseless girl as a way to trick her prey in order for them to get closer to her. Many of her hunting skills include stabbing her opponents with weapons such as knives, and using guns for shooting down her prey.

Primary objective: Zoning with missiles, ambiguous rushdown.
'''Bulleta''' is infamous for her execution ceiling. She has fantastic movement & projectile durability. This synergy makes her zoning & neutral game very effective. She is one of the few characters who gets wins with Time Overs. If you are willing to commit to an execution grind & play patiently, Bulleta is the right choice for you.

== Normal Moves ==
== Gameplay ==
{{Content Box|content=
'''Primary objectives:'''
* Gain air-resets to setup her amazing jump-in offense. Chicken block to 9MP is strong
* Use missiles as uncontested anti-airs
* Leverage your movement to be evasive and play patiently
* Abuse instant overheads to overwhelm the opponent
* Convert combos when the opponent is standing into huge damage & corner positioning
* Utilize dashing offensive options to open-up the opponent

=== Standing ===
* High mobility of ground dashing & double jumps allow lots of footsies & run away tactics
* Low risk options that increase chances for Time Over victories
* Extended combo damage on standing opponents
* Amazing high/low/UB offense during air-to-ground & ground-to-ground interactions
* Punch missile remains when hit, making it a very strong anti-air tool
* EX Huntsman can uniquely punish certain full screen options, this is a rare tool in VSAV
* High mobility enables effective ground-chasing during oki, adding to her overall offensive capability
* Invincibility is gated behind meter
* Most reliable anti-air is a charge move: has to be stocked ahead of time
* Guard Cancel is very situational and does no damage
* Link combos & offensive confirms create a high execution ceiling
* Damage against air-state opponents is very low, making punishes for Demon Cradle & many other attacks a skewed risk/reward
* Single hit damage is low, making combo-damage necessary - this is compounded by unfavorable ground-to-air interactions listed above
* Lacks significant burst damage. Huge damage is gated behind standing opponents & a massive execution barrier

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="1000"
| width="" | [[image:Bb_sLP.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''LP'''
[ Startup: 4 | Hit:+10 | Block:+9 | Renda: H:+13 B:+12 ]

Good jab with a gratuitous amount of stun, renda or otherwise. Great for stuffing iad shenanigans. Has essentially no whiff animation so you can use it with your dash to wavedash for some spacing without having to cancel it manually. Decent anti-air on its own, but what Bulleta gets off of the reset is outrageous. Bishamon and Victor can't crouch under it, so abuse it on them.
== Movement ==
| width="" | [[image:Bb_nLP.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''n.LP'''
[ Startup: 4 | Hit:+6 | Block:+5 | Renda: H:+9 B:+8 ]

Problematic normal. Pretty much the same as the far version, but with weaker frame-data.
[[image:vsav-bu-dash-hitbox.png|thumb|right|Bulleta's Forward Dash]]
| width="" | [[image:Bb_sMP.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''MP'''
[ Startup: 6 | Hit:+6 | Block:+5 ]

Amazing hitbox. Great frames. Dash in with it, hit-confirm into bnb of choice. Punish whiffed normals, stuff start-up of normals. Safe from guard cancels with good spacing. Basically, you're going to love this button.
'''Walk:''' Bulleta has an average walk speed. Dashing is usually better than walking, but dashing shifts your hurtbox down and away. Walking has a tall hurtbox that doesn't extend too far in front of you. Bulleta can use her walk as a spacing tool when the opponent is trying to tag her dashing hurtbox.
| width="" | [[image:Bb_nMP.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''n.MP'''
[ Startup: 9 | Hit:+6 | Block:+5 ]

Another problematic normal. The best range to use this, sadly, the game doesn't let you use it. You can use it to catch jump-outs or for convoluted dash-under anti-air. Whiffing at point blank is suicide. Avoid using it on accident.
'''Dash:''' This is how you should usually be moving on the ground. Watching any Bulleta player, you'll notice how often dashing is required. The startup of the dash covers a large distance very quickly, allowing it to be 'cancelled' with any normal or crouch or back input. If you only need to move a short distance, simply tap LP or press back out of your dash.
| width="" | [[image:Bb_sHP01.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_sHP02.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''HP'''
[ Startup: 9 | Hit:-16 | Block:-17 ]

Fires 7 bullets with a small range. She gets pushed back as the hits connect, so the number of connected hits will be less depending on how far you are, with 7 only being possible with a dashing HP. This move is mostly useless, however.
'''Double Jump:''' Bulleta is the only character in the game with a double jump! This gives her very good air positioning & run away, and also allows you to avoid many things on the ground. Use double jump where applicable to get in your opponent or stay evasive, but the most important thing about Bulleta's jump is to know when to chicken guard and when to air chain.
| width="" | [[image:Bb_sLK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''LK'''
[ Startup: 6 | Hit:+4 | Block:+3 | Renda: H:+7 B:+6 ]

Germy shin-kick. Best time to use it is when you think you don't have the 12 frames to keep someone still with dash MP.
=== Normal Moves ===
| width="" | [[image:Bb_nLK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''n.LK'''
[ Startup: 5 | Hit:+2 | Block:+1 | Renda: H:+5 B:+4 ]

No real use. Just do c.LP.
==== Standing Normals ====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_sMK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''MK'''
[ Startup: 8 | Hit:+4 | Block:+3 ]

Excellent anti-air. Dashing with it in place of mp is good for those folks who's stick is stuck on [7].
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5LP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_sHK01.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_sHK02.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_sHK03.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 5 LP
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''HK'''
| input = 5LP
[ Startup: 17 | Hit: KD | Block:-5 ]
| images =
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| info =
Crucial normal. Whiffs on all crouchers except Victor & Bishamon. Amazing frame advantage on hit or block, unlocking extended ground combos on standing opponents. This is also the go-to grounded UB normal. You can use dashing LP to stop Ireppa as a low committal solution, because it recovers so quickly.

Very tricky projectile move. Stops your forward momentum completely and drops a mine. Toss at the end of a block-confirm to bait tech-hit. They'll still have to sit there and wait for the mine, or just flat out get hit from not expecting it. Absolutely dirty on oki. Predict their tech and place a mine at their feet. If you do it early enough, you can dash through them and they'll have to guess the direction on wake-up. If they block correctly you can start doing standard Bulleta nonsense. A very stylish and jarring gimmick is to whiff the meaty mine by just a pixel or two and do a command throw on oki.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5MP</font>=====
| title = 5 MP
| input = 5MP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial normal that hits all crouchers. Used as a pressure extender, combo starter, and conditions your opponent to hold down+back for you to land a command throw. Has two input overlaps you must avoid: the proximity normal 5MP and the dash normal 66MP. To get this at close range, it must be input as 66~5MP, since Bulleta cannot use proximity normals while dashing. On a close 66~5MP hit, there is a small window to link into 5LP, 2LP, or 2LK & continue a combo.

=== Crouching ===
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5HP</font>=====
| title = 5 HP
| input = 5HP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Terrible move that you will get on accident while trying to pushblock. Throw with 6MP so you don't leak this normal, and avoid starting your pushblock on this button if possible. Has a niche use to create pushblock traps when cancelled into 5HK or 3HK.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="1000"
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5LK</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_cLP.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''c.LP'''
| title = 5 LK
[ Startup: 4 | Hit:+6 | Block:+5 | Renda: H:+9 B:+8 ]
| input = 5LK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Niche move. It hits crouchers and has a large window to renda cancel to 2LK, leaving you +9 for a 2MP 214P ender. It's a reasonable choice for the first button in a pushblock sequence. Useful to set up a tick throw from a dash.

A hit-confirm normal. Hits mid, but has better frame advantage than c.LK. Link into it from c.LK and figure out what you want to do from there.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5MK</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_cMP.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 5 MK
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''c.MP'''
| input = 5MK
[ Startup: 6 | Hit:+7 | Block:+6 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Situational anti-air, but still easily Bulleta's best grounded antiair outside of pushblock. Use your dash to space yourself appropriately for the antiair to work. Can be used aggressively out of a dash to catch jumps, like dash MP but it hits a little higher. Be ready to capitalize on the air reset afterwards.

Basically the low version of MP with the added bonus of being able to link into itself.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">5HK</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_cHP.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 5 HK
| width="" | '''c.HP'''
| input = 5HK
[ Startup: 9 | Hit:-16 | Block:-17 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
You can chain into this to punish buttons & GC attempts. It has some uses on Oki as it stays active guaranteeing a meaty attack. Travels at a much closer distance than 3HK.

Fires 5 bullets at the same standard range of her standing HP, still pushing her back. Awful move. Avoid it.
==== Close Normals ====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_cLK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''c.LK'''
[ Startup: 4 | Hit:+6 | Block: +5 ]

Typical low short. Mostly used in her unblockable setup. Try your best to get into the habit of linking c.LP afterward. Its a nice, slow hit-confirm and leads into everything she has, pretty much.  
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5LP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_cMK.png‎‎|center]]
| title = Close 5LP
| width="" | '''c.MK'''
| input = cl.5LP
[ Startup: 6 | Hit:+5 | Block:+4 ]
| images =
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| info =
Used in grounded UBs & occasionally as a low commitment option for stuffing Ireppa. Bishamon & Victor can't crouch under it, so abuse it on them.  

