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== Movement ==
== Movement ==

'''Walk:''' Fast walk speed, tall hitbox.  
'''Walk:''' Average speed both forward and backward. While easy to overlook compared to her unique options for movement, walking with Q-Bee is still important for her counterpoke game and adjusting potential IAD angles.

'''Dash:''' A ground-based dash. Good movement speed, though there is an uncancelable startup window and an uncancelable dash-cool if not canceled in time. Attacking during a dash will result in a dash attack. The dash will retain momentum on dash attacks, making it good for tick throw setups (typically d.LK or when applicable d.LP into O.M.). Due to the uncancellable startup and limited dash attacks (they all hit mid) it's not as commonly used as her airdash, but is still very useful in certain situations, such as chasing the opponent or running away from the opponent, and sometimes as a meaty off an anti-air reset when an airdash would result in an upwards airdash.  
'''Dash:''' Functions similarly to a standard ground dash but she will enter an inactionable slide that acts as a recovery for both the forward and backward version. Because of this slide she is unable to empty cancel her dashes by pressing the opposite direction but she can thankfully still cancel it with her standing normals, making it important to learn how to move around while dash canceling.  

'''Jump:''' Wide forward jump arc, very narrow backward jump arc. Somewhat floaty, though average speed. Holding up allows you to float for a period of time. Neutral and forward jumps can float longer than a backwards jump. You can also get a short float after chicken guarding. There are some chains/situations where holding up-back to block instead of just back will cause Q-Bee's guard to drop.
'''Jump:''' Slightly floaty, the forward version travels average distance while the backward version travels almost no distance. Very useful when combined with her float and strong air-to-ground normals.

'''Air Dash:''' Arguably the best in the game, though definitely one of her most defining features. Since it auto-targets it comes with it's own set of pros and cons. The great thing about auto-target is if the opponent is grounded QB will usually airdash downwards towards the ground, which lets you do some insanely fast high/low mixups. The downside being that if the opponent is airborne or reset then QB might accidentally airdash upwards into the sky, leaving her rather vulnerable and curbing her rushdown. Although newer players tend to spam the hell out of it just about any time and any where, it's better used when up close or a couple character lengths away. A good sense of space, timing, and footsies will very dramatically help a QB player land airdashes, since having a bad sense of these things will make you very prone to getting abused and whiffing all over the place. Keep in mind that airdashing is possible after airblocking, which is extremely useful after chicken blocking, as well as after floating.
'''Air Dash:''' Can be input with any forward-facing direction once airborne. 99, 96, and 93 will all produce valid instant airdashes. From higher heights, 99, 66, 33, or any combination of 3/6/9 will produce an airdash.

'''Float (hover) - hold up:''' Holding any upwards direction (7, 8, 9) results in QB floating briefly during the apex of her normal jump. She can float longer during a forward jump than neutral or back. The direction of the float input does not have to match the direction of the jump, so jumping forwards with 9 can float with 7, allowing you to jump forwards, airblock, and float as an option select. Pretty good maneuver for baiting anti-airs. The float does not change QB's normal jump properties at all, so it is possible to airblock during it, attack during and after it, and even airdash during or after a float. A typical use for it is to jump forwards and float over the opponent, then airdash towards them from behind. Be wary of slower/delayed enemy airchains on chicken block, as the transition from normal jump to float has a few vulnerable frames, and QBee has a unique airblock pushback trajectory that can be exploited for enemy ground-to-air unblockables or corner drive.  
Perhaps Q-Bee’s single most defining tool, an airdash that locks on to the opponent’s current position and sends her there. From an instant air dash (IAD) Q-Bee is capable of extremely fast triangle jumps, giving her the fastest overheads in the game. While using her airdash counts as an air action and she can’t block after doing so you can cancel it into her three air okay special moves at any point in the air dash.

'''Float (hover) - hold 7/8/9:''' Q-Bee will stay suspended in the air either for a set amount of time or until the direction held is let go. Both the neutral and backward float are rather short but her forward float allows her to cover about half screen distance. Incredible tool for mobility and stalling, allows Q-Bee to both advance forward while being able to chicken guard potential threats or hover and wait to react to what the opponent does. If there is a significant gap between air hits that allow QB to return to neutral, the second air hit will effectively guard break her.

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Whiffs small crouching characters, but has more frame advantage than her other light attacks. Thus, when applicable, is preferred. Uses include walk-under anti-air, chicken block punish, and as a tick-throw setup on tall crouching characters from either the neutral version or while-dashing version. Will not whiff against the following characters while crouching: AN, AU, BI, DE, JE, and VI).  
Slightly stubbier than the average jab. Uses for this normal include catching air approaches like short hops or airdashes, guardbreaking opponents airblocking directly in front of you, whiff punishing higher reaching pokes, or setting up tick throws. This normal becomes particularly strong against tall crouchers as it will not whiff on them no matter which state they’re in.
The following characters can not crouch under this normal: AN, AU, BI, DE, JE, and VI.

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Extremely fast and long range, though not as long as it would appear. Whiffs over small crouchers, but it's primary use is to stuff jump-outs on their way up and for poking standing characters. In general it's a good mid-range weapon when you're able to out-range your opponent. Taller characters cannot crouch this, and their defensive response can define a large part of the matchup.
One of Q-Bee's main pokes and key normals. With fast startup, far range, and only moderate recovery Q-Bee will use this normal to control neutral, whiff punish poorly spaced normals, or guard break opponents trying to chicken guard away from her. As strong as this poke is it does extend her hurtbox considerably and can be prone to losing to moves with especially high active frames.  

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This normal goes unused due to poor frame data, long start up and recovery, and because the bees are considered projectiles they can be air blocked unlike most standing and crouching normals.  
This normal has a few notable qualities in its long range and the bees being disjointed projectiles but goes unused due to a number of problems with it. As an ender in chains it's a poor choice as it leaves you minus on hit and the number of bees that hit the opponent is highly dependent on the character and if they're standing or crouching, while as a poke it is difficult to use due to the long startup and recovery.

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Because its hitbox is much lower it's preferable against characters who can crouch under her 5LP despite being less advantageous on block/hit and ineligible for a renda bonus. It has enough disjoint and frame advantage to be useful as a conditioning tool on enemy wakeup, as well as tic-throw setups with the dashing version.
A more reliable light normal for pressure. While not as advantageous as 5LP it does not whiff against any crouchers and has great range with a nearly disjointed hitbox. Great for stuffing low normals or harassing the opponent just outside of point blank range.  

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Primarily used as an anti-air against jump ins from a farther ranges. Other uses include using it while dashing to anti-air a chicken blocking opponent, particularly during bubble setups, and guard breaking an opponent upbacking in the corner after using an air chain against them. Unfortunately it whiffs against most crouching characters and even standing Felicia so it shouldn't be used unless the opponent is in the air or using the dashing version to punish moves that recover in the air (DPs, ES/EX rebounds like LI, etc.)
Primarily used as an anti-air against jump ins from farther ranges. Other uses include using it while dashing to anti-air a chicken blocking opponent, particularly during bubble setups, and guard breaking an opponent upbacking in the corner after using an air chain against them. Unfortunately it whiffs against most crouching characters and even standing Felicia so it shouldn't be used against grounded opponents.