Unremarkable kick. Toss it into your chains for 1-2-3-4's.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5MP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_cHK.png‎‎|center]]
| title = Close 5MP
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''c.HK'''
| input = cl.5MP
[ Startup: 7 | Hit:KD | Block:-3 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Much slower than far 5MP with bad hitbox & hurtbox. Can't be used at the spacing where it would be a useful anti-air. This is one of Bulleta's garbage normals; avoid it by dashing before you press MP.

Decent sweep. Mainly a finisher for your chains.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">CL.5LK</font>=====
| title = Close LK
| input = Cl.5LK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Not a great move & it rarely occurs in competitive play. I see it when someone leaks a tech-Hit attempt, but 2LK is better in this scenario.  

=== Jumping ===
==== Crouching Normals ====

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="1000"
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2LP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_jLP.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''j.LP'''
| title = 2 LP
[ Startup: 5 ]
| input = 2LP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial move, tied for fastest poke and used often in combos. Use this instead of 5LP when close, you can combo into renda 2LP or link 2MP 214P. Against standing, you can combo into renda 5LP into dash extensions. It's important to understand that Bulleta 2LP 5LP gives renda bonus on 5LP, leaving it +13f.

You mainly come down with this on the shorter and skinnier characters like Felicia and Q-Bee. Follow up with j.MP for shenanigans.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2MP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_jMP.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 2 MP
| width="" | '''j.MP'''
| input = 2MP
[ Startup: 7 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial normal, great low hitting poke and combo tool. This button is one of Bulleta's best disjointed hitboxes. It is also a go-to conditioning tool to catch pushblock or mashers. 2MP to 214P is the easiest way to combo a knockdown, and her most common combo ender. Bulleta will often link into this from 66~5LP, renda 2LK, renda 2LP, or any jump-in.

Phenomenal instant-overhead. Works on everyone except Q-bee on the way up. Decent air-to-air. Use your double-jumps to get above someone and slap them around.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2HP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_njMP.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 2 HP
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''8.HP'''
| input = 2HP
[ Startup: 5 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Terrible move that you will get on accident while trying to pushblock. Has a niche use to create pushblock traps when cancelled into 5HK or 3HK.

Fantastic air-to-air. Just smack people who are sitting on j9 all day.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2LK</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_jHP.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 2 LK
| width="" | '''j.HP'''
| input = 2LK
[ Startup: 13 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial normal. Tied with 2LP and 5LP for Bulleta's fastest button, hitting on frame 5. Can be renda cancelled into itself (2LK 2LK, quickly) or linked into itself (2LK 2LK, slowly), but the link into itself is not a useful combo tool. It has multiple combo options, but the easiest conversion is renda 2LK into 2MP 214P. A more optimal conversion is linking into 2LP, which gives you time to confirm a standing-only 5LP combo. If they're crouching, you can instead finish by renda 2LP into 2MP 214P.
Used as an unblockable low after your opponent stand-blocks a deep J.HK. Good button to begin your crouching pushblock input with.

The best version of her Uzi. Deceptive range and no crippling recovery. Toss it out after to help with hit-confirms. If they block an air chain near the corner, use this to keep them in block-stun while you land and guard-break them.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2MK</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_njHP.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 2 MK
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''8.HP'''
| input = 2MK
[ Startup: 13 ]
| images =
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| info =
Use this as an extra chain attack against wide opponents like Gallon, Lei-Lei & Q-Bee, which might look like: (deep jump-in) 2MP 2MK 2HK. Much less range than 2MP, but much less hurtbox extension.

Good for creating a wall that eats corner jump-outs.
| width="" | [[image:Bb_jLK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''j.LK'''
[ Startup: 5 ]

Better range than j.LP but whiffs on the obnoxiously short characters.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">2HK</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_jMK.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 2 HK
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''j.MK'''
| input = 2HK
[ Startup: 7 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Short range knockdown, used after a corner walk-through as a chain ender to maintain highly advantageous Okizeme, as compared to her go-to knockdown of 214P.

An amazing cross-up. Fast and compact, this move can also be used as air-to-air.
==== Air Normals ====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_njMK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''8.MK'''
[ Startup: 7 ]

If you read their tech and set up for an unblockable with j.HK c.LK, those who understand how to fight Bulleta may eventually just start blocking it correctly. Cycle back and come down with this kick to just hit them with a high.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">J.LP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_jHK.png‎‎|center]]
| title = J LP
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;" | '''j.HK'''
| input = J.LP
[ Startup: 11 ]
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Used as a Zuurashi jump-in to enable extended ground combos on hit. Used to counter-play Demitri's Midnight Pleasure with an ascending 9J.LP chain. Can enable some ambiguous which-way offense if you are directly above them as they wake-up. This is also used for starting re-jump combos on specific characters like Q-Bee.

Basically a low done from the air. The hit-stop disallows them from switching block. If they blocked the mine high the following c.LK will be unblockable. Pretty solid hit-box on its own. If you're sloppy and already used up your j.MP than you can use this to stuff equally sloppy anti-airs.  
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8J.MP</font>=====
| title = 8J MP
| input = 8J.MP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Used to hold the corner without over-committing to an anti-air. Just 8-Jump with ascending 8J.MP and react accordingly to the hit, block or whiff scenario.

== Command Normal Moves ==
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">9J.MP</font>=====
| title = 9J MP
| input = 9J.MP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial normal, a phenomenal instant-overhead that works on every character except QB. Against the rest of the short crouchers (MO, LI, BU), the IOH requires that jMP be performed on the first frame possible after jump, which is inconsistent due to frameskip. Amazing jump-in tool that enables 50/50s with a J.MK or a J.HK UB 2LK route. This move is so fast with great disjoint + reach that it is her go-to solution after a chicken block.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="1000"
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8J.HP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_6MK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''Surprise & Hop – 4.MK / 6.MK:'''
| title = 8J HP
[ Startup: 5 | Hit:-3 | Block:-4 ]
| input = 8J.HP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Not an amazing tool, but seldomly used in the same scenario that 8 Jump J.MP is detailed above. Bulleta likes to descend with this in a specific time that allows 8J.HK to become active the moment Bulleta lands.

Bazooka knee. The classic use for this is to hold charge while you use it to get some forward movement in. Out of place in a game like this, however. Can be anti-air in some cases.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">9J.HP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_66MP01.png|center]][[image:Bb_66MP02.png‎‎|center]]
| title = 9J HP
| width="" | '''Stumble & Blade – 6[6].MP / 4[4].MP:'''
| input = 9J.HP
[ Startup: 21 | Hit:-1 | Block:-2 ]
| images =
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| info =
Crucial normal. The only good version of HP, used frequently in Bulleta's air chains. It is also reliable as an air chain that drags the opponent down to setup a grounded UB. Aim to descend with 9J.HP at max range then once you land you can go low or IOH or dash in for more advantage. Has almost no hitstop, so you need to get used to inputting your ground followup very quickly. Extremely advantageous on deep hit (+15 at best), which can be used to set up character-specific re-jump combos.

Absolutely awful overhead attack. You get it on accident when trying to do dash MP
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">J.LK</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_6MP.png‎‎|center]]
| title = J LK
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''Tricky Basket – 6.MP / 4.MP:'''
| input = J.LK
[ Startup: 12 | Hit:+4 | Block:+3 ]
| images =
Sobasket. Another out-of-place displacement command normal that she's stuck with. Use it to annoy the hell out of an Anakaris player or tick into es command throw.
| hitboxes =
| width="" | [[image:Bb_cHK01.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_cHK02.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_cHK03.png‎‎|center]]
| info =
| width="" | '''3.HK'''
Used as an alternate IOH solution against Tall crouchers, used as a combo starter in select counter plays enabling extended ground dash combos (Lilith's Soul Flash is an example)
[ Startup: 15 | Hit: KD | Block:-9 ]
Use it in your strings to bait tech hit. A little faster than her standing mine. You can also chain into it from a longer range than c.HK.
| width="" | [[image:Bb_2kkk.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;" | '''Tell Me Why – 2.LK+MK+HK:'''
Bulleta crawls on the ground. A wholly defensive move, though not too hot. Throw immune, so you can bait the ones with a big whiff animation.
| width="" |
| width="" | '''P Throw:'''
Bulleta hops up on the enemy's shoulders and slits their throat. Though the pursuit will only connect if the other player doesn't press anything on knockdown, it still provides a closed gap to continue pressure. You should always do this through MP instead of HP, since you don't want to risk getting stuck with her uzi gun, would the throw whiff.
| width="" |
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;" | '''Air Throw:'''
Just an aerial version of her normal throw.
| width="" |  
| width="" | '''Pursuit:'''
Bulleta leaps a considerable distance and shoots downward onto her opponent, getting pushed back upwards. Whiff or not, this pursuit is essential to Bulleta's gameplay. It homes in to wherever the opponent is knocked down while still being very fast. ES Pursuit is definitely more satisfying to see, but should generally be saved for the guaranteed pursuits that come after her command throw.
== Movement ==

[[image:Bb_dash.png|frame|right|Bulleta's Forward Dash]]
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8J.MK</font>=====
| title = 8J MK
| input = 8J.MK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Used in a specific corner 8 jump combo that works as a throw bait & can maintain advantage on block. This move is also better for landing on a grounded (crouching) opponent in front of you than 8J.MP due to its lower hit box

'''Walk:''' The only reason you should ever be walking as Bulleta is perhaps when you are moving backwards or need to walk a very short distance to follow up Tricky Basket with a throw. Walk as little as possible!
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">9J.MK</font>=====
| title = 9J MK
| input = 9J.MK
| images =
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| info =
Crucial normal, excellent cross-up okizeme tool & occasional air chain filler. Cancel into this after IOH 9J.MP to improve recovery. If a grounded opponent blocks this, you can't chain into 9J.HP afterward on most characters (possible on Demitri).

'''Dash:''' This is how you should be moving on the ground. Watching any Bulleta player, you'll notice how often dashing is required. The startup of the dash covers a large distance very quickly, allowing it to be 'cancelled' with any normal. If you only need to move a short distance, simply tap LP or press back out of your dash. Learn the properties of the dash, and get familiar with your movement with it alone or cancelled by a normal/back, and understand when you are open off the dash to do things like normal throw.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">9J.HK</font>=====
| title = 9J HK
| input = 9J.HK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial normal, a disjointed projectile attack that causes a fire knockdown on hit and enables a pseudo-unblockable landing-low. Pretty solid hit-box so it can challenge & win most conventional anti-airs. This is great for setting up proximity block approaches very high up in the air. Please check the BUGs section to better understand her land-canceling nuance & pseudo-unblockable details.

'''Jump:''' Bulleta is the only character in the game with a double jump! This gives her very good standing in any aerial situation, and also allows you to avoid many things on the ground. Use double jump where applicable to get in your opponent or dodge, but the most important thing about Bulleta's jump is to know when to chicken guard and when to air chain. This concept tends to come very naturally as you play and train.
==== Command Normals ====

== Specials ==    
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Tricky Basket </font>=====
| title = Tricky Basket
| input = 6MP / 4MP
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Use it to bully Anakaris (2LP 6MP 2LP 6MP...) or tick into an ES command throw. You can also use it to corpse hop during fire knockdowns. 4MP can be used to retreat while maintaining charge.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="1200"
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Surprise & Hop</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_16P.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_16ESP.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''Smile & Missile (High) - [4]6P:'''
| title = Surprise & Hop
| input = 6MK / 4MK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
4MK is a fast, active advancing normal that maintains charge. It also has short range and can be throw punishable on hit, making it a tricky move to apply. Airborne on frame 3, which can be used to dodge throws. Can be made safe or slightly plus if used at a good spacing. 6MK is the same normal, but you don't get charge.

This is what you are always charging for. It builds your meter, stops rushdown, and keeps you safe. Like any fireball, you want to use certain versions in certain situations, but Bulleta's missiles tend to be more lenient. One good thing to learn is to feel safe behind your missiles for the most part. Bulleta can dash 'with' her missiles due to the huge dash range, and it provides a good wall to close the gap. This doesn't apply to ES, despite it going farther, because multiple hits are easier to tech or guard cancel.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">3HK</font>=====
| title = 3 HK
| input = 3HK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Frame-Trap with this to bait tech hits or movement as the mine is not displaced by the push back. Prioritize this in the corner as it combos from 2MP & allows an extended fire knockdown. It deals good damage & unlocks unique Okizeme routes in the corner.  

* '''(LP Version):''' This missile is best used to stop steep angled or IAD pressure. Think Q-Bee rushdown or Talbain jump-ins. It can also be worked into your close range pressure game.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Tell Me Why</font>=====
* '''(MP Version):''' The odd missile that doesn't have any specific use. Very specifically, you could try to get characters to 'fall' on it as they come down from an empty aerial move.
* '''(HP Version):''' This is best used when your opponent is being way too offensive but good with their pokes. That way you don't have to dash in to put on LP missiles where you might get hit, but you can still chip, build meter, and force them to come to you. Just be sure to look out for certain supers, like Talbain/Sasquatch beams or Felicia's helper super.
| title = Tell Me Why
* '''(ES Version):''' Multiple hits with the only downfall being that its easily teched/guard cancelled, and it can also be comboed into off two low light normals (easier timing in the corner).
| input = 2 LK MK HK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Gimmicky & not effective defensive tool that's only notable feature is to have no throw enabled box, so you can make a hard call out on things like Midnight Bliss

==== Dashing Normals ====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_16K.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_16ESK.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''Smile & Missile (Low) - [4]6K:'''
Really, there's nothing special to say about this version of the missile. It has all the same properties of the P missiles, and the K missiles should only be used in a situation where the P missile would miss. Just think Sagat's tiger shots. For some, it is also much more comfortable to land low ES missiles off two c.LK's over high ES missile.
| width="" | [[image:Bb_28P.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_28ES.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| '''Hop & Missile - [2]8P:'''

Bulleta hops high into the air and fires a downward missile. Sadly, this move is mostly on 'never use' status with higher level players. It has very situational use and has a very obvious recovery time.  
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Stumble & Blade</font>=====
| title = Stumble & Blade
| input = 6[6] MP / 4[4]MP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Overhead attack that can be used to finish out a bat. Learn to avoid leaking this move, it's easy to get it by accident while trying to get 66~5MP.

* '''(LP Version):''' The smallest angle downward shot. This can very sparingly be used in place of jumping out of corner pressure to try and get an opponent to throw something out, but there are usually better options.
==== Normal Throws ====
* '''(MP Version):''' Medium angle shot. Not worth the time.
* '''(HP Version):''' Larger angle shot. Not worth the time, as the range it would be useful at calls for no reason not to use a normal ground HP missile.
* '''(ES Version):''' This almost has some use, as it goes fullscreen and almost homes in on an opponent. Very specifically, it can counter situations like a Sasquatch who spams the ES 22P ice spikes.
| width="" | [[image:Bb_623.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_623ES.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | '''Cheer & Fire - 623P:'''

Boom champagne! This isn't your normal DP, it hits like one, but has no invincibility and requires pretty specific timing to hit someone out of the air. Being a special, it can just be blocked regardless. Stay away from this move unless your opponent is very predictable. The LP, MP, and HP versions are all the same.

* '''(ES Version):''' The move stays out much longer and moves up and down.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">6MP or 6HP</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_214P.png‎‎|center]][[image:Bb_214ES.png‎‎|center]]
| title = P THROW
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;" | '''Shyness & Strike - 214P:'''
| input = 6MP or 6HP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Prioritize throwing with MP instead of HP, since you don't want to risk getting stuck with her uzi gun, would the throw whiff. Bulleta recovers backwards after this throw.

This special is a big tool in Bulleta's arsenal, as it knocks down on hits and does a healthy amount of damage in one hit. While it has limited use as a pressure tool, you will want to save this for comboing into (don't underestimate the range). If you hold down the button before letting go, she will keep spinning the basket and it will get bigger and bigger. Obviously, this is incredibly easy to see and react to. The LP, MP, and HP versions are all the same, so use whichever is most comfortable in your combo input. You get a guaranteed pursuit after this move.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">J.6P or J.4P</font>=====
| title = AIR THROW
| input = J.6P or J.4P
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Due to Bulleta's strength of Chicken Blocking into 9J.MP + high mobility, you should be landing this often in matches. Bulleta recovers backwards after this throw.

=== Special Moves ===
| width="" | [[image:Bb_gc.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" | ''' Jealousy & Fake - 623K (GC Only):'''

Bulleta teleports behind the opponent, leaving a cloud of smoke and a doll in her original place. Unfortunately, although this move has 29F invulnerability, Bulleta is vulnerable for the last 10F of the animation before she can move, making this not an especially useful GC. Although it can get her out of the corner, it's best used against very laggy moves with a lot of active frames or simply not used at all.
==== High Smile & Missile ====

=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">[4],6P</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_typhoon.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;" | ''' Sentimental Typhoon - 63214P:'''
| input = [4],6P
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial move. It builds your meter, stops rushdown, and keeps you safe. Like any fireball, you want to use certain versions in certain situations. Missiles stay active when Bulleta is hit so trades are always in her favor. Bulleta can dash 'with' her missiles due to the huge dash range, and it provides a good wall to close the gap. This doesn't apply to ES, despite it going farther, because multiple hits are easier to tech or guard cancel. Bulleta cannot use a missile while another is on the screen, unless in Dark Force or Lei-Lei reflected it.
:'''(LP Version):''' This missile is best used to stop steep angled or IAD pressure. Think Q-Bee rushdown or Talbain jump-ins. It can also be worked into your close range pressure game.
:'''(MP Version):''' Nothing to note
:'''(HP Version):''' Use this on block as a frame-trap that punishes the opponents jumps or buttons.
'''(ES Version):''' Multiple hits with the only downfall being that its easily teched/guard cancelled, and it can also be comboed into off two low light normals (easier timing in the corner). Decent damage safe poke that is worth the meter.