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Rarely used, however it can function as a last-resort AA in situations where the opponent is close and directly above you.  
Another anti-air option that covers directly above and in front of Q-Bee. It’s useful for catching opponents who have committed to an air option that leaves them especially high, like Morrigan and Jedah's hoverdash or Lei-Lei’s pendulum swing. When using it you will want to use it as late as possible in order to try and trigger the initial hitbox of the normal as this is the highest reaching one.  

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A bit longer than a standard jab and hits low. It's 1F slower and 1F less advantageous than 2LK, though it gains a renda bonus where as 2LK does not, but other than that it has identical uses to 2LK.
An interesting crouching jab that hits low, has notable range, and can gain renda bonus. Unfortunately its frame data leaves it outclassed by 2LK as both a pressure tool and chain starter, leaving it stuck mostly as chain filler from IAD starters when applicable.

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Good range and speed for a low, but not nearly as advantageous on hit/block as 2MK. In other words it's primary use is as a low poke, but would ideally be chained into 2MK for frame advantage or 2HK for a knockdown, or canceled into C-R if point blank.  
Another key poking normal. While less advantageous on block then her other pokes, the fast startup and long reach of this low make it an incredible tool in Q-Bee's neutral and high/low mixups. Occasionally can be special canceled into CR to catch pushblock or counter poke attempts.

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This is a rather odd move, but also a very good anti-air at mid/far range. The needles are autonomous of her and so they are counted as projectiles, which means they can be airblocked but they are also persistent and will continue to hit even if she is hit. What this means is if you're too far away for MK anti-air then this is the move to use, since the opponent will be forced to airblock it or otherwise they will trade/lose to it, since they won't be able to flat out beat it. The other interesting property to this move is it's ridiculous amount of frame advantage, making it a possible meaty or close-range attack that links into 2MP/2MK. Since it's a crouch attack, even if the opponent GC's against it there's a chance that QB will simply crouch under it or recover first, depending on the opponent. As an anti-air this move will also set up a good IAD position, since the opponent will land soon enough that your IAD will aim downwards instead of upwards.  
An unusual normal, but a useful anti-air option against jump-ins at the mid to far range. Because the stingers are projectiles that exist separate from Q-Bee opponents will still trade with them once active even if they happen to hit Q-Bee. Although the multihit nature of this normal can make it prone to being pushblocked or guard canceled it grants notably high frame advantage, allowing Q-Bee to even link into a 2MP or 2MK on hit.

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Pretty standard for a low short in terms of use, good advantage and combos into C-R at point blank, but does not gain a renda bonus. Because of negative edge, it's generally preferred when comboing into C-R off an IAD, such as IAD j.LP, 2LK xx C-R.  
Great pressure tool at point blank range, while it loses the renda bonus of 2LP it being a frame faster and more advantageous on hit and block allow it to cover for follow up options better. It also is commonly used to special cancel into ES CR from an IAD light normal.

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Great range and good advantage, though it does not hit low. Generally this is used as a mid-range poke when outside of range for 2MP 2MK, or to poke against crouching characters when MP would whiff against them. On block this is the move you want to chain into, stopping here instead of using any of her heavies.  
Similar in use to 5MP but hits at a steeper angle, when used in tandem with 5MP and 2MP this allows Q-Bee particularly powerful neutral and space control. In instances where 2HK will not reach the opponent this is your preferred ender for chains thanks to the reliable reach and great frame advantage. Because this normal barely extends Q-Bee's hurtbox in front of her it's an effective low crush.

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While not as reliable as most other sweeps this is still an important normal for QB. Because it's disadvantageous on block even if spaced it's best to exclusively hit-confirm into it from a normal chain, rather than sticking it out randomly. Damage will vary based on when it hits, the latter hit having a retracted hitbox and being overall weaker. Good for a knockdown or low-profiling certain character-specific options, but not much else.  
One of the weaker sweeps in the game, but integral to Q-Bee's kit. Being a slide gives it slightly better range then it may seem but it’s use should be kept solely as a chain ender. Because of the short range you'll generally have to gauge your spacing from the opponent in order to ensure it will connect.

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Decent speed and range for a jump jab. Good for IADs or airchain starter.  
One of your air-to-ground starters and a core part of Q-Bee's high/low mixups. Because of the larger, steeper hitbox that reaches slightly under her this normal is advised specifically from IAD at close range, such as at point blank or just outside of it.  

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A great jumping attack with a ton of downward range, stuffs a lot of anti-airs. This is the preferred move when normal jumping or floating in. It's possible on late airdashes as well, but because the forward reach isn't great it isn't commonly used for that.  
An incredibly powerful air-to-ground normal. From jump-ins or float Q-Bee can reliably chain into j.MK and perform a ground chain or special cancel into ES CR upon landing. Because of its far reach she can use it from midrange to get especially far range overhead confirms or whiff punish normals from the opponent.

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This changes QB's air trajectory, as it forces her to hop back a little in the air when firing and then float straight down regardless of what her previous trajectory was. The use of this move is arguable, as it can stuff anti-airs and avoid other bad situations. However, it can be blocked low and will whiff most crouching characters. The recovery on it is also rather poor since it can't be canceled or chained, and the opponent will generally recover about 14 frames before QB on block (-14F), making it a rather risky move.  
This is another nontraditional normal, upon pressing it Q-Bee will shoot out four bees that then travel in an upward arc. As an attack she can not chain into or from this normal outside of Dark Force giving it little use as an option for offense, despite this both the upward arc and the fact that each bee is a separate projectile can make it a useful disjoint for clipping the opponent in certain situations. This normal has good utility as it will halt any air momentum Q-Bee has, this can be useful for canceling air dashes at unintended trajectories or tricking the opponent on where you will be positioned.  

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Good range and speed. Has slightly more horizontal reach than j.LP so is better at a distance. A good rising button for air-carry chains or contesting airspace.
While it has similar use to her j.LP as an air-to-ground light chain starter the steeper, further reaching hitbox makes it more reliable from farther ranges where j.LP might not reach. It can also make for an effective air-to-air option thanks to its great horizontal reach.

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This has better horizontal reach than most of her jumping attacks, which means it's good for air-to-air battles and late IAD. Also good in air chains against tall standing characters or chicken blocking opponents.  
Q-Bee's default air-to-air normal, while not exceptional in this regard it still is effective thanks to her strong aerial mobility. While less rewarding then j.HK using j.MK for poking from an IAD or air chains is easier and can be more practical in situations where you want to guarantee the hit. Although it can function as an IAD overhead starter the stubbier range and shorter hitstun make it more tricky to confirm off of compared to other options.