It's as if they gave guile a command throw. Get a feel for the throw protection and make good use of it whenever you find yourself point blank. You can tick off of pretty much all of her standard dash normals. If you expect people to be 1hit teching your meaties, just dash up and use the ES version to spin them around a bit. Off instant, if you've already convinced them to sit still for this mix-up you can skip the whole high-low nonsense and land point blank for a throw. Half the strength of this move is the psychological effect. Because this move exists, there will be instances where you'll end up killing your opponent on jump-out punishes alone. Of course it'll come back full circle and you'll be allowed to just do a couple lights into dash forward command throw. Abuse it.
==== Low Smile & Missle ====

== Supers ==
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">[4],6K</font>=====
| input = [4],6K
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Crucial move. This covers ground approaches & encourage your opponent to jump in.
Vary your strengths to vary your timings & stay unpredictable
Good combo damage & also maintains offense on block, so often Bulleta's will route into it on hit or block. Decent damage safe poke that is worth the meter.

{| border="0" cellspacing="5" width="1200"
==== Hop & Missile ====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_CH.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| ''' Cool Hunting  - 41236PP:'''

Hunters will pop up behind Bulleta and start firing along with Bulleta. This will fire a medium-long range stream of bullets along the bottom of the screen, and fullscreen missiles along the top of the screen. Fairly unsafe on miss, but characters like Victor can be free uses of it sometimes. In a smart sense, you won't see much of this super. Its best to people who use normals or air dash from a far, high up position; if they get hit by one missile, they will be forced to stay blocking in the air. In situations like Jedah air dashing in at a distance, it is pretty smart and safe to use Cool Hunting.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">[2]8P</font>=====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_BM.png‎‎|center]]
| title = HOP & MISSILE
| width="" | ''' Beautiful Memory - 41236KK:'''
| input = [2]8P
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Terrible move with no use in competitive play
* '''(LP Version):''' Smallest angle shot.
* '''(MP Version):''' Medium angle shot.
* '''(HP Version):''' Larger angle shot.
* '''(ES Version):''' Travels full screen and may be used to punish or counter play specific things, like an ES Ice Tower.

With very short startup, Bulleta will move forward swinging knives. If whiffed, she will stop and be vulnerable for a short amount of time. If block, she will bounce off and likely eat a heavy normal punish. If it connects, it will keep them in the super and do full damage. Most players refuse to use their meter on this super. If you really have the game in your control, you can predict when people are going to throw something out trying to stop your rushdown and use this, as it has a fair amount of priority. That said, there is no specific way to use this super. Work it into your gameplay if you so desire, or save the meter for ES missiles.
==== Cheer & Fire ====
| width="" | [[image:Bb_apple.png‎‎|center]]
| width="" style="background:#f0f0f0;"| ''' Apple For You - 63214KK:'''

A command throw in which she puts an apple out in front of her, and the other character will pick it up if she is close enough and doesn't get hit out of it. Unlike her command throw, there is a specific whiff animation for this (a whiffed command throw would come out as basket) in which she puts out the apple then puts it back and is vulnerable for a short amount of time. This is harder to land than ES command throw, but is used in the same exact situations that ES command throw would be applied. Dashing in with this doesn't seem to be a viable option, and it is more done after something like an empty jump after a lot of blocked pressure.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">623P</font>=====
| title = CHEER & FIRE
| input = 623P
| images =

| hitboxes =
| info =
Bulleta cannot use molotov while another projectile is on the screen. Use this to cover the skies against characters like Jedah, Q-Bee & Morrigan
This version is good to kara-cancel into for meter building
Terrible move with no use in competitive play
Terrible move with no use in competitive play
'''(ES Version):''' The move stays out much longer and moves up and down. Use this in the same scenarios as the LP version, where you can spend meter to increase the damage. Lastly, there is great Cheap Kill potential with this move if the opponent air block it.

== Dark Force ==
==== Shyness & Strike ====

''' The Killing Time - Same strength P + K'''
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">214P</font>=====
| title = SHYNESS & STRIKE
| input = 214P
| images =

: All versions are the same. All of Bulleta's punches will be replaced with an instant missile that corresponds to the strength pushed, but you will keep all your kicks. That means you can dash into missiles, do multiple missiles at once, etc. Jumping and pressing will do the [2]8 Missile, pressing any P will be a high Missile, and crouching with any P will be a low Missile. Since you keep your kicks, this can be used regularly to move in with dashing LK and pressure with lots of missiles, but it sees more use as a panic/runaway tool to get the initial Dark Force invincibility on startup and then dash away repeatedly while firing missiles.
| hitboxes =
| info =
It is an effective combo ender tool because it knocks down. If you hold the punch button she will keep spinning the basket and it will charge up. The LP, MP and HP versions are all the same, so use whichever is most comfortable in your combo input. You get a guaranteed pursuit after this move. This move is air-state unblockable.
Combo ender tool
Combo ender tool
Combo ender tool
Terrible move not used in competitive play.

== Strategies ==
==== Guard Cancel ====
''' Air Mixup'''
: Bulleta's is the source of most of her mayhem. On the way up, will be an instant overhead, and will chain into Except against certain characters at certain ranges, it won't combo, but that's not really important. Chained has extremely short recovery on whiff, so you can toss out a move very shortly after the instant overhead. On some characters (particularly Sasquatch) you can to stop the forward momentum and hit on the incoming side. Mashing out another will allow you to crossover to hit on the far side.

:On the way down, is difficult to anti-air and can lead into a very bizarre mixup that is completely unique to Bulleta. Following the, you can do to go for the simple high-high jump-in. However, if you hit and they block it high, the hitstop from the mine will disallow the opponent from blocking low, making a unblockable. This creates a completely invisible, impossible to react to mixup that can only be stopped by 1-hit tech hit or guesswork.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">623K</font>=====
| title = JEALOUSY & FAKE
| input = 623K
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
This move has 29F invulnerability but Bulleta is vulnerable for the last 10F of recovery. Due to the side switch nature of this move, it can be used to escape the corner or enable a punish on select full screen moves like Finishing Shower.

== Combos ==
==== Command Throws ====

Most can be started from or jump-ins.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">632[4]P</font>=====
| input = 632[4] MP or HP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
An effective command throw that is core to the offense RPS of VSAV. If you expect people to be 1-hit teching your attacks, just dash and ES throw them. This adds a 3rd layer of offense to Bulleta's onslaught.
Crucial move, the ES version is an excellent way to spend meter. This can be done directly out of dash without losing her low profile state, allowing you to dash under moves like Bee 5MP. The regular version must be input with MP or HP, but you should prefer MP to avoid HP leaks. The ES version can be input with any two punches, LP+MP is preferred.
When this move is input normally (full half circle 63214), it has an input overlap with 214P, which will come out if the opponent is not in range for the grab. This is a dreadful leak, and the only way to fix it is by omitting the 1 in the half circle input. The input 6324LP+MP is an extremely useful option select that will either give ES throw or 5LP, one of Bulleta's safest buttons to whiff. For this OS, it's important to know that you can do the 632 input while dashing without breaking your dash: think of it as 6632, then 4+LP+MP.

This throw, as a reversal, will beat meaties (if in range). This can be input as (hold P), 6324 (release P). You can also do 63241 before releasing P to block low. Avoid 63214 so you don't wake up with reversal 214P.
::Simple chain into knockdown.

:*, c.lp ex missile
==== Pursuits ====
::Good knockdown.

:*c.lp lp, 214p
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8P or 8K</font>=====
:*c.lp c.lp, 214p
:*, 214p
| title = PURSUIT
:*, c.lp lp, 214p
| input = 8P or 8K
::Various ways to land basket.
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Bulleta leaps a considerable distance and shoots downward onto her opponent, getting pushed back upwards. Whiff or not, this pursuit is essential to Bulleta's gameplay. It homes in to wherever the opponent is knocked down while still being very fast. Bulleta maintains an offensive advantage after a pursuit. It's not a super strong mix, but you can keep the offense go-go-going. Aim to close as much distance as possible before inputting the pursuit to maximize your post pursuit Okizeme opportunity.
This does big damage & often is used to deathblow. ES Pursuit enables the Mirage Reduction Bug.

:*c.lp lp, d.lp ("easy" dash link)
==== Ex Moves ====
:*c.lp lp, (if you're sako)
:*d.lp, d.lp (use this to get back in after being pushed out)
:*d.lp, c.lp lp
:*, c.lp lp
:*d.lp, d.lp, c.lp lp, 214p
::The pieces of the dash infinite. Lots of room for improvisation assuming you have the execution for it. An example below performed by Sako.

:*[, c.lp lp,, c.lp lp,, c.lp lp, d.lp, d.lp, c.lp lp,, c.lp lp,, c.lp lp, d.lp, d.lp, c.lp lp, (dropped)]
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">412[6]PP</font>=====
| title = COOL HUNTING
| input = 412[6]PP
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Good for air state Cheap Kills & specific punishes like Jedah using a full screen Dio Sega. The lower row of missiles do not cause chip damage. It is extremely punishable on whiff

:*c.lp lp, j.hp
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">412[6]KK</font>=====
::Demitri only? infinite.
| input = 412[6]KK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
Bulleta's go-to reversal tool. It does not full connect when the opponent is in an air-state. Bulleta is invincible until the first frame she is active, due to this it does often trade. The trade is in Bulleta's favor as you can link a combo here. The move is highly punishable on block.

:*c.lp lp, j.hp
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">632[4]KK</font>=====
::Bishamon midscreen only?
| title = APPLE FOR YOU
| input = 632[4]KK
| images =
| hitboxes =
| info =
An unblockable attack that only connects when the opponent is standing. Awful on whiff, but it does slightly more damage than 6324PP, so it has some use as a punish option. Not safe as a reversal option (loses to meaties).

== Matchups ==
== Dark Force ==
''' Anakaris'''
:If he's in the air you wanna just casually walk to your comfort zone and set up to catch his landing. Dash attack or missile his normals that pop out of the ground on whiff. To take some initiative, jump at him and air-block an attack, then double-jump with an attack to knock him out of the air. He generally out-ranges you on the ground, so just make him take to the air by putting missiles in his way. If he doesn't respect the missiles it's his loss. Dash up with the missile and use it get in on him. This is a match-up that's decided mid-screen. If you're getting sorely out-zoned, you're never going to get any damage and he's gonna just rush you down all day with the momentum you're giving him, so level up your footsies and zoning so you can earn an "in" and molest him.

:He can't push-block you away and cannot tech a throw. The throw part isn't particularly important because he's airborne extremely fast anyway. Off of a successful instant on him he can start a jump and take a reset from your follow-up, so be ready for that and turn it into damage with some command throw/meaty and high/low utilizing your From some weird ranges you can j.LK for an ugly looking cross-up when it gets messy like that. Just stay on your toes and react as fast as you can. If he jumps and successfully blocks, do your best to confirm into a chain then n.LP reset, then turn that into another mix-up. Come down with j.MK if he's not mashing out or j.LP if he is. Once you build trust, of course, run unblocks and command throws. A dumb little string that doesn't actually accomplish anything is c.LP, 6.MP xN. He can't really mash out or do anything for that matter, but ultimately you get pushed back too far to really do anything with it.
''' The Killing Time - Same strength P + K'''

:Defending his rush is complicated and highly reliant on who you're fighting. It's pretty easy to react to the dive on its own, but when he feints a dive and goes for a low, you have to start questioning what is actually gonna happen and what your opponent likes doing. Just simply blocking is fine and dandy, but if you want to turn your successful defense into a reset screen or just straight up damage, you do have some choices. Push-blocking will mess with his spacing and make him commit to something ugly if he isn't confirming, so punishing the button they like to push in their auto-pilot chain is a good way to violently shut off their momentum. If they're not respecting your buttons, time a s.LP or 4.MK to hit him as he's going up for the dive. If you are absolutely cock certain they're going to feint a high and go low, a jarring answer is to do an es command throw. Target habits and capitalize.
: All versions are the same. All of Bulleta's punches will be replaced with an instant missile that corresponds to the strength pushed, but you will keep all your kicks. That means you can dash into missiles, do multiple missiles at once, etc. Jumping and pressing will do the [2]8 Missile, pressing any P will be a high Missile, and crouching with any P will be a low Missile. Since you keep your kicks, this can be used regularly to move in with 66LK and pressure with lots of missiles, but it sees more use as an escape tool. Try to cover your deactivation with a missile by inputting back dash LP then deactivate. It is important to deactivate as soon as you are safe. Bulleta's DF loses to access to her Punch attacks which puts her at a disadvantage in neutral. Note that while in DF Bulleta can combo out of kicks into crouching P missiles to get that knockdown allowing a safe deactivate.

''' Aulbath'''
:low missile ftw
:double jump bubble
:dont get owned by
''' Bishamon'''
:can't duck under d.lp ftw
:dont care about missiles
''' Bulleta'''
:uuuuuugh your favorite button
''' Demitri'''
:play solid dont be dumb
''' Felicia'''
:learn to fight furries
''' Gallon'''
:ditto, cept you can actually guard-break him
''' Jedah'''
:cool matchup
''' Lei-Lei'''
:learn to zone and pushblock
:look out for c.rh when running your motions
''' Lilith'''
:play solid dont be dumb
''' Morrigan'''
:learn to block
''' Q-Bee'''
:vzzzzz vzzzzz vzzzz vzzzz vzzzzz
''' Sasquatch'''
:kill or be killed
:lose momentum lose a bat
''' Victor'''
:free free free
:molest all day everything works
''' Zabel'''

== Frame Data ==
== Notable Players ==
=== Normals ===
=== Japan ===
{| border="1em" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
Japanese Player Index:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Move'''
{| class="wikitable"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Startup'''
!width="95"|Name (English)
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Hit'''
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
!width="55"| Color
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Block'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Meter'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Guard'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Cancel'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| n.LP|| 4|| +6|| +5||  0/ 3/ 6||  Mid || Yes/Rapid|| Renda+: H:+9 B:+8
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:bulleta_color_kk_small.png]]
|Kanto region
|Bulleta GOD.
| n.MP||9|| +6|| +5||  3/ 9/15 || Mid|| Yes||
|style="text-align:center;"| LK [[file:bulleta_color_lk_small.png]]
|Kansai region
|OG Bulleta GOD<br>Execution is the best in the world<br>Retired
| n.HP||9|| -16 || -17 || 6/7+1x6/9+3x6  || Mid|| ×|| 密着から5ヒット時
|style="text-align:center;"| PP [[file:bulleta_color_pp_small.png]]
|Kansai region
|Awesome ground/footsies game
| n.LK||5|| +2||  +1||  0/ 3/ 6||  Mid || Yes/Rapid|| Renda+: H:+9 B:+8
|style="text-align:center;"| LP [[file:bulleta_color_lp_small.png]]
|Kanto region
|He is also an established IaMP player.
| n.MK||8||  +4 || +3 || 3/ 9/15|| Mid|| Yes||
| n.HK||17||  Down||  -5 || 6/15/24  || Mid|| ×||
|style="text-align:center;"| LK [[file:bulleta_color_lk_small.png]]
|Kanto region
| LP|| 4||  +10 || +9 || 0/ 3/ 6||  Mid || Yes/Rapid|| Renda+: H:+9 B:+8
| <br>Recently Married DD-Sas. Congrats!
| MP|| 6||  +6||  +5 || 3/ 9/15 || Mid|| Yes||
| HP|| 9||  - || - || 6/7+1x6/9+3x6  || Mid|| ×||
| LK|| 6||  +4 || +3||  0/ 3/ 6 ||  Mid || Yes/Rapid|| Renda+: H:+9 B:+8
| MK|| 8 || +4||  +3||  3/ 9/15 || Mid|| Yes||
| HK|| 17 || Down||  - || 6/15/24  || Mid|| ×||
{| border="1em" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Move'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Startup'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Hit'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Block'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Meter'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Guard'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Cancel'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| c.LP|| 4||  +6||  +5||  0/ 3/ 6|| Mid|| Yes/Rapid|| Renda+: H:+9 G:+8
| c.MP|| 6||  +7||  +6||  3/ 9/15|| Low|| Yes||
| c.HP|| 9||  -16||  -17||  6/7+1x6/9+3x6|| Mid|| ×|| 密着から5ヒット時
| c.LK|| 4||  +6||  +5||  0/ 3/ 6|| Mid|| Yes/Rapid|| Renda+: H:+8 G:+7
| c.MK|| 6||  +5||  +4||  3/ 9/15|| Low|| Yes||
| c.HK|| 7||  Down||  -3||  6/15/24|| Low|| ×||
| 3HK|| 15||  Down||  -9||  6/15/24 || Mid|| ×||
| 6MP|| 12||  +4||  +3||  3/ 9/15|| Mid|| ×||
| 6MK|| 5||  -3||  -4||  3/ 9/15|| Mid|| ×||
| 66MP||    21||      -1||      -2||      3/ 9/15||    High||    ×||