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Good range and speed. Has slightly more horizontal reach than j.LP so is better at a distance. IADing j.HK from an 8 jump float works well for baiting/punishing anti airs.  
Q-Bee's more optimal normal for air-to-air interactions and chaining into from j.MP in air chains. Its 10f frame startup makes it more difficult to use in air chains then j.MK but the increased hit stun makes it easier to confirm off of as well. Can be an effective option as an IAD overhead starter at farther ranges.  

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Stinger into backflip. Pretty standard for a throw, usually an ideal option select to use MP in order to stuff jump-outs, in lieu of HP which sucks point blank and is air blockable. QB recovers very quickly regardless if the opponent techs or not, allowing for okizeme and mixups. Though since the opponent bounces into the air, an early IAD could result in her flying horizontally or even upwards instead of the preferred diagonally downward path, so a normal groundash or late airdash is preferred.
Stinger into backflip. Pretty standard for a throw, MP is always the preferable option here due to the issues of 5HP. QB recovers very quickly regardless if the opponent techs or not, allowing for okizeme and mixups. Though since the opponent bounces into the air, an early IAD could result in her flying horizontally or even upwards instead of the preferred diagonally downward path, so a normal groundash or late airdash is preferred. One notable quality of this throw is that teching it will only reduce damage by 20% as opposed to the standard 50% of most other throws.

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Identical to her ground throw, controllable just the same. Average range and height properties.  
Identical to her ground throw, average range and height properties. Using j.MP as your option select is preferable here due to the unsafe nature of j.HP.

=== Special Moves ===
=== Special Moves ===
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Not an especially useful move, it's primary use is for when an IAD goes a direction you were not expecting as you can cancel into it and put yourself in a safer position then you would be completing the IAD. It can have some niche use as an escape option from the corner in some situations but this is generally seen as more risky then anything. QB will always fly to the wall behind her and then dive. Thus, if she's really far away from the wall behind her then the LK version can be used to get her quickly across the screen, in lieu of a backdash. On the other hand, if she has her back to the wall she can use the HK version to first get into the air and then quickly fly across the screen, in lieu of a forward dash. The problem with this move is how predictable it is, allowing opponents to easily punish it on reaction. Downs Airborne Opponents. ES Adds 31F of poison which acts as stun.
A niche special move, it's primary use is for when an IAD goes a direction you were not expecting as you can cancel into it and put yourself in a safer position then you would be completing the IAD. This special’s primary problem is how telegraphed the animation for it is, allowing opponents to easily punish it on reaction. Downs Airborne Opponents. In the rare occurences where you may land this special it has enough hitstun for you to be able to go into a full IAD combo. If you can predict the opponent teleporting (ZA, AN, MO etc.) it can be used to punish them, though this requires a hard read and is highly impractical.
Dives almost vertically.
Shortest version, leaves Q-Bee near the corner. This version is generally suggested when trying to recover from an unintended airdash angle.
Midrange dive.
Medium version, leaves Q-Bee around mid screen. Has no real uses.
Very far dive.
Longest version, leaves Q-Bee near the opposite side of the screen, similarly has no real uses
Slightly shorter range than HK version, but it will poison the opponent on hit. This move would probably be a lot more useful if it had a bit more range or it autotargeted the opponent, but since it has neither it's really not particularly useful. If you somehow manage to hit the opponent on the ground with the QJ bubble and you happen to be at the right range for this, then this would be the best followup since it poisons the opponent allowing for an additional ground-based followup (or even another QJ). But don't expect to be using this often, if at all.
Slightly shorter range than the HK version, it will poison the opponent on hit which acts the same as a traditional stun state. If you somehow manage to hit the opponent on the ground with the QJ bubble and you happen to be at the right range for this, then this would be the best followup since it poisons the opponent allowing for an additional ground-based followup (or even another QJ). But don't expect to be using this often, if at all.  
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Pronounced "Ess by Pee". QB's Lightning Legs type move, there is no ES version of this special. Most good QB players only do this move by accident, as it doesn't really have much to offer. You can mash for more hits, and you can alternate which version she is doing by mashing a different button during the move. The nice thing about it is it has a ton of frame advantage on hit/block, but other than that you won't be using it much. Four single-button inputs (i.e., MK,MK,MK,MK) are required, but any kick button (or mashing all three) can be used to sustain it beyond the initial four. Ground version is air-unblockable.
A lightning legs type of special, there is no ES version. Most QB players will ignore this special, as its applications are few and far between. Despite the high frame advantage on hit/block it offers the multihit nature of this special makes it prone to be pushblocked or guard canceled. You can mash for more hits, and you can alternate which version she is doing by mashing a different button during the move. Four single-button inputs (i.e., MK,MK,MK,MK) are required, but any kick button (or mashing all three) can be used to sustain it beyond the initial four. Ground version is air-unblockable.  
Slow stabs.
Slowest stings.
Mid stabs. Best frame advantage.
Medium stings, has the best frame advantage.
Fastest stabs.
Fastest stings.
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| input = 4123P
| input = 4123P
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{{MoveDataCargoImage|QB_236LP|caption=Normal Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|QB_4123LP|caption=Normal Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|QB_236PP|caption=ES Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|QB_4123PP|caption=ES Version}}
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It should be noted that while this special is given the notation 41236P in official material that the player can actually leave out the 6 and still have this specific special come out using 4123P.
It should be noted that while this special is given the notation 41236P in official material the special only checks for a 4123 input.

Pronounced "See arr". A blockable airborne rush. If this hits she will grab the opponent. This special has a rather generous amount of active frames and goes over some low attacks and even Felicia's ball roll, and will grab quite a lot of normal moves, beating their hitboxes clean. Despite having some recovery on block it's a fairly safe move, making it not entirely necessary to hitconfirm. Really, because of the outstanding hitbox and good recovery, it's not a bad poking move either, though not something you want to spam all the time since if it fails you lose initiative/pressure. There are scenarios where the ground version will hit, but fail to grab. The air/TK version is more consistent in this respect. Landing Suki: 1F
A blockable airborne grab, if this hits she will perform an extended version of her throw animation. This special has a rather generous amount of active frames allowing it to be used to whiff punish or low crush the opponent. Despite having some recovery on block it's a fairly safe move, making it not entirely necessary to hitconfirm. Thanks to a good hitbox and recovery it can be used as a counter poke, though it’s not something you want to abuse as if it fails you lose initiative/pressure.
Short range, slow speed.
Shortest version, moves Q-Bee 107 pixels forward. Nearly useless.
Mid range, mid speed.
Medium version, moves Q-Bee 136 pixels forward. Similarly useless.
Far range, fast speed. Best for combos.
Longest version, moves Q-Bee 171 pixels forward. This is the most useful of the meterless versions and can allow her to cover a good amount of space and catch whiffed normals during their recovery.
Cocoon's the opponent. This is the best setup up a bubble okizeme since QB recovers extremely fast after the knockdown. Typically one would IAD j.P/j.K, 2LP/2LK xx 41236PP, then immediate lp 623PP on recovery and go for more IAD mixups or anti-air while the opponent is blocking the bubble. If the opponent is hit on the ground by the bubble the best follow up is another C->R.
The ES version of CR functions differently from the other versions. In this version Q-Bee will leave the opponent in an egg, allowing a significant amount of time for her to set up whatever oki she wants. This is especially effective against cornered opponents, where the typical follow up is her 623PP QJ super. Generally one would IAD j.LP/j.LK/j.MP > 2LP/2LK/2MP xx 41236PP, then immediate 623PP on recovery and go for more IAD mixups or anti-air while the opponent is blocking the bubble. If the opponent is hit on the ground by the bubble the best follow up is another C->R.  

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The first part is very short-ranged, and the second part is angled very high upwards. Thus, it's difficult to hit with this move. It can be used as an anti-air, or against long ranged laggy moves. However, the situations in which it's likely to hit are few and far between. All versions have the same invulnerability, startup, hit advantage, and block advantage. Only the ES version differs in any way, and solely by doing slightly more damage. One unique strength of this guard cancel however is that it doesn't overlap with any other special, allowing for GC negative edge inputs that do not leak on GC bait. Air unblockable, as QBee does not technically leave the ground.
The first part is very short-ranged, and the second part is angled very high upwards. Thus, it can be difficult to hit with this move at farther ranges. It can be used as an anti-air, or against extended hurtboxes with long reocvery. All versions have the same invulnerability, startup, hit advantage, and block advantage. Only the ES version differs in any way, and solely by doing slightly more damage. One unique strength of this guard cancel however is that it doesn't overlap with any other special, allowing for GC negative edge inputs that do not leak on GC bait. Air unblockable, as Q-Bee does not technically leave the ground.
The invulnerability window lasts longer than the startup, but due to it's angle it's only ever used when the situation calls for it.
The invulnerability window lasts longer than the startup, but due to it's angle it's only ever used when the situation calls for it.
Basically identical to the normal version, not worth the meter.
Basically identical to the normal version, not worth the meter unless it will kill or to eat the opponent's dark force timer.

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| title = O.M.
| title = O.M.
| input = 632[4]P
| input = 632[4] MP or HP
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QB's command grab is one of the best in the game. It's fully invulnerable, and it's 2F startup makes it so that it almost never whiffs. Either she grabs the opponent or she does MP/HP when she can't grab the opponent. Because of the poorness of HP it's a good idea to use MP instead, because a failed cmd grab resulting in a MP is preferable to an accidental HP.  
It should be noted that while this special is given the notation 63214P in official material the special only checks for a 6324 input. Must be done with MP or HP.
QB's command grab is one of the best in the game. While its startup does not provide any invulnerability, with only 2f of startup it is difficult to punish and beats various options, allowing it to be used in the same vein as a reversal. Because of how command grabs work here she generally will either grab the opponent or perform a standing MP/HP when the opponent is too far. Even in the rare scenario that the whiff animation is triggered she is fully invulnerable during the entire recovery preventing punishes. Because of the number of poor traits that 5HP possesses it's advised to always use MP instead, because a failed command grab resulting in a 5MP is always preferable to an accidental 5HP.  
Not really worth the meter since the damage increase is very small, though technically it does do a bit more damage. Only use it if you just happen to be overflowing with meter, or if you wish to use LP+MP for a 5LP/Grab OS based on button priority.  
Not really worth the meter since the damage increase is minimal, though it may still be useful in order to ensure a kill. Only use it if you just happen to be overflowing with meter, or if you wish to use 6324LP+MP for a 5LP/Grab OS based on button priority.  

==== Pursuits ====
==== Pursuits ====

=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8P or 8K</font>=====
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8P/K or 8KK/PP</font>=====
| title = PURSUIT
| title = PURSUIT
| input = 8P or 8K
| input = 8P/K or 8KK/PP
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Good speed, good recovery. Not a bad move to whiff on purpose to close gaps on far knockdowns. The downside to this is that if the pursuit hits then Q-Bee will return to her original position, so when using it to transverse the screen one must time it rather well to avoid accidentally hitting with it, otherwise you'll be sent back to your point of origin.  
Q-Bee will lock on the opponent’s position and set her stinger in them. Travels fast with low damage, this pursuit is notable in that upon completing it Q-Bee will reset to her starting position no matter where she was. Because of this it’s suggested that when trying to use a whiffed pursuit to travel to the opponent’s position that you delay it as much as possible.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">8PP or 8KK</font>=====
| title = ES PURSUIT
| input = 8PP or 8KK
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ES version has several hits and will remove significant amounts of DF time. Used in conjunction with ESCR, most characters' DF bar will be entirely depleted, leading to an easy DF deactivate punish. Otherwise, save the meter for ESCR unless this will kill.
ES version has several hits and will remove significant amounts of DF time. Used in conjunction with ESCR, most characters' DF bar will be entirely depleted, leading to an easy DF deactivate punish. Otherwise, save the meter for ESCR unless this will kill.
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This move will be neutralized if QB is hit during it. It will coat the opponent in jelly (honey/wax) if they are hit on the ground, allowing a follow up. The opponent is considered partially airborne when coated, so any single hit attack will reset them (if it isn't a natural knockdown), if no attack is made they will be knocked down for no additional damage. Because of the one-hit rule, the best followups are her C->R, ES Delta A, or +B EX moves. If the opponent is hit while airborne they will not be coated and simply knocked down instead. This move makes for a great okizeme move, but only in certain situations. A normal C->R and normal throw are not good setups because the opponent can tech forward and punish her. However, her ES C->R and O.M. moves make great setups because she won't be punishable during the bubble startup. Typically once used the QB player will rush the opponent down and attempt to anti-air a chicken blocking opponent, or do IAD mixups against a ground blocking opponent. Stuns grounded opponent on hit (honey/wax), hit followup causes knockdown, airborne hit causes knockdown but does not add stun (no honey/wax on airborne hit), landing suki. ES-Delta A or ES-C>R will fully connect.: 1F
Q-Bee will summon a large honey bubble which she then throws, this bubble will proceed to bounce five times around the stage before deactivating and leaving the screen. This move will be neutralized if QB is hit during it. If a grounded opponent is hit they will be coated in the honey and stunned, allowing a follow up. The opponent is considered partially airborne while in the coated state, so any single hit attack will reset them (if it isn't a natural knockdown), if no attack is made they will be knocked down for no additional damage. Because of the one-hit rule, the best followup is CR, usually the ES version if meter is available. If the opponent is hit while airborne they will not be coated and simply knocked down instead. This move makes for a great okizeme move, but only in certain situations. A normal C->R and normal throw are not good setups because the opponent can tech forward and punish her. However, her ES C->R and O.M. moves make great setups because she won't be punishable during the bubble startup. Typically when used in neutral it will be used to antiair an opponent, cover her rushdown, or lock the opponent in airblock allowing a free guard crush.
Line 513: Line 508:
| info =
| info =
Rarely utilized. Can be used as a very committed, predictive call-out for certain long-range or invulnerable moves such as Death Voltage or Demon Cradle. Landing Suki: 1f.
Q-Bee will fly toward the top of the screen and summon a hive that then has a group of bees travel in an arc around the screen. Generally unused, the arc in which the bees travel can not be controlled or altered and both the startup and recovery make it easy for the opponent to punish on reaction. It will only see occasional use as a hard read against committal options, such as Demitri’s forward dash.
Line 521: Line 516:
''' Flight: I^2 - Same strength P + K:'''
''' Flight: I^2 - Same strength P + K:'''