=== North America ===
{| border="1em" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
{| class="wikitable"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Move'''
!width="95"|Name (English)
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Startup'''
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Meter'''
!width="70"| Color
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Guard'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Cancel'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| 8.LP || 5 || 0/ 3/ 6 || High || × ||
| 8.MP|| 7|| 3/ 9/15|| High|| ×||
| 8.HP|| 13|| 6/10+4/15+9|| High|| ×||
| 8.LK|| 5|| 0/ 3/ 6|| High|| ×||
| 8.MK|| 7|| 3/ 9/15|| High|| ×||
|style="text-align:center;"| HK [[file:bulleta_color_hp_small.png]]
|California, USA
|Long time player that is considered an execution monster. He started as a Lei-Lei player and has a pocket Bishamon. Has a long history with Hokuto No Ken too.
| 8.HK|| 11|| 6/15/24|| Mid|| ×|| Down
|Fee Bee
|style="text-align:center;"| PP [[file:bulleta_color_pp_small.png]]
|Kentucky, USA
|Recent player that has found success. She also organizes the Beginner's tournaments.
| j.LP || 5 || 0/ 3/ 6 || High || × ||
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:bulleta_color_kk_small.png]]
|Pacific Northwest, USA
|VMPNW's resident Bulleta.
| j.MP|| 5|| 3/ 9/15|| High|| ×||
| j.HP|| 13|| 6/10+4/15+9|| High|| ×||
|style="text-align:center;"| MK [[file:bulleta_color_mk_small.png]]
|NorCal, USA
|Originally from east coast, now resides in CA.
| j.LK|| 5|| 0/ 3/ 6|| High|| ×||
|style="text-align:center;"| LP [[file:bulleta_color_lp_small.png]]
|Chicago, USA
|Long time player. Has a ridiculous amount of CPS2 boards.
| j.MK|| 7|| 3/ 9/15|| High|| ×||
|style="text-align:center;"| MK [[file:bulleta_color_mk_small.png]]
|New York
|Started in the pandemic & quickly grew to power. They come from 3S as a strong contender in that game.
| j.HK|| 11|| 6/15/24|| Mid|| ×|| Down

=== Specials ===
=== Europe ===
{| border="1em" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
{| class="wikitable"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Move'''
!width="95"|Name (English)
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Startup'''
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Hit'''
!width="70"| Color
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Block'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Meter'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Guard'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| 4-6LP||  10||  Down||  -1||  15/18/21||  Mid||  Downs Airborne Opponents
| 4-6MP||  10||  Down||  -1||  15/18/21||  Mid|| 
| 4-6HP||  10||  Down||  -1||  15/18/21||  Mid|| 
| 4-6PP||  10||  Down||  -2||  0/0/0||  Mid|| 
| 4-6LK||  10||  Down||  -1||  15/18/21||  Mid||  Downs Airborne Opponents
| 4-6MK||  10||  Down||  -1||  15/18/21||  Mid|| 
| 4-6HK||  10||  Down||  -1||  15/18/21||  Mid|| 
| 4-6KK||  10||  Down||  -2||  0/0/0||  Mid|| 
| 2-8LP||  27||  Down||  x||  15/18/21||  Mid||  Landing Suki: 5F
| 2-8MP||  27||  Down||  x||  15/18/21||  Mid|| 
| 2-8HP||  27||  Down||  x||  15/18/21||  Mid|| 
| 2-8PP||  27||  Down||  x||  0/0/0||  Mid|| 
| 623LP||  13||  Down||  -9||  18/21/24||  Mid||
| 623MP||  15||  Down||  -13||  18/21/24||  Mid||
| 623HP||  17||  Down||  -18||  18/21/24||  Mid||
| 623PP||  11||  Down||  x||  0/ 0/ 0||  Mid|| 
| 214LP||  16〜||  Down||  -9||  18/21/24||  Mid||  発生値は可変
| 214MP|| 64〜|| Down|| -9|| 18/21/24|| Mid|| 2段階目55F以上押す
| 214HP|| 112〜|| Down|| -14|| 18/21/24|| Mid|| 3段階目103F以上押す
| 214PP|| 27|| Down|| -14|| 0/ 0/ 0|| Mid||
| 623LK||  x||  x||  x||  x||  x|| Inv: 29F
| 623MK||  x||  x||  x||  x||  x||
| 623HK||  x||  x||  x||  x||  x||
| 623KK||  x||  x||  x||  x||  x||
| 624MP|| 2|| Down|| -|| 12/21|| Throw||
| 624HP|| 2|| Down|| -|| 12/21|| Throw||
|style="text-align:center;"| MK [[file:bulleta_color_mk_small.png]]
|French favorite, everybody love him. Will land Sako combos against you
| 624PP|| 2|| Down|| -|| 0/ 0|| Throw||

=== Supers ===
=== South America ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| border="1em" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
!width="95"|Name (English)
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Move'''
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Gauge'''
!width="70"| Color
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Startup'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Hit'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Block'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Guard'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| 426PP||  1||  25||  Down||  x||  Mid|| 
| 426KK|| 1||  17||  Down||  -29|| Mid|| 空中ヒット時追撃無し (*1)
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:bulleta_color_kk_small.png]]
|São Paulo, Brazil
|Recent player that attends offline events with the NekoPunchi guys.
| 624KK||  1||  18||  Down||  x||  Throw|| 
:'''1:''' Invulnerable 16F. Landing Suki 1F
== Notable Players ==
Kosho (コショー)


[[Category:Vampire Savior]]
[[Category:Vampire Savior]]

Latest revision as of 00:15, 1 July 2024


Bulleta (バレッタ), also known as Baby Bonnie Hood, the Dark Hunter.

A thrill seeker who enjoys the hunt, to the point where she does it for the sport of the hunt rather than the pursuit of money. Because of this, she is mainly described as an antithesis to Donovan. She hunts solely for sport, while Donovan hunts to find meaning in his existence. As a profit-seeking Dark Hunter, she pretends to act like a defenseless girl as a way to trick her prey in order for them to get closer to her. Many of her hunting skills include stabbing her opponents with weapons such as knives, and using guns for shooting down her prey.

Bulleta is infamous for her execution ceiling. She has fantastic movement & projectile durability. This synergy makes her zoning & neutral game very effective. She is one of the few characters who gets wins with Time Overs. If you are willing to commit to an execution grind & play patiently, Bulleta is the right choice for you.


Primary objectives:

  • Gain air-resets to setup her amazing jump-in offense. Chicken block to 9MP is strong
  • Use missiles as uncontested anti-airs
  • Leverage your movement to be evasive and play patiently
  • Abuse instant overheads to overwhelm the opponent
  • Convert combos when the opponent is standing into huge damage & corner positioning
  • Utilize dashing offensive options to open-up the opponent

Strengths Weaknesses
  • High mobility of ground dashing & double jumps allow lots of footsies & run away tactics
  • Low risk options that increase chances for Time Over victories
  • Extended combo damage on standing opponents
  • Amazing high/low/UB offense during air-to-ground & ground-to-ground interactions
  • Punch missile remains when hit, making it a very strong anti-air tool
  • EX Huntsman can uniquely punish certain full screen options, this is a rare tool in VSAV
  • High mobility enables effective ground-chasing during oki, adding to her overall offensive capability
  • Invincibility is gated behind meter
  • Most reliable anti-air is a charge move: has to be stocked ahead of time
  • Guard Cancel is very situational and does no damage
  • Link combos & offensive confirms create a high execution ceiling
  • Damage against air-state opponents is very low, making punishes for Demon Cradle & many other attacks a skewed risk/reward
  • Single hit damage is low, making combo-damage necessary - this is compounded by unfavorable ground-to-air interactions listed above
  • Lacks significant burst damage. Huge damage is gated behind standing opponents & a massive execution barrier
VSAV Bulleta Art.png



Bulleta's Forward Dash

Walk: Bulleta has an average walk speed. Dashing is usually better than walking, but dashing shifts your hurtbox down and away. Walking has a tall hurtbox that doesn't extend too far in front of you. Bulleta can use her walk as a spacing tool when the opponent is trying to tag her dashing hurtbox.

Dash: This is how you should usually be moving on the ground. Watching any Bulleta player, you'll notice how often dashing is required. The startup of the dash covers a large distance very quickly, allowing it to be 'cancelled' with any normal or crouch or back input. If you only need to move a short distance, simply tap LP or press back out of your dash.