* '''(Any Version):''' Q-Bee flies into the air and is allowed normal flight for the duration. Very short deactivation recovery. while in flight mode, is special cancel enabled & can be special canceled from a chain.
* '''(Any Version):''' Upon activation Q-Bee will gain unlimited flight for a short period of time. Exclusive to DF is the ability to chain into and out of j.HP. While similar to Jedah’s DF, which is one of the best in the game, this DF goes mostly unused due to a few problems such as its extensive startup and losing access to both her air dash and her float. While it may still find some use for the invulnerability it grants general this DF should be avoided.

== Notable Players ==
== Notable Players ==

Japanese Player Index:
Japanese Player Index
=== Japan ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name (English)
!width="95"|Name (English)
Line 539: Line 539:
|style="text-align:center;"| HP [[file:qbee_color_hp_small.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| HP [[file:qbee_color_hp_small.png]]
|Kanto region
|Kanto Region
|One of the primary T.O.'s of JP-VSAV<br>#01 Q-Bee<br>Tokyo Community Leader.
|One of the primary T.O.'s of JP-VSAV<br>#01 Q-Bee<br>Tokyo Community Leader.
Line 546: Line 546:
|style="text-align:center;"| MP [[file:qbee_color_mp_small.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| MP [[file:qbee_color_mp_small.png]]
|Kanto region
|Kanto Region
|Used to be a GGPO regular under the name PPPPP.  
|Used to be a GGPO regular under the name PPPPP.  
Line 553: Line 553:
|不能 -><br>佐伯 -><br>サイトー
|不能 -><br>佐伯 -><br>サイトー
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:qbee_color_kk_small.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:qbee_color_kk_small.png]]
|Kanto region
|Kanto Region
|Rookie champion is now a pro<br>Saito is a popular JP family name
|Rookie champion is now a pro<br>Saito is a popular JP family name
Line 562: Line 562:
|Kansai Region
|Kansai Region
|Old-School, famous for going "giga mode".
Line 578: Line 578:
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:qbee_color_kk_small.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:qbee_color_kk_small.png]]
|Kanto Region
|style="text-align:center;"| LK [[file:qbee_color_lk_small.png]]
|Kanto Region
| (NSFW)
|Mangaka and community artist.
|style="text-align:center;"| HK [[file:qbee_color_hk_small.png]]
|Kanto Region
|Started around the release of Darkstalkers Resurrection with great success, seeing multiple notable placements.
|style="text-align:center;"| HK [[file:qbee_color_hk_small.png]]
|Osaka Region
|One of the newer Q-Bee players, he's a regular at Athena Nihonbashi.
Line 653: Line 674:
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:qbee_color_kk_small.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:qbee_color_kk_small.png]]
| (Deactivated)
=== Europe ===
{| class="wikitable"
!width="95"|Name (English)
!width="105"| Name (Japanese)
!width="70"| Color
|style="text-align:center;"| KK [[file:qbee_color_kk_small.png]]
|Real life beekeeper, has real life Q-Bee!
|style="text-align:center;"| PP [[file:qbee_color_pp_small.png]]
|Called "Fighter", significant contributor of the EU VSAV community
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[[Category:Vampire Savior]]
[[Category:Vampire Savior]]

Latest revision as of 22:24, 20 June 2024


Q-Bee (キュービィ), the Soul Collector.

The Queen Bee of the Soul Bee species, a race that consumes souls to live. Q-Bee's race resided in the territory of the Dohma family, where they languished to near extinction during the period where Jedah was dead. Following Jedah's resurrection and his gathering of powerful souls in the Majigen, Q-Bee noticed the pooling of strong souls. She proceeded to ventured into the Majigen in order to gather souls she needed in order to alleviate the Soul Bees' hunger and restore their population.

Q-Bee is a top-tier pixie who is considered third best. She has strong normals for pressure and owning neutral, excellent mobility, & an annoyingly small hurtbox while crouching. She does suffer from standard pixie issues like low damage, low health, & relying on universal mechanics for defense. If you enjoy rushing your opponent down with insanely fast IADs & poking with incredible normals than Q-bee is recommended for you.


Primary objective:

  • Bully opponents with strong pokes in neutral
  • Float at/over opponents & make opportunities with her homing air dash
  • Once inside, use instant-air-dashes as oppressive high/low offense
  • Loop high/low mix-ups on oki to keep the opponent in a vortex/blender
  • Once the opponent has accrued considerable white life, confirm into ES C>R
  • Use Q.J. as corner pressure to elevate your corner advantage
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Strongest air mobility in VSAV with Float, Homing Dash & Delta-A
  • Homing instant air dashes create insanely fast high/low offense and can maintain pressure even after being Tech-Hit
  • Float is an effective approach that can uniquely target the opponent's back side
  • 5MP, 2MP, & 5MK are super effective tools in neutral
  • Her crouching hurtbox is so tiny that most opponent's go-to normals & confirms will whiff. Combined with her roll variance (both shortest and longest in the game) many oki/setplay setups do not work on her as they would with other characters.
  • Oppressive corner advantage with ES C>R always overtaking the corner & Q.J. traps
  • Able to hold up+back and convert that into an air-to-ground opportunity
  • No invincibility on Reversals
  • Overall health and damage is low, making health deficits challenging to come back from
  • 2HK is much shorter than her other normals, getting a knockdown sacrifices damage
  • Due to unpredictable trajectories, her homing air-dash occasionally loses advantage
  • Wide while standing & crouching: vulnerable to cross-ups
  • More vulnerable to left/right walk-throughs on oki
  • Bug in Float's recovery that makes her vulnerable for 1-frame
  • Most of her jumping normals are designed for air-to-ground pressure, limiting her air chain options and guard break potential
  • Very tall while standing, more vulnerable to extended combos & being bullied
  • Extremely tight IADs & 2LK to ES C>R cancels are gated behind a tough execution barrier


Walk: Average speed both forward and backward. While easy to overlook compared to her unique options for movement, walking with Q-Bee is still important for her counterpoke game and adjusting potential IAD angles.

Dash: Functions similarly to a standard ground dash but she will enter an inactionable slide that acts as a recovery for both the forward and backward version. Because of this slide she is unable to empty cancel her dashes by pressing the opposite direction but she can thankfully still cancel it with her standing normals, making it important to learn how to move around while dash canceling.

Jump: Slightly floaty, the forward version travels average distance while the backward version travels almost no distance. Very useful when combined with her float and strong air-to-ground normals.

Air Dash: Can be input with any forward-facing direction once airborne. 99, 96, and 93 will all produce valid instant airdashes. From higher heights, 99, 66, 33, or any combination of 3/6/9 will produce an airdash.

Perhaps Q-Bee’s single most defining tool, an airdash that locks on to the opponent’s current position and sends her there. From an instant air dash (IAD) Q-Bee is capable of extremely fast triangle jumps, giving her the fastest overheads in the game. While using her airdash counts as an air action and she can’t block after doing so you can cancel it into her three air okay special moves at any point in the air dash.

Float (hover) - hold 7/8/9: Q-Bee will stay suspended in the air either for a set amount of time or until the direction held is let go. Both the neutral and backward float are rather short but her forward float allows her to cover about half screen distance. Incredible tool for mobility and stalling, allows Q-Bee to both advance forward while being able to chicken guard potential threats or hover and wait to react to what the opponent does. If there is a significant gap between air hits that allow QB to return to neutral, the second air hit will effectively guard break her.


Normal Moves

Standing Normals

5 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 8 8 7 H: 11 G: 10
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0

Slightly stubbier than the average jab. Uses for this normal include catching air approaches like short hops or airdashes, guardbreaking opponents airblocking directly in front of you, whiff punishing higher reaching pokes, or setting up tick throws. This normal becomes particularly strong against tall crouchers as it will not whiff on them no matter which state they’re in.

The following characters can not crouch under this normal: AN, AU, BI, DE, JE, and VI.
5 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3 16 5 4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
One of Q-Bee's main pokes and key normals. With fast startup, far range, and only moderate recovery Q-Bee will use this normal to control neutral, whiff punish poorly spaced normals, or guard break opponents trying to chicken guard away from her. As strong as this poke is it does extend her hurtbox considerably and can be prone to losing to moves with especially high active frames.
5 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 29 21 -3 -4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 5x5 2x5 H: 10+4x4 G: 8+2x4 W: 6
This normal has a few notable qualities in its long range and the bees being disjointed projectiles but goes unused due to a number of problems with it. As an ender in chains it's a poor choice as it leaves you minus on hit and the number of bees that hit the opponent is highly dependent on the character and if they're standing or crouching, while as a poke it is difficult to use due to the long startup and recovery.
5 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 4 8 4 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
A more reliable light normal for pressure. While not as advantageous as 5LP it does not whiff against any crouchers and has great range with a nearly disjointed hitbox. Great for stuffing low normals or harassing the opponent just outside of point blank range.
5 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 4 17 4 3 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 17 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Primarily used as an anti-air against jump ins from farther ranges. Other uses include using it while dashing to anti-air a chicken blocking opponent, particularly during bubble setups, and guard breaking an opponent upbacking in the corner after using an air chain against them. Unfortunately it whiffs against most crouching characters and even standing Felicia so it shouldn't be used against grounded opponents.
5 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
9 2,2(4)3,2 23 0 -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 6x4 2x4 H: 11+5+4+4 G: 8+2x3 W: 6
Another anti-air option that covers directly above and in front of Q-Bee. It’s useful for catching opponents who have committed to an air option that leaves them especially high, like Morrigan and Jedah's hoverdash or Lei-Lei’s pendulum swing. When using it you will want to use it as late as possible in order to try and trigger the initial hitbox of the normal as this is the highest reaching one.

Crouching Normals

2 LP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
6 3 9 4 3 H: 7 G: 6
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 7 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
An interesting crouching jab that hits low, has notable range, and can gain renda bonus. Unfortunately its frame data leaves it outclassed by 2LK as both a pressure tool and chain starter, leaving it stuck mostly as chain filler from IAD starters when applicable.
2 MP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 4 14 3 2 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Another key poking normal. While less advantageous on block then her other pokes, the fast startup and long reach of this low make it an incredible tool in Q-Bee's neutral and high/low mixups. Occasionally can be special canceled into CR to catch pushblock or counter poke attempts.
2 HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
11 14 22 10 9 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 7x3 3x3 H: 12+6+6 G: 9+2x3 W: 6
An unusual normal, but a useful anti-air option against jump-ins at the mid to far range. Because the stingers are projectiles that exist separate from Q-Bee opponents will still trade with them once active even if they happen to hit Q-Bee. Although the multihit nature of this normal can make it prone to being pushblocked or guard canceled it grants notably high frame advantage, allowing Q-Bee to even link into a 2MP or 2MK on hit.
2 LK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 2 10 6 5 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low yes - 6 2 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
Great pressure tool at point blank range, while it loses the renda bonus of 2LP it being a frame faster and more advantageous on hit and block allow it to cover for follow up options better. It also is commonly used to special cancel into ES CR from an IAD light normal.
2 MK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
7 3 16 5 4 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid yes - 16 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Similar in use to 5MP but hits at a steeper angle, when used in tandem with 5MP and 2MP this allows Q-Bee particularly powerful neutral and space control. In instances where 2HK will not reach the opponent this is your preferred ender for chains thanks to the reliable reach and great frame advantage. Because this normal barely extends Q-Bee's hurtbox in front of her it's an effective low crush.
2 HK
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 13 22 - -7 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
low no - 20,16 9,7 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
One of the weaker sweeps in the game, but integral to Q-Bee's kit. Being a slide gives it slightly better range then it may seem but it’s use should be kept solely as a chain ender. Because of the short range you'll generally have to gauge your spacing from the opponent in order to ensure it will connect.

Air Normals

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 3 5 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 8 3 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
One of your air-to-ground starters and a core part of Q-Bee's high/low mixups. Because of the larger, steeper hitbox that reaches slightly under her this normal is advised specifically from IAD at close range, such as at point blank or just outside of it.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 5 6 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 16 7 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
An incredibly powerful air-to-ground normal. From jump-ins or float Q-Bee can reliably chain into j.MK and perform a ground chain or special cancel into ES CR upon landing. Because of its far reach she can use it from midrange to get especially far range overhead confirms or whiff punish normals from the opponent.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
24 13 18 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 6x4 3x4 H: 10+4x3 G: 8+2x3 W: 6
This is another nontraditional normal, upon pressing it Q-Bee will shoot out four bees that then travel in an upward arc. As an attack she can not chain into or from this normal outside of Dark Force giving it little use as an option for offense, despite this both the upward arc and the fact that each bee is a separate projectile can make it a useful disjoint for clipping the opponent in certain situations. This normal has good utility as it will halt any air momentum Q-Bee has, this can be useful for canceling air dashes at unintended trajectories or tricking the opponent on where you will be positioned.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
5 4 8 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 8 4 H: 6 G: 3 W: 0
While it has similar use to her j.LP as an air-to-ground light chain starter the steeper, further reaching hitbox makes it more reliable from farther ranges where j.LP might not reach. It can also make for an effective air-to-air option thanks to its great horizontal reach.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
8 5 9 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead yes - 17 6 H: 15 G: 9 W: 3
Q-Bee's default air-to-air normal, while not exceptional in this regard it still is effective thanks to her strong aerial mobility. While less rewarding then j.HK using j.MK for poking from an IAD or air chains is easier and can be more practical in situations where you want to guarantee the hit. Although it can function as an IAD overhead starter the stubbier range and shorter hitstun make it more tricky to confirm off of compared to other options.
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 4 11 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 22 8 H: 24 G: 15 W: 6
Q-Bee's more optimal normal for air-to-air interactions and chaining into from j.MP in air chains. Its 10f frame startup makes it more difficult to use in air chains then j.MK but the increased hit stun makes it easier to confirm off of as well. Can be an effective option as an IAD overhead starter at farther ranges.