Double Jump: Bulleta is the only character in the game with a double jump! This gives her very good air positioning & run away, and also allows you to avoid many things on the ground. Use double jump where applicable to get in your opponent or stay evasive, but the most important thing about Bulleta's jump is to know when to chicken guard and when to air chain.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

5 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal. Whiffs on all crouchers except Victor & Bishamon. Amazing frame advantage on hit or block, unlocking extended ground combos on standing opponents. This is also the go-to grounded UB normal. You can use dashing LP to stop Ireppa as a low committal solution, because it recovers so quickly.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 4 8 10 9 H: 13 G: 12
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 2 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
5 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal that hits all crouchers. Used as a pressure extender, combo starter, and conditions your opponent to hold down+back for you to land a command throw. Has two input overlaps you must avoid: the proximity normal 5MP and the dash normal 66MP. To get this at close range, it must be input as 66~5MP, since Bulleta cannot use proximity normals while dashing. On a close 66~5MP hit, there is a small window to link into 5LP, 2LP, or 2LK & continue a combo.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 18 6 5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
5 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Terrible move that you will get on accident while trying to pushblock. Throw with 6MP so you don't leak this normal, and avoid starting your pushblock on this button if possible. Has a niche use to create pushblock traps when cancelled into 5HK or 3HK.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 3{(3)3}x6 27 -16 -17 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 7x7 3x7 H: 9+3x6 G: 7+1x6 W: 6
5 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Niche move. It hits crouchers and has a large window to renda cancel to 2LK, leaving you +9 for a 2MP 214P ender. It's a reasonable choice for the first button in a pushblock sequence. Useful to set up a tick throw from a dash.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 4 8 4 3 H: 7 G: 6
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
5 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Situational anti-air, but still easily Bulleta's best grounded antiair outside of pushblock. Use your dash to space yourself appropriately for the antiair to work. Can be used aggressively out of a dash to catch jumps, like dash MP but it hits a little higher. Be ready to capitalize on the air reset afterwards.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 6 11 4 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 17 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
5 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
You can chain into this to punish buttons & GC attempts. It has some uses on Oki as it stays active guaranteeing a meaty attack. Travels at a much closer distance than 3HK.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
17 50 31 - -5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Close Normals

Close 5LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Used in grounded UBs & occasionally as a low commitment option for stuffing Ireppa. Bishamon & Victor can't crouch under it, so abuse it on them.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 4 10 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 2 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Close 5MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Much slower than far 5MP with bad hitbox & hurtbox. Can't be used at the spacing where it would be a useful anti-air. This is one of Bulleta's garbage normals; avoid it by dashing before you press MP.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 4 17 6 5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 17 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Close LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Not a great move & it rarely occurs in competitive play. I see it when someone leaks a tech-Hit attempt, but 2LK is better in this scenario.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 5 9 2 1 H: 5 G: 4
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Crouching Normals

2 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial move, tied for fastest poke and used often in combos. Use this instead of 5LP when close, you can combo into renda 2LP or link 2MP 214P. Against standing, you can combo into renda 5LP into dash extensions. It's important to understand that Bulleta 2LP 5LP gives renda bonus on 5LP, leaving it +13f.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 4 10 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
2 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal, great low hitting poke and combo tool. This button is one of Bulleta's best disjointed hitboxes. It is also a go-to conditioning tool to catch pushblock or mashers. 2MP to 214P is the easiest way to combo a knockdown, and her most common combo ender. Bulleta will often link into this from 66~5LP, renda 2LK, renda 2LP, or any jump-in.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 16 7 6 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
2 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Terrible move that you will get on accident while trying to pushblock. Has a niche use to create pushblock traps when cancelled into 5HK or 3HK.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 3{(3)3}x6 27 -16 -17 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 7x7 3x7 H: 9+3x6 G: 7+1x6 W: 6
2 LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 4 10 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal. Tied with 2LP and 5LP for Bulleta's fastest button, hitting on frame 5. Can be renda cancelled into itself (2LK 2LK, quickly) or linked into itself (2LK 2LK, slowly), but the link into itself is not a useful combo tool. It has multiple combo options, but the easiest conversion is renda 2LK into 2MP 214P. A more optimal conversion is linking into 2LP, which gives you time to confirm a standing-only 5LP combo. If they're crouching, you can instead finish by renda 2LP into 2MP 214P.

Used as an unblockable low after your opponent stand-blocks a deep J.HK. Good button to begin your crouching pushblock input with.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
4 4 10 6 5 H: 9 G: 8
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
2 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Use this as an extra chain attack against wide opponents like Gallon, Lei-Lei & Q-Bee, which might look like: (deep jump-in) 2MP 2MK 2HK. Much less range than 2MP, but much less hurtbox extension.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 16 5 4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 15 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3

2 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Short range knockdown, used after a corner walk-through as a chain ender to maintain highly advantageous Okizeme, as compared to her go-to knockdown of 214P.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3 23 - -3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 17 7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Air Normals

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Used as a Zuurashi jump-in to enable extended ground combos on hit. Used to counter-play Demitri's Midnight Pleasure with an ascending 9J.LP chain. Can enable some ambiguous which-way offense if you are directly above them as they wake-up. This is also used for starting re-jump combos on specific characters like Q-Bee.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 6 3 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Used to hold the corner without over-committing to an anti-air. Just 8-Jump with ascending 8J.MP and react accordingly to the hit, block or whiff scenario.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3 11 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 17 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal, a phenomenal instant-overhead that works on every character except QB. Against the rest of the short crouchers (MO, LI, BU), the IOH requires that jMP be performed on the first frame possible after jump, which is inconsistent due to frameskip. Amazing jump-in tool that enables 50/50s with a J.MK or a J.HK UB 2LK route. This move is so fast with great disjoint + reach that it is her go-to solution after a chicken block.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 4 6 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Not an amazing tool, but seldomly used in the same scenario that 8 Jump J.MP is detailed above. Bulleta likes to descend with this in a specific time that allows 8J.HK to become active the moment Bulleta lands.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 3(3)3 9 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 9+9 4+4 H: 15+9 G: 10+4 W: 6
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal. The only good version of HP, used frequently in Bulleta's air chains. It is also reliable as an air chain that drags the opponent down to setup a grounded UB. Aim to descend with 9J.HP at max range then once you land you can go low or IOH or dash in for more advantage. Has almost no hitstop, so you need to get used to inputting your ground followup very quickly. Extremely advantageous on deep hit (+15 at best), which can be used to set up character-specific re-jump combos.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 3(3)3 10 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 9+9 4+4 H: 15+9 G: 10+4 W: 6
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Used as an alternate IOH solution against Tall crouchers, used as a combo starter in select counter plays enabling extended ground dash combos (Lilith's Soul Flash is an example)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 2 3 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Used in a specific corner 8 jump combo that works as a throw bait & can maintain advantage on block. This move is also better for landing on a grounded (crouching) opponent in front of you than 8J.MP due to its lower hit box
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 6 7 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 17 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal, excellent cross-up okizeme tool & occasional air chain filler. Cancel into this after IOH 9J.MP to improve recovery. If a grounded opponent blocks this, you can't chain into 9J.HP afterward on most characters (possible on Demitri).
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 7 3 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial normal, a disjointed projectile attack that causes a fire knockdown on hit and enables a pseudo-unblockable landing-low. Pretty solid hit-box so it can challenge & win most conventional anti-airs. This is great for setting up proximity block approaches very high up in the air. Please check the BUGs section to better understand her land-canceling nuance & pseudo-unblockable details.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
11 4 20 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 20 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6

Command Normals

Tricky Basket
Tricky Basket
6MP / 4MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Use it to bully Anakaris (2LP 6MP 2LP 6MP...) or tick into an ES command throw. You can also use it to corpse hop during fire knockdowns. 4MP can be used to retreat while maintaining charge.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
12 4 17 4 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Surprise & Hop
Surprise & Hop
6MK / 4MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
4MK is a fast, active advancing normal that maintains charge. It also has short range and can be throw punishable on hit, making it a tricky move to apply. Airborne on frame 3, which can be used to dodge throws. Can be made safe or slightly plus if used at a good spacing. 6MK is the same normal, but you don't get charge.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 9 20 -3 -4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 15 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
3 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Frame-Trap with this to bait tech hits or movement as the mine is not displaced by the push back. Prioritize this in the corner as it combos from 2MP & allows an extended fire knockdown. It deals good damage & unlocks unique Okizeme routes in the corner.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
15 52 35 - -10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Tell Me Why
Tell Me Why
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Gimmicky & not effective defensive tool that's only notable feature is to have no throw enabled box, so you can make a hard call out on things like Midnight Bliss
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
0 0 34 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
- no 4-23 throw - 0 H: - G: 0 W: 0

Dashing Normals

Stumble & Blade
Stumble & Blade
6[6] MP / 4[4]MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Overhead attack that can be used to finish out a bat. Learn to avoid leaking this move, it's easy to get it by accident while trying to get 66~5MP.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
21 8 22 -1 -2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 16 7 H: 5 G: 9 W: 3

Normal Throws

6MP or 6HP
6MP or 6HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Prioritize throwing with MP instead of HP, since you don't want to risk getting stuck with her uzi gun, would the throw whiff. Bulleta recovers backwards after this throw.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 120 + landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-72 whole body 21 (10) 8 (4) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
J.6P or J.4P
J.6P or J.4P
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Due to Bulleta's strength of Chicken Blocking into 9J.MP + high mobility, you should be landing this often in matches. Bulleta recovers backwards after this throw.
J.6P or J.4P
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 72+45+landing 12+turning 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-72 whole body 22 (11) 8 (4) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0

Special Moves

High Smile & Missile

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial move. It builds your meter, stops rushdown, and keeps you safe. Like any fireball, you want to use certain versions in certain situations. Missiles stay active when Bulleta is hit so trades are always in her favor. Bulleta can dash 'with' her missiles due to the huge dash range, and it provides a good wall to close the gap. This doesn't apply to ES, despite it going farther, because multiple hits are easier to tech or guard cancel. Bulleta cannot use a missile while another is on the screen, unless in Dark Force or Lei-Lei reflected it.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 47 27 - -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 17 4 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15
(LP Version): This missile is best used to stop steep angled or IAD pressure. Think Q-Bee rushdown or Talbain jump-ins. It can also be worked into your close range pressure game.
(MP Version): Nothing to note
(HP Version): Use this on block as a frame-trap that punishes the opponents jumps or buttons.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 59 27 - -2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 10x3 3x3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
(ES Version): Multiple hits with the only downfall being that its easily teched/guard cancelled, and it can also be comboed into off two low light normals (easier timing in the corner). Decent damage safe poke that is worth the meter.