Normal Throws

6MP or 6HP
6MP or 6HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 89 + landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-88 whole body 14+9 (14+4) 5+3 (5+1) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
Stinger into backflip. Pretty standard for a throw, MP is always the preferable option here due to the issues of 5HP. QB recovers very quickly regardless if the opponent techs or not, allowing for okizeme and mixups. Though since the opponent bounces into the air, an early IAD could result in her flying horizontally or even upwards instead of the preferred diagonally downward path, so a normal groundash or late airdash is preferred. One notable quality of this throw is that teching it will only reduce damage by 20% as opposed to the standard 50% of most other throws.
J.6P or J.4P
J.6P or J.4P
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
J.6P or J.4P
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
1 - 83 + 1 + landing1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-83 whole body 14+9 (14+4) 5+3 (5+1) H: 9 G: 0 W: 0
Identical to her ground throw, average range and height properties. Using j.MP as your option select is preferable here due to the unsafe nature of j.HP.

Special Moves

Delta A

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
A niche special move, it's primary use is for when an IAD goes a direction you were not expecting as you can cancel into it and put yourself in a safer position then you would be completing the IAD. This special’s primary problem is how telegraphed the animation for it is, allowing opponents to easily punish it on reaction. Downs Airborne Opponents. In the rare occurences where you may land this special it has enough hitstun for you to be able to go into a full IAD combo. If you can predict the opponent teleporting (ZA, AN, MO etc.) it can be used to punish them, though this requires a hard read and is highly impractical.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
45 11 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 21 5 H: 21 G: 16 W: 12

Shortest version, leaves Q-Bee near the corner. This version is generally suggested when trying to recover from an unintended airdash angle.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
45 13 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 23 6 H: 21 G: 16 W: 12

Medium version, leaves Q-Bee around mid screen. Has no real uses.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
45 22 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 25 7 H: 21 G: 16 W: 12

Longest version, leaves Q-Bee near the opposite side of the screen, similarly has no real uses

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
45 17 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 28 8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Slightly shorter range than the HK version, it will poison the opponent on hit which acts the same as a traditional stun state. If you somehow manage to hit the opponent on the ground with the QJ bubble and you happen to be at the right range for this, then this would be the best followup since it poisons the opponent allowing for an additional ground-based followup (or even another QJ). But don't expect to be using this often, if at all.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
35 ~ 45 11 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 21 5 H: 21 G: 16 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
35 ~ 45 13 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 23 6 H: 21 G: 16 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
35 ~ 45 22 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 25 7 H: 21 G: 16 W: 12
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
35 ~ 45 17 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
overhead no - 28 8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

S x P

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
A lightning legs type of special, there is no ES version. Most QB players will ignore this special, as its applications are few and far between. Despite the high frame advantage on hit/block it offers the multihit nature of this special makes it prone to be pushblocked or guard canceled. You can mash for more hits, and you can alternate which version she is doing by mashing a different button during the move. Four single-button inputs (i.e., MK,MK,MK,MK) are required, but any kick button (or mashing all three) can be used to sustain it beyond the initial four. Ground version is air-unblockable.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
12 4(4)4 10 11 10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8xn 3xn H: 9+6xn G: 9+3xn W: 9

Slowest stings.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 3(3)3(3)1 10 14 13 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8xn 3xn H: 9+6xn G: 9+3xn W: 9

Medium stings, has the best frame advantage.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
15 2(3)2(3)2(1) 10 12 11 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8xn 3xn H: 9+6xn G: 9+3xn W: 9

Fastest stings.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
12 4(4)4 variable + landing 1 11 10 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8xn 3xn H: 9+6xn G: 9+3xn W: 9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 3(3)3(3)1 variable + landing 1 14 13 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8xn 3xn H: 9+6xn G: 9+3xn W: 9
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
15 2(3)2(3)2(1) variable + landing 1 12 11 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8xn 3xn H: 9+6xn G: 9+3xn W: 9

Catch And Release

Normal Version
ES Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
It should be noted that while this special is given the notation 41236P in official material the special only checks for a 4123 input.

A blockable airborne grab, if this hits she will perform an extended version of her throw animation. This special has a rather generous amount of active frames allowing it to be used to whiff punish or low crush the opponent. Despite having some recovery on block it's a fairly safe move, making it not entirely necessary to hitconfirm. Thanks to a good hitbox and recovery it can be used as a counter poke, though it’s not something you want to abuse as if it fails you lose initiative/pressure.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 24 14 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+3x3+11 2+1x3+3 H: 22 G: 18 W: 18

Shortest version, moves Q-Bee 107 pixels forward. Nearly useless.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 26 14 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+3x3+11 2+1x3+3 H: 22 G: 18 W: 18

Medium version, moves Q-Bee 136 pixels forward. Similarly useless.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 28 14 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+3x3+11 2+1x3+3 H: 22 G: 18 W: 18

Longest version, moves Q-Bee 171 pixels forward. This is the most useful of the meterless versions and can allow her to cover a good amount of space and catch whiffed normals during their recovery.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 28 14 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+33 2+8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

The ES version of CR functions differently from the other versions. In this version Q-Bee will leave the opponent in an egg, allowing a significant amount of time for her to set up whatever oki she wants. This is especially effective against cornered opponents, where the typical follow up is her 623PP QJ super. Generally one would IAD j.LP/j.LK/j.MP > 2LP/2LK/2MP xx 41236PP, then immediate 623PP on recovery and go for more IAD mixups or anti-air while the opponent is blocking the bubble. If the opponent is hit on the ground by the bubble the best follow up is another C->R.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 24 variable + landing 1 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+3x3+11 2+1x3+3 H: 22 G: 18 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 26 variable + landing 1 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+3x3+11 2+1x3+3 H: 22 G: 18 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 28 variable + landing 1 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+3x3+11 2+1x3+3 H: 22 G: 18 W: 18
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
13 28 variable + landing 1 - -8 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 8+33 2+8 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Guard Cancel

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
The first part is very short-ranged, and the second part is angled very high upwards. Thus, it can be difficult to hit with this move at farther ranges. It can be used as an anti-air, or against extended hurtboxes with long reocvery. All versions have the same invulnerability, startup, hit advantage, and block advantage. Only the ES version differs in any way, and solely by doing slightly more damage. One unique strength of this guard cancel however is that it doesn't overlap with any other special, allowing for GC negative edge inputs that do not leak on GC bait. Air unblockable, as Q-Bee does not technically leave the ground.
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 2(4)14 18 - -14 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 12,12 4,4 H: 24 G: 21+3 W: 18

The invulnerability window lasts longer than the startup, but due to it's angle it's only ever used when the situation calls for it.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
10 2(4)14 18 - -14 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-13 whole body 19,19 4,4 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Basically identical to the normal version, not worth the meter unless it will kill or to eat the opponent's dark force timer.

Command Throw

632[4] MP or HP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 4 24 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-20 whole body (on whiff) 28 8 H: 21 G: 0 W: 12

It should be noted that while this special is given the notation 63214P in official material the special only checks for a 6324 input. Must be done with MP or HP.

QB's command grab is one of the best in the game. While its startup does not provide any invulnerability, with only 2f of startup it is difficult to punish and beats various options, allowing it to be used in the same vein as a reversal. Because of how command grabs work here she generally will either grab the opponent or perform a standing MP/HP when the opponent is too far. Even in the rare scenario that the whiff animation is triggered she is fully invulnerable during the entire recovery preventing punishes. Because of the number of poor traits that 5HP possesses it's advised to always use MP instead, because a failed command grab resulting in a 5MP is always preferable to an accidental 5HP.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
2 10 27 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
throw no 1-26 whole body (on whiff) 10+10+13 3+3+4 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Not really worth the meter since the damage increase is minimal, though it may still be useful in order to ensure a kill. Only use it if you just happen to be overflowing with meter, or if you wish to use 6324LP+MP for a 5LP/Grab OS based on button priority.


8P/K or 8KK/PP
8P/K or 8KK/PP
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
29 8 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-4 feet 6 6 H: 24 G: 0 W: 6

Q-Bee will lock on the opponent’s position and set her stinger in them. Travels fast with low damage, this pursuit is notable in that upon completing it Q-Bee will reset to her starting position no matter where she was. Because of this it’s suggested that when trying to use a whiffed pursuit to travel to the opponent’s position that you delay it as much as possible.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
29 8 landing 1 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no 1-4 feet 3x5 3x5 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
ES version has several hits and will remove significant amounts of DF time. Used in conjunction with ESCR, most characters' DF bar will be entirely depleted, leading to an easy DF deactivate punish. Otherwise, save the meter for ESCR unless this will kill.

Ex Moves

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
34 5 bounces, outside of screen 69 - -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 30 15 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Q-Bee will summon a large honey bubble which she then throws, this bubble will proceed to bounce five times around the stage before deactivating and leaving the screen. This move will be neutralized if QB is hit during it. If a grounded opponent is hit they will be coated in the honey and stunned, allowing a follow up. The opponent is considered partially airborne while in the coated state, so any single hit attack will reset them (if it isn't a natural knockdown), if no attack is made they will be knocked down for no additional damage. Because of the one-hit rule, the best followup is CR, usually the ES version if meter is available. If the opponent is hit while airborne they will not be coated and simply knocked down instead. This move makes for a great okizeme move, but only in certain situations. A normal C->R and normal throw are not good setups because the opponent can tech forward and punish her. However, her ES C->R and O.M. moves make great setups because she won't be punishable during the bubble startup. Typically when used in neutral it will be used to antiair an opponent, cover her rushdown, or lock the opponent in airblock allowing a free guard crush.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
34 5 bounces, outside of screen 52 + variable + landing 1 - -1 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 30 15 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
39 out of screen 82-119 - 12 N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 2+2x12+11 (1+1)x4+7 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Q-Bee will fly toward the top of the screen and summon a hive that then has a group of bees travel in an arc around the screen. Generally unused, the arc in which the bees travel can not be controlled or altered and both the startup and recovery make it easy for the opponent to punish on reaction. It will only see occasional use as a hard read against committal options, such as Demitri’s forward dash.

Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv. Renda Bonus
28-39 out of screen 71-119 - - N/A
Guard Cancel Invuln Red Damage White Damage Gauge
mid no - 2+2x12+11 (1+1)x4+7 H: 0 G: 0 W: 0

Dark Force

Flight: I^2 - Same strength P + K:

  • (Any Version): Upon activation Q-Bee will gain unlimited flight for a short period of time. Exclusive to DF is the ability to chain into and out of j.HP. While similar to Jedah’s DF, which is one of the best in the game, this DF goes mostly unused due to a few problems such as its extensive startup and losing access to both her air dash and her float. While it may still find some use for the invulnerability it grants general this DF should be avoided.



Notable Players

Japanese Player Index Old: Modern:


Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Sakamoto さかもと HP Qbee color hp small.png Kanto Region
One of the primary T.O.'s of JP-VSAV
#01 Q-Bee
Tokyo Community Leader.
OraOra おらQ MP Qbee color mp small.png Kanto Region Used to be a GGPO regular under the name PPPPP.
Saito 不能 ->
佐伯 ->
KK Qbee color kk small.png Kanto Region
Rookie champion is now a pro
Saito is a popular JP family name
SIN SIN HP Qbee color hp small.png Kansai Region Old-School, famous for going "giga mode".
Panpiina パンピーナ LP Qbee color lp small.png Kyushu Region
Gyu-Bee 牛-Bee KK Qbee color kk small.png Kansai Region
Yankee ヤンキー KK Qbee color kk small.png Kanto Region Retired
Sanpai 産廃 LK Qbee color lk small.png Kanto Region (NSFW) Mangaka and community artist.
Tsuchineko 土猫 HK Qbee color hk small.png Kanto Region Started around the release of Darkstalkers Resurrection with great success, seeing multiple notable placements.
Ninoude にのうで HK Qbee color hk small.png Osaka Region One of the newer Q-Bee players, he's a regular at Athena Nihonbashi.

North America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Hilary ヒラリー PP Qbee color pp small.png Seattle, USA One of the Seattle Crew. Absolute weight lifting boss, and a strong Q-Bee player.
Sketch スケッチ LP Qbee color lp small.png New York, USA Long time player with outstanding results. Loved Japan, and decided to make a food tour business because of it
BushidoBrooklyn 武士道ブルックリン LP Qbee color lp small.png New York, USA Recent player that had notable success. He's a regular player at New York events.
Yawn ヤーウン MP Qbee color mp small.png Texas, USA ??? Fightcade player that has been very successful. Plays with Snuggleguns at their local arcade.
N-Bee エン・ビー KK Qbee color kk small.png New York, USA ??? Strong player. Primary developer for the FC2 Advanced Training Script.
Moebius モービアス LP Qbee color lp small.png Chicago, USA Chicago bee. Too busy grinding on Fightcade to think about improving.

South America

Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Sagamin サガミン KK Qbee color kk small.png Brazil (Deactivated) Retired.


Name (English) Name (Japanese) Color Location Contact Notes
Dushni KK Qbee color kk small.png France Real life beekeeper, has real life Q-Bee!
FGHI-Trigger PP Qbee color pp small.png France Called "Fighter", significant contributor of the EU VSAV community