Low Smile & Missle

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Crucial move. This covers ground approaches & encourage your opponent to jump in.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 47 27 - -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 17 4 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15

Vary your strengths to vary your timings & stay unpredictable

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 59 27 - -2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 10x3 3x3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Good combo damage & also maintains offense on block, so often Bulleta's will route into it on hit or block. Decent damage safe poke that is worth the meter.

Hop & Missile

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Terrible move with no use in competitive play
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
27 33 48 + landing 5 - 1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 17 4 H: 21 G: 18 W: 15
  • (LP Version): Smallest angle shot.
  • (MP Version): Medium angle shot.
  • (HP Version): Larger angle shot.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
27 66 48 + landing 5 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 10x3 3x3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
  • (ES Version): Travels full screen and may be used to punish or counter play specific things, like an ES Ice Tower.

Cheer & Fire

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Bulleta cannot use molotov while another projectile is on the screen. Use this to cover the skies against characters like Jedah, Q-Bee & Morrigan
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 20 13 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 18 5 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

This version is good to kara-cancel into for meter building

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
15 20 17 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 18 5 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Terrible move with no use in competitive play

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
17 21 21 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 18 5 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Terrible move with no use in competitive play

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
11 4,8x8 18 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 11x9 3x9 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
(ES Version): The move stays out much longer and moves up and down. Use this in the same scenarios as the LP version, where you can spend meter to increase the damage. Lastly, there is great Cheap Kill potential with this move if the opponent air block it.

Shyness & Strike

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
It is an effective combo ender tool because it knocks down. If you hold the punch button she will keep spinning the basket and it will charge up. The LP, MP and HP versions are all the same, so use whichever is most comfortable in your combo input. You get a guaranteed pursuit after this move. This move is air-state unblockable.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
16-63 4 40 - -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 19 4 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Combo ender tool

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
64-111 4 40 - -9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 21 5 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Combo ender tool

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
112-159 4 45 - -14 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 23 6 H: 24 G: 21 W: 18

Combo ender tool

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
27 4 45 - --14 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 28 8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Terrible move not used in competitive play.

Guard Cancel

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
This move has 29F invulnerability but Bulleta is vulnerable for the last 10F of recovery. Due to the side switch nature of this move, it can be used to escape the corner or enable a punish on select full screen moves like Finishing Shower.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
- - 39 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
- no 1-29 whole body 0 0 H: 0 G: 0 W: 12

Command Throws

632[4] MP or HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
An effective command throw that is core to the offense RPS of VSAV. If you expect people to be 1-hit teching your attacks, just dash and ES throw them. This adds a 3rd layer of offense to Bulleta's onslaught.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 1 38 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1 whole body 27 8 H: 21 G: 0 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 1 38 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1 whole body 33 10 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Crucial move, the ES version is an excellent way to spend meter. This can be done directly out of dash without losing her low profile state, allowing you to dash under moves like Bee 5MP. The regular version must be input with MP or HP, but you should prefer MP to avoid HP leaks. The ES version can be input with any two punches, LP+MP is preferred. When this move is input normally (full half circle 63214), it has an input overlap with 214P, which will come out if the opponent is not in range for the grab. This is a dreadful leak, and the only way to fix it is by omitting the 1 in the half circle input. The input 6324LP+MP is an extremely useful option select that will either give ES throw or 5LP, one of Bulleta's safest buttons to whiff. For this OS, it's important to know that you can do the 632 input while dashing without breaking your dash: think of it as 6632, then 4+LP+MP.

This throw, as a reversal, will beat meaties (if in range). This can be input as (hold P), 6324 (release P). You can also do 63241 before releasing P to block low. Avoid 63214 so you don't wake up with reversal 214P.


8P or 8K
8P or 8K
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Bulleta leaps a considerable distance and shoots downward onto her opponent, getting pushed back upwards. Whiff or not, this pursuit is essential to Bulleta's gameplay. It homes in to wherever the opponent is knocked down while still being very fast. Bulleta maintains an offensive advantage after a pursuit. It's not a super strong mix, but you can keep the offense go-go-going. Aim to close as much distance as possible before inputting the pursuit to maximize your post pursuit Okizeme opportunity.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
22 20 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 1x6 1x6 H: 12+2x5 G: 0 W: 6
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
22 20 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 1x11+5 1x11+3 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
This does big damage & often is used to deathblow. ES Pursuit enables the Mirage Reduction Bug.

Ex Moves

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Good for air state Cheap Kills & specific punishes like Jedah using a full screen Dio Sega. The lower row of missiles do not cause chip damage. It is extremely punishable on whiff
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
25 {2(2)}x26・1 44 - -106 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 4x27 2x27 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
27 - - - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 3x18 1x18 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Bulleta's go-to reversal tool. It does not full connect when the opponent is in an air-state. Bulleta is invincible until the first frame she is active, due to this it does often trade. The trade is in Bulleta's favor as you can link a combo here. The move is highly punishable on block.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
17 17 38 - -27 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-16 whole body 3x7+26 1x7+8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
An unblockable attack that only connects when the opponent is standing. Awful on whiff, but it does slightly more damage than 6324PP, so it has some use as a punish option. Not safe as a reversal option (loses to meaties).
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
18 1 44 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 42 13 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Dark Force

The Killing Time - Same strength P + K

All versions are the same. All of Bulleta's punches will be replaced with an instant missile that corresponds to the strength pushed, but you will keep all your kicks. That means you can dash into missiles, do multiple missiles at once, etc. Jumping and pressing will do the [2]8 Missile, pressing any P will be a high Missile, and crouching with any P will be a low Missile. Since you keep your kicks, this can be used regularly to move in with 66LK and pressure with lots of missiles, but it sees more use as an escape tool. Try to cover your deactivation with a missile by inputting back dash LP then deactivate. It is important to deactivate as soon as you are safe. Bulleta's DF loses to access to her Punch attacks which puts her at a disadvantage in neutral. Note that while in DF Bulleta can combo out of kicks into crouching P missiles to get that knockdown allowing a safe deactivate.



Notable Players


Japanese Player Index:

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Kosho コショー KK Bulleta color kk small.png Kanto region Bulleta GOD.
Sako LK Bulleta color lk small.png Kansai region
OG Bulleta GOD
Execution is the best in the world
SuperMotiMoti スーパーモチモチ PP Bulleta color pp small.png Kansai region Awesome ground/footsies game
Touhou 徒歩 LP Bulleta color lp small.png Kanto region He is also an established IaMP player.
Akashi LK Bulleta color lk small.png Kanto region
Recently Married DD-Sas. Congrats!

North America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Kain ケイン HK Bulleta color hp small.png California, USA Long time player that is considered an execution monster. He started as a Lei-Lei player and has a pocket Bishamon. Has a long history with Hokuto No Ken too.
Fee Bee フィービー PP Bulleta color pp small.png Kentucky, USA Recent player that has found success. She also organizes the Beginner's tournaments.
Goose グース KK Bulleta color kk small.png Pacific Northwest, USA VMPNW's resident Bulleta.
Baco ベイコ MK Bulleta color mk small.png NorCal, USA Originally from east coast, now resides in CA.
EmptyShiki エンプティーシキ LP Bulleta color lp small.png Chicago, USA Long time player. Has a ridiculous amount of CPS2 boards.
KeyChain キーチェイン MK Bulleta color mk small.png New York Started in the pandemic & quickly grew to power. They come from 3S as a strong contender in that game.


Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Bansheebot MK Bulleta color mk small.png France French favorite, everybody love him. Will land Sako combos against you

South America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
MendyPHX メンディPHX KK Bulleta color kk small.png São Paulo, Brazil Recent player that attends offline events with the NekoPunchi guys.